14 results on '"Hopfgartner, Johannes"'
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- Author
Andrzejewski, Piotr, Palmér, Alicia, Weistrand, Ola, Eriksson, Kjell, Stock, Markus, and Hopfgartner, Johannes
- Published
- 2024
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3. Dosimetric challenges of small animal irradiation with a commercial X-ray unit
- Author
Kuess, Peter, Bozsaky, Eva, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Seifritz, Gerhard, Dörr, Wolfgang, and Georg, Dietmar
- Published
- 2014
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4. Feasibility of CBCT-based dose calculation: Comparative analysis of HU adjustment techniques
- Author
Fotina, Irina, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Stock, Markus, Steininger, Thomas, Lütgendorf-Caucig, Carola, and Georg, Dietmar
- Published
- 2012
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5. Under-response of a PTW-60019 microDiamond detector in the Bragg peak of a 62 MeV/n carbon ion beam.
- Author
UCL - SSS/IREC/MIRO - Pôle d'imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique, Rossomme, Séverine, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Vynckier, Stefaan, Palmans, Hugo, UCL - SSS/IREC/MIRO - Pôle d'imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique, Rossomme, Séverine, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Vynckier, Stefaan, and Palmans, Hugo
- Abstract
To investigate the linear energy transfer (LET) dependence of the response of a PTW-60019 Freiburg microDiamond detector, its response was compared to the response of a plane-parallel Markus chamber in a 62 MeV/n mono-energetic carbon ion beam. Results obtained with two different experimental setups are in agreement. As recommended by IAEA TRS-398, the response of the Markus chamber was corrected for temperature, pressure, polarity effects and ion recombination. No correction was applied to the response of the microDiamond detector. The ratio of the response of the Markus chamber to the response of the microDiamond is close to unity in the plateau region. In the Bragg peak region, a significant increase of the ratio is observed, which increases to 1.2 in the distal edge region. Results indicate a correlation between the under-response of the microDiamond detector and high LET values. The combined relative standard uncertainty of the results is estimated to be 2.38% in the plateau region and 12% in the distal edge region. These values are dominated by the uncertainty of alignment in the non-uniform beam and the uncertainty of range determination.
- Published
- 2016
6. Ion recombination correction in carbon ion beams.
- Author
UCL - SSS/IREC/MIRO - Pôle d'imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique, Rossomme, Séverine, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Lee, Nigel D, Delor, Antoine, Thomas, Russell As S, Romano, Francesco, Fukumura, Akifumi, Vynckier, Stefaan, Palmans, Hugo, UCL - SSS/IREC/MIRO - Pôle d'imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique, Rossomme, Séverine, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Lee, Nigel D, Delor, Antoine, Thomas, Russell As S, Romano, Francesco, Fukumura, Akifumi, Vynckier, Stefaan, and Palmans, Hugo
- Abstract
Purpose: In this work, ion recombination is studied as a function of energy and depth in carbon ion beams. Methods: Measurements were performed in three different passively scattered carbon ion beams with energies of 62 MeV/n, 135 MeV/n, and 290 MeV/n using various types of plane-parallel ionization chambers. Experimental results were compared with two analytical models for initial recombination. One model is generally used for photon beams and the other model, developed by Jaffe, takes into account the ionization density along the ion track. An investigation was carried out to ascertain the effect on the ion recombination correction with varying ionization chamber orientation with respect to the direction of the ion tracks. The variation of the ion recombination correction factors as a function of depth was studied for a Markus ionization chamber in the 62 MeV/n nonmodulated carbon ion beam. This variation can be related to the depth distribution of linear energy transfer. Results: Results show that the theory for photon beams is not applicable to carbon ion beams. On the other