114 results on '"Isabelle Dumont"'
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2. Il quotidiano alla prova della geografia sociale: riflessioni liminari
- Author
Isabelle Dumont
- Subjects
social geography ,qualitative and quantitative methodologies ,research tools ,social utility ,Human ecology. Anthropogeography ,GF1-900 ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Geography is certainly a discipline little loved by the public, even though the spatial dimension of societies is an element of fundamental importance in people’s life. This contribution aims to show how this spatial dimension is omnipresent in the daily life of people, societies and territories and tries to illustrate the specific approach of social geography in analyzing these phenomena. We will focus primarily on the manifestations of daily life that can be read with the gaze of social geography. We will then refer to the perspective of this discipline and we will go through its different levels of analysis, to finally arrive at outlining the most used methodologies and tools for conducting studies and research.
- Published
- 2021
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3. Trends in the relation between hyperglycemia correction and active Charcot neuroarthropathy: results from the EPICHAR study
- Author
Maud François, Dured Dardari, Ariane Sultan, Vincent Rigalleau, Marie Müller, Agnes Hartemann, Laurence Kessler, Isabelle Dumont, Sophie Schuldiner, Carole-Anne Julien, Georges Ha Van, Jocelyne M’Bemba, Muriel Bourgeon, Marc Lepeut, Sylvie Grandperret-Vauthier, Florence Baudoux, Sylvaine Clavel, Jacques Martini, Julien Vouillarmet, Paul Michon, Myriam Moret, Arnaud Monnier, Vaneva Chingan-Martino, Ionela Stifii, Benjamin Bouillet, Pierre Bonnin, Amal Lemoine, Enrique Da Costa Correia, Marie Martine Bonello Faraill, Marie Cazaubiel, and Mohammed Zakarya Zemmache
- Subjects
Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Introduction The pathophysiology of Charcot neuroarthropathy (CN) remains unclear. There are a number of hypotheses but these are not exclusive. In its clinical presentation, this complication intersects with the semiology of diabetic-induced neuropathy, such as peripheral hypervascularization and the appearance of arteriovenous shunt. The EPICHAR study is as yet an unpublished cohort of people living with diabetes complicated by CN (in active or chronic phase). Based on the findings of the EPICHAR study, this study aimed to investigate whether a reduction in the rate of hyperglycemia accompanies the onset of an active phase of CN.Research design and methods Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels were assessed 3 months (M3) and 6 months (M6) before the diagnosis of active CN (M0).Results 103 patients living with diabetes and presenting active CN were included between January and December 2019 from the 31 centers participating in this study (30 in France and 1 in Belgium). The mean age of the participants was 60.2±12.2 years; the vast majority were men (71.8%) living with type 2 diabetes (75.5%). Mean HbA1c levels significantly declined between M6 (median 7.70; Q1, Q3: 7.00, 8.55) and M3 (median 7.65; Q1, Q3: 6.90, 8.50) (p=0.012), as well as between M6 and M0 (median 7.40; Q1, Q3: 6.50, 8.50) (p=0.014). No significant difference was found between M3 and M0 (p=0.072).Conclusions A significant reduction in HbA1c levels seems to accompany the onset of the active phase of CN.Trial registration number NCM03744039.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Interstizi e novità: oltre il Mainstream. Esplorazioni di geografia sociale
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Giuseppe Gambazza, and Emanuela Gamberoni
- Subjects
Human ecology. Anthropogeography ,GF1-900 ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Published
- 2021
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- Author
Isabelle Dumont
- Subjects
Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
After a hectic growth in the context of speculative bubbles and urban transformation that characterized the late 1990s and early 2000s, the real estate market is today faced with many difficulties, in a more or less pronounced way depending on the different countries. Among the most recent interpretative proposals, one in particular has been a stimulus to analyze the Italian situation. The price increase would result in a double phenomenon: the spatial homogenization of prices and the tendency to maintain the already existing geographic hierarchies. This article certainly does not pretend to exhaust the subject, but tries to understand whether similar dynamics are also reflected in the residential estate market of the Peninsula, offering an updated overview at national level and focusing in particular on the emblematic case of Rome municipality, where the dynamics seem to be more contrasted.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Objection de conscience et aide médicale à mourir : une étude qualitative auprès de médecins québécois
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Jocelyn Maclure
- Subjects
aide médicale à mourir ,euthanasie ,objection de conscience ,éthique médicale ,identité professionnelle ,croyances religieuses et séculières ,Ethics ,BJ1-1725 - Abstract
Les patients québécois peuvent légalement obtenir une aide médicale à mourir s’ils sont aptes à donner un consentement éclairé, atteints d’une maladie grave et incurable, en fin de vie et ont des souffrances qu’ils jugent intolérables. Depuis l’arrêt Carter (2015) de la Cour Suprême du Canada, l’accès, sous certaines conditions, à l’AMM est même devenu un droit constitutionnel. Les médecins québécois sont ainsi maintenant susceptibles de recevoir des demandes d’AMM de leurs patients. Les lois québécoise et canadienne reconnaissent aux médecins un droit à l’objection de conscience, mais le droit est contesté tant dans les écrits en éthique médicale que dans le débat public. L’article présente les résultats d’une étude qualitative menée auprès de vingt médecins québécois qui n’ont pas intégré l’AMM à leur pratique médicale en raison de leur opposition ou ambivalence à l’égard de l’AMM. Les entrevues visaient à explorer les raisons – religieuses et séculières – expliquant l’opposition ou l’ambivalence par rapport à l’AMM. Les raisons séculières exprimées par les participants ont ensuite été regroupées en quatre catégories et analysées. Les quatre catégories sont : 1) Finalités de la médecine et identité professionnelle, 2) Philosophie de la médecine palliative et allocation des ressources en soins palliatifs, 3) Paternalisme bienveillant, « bonne mort » et intérêts du soi futur, 4) Risque de la pente glissante et protection des personnes vulnérables.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Influence of short-term synoptic events and snow depth on DMS, DMSP, and DMSO dynamics in Antarctic spring sea ice
- Author
Gauthier Carnat, Frédéric Brabant, Isabelle Dumont, Martin Vancoppenolle, Stephen F. Ackley, Chris Fritsen, Bruno Delille, and Jean-Louis Tison
- Subjects
Dimethylsulfide ,Sea Ice ,Antarctica ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Abstract Temporal changes in the concentration profiles of dimethylsulfide (DMS), dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) were measured in pack ice from the Bellingshausen Sea (Antarctica) during the winter-spring transition of 2007. Two sites with contrasting snow and ice thicknesses were sampled, with high concentrations of DMS, DMSP, and DMSO observed at both sites, especially in surface ice. These high concentrations were shown to correspond to the development of a surface ice microalgal community dominated by strong DMSP producers (flagellates and dinoflagellates) following flooding of the ice cover. Several short-term synoptic events were observed and shown to influence strongly the dynamics of sea ice DMS, DMSP, and DMSO. In particular, a cold spell event was associated with drastic changes in the environmental conditions for the sea ice microbial communities and to a remarkable increase in the production of dimethylated sulfur compounds at both sites. A good correlation between all dimethylated sulfur compounds, sea ice temperature, and brine salinity suggested that the observed increase was triggered mainly by increased thermal and osmotic stresses on microalgal cells. Atmospheric forcing, by controlling sea ice temperature and hence the connectivity and instability of the brine network, was also shown to constrain the transfer of dimethylated sulfur compounds in the ice towards the ocean via brine drainage. Analysis of the two contrasting sampling sites shed light on the key role played by the snow cover in the sea ice DMS cycle. Thicker snow cover, by insulating the underlying sea ice, reduced the amplitude of environmental changes associated with the cold spell, leading to a weaker physiological response and DMS, DMSP, and DMSO production. Thicker snow also hampered the development of steep gradients in sea ice temperature and brine salinity, thereby decreasing the potential for the release of dimethylated sulfur compounds to the ocean via brine drainage.
- Published
- 2016
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8. Le plus grand regroupement annuel et itinérant d’Italie
- Author
Isabelle Dumont
- Subjects
Alpini ,Italy ,wandering demonstration ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
L'Adunata degli alpini is the most important “wandering demonstration” which takes place every year in Italy. Each edition attracts about 400.000 people of various social/cultural origins. For two complete days, the normal urban landscape of the chosen city is totally transformed: the city centre, mainly, is entirely taken up with the celebrations. This “festival”, born with commemorative intents, has become during the years a proper popular demonstration. The massive flow of people who attends, requires great preparation but it also brings big economical repercussions for the concerned city, which changes every year.
- Published
- 2007
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9. Social workers’ experiences with medical assistance in dying: Survey findings from Quebec, Canada
- Author
Gina Bravo, Nathalie Delli Colli, Isabelle Dumont, Marie-Eve Bouthillier, Marianne Rochette, and Lise Trottier
- Subjects
Community and Home Care ,Psychiatry and Mental health - Published
- 2023
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10. Geografia e mobilitazione: esplorazioni sui movimenti collettivi fra spazio fisico e spazio mediatico (SGP 8)
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Lorena Rocca, Benedetta Castiglioni, Laura Lo Presti, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
appropriazione ,Geografia sociale ,nuovi movimenti collettivi ,spazio mediatico ,performance - Abstract
Quali che siano le sfide dei movimenti collettivi, è opportuno analizzarne la dimensione spaziale. La geografia (sociale), con la sua specifica impostazione, può dare il suo contributo alla comprensione e/o partecipazione a tali movimenti. Gli eventi che essi organizzano si svolgono da qualche parte e va dunque compreso il contesto spazio-temporale. Persino i movimenti nati sui social si materializzano - in certi momenti - in luoghi precisi: il movimento delle sardine, quello dei gilets gialli. Inoltre, ogni aspetto di un movimento contiene una dimensione spaziale: l’organizzazione, il bacino d’influenza, le tipologie di appropriazione collettiva dello spazio - pubblico o privato, aperto o chiuso - (da Occupy Wall Street, all’occupazione di fabbriche, dalla strada ai tetti), l'impiego del corpo in quanto tale (performances di gruppo – cfr. “Non Una Di Meno”). La dimensione spaziale può anche essere influenzata da come i movimenti sono rappresentati nello spazio mediatico e dai processi di delegittimazione, criminalizzazione e relativi opposti. Infatti, tale rappresentazione, condizionando la percezione individuale e collettiva, influenza i comportamenti sul piano spaziale sia dei movimenti, sia di chi non ne ha conoscenza diretta. Infine, i movimenti affrontano oggi le sfide imposte dalle restrizioni della pandemia che li obbligano a trasformarsi. Tale crisi apre dunque nuovi interrogativi sulle pratiche di mobilitazione. Si attendono casi studio ma anche contributi più incentrati sugli aspetti teorici.
