339 results on '"Hernandes, Fabio A."'
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2. Three new feather mite species (Acariformes: Proctophyllodidae, Trouessartiidae) from tyrant flycatchers (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae) in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Published
- 2022
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3. Host diversity outperforms climate as a global driver of symbiont diversity in the bird-feather mite system
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Gusmão, Reginaldo A. F., Hernandes, Fabio A., Vancine, Maurício H., Naka, Luciano N., Doña, Jorge, and Gonçalves-Souza, Thiago
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio, primary, Frighetto, Lucas Fernando, additional, and Mulati, Mauro Henrique, additional
- Published
- 2022
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Nara, Elpidio Oscar Benitez, Benitez, Guilherme Brittes, Silva, Andre Luiz Emmel, Hernandes, Fabio, Kothe, Joao Victor, Baierle, Ismael Crlstofer, Schaefer, Jones Luis, Vinha, Francele, Ellert, Bruno, Schreiber, Jacques N.C., and Furtado, Joao Carlos
- Published
- 2021
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6. Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil
- Author
Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, Leite, Yuri LR, Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, and Leite, Yuri LR
- Abstract
The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others.
- Published
- 2024
7. Correction to: Three new feather mite species (Acariformes: Proctophyllodidae, Trouessartiidae) from tyrant flycatchers (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae) in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Published
- 2022
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8. New records of the feather mite Pterolichus obtusus Robin, 1877 (Acariformes: Astigmata: Pterolichidae) parasitizing chickens Gallus gallus domesticus (L.) (Galliformes: Phasianidae) in Brazil
- Author
Lacerda, José Dantas Araújo, primary, Pacheco, Henri Castro, additional, Souza, Magno Chagas, additional, Xavier, Nasly Cristianna Gonçalves, additional, da Cruz, Wilton Pires, additional, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, additional
- Published
- 2023
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9. First record of invasive Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 (Arachnida: Schizomida: Hubbardiidae) from the Southern region of Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary, Cokendolpher, James Craig, additional, and Pinho, Luiz Carlos, additional
- Published
- 2023
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10. Natural Computing in Pump-Scheduling Optimization for Water Supply System: Case Study
- Author
de Paula Castanho, Maria José, de Ré, Angelita Maria, Hernandes, Fábio, da Costa Luz, Emanuel, Miazaki, Mauro, Rautenberg, Sandro, Hutchison, David, Series editor, Kanade, Takeo, Series editor, Kittler, Josef, Series editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., Series editor, Mattern, Friedemann, Series editor, Mitchell, John C., Series editor, Naor, Moni, Series editor, Pandu Rangan, C., Series editor, Steffen, Bernhard, Series editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, Series editor, Tygar, Doug, Series editor, Weikum, Gerhard, Series editor, Rutkowski, Leszek, editor, Korytkowski, Marcin, editor, Scherer, Rafał, editor, Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard, editor, Zadeh, Lotfi A., editor, and Zurada, Jacek M., editor
- Published
- 2016
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11. A Review of the Feather Mite Genus Lopharalichus Gaud & Atyeo, 1996 (Acariformes: Pterolichidae), with Descriptions of Three New Species from Brazilian Parrots (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae) †
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary
- Published
- 2023
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12. Prostigmata (Acari: Trombidiformes) as Biological Control Agents
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., de Castro, Tatiane Marie M. G., Venancio, Renan, Hokkanen, Heikki M. T., Series editor, Carrillo, Daniel, editor, de Moraes, Gilberto José, editor, and Peña, Jorge E., editor
- Published
- 2015
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13. Two new species of Trouessartia Canestrini, 1899 (Astigmata: Trouessartiidae) from passeriform birds in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A.
- Published
- 2017
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14. Amerodectes gracilisimilis Hernandes 2023, sp. nov
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Amerodectes gracilisimilis ,Arthropoda ,Amerodectes ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Proctophyllodidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Amerodectes gracilisimilis sp. nov. (Figures 4 –6,13(d)) Type material Holotype male (#5388), paratypes 13 males and 22 females (#5389–5397) from Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae), BRAZIL, Bahia State, Ilhéus, campus of UESC, 14.7597222°S, 039.2302778°W, found dead, 14. December 2020, Anibal R. Oliveira coll. Description Male, holotype (range for 6 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma, length × width 401 (380– 402) × 148 (129–151). Prodorsal shield: entire, lateral margins with shallow concavities at level of scapular setae, posterior margins unevenly sinuous, length 132 (123–134), width 107 (95–111), surface with sparse circular lacunae, median region near posterior border with a darker patch of sclerotisation (Figure 4 (a)); bases of scapular setae se separated by 65 (55–64). Setae ve present, rudimentary. Scapular shields poorly developed dorsally. Humeral shields present, bearing setae cp; c2 on striated tegument. Subhumeral setae c3 lanceolate, 32 (28–31) × 8 (7–8). Hysteronotal shield: greatest length 272 (255–264), width at anterior margin 104 (85–100), anterior margin almost straight, surface with numerous small, circular lacunae as in prodorsal shield. Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 11 (11–13). Opisthosomal lobes almost parallel-sided, posterior margins rounded. Terminal cleft shaped like an inverted V, 31 (29–32) long. Supranal concavity present. Setae f2 dorsal, located anterior to level of setae ps2. Setae h1 situated at anterior level of supranal concavity. Setae h3 long setiform, 77 (75–88) long; setae ps2 76 (86–100) long; setae ps1 filiform, about 8 long, situated slightly anterior to bases of setae h3. Distances between dorsal setae: c1:d2 102 (98–108), d2:h1 119 (110–121), h2:h2 63 (59– 61), h3:h3 41 (38–41). Epimerites I fused into a narrow V, fused part with transverse extensions connected with or free from epimerites II (Figure 4 (b)). Coxal fields I closed or open, coxal fields II–IV open, without extensively sclerotised areas. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa absent. Epimerites IVa absent. Genital arch 19 (15–17) in width; aedeagus bending into a posterior shaft around the level between trochanters III and IV, 163 (155–167) long from the anterior bend to tip, extending to about the base of setae h3. Genital papillae connected at bases. Genital and adanal shields absent. Adanal suckers 20 (18–21) in diameter, distance between centres of discs 27 (24–30), corolla smooth, surrounding membrane with radial striae. Opisthoventral shields wide, occupying lateral areas and posterior halves of opisthosomal lobes; inner margins of these shields with blunt extension bearing setae ps3 at level of anterior margin of adanal suckers. Setae 4b and 3a situated roughly at the same transverse level. Distance between ventral setae: 1a–4b 132 (125–130), 4b–4a 44 (39–46), 4a–g 52 (50–55), g–ps3 56 (50–63), ps3–ps3 61 (57–63). Femora I, II without ventral crests or flanges (Figure 6 (a,b)), other segments of legs I–IV without processes. Solenidion σ of genua I, III situated at distal half of segment. Genual setae cG I, II, mG I, II like short spines, cG I inserted basally, cG II at midlevel of segment. Seta d of tarsus II half as long as corresponding seta f; seta d of tarsi III 2–3 times shorter than corresponding seta f (Figure 6 (c)). Tarsus IV 29 (27–31) long, without claw-like apical process; setae d and e button-like, seta d situated at basal third of segment, setae e situated apically (subapically) (Figure 6 (d)). Ambulacral discs with median apical projection. Length of solenidia: σ of genu I 7 (6–7), σ of genu III 7 (6–8), φ of tibia I 73 (68–78), φ of tibia II 55 (52–57), φ of tibia III 26 (26–28), φ of tibia IV 37 (33–37), ω1 of tarsus I 16 (12– 17), ω3 of tarsus I 43 (35–39), ω1 of tarsus II 8 (5–8). Female, range for 6 paratypes. Idiosoma, length × width 551–570 × 183–199. Prodorsal shield: shape as in male, surface without lacunae, with a distinct darker patch at posterior margin, length × width 151–154 × 127–142, posterior margin roughly sinuous, bases of setae se separated by 80–87 (Figure 5 (a)). Setae ve present, rudimentary. Scapular shields developed dorsally. Humeral shields present, bearing setae cp and c3. Setae c2 situated on the striated tegument. Setae c3 lanceolate, 30–33 × 8–10. Hysteronotal shield separated dorsally by a transverse narrow band of soft tegument into anterior and lobar parts. Distance between prodorsal and anterior hysteronotal shields 8–17. Anterior hysteronotal shield roughly rectangular, anterior margin straight, greatest length 300–314, width at anterior margin 103–110, surface with numerous small circular lacunae. Length of lobar region 103–110, greatest width at level of setae h2 95–101. Terminal cleft like a narrow V, 38–46 long. Lobar shield entire; surface with circular lacunae around area of setae h1; supranal concavity present, circular, situated near the anterior margin of lobar shield. Setae h1 and f2 arranged in a low trapezoid. Setae h2 lanceolate with blunt apex, 43– 47 × 9–11. Setae ps1 situated slightly at midline of each lobe, closer to h3 than to h2. Setae h3 11–18 long. Distances between dorsal setae: c1:d2 126–133, d2:h1 178–197, h2:h2 77– 81, h3:h3 40–50. Epimerites I as in male (Figure 5 (b)). Coxal fields I and III almost closed, coxal fields II and IV open. Epimerites IVa absent. Translobar apodemes of opisthosomal lobes present, wide, connected to each other at anterior end of terminal cleft. Epigynum horseshoeshaped, with small lateral extensions at level of setae g, greatest width 61–70; apodemes of ovipore connected with epimerites IIIa. Spermatheca as in Figure 6 (g); secondary spermaducts 24–31 long. Pseudanal setae ps2 and ps3 filiform, bases of setae ps2 situated posterior to level of anal opening; distance between pseudanal setae: ps2:ps2 33–39, ps3: ps3 22–35, ps2:ps3 30–34. Femora II with a small ventral flange, other segments of legs I, II without processes. Solenidion σ of genu I situated at midlevel of segment. Solenidion σ of genu III inserted basally. Genual setae cG I, II, mG I, II as in male. Setae d of tarsi I, II 2–3 times shorter than corresponding setae f, setae d of tarsi III, IV 2–3 times shorter than corresponding setae f. Genua IV with dorsal inflation. Ambulacral discs with median apical projection. Length of solenidia: σ of genu I 8–10, σ of genu III 7–12, φ of tibia I 79–87, φ of tibia II 63–65, φ of tibia III 32–39, φ of tibia IV 11–12, ω1 of tarsus I 16–19, ω3 of tarsus I 42–47, ω1 of tarsus II 9–11. Differential diagnosis Amerodectes gracilisimilis sp. nov. is very similar in overall appearance to the type species of the genus, A. gracilis (Trouessart, 1885), described from Psarocolius decumanus (Pallas, 1769). In males the new species, the aedeagus is shorter in length (155–167), and has a shorter anterior portion which bends into a long shaft at the level of setae 4a (Figure 6 (e)); setae h3 is longer and setiform, about the same length as setae ps2, and longer than the distance se-se. In females, there are numerous small circular lacunae on the anterior hysteronotal shield, and the head of the spermatheca has a longer tube (about 15 long) preceding the bulbous inflation (Figure 6 (g)). Males of A. gracilis have the longest aedeagus known in the genus, at 223–237 µm (Valim and Hernandes 2008), and with a bend almost at the level of setae 4b (Figure 6 (h)); setae h3 are lanceolate, 2–3 times shorter than setae ps2, and shorter than distance se-se. Females of A. gracilis have the hysteronotal shield without lacunae, and the head of the spermatheca has a shorter tube (about 10 long) ending with a small inflation (Figure 6 (i)). Remark. Although this was not illustrated by either Berla (1959) or Valim and Hernandes (2008), the female of A. gracilis also has a darker area at the posterior margin of the prodorsal shield, similar to that of the new species. Etymology From Latin similis (= similar, resembling without being identical), referring to the resemblance of the new species to Amerodectes gracilis., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2023, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species, pp. 257-284 in Journal of Natural History 57 (2) on pages 264-268, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459, http://zenodo.org/record/7741825, {"references":["Trouessart EL. 1885. Note sur le classification des Analgesiens et diagnoses d ̍ especes et de genres nouveaux. Bulletin de la Societe d ̍ etudes scientifiques d ̍ Angers. 14: 46 - 89.","Valim MP, Hernandes FA. 2008. Redescription of five species of the feather mite genus Pterodectes Robin, 1877 (Acari: Proctophyllodidae: Pterodectinae) with the proposal of a new genus and a new species. Acarina. 16: 131 - 158.","Berla HF. 1959. Analgesoidea Neotropicais. IV - Sobre algumas especies novas ou pouco conhecidas de acarinos plumicolas. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Serie (Zoologia). 209: 1 - 17."]}
- Published
- 2023
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15. Proctophyllodes Robin 1868
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Proctophyllodes ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Proctophyllodidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Proctophyllodes Robin, 1868 Type species Dermaleichus glandarinus Koch, 1841, by subsequent designation (Trouessart 1885: 77). About 180 Proctophyllodes species have been described to date, mostly from passeriform hosts (Atyeo and Braasch 1966; Mironov 2012; Mironov and OConnor 2014; Wang et al. 2014; Hernandes et al. 2017; Klimov et al. 2017; Mironov 2017; Mironov et al. 2017; Yamasaki et al. 2018; Mironov 2019; Hernandes and Flechtmann 2020; Pedroso and Hernandes 2021; Zhang et al. 2021). In Brazil, excluding two cases of misidentification or accidental contamination (detailed in Pedroso and Hernandes 2021), about 10 Proctophyllodes species have so far been reported (Trouessart 1899; Atyeo and Braasch 1966; Kanegae et al. 2008; Valim et al. 2011; Amaral et al. 2012; Enout et al. 2012; Daud et al. 2015; Hernandes and Flechtmann 2020; Hernandes 2021; Pedroso and Hernandes 2021)., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2023, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species, pp. 257-284 in Journal of Natural History 57 (2) on pages 258-259, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459, http://zenodo.org/record/7741825, {"references":["Koch CL. 1841. Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur Deutschen Fauna. Regensburg, Germany: Heft; p. 1 - 40.","Trouessart EL. 1885. Note sur le classification des Analgesiens et diagnoses d ̍ especes et de genres nouveaux. Bulletin de la Societe d ̍ etudes scientifiques d ̍ Angers. 14: 46 - 89.","Atyeo WT, Braasch NL. 1966. The feather mite genus Proctophyllodes (Sarcoptiformes, Proctophyllodidae). Bull Univ Nebr State Mus. 5: 1 - 354.","Mironov SV. 2012. New species of the feather mite genus Proctophyllodes Robin, 1877 (Acari: Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae) from European passerines (Aves: Passeriformes), with an updated checklist of the genus. Acarina. 