Hydropsyche lobata McLachlan 1884 = Hydropsyche inflata Navás 1917; synonymized by Botosaneanu (1999). The larva of this species has been described and diagnosed by Bemmoussat et al. (2021), Dakki & Tachet (1987), Samraoui et al. (2020), Vieira-Lanero (2000), and Zamora et al. (1995, 2017). Algerian literature records. Ain Defla, upstream of Djendel (Chorfa Wadi); Khemis Miliana, Chelif Basin (Arab 2004; Arab et al. 2004). Mazafran watershed, Blida, upstream of El Affroun, Djer Wadi; Medea, Ksar El Boukhari, Chelif Basin; Tamezghida, Mouzaia Wadi; Mazafran Watershed, El Hamdania, Chiffa and Sidi Si Baahloul Wadis (Arab 2004; Arab et al. 2004). Tizi Ouzou, Djurdjura Mountains (Sekhi et al. 2016). Annaba, Seybouse Wadi (Samraoui et al. 2020). Tlemcen, Chouly Wadi at Yebder and Khemis Wadi (Bemmoussat et al. 2021). The species was also collected in Belezma National Park in northeastern Algeria (Khettar unpublished data). International literature records. MOROCCO (Alaoui 2006; Berrahou et al. 2001; Bonada et al. 2008; Bouzidi 1989; Dakki & Tachet 1987; El Alami & Dakki 1998; El Bazi et al. 2017; Fekhaoui et al. 1993; Gellaf et al. 2021; Hajji et al. 2013; Lamri et al. 2016a, 2016b; Mabrouki et al. 2020; Tayoub 1989; Zerrouk et al. 2021). PORTUGAL (González & Menéndez 2011). SPAIN (Bonada et al. 2008; García de Jalón 1986; González & Menéndez 2011; Martin et al. 2014; Ruiz-Garcia & Ferreras-Romero 2008; Ruiz-Garcia et al. 2006; Valladolid et al. 2007, 2011; Zamora et al. 1995). Material studied. ALGERIA, Blida, Hammam Melouane, Badour Wadi (S8) (36°28’43”N, 3°04’07”E), 410 m a.s.l.: 29.vi.2010, 1 larva; 19.vi.2010, 1 larva; 22.iii.2013, 1 larva (CSK16). Hammam Melouane, El Harrach Wadi (S7) (36°29’46”N, 3°02’47”E), 150 m a.s.l.: 22.iii.2013, 1 larva; 25.iv.2013, 1 larva (CSK17). Maktaa Lazreg, Boumaane Wadi (S1) (36°27’27”N, 3°00’27”E), 270 m a.s.l.: 02.xi.2012, 1 larva; 22.iii.2013, 1 larva; 07.vi.2013, 1 larva (CSK18). Maktaa Lazreg, El Aach Wadi (S4) (36°28’17”N, 3°00’24”E), 200 m a.s.l.: 02.xi.2012, 9 larvae; 07.vi.2013, 12 larvae (CSK19). Distribution. Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, and Spain. Comment. The taxonomic status of the larvae of H. lobata McLachlan 1884 and H. artax Malicky & Lounaci 1987 is somewhat contentious. Botosaneanu (1999) synonymized H. artax with H. lobata, but Malicky (1999, 2004), Neu et al. (2018), Tobias & Tobias (2008), and Samraoui et al. (2020) considered both to be valid Maghrebian species occurring in Algeria. This Ibero-Maghrebian species is reported for the first time in El Harrach Wadi (Fig. 3)., Published as part of Khettar, Sihem, Haouchine-Bouzidi, Nawel, Kherbouche-Abrous, Ourida, Radi, Nora, Elalami, Majida & Beladjal, Lynda, 2022, Taxonomy and Distribution of Trichoptera in El Harrach Wadi (Northcentral Algeria) with the First Record of Hydropsyche incognita in North Africa, pp. 482-500 in Zootaxa 5120 (4) on pages 489-491, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5120.4.2, http://zenodo.org/record/6392895, {"references":["McLachlan, R. (1884) A monographic revision and synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European fauna. First additional supplement (with seven plates). John van Voorst, London, iv + 76 pp.","Navas, L. (1917) Trichoptere nouveau de l'Algerie. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle d'Afrique du Nord, 8, 15 - 17. [in French]","Botosaneanu, L. (1999) Notes sur quelques Trichopteres espagnols ou marocains des collections du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (Trichoptera). 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