37 results on '"Holota S"'
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2. Antioxidant activity evaluation of derivatives with 6,7-dihydro-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazine scaffold
- Author
Slyvka, N. Yu., primary, Holota, S. M., additional, Saliyeva, L. M., additional, Kadykalo, E. M., additional, Kolishetska, M. A., additional, and Vovk, M. V., additional
- Published
- 2022
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3. Скринінгове дослідження нових похідних тіазолідинону на протисудомну активність
- Author
Mishchenko, M. V., Shtrygol, S. Yu., Lesyk, R. B., Lozynskyi, A. V., and Holota, S. M.
- Subjects
протиепілептичні засоби ,похідні тіазолідинону ,производные тиазолидинона ,эпилепсия ,epilepsy ,противоэпилептические средства ,antiepileptic drugs ,thiazolidinone derivatives ,епілепсія - Abstract
The search for new antiepileptic drugs that would have greater margins of safety and fewer adverse effects is relevant. Thiazolidinone are a promising class for the development of new anticonvulsants.Aim. To conduct a screening study of new thiazolidinone derivatives for anticonvulsant activity on a seizure model induced by pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock; to analyze the structure – activity relationship; to reveal a lead-compound and investigate its dose-dependent manner.Materials and methods. Basic screening seizure models of pentylenetetrazol and maximal electroshock test were used in mice. The test original 9 thiazolidinone derivatives (100 mg/kg) and the reference drugs of sodium valproate (300 mg/kg), carbamazepine (40 mg/kg) were administered intragastrically 30 minutes before subcutaneous administration of pentylenetetrazol (90 mg/kg) or induction with maximal electroshock by giving a current with strength of 50 mA and frequency of 50 Hz for 0.2 s. In order to study the dose-dependent manner, the lead-compound was administered intragastrically in doses ranging from 25 mg/kg to 150 mg/kg.Results. A total of 9 compounds were studied, of which 3 did not affect experimental convulsions, 2 showed proconvulsive activity, and 4 had an anticonvulsant effect. The lead-compound 5-[(Z)-(4-nitrobenzylidene)]-2-(thiazol-2-ylimino)-4-thiazolidinone was determined under laboratory code Les-6222, which exhibited the highest anticonvulsant properties. The “structure–anticonvulsant activity” relationship in a series of thiazolidinone derivatives was analyzed. The dose-dependent manner of 5-[(Z)-(4-nitrobenzylidene)]-2-(thiazol-2-ylimino)-4-thiazolidinone anticonvulsant effect was studied using 2 seizure models, and the most effective dose of 100 mg / kg was identified.Conclusions. 5-[(Z)-(4-nitrobenzylidene)]-2-(thiazol-2-ylamino)-4-thiazolidinone is a promising compound for in-depth studies on anticonvulsant and related pharmacological activities in order to develop new original anticonvulsants., Актуален поиск новых противоэпилептических лекарственных средств, которые обладали бы большей широтой терапевтического действия и одновременно меньшим количеством побочных эффектов. Тиазолидиноны – перспективный класс для разработки новых антиконвульсантов.Цель работы – провести скрининговое исследование новых производных тиазолидинона на противосудорожную активность на моделях судорог, вызванных пентилентетразолом и максимальным электрошоком, проанализировать связь «структура – активность», установить соединение-лидер и исследовать дозозависимость его действия.Материалы и методы. Использованы базовые скрининговые модели пентилентетразоловых и вызванных максимальным электрошоком судорог у мышей. Исследуемые 9 оригинальных производных тиазолидиндиона (100 мг/кг) и референс-препараты вальпроат натрия (300 мг/кг), карбамазепин (40 мг/кг) вводили внутрижелудочно за 30 мин до подкожного введения пентилентетразола (90 мг/кг) или индукции максимальным электрошоком с силой тока 50 мА и частотой 50 Гц в течение 0,2 с. Для изучения дозозависимости соединение-лидер вводили в широком диапазоне доз 25–150 мг/кг внутрижелудочно.Результаты. Из 9 исследованных соединений 3 не повлияли на течение экспериментальных судорог, 2 оказали проконвульсивный, 4 – противосудорожный эффект. Определено соединение-лидер – 5-[(Z)-(4нитробензилиден)]-2-(тиазол-2-илимино)-4-тиазолидинон под лабораторным шифром Les-6222, которое проявило наиболее выраженные антиконвульсантные свойства. Проанализирована взаимосвязь «структура – противосудорожная активность» в ряду производных тиазолидинона. На 2 моделях судорог исследована дозозависимость антиконвульсантного эффекта 5-[(Z)-(4-нитробензилиден)]-2(тиазол-2-илимино)-4-тиазолидинона и определена наиболее эффективная доза – 100 мг/кг.Выводы. 5-[(Z)-(4-нитробензилиден)]-2-(тиазол-2-илимино)-4-тиазолидинон – перспективное соединение для углубленных исследований на противосудорожную и сопутствующие виды фармакологической активности для разработки нового оригинального антиконвульсанта., Актуальним є пошук нових протиепілептичних лікарських засобів, які б мали більшу широту терапевтичної дії та водночас менше побічних реакцій. Тіазолідинони – перспективний клас для розроблення нових антиконвульсантів.Мета роботи – здійснити скринінгове дослідження нових похідних тіазолідинону на протисудомну активність на моделях судом, що спричинені пентилентетразолом і максимальним електрошоком, проаналізувати зв’язок «структура – активність», виявити сполуку-лідер, дослідити дозозалежність її дії.Матеріали та методи. Використали базові скринінгові моделі пентилентетразолових і спричинених максимальним електрошоком судом у мишей.Досліджувані 9 оригінальних похідних тіазолідинону (100 мг/кг) та референс-препарати вальпроат натрію (300 мг/кг), карбамазепін (40 мг/кг) уводили внутрішньошлунково за 30 хв до підшкірного введення пентилентетразолу (90 мг/кг) або індукції максимального електрошоку з силою струму 50 мА та частотою 50 Гц протягом 0,2 с. Для вивчення дозозалежності сполуку-лідер уводили в широкому діапазоні доз 25–150 мг/кг внутрішньошлунково.Результати. З 9 сполук, які дослідили, 3 не вплинули на перебіг експериментальних судом, 2 мали проконвульсивний, 4 – протисудомний ефект. Визначили сполуку-лідер – 5-[(Z)-(4-нітробензиліден)]-2-(тіазол-2-іліміно)-4-тіазолідинон під лабораторним шифром Les-6222, що показала найвиразніші антиконвульсантні властивості. Проаналізували взаємозв’язок «структура – протисудомна активність» у ряду похідних тіазолідинону. На двох моделях судом дослідили дозозалежність антиконвульсантного ефекту 5-[(Z)-(4-нітробензиліден)]-2-(тіазол-2-іліміно)-4-тіазолідинону, визначили найефективнішу дозу – 100 мг/кг.Висновки. 5-[(Z)-(4-нітробензиліден)]-2-(тіазол-2-іліміно)-4-тіазолідинон – перспективна сполука для поглиблених досліджень на протисудомну та супутні види фармакологічної активності для розроблення нового оригінального антиконвульсанта.