20 (2): 130 - 158.","Mironov SV, OConnor BM. 2014. New species of the feather mite family Proctophyllodidae (Acariformes: Astigmata) from two species of mockingbirds (Passeriformes: Mimidae) in Eastern North America. J Med Entomol. 51 (3): 529 - 546. doi: 10.1603 / ME 13109.","Wang Z-Y, Wang - J-J, Su X-H. 2014. Four new feather mite species of the genus Proctophyllodes Robin (Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from China. Zool Syst. 39 (2): 248 - 258.","Klimov PB, Mironov SV, OConnor BM. 2017. Convergent and unidirectional evolution of extremely long aedeagi in the largest feather mite genus, Proctophyllodes (Acari: Proctophyllodidae): evidence from comparative molecular and morphological phylogenetics. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 114: 212 - 224. doi: 10.1016 / j. ympev. 2017.06.008.","Yamasaki YK, Graves EE, Houston RS, Oconnor BM, Kysar PE, Straub MH, Foley JE, Tell LA. 2018. Evaluation of Proctophyllodes huitzilopochtlii on feathers from Anna ̍ s (Calypte anna) and Blackchinned (Archilochus alexandri) hummingbirds: prevalence assessment and imaging analysis using light and tabletop scanning electron micros. PLoS One. 13 (2): 1 - 18. doi: 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0191323.","Hernandes FA, Flechtmann CHW. 2020. New records of feather mites (Acariformes: Analgoidea, Pterolichoidea) in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Entomol Commun. 2 (1 - 3): ec 02006. doi: 10.37486 / 2675 - 1305. ec 02006.","Pedroso LGA, Hernandes FA. 2021. Two new feather mites of the genus Proctophyllodes Robin (Acariformes: Proctophyllodinae) from passerines in Brazil. Syst Appl Acarol. 26 (6): 1081 - 1096. doi: 10.11158 / saa. 26.6.6.","Zhang Y, Wang Z-Y CJ. 2021. Two new feather mites of the genus Proctophyllodes (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines of China (Aves: Passeriformes). Syst Appl Acarol. 26 (9): 1665 - 1675. doi: 10.11158 / saa. 26.9.4.","Trouessart EL. 1899. Diagnoses preliminaires d ̍ especes nouvelles d ̍ Acariens plumicoles. Additions et corrections a la sous-famille des Analgesines. Bulletin de la Societe d ̍ Etudes scientifiques d ̍ Angers. 28: 1 - 62.","Kanegae MF, Valim MP, Fonseca MA, Marini MA, Freire NMS. 2008. Feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) on birds of Cerrado in Distrito Federal, Brazil. Biota Neotropica. 8 (1): 30 - 38. doi: 10.1590 / S 1676 - 06032008000100003.","Valim MP, Hernandes FA, Proctor HC. 2011. Feather mites of Brazil (Acari: Astigmata: Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea). Int J Acarology. 37 (4): 293 - 324. doi: 10.1080 / 01647954.2010.519719.","Amaral HLC, Bergmann FB, Santos PRS, Kruger RF, Graciolli G. 2012. Community of arthropod ectoparasites of two species of Turdus Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes: Turdidae) in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Parasitol Res. 112 (2): 621 - 628. doi: 10.1007 / s 00436 - 012 - 3174 - 5.","Enout AMJ, Lobato DNC, Diniz FC, Antonini Y. 2012. Chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) and feather mites (Acari, Astigmata) associated with birds of the Cerrado in Central Brazil. Parasitol Res. 111 (4): 1731 - 1742. doi: 10.1007 / s 00436 - 012 - 3016 - 5.","Daud RD, Hernandes FA, Bispo AA. 2015. Wing feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) on some Passeriformes (Aves) from State of Parana, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia. 23 (3): 336 - 340. doi: 10.1007 / BF 03544302.","Hernandes FA. 2021. New records of feather mites (Sarcoptiformes: Proctophyllodidae) on tanagers (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) from Brazil. Entomol Commun. 3 (1 - 4): ec 03039. doi: 10.37486 / 2675 - 1305. ec 03039."]}
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16. Mesalgoides Gaud and Atyeo 1967
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Mesalgoides ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Analgidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Mesalgoides Gaud and Atyeo, 1967 Type species Dermaleichus oscinum sensu Robin and Mégnin, 1877 (non Koch 1841), by original designation (= Dimorphus megnini Oudemans, 1937). Twenty species of Mesalgoides, including the new species, are currently known worldwide (Trouessart 1899; Spory 1965; Černý 1974; Shereef and Rakha 1981; Mironov 1997; Mironov and Pérez 2002; Mironov 2004; OConnor et al. 2005; Mironov et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2020). Mesalgoides sublobatus (Trouessart 1899) was formerly referred to this genus by Mironov (2004), but after further analysis was concluded to belong to the family Analgidae (Mironov, pers. comm.). Known species were described from passerines of 10 families: Fringillidae, Leiothrichidae, and Paridae from the Old World; Furnariidae, Icteridae, Pipridae, Thraupidae, Turdidae and Tyrannidae from the Neotropical region; and Mimidae from the Nearctic region. In the New World (including Neotropical and Nearctic regions), undetermined Mesalgoides species were reported from 15 passerine families: Cardinalidae, Coerebidae, Conopophagidae, Cotingidae, Fringillidae, Furnariidae, Grallariidae, Icteridae, Mimidae, Parulidae, Passerellidae, Pipridae, Thamnophilidae, Thraupidae and Tyrannidae (see Kanegae et al. 2008; Valim et al. 2011; Barreto et al. 2012; Enout et al. 2012; Soto et al. 2013; Villa et al. 2013; Galloway et al. 2014; Hribar 2014; Silva et al. 2015; Hernandes and Flechtmann 2020). The record of Mesalgoides sp. on Galbula ruficauda (Galbuliformes, Galbulidae) by Enout et al. (2012) requires confirmation. One additional undetermined species was reported from a woodpecker – Colaptes auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) – in Canada (Galloway et al. 2014). A table with described species and their hosts was provided by Mironov et al. (2018)., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2023, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species, pp. 257-284 in Journal of Natural History 57 (2) on page 274, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459, http://zenodo.org/record/7741825, {"references":["Koch CL. 1841. Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur Deutschen Fauna. Regensburg, Germany: Heft; p. 1 - 40.","Trouessart EL. 1899. Diagnoses preliminaires d ̍ especes nouvelles d ̍ Acariens plumicoles. Additions et corrections a la sous-famille des Analgesines. Bulletin de la Societe d ̍ Etudes scientifiques d ̍ Angers. 28: 1 - 62.","Spory GR. 1965. Some internal and external parasites of the redwinged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus L., from Central Ohio; including description of three new feather mites. Ohio J Sci. 65: 49 - 59.","Cerny V. 1974. Parasitic mites of Surinam XIX. Seven new species of Mesalgoides (Analgoidea, Analgidae). Folia Parasitol (Praha). 21 (3): 243 - 250. https: // folia. paru. cas. cz / pdfs / fol / 1974 / 03 / 10. pdf","Shereef GM, Rakha MA. 1981. Four new species of feather mites in Egypt (Acaridida: Analgidae). Bull Zool Soc Egypt. 31: 77 - 86.","Mironov SV. 1997. Contribution to the feather mites of Switzerland with descriptions of five new species (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes). Mitteilungen der Scheweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft / Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse. 70: 455 - 471.","Mironov SV, Perez TM. 2002. Two new feather mites (Astigmata, Analgoidea) from ground finches of the genus Geospiza. Acta Parasitol. 47 (3): 228 - 234. http: // www. actaparasitologica. pan. pl / archive / 47 / toc 47307. html","Mironov SV. 2004. Taxonomic notes on four genera of the feather mite subfamily Pandalurinae (Astigmata: Psoroptoididae). Acarina. 12 (1): 3 - 16.","OConnor BM, Foufopoulos J, Lipton D, Lindstrom K. 2005. Mites associated with the small ground finch, Geospiza fuliginosa (Passeriformes: Emberizidae), from the Galapagos Islands. J Parasitol. 