1,019 results on '"Indonesien"'
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2. A phylogeographic approach to Sulawesi's Maros karst shrimp fauna (Decapoda, Atyidae) reveals several cave invasions and challenges current taxonomic hypotheses.
- Author
von Rintelen, Kristina, Rumpf, Carla M. A., Wowor, Daisy, Wessel, Andreas, and von Rintelen, Thomas
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KARST , *COLONIZATION (Ecology) , *CAVE animals , *MOLECULAR phylogeny , *ENDEMIC species - Abstract
The unique endemic cave fauna of the Maros karst cave system (Sulawesi, Indonesia) includes atyid freshwater shrimps only known from their species descriptions. An extensive survey revealed a total of ten species in epigean and subterranean rivers: Two non-endemic, four species endemic to Sulawesi (genus Caridina) and four stygobiont species (genus Caridina , Marosina , and Parisia) only endemic to the Maros karst. A molecular phylogeny revealed (1) two independent colonizations of Sulawesi's Maros karst caves by species of Caridina (Clade 1) derived from endemic ancestors, and (2) an exclusively stygobiont group (Clade 2, Marosina , Parisia) possibly derived from an amphidromous, anchialine cave-dweller. Our approach revealed another cryptic cave species of Caridina and challenges the taxonomic status of four Sulawesi endemics. In conclusion, the freshwater shrimps of the Maros karst are a challenging but rewarding group that can contribute to our understanding of the evolution of cave-dwelling species and atyid phylogenetics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Demokratieförderung
- Author
Dosch, Jörn, Becker, Pamina, Dosch, Jörn, and Becker, Pamina
- Published
- 2024
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4. Scham: Ihre Bedeutung für Malai*innen in Indonesien und ihre Relevanz für kontraproduktives Arbeitsverhalten im Kontext der Vierten Industriellen Revolution
- Author
Cucuani, Hijriyati, Sulastiana, Marina, Harding, Diana, Agustiani, Hendriati, Mayer, Claude-Hélène, editor, Vanderheiden, Elisabeth, editor, and Wong (emeritiert), Paul T. P., editor
- Published
- 2024
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5. Justifying a Political Dynasty - The Indonesian Constitutional Court on Who May Run for Presidency in the 2024 Elections
- Author
Mohammad Ibrahim
- Subjects
Constitutional Court ,Corruption ,Indonesia ,Indonesien ,Indonesien. Mahkamah Konstitusi ,President Jokowi ,Law - Abstract
The Indonesian Constitutional Court has handed down a highly controversial decision lowering the minimum age requirement for presidential candidacy. It raises further alarms about the Court's independence, as the petitioner sought to allow President Jokowi's son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to run in the 2024 presidential elections. Worse, the current Chief Justice is married to the President's younger sister, and the Court's legal reasoning it not sound.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Icke-mänskliga aktörer och konfliktzoner : Guld- och kopparmalm i Västpapua
- Author
Skönborg, Max and Skönborg, Max
- Abstract
This thesis examines the role of non-human objects as actors in conflict zones, with a focus on the extraction of gold and copper ore in West Papua, Indonesia. The region, known for its cultural diversity, rainforests, and mountains, has a complex history of conflicts stemming from the denial of autonomy or independence. This has led to the exploitation of the region's rich natural resources, particularly by the American mining company Freeport in the Grasberg mining district, resulting in extensive environmental destruction and diminished opportunities for traditional livelihoods. The study aims to apply principles of political ecology to broaden the understanding of the conflict by examining gold and copper ore as actors, identifying the ore’s material characteristics, and how they have influenced the conflict in West Papua. The theoretical framework includes the research theme “Political Objects and Actors” and the concept of the Resource Curse, which describes how resource-rich regions often suffer from poverty, corruption, and conflict. Through a literature review of technical reports, textbooks, and research articles on the mining industry, as well as documentation on the conflict, the study identifies the material properties of gold and copper ore and their impact on the components of the conflict. The conflict in West Papua encompasses several key elements: denial of self-determination and political representation, environmental destruction, marginalization and economic disparities, human rights violations, and cultural oppression. The analysis reveals that the extraction of gold and copper has a significant impact on the socio-economic and political instability in West Papua. The study confirms the relevance of political ecology and the Resource Curse in understanding the conflict. It concludes that sustainable and equitable management of natural resources is crucial to reducing conflicts and promoting peaceful development in West Papua and similar re, Denna uppsats undersöker icke-mänskliga objekts roll som aktörer i konfliktzoner, med fokus på utvinning av guld- och kopparmalm i Västpapua, Indonesien. Regionen, känd för sin kulturella mångfald, regnskogar och berg, har en komplex historia av konflikter som härrör från förnekandet av autonomi eller självständighet. Detta har lett till exploateringen av regionens rika naturresurser, särskilt av det amerikanska gruvföretaget Freeport i gruvdistriktet Grasberg, vilket har resulterat i omfattande miljöförstöring och försämrade möjligheter till traditionella levnadssätt. Studien syftar till att tillämpa principer inom politisk ekologi för att bredda förståelsen för konflikten genom att undersöka guld- och kopparmalm som aktörer, identifiera malmernas materiella egenskaper och hur de har påverkat konflikten i Västpapua. Den teoretiska ramen inkluderar forskningstemat ”Politiska objekt och aktörer” och konceptet av Resursparadoxen, som beskriver hur regioner rika på naturresurser ofta lider av fattigdom, korruption och konflikt. Genom en litteraturgenomgång av tekniska rapporter, läroböcker och forskningsartiklar om gruvindustrin, samt dokumentation om konflikten, identifierar studien de materiella egenskaperna hos guld- och kopparmalm och deras påverkan på konfliktens komponenter. Konflikten i Västpapua omfattar flera centrala element: förnekande av självbestämmande och politisk representation, miljöförstöring, marginalisering och ekonomiska skillnader, kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter samt kulturellt förtryck. Analysen avslöjar att utvinningen av guld och koppar har en betydande inverkan på den socioekonomiska och politiska instabiliteten i Västpapua. Studien bekräftar relevansen av politisk ekologi och Resursparadoxen för att förstå konflikten. Den drar slutsatsen att en hållbar och rättvis hantering av naturresurser är avgörande för att minska konflikter och främja fredlig utveckling i Västpapua och liknande regioner. Internationellt samarbete och ökat fok
- Published
- 2024
7. Analyzing Decision-Making Factors for Using Social Media: the Role Trust and Information Sharing
- Author
Osly Usman, Usep Suhud, and Maulida Isti'anah
- Subjects
Marketing ,information exchange ,Vertrauen ,Nutzung ,Economics ,social media ,utilization ,Wirtschaft ,Selbstwirksamkeit ,ddc:070 ,TikTok ,utilitarian value ,Interactive, electronic Media ,hedonism ,Soziale Medien ,Indonesia ,ddc:330 ,Indonesien ,Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen ,Hedonismus ,confidence ,self-efficacy ,interaktive, elektronische Medien ,News media, journalism, publishing ,Informationsaustausch - Abstract
Purpose: This study is aimed at explaining the factors that influence a person to decide to use TikTok in the Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) area. This study also uses the variables of self-efficacy, utilitarian value, hedonic value, information sharing, trust, and decision-making. Design/Method/Approach: Quantitative approaches and explanatory research are used in this study. Respondents were consumers who used the TikTok application in the Jabodetabek area to determine the number of samples. The present study uses non-probability sampling and convenience sampling techniques with 252 respondents. Data collection methods used questionnaires, and data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with the help of AMOS 24. Findings: The findings of this study indicate that self-efficacy and hedonic value positively affect trust, and trust positively affects information sharing and decision-making. Nevertheless, the results of this study also explain that self-efficacy does not affect information sharing. The utilitarian value does not significantly affect trust, and information sharing does not affect decision-making. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the existence literature on Social Media Use and Social Media Marketing especially about variables used in this study, wherein concludes that trust play an important role to use and activities of sharing information in social media. Practical Implications: Social media service providers should focus on the influence of information sharing and decision-making in the TikTok application, namely trust. One example is making efforts to improve consumer trust by protecting the personal information which consumers provide on social networking sites and developing the TikTok application as advertising for business. This study can be used as a reference for advertisers when choosing advertising media in the TikTok application because hedonic values influence trust in the TikTok application. Advertisers are advised to promote products by providing hedonic value, such as TikTok dance. Originality/Value: The use of the TikTok application is a trend that is currently popular. We tried to perform this research by using a dependent variable of decision-making that is not easy to find and is used in marketing studies. Research Limitations/Future Research: For further research it is recommended to modify the model using factors other than those used in this study, use similar research objects other than the TikTok application, with a broader scope of the study location.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Sicherheit im Indo-Pazifik: die Asianisierung der regionalen Sicherheitsarchitektur
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Heiduk, Felix, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Heiduk, Felix
- Abstract
