401 results on '"Hermes, E."'
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2. Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: Setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil
- Author
Walter A. Boeger, Michel P. Valim, Hussam Zaher, José A. Rafael, Rafaela C. Forzza, Alexandre R. Percequillo, Cristiana S. Serejo, André R.S. Garraffoni, Adalberto J. Santos, Adam Slipinski, Adelita M. Linzmeier, Adolfo R. Calor, Adrian A. Garda, Adriano B. Kury, Agatha C.S. Fernandes, Aisur I. Agudo-Padrón, Alberto Akama, Alberto M. da Silva Neto, Alejandro L. Burbano, Aleksandra Menezes, Alessandre Pereira-Colavite, Alexander Anichtchenko, Alexander C. Lees, Alexandra M.R. Bezerra, Alexandre C. Domahovski, Alexandre D. Pimenta, Alexandre L.P. Aleixo, Alexandre P. Marceniuk, Alexandre S. de Paula, Alexandre Somavilla, Alexandre Specht, Alexssandro Camargo, Alfred F. Newton, Aline A.S. da Silva, Aline B. dos Santos, Aline D. Tassi, Allan C. Aragão, Allan P.M. Santos, Alvaro E. Migotto, Amanda C. Mendes, Amanda Cunha, Amazonas Chagas Júnior, Ana A.T. de Sousa, Ana C. Pavan, Ana C.S. Almeida, Ana L.B.G. Peronti, Ana L. Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L. Prudente, Ana L. Tourinho, Ana M.O. Pes, Ana P. Carmignotto, Ana P.G. da Silva Wengrat, Ana P.S. Dornellas, Anamaria Dal Molin, Anderson Puker, André C. Morandini, André da S. Ferreira, André L. Martins, André M. Esteves, André S. Fernandes, André S. Roza, Andreas Köhler, Andressa Paladini, Andrey J. de Andrade, Ângelo P. Pinto, Anna C. de A. Salles, Anne I. Gondim, Antonia C.Z. Amaral, Antonio A.A. Rondón, Antonio Brescovit, Antônio C. Lofego, Antonio C. Marques, Antonio Macedo, Artur Andriolo, Augusto L. Henriques, Augusto L. Ferreira Júnior, Aurino F. de Lima, Ávyla R. de A. Barros, Ayrton do R. Brito, Bárbara L.V. Romera, Beatriz M.C. de Vasconcelos, Benjamin W. Frable, Bernardo F. Santos, Bernardo R. Ferraz, Brunno B. Rosa, Brunno H.L. Sampaio, Bruno C. Bellini, Bruno Clarkson, Bruno G. de Oliveira, Caio C.D. Corrêa, Caleb C. Martins, Camila F. de Castro-Guedes, Camilla Souto, Carla de L. Bicho, Carlo M. Cunha, Carlos A. de M. Barboza, Carlos A.S. de Lucena, Carlos Barreto, Carlos D.C.M. de Santana, Carlos E.Q. Agne, Carlos G.C. Mielke, Carlos H.S. Caetano, Carlos H.W. Flechtmann, Carlos J.E. Lamas, Carlos Rocha, Carolina S. Mascarenhas, Cecilia B. Margaría, Cecilia Waichert, Celina Digiani, Célio F.B. Haddad, Celso O. Azevedo, Cesar J. Benetti, Charles M.D. dos Santos, Charles R. Bartlett, Cibele Bonvicino, Cibele S. Ribeiro-Costa, Cinthya S.G. Santos, Cíntia E.L. Justino, Clarissa Canedo, Claudia C. Bonecker, Cláudia P. Santos, Claudio J.B. de Carvalho, Clayton C. Gonçalves, Cleber Galvão, Cleide Costa, Cléo D.C. de Oliveira, Cristiano F. Schwertner, Cristiano L. Andrade, Cristiano M. Pereira, Cristiano Sampaio, Cristina de O. Dias, Daercio A. de A. Lucena, Daiara Manfio, Dalton de S. Amorim, Dalva L. de Queiroz, Daniara Colpani, Daniel Abbate, Daniel A. Aquino, Daniel Burckhardt, Daniel C. Cavallari, Daniel de C. Schelesky Prado, Daniel L. Praciano, Daniel S. Basílio, Daniela de C. Bená, Daniela G.P. de Toledo, Daniela M. Takiya, Daniell R.R. Fernandes, Danilo C. Ament, Danilo P. Cordeiro, Darliane E. Silva, Darren A. Pollock, David B. Muniz, David I. Gibson, David S. Nogueira, Dayse W.A. Marques, Débora Lucatelli, Deivys M.A. Garcia, Délio Baêta, Denise N.M. Ferreira, Diana Rueda-Ramírez, Diego A. Fachin, Diego de S. Souza, Diego F. Rodrigues, Diego G. de Pádua, Diego N. Barbosa, Diego R. Dolibaina, Diogo C. Amaral, Donald S. Chandler, Douglas H.B. Maccagnan, Edilson Caron, Edrielly Carvalho, Edson A. Adriano, Edson F. de Abreu Júnior, Edson H.L. Pereira, Eduarda F.G. Viegas, Eduardo Carneiro, Eduardo Colley, Eduardo Eizirik, Eduardo F. dos Santos, Eduardo M. Shimbori, Eduardo Suárez-Morales, Eliane P. de Arruda, Elisandra A. Chiquito, Élison F.B. Lima, Elizeu B. de Castro, Elton Orlandin, Elynton A. do Nascimento, Emanuel Razzolini, Emanuel R.R. Gama, Enilma M. de Araujo, Eric Y. Nishiyama, Erich L. Spiessberger, Érika C.L. dos Santos, Eugenia F. Contreras, Eunice A.B. Galati, Evaldo C. de Oliveira Junior, Fabiana Gallardo, Fabio A. Hernandes, Fábio A. Lansac-Tôha, Fabio B. Pitombo, Fabio Di Dario, Fábio L. dos Santos, Fabio Mauro, Fabio O. do Nascimento, Fabio Olmos, Fabio R. Amaral, Fabio Schunck, Fábio S. P. de Godoi, Fabrizio M. Machado, Fausto E. Barbo, Federico A. Agrain, Felipe B. Ribeiro, Felipe F.F. Moreira, Felipe F. Barbosa, Fenanda S. Silva, Fernanda F. Cavalcanti, Fernando C. Straube, Fernando Carbayo, Fernando Carvalho Filho, Fernando C.V. Zanella, Fernando de C. Jacinavicius, Fernando H.A. Farache, Fernando Leivas, Fernando M.S. Dias, Fernando Mantellato, Fernando Z. Vaz-de-Mello, Filipe M. Gudin, Flávio Albuquerque, Flavio B. Molina, Flávio D. Passos, Floyd W. Shockley, Francielly F. Pinheiro, Francisco de A.G. de Mello, Francisco E. de L. Nascimento, Francisco L. Franco, Francisco L. de Oliveira, Francisco T. de V. Melo, Freddy R.B. Quijano, Frederico F. Salles, Gabriel Biffi, Gabriel C. Queiroz, Gabriel L. Bizarro, Gabriela Hrycyna, Gabriela Leviski, Gareth S. Powell, Geane B. dos Santos, Geoffrey E. Morse, George Brown, George M.T. Mattox, Geraldo Zimbrão, Gervásio S. Carvalho, Gil F.G. Miranda, Gilberto J. de Moraes, Gilcélia M. Lourido, Gilmar P. Neves, Gilson R.P. Moreira, Giovanna G. Montingelli, Giovanni N. Maurício, Gláucia Marconato, Guilherme E.L. Lopez, Guilherme L. da Silva, Guilherme Muricy, Guilherme R.R. Brito, Guilherme S.T. Garbino, Gustavo E. Flores, Gustavo Graciolli, Gustavo S. Libardi, Heather C. Proctor, Helcio R. Gil-Santana, Henrique R. Varella, Hermes E. Escalona, Hermes J. Schmitz, Higor D.D. Rodrigues, Hilton de C. Galvão Filho, Hingrid Y.S. Quintino, Hudson A. Pinto, Hugo L. Rainho, Igor C. Miyahira, Igor de S. Gonçalves, Inês X. Martins, Irene A. Cardoso, Ismael B. de Oliveira, Ismael Franz, Itanna O. Fernandes, Ivan F. Golfetti, Ivanklin S. Campos-Filho, Ivo de S. Oliveira, Jacques H.C. Delabie, Jader de Oliveira, Jadila S. Prando, James L. Patton, Jamille de A. Bitencourt, Janaina M. Silva, Jandir C. Santos, Janine O. Arruda, Jefferson S. Valderrama, Jeronymo Dalapicolla, Jéssica P. Oliveira, Jiri Hájek, João P. Morselli, João P. Narita, João P.I. Martin, Jocélia Grazia, Joe McHugh, Jorge J. Cherem, José A.S. Farias Júnior, Jose A.M. Fernandes, José F. Pacheco, José L.O. Birindelli, José M. Rezende, Jose M. Avendaño, José M. Barbanti Duarte, José R. Inácio Ribeiro, José R.M. Mermudes, José R. Pujol-Luz, Josenilson R. dos Santos, Josenir T. Câmara, Joyce A. Teixeira, Joyce R. do Prado, Juan P. Botero, Julia C. Almeida, Julia Kohler, Julia P. Gonçalves, Julia S. Beneti, Julian P. Donahue, Juliana Alvim, Juliana C. Almeida, Juliana L. Segadilha, Juliana M. Wingert, Julianna F. Barbosa, Juliano Ferrer, Juliano F. dos Santos, Kamila M.D. Kuabara, Karine B. Nascimento, Karine Schoeninger, Karla M. Campião, Karla Soares, Kássia Zilch, Kim R. Barão, Larissa Teixeira, Laura D. do N.M. de Sousa, Leandro L. Dumas, Leandro M. Vieira, Leonardo H.G. Azevedo, Leonardo S. Carvalho, Leonardo S. de Souza, Leonardo S.G. Rocha, Leopoldo F.O. Bernardi, Letícia M. Vieira, Liana Johann, Lidianne Salvatierra, Livia de M. Oliveira, Lourdes M.A. El-moor