1. Ipsiura tropicalis Bohart 1985
- Author
Lucena, Daercio A. A., Kimsey, Lynn S., and Almeida, Eduardo A. B.
- Subjects
Ipsiura tropicalis ,Insecta ,Chrysididae ,Arthropoda ,Ipsiura ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Hymenoptera ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Ipsiura tropicalis Bohart, 1985 (Figs 179���184) Ipsiura tropicalis Bohart, 1985: 719. Holotype �� [examined]: MEXICO: Morelos, Cuernavaca (BME). Neochrysis (Ipsiura) amaurotica Linsenmaier, 1985. Holotype �� [not examined]: BRAZIL (NMLS). Synonymized by Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511). Neochrysis (Ipsiura) tropicalis: Linsenmaier 1997: 266. Neochrysis (Ipsiura) tropicalis amaurotica: Linsenmaier 1997: 266. Diagnosis. Ipsiura tropicalis most closely resembles I. spiculella Bohart. It can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: T3 with distinct lateral whitish spot (narrow, obsolescent in I. spiculella), prepit swelling sloping gently (absent in I. spiculella), pit row represented by large, deep foveae; TFC almost complete medially (medially interrupted in I. spiculella); aedeagus lobes acute apically (blunt in I. spiculella), and S2 spots medium-sized, touching medially (large spots, slightly separated medially in I. spiculella). Female description. Body (Fig. 179). Length: 6.8 mm. Coloration: head predominantly green blue, with bluish highlights on vertex; F1 brownish green; mesosoma metallic green, with purplish blue stripe on pronotum, broad purplish blue band on dorsum of mesoscutum; metasoma metallic green, with bluish purple transverse stripes on dorsum of T1 and T2; T3 with bluish highlights dorsally, with lateral whitish spot; wing membrane light brown, with brown veins; femora and tibiae greenish; tarsi brown, basitarsi brownish green. Head: TFC slightly interrupted medially (Fig. 180); F1 longer than broad, 1.3�� as long as F2; scapal basin densely covered with silvery pubescence. Mesosoma: fore femur without ventral tooth-like projection or flattened area on outer surface of distal margin, diameter of distal area about one-half diameter of proximal area; fore wing with short M distal to discoidal cell, R1 shorter than stigma (as in Fig. 190); dorsal surface of pronotum wider than head; lower lateral pronotal surface irregularly punctate anteriorly, with distinct posterior area delimited by transverse ridge; metanotum rounded, without differentiated surface; mesopleural lower posterior margin carinate, with indistinct tooth-like projections. Metasoma: T3 with four obtuse distal teeth (Fig. 181), pit row with large, deep foveae, prepit swelling low, sloping gently; S2 spots medium-sized, touching medially (Fig. 182). Punctation: fore femur with tiny, sparse punctures on outer surface; dorsal surface of T3 with definite, deep punctures; dorsal surface of T1 and metanotum with largest punctures. Male. Same as female, except for the characteristic shape of S2 spots as shown in Fig. 182. Genital capsule (Fig. 183): gonostylus slightly longer than cuspis; digitus narrow; cuspis shield-like, broad basally; gonostylus setose apically; aedeagus lobes sharp, pointed apically. Variation. The holotype and specimens from the Central America and north South America are primarily greenish blue. Additionally, specimens from those localities have a broad cuspis basally (as in the Fig. 183). On the other hand, the South American specimens are predominantly green (as in the Figs 179���181), and also have the slenderer cuspis instead, but we had considered that these features do not form a pattern. Body length 6.4���6.9 mm. Hosts. Unknown. Distribution. Argentina (Salta, Tucum��n); Bolivia (Santa Cruz); Brazil (AM, BA, ES, MG, MT, PA, PR, RR, SC, SE, SP); Colombia (Meta); Costa Rica (Guanacaste, San Jose); Ecuador (Napo, Santa Cecilia); Mexico (Morelos, Oaxaca, Veracruz); Panama (Panam�� Oeste); Surinam (Paramaribo); Venezuela (Aragua) (Fig. 184). Remarks. Ipsiura tropicalis is the most common species in South America. Material examined. MEXICO: Morelos, 5 mi East Cuernavaca 26.iii.1962 F.D.Parker / Holotype �� (BME). Same data except 26���29.iii.1962 / Paratypes 3�� 10♀ [BME]. Vera Cruz, Cordoba 6.vii.1966 J.S. Buckett, M.R & R.C. Gardner / Paratypes 2♀ [BME]. Vera Cruz, Minatitl��n 8.ix.1961, coll. R. & K. Dreisbach / Paratype 1�� [BME]. Oaxaca, Palomarea 5.xi.1961 coll. R. & K. Dreisbach / Paratype 1�� [BME]. COSTA RICA: San Jose coll. R. Bohart / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Guanacaste, Hacienda Pac��fica / Paratype 1�� [BME]. PANAMA: Rio Trinidad, Pan 16.iii.12 / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Additional material. ARGENTINA: Tucum��n, El Solidad 16. ix.1969, 1 ♀, coll. L.A. Stange [BME]. La Soledad 