91 (6): 1304 - 1313. doi: 10.1645 / GE- 581 R. 1.","Mironov SV, Literak I, Sychra O. 2018. Two new species of the feather mite genus Mesalgoides Gaud et Atyeo (Acariformes: Psoroptoididae) from European serins (Passeriformes: Fringillidae). Acarina. 26 (1): 97 - 110. doi: 10.21684 / 0132 - 8077 - 2018 - 26 - 1 - 97 - 110.","Wang Z-Y, Li X-L, Mu N, Chang H, Liu H. 2020. Four new feather mites of the genus Mesalgoides Gaud & Atyeo (Acariformes: Psoroptoididae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) of China. Syst Appl Acarol. 25 (2): 236 - 254. doi: 10.11158 / saa. 25.2.6.","Kanegae MF, Valim MP, Fonseca MA, Marini MA, Freire NMS. 2008. Feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) on birds of Cerrado in Distrito Federal, Brazil. Biota Neotropica. 8 (1): 30 - 38. doi: 10.1590 / S 1676 - 06032008000100003.","Valim MP, Hernandes FA, Proctor HC. 2011. Feather mites of Brazil (Acari: Astigmata: Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea). Int J Acarology. 37 (4): 293 - 324. doi: 10.1080 / 01647954.2010.519719.","Barreto M, Burbano ME, Proctor HC, Mironov SV, Wauthy G. 2012. Feather mites (Acariformes: Psoroptidia) from Colombia: preliminary list with new records. Zootaxa. 3516 (1): 1 - 68. doi: 10. 11646 / zootaxa. 3516.1.1.","Enout AMJ, Lobato DNC, Diniz FC, Antonini Y. 2012. Chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) and feather mites (Acari, Astigmata) associated with birds of the Cerrado in Central Brazil. Parasitol Res. 111 (4): 1731 - 1742. doi: 10.1007 / s 00436 - 012 - 3016 - 5.","Soto M, Moreno L, Sepulveda MS, Kinsella JM, Mironov S, Gonzalez-Acuna D. 2013. First records of parasites from the Long-tailed Meadowlark Sturnella loyca (Passeriformes: Icteridae) from the Biobio Region, Chile. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 84 (4): 1316 - 1320. doi: 10.7550 / rmb. 34112.","Villa SM, Bohec CL, Koop JAH, Proctor HC, Clayton DH. 2013. Diversity of feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) on Darwin ̍ s finches. J Parasitol. 99 (5): 756 - 762. doi: 10.1645 / 12 - 112.1.","Galloway TD, Proctor HC, Mironov SV. 2014. Chewing lice (Insecta: Amblycera, Ischnocera) and feather mites (Acari: Astigmata: Analgoidea, Pterolichoidea): ectosymbionts of grasslands birds in Canada. In: Giberson DJ, Carcamo HA, editors. Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands: biodiversity and systematics. Vol. 3. Ontario: Biological Survey of Canada; p. 139 - 188.","Hribar LJ. 2014. Parasitic mites collected from perching birds (Aves: Passeriformes) on Vaca Key, Florida. Fla Field Nat. 42 (3): 119 - 123.","Silva HM, Hernandes FA, Pichorim M. 2015. Feather mites (Acari, Astigmata) associated with birds in an Atlantic Forest fragment in Northeastern Brazil. Braz J Biol. 75 (3): 726 - 735. doi: 10.1590 / 1519 - 6984.23313.","Hernandes FA, Flechtmann CHW. 2020. New records of feather mites (Acariformes: Analgoidea, Pterolichoidea) in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Entomol Commun. 2 (1 - 3): ec 02006. doi: 10.37486 / 2675 - 1305. ec 02006."]}
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17. Proctophyllodes truncatilobus Hernandes 2023, sp. nov
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Proctophyllodes truncatilobus ,Arthropoda ,Proctophyllodes ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Proctophyllodidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Proctophyllodes truncatilobus sp. nov. (Figures 1 –3,13(a)) Type material Holotype male (#5371), paratypes 9 males and 9 females (#5372–5380) ex Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae), BRAZIL, Bahia State, Ilhéus, campus of Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), 14.7597222°S, 039.2302778°W, found dead on the ground, 14 December 2020, Anibal R. Oliveira coll.; paratypes 4 males and 3 females (#5381–5387), same host species, BRAZIL, Pará State, Fazenda Fartura, 9.666667°S, 50.383333°W, Santana do Araguaia, dead after collision with glass window, 11 September 2013, D. V. Boas-Filho coll. (#557). Description Male (Figures 1 (a,b), 3 (a–3,i), 13(a)), holotype (range for 8 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma, length × width, 236 (235–243) × 127 (124–132); length of hysterosoma excluding lamellae 165 (166–171). Prodorsal shield: setae vi absent, anterolateral extensions acute, lateral margins entire with two semicircular concavities at the level of scapular setae, posterior margin straight, posterior corners right-angled, greatest length 65 (61–70), greatest width 90 (88–94), surface without ornamentation or lacunae. Distance between scapular setae se 51 (50–55). Scapular shields not developed dorsally. Humeral shields small, fused with epimerites III, setae c2 on anterior margins of humeral shields. Subhumeral setae c3 lanceolate, 21 (20–24) in length, 2 (2–3) in width. Hysteronotal shield: anterior margin slightly concave, anterior angles rounded, length 165 (161–167), width at anterior margin 89 (82–92), surface without ornamentation. Supranal concavity shaped like an inverted teardrop, closed terminally, its anterior end at level of setae e2, length from anterior end to bases of setae ps1 36 (37–43). Posterior margin of opisthosoma between setae h3 straight. Terminal lamellae small, tongue-shaped, with inner margins almost touching, with pennate venation; length 33 (32–37), greatest width 16 (16–20). Setae ps1 minute. Distances between hysteronotal setae: c2:d2 51 (49–54), d2:e2 61 (59– 62), e2:h3 43 (37–43), d1:d2 19 (19–22), e1: e2 24 (24–30), h1:h3 27 (23–27), h2:h2 52 (51–53), h3:h3 34 (32–36), ps2:ps2 72 (68–72). Coxal apodemes I (epimerites) fused into a narrow V without lateral extensions, inner ends of epimerites IIIa connected transverselly to each other above genital apparatus. Setae 4b and 3a situated almost at the same transverse level. Genital arch 25 (22–26) in length from tips of its branches to bend of aedeagus, 28 (25–28) in width, with arch base at midlevel of trochanters IV and with arch apex at midlevel between trochanters III and IV. Aedeagus stylet-shaped, directed backward from the genital arch apex, extending to the level of setae h2, 102 (99–110) in length from bend to tip (Figure 3 (i)). Setae 4a and posterior pair of genital papillae situated at midlevel of genital arch. Paragenital and pregenital apodemes absent. Genital papillae not connected. Opisthogastric shield roughly trapezoidal with strongly sinuous margins and poorly sclerotised central area; greatest length of opisthogastric shields 42 (42–47), width in anterior part 45 (39–48). Setae g and ps3 filiform, arranged in a high trapezoid, setae g on inner margins of the opisthogastric shield, distances between these setae: g:g 14 (11–18), g:ps3 19 (14–20), ps3: ps3 25 (24–27). Adanal suckers cylindrical, 14 (12–15) in diameter, corolla with 13–15 small teeth. Femora II without ventral crests. Solenidion σ 7 (6–8) long, about half the length of genu I and situated at midlevel of this segment (Figure 3 (a)). Solenidion σIII 4 (4–6) long, situated in middle part of genu III, tibial solenidion φIV 33 (31–36). Tarsus IV 27 (26–30) in length, button-like seta d about as wide as seta e and situated at midlength of this segment, seta e situated distally (Figure 3 (d)). Female (Figures 2 (a,b), 3 (e–3,j,3), 13(a)), range for 8 paratypes. Length of idiosoma 298–312, width 141–150, length of hysterosoma 209–224. Prodorsal shield: setae vi absent, anterolateral extensions acute, not extending to bases of epimerites I, lateral margins with concavities at level of scapular setae, posterior margin straight, length 76– 81, width 88–93, surface without ornamentation (Figure 2 (a)). Distance between scapular setae se 54–57. Scapular shields not developed dorsally. Humeral shields fused with epimerites III; setae c2 on anterior margin of this shield. Subhumeral setae c3 lanceolate, 20–28 in length, 3–4 in width. Anterior hysteronotal shield roughly rectangular, length of hysteronotal and lobar shields combined 200–218, width at level of setae c1 73–84, anterior margin slightly concave, surface with numerous small circular lacunae. Lobar region of opisthosoma short and truncate, well delimited from remaining part of hysterosoma by lateral concavities, opisthosomal lobes and terminal cleft not developed. Hysteronotal shield entire, not split into anterior and lobar parts. Supranal concavity present, oval, situated between levels of setae h1 and f2. Width of lobar region at level of setae f2 87–94, area between setae ps1 straight. Setae h2 with enlargement on the anterior half and with filiform apical part; setae h3 filiform, 19–20 in length, about 1/3 the length of terminal appendages. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 69–75, d1:d2 19–28, d2:e2 80–90, e1: e2 31–36, e2:h2 36–45, h1:h2 18–26, h1:h1 29–36, h2:h2 69–74. Coxal apodemes I shaped as in males. Epigynum semicircular, tips barey reaching the level of genital papillae, lateral extensions absent, length 26–31, width 47–54. Copulatory opening situated apically between level of setae ps1. Head of spermatheca simple, triangular, primary duct with a noticeable enlargement at its midlength, secondary spermaducts short (Figure 3 (k)). Genital setae g at the same level as setae 3a. Translobar apodemes stretching along the posterior margin of opisthosoma and fused to each other posterior to the anal opening. Setae ps2 situated at midlevel of anal opening. Femora I, II without ventral crests. Solenidion σ of genu III situated in distal half of segment. Length of genual solenidia: σI 11–13, σIII 6–8. Length of tibial solenidia φIV 10– 15. Legs IV with ambulacral discs extending to level of setae f2. Differential diagnosis Proctophyllodes truncatilobus sp. nov. is very similar to P. attenuatus Trouessart, 1899, described from the Montezuma oropendola, Psarocolius montezuma (Lesson, 1830) (Icteridae), in Mexico, in having a distinctly truncate opisthosoma – almost flat posteriorly – in females, giving the two species almost indistinct opisthosomal lobes. The new species, however, differs from the latter in having, in males, the aedeagus distinctly longer, reaching the level of bases of setae h2, epimerites IIIa connected transverselly to each other anterior to the genital apparatus, and the apices of terminal lamellae rounded. In males of P. attenuatus, the aedeagus extends only slightly beyond the level of setae ps3, epimerites IIIa have at most surface fields at their inner ends, and the terminal lamellae are acute apically. Females of the new species are considerably smaller, with the idiosoma length × width 298–312 × 141–150, while those of P. attenuatus are about 398 × 155 (Atyeo and Braasch, 1986). Etymology The species name is a combination of truncata (L., truncate, mutilate) + lobus (L., lobe, rounded projection), referring to the abruptly ending lobar region of the opisthosoma in females., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2023, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species, pp. 257-284 in Journal of Natural History 57 (2) on pages 259-263, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459, http://zenodo.org/record/7741825, {"references":["Trouessart EL. 1899. Diagnoses preliminaires d ̍ especes nouvelles d ̍ Acariens plumicoles. Additions et corrections a la sous-famille des Analgesines. Bulletin de la Societe d ̍ Etudes scientifiques d ̍ Angers. 28: 1 - 62."]}
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18. Trouessartia cacica Hernandes 2023, sp. nov
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Trouessartiidae ,Trouessartia cacica ,Arthropoda ,Trouessartia ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Trouessartia cacica sp. nov. (Figures 7 –9,13(b)) Type material Holotype male (#5398), paratypes 2 females (#5399–5400) ex Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae), BRAZIL, Bahia State, Ilhéus, campus of UESC, 14.7597222°S, 039.2302778°W, found dead, 14 December 2020, Anibal R. Oliveira coll. Paratypes 1 male and 2 females (#5401–5403), same host species, BRAZIL, Pará State, Fazenda Fartura, 9.666667°S, 50.383333°W, Santana do Araguaia, dead after collision with glass window, 11 September 2013, David V. Boas-Filho coll. (#557); 1 female (#5404), same host species, BRAZIL, Amazonas State, Lago Cumapi, Jap#754 (E3), 31 July 2007, Jason Weckstein coll. Description Male (Figures 7 (a,b), 9 (a–9,f), 13(b)), holotype (measurements for 1 paratype in parentheses). Length of idiosoma from anterior end to bases of setae h3 470 (455), greatest width of idiosoma at level of setae d1 211 (214). Length of hysterosoma from sejugal furrow to bases of setae h3 296 (283). Prodorsal shield: length along midline 152 (146), greatest width posterior to scapular setae 147 (141), lateral margins sinuous, with two concavities at the level of trochanters II and posterior level of scapular shields, antero-lateral extensions roughly angular, not extending to bases of epimerites Ia between legs I and II, lateral margins not fused with scapular shields, posterior angles acute, surface smooth, posterior margins and angles distinctly darker (Figure 7 (a)). Vertical setae ve represented by alveoli. Internal scapular setae si thin setiform, 24 (25) long, separated by 60 (62); external scapular setae se 135 (161) long, separated by 100 (98). Humeral shield with setae c2 thin, setiform, 41 (39) long. Setae c3 lanceolate, without subapical tooth, 18 (17) long. Prohysteronotal and lobar shields not split, delimited from each other by transverse bow-shaped fold. Prohysteronotal shield: length 205 (201), greatest width at level of setae humeral shields 141 (136), lateral margins roughly sinuous, with shallow concavities at level of setae d2, dorsal hysterosomal apertures (DHA) absent, surface smooth, all borders distinctly darker than central area. Dorsal setae d1, d2 present, minute. Setae h1 inserted dorsally between setae ps2 and h2. Length of lobar shield excluding lamellae 75 (81). Opisthosoma attenuate posteriorly; opisthosomal lobes fused to each other along midline forming a sclerotised median septum, with only apical parts of lobes posterior to setae h2 separated by narrow parallel-sided terminal cleft, length of cleft from anterior end to apices of lamellae 34 (38), width in anterior part 10 (9). Lamellae semicircular, margins smooth, length from bases of setae h3 to lamellar apices 18 (17). Setae h2 302 (324) long, setae h3 137 (181) long. Distance between levels of dorsal setae and setal pairs: c2:d2 81 (85), d1:d2 56 (46), e1: e2 47 (43), e2:h2 74 (74), h2:h3 19 (20), h2:h2 39 (33), h3:h3 36 (33). Epimerites I free. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa present, large, irregularly shaped, with a small lacuna inside. Humeral shield ventrally fused with epimerites III. Genital apparatus situated between levels of trochanters III and IV, length 34 (35), greatest width 14 (13) (Figures 7 (b), 9(f)), aedeagus short, anterior tip tapering. Epiandrum present, small, rounded, situated at level of anterior pair of genital papillae. Postgenital plaque present, semicircular; setae g thin, filiform, with bases not touching each other. Epimerites IVa present, their anterior level not reaching the level of setae g. Adanal apodemes as mild ridges posterolateral to the adanal suckers. Translobar apodeme present. Setae ps3 inserted on small triangular adanal shields anterior to adanal suckers. Adanal suckers 13 (15) in diameter, distance between centres of discs 21 (24). Setae 4b situated posterior to level of setae 3a, setae g and 4a roughly at the same transverse level. Distance between ventral setae: 4b:3a 12–9, 4b:g 77–76, g:ps3 67:65, ps3:ps3 32–38. Legs IV with ambulacral disc extending to apices of terminal lamellae. Setae sR of trochanters III lanceolate, with acute apex, 14 (13) long. Modified setae d of tarsus IV barrel-shaped, with discoid cap, situated at distal half of the segment; modified setae e hemispheroid, without cap, situated apically (Figure 9 (d)). Length of solenidia: σ of genu I 47 (43), σ of genu II 9 (11), σ of genu III 21 (18), φ of tibia I 65 (66), φ of tibia II 69 (74), φ of tibia III 56 (55), φ of tibia IV 28 (29), ω1 of tarsus I 15 (19), ω3 