Loureiro, Luana B. Barreto, Luana M. Barros, Lucas Lecci, Lucas M. de Camargos, Lucas R.C. Lima, Lucia M. Almeida, Luciana R. Martins, Luciane Marinoni, Luciano de A. Moura, Luciano Lima, Luciano N. Naka, Lucília S. Miranda, Lucy M. Salik, Luis E.A. Bezerra, Luis F. Silveira, Luiz A. Campos, Luiz A.S. de Castro, Luiz C. Pinho, Luiz F.L. Silveira, Luiz F.M. Iniesta, Luiz F.C. Tencatt, Luiz R.L. Simone, Luiz R. Malabarba, Luiza S. da Cruz, Lukas Sekerka, Lurdiana D. Barros, Luziany Q. Santos, Maciej Skoracki, Maira A. Correia, Manoel A. Uchoa, Manuella F.G. Andrade, Marcel G. Hermes, Marcel S. Miranda, Marcel S. de Araújo, Marcela L. Monné, Marcelo B. Labruna, Marcelo D. de Santis, Marcelo Duarte, Marcelo Knoff, Marcelo Nogueira, Marcelo R. de Britto, Marcelo R.S. de Melo, Marcelo R. de Carvalho, Marcelo T. Tavares, Marcelo V. Kitahara, Marcia C.N. Justo, Marcia J.C. Botelho, Márcia S. Couri, Márcio Borges-Martins, Márcio Felix, Marcio L. de Oliveira, Marco A. Bologna, Marco S. Gottschalk, Marcos D.S. Tavares, Marcos G. Lhano, Marcus Bevilaqua, Marcus T.T. Santos, Marcus V. Domingues, Maria A.M. Sallum, María C. Digiani, Maria C.A. Santarém, Maria C. do Nascimento, María de los A.M. Becerril, Maria E.A. dos Santos, Maria I. da S. dos Passos, Maria L. Felippe-Bauer, Mariana A. Cherman, Mariana Terossi, Marie L.C. Bartz, Marina F. de C. Barbosa, Marina V. Loeb, Mario Cohn-Haft, Mario Cupello, Marlúcia B. Martins, Martin L. Christofersen, Matheus Bento, Matheus dos S. Rocha, Maurício L. Martins, Melissa O. Segura, Melissa Q. Cardenas, Mércia E. Duarte, Michael A. Ivie, Michael M. Mincarone, Michela Borges, Miguel A. Monné, Mirna M. Casagrande, Monica A. Fernandez, Mônica Piovesan, Naércio A. Menezes, Natalia P. Benaim, Natália S. Reategui, Natan C. Pedro, Nathalia H. Pecly, Nelson Ferreira Júnior, Nelson J. da Silva Júnior, Nelson W. Perioto, Neusa Hamada, Nicolas Degallier, Ning L. Chao, Noeli J. Ferla, Olaf H.H. Mielke, Olivia Evangelista, Oscar A. Shibatta, Otto M.P. Oliveira, Pablo C.L. Albornoz, Pablo M. Dellapé, Pablo R. Gonçalves, Paloma H.F. Shimabukuro, Paschoal Grossi, Patrícia E. da S. Rodrigues, Patricia O.V. Lima, Paul Velazco, Paula B. dos Santos, Paula B. Araújo, Paula K.R. Silva, Paula R. Riccardi, Paulo C. de A. Garcia, Paulo G.H. Passos, Paulo H.C. Corgosinho, Paulo Lucinda, Paulo M.S. Costa, Paulo P. Alves, Paulo R. de O. Roth, Paulo R.S. Coelho, Paulo R.M. Duarte, Pedro F. de Carvalho, Pedro Gnaspini, Pedro G.B. Souza-Dias, Pedro M. Linardi, Pedro R. Bartholomay, Peterson R. Demite, Petr Bulirsch, Piter K. Boll, Rachel M.M. Pereira, Rafael A.P.F. Silva, Rafael B. de Moura, Rafael Boldrini, Rafaela A. da Silva, Rafaela L. Falaschi, Ralf T.S. Cordeiro, Ramon J.C.L. Mello, Randal A. Singer, Ranyse B. Querino, Raphael A. Heleodoro, Raphael de C. Castilho, Reginaldo Constantino, Reinaldo C. Guedes, Renan Carrenho, Renata S. Gomes, Renato Gregorin, Renato J.P. Machado, Renato S. Bérnils, Renato S. Capellari, Ricardo B. Silva, Ricardo Kawada, Ricardo M. Dias, Ricardo Siewert, Ricaro Brugnera, Richard A.B. Leschen, Robert Constantin, Robert Robbins, Roberta R. Pinto, Roberto E. dos Reis, Robson T. da C. Ramos, Rodney R. Cavichioli, Rodolfo C. de Barros, Rodrigo A. Caires, Rodrigo B. Salvador, Rodrigo C. Marques, Rodrigo C. Araújo, Rodrigo de O. Araujo, Rodrigo de V.P. Dios, Rodrigo Johnsson, Rodrigo M. Feitosa, Roger W. Hutchings, Rogéria I.R. Lara, Rogério V. Rossi, Roland Gerstmeier, Ronald Ochoa, Rosa S.G. Hutchings, Rosaly Ale-Rocha, Rosana M. da Rocha, Rosana Tidon, Rosangela Brito, Roseli Pellens, Sabrina R. dos Santos, Sandra D. dos Santos, Sandra V. Paiva, Sandro Santos, Sarah S. de Oliveira, Sávio C. Costa, Scott L. Gardner, Sebastián A. Muñoz Leal, Sergio Aloquio, Sergio L.C. Bonecker, Sergio L. de S. Bueno, Sérgio M. de Almeida, Sérgio N. Stampar, Sérgio R. Andena, Sergio R. Posso, Sheila P. Lima, Sian de S. Gadelha, Silvana C. Thiengo, Simone C. Cohen, Simone N. Brandão, Simone P. Rosa, Síria L.B. Ribeiro, Sócrates D. Letana, Sonia B. dos Santos, Sonia C.S. Andrade, Stephane Dávila, Stéphanie Vaz, Stewart B. Peck, Susete W. Christo, Suzan B.Z. Cunha, Suzete R. Gomes, Tácio Duarte, Taís Madeira-Ott, Taísa Marques, Talita Roell, Tarcilla C. de Lima, Tatiana A. Sepulveda, Tatiana F. Maria, Tatiana P. Ruschel, Thaiana Rodrigues, Thais A. Marinho, Thaís M. de Almeida, Thaís P. Miranda, Thales R.O. Freitas, Thalles P.L. Pereira, Thamara Zacca, Thaynara L. Pacheco, Thiago F. Martins, Thiago M. Alvarenga, Thiago R. de Carvalho, Thiago T.S. Polizei, Thomas C. McElrath, Thomas Henry, Tiago G. Pikart, Tiago J. Porto, Tiago K. Krolow, Tiago P. Carvalho, Tito M. da C. Lotufo, Ulisses Caramaschi, Ulisses dos S. Pinheiro, Ulyses F.J. Pardiñas, Valéria C. Maia, Valeria Tavares, Valmir A. Costa, Vanessa S. do Amaral, Vera C. Silva, Vera R. dos S. Wolff, Verônica Slobodian, Vinícius B. da Silva, Vinicius C. Espíndola, Vinicius da Costa-Silva, Vinicius de A. Bertaco, Vinícius Padula, Vinicius S. Ferreira, Vitor C.P. da Silva, Vítor de Q. Piacentini, Vivian E. Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian Trevine, Viviane R. Sousa, Vivianne B. de Sant’Anna, Wayne N. Mathis, Wesley de O. Souza, Wesley D. Colombo, Wioletta Tomaszewska, Wolmar B. Wosiacki, Ximena M.C. Ovando, and Yuri L.R. Leite
- Subjects
Biodiversity ,knowledge management ,taxonomy ,web services ,zoology ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
ABSTRACT The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others.
- Published
- 2024
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3. NWChem: Past, Present, and Future
- Author
Aprà, E., Bylaska, E. J., de Jong, W. A., Govind, N., Kowalski, K., Straatsma, T. P., Valiev, M., van Dam, H. J. J., Alexeev, Y., Anchell, J., Anisimov, V., Aquino, F. W., Atta-Fynn, R., Autschbach, J., Bauman, N. P., Becca, J. C., Bernholdt, D. E., Bhaskaran-Nair, K., Bogatko, S., Borowski, P., Boschen, J., Brabec, J., Bruner, A., Cauët, E., Chen, Y., Chuev, G. N., Cramer, C. J., Daily, J., Deegan, M. J. O., Dunning Jr., T. H., Dupuis, M., Dyall, K. G., Fann, G. I., Fischer, S. A., Fonari, A., Früuchtl, H., Gagliardi, L., Garza, J., Gawande, N., Ghosh, S., Glaesemann, K., Götz, A. W., Hammond, J., Helms, V., Hermes, E. D., Hirao, K., Hirata, S., Jacquelin, M., Jensen, L., Johnson, B. G., Jónsson, H., Kendall, R. A., Klemm, M., Kobayashi, R., Konkov, V., Krishnamoorthy, S., Krishnan, M., Lin, Z., Lins, R. D., Littlefield, R. J., Logsdail, A. J., Lopata, K., Ma, W., Marenich, A. V., del Campo, J. Martin, Mejia-Rodriguez, D., Moore, J. E., Mullin, J. M., Nakajima, T., Nascimento, D. R., Nichols, J. A., Nichols, P. J., Nieplocha, J., de la Roza, A. Otero, Palmer, B., Panyala, A., Pirojsirikul, T., Peng, B., Peverati, R., Pittner, J., Pollack, L., Richard, R. M., Sadayappan, P., Schatz, G. C., Shelton, W. A., Silverstein, D. W., Smith, D. M. A., Soares, T. A., Song, D., Swart, M., Taylor, H. L., Thomas, G. S., Tipparaju, V., Truhlar, D. G., Tsemekhman, K., Van Voorhis, T., Vázquez-Mayagoitia, Á., Verma, P., Villa, O., Vishnu, A., Vogiatzis, K. D., Wang, D., Weare, J. H., Williamson, M. J., Windus, T. L., Woliński, K., Wong, A. T., Wu, Q., Yang, C., Yu, Q., Zacharias, M., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Y., and Harrison, R. J.
