Sanyi A, Byiringiro S, Dabiri S, Jacobson M, Boyd A, Ogunniyi MO, Morris AA, Kohn R, Dickert NW, Lane-Fall MB, Lewis EF, Halpern SD, and Fanaroff AC
Representativeness in randomized clinical trials remains a critical concern, affecting the external validity of trial results, equitable access to the risks and benefits of research participation, and public trust in clinical research. Although representative participation by members of groups traditionally underrepresented in clinical trials is just a surrogate for true diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in clinical trials, it can be quantified, allowing stakeholders to add empirical rigor to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts. Multiple ways to measure representativeness have been proposed, including the participation-to-prevalence ratio, raw participation proportions or numbers for relevant subgroups, and enrollment fraction for relevant subgroups. These methods have strengths and weaknesses and may be appropriate to report in certain circumstances, depending on why stakeholders seek to assess representativeness. Stakeholders-including regulatory agencies, journal editors, clinical trial investigators, and trial sponsors-may use quantitative measures of representativeness to establish trial enrollment standards, monitor equitable participation in ongoing trials, and condition funding or drug or device approval on achieving specific representativeness targets. However, using quantitative measures of representativeness in this way could have unintended consequences, including researchers "gaming" recruitment strategies to meet target numbers, overlooking nuanced variations within communities, and potentially incentivizing problematic and exploitative recruitment strategies. Although no single method of measuring representativeness offers a comprehensive solution for increasing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all randomized clinical trials, a carefully designed, multifaceted approach to measuring representativeness may provide stakeholders with useful perspectives for measuring progress in increasing the diversity of clinical trial participation. For stakeholders seeking a single number to assess the representativeness of a trial enrolling patients with a disease state with well-delineated demographics, the participation-to-prevalence ratio is ideal; however, for a more nuanced view of representativeness, the combination of enrollment fraction in subgroups of relevance plus a full report of the demographics of patients approached for enrollment may be more appropriate., Competing Interests: Dr Jacobson has received institutional support from the American Heart Association, the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab North America, the National Institute for Health Care Management Research, the National Institute on Aging, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the Moore Foundation; has provided paid expert witness testimony for various hospitals in ongoing litigation against opioid manufacturers; and has served on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s National Advisory Council. Dr Ogunniyi has received institutional research grant support from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Pfizer and serves on a clinical trial steering committee for Novartis. Dr Morris is an employee of Bayer. Dr Dickert has received institutional research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Institute, the American Heart Association, Abiomed, and Merck, and has consulted for Abiomed. Dr Lane-Fall has consulted for Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Medtronic. Dr Fanaroff has received institutional research support from the American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, and Abbott; has consulted for Anthos Therapeutics, Novartis, Abbott, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, and Areteia Therapeutics; and has consulted (unpaid) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The other authors report no conflicts.