Seit dem Koreakrieg 1950-53 basierte die Sicherheitsarchitektur der lange Zeit als "Asien-Pazifik" bezeichneten Region auf einem US-geführten System bilateraler Allianzen, dem sogenannten Nabe-und-Speichen-System. Ein multilaterales System kollektiver Verteidigung, ähnlich der Nato in Europa, gab es in der Region bislang nicht. 2014 begann die Volksrepublik China unter Xi Jinping, eigene Ideen zur Neugestaltung des regionalen Sicherheitssystems zu entwickeln. Xi nannte das Nabe-und-Speichen-System ein Relikt des Kalten Krieges und forderte eine regionale Sicherheitsarchitektur "von Asiaten für Asiaten". Das Konzept "Indo-Pazifik" gilt weithin als strategischer Gegenentwurf zu einer sinozentristischen Neustrukturierung der Region. Dabei wird die Sicherheitsarchitektur mehrheitlich als antagonistische Ordnung verstanden, in der Sicherheit gegen und nicht mit China hergestellt wird. Diese Architektur ist stärker als bisher »asianisiert«: Nicht nur wächst die Bedeutung der US-Alliierten in der Region im Verhältnis zu Washington. Immer wichtiger werden auch bi- und minilaterale Partnerschaften außerhalb des Nabe-und-Speichen-Systems, etwa diejenigen mit Beteiligung von Staaten wie Indien oder Indonesien. Strukturell dominieren bilaterale Allianzen und Partnerschaften, die zunehmend um minilaterale Formate wie AUKUS oder Quad ergänzt werden. Für die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten bedeutet all dies, dass die Verwirklichung der Idee eines inklusiv ausgerichteten Indo-Pazifik in weite Ferne gerückt ist. Auch der effektive Multilateralismus, den die EU propagiert, gerät zusehends ins Hintertreffen, da die regionale Sicherheitsarchitektur sich mehr und mehr zu einem Nebeneinander bi- und minilateraler Kooperationsformate wandelt. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2023
9. Political Pathways and Performance of Women Opposition Leaders in Indonesia and South Korea
- Author
Choi, Nankyung and Choi, Nankyung
- Abstract
While some world regions have seen women opposition leaders with no ties to political families rise to national leadership, in East Asia, women opposition leaders who ascend to national executive positions have been largely limited to the wives, daughters, or sisters of prominent male politicians. Locally, however, there have been some broadening and diversification of women who seek and win executive office through oppositional politics. Given the small number of women opposition leaders who have gained leadership positions in the government, this article develops an interpretive study of the relationship between becoming "critical actors" and doing "critical acts" as women opposition leaders. Using four illustrative cases of women who have pursued executive power through oppositional politics, this article questions whether and how the variation in women’s pathways affects their exercise of power in Indonesia and South Korea, two young though consolidating democracies in East Asia. Drawing on the biographies and policies of two presidents (Megawati Soekarnoputri and Park Geun-hye) and two mayors (Tri Rismaharini and Kim Soo-young) it shows that local women opposition leaders use their executive leadership to initiate and implement public policies, unlike their national counterparts whose pathways and performance are intertwined with family background. By doing so, the article sheds light on the complex nexus between political pathways and performance of women opposition leaders.
- Published
- 2023
10. Security in the Indo-Pacific: the Asianisation of the regional security architecture
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Heiduk, Felix, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Heiduk, Felix
- Abstract
Since the Korean War of 1950-53, the security architecture of the region previously referred to as the "Asia-Pacific" has been based on a US-led system of bilateral alliances known as the "hub-and-spokes" system. A multilateral system of collective defence, similar to NATO in Europe, has not existed in the region. In 2014, the People's Republic of China under Xi Jinping began to develop its own ideas for reshaping the regional security system. Xi called the hub-and-spokes system a relic of the Cold War and called for a regional security architecture "by Asians for Asians". The "Indo-Pacific" is widely regarded as a strategy to counter a Sinocentric restructuring of the region. The majority of actors involved conceives its security architecture as an antagonistic order in which security is established against, and not with, China. This architecture is more "Asianised" than before. The region's US allies are gaining significance in relation to Washington. What's more, bilateral and minilateral partnerships outside the hub-and-spokes system are becoming increasingly important, for example those involving states such as India or Indonesia. Structurally, bilateral alliances and partnerships dominate. They are increasingly supplemented by minilateral formats such as AUKUS or the Quad. For the EU and its member states, all this means that realising the idea of an inclusive Indo-Pacific has become a distant prospect. The effective multilateralism propagated by the EU is also gradually falling behind as the regional security architecture is increasingly being transformed into a web of bilateral and minilateral cooperation formats.
- Published
- 2023
11. Sea change in EU trade policy: opportunities for diversification in the Indo-Pacific
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Hilpert, Hanns Günther, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Hilpert, Hanns Günther
- Abstract
Europe's trade policy is heading for a sea change. But it is not Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine that is the main reason for this development. Rather, there are long-term influencing factors at work here: the WTO-centred multilateral trade order is visibly eroding. Protectionism is on the rise around the globe. World trade is growing only marginally or is even stagnating. Globalization is undergoing a transformation whose outcome is uncertain. And international trade is increasingly being instrumentalized for political purposes. In February 2021, the European Commission responded to these structural upheavals by announcing an "open, sustainable and assertive trade policy". However, there has so far been uneven progress towards implementing the objectives included in the new trade policy strategy. While the EU's intention to strengthen both Europe's assertiveness and the sustainability of trade is being realized through numerous new instruments and measures, its promise of openness and liberalization remains unfulfilled for the time being. In particular, the Indo-Pacific region beyond China would offer the German and European economies significant opportunities to tap new sources of raw materials and access reliable supplier networks and growing sales markets. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2023
12. Managerial Performance of Principals in an Integrated Education System on Character Building of Students
- Author
Fajariani, Kiki, Khairuddin, Khairuddin, Yusrizal, Yusrizal, Fajariani, Kiki, Khairuddin, Khairuddin, and Yusrizal, Yusrizal
- Abstract
This study aimed to determine the principal's managerial performance, the Integrated Education System results, and the constraints in implementing the program. The method used is qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The research subjects were the principal and the Integrated Education System teacher for tahfizh and diniyah. The results showed that the principal's managerial performance in implementing the Integrated Education System is related to implementing the learning schedule, ensuring the availability of teachers, supervising the program, and evaluating the program. Another managerial form by the principal is holding regular meetings with Integrated Education System teachers to discuss the process, achievement of results, and obstacles teachers face. From the results of the Integrated Education System, it can be concluded that it is true that students at SMP Negeri 1 Peukan Bada have increased character, as shown by changes in politeness, mutual respect, and tolerance. However, character development is still in the stage of the development process, considering that the Integrated Education System is still relatively new in schools.
- Published
- 2023
13. Analyzing Decision-Making Factors for Using Social Media: The Role of Trust and Information Sharing
- Author
Isti'anah, Maulida, Suhud, Usep, Usman, Osly, Isti'anah, Maulida, Suhud, Usep, and Usman, Osly
- Abstract
Purpose: This study is aimed at explaining the factors that influence a person to decide to use TikTok in the Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) area. This study also uses the variables of self-efficacy, utilitarian value, hedonic value, information sharing, trust, and decision-making. Design/Method/Approach: Quantitative approaches and explanatory research are used in this study. Respondents were consumers who used the TikTok application in the Jabodetabek area to determine the number of samples. The present study uses non-probability sampling and convenience sampling techniques with 252 respondents. Data collection methods used questionnaires, and data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with the help of AMOS 24. Findings: The findings of this study indicate that self-efficacy and hedonic value positively affect trust, and trust positively affects information sharing and decision-making. Nevertheless, the results of this study also explain that self-efficacy does not affect information sharing. The utilitarian value does not significantly affect trust, and information sharing does not affect decision-making. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the existence literature on Social Media Use and Social Media Marketing especially about variables used in this study, wherein concludes that trust play an important role to use and activities of sharing information in social media. Practical Implications: Social media service providers should focus on the influence of information sharing and decision-making in the TikTok application, namely trust. One example is making efforts to improve consumer trust by protecting the personal information which consumers provide on social networking sites and developing the TikTok application as advertising for business. This study can be used as a reference for advertisers when choosing advertising media in the TikTok application because h
- Published
- 2023
14. Evading the resource curse
- Author
Walpoth, Elena and Walpoth, Elena
- Abstract
Elena Sofia Walpoth, Diplomarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2023
- Published
- 2023
15. Leave no one behind : A Minor Field Study of what impact recruitment can have for gender equality for working women in Indonesia.