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Physics - Chemical Physics ,Physics - Computational Physics - Abstract
Specialized computational chemistry packages have permanently reshaped the landscape of chemical and materials science by providing tools to support and guide experimental efforts and for the prediction of atomistic and electronic properties. In this regard, electronic structure packages have played a special role by using first-principledriven methodologies to model complex chemical and materials processes. Over the last few decades, the rapid development of computing technologies and the tremendous increase in computational power have offered a unique chance to study complex transformations using sophisticated and predictive many-body techniques that describe correlated behavior of electrons in molecular and condensed phase systems at different levels of theory. In enabling these simulations, novel parallel algorithms have been able to take advantage of computational resources to address the polynomial scaling of electronic structure methods. In this paper, we briefly review the NWChem computational chemistry suite, including its history, design principles, parallel tools, current capabilities, outreach and outlook., Comment: This article appeared in volume 152, issue 18, page 184102 of the Journal of Chemical Physics. It can be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0004997
- Published
- 2020
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4. The genome sequence of the hawthorn leaf beetle, Lochmaea crataegi (Forster, 1771) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
- Author
Mark G. Telfer, Hermes E. Escalona, and Liam M. Crowley
- Subjects
Lochmaea crataegi ,hawthorn leaf beetle ,genome sequence ,chromosomal ,Coleoptera ,eng ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
We present a genome assembly from an individual male Lochmaea crataegi (the hawthorn leaf beetle; Arthropoda; Insecta; Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae). The genome sequence is 891.3 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 16 chromosomal pseudomolecules, including the X and Y sex chromosomes. The mitochondrial genome has also been assembled and is 18.32 kilobases in length.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Platamopsis valdivianus, nuevo género y especie de Salpinginae (Coleoptera: Salpingidae) de Chile
- Author
Jaime Solervicens, Richard Leschen, and Hermes E. Escalona
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región andina ,subregión subantártica ,taxonomía ,Science ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Basado en material recolectado en la zona del bosque templado lluvioso del sur de Chile, se describe un nuevo género y especie de Salpingidae. Se presentan imágenes del adulto de la especie y de aspectos morfológicos que incluyen cabeza, tórax, abdomen, piezas bucales, alas y edeago. Se destacan sus caracteres diagnósticos y se establecen diferencias y parecido con el género Platamops de la región tropical de América del Sur.
- Published
- 2021
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6. New insights into the phylogeny and evolution of lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) by extensive sampling of genes and species
- Author
Che, LiHeng, Zhang, Peng, Deng, ShaoHong, Escalona, Hermes E., Wang, Xingmin, Li, Yun, Pang, Hong, Vandenberg, Natalia, Ślipiński, Adam, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, and Liang, Dan
- Published
- 2021
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7. Chromosome Structural Rearrangements in Invasive Haplodiploid Ambrosia Beetles Revealed by the Genomes of Euwallacea fornicatus (Eichhoff) and Euwallacea similis (Ferrari) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae).
- Author
Bickerstaff, James R M, Walsh, Tom, Court, Leon, Pandey, Gunjan, Ireland, Kylie, Cousins, David, Caron, Valerie, Wallenius, Thomas, Slipinski, Adam, Rane, Rahul, and Escalona, Hermes E
- Subjects
LIFE history theory ,CHROMOSOME structure ,AMBROSIA beetles ,BARK beetles ,CHROMOSOMAL rearrangement - Abstract
Bark and ambrosia beetles are among the most ecologically and economically damaging introduced plant pests worldwide. Life history traits including polyphagy, haplodiploidy, inbreeding polygyny, and symbiosis with fungi contribute to their dispersal and impact. Species vary in their interactions with host trees, with many attacking stressed or recently dead trees, such as the globally distributed Euwallacea similis (Ferrari). Other species, like the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Euwallacea fornicatus (Eichhoff), can attack over 680 host plants and is causing considerable economic damage in several countries. Despite their notoriety, publicly accessible genomic resources for Euwallacea Hopkins species are scarce, hampering our understanding of their invasive capabilities as well as modern control measures, surveillance, and management. Using a combination of long and short read sequencing platforms, we assembled and annotated high quality (BUSCO > 98% complete) pseudo-chromosome-level genomes for these species. Comparative macrosynteny analysis identified an increased number of pseudo-chromosome scaffolds in the haplodiploid inbreeding species of Euwallacea compared to diploid outbred species, due to fission events. This suggests that life history traits can impact chromosome structure. Further, the genome of E. fornicatus had a higher relative proportion of repetitive elements, up to 17% more, than E. similis. Metagenomic assembly pipelines identified microbiota associated with both species including Fusarium fungal symbionts and a novel Wolbachia strain. These novel genomes of haplodiploid inbreeding species will contribute to the understanding of how life history traits are related to their evolution and to the management of these invasive pests. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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8. Horizontally acquired antibacterial genes associated with adaptive radiation of ladybird beetles
- Author
Hao-Sen Li, Xue-Fei Tang, Yu-Hao Huang, Ze-Yu Xu, Mei-Lan Chen, Xue-Yong Du, Bo-Yuan Qiu, Pei-Tao Chen, Wei Zhang, Adam Ślipiński, Hermes E. Escalona, Robert M. Waterhouse, Andreas Zwick, and Hong Pang
- Subjects
Horizontal gene transfer ,Antibacterial activity ,Cell wall hydrolase ,Ladybirds ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Abstract Background Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been documented in many herbivorous insects, conferring the ability to digest plant material and promoting their remarkable ecological diversification. Previous reports suggest HGT of antibacterial enzymes may have contributed to the insect immune response and limit bacterial growth. Carnivorous insects also display many evolutionary successful lineages, but in contrast to the plant feeders, the potential role of HGTs has been less well-studied. Results Using genomic and transcriptomic data from 38 species of ladybird beetles, we identified a set of bacterial cell wall hydrolase (cwh) genes acquired by this group of beetles. Infection with Bacillus subtilis led to upregulated expression of these ladybird cwh genes, and their recombinantly produced proteins limited bacterial proliferation. Moreover, RNAi-mediated cwh knockdown led to downregulation of other antibacterial genes, indicating a role in antibacterial immune defense. cwh genes are rare in eukaryotes, but have been maintained in all tested Coccinellinae species, suggesting that this putative immune-related HGT event played a role in the evolution of this speciose subfamily of predominant predatory ladybirds. Conclusion Our work demonstrates that, in a manner analogous to HGT-facilitated plant feeding, enhanced immunity through HGT might have played a key role in the prey adaptation and niche expansion that promoted the diversification of carnivorous beetle lineages. We believe that this represents the first example of immune-related HGT in carnivorous insects with an association with a subsequent successful species radiation.
- Published
- 2021
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9. The evolution and genomic basis of beetle diversity
- Author
McKenna, Duane D., Shin, Seunggwan, Ahrens, Dirk, Balke, Michael, Beza-Beza, Cristian, Clarke, Dave J., Donath, Alexander, Escalona, Hermes E., Friedrich, Frank, Letsch, Harald, Liu, Shanlin, Maddison, David, Mayer, Christoph, Misof, Bernhard, Murin, Peyton J., Niehuis, Oliver, Peters, Ralph S., Podsiadlowski, Lars, Pohl, Hans, Scully, Erin D., Yan, Evgeny V., Zhou, Xin, Ślipiński, Adam, and Beutel, Rolf G.
- Published
- 2019
10. Acción psicofarmacológica y analgésica del antidepresivo inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina fluoxetina en ratón hembra
- Author
Cobo-Realpe, Lorena, Collazos, Carlos A., Castellanos, Hermes E., and Herrera-Mendoza, Ketty
- Published
- 2020
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11. Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil
- Author
Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, Leite, Yuri LR, Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, and Leite, Yuri LR
- Abstract
The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others.
- Published
- 2024
12. Robust Control of an Evaporator Through Algebraic Riccati Equations and D-K Iteration.
- Author
Javier Jiménez-Cabas, Farid Meléndez-Pertuz, David Ovallos-Gazabon, Jaime Vélez-Zapata, Hermes E. Castellanos, César A. Cárdenas, Joaquín F. Sánchez, Gonzalo Jiménez, César Mora, Fredy A. Sanz, and César A. Collazos 0002
- Published
- 2019
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13. Design of an Electronic Voting System Using a Blockchain Network.
- Author
Carlos A. Ribon, Javier M. Leon, Oscar F. Corredor, Hermes E. Castellanos, Fredy A. Sanz, Paola Ariza Colpas, Vanesa Landero, and Carlos Andrés Collazos Morales
- Published
- 2019
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14. Phylogenomics of the superfamily Dytiscoidea (Coleoptera: Adephaga) with an evaluation of phylogenetic conflict and systematic error
- Author
Vasilikopoulos, Alexandros, Balke, Michael, Beutel, Rolf G., Donath, Alexander, Podsiadlowski, Lars, Pflug, James M., Waterhouse, Robert M., Meusemann, Karen, Peters, Ralph S., Escalona, Hermes E., Mayer, Christoph, Liu, Shanlin, Hendrich, Lars, Alarie, Yves, Bilton, David T., Jia, Fenglong, Zhou, Xin, Maddison, David R., Niehuis, Oliver, and Misof, Bernhard
- Published
- 2019
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15. Genomic signatures accompanying the dietary shift to phytophagy in polyphagan beetles
- Author
Mathieu Seppey, Panagiotis Ioannidis, Brent C. Emerson, Camille Pitteloud, Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Julien Roux, Hermes E. Escalona, Duane D. McKenna, Bernhard Misof, Seunggwan Shin, Xin Zhou, Robert M. Waterhouse, and Nadir Alvarez
- Subjects
Gene family evolution ,Beetle-plant trophic interactions ,Beetle diversification ,Detoxification enzymes ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Abstract Background The diversity and evolutionary success of beetles (Coleoptera) are proposed to be related to the diversity of plants on which they feed. Indeed, the largest beetle suborder, Polyphaga, mostly includes plant eaters among its approximately 315,000 species. In particular, plants defend themselves with a diversity of specialized toxic chemicals. These may impose selective pressures that drive genomic diversification and speciation in phytophagous beetles. However, evidence of changes in beetle gene repertoires driven by such interactions remains largely anecdotal and without explicit hypothesis testing. Results We explore the genomic consequences of beetle-plant trophic interactions by performing comparative gene family analyses across 18 species representative of the two most species-rich beetle suborders. We contrast the gene contents of species from the mostly plant-eating suborder Polyphaga with those of the mainly predatory Adephaga. We find gene repertoire evolution to be more dynamic, with significantly more adaptive lineage-specific expansions, in the more speciose Polyphaga. Testing the specific hypothesis of adaptation to plant feeding, we identify families of enzymes putatively involved in beetle-plant interactions that underwent adaptive expansions in Polyphaga. There is notable support for the selection hypothesis on large gene families for glutathione S-transferase and carboxylesterase detoxification enzymes. Conclusions Our explicit modeling of the evolution of gene repertoires across 18 species identifies putative adaptive lineage-specific gene family expansions that accompany the dietary shift towards plants in beetles. These genomic signatures support the popular hypothesis of a key role for interactions with plant chemical defenses, and for plant feeding in general, in driving beetle diversification.