hand, by optimizing the value of the ionization density and the initial mean-square radius, good agreement is found between Jaffes theory and the experimental results. As predicted by Jaffes theory, the results confirm that ion recombination corrections strongly decrease with an increasing angle between the ion tracks and the electric field lines. For the Markus ionization chamber, the variation of the ion recombination correction factor with depth was modeled adequately by a sigmoid function, which is approximately constant in the plateau and strongly increasing in the Bragg peak region to values of up to 1.06. Except in the distal edge region, all experimental results are accurately described by Jaffes theory. Conclusions: Experimental results confirm that ion recombination in the investigated carbon ion beams is dominated by initial recombination. Ion recombination corrections are found t
- Published
- 2016
7. SU-E-T-198: Comparison Between a PTW MicroDiamond Dosimeter and a Markus Chamber in a 62 MeV/n Carbon Ion Beam
- Author
UCL - SSS/IREC/MIRO - Pôle d'imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique, Rossomme, Séverine, Hopfgartner , Johannes, Delor, Antoine, Vynckier, Stefaan, Palmans, Hugo, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM): 57th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, UCL - SSS/IREC/MIRO - Pôle d'imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique, Rossomme, Séverine, Hopfgartner , Johannes, Delor, Antoine, Vynckier, Stefaan, Palmans, Hugo, and American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM): 57th Annual Meeting and Exhibition
- Published
- 2015
8. First steps of implementation of image guided adaptive radiation therapy
- Author
Hopfgartner, Johannes
- Abstract
Hintergrund: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) am Linearbeschleuniger wird momentan vorwiegend zur Korrektur von Positionierungsungenauigkeiten des Patienten eingesetzt. Weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten dieser zusätzlichen Bilddatensätze bieten sich in der adaptiven Strahlentherapie (ART) an. Durch repetitives Imaging kann auf anatomische Veränderungen (z.B. durch Änderung des Bestrahlungsplanes) reagiert und die Therapie schonender gestaltet werden. In dieser Arbeit soll in einem ersten Schritt untersucht werden, inwieweit CBCT Daten für die Dosisberechnung in der ART geeignet sind. Material und Methoden Alle Untersuchungen wurden mit dem CBCT am Elekta-Linearbeschleuniger Synergy® in der Abteilung für Strahlentherapie an der Medizinischen Universität Wien/AKH Wien durchgeführt. Die zum Dosisvergleich herangezogenen Bilder wurden mittels eines konventionellen Multi Slice CT Scanners von Siemens (Siemens VolumeZoom) aufgenommen. Für zwei Kalibrierphantome (CATPhan® und Gammex® RMI) wurden sowohl in den CT- als auch in den CBCT- Aufnahmen die mittleren Hounsfield Einheiten (HU) für materialspezifische Einsätze ermittelt. Weiters wurde der Einfluss der zur Bildakquisition eingestellten Parameter (Röhrenspannung, mAs, Kollimation und Filterung) auf die HUs bestimmt und HU/ED (Elektronendichte) Korrelationskurven der diversen klinischen Protokolle für die Dosisberechnung erstellt. Im Zuge einer ausgedehnten Qualitätssicherung wurden wichtige Parameter der Bildqualität in CBCT Bildern untersucht, anhand welcher unter anderem die Korrelationskurven auf ihre Langzeitstabilität getestet wurden. Anschließend wurden Dosisverteilungen für einen Anterior – Posterior (AP) Bestrahlungsplan mittels des Bestrahlungsplanungssystems iPlan® von BrainLAB berechnet und die dosimetrische Genauigkeit im Vergleich zum PlanungsCT evaluiert. Zur Inbetriebnahme von iPlan® waren Basisdaten für die einzelnen Strahlqualitäten des Bestrahlungsgeräts gemessen und erfolgreich implementiert worden. Zur Abschätzung dieser Genauigkeit wurde eine Gamma Evaluierung durchgeführt. Diese Gammaevaluierung wurde an Datensätzen eines inhomogenen Verifikationsphantoms mit Korkeinsätzen vollzogen. Resultate Die Bildqualitätssicherung zeigte, dass eine prinzipielle Anwendung von CBCT Datensätzen für ART denkbar ist. Im Vergleich zum CT zeigten die experimentell gewonnen HU/ED Korrelationskurven beider Kalibrierphantome Abweichungen von durchschnittlich 27 % in ED. Im Gegensatz zu Korrelationskurven, welche auf dem Gammex® RMI phantom