- Published
- 2023
11. Per una geografia dei SIN: trasformazioni ambientali e paesaggistiche delle friches industriali contaminate. Considerazioni introduttive
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Andrea Pase, Aldino Bondesan, Sara Luchetta, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
Geografia industriale ,«territorializzazione fordista» ,«de-territorializzazione postfordista» ,inquinamento ,inselvatichimento ,rivegetalizzazione - Abstract
Il contributo mira ad analizzare le trasformazioni ambientali e paesaggistiche di un’area industriale del settore chimico dismessa e pesantemente contaminata, pienamente inclusa nel tessuto urbanizzato di una cittadina emiliana, le cui due principali fabbriche private hanno chiuso i battenti rispettivamente nel 1973 e nel 2003. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è duplice: - con l’analisi empirica si mira a identificare le varie fasi delle trasformazioni subite dall’area in questione: dal processo di dismissione, tipicamente corredato da inselvatichimento dell’intera zona industriale (edifici e cortili alle prese con un’estesa copertura vegetale spontanea) fino alla rivegetazione finale di una parte dell’area, passando dalle varie fasi di bonifica tramite biorisanamento (“Life Biorest” finanziato dall’Unione Europea) e altre tecniche; - e partendo dalla successione di modifiche ambientali e paesaggistiche -spontanee o fortemente guidate, seppur tramite processi “naturali”- si propone una riflessione teorica su alcuni fenomeni/categorie di analisi (inselvatichimento, rivegetazione…) e sulla loro percezione. Il caso studio scelto -SIN Fidenza- fa parte dei 42 Siti di Interesse Nazionale (SIN) ufficialmente riconosciuti (ISPRA, 2020). Dal 2001 il Ministero dell’Ambiente, con il decreto 18 settembre 2001, n. 468 “Programma nazionale di bonifica e ripristino ambientale”, ha inserito nei SIN anche la realtà di Fidenza, composta da 5 siti: 2 aree industriali dismesse confinanti (estensione di 115.310 mq), 2 ex-discariche e un ex-inceneritore. Lo studio si concentra solo sulle aree industriali, principalmente per tre motivi. Il primo è legato alla loro specifica collocazione, adiacente al centro storico, a 200 m dalla piazza principale. Il secondo è legato alla loro problematicità: impatti negativi sull’ambiente e sulla salute. Il terzo è legato alla particolarità dell’intervento: la realizzazione del progetto di recupero ambientale e urbanistico è stata possibile in quanto il Comune è diventato proprietario di questi terreni (nel 2001 per l’ex Cip -produzione di piombo tetraetile- e nel 2005 per l’ex Carbochimica -distillazione del catrame-) e ha stabilito un partenariato multiplo con enti pubblici e privati per implementare tecniche innovative di bonifica, con l’obiettivo finale di realizzare un’Area Produttiva Ecologicamente Attrezzata (APEA), coerentemente con i parametri fissati dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna (Atto d’indirizzo del Consiglio Regionale n. 118/07).
- Published
- 2023
12. Trends in the relation between hyperglycemia correction and active Charcot neuroarthropathy: results from the EPICHAR study
- Author
Dured Dardari, Sophie Schuldiner, Carole-Anne Julien, Georges Ha Van, Jocelyne M’Bemba, Muriel Bourgeon, Ariane Sultan, Marc Lepeut, Sylvie Grandperret-Vauthier, Florence Baudoux, Maud François, Sylvaine Clavel, Jacques Martini, Julien Vouillarmet, Paul Michon, Myriam Moret, Arnaud Monnier, Vaneva Chingan-Martino, Vincent Rigalleau, Isabelle Dumont, Laurence Kessler, Ionela Stifii, Benjamin Bouillet, Pierre Bonnin, Amal Lemoine, Enrique Da Costa Correia, Marie Martine Bonello Faraill, Marie Muller, Marie Cazaubiel, Mohammed Zakarya Zemmache, Agnes Hartemann, Laboratoire de Biologie de l'Exercice pour la Performance et la Santé (LBEPS), Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne (UEVE)-Université Paris-Saclay-Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées [Brétigny-sur-Orge] (IRBA), Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes (CHU Nîmes), Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Montpellier] (CHRU Montpellier), CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU), Service de diabétologie [CHU Cochin], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Hôpital Cochin [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), AP-HP Hôpital Bicêtre (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre), Physiologie & médecine expérimentale du Cœur et des Muscles [U 1046] (PhyMedExp), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM), CHU Roubaix, Service de Génétique Biologique, Histologie Biologie du Développement et de la reproduction, Centre Hospitalier Régional universitaire Jean Minjoz (Service de Génétique Biologique, Histologie Biologie du Développement et de la reproduction, Centre Hospitalier Régional universitaire Jean Minjoz), Université de Franche-Comté (UFC), Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC)-Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC), Hôpital Claude Huriez [Lille], CHU Lille, Hôpital Robert Debré, Hôpital Robert Debré-Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims (CHU Reims), Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu [Paris], Service Diabétologie [CHU Toulouse], Pôle Cardiovasculaire et Métabolique [CHU Toulouse], Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse (CHU Toulouse)-Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse (CHU Toulouse), Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud [CHU - HCL] (CHLS), Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), Hôpital Louis Pradel [CHU - HCL], CHU Pointe-à-Pitre/Abymes [Guadeloupe], Bordeaux population health (BPH), Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Institut de Santé Publique, d'Épidémiologie et de Développement (ISPED)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg (HUS), Lipides - Nutrition - Cancer [Dijon - U1231] (LNC), Université de Bourgogne (UB)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut Agro Dijon, Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro)-Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro), Centre Hospitalier Annecy-Genevois [Saint-Julien-en-Genevois], Hôpital Lucien Hussel Vienne [Vienne, France] (HLHV), Centre Hospitalier de Vichy (CH Vichy), Hôpital Archet 2 [Nice] (CHU), Hôpital Michallon, Centre Hospitalier de Tourcoing, and BESPIM
- Subjects
Male ,HbA1c ,MESH: Glycated Hemoglobin ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,MESH: Diabetic Neuropathies / epidemiology ,Cohort Studies ,Diabetic Neuropathies ,Diabetes complications ,Diagnosis ,MESH: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 / complications ,Humans ,Aged ,MESH: Hyperglycemia / complications ,Glycated Hemoglobin ,MESH: Aged ,MESH: Humans ,Middle Aged ,[SDV.MHEP.EM]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Endocrinology and metabolism ,MESH: Male ,MESH: Middle aged ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,[SDV.MHEP.RSOA]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Rhumatology and musculoskeletal system ,Hyperglycemia ,MESH: Cohort studies ,Neuroarthropathy ,Female ,MESH: Female ,MESH: Diabetic Neuropathies / etiology - Abstract
IntroductionThe pathophysiology of Charcot neuroarthropathy (CN) remains unclear. There are a number of hypotheses but these are not exclusive. In its clinical presentation, this complication intersects with the semiology of diabetic-induced neuropathy, such as peripheral hypervascularization and the appearance of arteriovenous shunt. The EPICHAR study is as yet an unpublished cohort of people living with diabetes complicated by CN (in active or chronic phase). Based on the findings of the EPICHAR study, this study aimed to investigate whether a reduction in the rate of hyperglycemia accompanies the onset of an active phase of CN.Research design and methodsHemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels were assessed 3 months (M3) and 6 months (M6) before the diagnosis of active CN (M0).Results103 patients living with diabetes and presenting active CN were included between January and December 2019 from the 31 centers participating in this study (30 in France and 1 in Belgium). The mean age of the participants was 60.2±12.2 years; the vast majority were men (71.8%) living with type 2 diabetes (75.5%). Mean HbA1c levels significantly declined between M6 (median 7.70; Q1, Q3: 7.00, 8.55) and M3 (median 7.65; Q1, Q3: 6.90, 8.50) (p=0.012), as well as between M6 and M0 (median 7.40; Q1, Q3: 6.50, 8.50) (p=0.014). No significant difference was found between M3 and M0 (p=0.072).ConclusionsA significant reduction in HbA1c levels seems to accompany the onset of the active phase of CN.Trial registration numberNCM03744039.