- Published
- 2020
4. The Pharmacophore Model for the Antistaphylococcal Activity Screening Among Thiazolidinone-Related Structures
- Author
Vinnitska, R. B., Devinyak, O. T., Lozynskyi, A. V., Holota, S. M., Derkach, H. O., Deyak, Ya. I., Kutsyk, R. V., Lesyk, R. B., The work has been performed as a part of scientific works of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (№0116U004500, a code of a topic ІН 10.06.0001.16, 2016 – 2020 years), Робота є фрагментом комплексних науково-дослідних робіт Львівського національного медичного університету імені Данила Галицького (№0116U004500, шифр теми ІН 10.06.0001.16, and 2016 – 2020 рр.)
- Subjects
chemoinformatics ,4-thiazolidinones ,pharmacophore modeling ,antibacterial activity ,хемоінформатика ,4-тіазолідинони ,фармакофорне моделювання ,антибактеріальна активність ,UDC 541.6:547.789:615.076 ,УДК 541.6:547.789:615.076 - Abstract
Aim. To develop a pharmacophore model suitable for the antistaphylococcal activity screening among thiazolidinone, thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazole and thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridine derivatives.Results and discussion. The best pharmacophore model in the series of models developed has a planar structure and consists of an aromatic ring (or cycle with π-bonds), a hydrophobic region, a projection of a hydrogen bond donor and two projections of a hydrogen bond acceptor. Its classification accuracy is 72.4 %. The diameter line of the model is formed by the projection of the hydrogen bond donor and the projection of the hydrogen bond acceptor, and its length is 8.05 Å. The analysis of conformations of active compounds consistent with the pharmacophore mode revealed two different ways of spatial arrangement of active molecules, in which the conditions of the pharmacophore model are fully met.Experimental part. The antistaphylococcal activity was determined by the agar diffusion method against methicillin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and evaluated by measuring the diameter of the microbial growth inhibition zone. The plates were incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. Compounds with the growth inhibition diameter of more than 7.5 mm were considered to be active. Computer processing of the results of the microbiological experiment and modeling of the probable pharmacophore were performed in the MOE software environment version 2007.09. The geometry of the compounds was optimized by molecular mechanics using the MMFF94x force field. Accuracy of classification was used as the main quality criterion of the pharmacophore model.Conclusions. The pharmacophore model developed can be used for virtual screening of the antistaphylococcal activity for the compounds similar to the training sample. When applying it to the in-home database of compounds the enrichment factor is EF = 2.05.Received: 27.09.2020 Revised: 23.10.2020 Accepted: 03.11.2020, Мета. Розробити фармакофорну модель, придатну для скринінгу протистафілококової активності серед похідних тіазолідинону, тіопірано[2,3-d]тіазолу, тіазоло[4,5-b]піридину.Результати та їх обговорення. Найкраща фармакофорна модель у серії розроблених має планарну структуру і складається з ароматичного кільця (або циклу з π-зв’язками), гідрофобної області, проєкції донора водневого зв’язку та двох проєкцій акцептора водневого зв’язку. Її точність класифікації становить 72,4 %. Лінія діаметра моделі утворена проєкцією донора та проєкцією акцептора водневого зв’язку, а її довжина дорівнює 8,05 Å. Під час аналізу узгоджених з фармакофорною моделлю конформацій активних сполук виявлено два різні способи просторового розміщення активних молекул, за яких повною мірою виконуються умови фармакофорної моделі.Експериментальна частина. Протистафілококову активність визначали методом дифузії в агар щодо резистентного до метициліну штаму Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) й оцінювали шляхом вимірювання діаметра зони інгібування мікробного зростання. Планшети інкубували протягом 24 год за 37 °С. Сполуки з діаметром затримки розмноження мікроорганізмів понад 7,5 мм вважали активними. Комп’ютерне оброблення результатів мікробіологічного експерименту та моделювання ймовірного фармакофора виконували в програмному середовищі MOE версії 2007.09. Геометрію сполук оптимізували методом молекулярної механіки з використанням силового поля MMFF94x. Точність класифікації використовували як основний критерій оцінювання якості фармакофорної моделі.Висновки. Розроблену фармакофорну модель можна використовувати для віртуального скринінгу протистафілококової активності споріднених із навчальною вибіркою сполук. Під час застосування цієї моделі до бази даних протестованих нами сполук з’ясували, що фактор збагачення складає EF = 2,05.Received: 27.09.2020 Revised: 23.10.2020 Accepted: 03.11.2020
- Published
- 2020
5. The novel pyrazolin-5-one bearing thiazolidin-4-ones: synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation
- Author
Holota, S. M., primary, Nektegayev, I. O., additional, Soronovych, I. I., additional, Chubuchna, I. I., additional, Kolishetska, M. A., additional, Sysak, S. P., additional, Regeda, M. S., additional, and Lesyk, R. B., additional
- Published
- 2021
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6. Synthesis and diuretic activity of novel 5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol derivatives
- Author
Drapak, I. V., primary, Zimenkovsky, B. S., additional, Slabyy, M. V., additional, Holota, S. M., additional, Perekhoda, L. O., additional, Yaremkevych, R. V., additional, and Nektegayev, I. O., additional
- Published
- 2021
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7. Screening study of new thiazolidinone derivatives for anticonvulsant activity
- Author
Mishchenko, M. V., primary, Shtrygol, S. Yu., additional, Lesyk, R. B., additional, Lozynskyi, A. V., additional, and Holota, S. M., additional
- Published
- 2020
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8. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of derivatives with 6,7-dihydro-5Himidazo[ 2,1-b][1,3]thiazine scaffold.
- Author
Slyvka, N. Yu., Holota, S. M., Saliyeva, L. M., Kadykalo, E. M., Kolishetska, M. A., and Vovk, M. V.
- Subjects
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ANTIOXIDANTS , *IMIDAZOPYRIDINES , *IN vitro studies - Abstract
Aim. Study of antioxidant (antiradical) activity of 6,7-dihydro-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazine derivatives. Methods. In vitro study of antiradical/scavenging activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals inhibition assay; IC50 values determination. Results. The series of 29 modified derivatives of 6,7-dihydro-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazine were evaluated for their ability to scavenge DPPH radicals in conditions close to physiological at 5 mM concentration, and the IC50 values were determined for the most promising compounds using the serial dilutions method. The structure - antiradical activity correlations were performed and possible mechanisms of action were discussed. Conclusions. Tested 6,7-dihydro-5Himidazo[ 2,1-b][1,3]thiazine derivatives possess a moderate level of antiradical/scavenging activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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9. Screening study of new thiazolidinone derivatives for anticonvulsant activity
- Author
Mishchenko, M. V., Shtrygol, S. Yu., Lesyk, R. B., Lozynskyi, A. V., Holota, S. M., Mishchenko, M. V., Shtrygol, S. Yu., Lesyk, R. B., Lozynskyi, A. V., and Holota, S. M.