beruhten, zeigten die CATPhan® Kurven einen parallelen Verlauf und große Ähnlichkeit zu den gewünschten CT Kurven. Aus diesem Grund wurden sie zur nachfolgenden, auf CBCT Daten beruhenden Dosisberechnung herangezogen. Die Forderung nach verlässlichen und zeitlich stabilen Korrelationskurven konnte für ein Protokoll (Image Quality Protokoll) gezeigt werden. Im Verlauf von 10 Monaten wurde eine maximale Schwankung um den jeweiligen HU Mittelwert der Einsätze im CATPhan® Phantom von 30 HUs beobachtet. Ein Vergleich der Tiefendosisverteilungen für CT- und CBCT- gestützte, auf dem Pencil Beam Algorithmus (PBA) beruhende Dosisberechnung zeigte mittlere Gammawerte von bis zu 0.51 und maximale Gammawerte von 0.94. Sichtbar war eine Unterschätzung der Dosis im CBCT im Dosisaufbau, welche auf eine Reduzierung der Außenkontur zurückführen ließ. Für laterale Dosisprofile kam es zu mittleren Gamma Indizes von 0.24 und maximalen Werten von 0.87. Der Vergleich der Dosisberechnungen, welche mittels des Monte Carlo Algorithmus (MCA) durchgeführt wurde, zeigten tendenziell höhere Gamma Werte. Diskussion Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass CBCT Aufnahmen unter gewissen Bedingungen für die Dosisberechnung eingesetzt werden können. Es muss jedoch berücksichtigt werden, dass die auf CBCT beruhende Dosisberechnung stark durch Bildartefakte beeinflusst ist. Durch verbesserte Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen könnten Bildfehler bereits im Fourierraum als solche erkannt und demzufolge minimiert werden. Außerdem könnte ein Autosegmentierungstool verwendet werden, um von Artefakten durchsetzten Volumina spezifische HU zuzuweisen und somit den störenden Einfluss der Bildartefakte auf die Dosisberechnung zu umgehen. Ein CBCT Datensatz kann folglich sowohl zur Positionskorrektur des Patienten am Behandlungstisch als auch gleichzeitig zur adaptiven Planung herangezogen werden. Weitere Studien, welche dosimetrische Vorteile der ART in Bezug auf den Patienten zeigen sollen, sind für CRT und IMRT im Kopf- Hals- und Beckenbereich geplant., Background: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), integrated to the medical linac, is currently utilized for correction of patient positioning uncertainties. Additional possible applications of these image data sets are conceivable for Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART). By repetitive imaging, one can react on anatomical changes in the patient (e.g. by the adaptation of the irradiation plan) and hence a more sparing therapy can be achieved. In the actual study should be investigated in early steps to what extent CBCT images are feasible for treatment planning purposes in ART. Materials and Methods All evaluations were done with the CBCT device integrated to the Elekta Synergy® linac at the Department of Radiotherapy at the Medical University of Vienna/AKH Vienna. The images, which were used for dose comparison studies, were acquired with a conventional multi slice CT scanner of Siemens (Siemens VolumeZoom). For two calibration phantoms (CATPhan® and Gammex® RMI), the average Hounsfield Units (HU) were detected in various material inserts in CT and in CBCT images. Furthermore, the dependency of HU values on image acquisition parameters (tube voltage, mAs, filtering and collimation) was evaluated and HU/ED (Electron Density) correlation curves of various clinical protocols were established. In the course of an extensive Quality Assurance (QA) process of the CBCT device, representative Image Quality (IQ) parameters were observed and the calibration curves were tested concerning their long-term stability. Subsequently, dose variations, compared to the planning CT, were calculated for an Anterior – Posterior (AP) treatment plan with the Treatment Planning System (TPS) iPlan® of BrainLAB. For commissioning of iPlan®, basic beam data sets had been acquired and implemented. For the determination of dose calculation accuracy, a gamma evaluation was applied. The gamma evaluation was performed on data sets of an inhomogeneous multipurpose phantom with polystyrene as well as cork inserts. Results Generally, IQ parameters in CBCT images were demonstrated to be accurate enough for a possible implementation for ART. In comparison to the CT, the experimentally determined CBCT HU/ED correlation curves of