- Published
- 2022
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13. Social Workers' Attitudes Toward Medical Assistance in Dying for Persons With Dementia: Findings From a Survey Conducted in Quebec, Canada
- Author
Gina Bravo, Nathalie Delli-Colli, Isabelle Dumont, Marie-Eve Bouthillier, Marianne Rochette, and Lise Trottier
- Subjects
Canada ,Health (social science) ,Medical Assistance ,Quebec ,Humans ,Social Workers ,Dementia ,Female ,Life-span and Life-course Studies - Abstract
Canada has legalized medical assistance in dying (MAID) for mentally competent persons who satisfy the legal requirements. Debate is ongoing as to whether MAID should be accessible to no-longer-competent persons through an advance request. We conducted an anonymous vignette-based survey among 367 social workers from Quebec to (1) elicit their attitudes toward MAID in the context of dementia; (2) assess their underlying values and beliefs; and (3) compare their attitudes to those of nurses (
- Published
- 2022
14. Nouveau Projet 03: Printemps-été 2013
- Author
Caroline Allard, Simon Coutu, Denis Côté, Shawn Cotton, Fabien Cloutier, Marc-André Cyr, Christian Desmeules, Cyril Doisneau, Isabelle Dumont, Myriam Dupuis, Marie-Claude Élie-Morin, Daniel Grenier, Flavie Halais, Gabrielle Immarigeon, Nicolas Langelier, Sénèque Le Jeune, Jocelyn Maclure, Samuel Mercier, Pierre-Olivi
- Published
- 2013
15. Prédire l'issue de sa relation de couple en cinq minutes?
- Author
Isabelle Dumont
- Published
- 2013
16. TELMO PIEVANI,MAURO VAROTTO, Viaggio nell’Italia dell’Antropocene. La geografia visionaria del nostro futuro, Sansepolcro, Aboca, 2021
- Author
isabelle dumont and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
cambiamento climatico ,divulgazione ,Antropocene - Published
- 2022
17. Secular and religious reasons for conscientious objection
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Jocelyn Maclure
- Subjects
Conscientious objector ,Law ,Sociology - Published
- 2021
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18. Recensione del libro di Bernard Floris e Luc Gwiazdzinski intitolato Sur la vague jaune: l’utopie des ronds-points
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
democrazia partecipativa ,movimenti collettivi ,spazio vissuto ,ricerca empirica e qualitativa - Abstract
Questo saggio a cura di Bernard Floris e Luc Gwiazdzinski non è un’analisi sistematica di ciò che è stato il movimento dei gilets jaunes in Francia e ancor meno un’analisi della sua narrazione mediatica e social. È piuttosto il risultato di una ricerca empirica e qualitativa durata diversi mesi su un singolo caso studio: la rotonda del Rafour, a Nord-Est di Grenoble. Caratterizzato da una scrittura vivace e fluida, il libro è una sorta di ibridazione tra un diario di campo e una raccolta di testimonianze delle persone che hanno occupato la rotonda in questione e rende conto delle difficoltà di una parte della popolazione, delle sue rivendicazioni e di un «nuovo» modo di impegnarsi in politica, rifiutando però di parteciparvi attivamente nelle modalità tradizionali. Partendo da questa singola rotonda, come una nuova agorà con le sue autogestioni, assemblee generali, manifestazioni ed altre attività in qualche modo politiche, il libro cerca di sintetizzare le aspirazioni e i sentimenti che hanno sostenuto con forza l’occupazione di quel luogo e più in generale l’adesione al movimento: la disuguaglianza sociale e il sentimento di ingiustizia sociale, l’indecente ostentazione delle ricchezze, il rigetto della classe politica e più particolarmente del Presidente della Repubblica, la marcata avversione nei confronti dei media eccetera. Tanti sono i paradossi che emergono dall’analisi di questa esperienza di occupazione.
- Published
- 2021
19. L’Art urbain, révélateur ou créateur d’espace vécu?
- Author
isabelle dumont, Antoine Frémont, Robert Hérin, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
Arte ubana, spazio vissuto, quartiere periferico, partecipazione - Abstract
Attraverso il caso di studio di un quartiere di Roma (Tor Marancia), questo contributo mira ad analizzare l'arte urbana come rivelatrice e creatrice di "spazio vissuto". I cambiamenti che accompagnano la creazione di murales non risolvono tutti i problemi socio-urbani, ma aprono lo spazio in questione e, soprattutto, ampliano l'orizzonte di possibilità per la comunità locale. Inoltre, è chiaro che l'arte urbana come arte contestualizzata per poter mantenere la sua essenza o acquisire la sua ragion d'essere, non può essere despazializzata a rischio di snaturarsi. Allo stesso tempo molto legata all'organizzazione e alla storia socio-culturale che la accompagna e al luogo in cui si inscrive, essa deve essere fondamentalmente espressione e fermento dello spazio vissuto.
- Published
- 2021
20. Spazio pubblico tra creazione e competizione
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Emanuela Gamberoni, Dumont, Isabelle, and Gamberoni, Emanuela
- Subjects
pratiche ,public/collective space, urban attitude, practices, participation ,espace public/collectif, urban attitude, pratiques, participation ,urban attitude ,practices ,partecipazione ,participation ,spazio pubblico/collettivo ,pratiques ,spazio pubblico/collettivo, urban attitude, pratiche, partecipazione ,public/collective space, urban attitude, practices, participation espace public/collectif, urban attitude, pratiques, participation [spazio pubblico/collettivo, urban attitude, pratiche, partecipazione Keywords] ,public/collective space ,espace public/collectif - Abstract
La diffusione di un’urbanità intesa come attenzione alla città da parte di soggetti plurimi, con particolare riferimento agli spazi pubblici, richiama e rilancia l’importanza delle pratiche di coinvolgimento attivo, formali e informali. Si assiste oggi alla diffusione di fenomeni di corrosione dello spazio pubblico comunemente inteso, realizzati tramite diverse forme di «privatizzazione» in senso lato. È però altrettanto evidente che si moltiplicano anche le occasioni di (ri)appropriazione di tali spazi, con la creazione di forum di associazioni e comitati di quartiere, ma anche con modalità nuove: utilizzando ad esempio le nuove tecnologie in un processo decisionale partecipativo. Le dinamiche che si sviluppano nello spazio pubblico urbano, compreso il coinvolgimento e/o posizionamento dei ricercatori, mettono in luce due diversi ordini di aspetti. Il primo è legato all’emergere di «nuove» modalità di «creazione» di esso, la cui novità non sta nel mezzo in sé, ma nella produzione di una performance da esibire. Il secondo focalizza invece l’attenzione sui diversi livelli e sfaccettature della governance di tali spazi. Trasversale a questi due ordini di aspetti e spesso in grado di ibridarli, sembra oggi acquisire sempre più rilevanza la dimensione artistica («artivismo»). The spread of urbanity intended as attention to the city by multiple subjects, particularly in relation to public spaces, recalls and relaunches the importance of formal and informal active involvement practices. Nowadays, the diffusion of corrosion phenomena in the commonly understood public space, achieved through various forms of «privatization» in the broad sense, is observed. However, it is equally evident that the opportunities for (re)-appropriation of these spaces are also increasing, with the creation of forums of neighborhood associations and committees, but also in new ways: i.e. by using new technologies in a participatory decision-making process. The dynamics that develops in the urban public space, including the involvement andor positioning of researchers, highlights two different aspects. The first one is linked to the emergence of «new» ways of «creating» it, whose novelty lies not in the medium itself but in the production of a performance to be exhibited. The second one instead focuses attention on the different levels and facets of the governance of these spaces. Transversal to these two orders of aspects, and often able to hybridize them, is the artistic dimension that seems to acquire more and more relevance in the present time («artivism»). La diffusion d’une urbanité entendue comme attention à la ville de la part de multiples sujets, avec une référence particulière aux espaces publics, rappelle et relance l’importance des pratiques formelles et informelles d’engagement actif. Aujourd’hui, à cause de différentes formes de « privatisation », nous assistons à la diffusion de phénomènes de corrosion de l’espace public. Malgré cela, il est évident que les opportunités de (ré)appropriation de ces espaces se multiplient non seulement avec la création de forums d’associations et de comités de quartier mais aussi de façon nouvelle, par exemple, en utilisant les nouvelles technologies dans un processus décisionnel participatif. Les dynamiques qui se développent dans l’espace public urbain, y compris l’implication et/ou le positionnement des chercheurs, mettent en évidence deux ordres d’aspects différents. Le premier est lié à l’émergence de « nouvelles » modalités de « création », dont la nouveauté ne consiste pas dans l’instrument en soi mais dans la production d’une performance à exhiber. Le second concentre plutôt l’attention sur les différents niveaux et facettes de la gouvernance de ces espaces. La dimension artistique, transversale à ces deux ordres d’aspects et souvent capable de les hybrider, semble acquérir de plus en plus de pertinence aujourd’hui (« artivisme »).
- Published
- 2020
21. 'Laboratoires' innovateurs pour l’habitabilité des espaces montagneux: exemples vertueux dans l’Apennin émilien (Italie)
- Author
isabelle dumont, Luc Gwiazdzinski, Matteo Colleoni, Florent Cholat, Luca Daconto, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
L’Apennin émilien, comme de nombreux espaces de montagne, n’échappe pas à l’épineux problème démographique du vieillissement de la population d’une part et de la dépopulation d’autre part. En outre, malgré la con-fiance excessive de nombreuses personnes dans la puissance des « nou-velles » technologies et dans leurs capacités à rapprocher et à virtuali-ser, certaines réalités montrent très clairement que l’ère de la communi-cation numérique n’a pas annulé la prégnance du milieu et encore moins la distance euclidienne et son impact sur le fonctionnement des sociétés. Le départ contraint de la population jeune par absence de perspectives s’est accompagné par celui des plus âgés, désarmés face à la disparition pro-gressive des commerces et des services de proximité. La délicate situa-tion budgétaire de la plupart des administrations locales et régionales a en outre aggravé ces problèmes. S’il reste essentiel que les politiques publiques et le troisième secteur s’occupent des zones marginales de montagne, il devient encore plus important que les citoyens jouent un rôle actif dans l’élaboration d’actions qui s’opposent au déclin de ces territoires. Ce déclin prend bien entendu différentes formes : de l’immédiate dégradation environne-mentale à la plus discrète mais non moins importante amnésie collective et institutionnelle. En réaction à ces problèmes, plusieurs types de propositions mises en œuvre avec succès sont apparus ponctuellement ces dernières années dans l’Apennin émilien, dont ceux qui sont l’objet de ce texte.
- Published
- 2020
22. Recensione del libro di Luc Gwiazdzinski, Marco Maggioli, William Straw (a cura di), 'NIGHT STUDIES. Regards croisés sur les nouveaux visages de la nuit'
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
capital nocturne ,Nightscape ,nocturnalisation ,Night-Time Economy - Abstract
Lo scopo dei curatori è dunque quello di delineare le tappe dell’avvento dei Night Studies come vero e proprio campo specifico di studio. Come ricordano gli stessi curatori, prima di arrivare a identificare un nuovo filone di ricerca, questa espressione compariva già in opere letterarie e nel mondo della musica ma solo dopo i primi studi pioneristici degli anni Novanta del XX secolo si è sviluppato l’interesse per la notte in quanto oggetto di ricerca, che si è poi definitivamente confermato dagli anni 2010 in avanti (moltiplicazione delle pubblicazioni, dei convegni eccetera). Questa pubblicazione raccoglie così una molteplicità di “esplorazioni” – in varie direzioni – dei diversi aspetti della notte. Oltre alla prefazione, la postfazione, l’introduzione e la conclusione, il libro si divide in tante sezioni: “storia”, “percezioni”, “rappresentazioni”, “attività”, “spazio pubblico”, “notte d’altrove”, “popolazioni”, “messa in luce”, “poesia”, “prospettive”. Nei vari saggi proposti, gli approcci e gli orizzonti sono assai variegati e la notte viene considerata talvolta nella dimensione temporale talvolta più in quella spaziale o, su un altro piano, talvolta nella dimensione politica e talvolta più in quella percettiva ed esperienziale.