- Published
- 2019
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16. Successful accreditation of the Electrical Engineering Program offered in two campuses at Caribbean University.
- Author
Hermes E. Calderon, Ramon Vasquez, Diego Fernando Gutierrez Aponte, and Maritza Del Valle
- Published
- 2016
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17. Molecular phylogeny reveals food plasticity in the evolution of true ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Coccinellini)
- Author
Hermes E. Escalona, Andreas Zwick, Hao-Sen Li, Jiahui Li, Xingmin Wang, Hong Pang, Diana Hartley, Lars S. Jermiin, Oldřich Nedvěd, Bernhard Misof, Oliver Niehuis, Adam Ślipiński, and Wioletta Tomaszewska
- Subjects
Coccinelloidea ,Ladybugs ,Diet shifts ,Evolution ,Feeding strategies ,Food preferences ,QH359-425 - Abstract
Abstract Background The tribe Coccinellini is a group of relatively large ladybird beetles that exhibits remarkable morphological and biological diversity. Many species are aphidophagous, feeding as larvae and adults on aphids, but some species also feed on other hemipterous insects (i.e., heteropterans, psyllids, whiteflies), beetle and moth larvae, pollen, fungal spores, and even plant tissue. Several species are biological control agents or widespread invasive species (e.g., Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)). Despite the ecological importance of this tribe, relatively little is known about the phylogenetic relationships within it. The generic concepts within the tribe Coccinellini are unstable and do not reflect a natural classification, being largely based on regional revisions. This impedes the phylogenetic study of important traits of Coccinellidae at a global scale (e.g. the evolution of food preferences and biogeography). Results We present the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Coccinellini to date, based on three nuclear and one mitochondrial gene sequences of 38 taxa, which represent all major Coccinellini lineages. The phylogenetic reconstruction supports the monophyly of Coccinellini and its sister group relationship to Chilocorini. Within Coccinellini, three major clades were recovered that do not correspond to any previously recognised divisions, questioning the traditional differentiation between Halyziini, Discotomini, Tytthaspidini, and Singhikaliini. Ancestral state reconstructions of food preferences and morphological characters support the idea of aphidophagy being the ancestral state in Coccinellini. This indicates a transition from putative obligate scale feeders, as seen in the closely related Chilocorini, to more agile general predators. Conclusions Our results suggest that the classification of Coccinellini has been misled by convergence in morphological traits. The evolutionary history of Coccinellini has been very dynamic in respect to changes in host preferences, involving multiple independent host switches from different insect orders to fungal spores and plants tissues. General predation on ephemeral aphids might have created an opportunity to easily adapt to mixed or specialised diets (e.g. obligate mycophagy, herbivory, predation on various hemipteroids or larvae of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)). The generally long-lived adults of Coccinellini can consume pollen and floral nectars, thereby surviving periods of low prey frequency. This capacity might have played a central role in the diversification history of Coccinellini.
- Published
- 2017
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18. Anchored Phylogenomics, Evolution and Systematics of Elateridae: Are All Bioluminescent Elateroidea Derived Click Beetles?
- Author
Hume B. Douglas, Robin Kundrata, Adam J. Brunke, Hermes E. Escalona, Julie T. Chapados, Jackson Eyres, Robin Richter, Karine Savard, Adam Ślipiński, Duane McKenna, and Jeremy R. Dettman
- Subjects
anchored hybrid enrichment ,baitset ,classification ,Elateridae ,four-cluster likelihood mapping ,Lampyridae ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Click-beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are an abundant, diverse, and economically important beetle family that includes bioluminescent species. To date, molecular phylogenies have sampled relatively few taxa and genes, incompletely resolving subfamily level relationships. We present a novel probe set for anchored hybrid enrichment of 2260 single-copy orthologous genes in Elateroidea. Using these probes, we undertook the largest phylogenomic study of Elateroidea to date (99 Elateroidea, including 86 Elateridae, plus 5 non-elateroid outgroups). We sequenced specimens from 88 taxa to test the monophyly of families, subfamilies and tribes. Maximum likelihood and coalescent phylogenetic analyses produced well-resolved topologies. Notably, the included non-elaterid bioluminescent families (Lampyridae + Phengodidae + Rhagophthalmidae) form a clade within the otherwise monophyletic Elateridae, and Sinopyrophoridae may not warrant recognition as a family. All analyses recovered the elaterid subfamilies Elaterinae, Agrypninae, Cardiophorinae, Negastriinae, Pityobiinae, and Tetralobinae as monophyletic. Our results were conflicting on whether the hypnoidines are sister to Dendrometrinae or Cardiophorinae + Negastriinae. Moreover, we show that fossils with the eucnemid-type frons and elongate cylindrical shape may belong to Eucnemidae, Elateridae: Thylacosterninae, ancestral hard-bodied cantharoids or related extinct groups. Proposed taxonomic changes include recognition of Plastocerini as a tribe in Dendrometrinae and Hypnoidinae stat. nov. as a subfamily within Elateridae.
- Published
- 2021
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19. Robust Control of an Evaporator Through Algebraic Riccati Equations and D-K Iteration
- Author
Jiménez-Cabas, Javier, primary, Meléndez-Pertuz, Farid, additional, Ovallos-Gazabon, David, additional, Vélez-Zapata, Jaime, additional, Castellanos, Hermes E., additional, Cárdenas, César A., additional, Sánchez, Joaquín F., additional, Jimenez, Gonzalo, additional, Mora, César, additional, Sanz, Fredy A., additional, and Collazos, C. A., additional
- Published
- 2019
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20. Design of an Electronic Voting System Using a Blockchain Network
- Author
Ribon, Carlos A., primary, Leon, Javier M., additional, Corredor, Oscar F., additional, Castellanos, Hermes E., additional, Sanz, Fredy A., additional, Ariza-Colpas, Paola, additional, Landero, Vanesa, additional, and Collazos-Morales, Carlos, additional
- Published
- 2019
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21. Origen, causas y consecuencias de los conjuntos residenciales cerrados en Valledupar-Colombia
- Author
Hermes E. Martínez-Barrios
- Subjects
conjuntos residenciales cerrados ,segregación social urbana ,valledupar ,Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology ,HV1-9960 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Este artículo tiene como objetivo central describir los orígenes, causas y consecuencias de los conjuntos residenciales cerrados en la ciudad de Valledupar. El marco metodológico que se utilizará en este proyecto está orientado desde los parámetros del enfoque cualitativo (mundo subjetivo e interpretativo), así como la implementación de la tradición investigativa de la etnografía, dentro de la cual se trabajó con los instrumentos de recolección de datos como la observación no participante, la observación participante y las entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Como resultado se obtuvo que uno de los factores que han incentivado el auge (origen, causas y consecuencias ) de este tipo de vivienda urbana, es el incremento de la inseguridad y la violencia urbana así como la ausencia de administración municipal como garante de la seguridad ciudadana local; la creciente dispersión en la ciudad del sentimiento de comunidad; el acrecentamiento de la discrepancia social y el aumento del margen entre los pobres y los adinerados, adicionando el querer de alcanzar status y un grado de equilibrio social en algunos grupos sociales; la aspiración de tener contacto con el medio ambiente y el deseo de los constructores urbanos, de crear una nueva tendencia urbana influenciada por la sociedad barranquillera y en algunos casos por el estilo norteamericano.
- Published
- 2016
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22. Diseno y Construccion de un Canal Hidraulico de Pendiente Variable
- Author
Castellanos, Hermes E., Collazos, Carlos A., Farfan, Javier C., and Meléndez-Pertuz, Farid
- Published
- 2017
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23. A Dung-Beetle Impostor: Revision of the Australian Weevil Genus Tentegia Pascoe and the Dung-Rolling Behaviour of Tentegia stupida (Fabricius) (Curculionidae: Molytinae: Cryptorhynchini)
- Author
Hermes E. Escalona, Debbie Jennings, and Rolf Oberprieler
- Subjects
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2023
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24. A Dung-Beetle Impostor: Revision of the Australian Weevil Genus Tentegia Pascoe and the Dung-Rolling Behaviour of Tentegia stupida (Fabricius) (Curculionidae: Molytinae: Cryptorhynchini)
- Author
Escalona, Hermes E., primary, Jennings, Debbie, additional, and Oberprieler, Rolf, additional
- Published
- 2023
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25. Australian Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Volume 2: Subfamily Cerambycinae
- Author
Adam Slipinski, Hermes E. Escalona, Hermes Escalona
- Published
- 2016
26. Origen, causas y consecuencias de los conjuntos residenciales cerrados en Valledupar-Colombia
- Author
Martinez Barrios, Hermes E.