- Abstract
The search for new antiepileptic drugs that would have greater margins of safety and fewer adverse effects is relevant. Thiazolidinone are a promising class for the development of new anticonvulsants.Aim. To conduct a screening study of new thiazolidinone derivatives for anticonvulsant activity on a seizure model induced by pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock; to analyze the structure – activity relationship; to reveal a lead-compound and investigate its dose-dependent manner.Materials and methods. Basic screening seizure models of pentylenetetrazol and maximal electroshock test were used in mice. The test original 9 thiazolidinone derivatives (100 mg/kg) and the reference drugs of sodium valproate (300 mg/kg), carbamazepine (40 mg/kg) were administered intragastrically 30 minutes before subcutaneous administration of pentylenetetrazol (90 mg/kg) or induction with maximal electroshock by giving a current with strength of 50 mA and frequency of 50 Hz for 0.2 s. In order to study the dose-dependent manner, the lead-compound was administered intragastrically in doses ranging from 25 mg/kg to 150 mg/kg.Results. A total of 9 compounds were studied, of which 3 did not affect experimental convulsions, 2 showed proconvulsive activity, and 4 had an anticonvulsant effect. The lead-compound 5-[(Z)-(4-nitrobenzylidene)]-2-(thiazol-2-ylimino)-4-thiazolidinone was determined under laboratory code Les-6222, which exhibited the highest anticonvulsant properties. The “structure–anticonvulsant activity” relationship in a series of thiazolidinone derivatives was analyzed. The dose-dependent manner of 5-[(Z)-(4-nitrobenzylidene)]-2-(thiazol-2-ylimino)-4-thiazolidinone anticonvulsant effect was studied using 2 seizure models, and the most effective dose of 100 mg / kg was identified.Conclusions. 5-[(Z)-(4-nitrobenzylidene)]-2-(thiazol-2-ylamino)-4-thiazolidinone is a promising compound for in-depth studies on anticonvulsant and related pharmacological activities in order to dev
- Published
- 2020
10. Synthesis and in vivo evaluation of pyrazoline-thiazolidin-4-one hybrid Les-5581 as a potential non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent
- Author
Holota, S. M., primary, Derkach, H. O., additional, Demchuk, I. L., additional, Vynnytska, R. B., additional, Antoniv, O. I., additional, Furdychko, L. O., additional, Slyvka, N. Yu., additional, Nektegayev, I. O., additional, and Lesyk, R. B., additional
- Published
- 2019
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11. Features of antimicrobial activity of some 5-aminomethylene-2-thioxo-4-thiazolidinones
- Author
Holota, S. M., primary, Derkach, G. O., additional, Zasidko, V. V., additional, Trokhymchuk, V. V., additional, Furdychko, L. O., additional, Demchuk, I. L., additional, Semenciv, G. M., additional, Soronovych, I. I., additional, Kutsyk, R. V., additional, and Lesyk, R. B., additional
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Khropot, O. S., primary, Konechnyi, Yu. T., additional, Kolb, Y. I., additional, Konechna, R. T., additional, Hubytska, I. І., additional, Holota, S. M., additional, Poshyvak, O. В., additional, Nektehaev, I. O., additional, Pinyazhko, O. R., additional, and Novikov, V. P., additional
- Published
- 2019
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13. Development of standardization methods of gel with sapropel extract and their validation
- Author
Strus Oksana, Revyatskyy Ivan, Holota Serhii, and Gushcha Sergey
- Subjects
humic acids ,validation ,identification ,gel ,quantification ,aqueous sapropel extract ,Medicine - Abstract
Humic acids (HA) are important natural compounds that are characterized by a wide range of biological activity and therapeutic impact on different pathological processes. Sapropels are natural healing resources that contain a large amount of HA. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine needs domestic drugs with dermatotropic action based on natural compounds that have a combined antibacterial, wound healing and anti-inflammatory activity, as well low toxicity.
- Published
- 2023
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14. Antimicrobial activity of some 5-aminomethylene-2-thioxo- 4‑thiazolidinones.
- Author
Holota, S. M., Derkach, G. O., Zasidko, V. V., Trokhymchuk, V. V., Furdychko, L. O., Demchuk, I. L., Semenciv, G. M., Soronovych, I. I., Kutsyk, R. V., and Lesyk, R. B.
- Subjects
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CANDIDA , *METHICILLIN-resistant staphylococcus aureus , *GRAM-negative bacteria , *GRAM-positive bacteria , *KLEBSIELLA pneumoniae , *CANDIDA tropicalis , *STAPHYLOCOCCUS aureus - Abstract
Aim. To study the antimicrobial properties of 2-thioxo-4-thiazolidinone enaminone derivatives with L-β-phenyl-α-alanine fragment in molecule. Methods. Micromethod of diffusion in agar; micromethod of serial dilutions in agar. Test-objects - clinical isolates of microorganisms: methicillin-sensitive strain of Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), methicillin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus haemolyticus (MRSH), Escherichia coli; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ESβL + Klebsiella pneumonia, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis. Results. Screening of antimicrobial activity of 13 new 2-thioxo-4-thiazolidinone derivatives was carried out. The methicillin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was the most susceptible to the tested compounds. A number of derivatives exhibit synergism in combination with amoxicillin against the strain ESβL+ Klebsiella pneumonie. The structure-antimicrobial activity relationship is analyzed in detail. Conclusions. The tested 5-R-aminomethylene derivatives of ethyl 2-(4-oxo-2-thioxothiazolidin-3-yl)-3-phenylpropionic acid exhibit the moderate antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as against Candida fungi. The antimicrobial activity of the tested compounds depends on the structure features of the enamine fragment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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15. Influence of the 4-thiazolidinone derivative Les-6490 on the inflammatory process in rats compared to nimesulide.
- Author
Rumynska, T. M., Yushyn, I. M., Holota, S. M., Hural, A. R., Mural, D. V., Dudok, O. V., Salyha, Yu. T., Georgiyants, V. A., Korniychuk, O. P., Lesyk, R. B., and Konechnyi, Yu. T.
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INFLAMMATION , *NIMESULIDE , *ANTI-inflammatory agents , *ALKALINE phosphatase , *VETERINARY medicine , *ALBUMINS , *TRIGLYCERIDES , *CHOLESTEROL - Abstract
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to treat numerous diseases, can cause a number of side effects. Therefore, the development of new molecules with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties is an important task of modern medicine and veterinary medicine. A promising group of drugs with the above-described action are derivatives of 4-thiazolidinones. The thiazolidinone ring is a part of many existing potential antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. The combination with a pharmacophore pyrazole moiety in the same structure, may result in enhanced therapeutic benefit. Aim. To assess the effects of the 4-thiazolidinone derivative Les-6490 and the conventional anti-inflammator y agent Nimesulide on hematological and biochemical parameters in rats within the context of an induced inflammatory process. Methods. The inflammatory process in animals was modeled with complete Freund's adjuvant. (CFA). The assessment of changes in the animal body was carried out by the biochemical indicators of blood serum: activity of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase, indicators of total protein and albumin content, creatinine and urea levels, indicators of lipid metabolism (total cholesterol and triglycerides), quantitative levels of phosphorus and calcium as markers of mineral exchange. The results. The compound Les-6490 slows down the development of the inflammatory process in the AF inflammation model. It was determined that the development of the СFA-induced inflammatory process was not accompanied by significant changes in the concentration of total protein and albumin. Nimesulide caused a significant 22.7 % (p < 0.001) decrease in the albumin concentration, whereas no changes were observed with the compound Les-6490 against the background of FA. The self action of Les-6490 was accompanied by a significant decrease of urea compared to the control. The introduction of Les-6490 against the background of the inflammatory process led to a 9.9 % (P < 0.001) increase in the level of creatinine in the blood and a decrease in the activity of transaminases. It was confirmed that the action of Nimesulide is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the serum, whereas Les-6490 does not show such effect. Conclusions. The studied compound Les-6490 is not inferior to the level of anti-inflammatory activity of Nimesulide in markers of the inflammatory process; the research of influence of the compound Les-6490 on the markers of liver diseases in comparison with the action of Nimesulide did not reveal a significant hepatotoxic effect of the substance; the compound Les-6490 showed a hypolipidemic effect that was similar to the effects of Nimesulide, both under the conditions of self-administration and when modeling the inflammatory process; the investigated compound can be considered promising for further research as a substance with an anti-inflammatory effect. The compound Les-6490 slows down the development of the inflammatory process in the AF inflammation model. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Khropot, O. S., Konechnyi, Yu. T., Kolb, Y. I., Konechna, R. T., Holota, S. M., Nektehaev, I. O., Pinyazhko, O. R., Novikov, V. P., Khropot, O. S., Konechnyi, Yu. T., Kolb, Y. I., Konechna, R. T., Holota, S. M., Nektehaev, I. O., Pinyazhko, O. R., and Novikov, V. P.