- Published
- 2020
23. Aide médicale à mourir et objection de conscience des médecins : pour un débat plus nuancé
- Author
Jocelyn Maclure and Isabelle Dumont
- Subjects
medical ethics ,objection de conscience ,conscientious objection ,euthanasie ,éthique médicale ,medical assistance in dying ,euthanasia ,aide médicale à mourir ,liberté de conscience ,freedom of conscience ,patients’ rights ,droits des patients - Abstract
Le débat en bioéthique et en éthique médicale sur l’objection de conscience des professionnels de la santé souffre d’au moins deux grandes lacunes. D’une part, l’enjeu de l’objection de conscience est appréhendé comme étant indépendant et sui generis, alors qu’il ne peut être dissocié de la réflexion en philosophie et en droit sur la liberté de conscience et sur les demandes d’exemption à des règles d’application générale. D’autre part, les écrits en éthique appliquée pour ou contre le droit à l’objection de conscience des professionnels de la santé s’appuient rarement sur une analyse du discours et de l’expérience morale desdits professionnels. En nous appuyant sur une étude qualitative menée auprès de 20 médecins objecteurs de conscience, nous arguons que le législateur a eu raison de reconnaître un droit à l’objection de conscience pour les professionnels de la santé et plaidons en faveur d’une conception plus riche et généreuse du droit à l’objection de conscience. La non-reconnaissance du droit à l’objection de conscience forcerait les objecteurs de conscience à choisir entre leur liberté de conscience et l’égalité des chances sur le plan de l’accession à la profession médicale. Nous soutenons qu’une reconnaissance du droit à l’objection de conscience des médecins doublée d’une obligation diriger les patients vers une instance administrative compétente permet le mieux de concilier les droits fondamentaux des parties concernées. The debates in bioethics and medical ethics about the conscientious objection claims made health professionals suffer from at least two limitations. On the one hand, conscientious objection claims by health professional are thought of as a freestanding and sui generis issue, whereas we believe that it cannot be dissociated from the broader philosophical and legal reflection on the meaning and scope of freedom of conscience and on exemption claims. On the other hand, the literature in medical ethics on the normative status of conscientious objections claims is rarely based on an analysis of the actual discourse and moral experience of the concerned health professionals. Relying on a qualitative study with 20 physicians, we plead for a large and liberal construal of freedom of conscience and argue that legislators were right to include a limited right to conscientious objection in the context of medical assistance in dying. The nonrecognition of a right to conscientious objection would force objectors to choose between their freedom of conscience and their right to equal opportunity. We argue that a right to conscientious objection supplemented by the obligation to refer patients to a relevant administrative body is the most satisfactory way to conciliate the rights of physicians and patients.
- Published
- 2019
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24. «'Street-artizzazione' delle città contemporanee: dalle periferie trascurate al museo globalizzato»
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Franco Salvatori, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
Street Art, spazio pubblico, museificazione - Abstract
Che si passeggi per le strade di New York, Mosca, Pechino, Roma o altre grandi città contemporanee, sempre più spesso si incontrano muri che ospitano “opere banali o geniali, piccole come francobolli o grandi centinaia di metri quadri, realizzate nel cuore della notte con cuore palpitante, a proprio rischio e pericolo, oppure al contrario profumatamente pagate da amministrazioni comunali in commissioni pubbliche portate avanti in tutta sicurezza.” (D. Dogheria, 2015, p.13). Tutte queste opere di dimensioni e stili tanto vari quanto lo sono le immagini in esse rappresentate e i messaggi veicolati, rientrano nella vasta galassia ormai comunemente denominata Street Art. Secondo la definizione ricorrente attribuita a John Fekner, diventata ormai un ritornello, si considera Street Art “tutta l’arte in strada che non è graffiti-writing” (Lewisohn, 2008, p.23). In ogni modo, al di là della confusione, del flou o addirittura delle contraddizioni dal punto di vista della definizione e dello stesso significato sociopolitico della Street art (che cos’è esattamente, indipendentemente delle diverse tecniche e dai diversi tipi di autori: writers, designers eccetera), è indubbio che essa intrattenga relazioni polimorfe con la realtà urbana. La dimensione geografica del fenomeno si esprime in particolar modo nell’uso specifico dello spazio “pubblico” e nella creazione di opere in situ, a priori inscindibilmente connesse a un determinato contesto territoriale. Tuttavia l’espressione inglese, nella sua semplicità sintattica, non rende immediatamente evidenti tre diversi aspetti in cui si declina questa realtà, in quanto si tratta allo stesso tempo di un’arte “della”, “nella” e “dalla” strada, le cui opere sono partecipative, “conversative” – per la loro capacità di innescare una sorta di dialogo visivo – e viventi, ovvero in permanente evoluzione poiché all’opera originaria possono essere aggiunti elementi da altri street artisti o writers: «the term Street Art cannot be defined conclusively since what it encompasses is constantly being negotiated (Bengtsen 2014, p.11). Questo contributo affronta la recente trasformazione del fenomeno Street Art in un significativo agente geografico, focalizzandosi su tre aspetti in particolare: la sua dimensione comunicativa nello spazio pubblico, le grandi potenzialità dell’arte di strada nei contrastati processi di riqualificazione urbana e infine i problematici effetti del suo grande successo in termini di turisticizzazione e museificazione.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Franco Salvatori, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
geografia sociale, metodi di ricerca, divulgazione - Abstract
La sessione relativa a questo testo introduttivo vuole discutere il ruolo/contributo di una geografia sociale engagée – in termini teorici e pragmatici – anche attraverso un riesame dei metodi di ricerca e divulgazione, nella costruzione di visioni e percorsi capaci di produrre cambiamento: in particolare, efficacia e praticabilità di quegli approcci multi-metodo il cui scopo non è confermare, per diverse vie, un medesimo risultato ‚veritiero‛, ma proporre una pluralità di risultati ‚verosimili‛ e ‚di parte‛, che arricchiscono l’analisi e la comprensione di differenze e sfumature più che di uniformità»
- Published
- 2019
26. Inter-disciplinary characterisation of carbonate reservoirs. ALBION, a multi-scales dynamic analogue
- Author
Charles Danquigny, Gérard Massonnat, Anthony Tendil, Lucie Dal Soglio, Jean Cochard, Isabelle Dumont, Naomi Mazzilli, Christophe Emblanch, Konstantinos Chalikakis, Philippe Leonide, Jean Borgomano, François Fournier, Sénéchal, G., Dominique Rousset, Stéphane Garambois, Christophe Voisin, Daniel Brito, Michel Rebelle, Jean-Paul Rolando, Danquigny, Charles, Environnement Méditerranéen et Modélisation des Agro-Hydrosystèmes (EMMAH), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Avignon Université (AU), TOTAL S.A., TOTAL FINA ELF, Centre européen de recherche et d'enseignement des géosciences de l'environnement (CEREGE), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Collège de France (CdF (institution))-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs (LFCR), TOTAL FINA ELF-Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre), and Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR219-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Grenoble Alpes [2016-2019] (UGA [2016-2019])
- Subjects
[SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering ,[SDU.STU] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,[SDE.IE] Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering ,[SDU.ENVI]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Continental interfaces, environment ,[SDU.ENVI] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Continental interfaces, environment - Abstract
International audience; Carbonates probably host the most complex aquifers in terms of organisation of porosity networks and flow behaviour. Their heterogeneity originates at different scales and from numerous processes related to geology, hydrodynamics, chemistry and mechanic. These processes occur during a longterm history from just after the deposition of sediments to present day. At small scale, they provide the rock matrix with its petrophysical, mechanic and geophysical properties. At large scale, they can promote the development of karst networks or flow barriers.The ALBION Project addresses the question of the relationships between the heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirs from pore to field scale and the heterogeneity of groundwater dynamics, which is induced. An interdisciplinary approach has been developed to tackle genetic processes and their impact on medium properties. Switching back and forth between in-situ multi-physics measurements and integrative modelling allow coupling interpretations and strengthening concepts used to populate reservoir models.This innovative approach has been applied and enhanced on nested field sites in the Fontaine de Vaucluse catchment area (south-eastern France). The LSBB sector includes the so-called underground laboratory, an almost 4 km long tunnel, and three sets of boreholes drilled in the reservoir. It enables the investigation of flow behaviour for different media (matrix, fractures and karst) at various scales, in different well-known geological conditions and from different natural or experimental settings. Through a micro to meso-scale multi-physics characterization of matrix, relationships between geological, petrophysical and geophysical properties have been investigated, and an integrative classification of rock-types has been proposed. In the central sector of the catchment, near Saint-Christold’Albion, the karst network is well developed with several famous caves, as “Le trou souffleur”. In this area, factors controlling the genesis of karst conduits in the unsaturated zone have been investigated and a conceptual model has been proposed. Lastly, at the aquifer scale, integration of results acquired at lower scales added to numerous geological descriptions and analyses give new insights on the role and importance of the driving parameters of the evolution of the carbonate platform.In next steps, other sites as the Lagnes-Robion quarry or a new tunnel in the LSBB will complete the disposal in this way. Finally, the assessment of porosity, permeability or geophysical properties of different rock-types at various scales will provide the framework to address the issue of upscaling in carbonates. Thanks to these different studies, a workflow of characterization and modelling has been established to investigate dynamic analogues.