of tarsus I 32 (36), ω1 of tarsus II 19 (19). Female (Figures 8 (a–), 9 (e), 13(b)), range for 5 paratypes. Length of idiosoma from anterior end to apices of lamellar lobar processes 526–548, greatest width 210–234. Length of hysterosoma from sejugal furrow to apices of lamellar lobar processes 313– 329. Prodorsal shield: shape and surface as in male, 156–165 in length, greatest width 147–164 (Figure 8 (a)). Vertical setae ve represented by alveoli. Setae si thin setiform, 24–26 long, separated by 67–72; setae se 120–149 long, separated by 100–111. Humeral shields with setae c2 thin setiform, 36–47 long. Setae c3 narrowly lanceolate, without subapical tooth, 19–21 in length. Hysteronotal shield: length from anterior margin to bases of setae h3 312–326, width at largest part at the level of setae d1 152–164, lateral margins sinuous, with two concavities slightly anterior to level of setae d2, DHA absent, surface without ornamentation, borders distinctly darker than remaining surface. Dorsal setae d1, d2 present, minute. Setae h1 thin piliform, 5–6 long, situated antero-mesal to bases of setae h2. Distance between bases of h1 and lateral margins of hysterosoma 11–14. Width of opisthosoma at level of setae h2 72–81. Setae ps1 positioned dorsally on opisthosomal lobes, slightly closer to bases of h3 than to h2, equidistant from outer and inner margins of lobe. Distance from bases of setae h3 to membranous apices of lobes 51– 59. Setae f2 absent. Setae h2 256–287 long, setae h3 199–267. Supranal concavity open posteriorly into terminal cleft. Length of terminal cleft including supranal concavity 140– 148, width of cleft at level of setae h3 14–21. Interlobar membrane narrow. External copulatory tube short finger-shaped, situated on free margin of interlobar membrane, 18–26 long. Primary spermaduct guide very short, not reaching the level of setae h1. Spermatheca as in Figure 8 (c), secondary spermaducts about 25 long. Distance between levels of dorsal setae and setal pairs: c2:d2 81–84, d1:d2 46 –59, d2:e2 97–108, e1: e2 41–47, e2:h2 67–74, h2:h2 56–69, h3:h3 52–573. Epimerites I free. Epigynum 50–60 in length, 99–111 in width (Figure 8 (b)). Epimerites IVa present, thin. Adanal sclerites absent. Setae ps3 situated at posterior level of anal opening. Setae sR of trochanters III lanceolate, with acute apex, 13–17 long. Legs IV with ambulacral disc extending to level of setae h3. Length of solenidia: σ of genu I 38–44, σ of genu II 10–12, σ of genu III 16–21, φ of tibia I 59–72, φ of tibia II 68–81, φ of tibia III 55–60, φ of tibia IV 19–33, ω1 of tarsus I 16–21, ω3 of tarsus I 27–37, ω1 of tarsus II 18–23. Differential diagnosis The new species, Trouessartia cacica sp. nov., belongs to the capensis group (Mironov and Chandler 2020) and is similar to T. mangaratibensis Berla, 1959 described from Psarocolius decumanus (Pallas, 1769) (Icteridae) in having, in males, setae g p iliform, postgenital plaque present, and terminal lamellae rounded, and in females, setae h1 piliform, and copulatory tube present. The new species differs from the latter in having in both sexes darkly sclerotised margins of the hysteronotal shield. In males of T. cacica sp. nov. the prohysteronotal shield is relatively longer (length × width about 1.5), and in females, the external copulatory tube is remarkably shorter, not reaching the level of setae ps1, and a few elongate lacunae are present on the hysteronotal shield posterior to setae e2. Both sexes of T. mangaratibensis have no noticeable sclerotisation on the anterior and lateral margins of the hysteronotal shield anterior to the level of setae d2; in males, the length × width ratio of prohysteronotal shield is about 1.2, and in females, the copulatory tube reaches the level of setae ps1, and the central area of hyteronotal shield around setae e2 is smooth. Remarks The type specimens of the feather mites described by H.F. Berla – 43 species, including T. mangaratibensis (see Pacheco and Parrini 1999; Valim and Hernandes 2006), and also non-type material of A. gracilis (Trouessart, 1885), redescribed by Berla (1959) – were kept in the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, and were destroyed in the fire of 2018. Etymology The new species name derives from the generic name of the type host, Cacicus, and is an adjective., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2023, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species, pp. 257-284 in Journal of Natural History 57 (2) on pages 269-274, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459, http://zenodo.org/record/7741825, {"references":["Mironov SV, Chandler CR. 2020. Feather mites of the genus Trouessartia (Acariformes: Trouessartiidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Georgia, USA. Zootaxa. 4860 (1): 1 - 54. doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4860.1.1.","Berla HF. 1959. Analgesoidea Neotropicais. IV - Sobre algumas especies novas ou pouco conhecidas de acarinos plumicolas. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Serie (Zoologia). 209: 1 - 17.","Pacheco JF, Parrini R. 1999. A atividade naturalistica de Herbert Franzoni Berla (1912 - 1985), ornitologo e acarologista do Museu Nacional. Atualidades Ornitologicas. 87: 4 - 6.","Valim MP, Hernandes FA. 2006. Redescription of four species of the feather mite genus Pterodectes Robin, 1877 (Acari: Proctophyllodidae: Pterodectinae) described by Herbert F. Berla. Acarina. 14: 41 - 55.","Trouessart EL. 1885. Note sur le classification des Analgesiens et diagnoses d ̍ especes et de genres nouveaux. Bulletin de la Societe d ̍ etudes scientifiques d ̍ Angers. 14: 46 - 89."]}
- Published
- 2023
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19. Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Trouessartiidae ,Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Proctophyllodidae ,Analgidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi (2023): Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Icteridae) in Brazil, with description of four new species. Journal of Natural History 57 (2): 257-284, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2023.2174459
- Published
- 2023
20. Dispersal-limited Symbionts Exhibit Unexpectedly Wide Variation in Host Specificity
- Author
Matthews, Alix E, primary, Wijeratne, Asela J, additional, Sweet, Andrew D, additional, Hernandes, Fabio A, additional, Toews, David P L, additional, and Boves, Than J, additional
- Published
- 2023
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21. An Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem on a Network with Fuzzy Parameters Applied to a Tourist Problem
- Author
Hernandes, Fábio, Lamata, Maria Teresa, Verdegay, José Luis, Yamakami, Akebo, Kacprzyk, Janusz, editor, Bello, Rafael, editor, Falcón, Rafael, editor, and Pedrycz, Witold, editor
- Published
- 2008
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22. Host specificity varies widely in dispersal-limited symbionts
- Author
MATTHEWS, ALIX E., primary, WIJERATNE, ASELA J., additional, SWEET, ANDREW D., additional, HERNANDES, FABIO A., additional, TOEWS, DAVID P.L., additional, and BOVES, THAN J., additional
- Published
- 2022
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23. A new feather mite of the genus Pteronyssoides Hull, 1931 (Astigmata: Pteronyssidae) from thrushes (Passeriformes: Turdidae) in the New World
- Author
Mironov, Sergey V., Hernandes, Fabio A., and Valim, Michel P.
- Published
- 2016
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24. Wing feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) on some Passeriformes (Aves) from state of Paraná, Brazil
- Author
Daud, Rodrigo Damasco, Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, and Bispo, Arthur Ângelo
- Published
- 2015
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25. Two new feather mites of the genus Calcealges Gaud, 1952 (Acari: Trouessartiidae) from antbirds (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae) in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A.