- Published
- 2016
27. Undarobius, a new genus of cavernicolous weevils (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Leptopiini) from the Undara Lava Caves in north-eastern Australia, with an overview of anophthalmic and microphthalmic Australian Curculionidae
- Author
Hermes E. Escalona and Rolf G. Oberprieler
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Fauna ,Zoology ,Bryophyta ,Tribe (biology) ,Curculionidae ,Soil ,Cave ,Genus ,Animalia ,Animals ,Ecosystem ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Taxonomy ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,biology ,Australia ,Entiminae ,Biodiversity ,Plant litter ,biology.organism_classification ,Coleoptera ,Weevils ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Arthropod - Abstract
Undarobius gen. n., a new genus of cavernicolous weevils with two new species, U. howarthi sp. n. and U. irvini sp. n., is described from the Undara Lava Cave system in north-eastern Queensland, Australia. These are the first cavernicolous weevils to be described from Australia, and U. howarthi is a new addition to the rich arthropod fauna of Bayliss Cave. Undarobius weevils are relatively large in size (4.0–5.5 mm long), anophthalmic and apterous with a robust, flattened body and long legs. The genus has affinities with Leptopiini, but its placement in the tribe is uncertain. We also provide a list of the known anophthalmic and microphthalmic weevils in Australia, spanning 65 species classified in 20 genera, eight tribes and about seven subfamilies and found in diverse hypogean habitats, mainly leaf litter but also soil, beach sand, subterranean aquifers and mosses.
- Published
- 2021
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28. Tainiasomagen. nov. (Coleoptera: Salpingidae), a new genus from the Australo‐Pacific region inhabiting palm fronds, with description of the Australian speciesTainiasoma palmarumsp. nov. and its larva
- Author
Adam Slipinski, Hermes E. Escalona, and John F. Lawrence
- Subjects
Systematics ,Frond ,Larva ,Tenebrionoidea ,Ecology ,biology ,Salpingidae ,biology.organism_classification ,Genus ,Insect Science ,Botany ,Taxonomy (biology) ,Palm ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2021
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29. Phylogeny of true ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae: Coccinellini) reveals pervasive convergent evolution and a rapid Cenozoic radiation
- Author
Diana M. Hartley, Hermes E. Escalona, Adam Ślipiński, Xingmin Wang, Andreas Zwick, Jiahui Li, Hong Pang, Hao-Sen Li, and Wioletta Tomaszewska
- Subjects
Synapomorphy ,Monophyly ,Sensu ,Phylogenetic tree ,Phylogenetics ,Evolutionary biology ,Insect Science ,Polyphyly ,Biology ,Tribe (biology) ,Clade ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Abstract
Coccinellini, the ‘true ladybirds’, is a large, cosmopolitan tribe of lady beetles with immense variability in colour and form that include many commonly recognized species and major biocontrol agents, as well as some ubiquitous invasive species. In this study, we performed phylogenetic analyses of molecular and morphological data. For the molecular analysis, we gathered DNA sequence data from 164 species in 57 genera (and outgroups) from five nuclear genes [CAD (two fragments), TOPO, WGL, 3059fin] and one mitochondrial (COI) gene. The morphological analyses comprised 301 terminals and 61 discrete characters that were analysed by parsimony (MP). Our phylogenetic analyses indicate a monophyletic Coccinellini (former Coccinellinae) containing previously recognized tribes [Coccinellini, Discotomini, Halyziini, Singhikaliini and Tytthaspidini (incl. Bulaeini)]. Coccinellini is further divided into four main clades as follows: the Coccinella group (Clade A; incl. former Tytthaspidini), the Cycloneda group (Clade B), the Hippodamia group (Clade C) and the Synonycha group (Clade D; incl. former Halyziini, Singhikaliini and Discotomini). The phylogenetic relationships between them are: (A, (B, (C, D))). Our analyses also indicate that several currently recognized genera of Coccinellini are para‐ or polyphyletic. Based on our phylogenetic results, new generic groups are defined for Coccinellini, and new generic amendments are proposed as follows: Micraspis Chevrolat sensu n. (Oriental and Australian species), Microcaria Crotch sensu n. (=Bothrocalvia Crotch) (incl. Coelophora Mulsant species) and Phrynocaria Timberlake sensu n. (incl. Coelophora species). Further possible synonyms are discussed, for example, Coccinella Linnaeus (incl. Lioadalia Crotch), Psyllobora Chevrolat (including Oxytella Weise) and Xanthadalia Crotch (incl. Declivitata Fursch and the African species of Micraspis). The large Clade D, the Synonycha group, with 26 predominant Old World genera, contains the two notable, large and non monophyletic genera Calvia Mulsant and Coelophora that confound the relationships throughout the clade. Additionally, we performed ancestral state reconstruction of selected morphological characters traditionally used in the classification of this group, revealing their homoplastic nature. We also found that the traditional synapomorphy of the tribe, that is, female colleterial glands, closely resemble structures used in symbiotic relationships in other beetles. We used the results of our phylogenetic inferences to estimate divergence times of the tribe and major clades of Coccinellini.
- Published
- 2021
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30. Reanalysis of the apoid wasp phylogeny with additional taxa and sequence data confirms the placement of Ammoplanidae as sister to bees
- Author
Christian Schmid-Egger, Karen Meusemann, Manuela Sann, Thomas Pauli, Oliver Niehuis, Hermes E. Escalona, M.V. Mokrousov, and Michael Ohl
- Subjects
Data sequences ,Taxon ,Phylogenetics ,Evolutionary biology ,Insect Science ,Sister ,Biology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2021
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31. El género Dyscinetus Harold (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini) en Venezuela y la descripción de una nueva especie
- Author
Luis J. Joly and Hermes E. Escalona G.
- Subjects
Chalepides ,Taxonomía ,Nueva especie ,Nuevo registro ,Neotrópico ,Taxonomy ,New species ,New country record ,Neotropics ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
El género Dyscinetus Harold, 1869 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini) es redescrito y comparado con Chalepides Casey, 1915 (Cyclocephalini). De las seis especies encontradas en Venezuela quatro son redescritas, una es transferida de Chalepides y redescrita y una es nueva: Dyscinetus dytiscoides Arrow, 1911, D. paradytis (Ponchel & Dechambre, 2003) comb. nov., D. dubius (Olivier, 1789), D. rugifrons (Burmeister, 1847) nuevo registro para el país, D. olivaceus Höhne, 1923 y D. mendax sp. nov., esta última de amplia distribución en América del Sur (Bolivia, Brasil, Ecuador, Guayana Francesa, Perú, Trinidad y Surinam) y usualmente confundida con D. olivaceus. Se presentan clave para identificar las especies venezolanas, ilustraciones de los caracteres de diagnóstico, algunos hospedadores y mapas de distribución.The genus Dyscinetus Harold, 1869 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini) is redescribed and compared with Chalepides Casey, 1915 (Cyclocephalini). Six species occur in Venezuela, four are redescribed, one is transferred from Chalepides and redescribed, and one is a new species: Dyscinetus dytiscoides Arrow, 1911, D. paradytis (Ponchel & Dechambre, 2003) comb. nov., D. dubius (Olivier, 1789), D. rugifrons (Burmeister, 1847), new country record, D. olivaceus Höhne, 1923 and D. mendax sp. nov., the last one is usually confused with D. olivaceus and is widely distributed in South America (Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Trinidad and Suriname). Identification key for Venezuelan species, diagnostic illustrations, some host data and maps are included.
- Published
- 2010
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32. Australian Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Volume 1: Introduction and Subfamily Lamiinae
- Author
Adam Slipinski, Hermes E. Escalona, Hermes Escalona
- Published
- 2013
33. Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance of Aluminum Matrix Composites
- Author
Hermes E. Calderón and Oscar Marcelo Suárez
- Published
- 2022
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34. Effect of AlB 2–Mg interaction on the mechanical properties of Al-based composites
- Author
Calderón, Hermes E., Hidalgo, Ruth G.I., Melgarejo, Z. Humberto, and Suárez, O. Marcelo
- Published
- 2010
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35. Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance of Aluminum Matrix Composites
- Author
Calderón, Hermes E., primary and Suárez, Oscar Marcelo, additional
- Published
- 2022
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36. The Genera of Inopeplinae (Coleoptera: Salpingidae), World Generic Key, Descriptions of Four New Genera and Revision of the Australian Fauna
- Author
Adam Ślipiński, John F. Lawrence, and Hermes E. Escalona
- Subjects
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2021
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37. Combined molecular and morphological data provide insights into the evolution and classification of Chilocorini ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
- Author
Hermes E. Escalona, Piotr Łączyński, Weidong Huang, Xingmin Wang, Wenjing Li, Dirk Ahrens, Lizhi Huo, Xiaosheng Chen, Wioletta Tomaszewska, Adam Ślipiński, Bingxu Chen, and Jonas Eberle
- Subjects
Evolutionary biology ,Insect Science ,Chilocorini ,Coccinellidae ,Biology ,biology.organism_classification ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2019
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38. Undarobius irvini Escalona & Oberprieler 2021, sp. n
- Author
Escalona, Hermes E. and Oberprieler, Rolf G.