17. Novel endocytosis inhibitors block entry of HIV-1 Tat into neural cells.
- Author
Szewczyk-Roszczenko OK, Roszczenko P, Shmakova A, Yushyn I, Holota S, Karpenko O, Czarnomysy R, Bielawska A, Vassetzky Y, Lesyk R, and Bielawski K
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, DNA Damage drug effects, Virus Internalization drug effects, HIV Infections drug therapy, HIV Infections virology, HIV Infections metabolism, Endocytosis drug effects, tat Gene Products, Human Immunodeficiency Virus metabolism, Neurons drug effects, Neurons metabolism, Neurons virology, HIV-1 drug effects, Oxidative Stress drug effects
- Abstract
Many pathogens including viruses enter cells by endocytosis. We identified and evaluated novel endocytosis inhibitors capable of blocking the entry of the HIV-1 Transactivation of Transcription protein (Tat) protein into neuronal cells and investigated their potential protective properties against Tat-induced neurotoxicity. In this study, the compounds Les-6631 and Les-6633 were synthesized and assessed. The effects of these compounds on the internalization of dextran and the cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) Tat-Cy5 complex in nerve cells were examined. In addition, the ability of these compounds to protect against oxidative stress and DNA damage induced by the full-length Tat protein was investigated. Les-6631 and Les-6633 were found to inhibit endocytosis better than the classical endocytosis inhibitor chlorpromazine, thereby effectively preventing the entry of the Tat protein into nerve cells. Moreover, compounds demonstrated the capacity to reduce oxidative stress and protect DNA from Tat-induced damage. In a neuro-AIDS model, both compounds proved effective in preventing neurotoxicity associated with HIV-1 infection, indicating its potential for therapeutic applications. Les-6631 and Les-6633 thus can protect cells from the harmful effects of pathogens. Their use in a neuro-AIDS model suggests a potential application in protective therapies for the nervous system in patients with HIV. NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study identifies novel rhodadyn-based inhibitors, Les-6631 and Les-6633, which selectively block dynamin's GTPase activity while sparing clathrin-mediated pathways. They effectively inhibit cellular uptake, protect neural cells from HIV-1 Tat-induced oxidative stress, and reduce mitochondrial and DNA damage. Their selective dynamin inhibition and antioxidant properties highlight their therapeutic potential for neurodegeneration and viral infections, offering cell protection without disrupting essential endocytic functions.
- Published
- 2025
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18. Evaluation of thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazole derivatives as potential anticonvulsant agents.
- Author
Davydov E, Hoidyk M, Shtrygol' S, Karkhut A, Polovkovych S, Klyuchivska O, Karpenko O, Lesyk R, and Holota S
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Structure-Activity Relationship, Mice, HEK293 Cells, Molecular Structure, Receptors, GABA-A metabolism, Receptors, GABA-A drug effects, Male, Pentylenetetrazole, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Anticonvulsants pharmacology, Anticonvulsants chemical synthesis, Anticonvulsants chemistry, Thiazoles pharmacology, Thiazoles chemical synthesis, Thiazoles chemistry, Seizures drug therapy, Seizures chemically induced, Molecular Docking Simulation
- Abstract
Anticonvulsant drug discovery has achieved significant progress; however, pharmacotherapy of epilepsy continues to be a challenge for modern medicine and pharmacy. To expand the chemical space of heterocycles as potential antiepileptic agents, herein we report on the synthesis and evaluation of anticonvulsant properties of a series of thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles. The studied heterocycles are characterized by satisfactory drug-likeness and pharmacokinetics properties, calculated in silico using SwissADME. The anticonvulsant activity of thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazole derivatives was evaluated in vivo using the subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole test. Three hits, that is, compounds 12, 14, and 16, that caused a pronounced anticonvulsant effect were identified. Derivatives 12, 14, and 16 positively affected the latent period of onset of clonic seizures, number of seizures, mortality rate, and duration of the seizure period of animals under experimental conditions. The anticonvulsant properties of compound 14 were equivalent to the effect of the reference drug, sodium valproate. All hit compounds are characterized by satisfying toxicity properties in the human lymphocytes and HEK293 cell line. The most active hit 14 possesses a potential affinity with the GABA
A receptor in the molecular docking study and forms a stable complex in the molecular dynamics experiments equal to diazepam. Preliminary SAR results were obtained and discussed based on screening data., (© 2024 Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft.)- Published
- 2024
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19. The Proapoptotic Action of Pyrrolidinedione-Thiazolidinone Hybrids towards Human Breast Carcinoma Cells Does Not Depend on Their Genotype.
- Author
Finiuk N, Kozak Y, Gornowicz A, Czarnomysy R, Tynecka M, Holota S, Moniuszko M, Stoika R, Lesyk R, Bielawski K, and Bielawska A
- Abstract
The development of new, effective agents for the treatment of breast cancer remains a high-priority task in oncology. A strategy of treatment for this pathology depends significantly on the genotype and phenotype of human breast cancer cells. We aimed to investigate the antitumor activity of new pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinone hybrid molecules Les-6287 , Les-6294 , and Les-6328 towards different types of human breast cancer cells of MDA-MB-231, MCF-7, T-47D, and HCC1954 lines and murine breast cancer 4T1 cells by using the MTT, clonogenic and [
3 H]-Thymidine incorporation assays, flow cytometry, ELISA, and qPCR. The studied hybrids possessed toxicity towards the mentioned tumor cells, with the IC50 ranging from 1.37 to 21.85 µM. Simultaneously, these derivatives showed low toxicity towards the pseudonormal human breast epithelial cells of the MCF-10A line (IC50 > 93.01 µM). Les-6287 at 1 µM fully inhibited the formation of colonies of the MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, and HCC1954 cells, while Les-6294 and Les-6328 did that at 2.5 and 5 µM, respectively. Les-6287 suppressed DNA biosynthesis in the MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, and HCC1954 cells. At the same time, such an effect on the MCF-10A cells was significantly lower. Les-6287 induces apoptosis using extrinsic and intrinsic pathways via a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential, increasing the activity of caspases 3/7, 8, 9, and 10 in all immunohistochemically different human breast cancer cells. Les-6287 decreased the concentration of the metastasis- and invasion-related proteins MMP-2, MMP-9, and ICAM-1. It did not induce autophagy in treated cells. In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that the synthesized hybrid pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinones might be promising agents for treating breast tumors of different types.- Published
- 2024
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20. Role of Ciminalum-4-thiazolidinone Hybrids in Molecular NF-κB Dependent Pathways.