- Author
Janzon, Alma, Leandersson, Elina, Janzon, Alma, and Leandersson, Elina
- Abstract
Background: In Indonesia and around the world, gender discrimination in employment practices is a pervasive and ongoing issue due to gender stereotypes and social norms. Organizations must therefore be aware of their influence, and how they through various stages of the recruitment process can reduce this prejudice. Additionally, organizations need to be conscious about how they can create and sustain an inclusive hiring procedure that leaves no one behind. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore what type of impact recruitment can have in terms of gender equality, equal opportunities and discrimination for working women in Indonesia. Furthermore, to investigate what impact gender stereotypes and social norms in Indonesia have on the recruitment processes in the country. Method: This study adheres to an inductive approach with a qualitative research method. The empirical findings have been gathered through the conduction of nine interviews with employers at a consultancy company in Indonesia. Conclusion: The conclusion of this thesis shows that recruitment can have a positive impact for gender equality in Indonesia and that a strategic recruitment process can help to develop gender stereotypes and social norms. However, there is a limit in how much recruitment can act as an equality tool since they do not always hold the final word on who to hire.
- Published
- 2023
16. Östtimorkrisen år 1999 : En lemkiansk granskning av konflikten som följer det östtimorianska självständighetsvotumet
- Author
Ek, Oliver and Ek, Oliver
- Abstract
In early 1999, newly appointed Indonesian President Habibie authorised a referendum on independence for East Timor. It was held under UN supervision and an overwhelming majority voted in favour. This was not well received by the conservative Indonesian military TNI, which saw this as the beginning of an Indonesian state collapse. Therefore, the TNI launched a month-long offensive in East Timor in the autumn of 1999, characterised by massive displacement, burning of infrastructure, sexual violence against women, and repeated cases of wanton murders. Consequently, some historians have described the period as a genocide. The term genocide aims to describe a concept where a perpetrator has a coordinated plan to destroy key elements of national groups, with the aim of ending the groups’ existence as a whole. Genocide is thus strongly characterised by the idea of human rights and, by extension, has a liberal underpinning. This study aims to determine whether the East Timor Crisis of 1999 can be described as a genocide; whether the description is correct if consideration is made to what constitutes a group and the intent of the perpetrator. It also aims to achieve this by using the originator of the term Raphaël Lemkin's eight societal domains in which he regards genocide to be committed and thus applies events from the East Timor Crisis within these domains to determine whether genocide has taken place. The study makes use of a qualitative, theory consuming case study methodology. It then concludes that genocide, with exceptions, occurred within every societal domain of the East Timorese society throughout the East Timor Crisis of 1999.
- Published
- 2023
17. Das Pancasila-System und die Stellung indigener Religionen in Indonesien
- Author
Feldtkeller, Andreas, Zemmrich, Eckhard, Braden, Rike, Feldtkeller, Andreas, Zemmrich, Eckhard, and Braden, Rike
- Abstract
In dieser Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen der westlichen Konstruktion von Weltreligionen auf die Religionsdefinition in der indonesischen Pancasila und die damit verbundene Marginalisierung jener Religionen, die diesen Kriterien nicht entsprechen, untersucht. Welche Einflüsse finden sich im Religionsverständnis der Pancasila wieder? Was hat dies für konkrete Auswirkungen auf die Bürger*innen Indonesiens? Was für Änderungen bewirkt das Gerichtsurteil von 2017, das es nun erlaubt, sich zu einer indigenen Religion zu bekennen? Nach einer Einführung in den Diskurs um das Weltreligionen-Paradigma anhand der Entstehung der Religionswissenschaft und der daraus folgenden Klassifizierung von Religionen werden anhand eines geschichtlichen Überblicks die Geschichte, Funktionen und Interpretationen der Pancasila als Fundament des jungen Staates Indonesien nachgezeichnet. Dabei wird auch der Einfluss des islamischen Verständnisses von „Leuten der Schrift“ berücksichtigt. Schließlich wird, nach einer Betrachtung des sprachlichen Diskurses um „Animismus“ und „Primitivismus“, untersucht, wie sich die Religionspolitik auf Religionen außerhalb der sechs anerkannten auswirkt und diese marginalisiert. Sichtbar wird dies vor allem in der obligatorischen Angabe der Religionszugehörigkeit im Personalausweis, der grundlegend für den Zugang zu öffentlichen Leistungen und die Rechte von Bürger*innen ist., In this work, the effects of the Western construction of world religions on the definition of religion in Indonesian Pancasila and the associated marginalization of those religions that do not meet these criteria are examined. Which influences can be found in the understanding of religion of the Pancasila? What concrete impact does this have on Indonesian citizens? What changes does the 2017 court ruling that now allows people to profess an indigenous religion bring about? After an introduction to the discourse on the world religion paradigm based on the emergence of religious studies and the resulting classification of religions, the history, functions and interpretations of the Pancasila as the foundation of the young state of Indonesia are traced using a historical overview. The influence of the Islamic understanding of "People of the Book" is also taken into account. Finally, after considering the linguistic discourse around “animism” and “primitivism”, it examines how religious politics affects and marginalizes religions outside of the six recognized ones. This is particularly visible in the mandatory indication of religious affiliation in the identity card, which is fundamental for access to public services and the rights of citizens.
- Published
- 2023
18. Stakeholders’ knowledge of organic rice quality in Indonesia
- Author
David, Wahyudi, David, Firmansyah, and Asiah, Nurul
- Subjects
knowledge ,consumer ,Stakeholder ,Biologische Landwirtschaft ,organic rice quality ,Indonesien ,processor ,farmer ,Reis - Published
- 2023
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19. Ritual seks - Sex als ritueller Akt der Heiligenverehrung
- Author
Gottowik, Volker
- Subjects
Islam ,Indonesien ,Ritual ,Sexualität ,Transgression ,Praktik ,Pilgerfahrt ,Heiligenverehrung ,Religion ,Heterodoxie ,Pilger ,Geschlecht ,Ethnologie ,Islamwissenschaft ,Asien ,Indonesia ,Sexuality ,Pilgrimage ,Saint Worship ,Heterodoxy ,Pilgrim ,Gender ,Ethnology ,Islamic Studies ,Asia - Abstract
Die Wahrnehmung des Islam in Indonesien ist radikal auf seine lebensfeindlichen bis gewaltbereiten Komponenten verkürzt. Dagegen setzt Volker Gottowik einen anderen Akzent. Er fokussiert auf heterodoxe Praktiken, die im Kontext von Pilgerfahrt und Heiligenverehrung auf Java untersucht werden. Dazu gehören ritualisierte Sexualkontakte (ritual seks), die Pilger untereinander eingehen, um den Segen des verehrten Heiligen zu empfangen. Im Zentrum der Analyse stehen die gesellschaftlichen Reaktionen auf solche Praktiken. Die Rückschlüsse, die daraus gezogen werden, zeigen deutlich: Eine erweiterte Perspektive auf Islam und Islamisierung ist dringend notwendig.