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Curculionidae ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Undarobius ,Undarobius irvini ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Undarobius irvini Escalona & Oberprieler sp. n. (Figs. 11–13, 36) http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2BC48169-7DBE-4E82-94EB-1A72AD5116EB Diagnosis. Body length 4.0 mm. Elytral setae longer, apically narrow and acute. Body 1.8 × longer than wide, rostrum 1.9 × longer than wide. Prothorax and elytra 0.9 × and 1.2 × as long as wide, respectively. Spermatheca as in Fig. 36. Description. General appearance. Body length 4.0 mm, 1.8 × longer than wide. Squamae sparse on pronotal and elytral discs but denser laterally; scape, pronotum and elytra with long, apically narrow and acute setae. Punctures mostly fine, distance between them greater than puncture sizes. Head. Rostrum 1.9 × longer than wide and 1.6 × longer than head in lateral view, oval in cross-section. Position of eyes indicated by small glabrous area. Antennae. Scapes 0.8 × shorter than funicle and club. Funicles with segment 1 longer than 3. Thorax. Pronotum 0.9 × as long as wide with sparse fine punctures. Hypomera behind procoxae 1.5 × longer than coxal width. Elytra 1.2 × as long as wide, disc barely convex, setae long, apically narrow and acute. Legs. Metatibial apex with reduced mucro, visible at high magnification. Female genitalia. Spermatheca as in Fig. 36. Material examined (1 ex.). HOLOTYPE, ♀: AUSTRALIA: N E Qld / Mt. Garnet, Undara, 1000 m / 20 May 1985 / F. G. Howarth, D. Irvin // Yarramulla Sta / Taylor Cave // HOLOTYPE / Undarobius irvini / Escalona & Oberprieler 2021 (ANIC). Derivation of name. The species is named for the speleologist Douglas Irvin (Chillagoe Caving Club), collector of the only known specimen. Comments. This species is so far known from a single female, collected from the deep zone of Taylor Cave (Howarth 1988). It is noticeably smaller and narrower than the females of U. howarthi, and it can also be distinguished by its longer and sharp-pointed elytral setae. Its spermatheca is narrower and has a longer and more sharply angled cornu, although additional specimens will need to be studied to assess its variability., Published as part of Escalona, Hermes E. & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2021, Undarobius, a new genus of cavernicolous weevils (Curculionidae: Entiminae Leptopiini) from the Undara Lava Caves in north-eastern Australia, with an overview of anophthalmic and microphthalmic Australian Curculionidae, pp. 207-222 in Zootaxa 5023 (2) on pages 211-215, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5023.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/5225800, {"references":["Howarth, F. G. (1988) Environmental ecology of North Queensland caves: or why there are so many troglobites in Australia. In: Pearson, L. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17 th Biennial (Tropicon) Conference. Australian Speleological Federation, Cairns, pp. 76 - 84."]}
- Published
- 2021
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39. Undarobius Escalona & Oberprieler 2021
- Author
Escalona, Hermes E. and Oberprieler, Rolf G.
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Curculionidae ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Undarobius ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Key to the species of Undarobius 1. Elytral setae short, apically widened and truncate; spermatheca as in Fig. 35........................ U. howarthi sp. n. - Elytral setae longer, apically narrow and acute; spermatheca as in Fig. 36............................. U. irvini sp. n., Published as part of Escalona, Hermes E. & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2021, Undarobius, a new genus of cavernicolous weevils (Curculionidae: Entiminae Leptopiini) from the Undara Lava Caves in north-eastern Australia, with an overview of anophthalmic and microphthalmic Australian Curculionidae, pp. 207-222 in Zootaxa 5023 (2) on page 210, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5023.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/5225800
- Published
- 2021
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40. Undarobius Escalona & Oberprieler 2021, gen. n
- Author
Escalona, Hermes E. and Oberprieler, Rolf G.
- Subjects
Coleoptera ,Curculionidae ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Undarobius ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Undarobius Escalona & Oberprieler gen. n. (Figs. 9–36) http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 442F6299-8BD7-4FB4-8DF4-B9EFF52B5EED Type species, by present designation: Undarobius howarthi Escalona & Oberprieler sp. n. Diagnosis. Body longer than wide, length 4.0– 5.5 mm, somewhat flattened, covered with sparse to dense, appressed, fluted squamae and sparse, short, erect to semi-erect setae. Eyes absent (Fig. 19). Rostrum dorsally not separated from head by groove (sulcus); frons indistinct; epistome short, apical margin bisinuate (Fig. 21). Antennal scrobes broadly open and poorly defined (Fig. 19). Scapes long, reaching apical third of prothorax in repose. Prothorax with anterior margin laterally without ocular lobes or vibrissae. Wingless. Tibiae mucronate; metatibiae without corbels or bevels. Tarsal claws free. Description. General appearance. Body longer than wide, length 4.0– 5.5 mm, compact, robust, broad, flattened, surface without ridges, tubercles or spines (Figs. 9–13). Rostrum and legs relatively long. Integument pale ferrugineous (reddish-brown) to dark brown, sparsely to densely covered with appressed, pale yellowish-brown, fluted squamae (scales) and sparse, short, erect to suberect, truncate or acute setae. Head. Rostrum (Fig. 19) ca. 3 × longer than head, oval in cross-section. Epistome slightly projecting, short, apex asymmetrically emarginate medially, base with two epistomal setae. Frons (Fig. 19) indistinct, slightly domed, triangular, surface with microsculpture near apex, otherwise smooth. Epifrons (Fig. 21) with indistinct but deep median groove in anterior third (between antennal sockets), asulcate in basal two thirds. Antennal sockets (Figs. 21) large, not reaching rostral apex, closed laterally and open dorsally. Scrobes (Fig. 19) lateral, shallow, broad, short (not extending to base of rostrum), borders poorly demarcated. Eyes absent, location marked by small glabrous area (Fig. 19). Antennae (Fig. 22) long, inserted near rostral apex; scapes slightly shorter than funicle and club; funicles 7-segmented, segment 1 shorter than 2, expanded apicad, 3–7 subequal, moniliform. Mouthparts imperfectly adelognathous, with maxillary stipites exposed next to base of prementum (Fig. 20); mandibles (Fig. 15) robust, externally paucisetose, with four long and two smaller setae, small subtriangular scar of deciduous cusp present in ventral position; maxillae (Fig. 16) with single apical lobe and 3-segmented palpus, segments 1 and 2 transverse, 2 half as long as 1, 3 conical and surrounded by digitiform sensilla; prementum (Figs. 14, 20) slightly enlarged, subhexagonal, flat, asetose, labial palpi 2-segmented, ligula absent. Thorax. Prothorax (Fig. 24) about as long as wide, narrowing apicad from apical third, apically slightly constricted, forming a slight ring ventrally, anterolateral margins without ocular lobe or fringe of fine setae; pronotum slightly convex. Procoxal cavities (Fig. 23) circular, medially contiguous, broadly interrupting prosternal process. Mesocoxal cavities circular (Fig. 26), laterally closed by meso- and metaventrites, separated by about 0.7 × their width. Mesanepisterna and mesepimera fused but suture between them distinct. Elytra slightly longer than their joint width, medially fused but suture visible, fine, sides evenly rounded, with 10 complete striae of small, widely spaced punctures; interstriae flat, with single row of sparse, erect, spatulate setae. Metanepisterna fused to metaventrite but metanepisternal suture present as deep groove through most of their length; metepimera not exposed. Scutellar shield small, triangular, slightly convex, denuded. Wingless. Legs. Coxae with conspicuous, long stiff seta directed ventrad; procoxae (Fig. 23) globular, medially contiguous. Trochanters obliquely truncate, without single long seta. Femora (Figs. 28–30) slender, subcylindrical, conspicuously inflated in distal third. Tibiae long, terete, subcylindrical; protibiae (Fig. 28) slightly bent inwards apically, meso- and metatibiae (Figs. 29–30) straight; tibial apex with small mucro surrounded by scattered setae, without spurs, without bevel or corbel; tarsi with segment 1 longer than wide, enlarged apicad, 2 moniliform, 3 deeply lobed, claws simple, free, divergent. Abdomen. Ventrites (Fig. 27) jointly subtriangular, 1 and 2 connate but suture between them distinct, arcuate, 3–5 free; 1 in middle ca. 1.6 × longer than 2, with broad, subtruncate intercoxal process, 2 ca. 2 × longer than 3 and 4, these subequal in length, 5 longer than 3 and 4; sexual dimorphism slight, in male ventrites 1 and 2 less convex and 5 shorter, more broadly rounded. Male terminalia. Aedeagus (Figs. 31–32) of pedal type; penis tubular, narrowing apicad, apex roundly acuminate, temones (apodemes) shorter than body, attached to its base in dorsal position; tegmen without parameres; endophallus without flagellum or internal sclerite; sternite VIII with hemisternites forming one plate, sternite IX with basal plate divided and subtriangular, with long apodeme (spiculum gastrale). Female terminalia. Ovipositor (Fig. 34) short, weakly sclerotised, without baculi (rods); distal gonocoxites cylindrical, with apical third setose, apex with short setose stylus; spermatheca (Fig. 35) sclerotised, hook-shaped, without distinct nodulus, ramus or collum, spermathecal gland sac-like, about as long as spermatheca, duct short; sternite VIII (Fig. 33) with broad, spatulate plate and long thin spiculum ventrale. Derivation of name. The name of the genus is derived from the locality of the two known species, the Undara Volcanic National Park, and the Greek noun bios, meaning life; its gender is masculine. The name Undara is an Ewamian Aboriginal word meaning ‘long way’. Comments. Elwood Zimmerman (1912–2004) deemed these weevils to be a new genus of the former subfamily ‘Rhytirhininae’ (Howarth 1988, Howarth & Stone 1990, Stone 2010, Stone et al. 2012), but their possession of deciduous mandibular cusps (the break planes clearly visible as flat scars) and adelognathous mouthparts (albeit imperfectly) demonstrates that they belong in the subfamily Entiminae (sensu Marvaldi et al. 2014) rather than Cyclominae (sensu Oberprieler 2010, 2014), in which the Rhythirrinini are now included as a tribe. In the key to the tribes of Australian Entiminae of Oberprieler & Zimmerman (2020), Undarobius runs to the large and poorly constituted tribe Leptopiini, but it shares no obvious characters with any known leptopiine genus in Australia and appears to occupy an isolated position in this tribe. No other anophthalmic leptopiines are known from Australia, although reduced eyes occur in the small genus Howeocis Lea (a relative of the large terricolous genus Mandalotus Erichson) and in several other similar leaf-litter species. Undarobius currently comprises two species, but others may yet be discovered in other caves of the Undara Lava Cave system and perhaps in other cave systems in northern Queensland. Undarobius has a most unusual shape for a cavernicolous weevil, being broad and flat with long legs, almost spider-like. Other anophthalmic cave weevils, in particular entimines such as the various Palaearctic Otiorhynchini (see, e.g., Osella & Zuppa 1998, Hlavac 2011, Hlavac & Skuhrovec 2016, Bello et al. 2021) and Laparocerini (e.g., Machado 2011a –b, Machado et al. 2017) are usually shaped like their epigean relatives or narrow and elongate with normal-sized legs. The peculiar shape of Undarobius suggests a specialised life style, possibly of crawling along the walls and even roofs of caves or among the root tresses hanging from the cave roofs, but no observations of the habits of the species are available so far., Published as part of Escalona, Hermes E. & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2021, Undarobius, a new genus of cavernicolous weevils (Curculionidae: Entiminae Leptopiini) from the Undara Lava Caves in north-eastern Australia, with an overview of anophthalmic and microphthalmic Australian Curculionidae, pp. 207-222 in Zootaxa 5023 (2) on pages 208-209, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5023.