- Author
Szlachcikowska D, Tabęcka-Łonczyńska A, Holota S, Roman O, Shepeta Y, Lesyk R, and Szychowski KA
- Subjects
- Humans, A549 Cells, Fibroblasts metabolism, Fibroblasts drug effects, Antioxidants pharmacology, Antioxidants chemistry, Thiazolidines pharmacology, Thiazolidines chemistry, NF-kappa B metabolism, Signal Transduction drug effects
- Abstract
A range of hybrid molecules incorporating the ciminalum moiety in the thiazolidinone ring demonstrate significant anticancer and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the properties and mechanism of action of two 4-thiazolidinone-based derivatives, i.e., 3-{5-[(Z,2Z)-2-chloro-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-propenylidene]-4-oxo-2-thioxothiazolidin-3-yl}propanoic acid (Les-45) and 5-[2-chloro-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-propenylidene]-2-(3-hydroxyphenylamino)thiazol-4(5H)-one (Les-247). In our study, we analyzed the impact of Les-45 and Les-247 on metabolic activity, caspase-3 activity, and the expression of genes and proteins related to inflammatory and antioxidant defenses and cytoskeleton rearrangement in healthy human fibroblasts (BJ) and a human lung carcinoma cell line (A549). The cells were exposed to increasing concentrations (1 nM to 100 μM) of the studied compounds for 24 h and 48 h. A decrease in the metabolic activity in the BJ and A549 cell lines was induced by both compounds at a concentration range from 10 to 100 µM. Both compounds decreased the mRNA expression of NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2) and β-actin in the BJ cells. Interestingly, a significant decrease in the level of NF-κB gene and protein expression was detected in the BJ cell line, suggesting a direct impact of the studied compounds on the inhibition of inflammation. However, more studies are needed due to the ability of Les-45 and Les-247 to interfere with the tubulin/actin cytoskeleton, i.e., a critical system existing in eukaryotic cells.
- Published
- 2024
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21. Role of 4-Thiazolidinone-Pyrazoline/Indoline Hybrids Les-4369 and Les-3467 in BJ and A549 Cell Lines.
- Author
Kosińska K, Skóra B, Holota S, Shepeta Y, Tabęcka-Łonczyńska A, Lesyk R, and Szychowski KA
- Subjects
- Humans, A549 Cells, Thiazolidines pharmacology, Indoles pharmacology, Caspase 3 metabolism, Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 metabolism, Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 genetics, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins metabolism, Apoptosis drug effects, Fibroblasts drug effects, Fibroblasts metabolism, PPAR gamma metabolism, PPAR gamma genetics, Reactive Oxygen Species metabolism, Pyrazoles pharmacology
- Abstract
Cancer is one of the most important problems of modern societies. Recently, studies have reported the anticancer properties of rosiglitazone related to its ability to bind peroxisome proliferator receptor γ (PPARγ), which has various effects on cancer and can inhibit cell proliferation. In this study, we investigated the effect of new 4-thiazolidinone (4-TZD) hybrids Les-4369 and Les-3467 and their effect on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, metabolic activity, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, caspase-3 activity, and gene and protein expression in human foreskin fibroblast (BJ) cells and lung adenocarcinoma (A549) cells. The ROS production and caspase-3 activity were mainly increased in the micromolar concentrations of the studied compounds in both cell lines. Les-3467 and Les-4369 increased the mRNA expression of PPARG , P53 (tumor protein P53), and ATM (ATM serine/threonine kinase) in the BJ cells, while the mRNA expression of these genes (except PPARG ) was mainly decreased in the A549 cells treated with both of the tested compounds. Our results indicate a decrease in the protein expression of AhR, PPARγ, and PARP-1 in the BJ cells exposed to 1 µM Les-3467 and Les-4369. In the A549 cells, the protein expression of AhR, PPARγ, and PARP-1 increased in the treatment with 1 µM Les-3467 and Les-4369. We have also shown the PPARγ modulatory properties of Les-3467 and Les-4369. However, both compounds prove weak anticancer properties evidenced by their action at high concentrations and non-selective effects against BJ and A549 cells.
- Published
- 2024
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22. A New 4-Thiazolidinone Derivative (Les-6490) as a Gut Microbiota Modulator: Antimicrobial and Prebiotic Perspectives.
- Author
Konechnyi Y, Rumynska T, Yushyn I, Holota S, Turkina V, Ryviuk Rydel M, Sękowska A, Salyha Y, Korniychuk O, and Lesyk R
- Abstract
A novel 4-thiazolidinone derivative Les-6490 (pyrazol-4-thiazolidinone hybrid) was designed, synthesized, and characterized by spectral data. The compound was screened for its antimicrobial activity against some pathogenic bacteria and fungi and showed activity against Staphylococcus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) 820 μM). The compound was studied in the rat adjuvant arthritis model (Freund's Adjuvant) in vivo. Parietal and fecal microbial composition using 16S rRNA metagenome sequences was checked. We employed a range of analytical techniques, including Taxonomic Profiling (Taxa Analysis), Diversity Metrics (Alpha and Beta Diversity Analysis), Multivariate Statistical Methods (Principal Coordinates Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling), Clustering Analysis (Unweighted Pair-group Method with Arithmetic Mean), and Comparative Statistical Approaches (Community Differences Analysis, Between Group Variation Analysis, Metastat Analysis). The compound significantly impacted an increasing level of anti-inflammatory microorganisms ( Blautia , Faecalibacterium prausnitzii , Succivibrionaceae , and Coriobacteriales ) relative recovery of fecal microbiota composition. Anti-Treponemal activity in vivo was also noted. The tested compound Les-6490 has potential prebiotic activity with an indirect anti-inflammatory effect.
- Published
- 2024
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23. Click chemistry in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates.
- Author
Dudchak R, Podolak M, Holota S, Szewczyk-Roszczenko O, Roszczenko P, Bielawska A, Lesyk R, and Bielawski K
- Subjects
- Alkynes chemistry, Cycloaddition Reaction, Copper chemistry, Click Chemistry, Azides chemistry, Maleimides, Sulfhydryl Compounds
- Abstract
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC) are a new class of anticancer therapeutics with immense potential. They have been rapidly advancing in the last two decades. This fast speed of development has become possible due to several new technologies and methods. One of them is Click Chemistry, an approach that was created only two decades ago, but already is actively utilized for bioconjugation, material science and drug discovery. In this review, we researched the impact of Click Chemistry reactions on the synthesis and development of ADCs. The information about the most frequently utilized reactions, such as Michael's addition, Copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne [3+2] cycloaddition (CuAAC), Strain-promoted azide-alkyne [3+2] cycloaddition (SPAAC), oxime bond formation, hydrazine-iso-Pictet-Spengler Ligation (HIPS), Diels-Alder reactions have been summarized. The implementation of thiol-maleimide Click Chemistry reaction in the synthesis of numerous FDA-approved Antibody-Drug Conjugates has been reported. The data amassed in the present review provides better understanding of the importance of Click Chemistry in the synthesis, development and improvement of the Antibody-Drug Conjugates and it will be helpful for further researches related to ADCs., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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24. Tubulin inhibitors. Selected scaffolds and main trends in the design of novel anticancer and antiparasitic agents.