both calibration phantoms showed average deviations of 27% in ED. In contrast to the Gammex® RMI based correlation curves, the CATPhan® curves exhibited parallel behavior among each other and obvious similarities to the desired CT correlation curves. Thus, they were applied for dose calculation based on CBCT images. The requirement of temporal stability could be satisfied for one image protocol (Image Quality protocol). Over the investigation period of 10 month, maximum deviations of 30 HU around the actual mean values of the inserts in the CATPhan® phantom could be determined. A comparison of depth dose curves between CBCT- and CT based dose calculation, relying on the Pencil Beam Algorithm (PBA), showed mean Gamma Indexes up to 0.51 and maximum values of 0.94. For dose profile comparison, 0.24 and 0.874 was found for mean and maximum Gamma Indexes, respectively. An underestimation of dose could be detected in case of CBCT based dose calculation due to a significant reduction of the outer contour of the phantom in CBCT images. Concerning dose calculation, carried out by utilizing the Monte Carlo Algorithm (MCA), the representative Gamma Indexes were higher and more pronounced. Discussion In the frame of this study, the feasibility of CBCT based dose calculation for ART under certain conditions could be confirmed. However, one has to bear in mind that image artifacts highly influence the accuracy of dose calculation relying on CBCT images. A possible opportunity for handling this problem might be advanced image reconstruction algorithms in order to trace artifacts already in frequency space and hence minimize image errors. Additionally, an autosegmentation tool may be used in order to autocontour artifact affected volumes and assign well defined HUs in order to bypass their influence on dose calculation. Consequently, CBCT images can be used for positioning correction on the treatment table as well as for contemporaneous adaptive re-planning. Further studies that show the dosimetric advantage of ART are planned for CRT and IMRT for H&N- and pelvis cases.
- Published
- 2009
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9. Detector to detector corrections: A comprehensive experimental study of detector specific correction factors for beam output measurements for small radiotherapy beams
- Author
Azangwe, Godfrey, primary, Grochowska, Paulina, additional, Georg, Dietmar, additional, Izewska, Joanna, additional, Hopfgartner, Johannes, additional, Lechner, Wolfgang, additional, Andersen, Claus E., additional, Beierholm, Anders R., additional, Helt-Hansen, Jakob, additional, Mizuno, Hideyuki, additional, Fukumura, Akifumi, additional, Yajima, Kaori, additional, Gouldstone, Clare, additional, Sharpe, Peter, additional, Meghzifene, Ahmed, additional, and Palmans, Hugo, additional
- Published
- 2014
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10. Dosimetric Considerations to Determine the Optimal Technique for Localized Prostate Cancer Among External Photon, Proton, or Carbon-Ion Therapy and High-Dose-Rate or Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy
- Author
Georg, Dietmar, primary, Hopfgartner, Johannes, additional, Gòra, Joanna, additional, Kuess, Peter, additional, Kragl, Gabriele, additional, Berger, Daniel, additional, Hegazy, Neamat, additional, Goldner, Gregor, additional, and Georg, Petra, additional
- Published
- 2014
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11. Automated evaluation of setup errors in carbon ion therapy using PET: Feasibility study
- Author
Kuess, Peter, primary, Helmbrecht, Stephan, additional, Fiedler, Fine, additional, Birkfellner, Wolfgang, additional, Enghardt, Wolfgang, additional, Hopfgartner, Johannes, additional, and Georg, Dietmar, additional
- Published
- 2013
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12. Robustness of IMPT treatment plans with respect to inter-fractional set-up uncertainties: Impact of various beam arrangements for cranial targets
- Author
Hopfgartner, Johannes, primary, Stock, Markus, additional, Knäusl, Barbara, additional, and Georg, Dietmar, additional
- Published
- 2012
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13. Robustness of IMPT treatment plans with respect to inter-fractional set-up uncertainties: Impact of various beam arrangements for cranial targets.