- Published
- 2019
27. When TV Series permeate and produce Reality. Preliminary Reflections on Performativity of the «Small Screen»
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
TV series, mechanism of performativity, médiance - Abstract
Quando la fiction permea e produce la realtà. Riflessioni preliminari sulla performatività del «piccolo schermo» Gli ultimi decenni hanno visto lo sviluppo di una «nuova formula narrativa» nel mondo della fiction, in grado di influenzare opinioni e comportamenti e di stimolare negli spettatori una sorta di «stato di immersione». Inoltre, alcune fictions finiscono per avere un effetto performativo più tangibile, realizzando uno stato di permeazione della realtà che può concretizzarsi ad esempio nel turismo indotto dalla fiction stessa, ma anche nella creazione di «forum pubblici» dove i telespettatori mescolano opinioni politiche e sfera privata. Tuttavia, la «permeazione» costituisce solo un primo livello della performatività, mentre un secondo stadio – la «produzione della realtà» – viene raggiunto in alcuni casi allorquando determinate locations assumono fisicamente alcune caratteristiche di una fiction. Quali sono dunque i fattori e i meccanismi che innescano la performatività? Una possibile chiave per rispondere alla domanda può essere trovata applicando il concetto di médiance di Berque all’analisi di questo fenomeno. The last decades witnessed the development of a «new narrative formula» in the world of TV series, able to influence opinions and behaviours and to stimulate in spectators a sort of «state of immersion». Furthermore, some series end up with having a more tangible performative effect, realizing a state of permeation of reality which can be materialized for instance in the fiction induced tourism, but also with the creation of «public forums» where TV viewers mix up political opinions and their private sphere. Nevertheless, «permeation» only constitutes a first step of performativity, while a second stage – «production of reality» – is reached in some cases when locations physically take on some characteristic features of a TV series. Which are then the factors and mechanisms that trigger performativity? A possible key to answer the question can be found applying Berques’ concept of médiance to the analysis of this phenomenon. Quand la série télévisée pénètre et produit la réalité. Réflexions préliminaires sur la performativité du « petit écran » Les dernières décennies ont vu le développement d’une « nouvelle formule narrative » dans le monde de la série télévisée, capable d’influencer les opinions et les comportements et de susciter chez le spectateur une sorte d’« état d’immersion ». De plus, certaines séries télévisées finissent par avoir un effet performatif plus tangible, réalisant un état de perméabilité de la réalité qui peut se concrétiser non seulement par le tourisme télévisuel, mais aussi par la création de « forums publics » où les téléspectateurs mélangent opinions politiques et sphère privée. Néanmoins, la « pénétration » ne constitue qu’une première étape de la performativité, tandis qu’une seconde étape – la « production de réalité » – est atteinte quand, dans certains cas, les lieux acquièrent physiquement certains traits caractéristiques d’une série télévisée. Quels sont donc les facteurs et les mécanismes qui déclenchent la performativité ? Répondre à cette question semble possible en appliquant le concept de médiance de Berque à l’analyse de ce phénomène.
- Published
- 2019
28. La Valnerina nella «Settima Arte»: dal sapere al sapore del locale
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, M. Arca Petrucci, C. Cerreti, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
Fiction ,spazio vissuto ,geografia dei media - Abstract
Le pellicole prese in esame hanno il pregio di offrire uno sguardo intimo e perfino un’esperienza sensitiva di questi luoghi che si presentano allo spettatore con diverse sottili sfumature e talvolta con decisi contrasti. La geografia regionale che scaturisce da questa filmografia non ha soltanto una semplice dimensione estetica e descrittiva ma può in qualche modo offrire un quadro geografico olistico, ovvero plasmato dagli elementi naturali e dalle generazioni di gruppi umani, dalle loro attività, dal loro rispettivo habitus (Bourdieu, 1980)e dal «vissuto» di queste terre. Certamente tutto ciò costituisce il substrato o meglio l’humus dal quale potrebbe nascere e svilupparsi ogni altra eventuale flânerie poetica.
- Published
- 2019
29. Le «Cooperative di Comunità», un’opportunità per le aree marginali. I casi di Succiso e Cerreto Alpi nell’Appennino reggiano
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, FABIO POLLICE, GIULIA URSO, FEDERICA EPIFANI, and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
bottom-up territorial development ,communauté locale et ouverte ,Italie «Community Cooperative» ,aree marginali ,zones marginale ,Italy ,«Cooperativa di Comunità» ,comunità locale e aperta ,Italia «Coopérative de communauté» ,développement territorial par le ba ,sviluppo territoriale dal basso ,marginal area ,local and open community - Abstract
The last decades have been marked by an increased aging of the population on the one hand and by the depopulation of marginal areas on the other hand. Added to this is the Welfare crisis which has led central and local governments to find it increasingly difficult to get all the resources needed to face these problems. While it remains essential that public policies take care of marginal areas, it is even more important that citizens play an active role in implementing actions which oppose the decline of these territories. This decline takes by sure different forms: from immediate environmental degradation to the more discreet but no less important institutional amnesia, that can be seen when a given territory seems to be left behind. But by who? The State? The society? The dynamics of the orthodox economy? ... Among the proposals that have been successfully implemented to try to struggle with these problems, there are the «Community Cooperatives». Some scholars specialized in the study of social enterprises even propose to make of them a new paradigm of economic and social development for marginal areas. This work tries to delve deeper into the challenges of these realities, starting from the analysis of two case-studies in Emilia Romagna region (Italy).
- Published
- 2019
30. 9th GCC closed forum: CAPA in regulated bioanalysis; method robustness, biosimilars, preclinical method validation, endogenous biomarkers, whole blood stability, regulatory audit experiences and electronic laboratory notebooks
- Author
Ardeshir Khadang, Elizabeth Groeber, Gunjan Soni, Yi Qun Xiao, Afshin Safavi, Saadya Fatmi, Manon Verville, Daniel Mulvana, Gene Ray, Sarah Harris, Mathilde Yu, Allan Xu, Jenny Lin, Isabelle Dumont, Clare Kingsley, Mike Buonarati, Nico C van de Merbel, Masood Khan, Natasha Savoie, Ian Ward, Luigi Silvestro, Michele Fiscella, Nadine Boudreau, Curtis Sheldon, Jaap Wieling, Richard LeLacheur, Christina Satterwhite, Benno Ingelse, Anahita Keyhani, Shane Karnik, Kai Kurylak, Ann Lévesque, Roger Hayes, Bob Nicholson, Rafiq Islam, Mike Allen, Jennifer Zimmer, Edward Tabler, Philippe Couerbe, Colin Pattison, Xinping Fang, Lorella Di Donato, Zhongping John Lin, Mario Rocci, Manju Saxena, Yansheng Liu, Ron Shoup, Patrick Bennett, Wei Garofolo, Laura Cojocaru, Stephanie Cape, Maria Cruz Caturla, Nicola Hughes, Jennifer Bravo, James Bourdage, Michele Malone, Chad Briscoe, James Hulse, Hanna Ritzén, and Mohammed Bouhajib
- Subjects
Bioanalysis ,Medical education ,Best practice ,010401 analytical chemistry ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Biosimilar ,General Medicine ,Audit ,Bioinformatics ,030226 pharmacology & pharmacy ,01 natural sciences ,0104 chemical sciences ,Analytical Chemistry ,03 medical and health sciences ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Business ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics - Abstract
The 9th GCCClosed Forum was held just prior to the 2015 Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (WRIB) in Miami, FL, USA on 13 April 2015. In attendance were 58 senior-level participants, from eight countries, representing 38 CRO companies offering bioanalytical services. The objective of this meeting was for CRO bioanalytical representatives to meet and discuss scientific and regulatory issues specific to bioanalysis. The issues selected at this year's closed forum include CAPA, biosimilars, preclinical method validation, endogenous biomarkers, whole blood stability, and ELNs. A summary of the industry's best practices and the conclusions from the discussion of these topics is included in this meeting report.
- Published
- 2016
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31. Tra didattica partecipativa e 'nuove' forme partecipative dell'abitare: l'esperienza di un docufilm
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
cohousing, ecovillages, docufilm, sustainability, participatory living - Abstract
Several proposal have emerged over time in search of a more sustainable and participatory living, cohousing and ecovillages are among them. The docufilm, made with Roma Tre university students, seeks to understand from inside these “participatory forms of living” which try to implement the three complementary axes of sustainability (environmental, economic and social). 4 different cases have been analyzed: 2 in rural and 2 in urban contexts and for each context there is a project built from new and another involving the recovery of old buildings. The docufilm construction by the students (interviews, shootings selection…), was part of an experimental project aimed to draw their attention on the importance of field research, as well as aimed to motivate them to translate the scientific knowledge into the modern languages of the image, fostering the dialogue with civil society. The full version of the film is available in DVD, while the short one is visible on https://vimeo.com/189299910.