- Author
Podolak M, Holota S, Deyak Y, Dziduch K, Dudchak R, Wujec M, Bielawski K, Lesyk R, and Bielawska A
- Subjects
- Tubulin metabolism, Antiparasitic Agents pharmacology, Prospective Studies, Structure-Activity Relationship, Tubulin Modulators pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology
- Abstract
Design of tubulin inhibitors as anticancer drugs dynamically developed over the past 20 years. The modern arsenal of potential tubulin-targeting anticancer agents is represented by small molecules, monoclonal antibodies, and antibody-drug conjugates. Moreover, targeting tubulin has been a successful strategy in the development of antiparasitic drugs. In the present review, an overall picture of the research and development of potential tubulin-targeting agents using small molecules between 2018 and 2023 is provided. The data about some most often used and prospective chemotypes of small molecules (privileged heterocycles, moieties of natural molecules) and synthetic methodologies (analogue-based, fragment-based drug design, molecular hybridization) applied for the design of novel agents with an impact on the tubulin system are summarized. The design and prospects of multi-target agents with an impact on the tubulin system were also highlighted. Reported in the review data contribute to the "structure-activity" profile of tubulin-targeting small molecules as anticancer and antiparasitic agents and will be useful for the application by medicinal chemists in further exploration, design, improvement, and optimization of this class of molecules., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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25. Aromatase Inhibitors as a Promising Direction for the Search for New Anticancer Drugs.
- Author
Janowska S, Holota S, Lesyk R, and Wujec M
- Subjects
- Female, Male, Humans, Estrogens, Adipose Tissue, Androgens, Aromatase Inhibitors pharmacology, Aromatase Inhibitors therapeutic use, Aromatase
- Abstract
Aromatase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the biosynthesis of estrogens, which are hormones that contribute to the growth of certain types of breast cancer. In particular, aromatase catalyzes the conversion of androgens (male hormones) into estrogens (female hormones) in various tissues, including the adrenal glands, ovaries, and adipose tissue. Given the role of estrogen in promoting the growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers, aromatase has become an important molecular target for the development of anticancer agents. Aromatase inhibitors can be classified into two main groups based on their chemical structure: steroidal and non-steroidal inhibitors. This work presents a review of the literature from the last ten years regarding the search for new aromatase inhibitors. We present the directions of search, taking into account the impact of structure modifications on anticancer activity.
- Published
- 2024
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26. The Chemical Inhibitors of Endocytosis: From Mechanisms to Potential Clinical Applications.
- Author
Szewczyk-Roszczenko OK, Roszczenko P, Shmakova A, Finiuk N, Holota S, Lesyk R, Bielawska A, Vassetzky Y, and Bielawski K
- Subjects
- Endocytosis drug effects
- Abstract
Endocytosis is one of the major ways cells communicate with their environment. This process is frequently hijacked by pathogens. Endocytosis also participates in the oncogenic transformation. Here, we review the approaches to inhibit endocytosis, discuss chemical inhibitors of this process, and discuss potential clinical applications of the endocytosis inhibitors.
- Published
- 2023
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27. Pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinone hybrid molecules with potent cytotoxic effect in squamous cell carcinoma SCC-15 cells.
- Author
Finiuk N, Kaleniuk E, Holota S, Stoika R, Lesyk R, and Szychowski KA
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Mice, Apoptosis, Cell Line, Tumor, PPAR gamma pharmacology, Reactive Oxygen Species metabolism, NF-E2-Related Factor 2 genetics, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents therapeutic use, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell drug therapy, Tongue Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
The hybrid heterocyclic molecules are perspective materials in the development of anticancer drugs. Here, the pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinone hybrid molecules were designed as potent anticancer agents. This study aimed to investigate the cytotoxic effect of three derivatives 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-, 1-(4-chlorophenyl)- and 1-(4-bromophenyl)-3-[5-[2-chloro-3-(4-nitrophenyl)prop-2-enylidene]-4-oxo-2-thioxothiazolidine-3-yl]pyrrolidine-2,5-diones (Les-6287, Les-6294, and Les-6328, respectively), their effect on the production of the reactive oxygen species (ROS), apoptosis induction, and expression of genes - PPARγ, AHR, and NRFL2 - whose products are important in metabolism in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells of SCC-15 line. The results of resazurin reduction and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays proved the toxicity of the tested derivatives for the SCC-15 cells. Les-6287, Les-6294, and Les-6328 inhibited the viability of SCC-15 cells with the half-maximal effective concentration (EC
50 ) in the range of 10.18-32.75 µM at 24 and 48 h treatment. These derivatives reduced the metabolism of SCC-15 cells with the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50 ) of 6.72-39.85 µM at 24 and 48 h treatment. Les-6287, Les-6294, and Les-6328 reduced the metabolism of normal human keratinocytes of HaCaT line murine fibroblasts of Balb/c 3T3 line to a lesser extent. The compounds used in a range from 50 to 100 µM concentrations decreased ROS production in the SCC-15 cells. The derivatives Les-6287 and Les-6328 decreased the level of expression of mRNA of PPARγ, AHR, and NRFL2 genes in these cells at PPARγ siRNA knockdown and without it. Thus, the anticancer effect of studied hybrid pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinones in the SCC-15 carcinoma cells is accompanied by a reduction of their metabolic activity and ROS level, and increase in caspase 3 activity. However, these changes are not the result of direct interaction of Les-6287, Les-6294, and Les-6328 with the PPARγ molecule., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2023
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28. Multi-Targeting Anticancer Activity of a New 4-Thiazolidinone Derivative with Anti-HER2 Antibodies in Human AGS Gastric Cancer Cells.
- Author
Gornowicz A, Lesyk R, Czarnomysy R, Holota S, Shepeta Y, Popławska B, Podolak M, Szymanowski W, Bielawski K, and Bielawska A
- Subjects
- Humans, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols pharmacology, Cell Line, Tumor, Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1, Matrix Metalloproteinase 2, Receptor, ErbB-2 metabolism, Trastuzumab pharmacology, Stomach Neoplasms drug therapy, Stomach Neoplasms metabolism, Thiazolidines pharmacology
- Abstract
Combining chemotherapy with immunotherapy still remains a regimen in anticancer therapy. Novel 4-thiazolidinone-bearing hybrid molecules possess well-documented anticancer activity, and together with anti-HER2 antibodies, may represent a promising strategy in treating patients with gastric cancer with confirmed human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression. The aim of the study was to synthesize a new 4-thiazolidinone derivative (Les-4367) and investigate its molecular mechanism of action in combination with trastuzumab or pertuzumab in human AGS gastric cancer cells. AGS cell viability and antiproliferative potential were examined. The effect of the tested combinations as well as monotherapy on apoptosis and autophagy was also determined. Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine concentrations were also demonstrated by the ELISA technique. We proved that pertuzumab and trastuzumab were very effective in increasing the sensitivity of AGS gastric cancer cells to novel Les-4367. The molecular mechanism of action of the tested combination is connected with the induction of apoptosis. Additionally, the anticancer activity is not associated with the autophagy process. Decreased concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines, MMP-2 and ICAM-1-were observed. The novel combination of drugs based on anti-HER2 antibodies with Les-4367 is a promising strategy against AGS gastric cancer cells.
- Published
- 2023
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29. New 4-thiazolidinone-based molecules Les-2769 and Les-3266 as possible PPARγ modulators.