- Published
- 2023
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20. Leute machen Kleider: Ein Arbeitskampf indonesischer Textilarbeiterinnen zwischen Selbstorganisation und gewerkschaftlicher Organisierung
- Author
Engelhorn, Anja
- Subjects
Arbeitskampf ,labour dispute ,feminism ,Feminismus ,textile factory ,Textilfabrik ,textile industry ,Textilindustrie ,Indonesia ,Indonesien ,Gewerkschaft ,trade union ,Streik ,strike ,grounded theory ,clothing ,Kleidung ,organisation ,thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups::JBSF1 Gender studies: women and girls - Abstract
This empirical study analyses a labour conflict of Indonesian textile workers in the north of Jakarta that lasted several years. From the blockade of the factory to the appropriation of the factory to self-managed production, the different perspectives of the actors involved are elaborated. This is discussed along the lines of a feminist concept of labour struggle, which was theoretically elaborated in the case., Im Rahmen dieser empirischen Studie wird ein mehrjähriger Arbeitskonflikt von indonesischen Textilarbeiterinnen im Norden Jakartas analysiert. Von der Blockade der Fabrik über die Aneignung dieser bis hin zur selbstverwalteten Produktion werden die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der beteiligten Akteur*innen herausgearbeitet. Diskutiert wird dies entlang eines feministischen Arbeitskampfbegriffs, der am Fall theoretisch herausgearbeitet wurde.
- Published
- 2023
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21. Examining Socio-Economic Inequality Among Commuters: The Case of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area
- Author
Adiwan Aritenang
- Subjects
gainful employment ,inequality ,Ungleichheit ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Mobilität ,Sociology & anthropology ,Erwerbstätigkeit ,Jakarta ,commuters ,health ,metropolitan area ,transportation ,Verkehrsmittel ,Indonesien ,Sociology of Traffic ,ddc:710 ,Pendler ,Landscaping and area planning ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,income situation ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,Arbeitsweg ,Gesundheit ,Verkehrssoziologie ,Einkommensverhältnisse ,mobility ,Urban Studies ,commuter ,way to work ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Indonesia ,means of transport ,ddc:301 - Abstract
The rapid development of urban areas in surrounding regions has led to an increasing number of commuters within and between core-peripheral regions. However, variation in jobs and economic levels has exacerbated the socio-economic inequalities between metropolitan residents. Using the commuter data of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, this study examines the socio-economic disparities of commuting behaviour, spatial patterns, and health between commuters with incomes lower and higher than the regional minimum wage. The article conducts quantitative descriptive statistics and a non-parametric test using the BPS—Statistics Indonesia 2019 commuter data that included 13,000 sample respondents from the Jakarta Province and its neighbouring districts. Our result reveals a significant impact of income level on the choice of private transportation mode, whilst having no effect on the choice of public transportation modes. Higher-income peripheral residents tend to commute to the core metropolitan area (Jakarta Province), while lower-income commuters typically travel between peripheral areas. The article also indicates the negative physical health impact of prolonged and early-hours commuting, especially for lower-income groups. The article proposes better public transportation that is convenient, safe, and reliable, to ensure a sustainable and resilient metropolitan area.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Langues transnationales en Asie du Sud-Est : les amitiés distantes des thaï-lao et indonésien-malais(ien)
- Author
Samuel, Jérôme and Salem-Gervais, Nicolas
- Subjects
Asie du Sud-Est ,communications ,infectious diseases ,fleuve Mékong ,dynamique démographique ,prevention ,lao ,language policies ,elections ,malais ,Malay ,coup d’État ,changement climatique ,thaï ,hydropolitique ,prévention ,climate change ,Asian Studies ,maladies infectieuses ,ANASE ,Thai ,démographie de l'Asie du Sud-Est ,politiques linguistiques ,barrages ,élections ,demography of Southeast Asia ,China ,Indonesian ,Political Science ,Ausbau ,economic crisis ,câbles sous-marins ,One Health ,transition démocratique ,democratic transition ,Chine ,crise économique ,transnational languages ,Einbau ,Mekong River ,coup d'État ,Malaysian ,Southeast Asian ,submarine cables ,dams ,hydropolitics ,indonésien ,demographic dynamics ,langues transnationales ,ASEAN - Abstract
Within the highly diverse linguistic landscape of Southeast Asia (more than 1 350 languages in 11 countries), two languages retain our attention: Thai-Lao and Malay. These languages possess a transnational dimension, as they are official national languages in more than one county, in identical or very close forms: Thailand and Laos for the first, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore for the second. Following brief linguistic characterisation, these languages are addressed from this transnational perspective, examining the language policies they are subject to, and the underlying issue of their acceptability as common languages, both in their endemic sub-regional spaces and within the Southeast Asian and ASEAN regional framework.
- Published
- 2023
23. Income and price elasticities of animal food demand and welfare in Indonesian urban: an application of the LA-AIDS
- Author
Anindita, Ratya, Sa`Diyah, Ana Arifatus, and Khoiriyah, Nikmatul
- Subjects
Nachfrage ,demand system ,Preiselastizität ,Wohlbefinden ,welfare ,Stadt ,Indonesien ,Futtermittel ,CV ,Einkommen ,price change ,EV - Published
- 2023
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24. Das Pancasila-System und die Stellung indigener Religionen in Indonesien
- Author
Braden, Rike, Feldtkeller, Andreas, and Zemmrich, Eckhard
- Subjects
Religionspolitik ,world religion paradigm ,Marginalisierung ,Weltreligionenparadigma ,marginalization ,religious policy ,Pancasila ,religionization ,Religionisierung ,Indonesia ,Indigene Religionen ,ddc:201 ,Indonesien ,201 Religiöse Mythologie, Einteilungen der Religion, interreligiöse Beziehungen und Einstellungen, Soziallehre ,indigenous religions - Abstract
In dieser Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen der westlichen Konstruktion von Weltreligionen auf die Religionsdefinition in der indonesischen Pancasila und die damit verbundene Marginalisierung jener Religionen, die diesen Kriterien nicht entsprechen, untersucht. Welche Einflüsse finden sich im Religionsverständnis der Pancasila wieder? Was hat dies für konkrete Auswirkungen auf die Bürger*innen Indonesiens? Was für Änderungen bewirkt das Gerichtsurteil von 2017, das es nun erlaubt, sich zu einer indigenen Religion zu bekennen? Nach einer Einführung in den Diskurs um das Weltreligionen-Paradigma anhand der Entstehung der Religionswissenschaft und der daraus folgenden Klassifizierung von Religionen werden anhand eines geschichtlichen Überblicks die Geschichte, Funktionen und Interpretationen der Pancasila als Fundament des jungen Staates Indonesien nachgezeichnet. Dabei wird auch der Einfluss des islamischen Verständnisses von „Leuten der Schrift“ berücksichtigt. Schließlich wird, nach einer Betrachtung des sprachlichen Diskurses um „Animismus“ und „Primitivismus“, untersucht, wie sich die Religionspolitik auf Religionen außerhalb der sechs anerkannten auswirkt und diese marginalisiert. Sichtbar wird dies vor allem in der obligatorischen Angabe der Religionszugehörigkeit im Personalausweis, der grundlegend für den Zugang zu öffentlichen Leistungen und die Rechte von Bürger*innen ist., In this work, the effects of the Western construction of world religions on the definition of religion in Indonesian Pancasila and the associated marginalization of those religions that do not meet these criteria are examined. Which influences can be found in the understanding of religion of the Pancasila? What concrete impact does this have on Indonesian citizens? What changes does the 2017 court ruling that now allows people to profess an indigenous religion bring about? After an introduction to the discourse on the world religion paradigm based on the emergence of religious studies and the resulting classification of religions, the history, functions and interpretations of the Pancasila as the foundation of the young state of Indonesia are traced using a historical overview. The influence of the Islamic understanding of "People of the Book" is also taken into account. Finally, after considering the linguistic discourse around “animism” and “primitivism”, it examines how religious politics affects and marginalizes religions outside of the six recognized ones. This is particularly visible in the mandatory indication of religious affiliation in the identity card, which is fundamental for access to public services and the rights of citizens.