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/5225800, {"references":["Howarth, F. G. (1988) Environmental ecology of North Queensland caves: or why there are so many troglobites in Australia. In: Pearson, L. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17 th Biennial (Tropicon) Conference. Australian Speleological Federation, Cairns, pp. 76 - 84.","Howarth, F. G. & Stone, F. D. (1990) Elevated carbon dioxide levels in Bayliss Cave, Australia: implications for the evolution of obligate cave species. Pacific Science, 44 (3), 207 - 218.","Stone, F. D. (2010) Bayliss Lava Tube and the discovery of a rich cave fauna in tropical Australia. In: Middleton, G. J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14 th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology. Organising Group, 14 th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 2010, pp. 47 - 58.","Stone, F. D., Howarth, F. G., Hoch, H. & Ashe, M. (2012) Root communities in lava tubes. In: White, W. B. & Culver, D. C. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Caves. 2 nd Edition. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 658 - 664. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / B 978 - 0 - 12 - 383832 - 2.00097 - 9","Marvaldi, A. E., Lanteri, A. A., del Rio, M. G. & Oberprieler, R. G. (2014) 3.7. 5 Entiminae Schoenherr, 1823. In: Leschen, R. A. B. & Beutel, R. G. (Eds.), Handbook of Zoology. Arthropoda: Insecta. Coleoptera, Beetles. Vol. 3. Morphology and Systematics (Phytophaga). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston, pp. 503 - 522.","Oberprieler, R. G. (2010) A reclassification of the weevil subfamily Cyclominae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zootaxa, 2515 (1), 1 - 35. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 2515.1.1","Oberprieler, R. G. & Zimmerman, E. C. (2020) Australian Weevils. Vol. IV. Obituary: Elwood Curtin Zimmerman, 1912 - 2004; Curculionidae: Entiminae. Part I. Literature Consulted II. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, xiv + 664 pp.","Osella, G. & Zuppa, A. M. (1998) Coleoptera Curculionoidea. In: Juberthie, C. & Decu, V. (Eds.), Encyclopaedia Biospeleologica. Tome II. Socieitei de Biospeiologie, Moulis-Bucharest, pp. 1123 - 1130.","Hlavac, P. (2011) Endogean and cavernicolous Coleoptera of the Balkans. XI. Revision of the subgenus Troglorhynchus Reitter of the genus Otiorhynchus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae). Natura Croatica, 20 (1), 189 - 200.","Hlavac, P. & Skuhrovec, J. (2016) Endogean and cavernicolous Coleoptera of the Balkans. XV. A new species of the genus Ioniorhynchus Magrini, Meoli & Abbazzi, 2005 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) from Greece. Zootaxa, 4092 (2), 129 - 138. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4092.1.8","Bello, C., Colonnelli, E., Forbicioni, L., Osella, G. & Ruzzier, E. (2021) A new genus and species of anophthalmous Otiorhynchini from Greece, with a new synonymy and new combinations (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Entiminae). Zootaxa, 4938 (1), 69 - 84. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4938.1.3","Machado, A. (2011 a) Nuevos taxones de Laparocerus Schoenherr, 1834 de El Hierro y La Gomera, islas Canarias (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminiae). Graellsia, 67 (1), 57 - 90. https: // doi. org / 10.3989 / graellsia. 2011. v 67.043","Machado, A., Rodriguez-Exposito, E., Lopez, M. & Hernandez, M. (2017) Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Laparocerus, with comments on colonisation and diversification in Macaronesia (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae). ZooKeys, 651, 1 - 77. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 651.10097"]}
- Published
- 2021
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41. The Genera of Inopeplinae (Coleoptera: Salpingidae), World Generic Key, Descriptions of Four New Genera and Revision of the Australian Fauna
- Author
Ślipiński, Adam, primary, Lawrence, John F., additional, and Escalona, Hermes E., additional
- Published
- 2021
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42. Platamopsis valdivianus, nuevo género y especie de Salpinginae (Coleoptera: Salpingidae) de Chile
- Author
Solervicens, Jaime, primary, Leschen, Richard, additional, and Escalona, Hermes E., additional
- Published
- 2021
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43. Molecular evolution of dietary shifts in ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): from fungivory to carnivory and herbivory
- Author
Huang, Yu-Hao, Escalona, Hermes E., Sun, Yi-Fei, Zhang, Pei-Fang, Du, Xue-Yong, Gong, Sen-Rui, Tang, Xue-Fei, Liang, Yuan-Sen, Yang, Dan, Chen, Pei-Tao, Yang, Huan-Ying, Chen, Mei-Lan, Hüttel, Bruno, Hlinka, Ondrej, Wang, Xingmin, Meusemann, Karen, Ślipiński, Adam, Zwick, Andreas, Waterhouse, Robert M., Misof, Bernhard, Niehuis, Oliver, Li, Hao-Sen, and Pang, Hong
- Published
- 2025
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44. Additional file 1 of Horizontally acquired antibacterial genes associated with adaptive radiation of ladybird beetles
- Author
Hao-Sen Li, Tang, Xue-Fei, Huang, Yu-Hao, Xu, Ze-Yu, Chen, Mei-Lan, Du, Xue-Yong, Bo-Yuan Qiu, Chen, Pei-Tao, Zhang, Wei, Ślipiński, Adam, Escalona, Hermes E., Waterhouse, Robert M., Zwick, Andreas, and Pang, Hong
- Abstract
Additional file 1: Figure S1-S9, Tables S1-S7. Figure S1. Flanking genes of the eukaryotic cwh genes predicted from five high-quality genomes. Figure S2. Guanine-Cytosine contents of cwh coding sequences of the ladybird Cryptolaemus montrouzieri. Figure S3. Spatial expression of ladybird cwh genes. Figure S4. Temporal expression of ladybird cwh genes. Figure S5. Expression of ladybird cwh genes in response to bacterial infection. Figure S6. Phylogenetic tree of eukaryotic cwh genes identified from NCBI whole genome shotgun assemblies. Figure S7. Phylogenetic tree of Coccinellidae and their Coleoptera outgroups. Figure S8. Divergence time of Coccinellidae and their Coleoptera outgroups. Figure S9. Number of immunity-related genes in the published Coleoptera genomes. Table S1. Experimental design of cwh genes from ladybird genomes or transcriptomes. Table S2. Primers for ladybird cwh genes used for quantitative PCR. Table S3. Transcriptome data used in this study. Table S4. Information of the putative eukaryotic cwh genes detected from NCBI whole genome shotgun assemblies. Table S5. Estimation of selection pressures of cwh1 and cwh2 across Coccinellinae. Table S6. Primers for ladybird cwh used for cloning. Table S7. Primers for constructing cwh-RNAi strains of the ladybird Cryptolaemus montrouzieri.
- Published
- 2021
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45. The limits of Quediini at last (Staphylinidae: Staphylininae):a rove beetle mega-radiation resolved by comprehensive sampling and anchored phylogenomics
- Author
Adam Ślipiński, Hermes E. Escalona, Jackson Eyres, Jiří Hájek, Aslak Kappel Hansen, Alexey Solodovnikov, Aleš Smetana, Julie T. Chapados, Robin Richter, Richard A. B. Leschen, Maria Salnitska, Alexander V. Predeus, Janina L. Kypke, Jeremy R. Dettman, Andreas Zwick, and Adam Brunke
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,0303 health sciences ,Staphylininae ,biology ,Sampling (statistics) ,biology.organism_classification ,Mega ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Paleontology ,Insect Science ,Phylogenomics ,Rove beetle ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,030304 developmental biology - Abstract
Rove beetles of the tribe Quediini are abundant predators in humid microhabitats of forested, open, synanthropic or subterranean ecosystems, with just over 800 species distributed across the temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Previous molecular phylogenies included only a limited representation of this diversity but have already indicated that Quedius, containing the majority of Quediini species, is polyphyletic. Six genera, historically associated with Quediini but now Staphylininae incertae sedis, are known only from few pinned specimens and have never been sequenced. Recent synergy between target enrichment phylogenomics, low-input sequencing of dry, pinned insect specimens and advances in alpha taxonomic knowledge have made comprehensive sampling of Quediini tractable. Here we developed a novel probe set specialized for anchored hybrid enrichment of 1229 single-copy orthologous loci in Staphylinidae. In one of the largest target enrichment phylogenies of insects to-date, we sequenced 201 ingroup taxa to clearly delimit monophyletic Quediini within Staphylininae and resolve relationships within this tribe, with 46% of sampled taxa derived from pinned specimens (0–45 years old). Maximum likelihood and coalescent phylogenetic analyses produced well-resolved, congruent topologies that will serve as a framework for further exploration of this radiation and its necessary generic revision. The inclusion of nearly all remaining Staphylininae incertae sedis genera, all known only from pinned specimens, resulted in the creation of Quelaestrygonini Brunke, trib. n. and revised concepts for Cyrtoquediini and Indoquediini. Quediini was resolved as monophyletic with the transfer of Q. elevatus and Q. nigropolitus to other tribes but Quedius and its subgenera Microsaurus, Distichalius and Raphirus were shown to be para- or polyphyletic. Based on the results of our analyses, Velleiopsis Fairmaire, 1882 syn. n. and Megaquedius Casey, 1915 syn. n. are synonymized with Microsaurus Dejean, 1833 resulting in: Q. (Microsaurus) marginiventris (Fairmaire) comb. n., Q. (M.) varendorffi (Reitter) comb.n. Several species of Quedius were transferred from Microsaurus to Distichalius (Q. aethiops Smetana, Q. biann Smetana, Q. cingulatus Smetana and Q. taruni Smetana), Distichalius to Raphirus (Q. fagelianus Scheerpeltz) and Microsaurus to Raphirus (Q. mixtus Eppelsheim and Q. persicus Korge).