- Author
Bar M, Skóra B, Tabęcka-Łonczyńska A, Holota S, Khyluk D, Roman O, Lesyk R, and Szychowski KA
- Subjects
- Humans, Molecular Docking Simulation, PPAR gamma metabolism, Rosiglitazone, Thiazolidines pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Thiazolidinediones pharmacology
- Abstract
Development of cancer drug-resistance is still an ongoing problem in the modern anticancer treatment. Therefore, there is a need to search for a new active substance, which may become a potential anticancer agent. 4-Thiazolidinones are well-described substances with cytotoxicity against cancer cells in vitro. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two 4-thiazolidinone-based derivatives (Les-2769 and Les-3266) on the PPARγ-dependent cytotoxicity in normal human skin fibroblasts (BJ) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC-15) in vitro. The data obtained showed a cytotoxic effect of Les-2769 and Les-3266 used in micromolar concentrations on SCC-15 and BJ cells, manifesting by a decrease in the metabolic activity, an increase in the release of lactate dehydrogenase, and caspase-3 activity. The co-treatment of the cells with Les-3266 and an antagonist (GW9662) or an agonist (rosiglitazone) of the PPARγ receptor induced changes in the above-mentioned parameters in the BJ and SCC-15 cells, compared to the Les-3266 alone exposure; this was not found in the Les-2769-treated cells. The further analysis of the compounds indicated changes in the expression of the PPARγ, KI67, and NF-κB genes. Moreover, the tested compounds caused an increase in the level of PPARγ mRNA expression in a similar way to rosiglitazone in SCC-15, which may indicate the affinity of the compounds for PPARγ. Molecular docking is consistent with experimental in vitro data about the potential agonistic activity of Les-2769 and Les-3266 towards PPARγ receptors. Summarizing, the anticancer effect of both compounds was observed in the SCC-15 cells in vitro; moreover, the mechanism of action of Les-3266 in cells is mediated probably by interaction with the PPARγ receptor pathway, which needs in-depth study., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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30. 4-Thiazolidinone-Bearing Hybrid Molecules in Anticancer Drug Design.
- Author
Roszczenko P, Holota S, Szewczyk OK, Dudchak R, Bielawski K, Bielawska A, and Lesyk R
- Subjects
- Thiazolidines pharmacology, Thiazolidines chemistry, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical, Drug Design, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents therapeutic use, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry
- Abstract
Oncological diseases have currently reached an epidemic scale, especially in industrialized countries. Such a situation has prompted complex studies in medicinal chemistry focused on the research and development of novel effective anticancer drugs. In this review, the data concerning new 4-thiazolidinone-bearing hybrid molecules with potential anticancer activity reported during the period from the years 2017-2022 are summarized. The main emphasis is on the application of molecular hybridization methodologies and strategies in the design of small molecules as anticancer agents. Based on the analyzed data, it was observed that the main directions in this field are the hybridization of scaffolds, the hybrid-pharmacophore approach, and the analogue-based drug design of 4-thiazolidinone cores with early approved drugs, natural compounds, and privileged heterocyclic scaffolds. The mentioned design approaches are effective tools/sources for the generation of hit/lead compounds with anticancer activity and will be relevant to future studies.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Development of Novel Pyridine-Thiazole Hybrid Molecules as Potential Anticancer Agents.
- Author
Ivasechko I, Yushyn I, Roszczenko P, Senkiv J, Finiuk N, Lesyk D, Holota S, Czarnomysy R, Klyuchivska O, Khyluk D, Kashchak N, Gzella A, Bielawski K, Bielawska A, Stoika R, and Lesyk R
- Subjects
- Benzoic Acid pharmacology, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Proliferation, DNA pharmacology, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Esters pharmacology, Humans, Molecular Structure, Pyridines pharmacology, Structure-Activity Relationship, Thiazoles chemistry, Thiazoles pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Leukemia, Neoplasms
- Abstract
Novel pyridine-thiazole hybrid molecules were synthesized and subjected to physico-chemical characterization and screening of their cytotoxic action towards a panel of cell lines derived from different types of tumors (carcinomas of colon, breast, and lung, glioblastoma and leukemia), and normal human keratinocytes, for comparison. High antiproliferative activity of the 3-(2-fluorophenyl)-1-[4-methyl-2-(pyridin-2-ylamino)-thiazol-5-yl]-propenone 3 and 4-(2-{1-(2-fluorophenyl)-3-[4-methyl-2-(pyridin-2-ylamino)-thiazol-5-yl]-3-oxopropylsulfanyl}-acetylamino)-benzoic acid ethyl ester 4 was revealed. The IC50 of the compound 3 in HL-60 cells of the acute human promyelocytic leukemia was 0.57 µM, while in the pseudo-normal human cell lines, the IC50 of this compound was >50 µM, which suggests that the compounds 3 and 4 might be perspective anticancer agents. The detected selectivity of the derivatives 3 and 4 for cancer cell lines inspired us to study the mechanisms of their cytotoxic action. It was shown that preincubation of tumor cells with Fluzaparib (inhibitor of PARP1) reduced the cytotoxic activity of the derivatives 3 and 4 by more than twice. The ability of these compounds to affect DNA nativity and cause changes in nucleus morphology allows for the suggestion that the mechanism of action of the novel pyridine-thiazole derivatives might be related to inducing the genetic instability in tumor cells.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Novel hybrid pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinones as potential anticancer agents: Synthesis and biological evaluation.
- Author
Finiuk N, Kryshchyshyn-Dylevych A, Holota S, Klyuchivska O, Kozytskiy A, Karpenko O, Manko N, Ivasechko I, Stoika R, and Lesyk R
- Subjects
- Apoptosis, Cell Line, Tumor, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Humans, Mitogens pharmacology, Succinimides pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Leukemia
- Abstract
A series of novel pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinones was synthesized and subjected to physico-chemical characteristics. They were screened on a panel of cell lines representing different types of cancer, as well as normal human keratynocytes and lymphocytes of peripheral human blood. High antiproliferative activity of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)- and 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-{5-[(Z,2Z)-2-chloro-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-propenylidene]-4-oxo-2-thioxothiazolidin-3-yl}-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-pyrrolidine-2,5-diones 2a and 2b was revealed along with satisfactory cytotoxicity characteristics. Human T-leukemia cells of Jurkat line were the most sensitive to the action of 2a, 2b and 5-(2-allyloxybenzylidene) derivative 2f. At the same time, synthesized compounds demonstrated low toxicity towards normal human keratinocytes of HaCaT line and mitogen-activated lymphocytes of peripheral blood of healthy human donor. The compounds 2а and 2b demonstrated high selectivity (SI >9.2) towards studied leukemia, lung, breast, cervical, colon carcinoma and glioblastoma cells. Compounds 2a, 2b induced mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in treated Jurkat T-cells via increasing the level of proapoptotic Bax and EndoG proteins, and decreasing the level of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein. The cytotoxic action of compounds 2a, 2b towards Jurkat T-cells was associated with the single-strand brakes in DNA and its inter-nucleosomal fragmentation, without significant intercalation of these compounds into the DNA molecule. Compounds 2a, 2b did not induce significant DNA damage and changes in morphology of mitogen-activated lymphocytes of peripheral blood of healthy donor. Altogether, these data demonstrated anticancer potential of novel hybrid pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinones which were relatively non-toxic for normal human cells., (Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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33. Synthesis, Characterization and In Vitro Evaluation of Novel 5-Ene-thiazolo[3,2- b ][1,2,4]triazole-6(5 H )-ones as Possible Anticancer Agents.