- Published
- 2023
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25. Stable Support for Democracy in East and Southeast Asia? Examining Citizens’ Trust in Democratic Institutions
- Author
Marlene Mauk
- Subjects
Vertrauen ,democracy ,Far East ,Politikwissenschaft ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Taiwan ,political culture ,Südkorea ,Development ,Democratic values ,Economic performance ,Incumbent support ,Institutional trust ,Political trust ,Social trust ,Asian Barometer Survey (Waves 1–4, 2001–2016) ,Südostasien ,Einstellung ,Japan ,South Korea ,Mongolei ,Indonesien ,politische Kultur ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Political science ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Ostasien ,political institution ,Mongolia ,Southeast Asia ,politische Institution ,Indonesia ,attitude ,ddc:320 ,Political Science and International Relations ,confidence ,Demokratie - Abstract
Recent democratic regressions and crises suggest democracy is at risk across East and Southeast Asia. One of the factors that can determine democratic stability are citizens’ attitudes. While previous research has concentrated on support for democracy-in-principle, this contribution argues that it is political trust, i.e. support for democracy-in-practice, which is crucial for democratic stability. For democracies to be stable, political trust should be high as well as rooted in long-term factors like liberal democratic value orientations or social trust to protect it from short-term fluctuations following economic crises or political scandals. This contribution therefore examines not only the current levels and development of political trust but also whether it is influenced more by long-term factors (liberal democratic value orientations, social trust) or short-term factors (economic performance evaluations, incumbent support). The empirical analysis shows political trust in five East and Southeast Asian democracies (Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan) to be mostly mediocre and primarily dependent on economic performance evaluations and incumbent support. Among the five democracies, citizens in Japan appear most resilient to democratic regressions; on the other hand, Taiwanese democracy seems least equipped to master future crises.
- Published
- 2021
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26. Uncover Intermestic: Covid-19 Vaccination Implementation Policy In West Sumatra
- Author
Permata, Inda Mustika
- Subjects
Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Covid-19 ,Intermestic ,Policy ,West Sumatra ,Indonesia ,Health Policy ,ddc:300 ,Indonesien ,Impfung ,Akzeptanz ,Gesundheitspolitik ,vaccination ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,acceptance - Abstract
West Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia where most of the people are of the Minangkabau ethnicity. People in the province base their lives on the customs and religion of Islam. As of October 2021, West Sumatra had not performed well in terms of vaccination rates. It was one of the two provinces in Indonesia with the lowest acceptance rate of the COVID-19 vaccine at the time. The government of West Sumatra did not sanction vaccine refusal either. This resulted in a slowdown in the government’s objective of creating herd immunity. This article, therefore, aims to analyze the local values of West Sumatra, which can be utilized as a means of overcoming this situation. The research method used in this study was qualitative, with primary data collected through interviews, and secondary data obtained from journals, books, reports, and news articles. The result shows that the Covid-19 is a global problem which requires a domestic response by involving local actors from social capital networks in West Sumatra.
- Published
- 2023
27. Leveling entrepreneurial skills of vocational secondary school students in Indonesia: Impact of demographic characteristics
- Author
Susantiningrum, Susantiningrum, Siswandari, Siswandari, Joyoatmojo, Soetarno, and Mafruhah, Izza
- Subjects
Unternehmer ,Risk ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Demographic Characteristics ,Vocational training ,Secondary education upper level ,Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik ,Einflussfaktor ,Wirkung ,Education ,Creativity ,Questionnaire survey ,ddc:370 ,Sekundarstufe II ,Erwachsenenbildung / Weiterbildung ,Vocational Education and Training ,Fragebogenerhebung ,Entrepreneur ,ddc:330 ,Indonesien ,Upper secondary education ,Family ,Unternehmensentwicklung ,Kreativität ,Innovation ,Competency ,Vocational Secondary School ,Gender ,Upper secondary ,Entrepreneurship Subjects ,Pupil ,VSS ,Pupils ,Berufsausbildung ,Indonesia ,Familie ,Entrepreneurial Skills ,Schüler ,VET ,Curriculum ,Risikobereitschaft ,Quantitative research ,Quantitative Forschung ,Kompetenz - Abstract
Context: This article aims to determine the entrepreneurial skills of Vocational Secondary School students after the implementation of a new curriculum that promotes entrepreneurship courses in Indonesia. The authors believe that after taking such courses, students will be able to generate entrepreneurial skills. This study also explores the effect of demographic characteristics on students' entrepreneurship skills level, especially with respect to gender, school, and family. Approach: This study used a quantitative approach, with data collected through a questionnaire with five variables, that is, leadership, reflective communication, risk-taking, creatively innovative, and future orientation. Data were collected from 463 students who had taken entrepreneurship subjects that were chosen randomly. Data were analyzed using linear regression. Findings: 52.22% of our respondents had a moderate score for entrepreneurial skills, this is not in accordance with the expected learning outcomes, there are students who have entrepreneurial skills at a high level. With respect to creative innovation, in particular, a majority (53.15%) had a low score and 4.1% had a very low score. Moreover, family had a significant and positive effect on all dependent variables (leadership scores, reflective communication scores, risk-taking scores, creatively innovative scores, future orientation scores, and overall entrepreneurial skills scores). School demographic characteristics had a significant positive effect on the value of future orientation. These results indicate that private schools tend to strengthen the level of reflective communicative scores. Conclusion: The entrepreneurial skills of most vocational students are middling. This indicates that entrepreneurship subjects at Vocational Secondary schools have not been able to achieve their expected learning outcomes or help students develop entrepreneurial skills at a high level. Thus, further research is needed to determine the causes behind the problem. Schools are expected to be able to establish harmonious relationships by involving families to support the improvement of an informal learning environment that supports the mastery of entrepreneurial skills of vocational students.
- Published
- 2023
28. Indonesia's Islamic Peace Diplomacy: Crafting a Role Model for Moderate Islam
- Author
Tho Seeth, Amanda and German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Asien-Studien
- Subjects
religious community ,international relations ,peacekeeping ,Internationale Beziehungen ,International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy ,Islam ,Southeast Asia ,Religion ,diplomacy ,Südostasien ,Friedenssicherung ,Indonesia ,Indonesien ,Religionsgemeinschaft ,internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik ,Diplomatie ,ddc:327 - Abstract
Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, is continuously increasing its Islamic diplomacy portfolio. A central element herein is the deployment of a moderate Islam discourse for global peace. In doing so, the country seeks to weaken Arab dominance within Islamic discourse and rebrand itself as a progressive role model for the Islamic world. The moderate Islam agenda for peace is characterised by the collaboration of state and non-state actors at the domestic and international level - despite their diverse understandings of what "moderate Islam" is. Indonesia's civil Islamic organisation Nahdlatul Ulama ("Revival of Islamic Scholars") has recently transitioned from mere debating about moderate Islam to kicking off a global movement for reforming Islamic jurisprudence by interpretations that benefit all humans, regardless of religious affiliation. This includes the legitimisation of the United Nations Charter. Indonesia's internationalised Islamic higher education system is evolving as a central site for diplomatic practices. Islamic academia aims to disseminate a moderate Islamic message and position Indonesia as a peaceful soft power. Indonesia has thus inserted itself into the global competition over Islamic knowledge production. It directly challenges herewith established centres of Islamic higher education, such as Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. The framing of Indonesia as a moderate, pluralist, and peaceful Muslim-majority country contrasts with the so-called conservative turn underway in Indonesian politics and society. This tension may weaken the progressive impulses of the moderate Islam discourse. Foreign policy stakeholders, international development agencies, and university staff should join Indonesia's peace initiative. Indonesian Islamic actors should be considered partners in working towards realising the United Nations' Agenda 2030 on sustainable development. In this context, the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16 ("peace") is particularly suited for collaboration.
- Published
- 2023
29. Analysis of the Decline in Indonesian Coal Exports to China during the Covid-19 Pandemic between 2019 and 2020
- Author
Darwis, Danial and Irwanto, Samuel Sigit
- Subjects
coal ,China ,Economics ,Wirtschaft ,Nachfrageentwicklung ,demand development ,Political Economy ,Indonesia ,Volkswirtschaftslehre ,ddc:330 ,Kohle ,Indonesien ,Export ,Covid-19 - Abstract
This study analyses the decline in Indonesian coal exports to China during the Covid-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2020. The timeframe was selected due to a decline in Indonesian coal exports to China during that period. Although literature reviews indicate that several previous articles have discussed Indonesia’s coal exports to China, they do not cover the timeframe during the Covid-19 pandemic, as is the case in this study. Consequently, this article is novel and contributes to the discussion in that area. This study was conducted qualitatively, as well as using the library research method to collect information from a variety of secondary sources. The findings of this study indicate that the decline in Indonesian coal exports to China during the Covid-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2020 occurred as the result of China's domestic problems. These domestic problems include the decline in production in China's industry because of the lockdown policy carried out during the pandemic. The pandemic significantly limited import activities and slowed down domestic production, in addition to the overall slowdown of the world economy which led to a decrease in demand for coal. All these factors affected supply from Indonesia.