- Published
- 2018
32. Estate 2015: 'nuovi muri' e mediatizzazione dei fenomeni migratori in Europa
- Author
Isabelle Dumont and Dumont, Isabelle
- Subjects
crisi dei migranti, nuovi muri, mediatizzazione - Abstract
Tra il 23 maggio 2015, data di chiusura dell’incontro italo-francese di geografia sociale svoltosi a Torino, e il 30 settembre 2015, data di consegna di questo contributo, la questione dell’immigrazione ha assunto ben altra entità, dal punto di vista numerico e umanitario e soprattutto dal punto di vista politico e mediatico. A Torino l’attenzione si era infatti principalmente focalizzata sulla presenza e la traiettoria dei migranti, come strumento di lettura delle trasformazioni della città contemporanea (evoluzione del percorso lavorativo, cambiamento dell’ethnoscape, processi di territorializzazione dei migranti eccetera)., Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia, N. 2 (2017): Ripensare lo spazio sociale: reti, mobilità,territorialità
- Published
- 2017
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33. 2014 White Paper on recent issues in bioanalysis: a full immersion in bioanalysis (Part 2 – hybrid LBA/LCMS, ELN & regulatory agencies’ input)
- Author
Surinder Kaur, Swati Gupta, Eric Fluhler, John Smeraglia, Annik Bergeron, Mark E. Arnold, Timothy V Olah, Steven J. Swanson, Adrien Musuku, Lauren Stevenson, Olivier Le Blaye, Boris Gorovits, Ann Levesque, Fabio Garofolo, Gary Schultz, Mark J. Rose, Eric Woolf, Chris Beaver, Anne-Françoise Aubry, Li Xue, Heather Myler, Jason Wakelin-Smith, Mark Bustard, Hendrik Neubert, Dawn Dufield, Stacy Ho, Akiko Ishii-Watabe, Tong-Yuan Yang, Stephen C. Alley, Matthew Szapacs, Laura Cojocaru, Surendra Bansal, Keyang Xu, Shefali Patel, Faye Vazvaei, Mark Ma, Benno Ingelse, Emma Whale, Amanda Wilson, Roger Hayes, Sam Haidar, Binodh DeSilva, Noriko Katori, Lakshmi Amaravadi, Lindsay King, Isabelle Dumont, Xiao-Yan Cai, Jeff Duggan, Albert Torri, Steve Lowes, Leo Kirkovsky, and Jan Welink
- Subjects
Bioanalysis ,Engineering ,Clinical Laboratory Techniques ,business.industry ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Scientific excellence ,Analytic Sample Preparation Methods ,Nanotechnology ,General Medicine ,Mass Spectrometry ,Analytical Chemistry ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,White paper ,Humans ,Engineering ethics ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,business ,Chromatography, Liquid - Abstract
The 2014 8th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (8th WRIB), a 5-day full immersion in the evolving field of bioanalysis, took place in Universal City, California, USA. Close to 500 professionals from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations and regulatory agencies worldwide convened to share, review, discuss and agree on approaches to address current issues of interest in bioanalysis. The topics covered included both small and large molecules, and involved LCMS, hybrid LBA/LCMS, LBA approaches and immunogenicity. From the prolific discussions held during the workshop, specific recommendations are presented in this 2014 White Paper. As with the previous years’ editions, this paper acts as a practical tool to help the bioanalytical community continue advances in scientific excellence, improved quality and better regulatory compliance. Due to its length, the 2014 edition of this comprehensive White Paper has been divided into three parts for editorial reasons. This publication (Part 2) covers the recommendations for Hybrid LBA/LCMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook and Regulatory Agencies’ Input. Part 1 (Small molecules bioanalysis using LCMS) was published in the Bioanalysis issue 6(22) and Part 3 (Large molecules bioanalysis using LBA and Immunogenicity) will be published in the Bioanalysis issue 6(24).
- Published
- 2014
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34. 2014 White Paper on recent issues in bioanalysis: a full immersion in bioanalysis (Part 3 – LBA and immunogenicity)
- Author
Alison Joyce, Theingi M. Thway, Lakshmi Amaravadi, Laura Cojocaru, Faye Vazvaei, Mark Ma, Amanda Wilson, Albert Torri, Lauren Stevenson, Steven J. Swanson, Chris Beaver, Heather Myler, Isabelle Dumont, Annik Bergeron, Surendra Bansal, Benno Ingelse, Eric Fluhler, Susan Kirshner, Corinne Petit-Frere, Jason Wakelin-Smith, Boris Gorovits, Xiao-Yan Cai, Roger Hayes, Mark J. Rose, Eric Woolf, Renuka Pillutla, Ann Levesque, Omar F Laterza, Stephanie Fraser, Li Xue, Laura Salazar-Fontana, Lindsay King, Gary Schultz, Sheldon Leung, Tong-Yuan Yang, John Smeraglia, Sam Haidar, Stephen C. Alley, Dominique Gouty, Fabio Garofolo, Akiko Ishii-Watabe, Binodh DeSilva, Surinder Kaur, and Swati Gupta
- Subjects
Medical Laboratory Technology ,Bioanalysis ,White paper ,Political science ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Scientific excellence ,Engineering ethics ,Nanotechnology ,General Medicine ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Analytical Chemistry - Abstract
The 2014 8th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (8th WRIB), a 5-day full immersion in the evolving field of bioanalysis, took place in Universal City, California, USA. Close to 500 professionals from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations and regulatory agencies worldwide convened to share, review, discuss and agree on approaches to address current issues of interest in bioanalysis. The topics covered included both small and large molecules, and involved LCMS, hybrid LBA/LCMS, LBA approaches and immunogenicity. From the prolific discussions held during the workshop, specific recommendations are presented in this 2014 White Paper. As with the previous years’ editions, this paper acts as a practical tool to help the bioanalytical community continue advances in scientific excellence, improved quality and better regulatory compliance. Due to its length, the 2014 edition of this comprehensive White Paper has been divided into three parts for editorial reasons. This publication (Part 3) covers the recommendations for Large molecules bioanalysis using LBA and Immunogenicity. Part 1 (Small molecules bioanalysis using LCMS) and Part 2 (Hybrid LBA/LCMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook and Regulatory Agencies' Input) were published in the Bioanalysis issues 6(22) and 6(23), respectively.
- Published
- 2014
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35. 2014 White Paper on recent issues in bioanalysis: a full immersion in bioanalysis (Part 1 – small molecules by LCMS)
- Author
Li Xue, Mark J. Rose, Eric Woolf, Lauren Stevenson, Tong-Yuan Yang, Ann Lévesque, Olivier Le Blaye, Annik Bergeron, Jian Wang, Laura Cojocaru, Mark E. Arnold, Mark Bustard, Josée Michon, Daksha Desai-Krieger, Neil Spooner, John Smeraglia, Mary Carbone, Benno Ingelse, Eric Fluhler, Heather Myler, Jan Welink, Ronald Bauer, Tom Verhaeghe, Adrien Musuku, Faye Vazvaei, Fabio Garofolo, Isabelle Dumont, Jason Wakelin-Smith, Shefali Patel, Gary Schultz, Xiao-Yan Cai, Noriko Katori, Sam Haidar, Mark Ma, Emma Whale, Amanda Wilson, Timothy V Olah, Roger Hayes, Bruce Stouffer, Jeff Duggan, Steve Lowes, Katalina Mettke, Surendra Bansal, and Stacy Ho
- Subjects
Validation study ,Engineering ,Bioanalysis ,business.industry ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Scientific excellence ,Nanotechnology ,General Medicine ,Analytical Chemistry ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,White paper ,Engineering ethics ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,business - Abstract
The 2014 8th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (8th WRIB), a 5-day full immersion in the evolving field of bioanalysis, took place in Universal City, California, USA. Close to 500 professionals from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations and regulatory agencies worldwide convened to share, review, discuss and agree on approaches to address current issues of interest in bioanalysis. The topics covered included both small and large molecules, and involved LCMS, hybrid LBA/LCMS, LBA approaches and immunogenicity. From the prolific discussions held during the workshop, specific recommendations are presented in this 2014 White Paper. As with the previous years’ editions, this paper acts as a practical tool to help the bioanalytical community continue advances in scientific excellence, improved quality and better regulatory compliance. Due to its length, the 2014 edition of this comprehensive White Paper has been divided into three parts for editorial reasons. This publication (Part 1) covers the recommendations for small molecule bioanalysis using LCMS. Part 2 (Hybrid LBA/LCMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook and Regulatory Agencies’ input) and Part 3 (Large molecules bioanalysis using LBA and Immunogenicity) will be published in the upcoming issues of Bioanalysis.
- Published
- 2014
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36. 8th GCC: Consolidated feedback to US FDA on the 2013 Draft FDA Guidance on Bioanalytical Method Validation
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Paul Rhyne, Saadya Fatmi, Curtis Sheldon, Rafiq Islam, Yanseng Liu, Roger Hayes, Dick Tacey, William Nowatzke, Gene Ray, Jenny Lin, Jennifer Bravo, Gary Schultz, Robert Nicholson, Barry van der Strate, Jim Datin, Chad Briscoe, Elizabeth Groeber, Teri Pekol, Tim Lansing, Jordi Ortuno, Rand Jenkins, Ira DuBey, Andrew Roberts, Mike Buonarati, Andrea Watson, Douglas M. Fast, John Lin, John Kamerud, Mathilde Yu, Daniel Tang, Michele Malone, Laura Cojocaru, Allan Xu, Petra Struwe, Masood Khan, Ann Levesque, Richard LeLacheur, Kai Kurylak, Colin Farrell, Steve Lowes, Mohammed Bouhajib, Ronald Shoup, John Doughty, Joseph Bower, Gibran El-Sulayman, Chantal DiMarco, Alexandre Blanchette, Mary Carbone, Phyllis Conliffe, Fabio Garofolo, Dominique Gouty, Jim Hulse, Jamil Hantash, Jennifer Zimmer, Mike Redrup, Scott Reuschel, Sofi Gagnon-Carignan, Maria Cruz Caturla, Mike Allen, Wei Garofolo, Xinping Fang, and Shane Karnik
- Subjects
Medical Laboratory Technology ,Engineering management ,Engineering ,business.industry ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Nanotechnology ,General Medicine ,Validation Studies as Topic ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,business ,Analytical Chemistry - Abstract
The 8th GCC Closed Forum for Bioanalysis was held in Baltimore, MD, USA on 5 December 2013, immediately following the 2013 AAPS Workshop (Crystal City V): Quantitative Bioanalytical Methods Validation and Implementation – The 2013 Revised FDA Guidance. This GCC meeting was organized to discuss the contents of the draft revised FDA Guidance on bioanalytical method validation that was published in September 2013 and consolidate the feedback of the GCC members. In attendance were 63 senior-level participants, from seven countries, representing 46 bioanalytical CRO companies/sites. This event represented a unique opportunity for CRO bioanalytical experts to share their opinions and concerns regarding the draft FDA Guidance, and to build unified comments to be provided to the FDA.