- Author
Holota S, Komykhov S, Sysak S, Gzella A, Cherkas A, and Lesyk R
- Subjects
- Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Cell Line, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Crystallography, X-Ray, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Humans, Models, Molecular, Molecular Structure, Structure-Activity Relationship, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology
- Abstract
The present paper is devoted to the search for drug-like molecules with anticancer properties using the thiazolo[3,2- b ][1,2,4]triazole-6-one scaffold. A series of 24 novel thiazolo-[3,2- b ][1,2,4]triazole-6-ones with 5-aryl(heteryl)idene- and 5-aminomethylidene-moieties has been synthesized employing three-component and three-stage synthetic protocols. A mixture of Z/E -isomers was obtained in solution for the synthesized 5-aminomethylidene-thiazolo[3,2- b ]-[1,2,4]triazole-6-ones. The compounds have been studied for their antitumor activity in the NCI 60 lines screen. Some compounds present excellent anticancer properties at 10 μM. Derivatives 2h and 2i were the most active against cancer cell lines without causing toxicity to normal somatic (HEK293) cells. A preliminary SAR study had been performed for the synthesized compounds.
- Published
- 2021
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34. Assessing different thiazolidine and thiazole based compounds as antileishmanial scaffolds.
- Author
Schadich E, Kryshchyshyn-Dylevych A, Holota S, Polishchuk P, Džubak P, Gurska S, Hajduch M, and Lesyk R
- Subjects
- Fibroblasts drug effects, Humans, Leishmania major drug effects, Molecular Structure, Parasitic Sensitivity Tests, Small Molecule Libraries chemistry, Small Molecule Libraries pharmacology, Small Molecule Libraries toxicity, Structure-Activity Relationship, Thiazolidines chemistry, Thiazolidines toxicity, Trypanocidal Agents chemistry, Trypanocidal Agents toxicity, Trypanosoma brucei brucei drug effects, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense drug effects, Thiazolidines pharmacology, Trypanocidal Agents pharmacology
- Abstract
The compounds from eight different thiazolidine and thiazole series were assessed as potential antileishmanial scaffolds. They were tested for antileishmanial activity against promastigotes of Leishmania major using in vitro primary screen and dose response assays. The compounds from six thiazolidine and thiazole series were identified as the hits with antileishmanial activity against L. major. However, the analyses of structure-activity relations (SARs) showed that the interpretable SARs were obtained only for phenyl-indole hybrids (compounds C1, C2, C3 and C5) as the most effective compounds against L. major promastigotes (IC
50 < 10 µM) with low toxicity to human fibroblasts. For the scaffold of these compounds, the most significant SAR patterns were: free N3 position of thiazolidinone core, absence of big fragments at the C5 position of thiazolidinone core and presence of halogen atoms or nitro group in the phenyl ring of phenyl-indole fragment. As previous studies showed that these compounds also have activity against the two Trypanosoma species, Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma gambiense, their scaffold could be associated with a broader antiparasitic activity., (Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2020
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35. Glucose as a Major Antioxidant: When, What for and Why It Fails?
- Author
Cherkas A, Holota S, Mdzinarashvili T, Gabbianelli R, and Zarkovic N
- Abstract
A human organism depends on stable glucose blood levels in order to maintain its metabolic needs. Glucose is considered to be the most important energy source, and glycolysis is postulated as a backbone pathway. However, when the glucose supply is limited, ketone bodies and amino acids can be used to produce enough ATP. In contrast, for the functioning of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) glucose is essential and cannot be substituted by other metabolites. The PPP generates and maintains the levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) needed for the reduction in oxidized glutathione and protein thiols, the synthesis of lipids and DNA as well as for xenobiotic detoxification, regulatory redox signaling and counteracting infections. The flux of glucose into a PPP-particularly under extreme oxidative and toxic challenges-is critical for survival, whereas the glycolytic pathway is primarily activated when glucose is abundant, and there is lack of NADP
+ that is required for the activation of glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase. An important role of glycogen stores in resistance to oxidative challenges is discussed. Current evidences explain the disruptive metabolic effects and detrimental health consequences of chronic nutritional carbohydrate overload, and provide new insights into the positive metabolic effects of intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, exercise, and ketogenic diet through modulation of redox homeostasis., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.- Published
- 2020
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36. Synthesis of 5-enamine-4-thiazolidinone derivatives with trypanocidal and anticancer activity.
- Author
Holota S, Kryshchyshyn A, Derkach H, Trufin Y, Demchuk I, Gzella A, Grellier P, and Lesyk R
- Subjects
- Animals, Antiprotozoal Agents chemical synthesis, Antiprotozoal Agents chemistry, Cell Line, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Humans, Molecular Structure, Parasitic Sensitivity Tests, Rats, Structure-Activity Relationship, Thiazolidines chemical synthesis, Thiazolidines chemistry, Trypanocidal Agents chemical synthesis, Trypanocidal Agents chemistry, Antiprotozoal Agents pharmacology, Thiazolidines pharmacology, Trypanocidal Agents pharmacology, Trypanosoma brucei brucei drug effects
- Abstract
A series of novel 2-(5-aminomethylene-4-oxo-2-thioxothiazolidin-3-yl)-3-phenylpropionic acid ethyl esters has been synthesized. Target compounds were evaluated for their trypanocidal activity towards Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Several hit-compounds (8, 10, 12) inhibited growth of the parasites at sub-micromolar concentrations (IC
50 0.027-1.936 µM) and showed significant selectivity indices (SI = 108-1396.2) being non-toxic towards the human primary fibroblasts. The screening of anticancer activity in vitro within NCI DTP protocol allowed to identify active 2-(5-{[5-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-thiazol-2-ylamino]-methylene}-4-oxo-2-thioxothiazolidin-3-yl)-3-phenylpropionic acid ethyl ester 14 that demonstrated inhibition against all 59 human tumor cell lines with the average GI50 value of 2.57 μM. It was established that the activity type (antitrypanosomal or anticancer) as well as its level depends on the character of enamine fragment in the C5 position of thiazolidinone core., (Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2019
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37. New 5-substituted thiazolo[3,2-b][1,2,4]triazol-6-ones: synthesis and anticancer evaluation.
- Author
Lesyk R, Vladzimirska O, Holota S, Zaprutko L, and Gzella A
- Subjects
- Cell Line, Tumor, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Triazoles chemical synthesis, Triazoles pharmacology
- Abstract
Following [2+3]-cyclocondensation reaction of 1,2,4-triazole-3(5)-thiol with N-arylmaleimides or with monochloroacetic acid and oxocompounds, N-(R-phenyl)-(6-oxo-5,6-dihydro[1,3]thiazol[3,2-b][1,2,4]triazol-5-yl)acetamides (1-5) and 5-ylidene-[1,3]thiazolo[3,2-b][1,2,4]triazol-6-ones (6-11) were synthesized as possible anticancer agents. Anticancer activity evaluation on the full panel of nearly 60 human cancer cell lines showed that synthesized compounds displayed this kind of activity on renal cancer, leukemia, colon cancer, breast cancer and melanoma cell lines. It was shown that 5-ylidene-[1,3]thiazolo[3,2-b][1,2,4]triazol-6-ones are characterized with more potent anticancer activity than respective amides. The structures of the compounds were determined by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR and X-ray analysis.
- Published
- 2007
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