- Published
- 2015
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26. Genoprotolichus tilae sp. nov. (Acariformes: Pterolichidae), a new feather mite species from Psittacara leucophthalmus (Müller PLS) (Psittacidae) in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary
- Published
- 2022
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27. A new feather mite of the genus Trouessartia Canestrini, 1899 (Acariformes: Trouessartiidae) from the bran-colored flycatcher, Myiophobus fasciatus (Muller PLS, 1776) (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae), in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary, Barbosa, Beatriz Bacelar, additional, and Ubaid, Flávio Kulaif, additional
- Published
- 2022
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28. Alloptes (Sternalloptes) Mironov 1992
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi and Brito, Guilherme R. R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Alloptes ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Taxonomy ,Alloptidae - Abstract
Subgenus Sternalloptes Mironov, 1992 (in: Kivganov and Mironov 1992) Type species: Pterocolus bisetatus Haller, 1882, by original designation. The subgenus Sternalloptes currently comprises 21 species, including the new species described below (Haller 1882 ; Trouessart 1885 ; Dubinin 1951, 1952 ; Gaud 1957, 1960, 1976 ; Mironov 1991 ; Vasyukova and Mironov 1991 ; Kivganov and Mironov 1992 ; Mironov and Kivganov 1993 ; Kivganov 1996 ; Han et al. 2021). These mites are associated with birds of the order Charadriiformes (Lari: Laridae, Stercorariidae) (Choe and Kim 1989 ; Muzaffar and Jones 2005 ; Dabert et al. 2015; Gomes et al. 2015 ; Tomás et al. 2018 ; Han and Min 2019 ; Mironov and Hernandes 2020 ; Seniczak et al. 2020 ; Han et al. 2021), with a few questionable records on Procellariiformes (Dubinin 1949). Mites of this subgenus are characterized by the following combination of features: in both sexes, seta mG of genu II is tooth-like with blunt apex (Figs. 3B, F) and idiosomal setae e1 are absent; in males, the posterior end of opisthosoma is widened, and in females, setae f2, ps1, and ps2 are absent., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi & Brito, Guilherme R. R., 2022, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) of the brown noddy, Anous stolidus (L.) (Charadriiformes: Laridae), with description of two new species from Brazil, pp. 317-331 in Acarologia 62 (2) on page 318, {"references":["Kivganov D. A., Mironov S. V. 1992. A new subgenus and three new species of the feather mite genus Alloptes (Analgoidea: Alloptidae) from terns of the Black Sea. Parazitologiya, 26 (3): 198 - 208. [In Russian]","Haller G. 1882. Zur Kenntniss der Dermaleichiden. Arch. Naturgesch., 48: 47 - 79.","Trouessart E. L. 1885. Note sur le classification des Analgesiens et diagnoses d'especes et de genres nouveaux. Bull. Soc. Etud. Scient. Angers, 14: 46 - 89.","Dubinin V. B. 1951. Feather mites of birds of the Baraba Steppe. Report I. Feather mites of waterfowl and wading birds of the orders of rails, grebes, palmipedes, anserines, herons, gulls, and limicoles. Parazitol. Sb., 13: 120 - 256. [In Russian]","Dubinin V. B. 1952. Feather mites of birds of Wrangel Island. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, 12: 251 - 268. [In Russian]","Gaud J. 1957. Acariens plumicoles (Analgesoidea) parasites des oiseaux du Maroc. I. Proctophyllodidae. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc., 37: 105 - 136.","Gaud J. 1960. Quelques Sarcoptiformes plumicoles du Congo belge (Analgesoidea). Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 61: 133 - 159.","Gaud J. 1976. Acariens Sarcoptiformes plumicoles parasites sur les oiseaux Lariformes et Columbiformes d'Afrique. Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr. Sci. Zool., 214: 1 - 101.","Mironov S. V. 1991. Two new feather mite species of superfamily Analgoidea from Antarctic birds. Informatsionnyi Byulleten Sovetskoi Antarkticheskoi Ekspeditsii. Saint Petersburg, Gidrometeoizdat, 116: 69 - 75. [In Russian]","Vasyukova T. T., Mironov S. V. 1991. Feather mites of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes of Yakutia, Systematics. \" Nauka \", Novosibirsk. 201 pp. [In Russian]","Mironov S. V., Kivganov D. A. 1993. New species of feather mites of the superfamily Analgoidea from charadriiformes of Black Sea. Parazitologiya, 27 (2): 161 - 167. [In Russian]","Kivganov D. A. 1996. A review of feather mites associated with terns (Charadriiformes: Laridae) living in the Black Sea north-western coastal region and a description of a new species of the genus Alloptes (Analgoidea: Alloptidae). Parazitologiya, 30 (4): 302 - 306. [In Russian]","Han Y. - D., Mironov S. V., Kim J. - H., Min G. - S. 2021. Feather mites (Acariformes, Astigmata) from marine birds of the Barton Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica), with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys, 1061: 109 - 130. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 1061.71212","Choe J. C., Kim K. C. 1989. Microhabitat selection and coexistence in feather mites (Acari: Analgoidea)","Muzaffar S. B., Jones I. L. 2005. Population structure, distribution patterns and precopulatory mateguarding in the feather mite Alloptes Canestrini, 1879 (Acari: Analgoidea: Alloptidae) on auks (Charadriiformes: Alcidae) at the Gannet Islands, Labrador, Canada. Internat. J. Acarol., 31 (4): 407 - 416. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647950508683682","Gomes S. N., Pesenti T. C., Cirne M. P., Muller G. 2015. Feather mites of Calidris fuscicollis (Aves: Scolopacidae) in Brazil. Braz. J. Biol., 75 (4): 1027 - 1029. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / 1519 - 6984.05914","Tomas A., Rebelo M. T., Valkenburg T., Mironov S., Santos M., Fonseca I. P. 2018. The first record of feather mite Alloptes (Conuralloptes) calidridis Dubinin, 1951 (Acari: Alloptidae) from the Dunlin, Calidris alpina (L., 1758) (Passeriformes: Scolopacidae) in southern of Portugal. Internat. J. Acarol., 44 (6): 276 - 278. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2018.1514422","Han Y. D., Min G. S. 2019. Four unrecorded species of genus Alloptes (Acari: Sarcoptiformes: Alloptidae) from charadriiform birds in South Korea. Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers., 35: 63 - 72.","Mironov S. V., Hernandes F. A. 2020. Taxonomic notes on feather mite species (Acariformes: Analgoidea) described by Adolf Eduard Grube. Acarina, 28 (2): 213 - 220. https: // doi. org / 10.21684 / 0132 - 8077 - 2020 - 28 - 2 - 213 - 220","Seniczak A., Seniczak S., Schwarzfeld M. D., Coulson S. J., Gwiazdowicz D. J. 2020. Diversity and Distribution of Mites (Acari: Ixodida, Mesostigmata, Trombidiformes, Sarcoptiformes) in the Svalbard Archipelago. Diversity, 12: 323. https: // doi. org / 10.3390 / d 12090323","Dubinin V. B. 1949. Feather mites of the Procellariiformes and their particulars. Parazitol. Sb., 11: 201 - 228. [In Russian]"]}
- Published
- 2022
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29. Grenieria bicaudata Dabert & Atyeo 1997
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi and Brito, Guilherme R. R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Grenieria ,Arachnida ,Syringobiidae ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Sarcoptiformes ,Grenieria bicaudata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Grenieria bicaudata Dabert & Atyeo 1997 (Fig. 8) Material examined — 9 males, 5 females ex Anous stolidus stolidus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Charadriiformes: Laridae), (CAUFSC 00389), Praia do Campeche, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil (lat -27.6893423 long -48.4811854), 27 Feb. 2021, R 3 Animal col. Remarks — This species was described from Anous stolidus pileatus (Scopoli, 1786) from Hawaii (Dabert and Atyeo 1997), and until this date remained the only feather mite reported from terns of the genus Anous Stephens. Grenieria bicaudata is herein reported for the first time after the original description. Syringobiids are normally found inside the quills, but may eventually be found outside of their normal habitat (e.g. Phyllochaeta spp., Gaud and Atyeo 1996). The specimens reported herein were found on the surface of the feathers, rather than inside the quills., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio Akashi & Brito, Guilherme R. R., 2022, Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) of the brown noddy, Anous stolidus (L.) (Charadriiformes: Laridae), with description of two new species from Brazil, pp. 317-331 in Acarologia 62 (2) on page 328, {"references":["Dabert J., Atyeo WT. 1997. The feather mite genus Grenieria Gaud & Mouchet, 1959 (Acarina, Syringobiidae) I. Systematics and descriptions of species. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst., 94: 125 - 144.","Gaud J., Atyeo W. T. 1996. Feather mites of the world (Acarina, Astigmata): the supraspecific taxa. Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr. Sci. Zool., 277: 1 - 193. (text), 1 - 436 (illustrations)."]}
- Published
- 2022
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30. From cuckoos to chickens: a caught-in-the-act case of host shift in feather mites (Arachnida: Acari: Psoroptoididae)
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, Pedroso, Luiz Gustavo A., and Mironov, Sergey V.