- Published
- 2023
30. Literacy policy in Southeast Asia: a comparative study between Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia
- Author
Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah, Zaini Tamin AR, and Moh. Rifqi Rahman
- Subjects
Test ,Bildungssystem ,Educational policy ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Cross-national comparison ,Education ,Südostasien ,ddc:370 ,Education system ,Performance measurement ,Empirische Bildungsforschung ,Indonesien ,Internationaler Vergleich ,Lesekompetenz ,International comparison ,Leistungsmessung ,Singapore ,Bildungspolitik ,Schülerleistung ,Malaysia ,Reading competence ,Singapur ,Education systems ,Southeast Asia ,Student achievement ,Achievement measurement ,South-East Asia ,Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft ,Bildungsmonitoring ,Indonesia ,Evaluation of the education system ,Monitoring of the education system ,Curriculum ,Pupil achievement - Abstract
This study starts with two questions: why is the literacy of 15-year-old Indonesian students low, and how does this compare with other countries? This study aimed to examine the literacy policies in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia and discuss the strategic policies to improve literacy in each country. The qualitative comparative research method was employed to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the literacy policies in these three countries. According to the findings, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia each have distinct literacy policy trends. The context of each country’s education system and language affects the government’s literacy policies: Singapore emphasises industrialisation; Malaysia refers to its multi-ethnic life; Indonesia reflects the 2013 curriculum. Meanwhile, the National Library Board (NLB; Singapore), the Malaysian National Literacy Agency (Malaysia), the Language and Book Development Agency, as well as the Archive and Library Agency (Indonesia) contribute to the implementation and commitment of these literacy policies. As part of their programme implementation, each institution has a literacy activity.
- Published
- 2023
31. Factors in constructing Indonesia's perspectives on the Indo-Pacific
- Author
Mohd. Agoes Aufiya
- Subjects
Public Administration ,Pazifischer Raum ,international cooperation ,international relations ,Indo-Pacific ,Bebas-Aktif ,Jokowi ,Global Maritime Fulcrum ,Pacific Rim ,Internationale Beziehungen ,International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy ,Indischer Ozean ,Indonesia ,internationale Zusammenarbeit ,Political Science and International Relations ,Indonesien ,internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik ,Indian Ocean ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,ddc:327 ,ASEAN - Abstract
The term "Indo-Pacific" became increasingly significant and was accepted by several countries, including Indonesia. The government welcomed the term as part of its foreign policy projection, which developed its unique perspective or interpretation, including inclusivity, a rule based on international law, and ASEAN's centrality and cooperation for regional growth. This study would answer the question of how the concept of Indo-Pacific will be interpreted within Indonesia's unique context compared to other countries. Thus, this research aimed to describe several key factors in constructing the Indonesian perspective on the Indo-Pacific concept, particularly under President Jokowi’s leadership. This research applied qualitative with library methods from the primary and secondary data sources. This paper argued six factors that constructed Indonesia's perspective on Indo-Pacific: maritime historical legacy; the "Bebas-Aktif" principle; ASEAN values; geographical position; and democratic values. The research concluded that Indonesia is one of the major countries that consistently championed the term "Indo-Pacific" within the regional and international spheres, with a "moderate" status in terms of its foreign policy implementation, which is mainly characterized by inclusivity and cooperation in the economy by constructively engaging all countries.
- Published
- 2023
32. The Relevance of the Keduk’an System to the Realization of Food Sovereignty: A Study in Juku Batu Village, Indonesia
- Author
Zazili, Ahmad and Septiana, Dewi
- Subjects
Gewinnbeteiligung ,Ernährungssicherung ,Agrarprodukt ,pengkeduk ,Indonesien ,Lampung ,keduk'an system ,food sovereignty - Published
- 2022
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33. Physico-chemical Characterization of Four Species Indonesian Mangrove Fruits as Food Source
- Author
Rosulva, Indah, Hariyadi, Purwiyatno, Budijanto, Slamet, and Sitanggang, Azis Boing
- Subjects
Avicennia sp ,Lebensmittelindustrie ,Sonneratia ,Rhizophora sp ,Mehl ,Indonesien ,Mangrove flour ,Avicẹnnia ,Mangrovengewächse ,Bruguiera sp ,Sonneratia sp ,Lebensmittel ,Kohlenhydrate - Published
- 2022
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34. Leute machen Kleider: Ein Arbeitskampf indonesischer Textilarbeiterinnen zwischen Selbstorganisation und gewerkschaftlicher Organisierung
- Author
Engelhorn, Anja
- Subjects
feminism ,inequality ,Sociology of Work, Industrial Sociology, Industrial Relations ,Ungleichheit ,industrial action ,Selbstorganisation ,Sociology & anthropology ,Industrie- und Betriebssoziologie, Arbeitssoziologie, industrielle Beziehungen ,industrial dispute ,Südostasien ,Indonesien ,gender relations ,Frau ,textile industry ,Arbeitskonflikt ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Arbeitskampf ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Feminismus ,Textilindustrie ,gender role ,self-organization ,Southeast Asia ,trade union ,Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ,Gewerkschaft ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Indonesia ,woman ,ddc:300 ,Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies ,Intersektionalität ,ddc:301 ,Geschlechterverhältnis ,intersectionality ,Geschlechtsrolle - Abstract
Im Rahmen dieser empirischen Studie wird ein mehrjähriger Arbeitskonflikt von indonesischen Textilarbeiterinnen im Norden Jakartas analysiert. Von der Blockade der Fabrik über die Aneignung dieser bis hin zur selbstverwalteten Produktion werden die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der beteiligten Akteur*innen herausgearbeitet. Diskutiert wird dies entlang eines feministischen Arbeitskampfbegriffs, der am Fall theoretisch herausgearbeitet wurde. In den Auseinandersetzungen und Aushandlungen darum zeigt sich, welche Widersprüche und Brüche in der Perspektive auf den Arbeitskampf zwischen den gewerkschaftlichen Vorstellungen und den Vorstellungen der Arbeiterinnen im Rahmen ihrer Selbstorganisation hervortreten. Wie sich die unterschiedlichen Strategien und Vorstellungen gegenseitig bedingen, befruchten oder gar widersprechen, ist demnach wichtiger Bestandteil der Analyse und trägt zur Beantwortung der zentralen Forschungsfrage bei: "Wie denken, verhandeln und gestalten die indonesischen Textilarbeiterinnen den Arbeitskampf vor dem Hintergrund ihrer geschlechtsspezifischen sozialen Rollen als Frauen und damit verbundenen Arbeits- und Lebensrealitäten?" Um dies jedoch entlang der Geschlechterverhältnisse zu verstehen, verschiedene Facetten darin zu erkennen und letztlich deuten zu können, bedarf es eines feministisch erweiterten Arbeitskampfbegriffs, da der verkürzte androzentrische Begriff von Arbeitskampf in erster Linie als Auseinandersetzung zwischen Kapital und Arbeit konzipiert ist. Damit werden andere gesellschaftliche Ungleichheitslagen und Herrschaftsverhältnisse oft außer Acht gelassen und die verschiedenen Arbeits- und Lebensrealitäten von Frauen, trans*- oder nicht-binären Personen finden darin kaum Beachtung. In der Diskussion um einen feministischen Arbeitskampfbegriff wird dieser in seine Wortbestandteile "Arbeit" und "Kampf" geteilt. Diese werden dann aus einer feministischen Perspektive diskutiert, bevor der Begriff Arbeitskampf in der Zusammenführung dann konzeptionell neu gefasst wird.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
NOVIANI, Annisa Dwi and WIDYANTI, Ari
- Subjects
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ANTHROPOMETRY , *SHOES , *FOOTWEAR , *SEMANTIC differential scale , *EMOTIONS - Abstract
Shoes play an important role in human life. For children in particular, shoes also support the development of their feet. This study is aimed to integrate anthropometric approach with Kansei Engineering in designing shoes for Indonesian children. Eighteen dimensions of foot anthropometry for 331 Indonesian Sundanese children ages 6-10 were measured and presented, a shoe size chart for Indonesian children is proposed as well. Moreover, Kansei Engineering was applied to capture consumers' 'emotion' toward children's shoe design and was evaluated both for Indonesian parents and children. The result shows that emotion related to children's shoe design are comfort and appearance. The implication of the results is further discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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36. The politics of learning from a small city: Solo as translocal model and political launch pad.
- Author
Bunnell, Tim, Padawangi, Rita, and Thompson, Eric C.