- Published
- 2014
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37. 2013 White Paper on recent issues in bioanalysis: ‘hybrid’ – the best of LBA and LCMS
- Author
Sam Haidar, Stacy Ho, Lauren Stevenson, Surinder Kaur, Jeff Duggan, Alvydas Mikulskis, Jian Wang, Judy Shih, Magnus Knutsson, Lakshmi Amaravadi, Boris Gorovits, Rand Jenkins, Steve Lowes, Hanlan Liu, Mark Ma, Binodh DeSilva, Ronald Shoup, Emma Whale, Chad Ray, Christopher P. Evans, Marian Kelley, Jean W. Lee, An Song, João Tavares Neto, Bob Nicholson, Laixin Wang, Dominique Gouty, Rafiq Islam, Suzanne Martinez, Mike Losauro, Isabelle Dumont, Adrien Musuku, Dawn Dufield, Vincenzo Pucci, Shefali Patel, Eric Ormsby, Laura Wright, Margarete Brudny-Kloeppel, Valerie Theobald, Gary Schultz, Stephanie Fraser, Timothy V Olah, Noriko Katori, Richard Houghton, Mark E. Arnold, Eric Fluhler, Catherine Dicaire, Eric Woolf, Sherri Dudal, Fabio Garofolo, Jan Welink, Mario Rocci, Laurence Mayrand-Provencher, Heather Myler, Raymond Naxing Xu, Jason Wakelin-Smith, Brian Booth, Roger Hayes, Craig Simon, Surendra Bansal, and Theingi M. Thway
- Subjects
Medical Laboratory Technology ,Bioanalysis ,White paper ,Political science ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Nanotechnology ,Engineering ethics ,General Medicine ,Validation Studies as Topic ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Analytical Chemistry - Abstract
The 2013 7th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis was held in Long Beach, California, USA, where close to 500 professionals from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, CROs and regulatory agencies convened to discuss current topics of interest in bioanalysis. These ‘hot’ topics, which covered both small and large molecules, were the starting point for fruitful exchanges of knowledge, and sharing of ideas among speakers, panelists and attendees. The discussions led to specific recommendations pertinent to bioanalytical science. Such as the previous editions, this 2013 White Paper addresses important bioanalytical issues and provides practical answers to the topics presented, discussed and agreed upon by the global bioanalytical community attending the 7th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis.
- Published
- 2013
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38. L’apparence dans les Discours 21, 28 et 72 de Dion Chrysostome : approche lexicale et thématique
- Author
Isabelle Dumont-Dayot
- Subjects
General Engineering - Abstract
Dumont-Dayot Isabelle. L’apparence dans les Discours 21, 28 et 72 de Dion Chrysostome : approche lexicale et thématique. In: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé, n°1,2017. pp. 69-79.
- Published
- 2017
39. Influence of short-term synoptic events and snow depth on DMS, DMSP, and DMSO dynamics in Antarctic spring sea ice
- Author
Christian H. Fritsen, Bruno Delille, Jean-Louis Tison, Frédéric Brabant, Martin Vancoppenolle, Stephen F. Ackley, Isabelle Dumont, Gauthier Carnat, Laboratoire de Glaciologie [Bruxelles], Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat : Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL (FR_636)), École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS-PSL), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS-PSL), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (DEES), Desert Research Institute (DRI), Unité d'Océanographie Chimique, Interfacultary Center for Marine Research (MARE), Université de Liège-Université de Liège, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN)-Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL (FR_636)), École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris), and Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris)
- Subjects
Atmospheric Science ,Environmental Engineering ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Oceanography ,Dimethylsulfoniopropionate ,01 natural sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Brining ,Sea ice ,lcsh:Environmental sciences ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,lcsh:GE1-350 ,[SDU.OCEAN]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Ocean, Atmosphere ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Ecology ,010505 oceanography ,Sea Ice ,fungi ,Généralités ,Geology ,Brine rejection ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,Snow ,Arctic ice pack ,Frost flower (sea ice) ,Salinity ,Dimethylsulfide ,chemistry ,13. Climate action ,Antarctica ,human activities - Abstract
Temporal changes in the concentration profiles of dimethylsulfide (DMS), dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) were measured in pack ice from the Bellingshausen Sea (Antarctica) during the winter-spring transition of 2007. Two sites with contrasting snow and ice thicknesses were sampled, with high concentrations of DMS, DMSP, and DMSO observed at both sites, especially in surface ice. These high concentrations were shown to correspond to the development of a surface ice microalgal community dominated by strong DMSP producers (flagellates and dinoflagellates) following flooding of the ice cover. Several short-term synoptic events were observed and shown to influence strongly the dynamics of sea ice DMS, DMSP, and DMSO. In particular, a cold spell event was associated with drastic changes in the environmental conditions for the sea ice microbial communities and to a remarkable increase in the production of dimethylated sulfur compounds at both sites. A good correlation between all dimethylated sulfur compounds, sea ice temperature, and brine salinity suggested that the observed increase was triggered mainly by increased thermal and osmotic stresses on microalgal cells. Atmospheric forcing, by controlling sea ice temperature and hence the connectivity and instability of the brine network, was also shown to constrain the transfer of dimethylated sulfur compounds in the ice towards the ocean via brine drainage. Analysis of the two contrasting sampling sites shed light on the key role played by the snow cover in the sea ice DMS cycle. Thicker snow cover, by insulating the underlying sea ice, reduced the amplitude of environmental changes associated with the cold spell, leading to a weaker physiological response and DMS, DMSP, and DMSO production. Thicker snow also hampered the development of steep gradients in sea ice temperature and brine salinity, thereby decreasing the potential for the release of dimethylated sulfur compounds to the ocean via brine drainage., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2016
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40. Conference Report: 6th GCC focus on LBA: critical reagents, positive controls and reference standards; specificity for endogenous compounds; biomarkers; biosimilars
- Author
Robert Nicholson, Douglas M. Fast, Saadya Fatmi, Suzanne Martinez, Masood Khan, Dan Mamelak, Pilar Gonzalez, Zhongping John Lin, William Nowatzke, Laura Wright, John Kamerud, Richard LeLacheur, Daniel Tang, Afshin Safavi, Rafiq Islam, Ray Steffen, Ann Levesque, Jake Harman, Roger Hayes, Shane Karnik, Douglas J Turk, Michele Malone, Steve Lowes, Mohammed Bouhajib, Sofi Gagnon-Carignan, Ronald Shoup, Kayode Awaiye, Jennifer Zimmer, John Allinson, Maria Cruz Caturla, Yansheng Liu, Mark Warren, Jenny Lin, Allan Xu, Scott Reuschel, Wei Garofolo, Xinping Fang, Jenifer Vija, James Petrilla, Laura Cojocaru, Marie Rock, Isabelle Dumont, Curtis Sheldon, Dominique Gouty, Andrew Dinan, and Yasuhiro Yamashita
- Subjects
Bioanalysis ,business.industry ,education ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Accounting ,Drugs stability ,Nanotechnology ,Biosimilar ,General Medicine ,Guideline ,Analytical Chemistry ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,Biomarker (medicine) ,Business ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Drug industry ,Reference standards - Abstract
The 6th Global CRO Council for Bioanalysis (GCC) Closed Forum was held on 27 March 2012 in San Antonio, TX, USA, the day before the start of the 6th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis. The attendance consisted of 45 bioanalytical CRO senior-level representatives on behalf of 37 CRO companies/sites from six countries. In addition to following up on the issue of co-administered drugs stability and on recommendations regarding the European Medicines Agency guideline, this GCC Closed Forum discussed topics of current interest in the bioanalytical field with focus on ligand-binding assays, such as lot changes for critical reagents, positive controls and reference standards, specificity for endogenous compounds, qualification and validation of biomarker assays, approach for biosimilars and criteria for LC–MS assays of small versus large molecules.
- Published
- 2012
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41. 2012 White Paper on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis and Alignment of Multiple Guidelines
- Author
Binodh DeSilva, Fabio Garofolo, Mario Rocci, Suzanne Martinez, Isabelle Dumont, France Landry, Catherine Dicaire, Gabriella Szekely-Klepser, Russell Weiner, Mark Arnold, Surendra Bansal, Kevin Bateman, Ronald Bauer, Brian Booth, Scott Davis, Sherri Dudal, Dominique Gouty, John Grundy, Sam Haidar, Roger Hayes, Mohammed Jemal, Surinder Kaur, Marian Kelley, Magnus Knutsson, Olivier Le Blaye, Jean Lee, Steve Lowes, Mark Ma, Toshinari Mitsuoka, João Tavares Neto, Robert Nicholson, Eric Ormsby, Jeffrey Sailstad, Lauren Stevenson, Daniel Tang, Jan Welink, CT Viswanathan, Laixin Wang, Eric Woolf, and Eric Yang
- Subjects
Reference Document ,Bioanalysis ,Computer science ,Event (computing) ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Scientific excellence ,Nanotechnology ,Harmonization ,General Medicine ,Data science ,Analytical Chemistry ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,White paper ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics - Abstract
Over 400 professionals representing pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and multiple regulatory agencies participated in the 6th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (WRIB). Like the previous sessions, this event was in the format of a practical, focused, highly interactive and informative workshop aiming for high-quality, improved regulatory compliance and scientific excellence. Numerous ‘hot’ topics in bioanalysis of both small and large molecules were shared and discussed, leading to consensus and recommendations among panelists and attendees representing the bioanalytical community. The major outcome of this year’s workshop was the noticeable alignment of multiple bioanalytical guidance/guidelines from different regulatory agencies. This represents a concrete step forward in the global harmonization of bioanalytical activities. The present 2012 White Paper acts as a practical and useful reference document that provides key information and solutions on several topics and issues in the constantly evolving world of bioanalysis.