- Published
- 2014
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31. Feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) of the brown noddy, Anous stolidus (L.) (Charadriiformes: Laridae), with description of two new species from Brazil
- Author
Akashi Hernandes, Fabio, primary and Brito, Guilherme R. R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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32. Estudo sobre automatização de equivalência de funções / Study on automation of function equivalence
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio, primary and Frighetto, Lucas Fernando, additional
- Published
- 2022
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33. Proprioseiopsis dominigos
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Proprioseiopsis dominigos ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Proprioseiopsis ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Proprioseiopsis dominigos (El-Banhawy) Material examined: Paraty: 1 female on Cupania sp., 27-VII-2008., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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34. Euseius alatus De Leon 1966
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Euseius ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Euseius alatus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Euseius alatus De Leon Material examined: Jaguanum Island: 3 females on unidentified plant, 19-IV-2007., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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35. Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma 1972
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Iphiseiodes zuluagai ,Iphiseiodes ,Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma Material examined: Jaguanum Island: 1 female on unidentified plant, 19-IV-2007., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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36. Euseius mesembrinus
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Euseius ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Euseius mesembrinus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Euseius mesembrinus (Dean) Material examined: Jaguanum Island: 13 females and 4 males on unidentified plant, 19-IV-2007, 5 females and 3 males, 20-IV-2007, 5 females and 1 male, 21-IV-2007; 7 females and 3 males on undetermined Leguminosae, 19-IV-2007; 2 females and 1 male on Hibiscus sp. (Malvaceae), 19-IV-2007., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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37. Amblyseius largoensis
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Amblyseius largoensis ,Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Amblyseius ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Amblyseius largoensis (Muma) Material examined: Jaguanum Island: 2 females on Couroupita guianensis (Lecythidaceae), 20-IV-2007., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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38. Typhlodromips cananeiensis Gondim Jr. & Moraes 2001
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Typhlodromips ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Typhlodromips cananeiensis ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Typhlodromips cananeiensis Gondim-Jr. & Moraes Material examined: Paraty: 1 female on Cupania sp., 27-VII-2008., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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39. Amblyseius operculatus De Leon 1967
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Amblyseius operculatus ,Arachnida ,Mesostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Phytoseiidae ,Amblyseius ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Amblyseius operculatus De Leon Material examined: Jaguanum Island: 3 females on unidentified plant, 19-IV-2007; 2 females on Persea americana (Lauraceae), 20-IV-2008; 1 female on C. guianensis, 20-IV-2007; Paraty: 5 females on Cupania sp., 27-VII-2008., Published as part of Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, Lofego, Antônio Carlos & Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, 2021, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, pp. 1-7 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 5, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.98, http://zenodo.org/record/7176991
- Published
- 2021
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40. Algoritmos para problemas de grafos com incertezas
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio, Yamakami, Akebo, 1947, Takahashi, Marcia Tomie, Castanho, Maria Jose de Paula, Bonfim, Tatiane Regina, Podestá, Valéria Abrão de, Azevedo, Anibal Tavares de, Ohishi, Takaaki, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, and UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS
- Subjects
Fuzzy sets ,Fuzzy graphs ,Teoria dos grafos ,Grafos fuzzy ,Algoritmos fuzzy ,Fuzzy algorithms ,Graphs theory ,Conjuntos fuzzy - Abstract
Orientadores: Akebo Yamakami, Marcia Tomie Takahashi Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação Resumo: A teoria de grafos é uma importante área da programação matemática, tendo um importante papel em áreas tais como engenharia e pesquisa operacional. Em particular, ela fornece ferramentas para tratar problemas de redes (tais como: alocação, caminho mínimo, fluxo máximo, etc.), que têm aplicações em diversas subáreas da engenharia (por exemplo: telecomunicações, transporte, manufatura, etc.). Estas aplicações podem, entretanto, possuir incertezas em seus parâmetros ou em sua estrutura. Baseado nisto, este trabalho trata de algumas importantes aplicações de problemas em grafos com incertezas em seus parâmetros ou estruturas e propõe algoritmos para encontrar suas soluções. As aplicações estudadas são: problemas de caminho mínimo, problemas de fluxo máximo, problemas de fluxo de custo mínimo e problemas de coloração de grafos. As incertezas são modeladas por meio da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy, que tem sido aplicada com sucesso em problemas com incertezas e imprecisões Abstract: The graph theory is an important area of mathematical programming, it has an important role in fields such as engineering and operational research. In particular, it provides the tools to tackle network problems (e.g. allocation, shortest path, maximum flow, etc), which have applications in several sub areas of engineering (e.g. telecommunications, transportation, manufacturing, etc). These applications can, however, possess uncertainties in their parameters or in their structure. Based on that, this work addresses some important applications of graph problems with uncertainties in their structure or parameters and proposes algorithms to find the solution to them. The applications studied are: shortest path problems, maximum flow problems, minimum cost flow problems and graph coloring problems. The uncertainties are modeled by means of the fuzzy sets theory, which has been successfully applied to problems with uncertainties and vagueness Doutorado Automação Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica
- Published
- 2021
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41. A new genus and species of pterodectine feather mite (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from Tod-Tyrants in Brazil (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae)
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Published
- 2013
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42. Genetic variation is predominantly structured by geography rather than host in feather mites (Acariformes: Sarcoptiformes) associated with tanagers (Aves: Thraupidae) in Brazil
- Author
Pedroso, Luiz Gustavo de A., primary, Klimov, Pavel B., additional, and Hernandes, Fabio A., additional
- Published
- 2021
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43. New records of feather mites (Sarcoptiformes: Proctophyllodidae) on tanagers (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) from Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., primary
- Published
- 2021
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44. Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with complementary description of Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma
- Author
Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira, primary, Demite, Peterson Rodrigo, additional, Lofego, Antônio Carlos, additional, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, additional
- Published
- 2021
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45. The genus Nanopterodectes Mironov, 2009 (Acari, Proctophyllodidae), with descriptions of three new species from antbirds (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae) in Brazil
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A. and Valim, Michel P.
- Published
- 2012
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46. Seasonal suitability of three rubber tree clones to Calacarus heveae (Acari, Eriophyidae)
- Author
Daud, Rodrigo Damasco, Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio, and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi
- Published
- 2012
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47. Two new feather mites of the genus Trochilodectes Park & Atyeo (Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from hummingbirds in Colombia (Apodiformes: Trochilidae)
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary, Castaño-Villa, Gabriel Jaime, additional, Agudelo, Juan David Carvajal, additional, and Rivera-Páez, Fredy Arvey, additional
- Published
- 2021
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48. The shortest path problem on networks with fuzzy parameters
- Author
Hernandes, Fábio, Lamata, Maria Teresa, Verdegay, José Luis, and Yamakami, Akebo
- Published
- 2007
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49. Two new feather mites of the genus Proctophyllodes Robin (Acari formes: Proctophyllodinae) from passerines in Brazil
- Author
Pedroso, Luiz Gustavo de Almeida, primary and Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, additional
- Published
- 2021
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50. Host diversity outperforms climate as a global driver of symbiont diversity in the bird‐feather mite system
- Author
Gusmão, Reginaldo A. F., primary, Hernandes, Fabio A., additional, Vancine, Maurício H., additional, Naka, Luciano N., additional, Doña, Jorge, additional, and Gonçalves‐Souza, Thiago, additional
- Published
- 2020
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