- Subjects
SMALL cities ,INDONESIAN politics & government ,CITY promotion ,AREA studies - Abstract
Joko Widodo (‘Jokowi’), mayor of the small Indonesian city of Solo (also officially known as Surakarta) between 2005 and 2012, was subsequently elected as governor of Jakarta and then as president of the Republic of Indonesia. This paper examines aspects of Jokowi’s political journey that speak to urban/regional studies debates on the politics of inter-municipal learning. It shows how the emergence of Solo as a ‘best-practice city’ in translocal learning networks enabled small-city civic boosterism and provided a launch pad for Jokowi’s electability in Jakarta. Implications of translocal learning at the ‘sending’ end are thus shown to extend beyond matters of local political legitimacy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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37. Managerial Performance of Principals in an Integrated Education System on Character Building of Students
- Author
Fajariani, Kiki, Khairuddin, Khairuddin, and Yusrizal, Yusrizal
- Subjects
Professionalisierung ,Schulbildung ,Bildungspolitik ,Macroanalysis of the Education System, Economics of Education, Educational Policy ,Southeast Asia ,educational policy ,Education ,Makroebene des Bildungswesens ,Südostasien ,education system ,ddc:370 ,Bildungswesen ,Schulleitung ,principal ,Indonesia ,Managerial Performance ,Integrated Education System ,Character Building ,professionalization ,Indonesien ,school education ,Bildung und Erziehung - Abstract
This study aimed to determine the principal's managerial performance, the Integrated Education System results, and the constraints in implementing the program. The method used is qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The research subjects were the principal and the Integrated Education System teacher for tahfizh and diniyah. The results showed that the principal's managerial performance in implementing the Integrated Education System is related to implementing the learning schedule, ensuring the availability of teachers, supervising the program, and evaluating the program. Another managerial form by the principal is holding regular meetings with Integrated Education System teachers to discuss the process, achievement of results, and obstacles teachers face. From the results of the Integrated Education System, it can be concluded that it is true that students at SMP Negeri 1 Peukan Bada have increased character, as shown by changes in politeness, mutual respect, and tolerance. However, character development is still in the stage of the development process, considering that the Integrated Education System is still relatively new in schools.
- Published
- 2022
38. Use of corncob biochar and urea for pakchoi (Brassica rapa L.) cultivation: Short-term impact of pyrolysis temperature and fertiliser dose on plant growth and yield
- Author
Haryanto, Agus, Megasepta, Riri, Kusuma Wisnu, Febryan, Asmara, Sandi, Hasanudin, Udin, Hidayat, Wahyu, and Triyono, Sugeng
- Subjects
canopy ,number of leaves ,Blattbildung ,crop yield ,Lampung ,Organische Düngung ,Pak-choi ,Pflanzenkohle ,Pyrolyse ,water productivity ,Indonesien ,biochar ,Harnstoff ,Ertragssteigerung ,Maisverarbeitung - Published
- 2022
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39. Effect of Wife's at First Marriage on Fertility: A Theoretical Perspective
- Author
Hidayat, Nasrullah
- Subjects
age ,wife ,fertility ,marriage ,fertility rate ,number of children ,wedding ,Population Studies, Sociology of Population ,Ehefrau ,Kinderzahl ,Südostasien ,Sociology ,Bevölkerung ,Indonesien ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Bevölkerungsentwicklung ,population policy ,population development ,Southeast Asia ,Bevölkerungspolitik ,Indonesia ,Heirat ,ddc:300 ,Fruchtbarkeit ,Geburtenhäufigkeit ,Lebensalter - Abstract
This study aimed to examine the description of the effect of age at first marriage on fertility. This type of research is a literature study by examining references from books, journals, articles, documents, and data from the Central Statistics Agency. The analytical technique used in this study is qualitative analysis, namely by describing the findings of data and information in the form of narratives and discussions related to the effect of age at first marriage on fertility. The results of this study indicate that the age at first marriage greatly determines fertility or the number of children. If the age at first marriage is high, the number of children will undoubtedly be higher. Therefore, the government must make more preventive and educational efforts for the productive age, especially 17 years and over, to limit the number of births. They have to mature themselves to decide when to get married because it is related to Indonesia's increase and population growth.
- Published
- 2022
40. Protein and iron source snack bar made from Mlanding Tempeh – A fermented Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala)
- Author
Dzulhijjah, Rahmi, Setiawan, Budi, and Palupi, Eny
- Subjects
Leucaena ,Ernährung ,supplementary feeding ,Hülsenfrüchtler ,Parkia ,Empfehlungen für die Nährstoffzufuhr ,non-dairy protein ,Tempeh ,plant based protein ,Fermentiertes Lebensmittel ,Pflanzliche Proteine ,fermented legumes ,Milchproteine ,Imbissstand ,Indonesien ,ion ,young men ,Heranwachsender - Published
- 2022
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41. Business performance during the COVID-19 crisis: a major contribution of entrepreneurial resilience
- Author
Sari, Puteri Andika, Sari, Wiendy Puspita, Rinaldo, Dito, Sari, Puteri Andika, Sari, Wiendy Puspita, and Rinaldo, Dito
- Abstract
COVID-19 affected the entire world, culminating in a devastating worldwide disaster. The crisis had a major impact on Indonesia, both in terms of health and economic concerns. As economic support in Indonesia, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are also impacted. This study was carried out in the West Java Province, including respondents among MSME actors. The aim of this study was to see how entrepreneurial resilience and self-efficacy affected company performance during the COVID-19 crisis. To assess the connection between variables, this research technique uses a quantitative methodology. The partial least squares path modeling (PLS-SEM) is used to validate the model's hypothesis, which is based on its association in a literature study done by numerous prior researchers. The findings of this study show that, as compared to entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial resilience has a substantial impact on MSME company performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the evaluation of the results of the research on the resilience of MSME owners, it must be supported by external variables such as government policies.
- Published
- 2022
42. Zeitenwende in der EU-Handelspolitik: Chancen der Diversifizierung im Indo-Pazifik
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Hilpert, Hanns Günther, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Hilpert, Hanns Günther
- Abstract
Europas Handelspolitik steuert auf eine Zeitenwende zu. Dafür ist jedoch nicht in erster Linie Putins Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine verantwortlich. Vielmehr ist dies eher langfristig wirkenden Einflussfaktoren zuzuschreiben: Die WTO-zentrierte multilaterale Handelsordnung erodiert zusehends. Protektionismus nimmt weltweit zu. Der Welthandel wächst nur noch geringfügig oder stagniert gar. Die Globalisierung befindet sich in einer ungewissen Transformation. Und der internationale Handel wird zunehmend für Zwecke der Politik instrumentalisiert. Auf diese strukturellen Umbrüche hat die EU-Kommission im Februar 2021 mit der Ankündigung einer "offenen, nachhaltigen und entschlossenen Handelspolitik" reagiert. Die operative Umsetzung der Ziele, die in der neuen handelspolitischen Strategie postuliert werden, war bislang aber ungleichgewichtig. Während der Vorsatz, die Selbstbehauptung Europas und die Nachhaltigkeit des Handels zu stärken, durch zahlreiche neue Instrumente und Maßnahmen mit Leben gefüllt wurde, bleibt das Offenheits- und Liberalisierungsversprechen der EU einstweilen uneingelöst. Insbesondere der indo-pazifische Raum jenseits von China würde der deutschen und europäischen Wirtschaft indes beträchtliche Chancen zur Erschließung neuer Rohstoffquellen, zuverlässiger Zulieferernetzwerke und wachsender Absatzmärkte bieten. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2022
43. Indonesiens G20-Präsidentschaft und der Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine: Jakarta zwischen allen Stühlen?