11. viii.1966, 1 ♀, coll. E. Bucher [BME]. Rio Nio 26. iv.1966, 1 ♀, coll. L.A. Stange [BME]. Salta, Or��n Abra Grande 9. ii.1967, 1 ♀, coll. R. Coolback [BME]. Or��n Abra Grande 18. iv.1969, 1 ♀, coll. C. Porter [BME]. Tartagal xi.1971, 1 ��, coll. Manfredo Fritz [BME]. Tartagal 11. viii.1973, 2 ♀, coll. C. Porter [BME]. Pocitos, 2♀, coll. Manfredo Fritz [BME]. BOLIVIA: Sunchal, 1♀, coll. M. Fritz [BME]. BRAZIL: Amazonas, Rio Taruma Mirim 29. xi.1991, 1 ♀, coll. M.V. Garcia [INPA]. Bahia, Jequi��, campus UESB II 19. ix.2005, 1 ♀, coll. J.C. Silva-Jr [RPSP]. Esp��rito Santo, Santa Teresa 12. x.1964, 1 ��, coll. C. Elias [DZUP]. Mato Grosso, C��ceres 16. i.1985, 1 ��, coll. C. Elias [DZUP]. Minas Gerais, Barbacena 24. x.1905, 1 ��, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. Patroc��nio 5. x.1965, 1 ♀, coll. C. Elias [DZUP]. Par�� 8. xi.1901, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. Itaituba, Rio Tapaj��s 3. ix.1902, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. R. Arroyollos 21. iv.1903, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. Faro 16. vii.1903, 1 ��, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. ��bidos 21. xi.1904, 1 �� 1♀, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. Tef�� 10. vi.1906, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. Lago Grande de Villa Franca 6. i.1907, 2 ��, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. ��bidos 20. xi.1907, 1 ��, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. Same data except 6. x.1909, 1 ♀ [MPEG], 27. vii.1912, 1 ♀ [MPEG], 1906, 1�� [MPEG], 20. xii.1904, 1 ♀ [BME], 1. i.1907, 1 ♀ [BME]. Paran��, Ponta Grossa 28. iv.1988, 1 ♀, coll. Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR [DZUP]. Roraima, Rio Uraricoera, Ilha de Maraca 2. v.1986, 1 ♀, coll. J.A. Rafael, J.E.B. Brasil & L.S. Aquino [INPA]. Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia 30. x.1963, 1 ♀, coll. Fritz Plaumann [BME]. Same data except 18. x.1965, 1 ♀ [BME], x.1965, 1 ♀ [BME], xi.1965, 1 ♀ 1�� [BME], xi.1966, 1 ♀ [BME], ii.1974, 1 ♀ [BME]. S��o Paulo, Ara��atuba x.1961, 1 ♀, coll. J. Lane & Rabello [MZUSP]. Juqui�� 1935, 1♀, coll. J. Lane [BME]. Luis Ant��nio, Est. Ecol. Jata�� 7. xi.2007, 1 ♀, coll. N.W. Perioto [RPSP]. Same data except 11. x.2007, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 15. x.2008, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 29. x.2008, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 30. ix.2009, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 5. xii.2007, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 24. x.2007, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 26. xi.2008, 1 ♀ [LRRP]. Ribeir��o Preto, campus USP, 1♀, coll. L.C. Rocha-Filho [RPSP]. Teodoro Sampaio, Parque Estadual Morro do Diabo, S��tio S��o Francisco 23.vi.2011 ���14. iv.2012, 7 ♀, coll. P.R. Lopes [RPSP]. Sergipe, Canind�� do S��o Francisco 25. xi.2002, 1 ��, coll. D��bora Moura [LEBIC]. COLOMBIA: Meta El Porvenir 27. ii.1979, 1 ��, coll. R. Wilkerson [BME]. ECUADOR: Napo, Limoncocha 25. ix.1974, 1 ��, coll. B.A. Drummond [BME]. Santa Cec��lia, Napo Pastaza 14. vi.1967, 1 ♀, coll. J.D. Lynch [BME]. SURINAM: Samatraweg, Lelydorp 1964, 1��, coll. D.C. Geijskes [BME]. Paramaribo 21. iii.1964, 1 ��, coll. D.C. Geijskes [BME]. Same data except 10. iv.1964, 1 ♀ [BME]. Republier 28. ii.1963, 1 ♀, coll. D.C. Geijskes [BME]. VENEZUELA: Aragua, Cagua iv.1965, 2 ♀, coll. E. Doreste [BME]. El Limon 19. ii.1960, 1 ♀, coll. M. Gelbes [BME]. Comments. The redescription above is based on a female from Brazil: S��o Paulo, Luis Ant��nio., Published as part of Lucena, Daercio A. A., Kimsey, Lynn S. & Almeida, Eduardo A. B., 2016, The Neotropical cuckoo wasp genus Ipsiura Linsenmaier, 1959 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae): revision of the species occurring in Brazil, pp. 1-71 in Zootaxa 4165 (1) on pages 63-65, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4165.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/267533, {"references":["Bohart, R. M. (1985) New Ipsiura and a key to known species of the genus (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 58 (4), 708 - 720.","Linsenmaier, W. (1985) Revision des genus Neochrysis Linsenmaier (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Entomofauna, 6 (26), 425 - 487.","Kimsey, L. S. & Bohart, R. M. (1991 [\" 1990 \"]) The Chrysidid Wasps of the World. Oxford Science Publications, New York, NY, 652 pp.","Linsenmaier, W. (1997) Altes und Neues von den Chrysididen (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Entomofauna, 18 (19), 245 - 300."]}
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- 2016
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