1. Mulleres perseguidas e presas no tempo do Golpe e da Guerra Civil (1936-1939). O caso de Ponteareas
- Author
Iglesias Amil, Alba Águeda, Fernández-Prieto, Lourenzo, and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Historia
- Subjects
Prisons ,Cárceres ,Civil War ,Sexual Violence ,Guerra Civil ,Women ,Persecucións ,Persecutions ,Violencia Sexual ,Mulleres - Abstract
Traballo Fin de Grao en Historia. Curso 2020-2021 Nos tempos da Guerra, unha parte das mulleres galegas foi obxecto de múltiples violencias específicas, marcadas polo contexto do Golpe e polos postulados patriarcais e tradicionalistas que defendían os golpistas, entre estas a do encerro en centros de reclusión para mulleres. Así, o obxectivo deste estudo é, por un lado, indagar, nas posibles motivacións que expliquen esta violencia diferencial feminina, e por outro, identificar as estratexias que estiveron detrás desta violencia, analizando, particularmente o caso dos espazos de reclusión e cárceres femininos. Con esta finalidade, analizárase o caso de Ponteareas durante o 1936 ata o 1939, identificando as mulleres presas neste tempo, así como o centro de reclusión feminino que se creou na vila. Tentarase, desta forma, aproximarse aos posibles factores que expliquen o seu encerro, así como, pescudar o perfil social das vítimas, as condicións destes lugares ou os elementos que as acompañaron na reclusión, ademais dos posibles efectos políticos e culturais que se puideron desenvolver como consecuencia das súas vivencias. De igual forma, buscarase sinalar outras violencias específicas como o caso das humillacións e vexacións públicas, sendo as mulleres reféns e presas vítimas tamén destes tratos, ademais do da retención During the war, some Galician women were subjected to multiple specific forms of violence, marked by the context of the coup and by the patriarchal and traditionalist postulates defended by the coup perpetrators, including imprisonment in women's prisons. Thus, the objective of this study is, on the one hand, to investigate the possible motivations that explain this female differential violence, and on the other, to identify the strategies that were behind this violence, analyzing particularly the case of women's confinement centers and prisons. With this purpose, we had analyzed the case of Ponteareas during 1936 to 1939, identifying the women prisoners during this time, as well as the center of feminine reclusion that was created in the village. In this way, we will try to get closer to the possible factors that explain their confinement, as well as to find out the social profile of the victims, the conditions of these places or the elements that accompanied them during their imprisonment, as well as the possible political and cultural effects that may have developed as a result of their experiences. Similarly, we seek to point out other specific forms of violence such as public humiliation and humiliation, with women hostages and prisoners also being victims of this treatment, in addition to that of detention.
- Published
- 2021