- Published
- 2021
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46. Analysis of RNA-Seq, DNA Target Enrichment, and Sanger Nucleotide Sequence Data Resolves Deep Splits in the Phylogeny of Cuckoo Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)
- Author
Carlo Polidori, Yolanda Ballesteros, Eric P. van den Berghe, Paolo Rosa, Jeroen de Rond, Massimo Olmi, Bernhard Misof, Thomas Schmitt, Lars Podsiadlowski, Adalgisa Guglielmino, Thomas Pauli, Karen Meusemann, Franco Strumia, Ralph S. Peters, Hermes E. Escalona, Christoph Mayer, Xin Zhou, Manfred Niehuis, Alexander Berg, Jan Philip Oeyen, Mareike Wurdack, Alexander Donath, Shanlin Liu, Manuela Sann, Oliver Niehuis, and Sandra Kukowka
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,0301 basic medicine ,biology ,Nucleic acid sequence ,RNA-Seq ,Hymenoptera ,biology.organism_classification ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,Target enrichment ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,030104 developmental biology ,chemistry ,Phylogenetics ,Evolutionary biology ,Insect Science ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Cuckoo ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,DNA ,Developmental Biology - Abstract
The wasp family Chrysididae (cuckoo wasps, gold wasps) comprises exclusively parasitoid and kleptoparasitic species, many of which feature a stunning iridescent coloration and phenotypic adaptations to their parasitic life style. Previous attempts to infer phylogenetic relationships among the family’s major lineages (subfamilies, tribes, genera) based on Sanger sequence data were insufficient to statistically resolve the monophyly and the phylogenetic position of the subfamily Amiseginae and the phylogenetic relationships among the tribes Allocoeliini, Chrysidini, Elampini, and Parnopini (Chrysidinae). Here, we present a phylogeny inferred from nucleotide sequence data of 492 nuclear single-copy genes (230,915 aligned amino acid sites) from 94 species of Chrysidoidea (representing Bethylidae, Chrysididae, Dryinidae, Plumariidae) and 45 outgroup species by combining RNA-seq and DNA target enrichment data. We find support for Amiseginae being more closely related to Cleptinae than to Chrysidinae. Furthermore, we find strong support for Allocoeliini being the sister lineage of all remaining Chrysidinae, whereas Elampini represent the sister lineage of Chrysidini and Parnopini. Our study corroborates results from a recent phylogenomic investigation, which revealed Chrysidoidea as likely paraphyletic.
- Published
- 2021
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47. Undarobius, a new genus of cavernicolous weevils (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Leptopiini) from the Undara Lava Caves in north-eastern Australia, with an overview of anophthalmic and microphthalmic Australian Curculionidae
- Author
ESCALONA, HERMES E., primary and OBERPRIELER, ROLF G., additional
- Published
- 2021
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48. Horizontally acquired antibacterial genes associated with adaptive radiation of ladybird beetles
- Author
Hong Pang, Wei Zhang, Robert M. Waterhouse, Mei-Lan Chen, Xue-Yong Du, Xue-Fei Tang, Adam Ślipiński, Hao-Sen Li, Hermes E. Escalona, Ze-Yu Xu, Yu-Hao Huang, Bo-Yuan Qiu, Andreas Zwick, and Pei-Tao Chen
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0106 biological sciences ,Subfamily ,Gene Transfer, Horizontal ,Physiology ,Hydrolases ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Niche ,Adaptation, Biological ,Genes, Insect ,Plant Science ,Insect ,Biology ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,03 medical and health sciences ,Ladybirds ,Structural Biology ,Biotechnology ,Developmental Biology ,Cell Biology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,Cell Wall ,Adaptive radiation ,Antibiosis ,Cell wall hydrolase ,Animals ,Gene ,lcsh:QH301-705.5 ,030304 developmental biology ,media_common ,Genetics ,0303 health sciences ,Horizontal gene transfer ,Biological Evolution ,Coleoptera ,lcsh:Biology (General) ,Genes, Bacterial ,Host-Pathogen Interactions ,Antibacterial activity ,Adaptation ,Developmental biology ,Research Article - Abstract
Background Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been documented in many herbivorous insects, conferring the ability to digest plant material and promoting their remarkable ecological diversification. Previous reports suggest HGT of antibacterial enzymes may have contributed to the insect immune response and limit bacterial growth. Carnivorous insects also display many evolutionary successful lineages, but in contrast to the plant feeders, the potential role of HGTs has been less well-studied. Results Using genomic and transcriptomic data from 38 species of ladybird beetles, we identified a set of bacterial cell wall hydrolase (cwh) genes acquired by this group of beetles. Infection with Bacillus subtilis led to upregulated expression of these ladybird cwh genes, and their recombinantly produced proteins limited bacterial proliferation. Moreover, RNAi-mediated cwh knockdown led to downregulation of other antibacterial genes, indicating a role in antibacterial immune defense. cwh genes are rare in eukaryotes, but have been maintained in all tested Coccinellinae species, suggesting that this putative immune-related HGT event played a role in the evolution of this speciose subfamily of predominant predatory ladybirds. Conclusion Our work demonstrates that, in a manner analogous to HGT-facilitated plant feeding, enhanced immunity through HGT might have played a key role in the prey adaptation and niche expansion that promoted the diversification of carnivorous beetle lineages. We believe that this represents the first example of immune-related HGT in carnivorous insects with an association with a subsequent successful species radiation.
- Published
- 2020
49. New insights into the phylogeny and evolution of lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) by extensive sampling of genes and species
- Author
Xingmin Wang, Natalia J. Vandenberg, Peng Zhang, Hong Pang, Shaohong Deng, Li-Heng Che, Yun Li, Dan Liang, Hermes E. Escalona, Adam Ślipiński, and Wioletta Tomaszewska
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,0301 basic medicine ,Time Factors ,Sticholotidini ,Genes, Insect ,Biology ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Monophyly ,Phylogenetics ,Genetics ,Animals ,Amino Acids ,Codon ,Molecular Biology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Phylogeny ,Base Composition ,Phylogenetic tree ,Nucleotides ,Crown group ,biology.organism_classification ,Coleoptera ,030104 developmental biology ,Coccinellinae ,Evolutionary biology ,Coccinellidae ,Taxonomy (biology) - Abstract
Ladybirds (family Coccinellidae) are one of the most diverse groups of beetles and globally comprise over 6000 species. Despite their scientific and economic significance, the taxonomy of Coccinellidae remains unstable, and we still know little about their evolutionary history. By using a small number of genes, previous phylogenetic analyses have not reliably resolved the relationships among major ladybird lineages. In this study, we sequenced 94 nuclear protein-coding genes for 214 species of Coccinellidae and 14 outgroups, covering 90 genera and 35 tribes. We found that nucleotide compositional heterogeneity is present among ladybird tribes so that phylogenetic inference at the amino acid level is more reliable than at the DNA level. Based on the maximum likelihood analyses of the amino acid dataset, we recognize three subfamilies in Coccinellidae: Microweiseinae, Monocoryninae stat. nov., and Coccinellinae. The subfamily relationships are strongly supported as (Microweiseinae, (Monocoryninae stat. nov., Coccinellinae)). The tribes of ladybirds are mostly monophyletic, except Ortaliini, Sticholotidini, Scymnini, and Coccidulini. The phylogenetic relationships among tribes of Coccinellinae are still not well resolved, with many nodes weakly supported. Our divergence time analysis suggests that the crown group of extant lady beetles arose in the Early Cretaceous ~ 143 million years ago (Mya) and experienced a rapid diversification during the Late Cretaceous (120–70 Mya). We hypothesize that the boom of angiosperms in the Late Cretaceous promoted the diversification of herbivorous Sternorrhyncha insects, especially aphids, which in turn drove the rapid radiation of predatory lady beetles. In summary, our work provides a comprehensive time-calibrated phylogeny of Coccinellidae that provides a sound framework for revising their classification and understanding the origin of their biodiversity.
- Published
- 2020
50. Acción psicofarmacológica y analgésica del antidepresivo inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina fluoxetina en ratón hembra
- Author
Lorena Cobo-Realpe, Hermes E. Castellanos, Ketty Herrera-Mendoza, and Carlos Collazos
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business.industry ,Strategy and Management ,inhibidor selectivo ,analgesia ,Pharmacology ,Serotonin reuptake ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Computer Science Applications ,General Energy ,antidepresivo ,Maximum dose ,Sedative Effects ,recapatacion de serotonina ,Medicine ,Motor activity ,fluoxetina ,business ,Memory test ,Food Science - Abstract
espanolEl objetivo de este estudio es dar a conocer el rango de potencia relacionado con la dosificacion del ISRS (inhibicion selectiva de la recaptacion de serotonina) fluoxetina y su mecanismo de accion como agente capaz de inducir efecto analgesico y ansiolitico en raton hembra cepa CD-1 (25-39 kg). Los datos obtenidos mostraron que las dosis antidepresivas 16, 32, 64 mg/kg (i.p.) presentan efecto analgesico y una respuesta ansiolitica, sin resultado significativo en el modelo de memoria espacial, pero con una disminucion en la actividad realizada en la memoria de trabajo para la dosis de 64 mg/kg (i.p.). Esto evidencia que fluoxetina puede orientar mayor eficacia a dosis con efecto antidepresivo e indica un efecto analgesico y ansiolitico sin producir cambio en la actividad motora del raton. La dosis maxima investigada provoco variacion en su actividad motora lo cual permite concluir que ISRS “fluoxetina” tiene un posible efecto sedativo. EnglishThe main objective of this paper is to establish the potency range and the action mechanism of selective serotonin reuptake inhibition (SSRI) fluoxetine on female CD-1 mice (25-39 kg). Our results indicated that fluoxetine´s antidepressant doses of 16 mg/kg (i.p.), 32 mg/kg (i.p.), and 64 mg/kg (i.p.) had an analgesic and anxiolytic effect without significant results on the spatial memory test. Reduced activity on memory work on specific activities was only observed with a dose of 64 mg/kg (i.p.). This is evidence to suggest that fluoxetine can be more effective with doses that showed an antidepressant effect. It also indicates that fluoxetine can have an analgesic and anxiolytic effect without reducing motor activity on mice. The maximum dose tested on this study showed variations on motor activity of mice suggesting that SSRI fluoxetine can have sedative effects
- Published
- 2020
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