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Heiduk, Felix, Wilms, Tom, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Heiduk, Felix, and Wilms, Tom
- Abstract
Das kürzlich abgehaltene Außenministertreffen der G20-Staaten in Indonesien stand, nicht zuletzt wegen des Verhaltens von Moskaus Vertreter Sergej Lawrow, ganz im Zeichen des russischen Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine. Dies zeigte sich auch an der komplizierten Position, die das G20-Gastgeberland im Umgang mit der Krisensituation einnimmt. Indonesien hat zwar im Rahmen der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen (UN) im März ein Ende der russischen Invasion gefordert, danach aber weder Sanktionen gegen Moskau mitgetragen noch Russland vom G20-Gipfel ausgeladen. Zuletzt besuchte Indonesiens Präsident Joko Widodo als erster asiatischer Regierungschef seit Beginn des Krieges sowohl Kiew als auch Moskau. Während sich Jakarta aus Sicht westlicher Kritiker damit zwischen alle Stühle setzt, ist diese Haltung im Inneren populär und entspricht zudem tradierten Prinzipien indonesischer Außenpolitik. Ein Kurswechsel Jakartas im Hinblick auf den G20-Gipfel im November ist daher unwahrscheinlich. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2022
44. The Effect of Health Consciousness, Food Safety Concern, and Familiarity with Advertisements on Willingness to Pay to Purchase Healthy Food Products
- Author
Ulfa, Hafizatun Amalia, Sulhaini, Sulhaini, Mulyono, Lalu Edy Herman, Ulfa, Hafizatun Amalia, Sulhaini, Sulhaini, and Mulyono, Lalu Edy Herman
- Abstract
This study aims to determine the influence of health consciousness, food safety concern, and familiarity in advertising on the willingness to pay for the purchase of healthy food products, namely Lemonilo in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is quantitative research with a causality association approach. This study's respondents are consumers who have never bought Lemonilo products in West Nusa Tenggara. The number of samples taken was 120 consumers aged 20-50 years. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 2.6 for windows applications. The results showed that health consciousness and food safety concern does not affect willingness to pay. Meanwhile, familiarity with the advertisement significantly affects willingness to pay.
- Published
- 2022
45. USAID BERSAMA Project: Examining Gender-Based Violence Prevention in Eastern Indonesia (Case Study: Sentani District, Papua)
- Author
Yarona, Lea and Yarona, Lea
- Abstract
Almost all countries have undertaken a host of policies, public education, and action programs to reduce Gender-Based Violence (GBV), including Indonesia. This article aims to illustrate how GBV occurs in Indonesia's Papua province, particularly in Sentani district; and how a project funded by USAID manages to create awareness in the area. This paper used a qualitative approach. The data collected from books, journals, web pages on the internet, as well as the author's personal observation when becoming an assistant field officer of a local civil society organization partnering with the USAID BERSAMA Project. This article found that the Project has raised awareness of GBV in Sentani, and potentially resulted in behavior change. This can be seen from the commitment of some participants in the FGDs to change the way they treat each other; not to mention the grass-roots support from chiefs in the respective villages. Nevertheless, the project has weaknesses in implementation process: the modules used by CSOs did not suit the Papuan context in certain circumstances, the FGDs were in the short-run, and changing behavior was not an easy task. This study also found that social norms marketing could be the alternative approach to make changes concerning GBV in Sentani district.
- Published
- 2022
46. Assessing the Development Impact of the Sota Border Post Connecting Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
- Author
Metherall, Nicholas, Fretes, Diego Romario De, Mandibondibo, Feby, Caucau, Talei, Metherall, Nicholas, Fretes, Diego Romario De, Mandibondibo, Feby, and Caucau, Talei
- Abstract
Although some studies have mentioned land use and land cover across the borderlands of New Guinea, there have not yet been a series of systematic studies that link the topic with the construction of the Sota border post (Pos Lintas Batas Negara - "PLBN Sota"). With reference to realism, liberalism and asymmetrical power relations, this study examines the development impacts of the Sota border post. A set of interdisciplinary mixed-methods approaches are used including geospatial and earth observation analysis, collation of bureau of statistics data as well as academic and grey literature review. Results provide a baseline land cover assessment for the study area surrounding the Sota border post. There have also been a range of socio-economic and biophysical impacts of the infrastructural and immigration capacities along the Southern borderlands of New Guinea. In terms of international relations, the presence of the Sota border post is expected to foster cooperation between Indonesia and PNG, decrease conflict, and promote stability in the border area. As a result, both realism and liberalism can be used as theoretical frameworks to understand the trajectory of developments along the borderlands. However, due to the asymmetries of power, the rhetoric of liberalism may be rendered less convincing.
- Published
- 2022
47. The Effectiveness of Indomalphi Trilateral Cooperation in Reducing Maritime Piracy by Abu Sayyaf Group in the Sulu-Sulawesi Sea
- Author
Rustam, Ismah, Bustami, Sirwan Yazid, Sabilla, Kinanti Rizsa, Rustam, Ismah, Bustami, Sirwan Yazid, and Sabilla, Kinanti Rizsa
- Abstract
This article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the maritime patrol regime (Indomalphi regime) in reducing piracy cases of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the Sulu Sea and Sulawesi Sea involving Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Referring to the concept of regime effectiveness, it was found that the Indomalphi regime was proven effective in reducing the number of maritime cases in the Sulu and Sulawesi seas. The effectiveness of the regime is formed by a combination of four positive factors: (1) the regime is not classified as benign, indicating no inconsistencies, asymmetries, and cumulative splits in the formation of the Indomalphi regime; (2) the regime has a good problem-solving capacity because of epistemic community support that tightly integrated into the regime; (3) level of collaboration between the regime members is high, indicated by member’s compliance to the standard operating procedure (SOP) of the Indomalphi’s patrols even though there is no sanctions mechanism; (4) the regime facing a political context which provides an advantage with indicated by smooth cooperation during the process of Indomalphi cooperation even the three countries have sovereign sentiments and maritime territorial conflicts.
- Published
- 2022
48. China's Asymmetric Warfare in Indonesia: The Case of Turnkey Project Management
- Author
Fitria and Fitria
- Abstract
This article aims to shed light on China's asymmetric warfare in Indonesia through the Turnkey Project Management (TPM) scheme. TPM is an employment contract to carry out Chinese investment with a one-package system starting from funding with the preferential buyer's credit system, materials and machines, experts, and workers, are emanated from China. This study employed qualitative research and used a research library to collect data. It found that TPM is an integral part of China's foreign policy to pursue its national interests. China also relies more on its state-owned enterprises and private companies (non-state actors), thereby minimizing the state’s role. Indonesia suffered from losses more than it gains from the win, implying this scenario is more of a zero-sum game. The foreign workers from China have also caused social problems in Indonesia, such as cybercrime and the smuggling of methamphetamine. The results of this study include recommendations for enabling Indonesian workers to adapt to foreign technology regarding a transfer of knowledge; strengthening regulations that meet environmental standards, human rights, and good corporate governance in terms of foreign investment; and not to make the regulation easier for allowing Chinese workers.
- Published
- 2022
49. Examining Socio-Economic Inequality Among Commuters: The Case of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area
- Author
Aritenang, Adiwan and Aritenang, Adiwan
- Abstract
The rapid development of urban areas in surrounding regions has led to an increasing number of commuters within and between core-peripheral regions. However, variation in jobs and economic levels has exacerbated the socio-economic inequalities between metropolitan residents. Using the commuter data of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, this study examines the socio-economic disparities of commuting behaviour, spatial patterns, and health between commuters with incomes lower and higher than the regional minimum wage. The article conducts quantitative descriptive statistics and a non-parametric test using the BPS-Statistics Indonesia 2019 commuter data that included 13,000 sample respondents from the Jakarta Province and its neighbouring districts. Our result reveals a significant impact of income level on the choice of private transportation mode, whilst having no effect on the choice of public transportation modes. Higher-income peripheral residents tend to commute to the core metropolitan area (Jakarta Province), while lower-income commuters typically travel between peripheral areas. The article also indicates the negative physical health impact of prolonged and early-hours commuting, especially for lower-income groups. The article proposes better public transportation that is convenient, safe, and reliable, to ensure a sustainable and resilient metropolitan area.
- Published
- 2022
50. The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Low-Income Individuals in Indonesia
- Author
Hadna, Agus Heruanto, Askar, Media Wahyudi, Hadna, Agus Heruanto, and Askar, Media Wahyudi
- Abstract
Most governments claim that Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs benefit poor people. This study aims to analyze the impact of conditional cash transfers on low-income individuals in Indonesia. This study used consumption expenditures as a poverty measure and found that the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) has significant impact on an individual's consumption. However, households in the lowest wealth quantile were found to not take advantage of those benefits due to the current CCT design. Moreover, the heterogeneity of the CCT can generate substantial inequality, as household incomes in the lowest quantile fall. Therefore, governments should be more generous to households in the lowest wealth quantile, and carefully manage the program based on the needs of CCT beneficiaries.
- Published
- 2022
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