- Author
Hopfgartner, Johannes, Stock, Markus, Knäusl, Barbara, and Georg, Dietmar
- Subjects
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RADIATION dosimetry , *RADIOTHERAPY , *RESEARCH funding , *STATISTICAL hypothesis testing , *STATISTICS , *TOMOGRAPHY , *DATA analysis , *RETROSPECTIVE studies , *DATA analysis software , *DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,PLANNING techniques - Abstract
In the current study IMPT plan robustness was evaluated with respect to inter-fractional patient positioning for various beam arrangements and two tumor indications in the cranial region. Material and methods. For 14 patients suffering from tumors in the cranial region [skull base (SB; n = 7) and paranasal sinus (PS; n = 7)] the CTV and OARs were delineated. A safety margin of 3 mm was applied to the CTV. A prescribed dose of 2 GyE was planned via three beam arrangements (α, β, γ). Beam arrangement α consisted of lateral opposed fields for both tumor groups while beam arrangement β was optimized according to respective tumor and OAR locations, using two beams only. Beam arrangement γ applied four beams in the SB group and three beams in the PS group. Dose distributions were recalculated subjected to virtual patient translations along the major anatomical axes. The following dosimetric indices were evaluated and compared to original plans: target coverage (TC), target dose homogeneity (HI), CTV median and average dose (Dmedian, Dmean). For OARs near maximum dose and average dose (D2%, Dmean) were evaluated. Results. Dose distributions were distorted after introducing shifts. In the SB group, TC and HI were significantly different for caudal, cranial and anterior shifts for all beam arrangements. For PS patients, all but right shifts differed significantly from the original plans for all beam arrangements, although clinical relevance was not reached for arrangement γ (ΔTC < 1.5%). In general, beam arrangement γ exhibited the least spread of data regarding target indices and was consequently considered the most robust. Dosimetric parameters regarding the brainstem were mostly influenced by shifts along the anterio-posterior axis. Conclusion. For cranial IMPT, set-up uncertainties may lead to pronounced deterioration of dose distributions. According to our investigations, multi-beam arrangements were dosimetrically more robust and hence preferable over two beam arrangements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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14. Is there room for combined modality treatments? Dosimetric comparison of boost strategies for advanced head and neck and prostate cancer
- Author
Góra, Joanna, Hopfgartner, Johannes, Kuess, Peter, Paskeviciute, Brigita, and Georg, Dietmar
- Abstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the dosimetric difference between three emerging treatment modalities—volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT), intensity-modulated proton beam therapy (IMPT) and intensity-modulated carbon ion beam therapy (IMIT)—for two tumour sites where selective boosting of the tumour is applied. For 10 patients with locally advanced head and neck (H&N) cancer and 10 with high-risk prostate cancer (PC) a VMAT plan was generated for PTV
initial that included lymph node regions, delivering 50 Gy (IsoE) for H&N and 50.4 Gy (IsoE) for PC patients. Furthermore, separate boost plans (VMAT, IMPT and IMIT) were created to boost PTVboost up to 70 Gy (IsoE) and 78 Gy (IsoE) for H&N and PC cases, respectively. Doses to brainstem, myelon, larynx and parotid glands were assessed for H&N cases. Additionally, various OARs (e.g. cochlea, middle ear, masticator space) were evaluated that are currently discussed with respect to quality of life after treatment. For PC cases, bladder, rectum and femoral heads were considered as OARs. For both tumour sites target goals were easily met. Looking at OAR sparing, generally VMAT + VMAT was worst. VMAT + IMIT had the potential to spare some structures in very close target vicinity (such as cochlea, middle ear, masticator space ) significantly better than VMAT + IMPT. Mean doses for rectal and bladder wall were on average 4 Gy (IsoE) and 1.5 Gy (IsoE) higher, respectively, compared to photons plus particles scenarios. Similar results were found for parotid glands and larynx. Concerning target coverage, no significant differences were observed between the three treatment concepts. Clear dosimetric benefits were observed for particle beam therapy as boost modality. However, the clinical benefit of combined modality treatments remains to be demonstrated.- Published
- 2013
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