- Published
- 2012
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42. Recommendations on the interpretation of the new European Medicines Agency Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation by Global CRO Council for Bioanalysis (GCC)
- Author
Jim Hillier, Chiara Bigogno, Mira Doig, Mike Allen, Theo de Boer, Mohammed Bouhajib, Chris Cox, Ronald Shoup, Dieter Zimmer, Roger Hayes, John Maltas, Masood Bhatti, Maria Cruz Caturla, Michele Malone, Jim Jersey, Timothy Sangster, Romuald Sable, Massimo Breda, Philippe Couerbe, Saadya Fatmi, Lois Folguera, Lee Goodwin, Alan Breau, Daniel Tang, Paula Jardieu, Shane Karnik, Ann Levesque, Dick Schoutsen, Isabelle Dumont, Zhongping John Lin, Wei Garofolo, Ming Hung Lin, Johanne Bouchard, Xinping Fang, Christine Schiebl, Curtis Sheldon, Carmen Dilger, Steve Lowes, Joelle Guittard, Petra Struwe, Suzanne Martinez, Mark Boterman, Maria Pawula, Shane Needham, Fabio Garofolo, Tim Lansing, Richard Houghton, Marc Moussallie, William DeMaio, Jenny Lin, Tammy Harter, Laura Cojocaru, Kirk R. Smith, Colin Pattison, Rand Jenkins, Richard Lundberg, Rachel Green, Robert Nicholson, Leonardo de Souza Teixeira, James Truog, Stuart Best, Farhad Sayyarpour, Rafiq Islam, Rudi Segers, Christoph Siethoff, Thais Rocha, Thomas Zimmermann, and Sofi Gagnon-Carignan
- Subjects
Quality Control ,Independent group ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Guidelines as Topic ,Accounting ,Marketing authorization ,Analytical Chemistry ,Drug Stability ,Government regulation ,Political science ,Agency (sociology) ,Humans ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Reference standards ,Human studies ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,Guideline ,Reference Standards ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,Pharmaceutical Preparations ,Contract research organization ,Calibration ,Government Regulation ,Biological Assay ,business - Abstract
Senior representatives of GCC member companies have thoroughly evaluated and discussed the new European Medicines Agency (EMA; July 2011 [1]) Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation (BMV), during the 4th GCC (23 October 2011, Washington DC, USA) and 5th GCC (14 November 2011, Barcelona, Spain) Closed Forums. These North American and European events provided a unique opportunity for CRO leaders to openly share opinions and perspectives and to agree on unified bioanalytical recommendations specifically in relation with the new EMA guideline. The Global CRO Council for Bioanalysis (GCC) [101] is a global independent group of many Contract Research Organization (CRO) leaders. The GCC was formed in September 2010 to meet regularly and discuss bioanalytical issues and regulatory challenges, many of them unique to the outsourcing industry. The outcome of the discussions held as part of these GCC closed forum meetings are shared with the global bioanalytical community via pertinent publications [2–6] and appropriate conference presentations. Prior to the issue of this new guideline, the November 2009 Draft EMA Guideline on BMV defined the proposed guideline and criteria of the EMA on validation of bioanalytical methods and their application in the analysis of study samples from animal and human studies [7]. The EMA Guideline states that the validation of the bioanalytical methods to be used on non-clinical pharmacotoxicological studies to be submitted in a marketing authorization application should be performed following the Recommendations on the interpretation of the new European Medicines Agency Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation by Global CRO Council for Bioanalysis (GCC)
- Published
- 2012
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43. Painful diabetic neuropathy: Diagnosis and management
- Author
Isabelle Dumont, Didier Bouhassira, J L Richard, Agnès Hartemann, Nadine Attal, S Jeanne, G Said, and H. Gin
- Subjects
Analgesics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Visual analogue scale ,business.industry ,Incidence ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,Serotonin reuptake inhibitor ,General Medicine ,Type 2 diabetes ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Impaired glucose tolerance ,Endocrinology ,Drug class ,Peripheral neuropathy ,Diabetic Neuropathies ,Pain assessment ,Anesthesia ,Sensation ,Prevalence ,Internal Medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,business ,Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors - Abstract
The prevalence of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (PDN) is about 20% in patients with type 2 diabetes and 5% in those with type 1. Patients should be systematically questioned concerning suggestive symptoms, as they are not usually volunteers. As PDN is due to small-fibre injury, the 10 g monofilament pressure test as well as the standard electrophysiological procedures may be normal. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings: type of pain (burning discomfort, electric shock-like sensation, aching coldness in the lower limbs); time of occurrence (mostly at rest and at night); and abnormal sensations (such as tingling or numbness). The DN4 questionnaire is an easy-to-use validated diagnostic tool. Three classes of drugs are of equal value in treating PDN: tricyclic antidepressants; anticonvulsants; and selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors. These compounds may be prescribed as first-line therapy following pain assessment using a visual analogue scale. If the initial drug at its maximum tolerated dose does not lead to a decrease in pain of at least 30%, another drug class should be prescribed; if the pain is decreased by 30% but remains greater than 3/10, a drug from a different class may be given in association.
- Published
- 2011
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44. Twilight zone organic carbon remineralization in the Polar Front Zone and Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania
- Author
Sylvie Becquevort, Frank Dehairs, Anne-Julie Cavagna, Stephanie Jacquet, Damien Cardinal, Isabelle Dumont, Earth System Sciences, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, and Chemistry
- Subjects
Polar front ,Total organic carbon ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Remineralisation ,Mesopelagic zone ,Biological pump ,Carbon sequestration ,mesopelagic carbon mineralization ,Oceanography ,Water column ,chemistry ,carbon transfer efficiency ,Organic matter ,Particulate biogenic barium ,Southern Ocean ,Geology - Abstract
We report on the distribution of excess, non-lithogenic particulate barium (Baxs), a proxy for twilight zone remineralization of organic matter, in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean during the mid-austral summer 2007. This study was part of a broader investigation focusing on macro- and micronutrient availability controlling ecosystem functioning in this area. Mesopelagic particulate excess Ba (Baxs) in the twilight zone (focus was on the 100-600 m depth layer) proved to be significantly controlled by the vertical distribution of bacterial activity, with higher Baxs contents in situations where significant bacterial activity extended deeper in the water column. However, despite this covariation, the magnitude of the carbon fluxes as estimated from Baxs and bacterial activity did not match well, with carbon demand based on bacterial activity largely exceeding organic carbon remineralization estimated from Baxs. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. It appeared that the magnitude of the mesopelagic carbon remineralization flux obtained from Baxs was realistic when weighted against primary, new and export productions. Our findings corroborate earlier results indicating that mesopelagic carbon remineralization in the 100-600 m depth layer increases from the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) toward the Polar Front, and from spring to late summer. We observed furthermore that the iron-replete Subantarctic Zone east of the Tasman Plateau had a higher mesopelagic remineralization efficiency (on average 91 +/- 20% of the carbon exported from the upper 100 m was remineralized before reaching 600 m) compared to the Fe-limited SAZ area west of the plateau and the Polar Front Zone, where mesopelagic remineralization efficiencies ranged between 21 +/- 5% and 64 +/- 24%, respectively. SAZ-East and SAZ-West sites thus differed in their efficiency of carbon sequestration into the deep ( > 600 m) water column, with SAZ-West exceeding the sequestration capacity of SAZ-East.
- Published
- 2011
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45. 2011 White Paper on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis and Regulatory Findings from Audits and Inspections
- Author
Robert Nicholson, Eric Ormsby, Corey Nehls, Mario Rocci, Olivier Le Blaye, CT Viswanathan, Mohammed Jemal, Isabelle Dumont, Jean W. Lee, Daniel Tang, Steve Lowes, Stacy Ho, Peter van Amsterdam, Surendra Bansal, Fabio Garofolo, Steve Michael, Graeme Young, Ronald Bauer, Keith Gallicano, Russell Weiner, Richard Hucker, Brian Booth, Noriko Katori, Montserrat Carrasco-Triguero, Binodh DeSilva, Wenkui Li, Ariadna Cristina Gomes Barra, Suzanne Martinez, Eric Woolf, John Dunn, and Dominique Gouty
- Subjects
Medical Laboratory Technology ,Bioanalysis ,White paper ,Calibration and validation ,Political science ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Scientific excellence ,Engineering ethics ,Nanotechnology ,General Medicine ,Audit ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Analytical Chemistry - Abstract
The 5th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (WRIB) was organized by the Calibration and Validation Group as a 2-day full immersion workshop for pharmaceutical companies, CROs and regulatory agencies to discuss, review, share perspectives, provide potential solutions and agree upon a consistent approach to recent issues in the bioanalysis of both small and large molecules. High quality, better compliance to regulations and scientific excellence are the foundation of this workshop. As in the previous editions of this significant event, recommendations were made and a consensus was reached among panelists and attendees, including industry leaders and regulatory experts representing the global bioanalytical community, on many ‘hot’ topics in bioanalysis. This 2011 White Paper is based on the conclusions from this workshop, and aims to provide a practical reference guide on those topics.
- Published
- 2011
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46. Prise en charge de la polyneuropathie diabétique douloureuse
- Author
Jean-Louis Richard, Gérard Said, Sandrine Jeanne, Agnès Hartemann, Isabelle Dumont, Nadine Attal, Didier Bouhassira, and H. Gin
- Subjects
Nutrition and Dietetics ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,Internal Medicine ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Abstract
Resume La neuropathie douloureuse concerne environ 20 % des patients diabetiques de type 2 et 5 % des patients diabetiques de type 1. Elle devrait etre systematiquement recherchee par l’interrogatoire car les patients n’en parlent pas spontanement. C’est une complication qui concerne les petites fibres. Elle peut donc s’accompagner d’un test au monofilament normal et d’un electromyogramme normal. Ces deux examens ne permettent donc pas d’affirmer ni d’infirmer le diagnostic de neuropathie douloureuse. Celui-ci est clinique : type de douleur (brulure, decharge electrique, froid douloureux.), horaire des douleurs (plutot au repos, plutot la nuit), sensations anormales (fourmillement, engourdissement…). Le questionnaire DN4 est un outil diagnostic simple et valide. Trois classes medicamenteuses ont fait la preuve de leur efficacite, qui est equivalente : les antiepileptiques, les antidepresseurs tricycliques les inhibiteurs mixtes de recapture de la serotonine et de la noradrenaline.
- Published
- 2011
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47. Conference Report: The 1st Conference in Asia-Pacific on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis
- Author
Fabio Garofolo and Isabelle Dumont
- Subjects
Medical Laboratory Technology ,Bioanalysis ,Calibration and validation ,Asia pacific ,Political science ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Scientific excellence ,Nanotechnology ,Engineering ethics ,General Medicine ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Analytical Chemistry - Abstract
The 1st Conference in Asia-Pacific on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis was organized by the Calibration and Validation Group. This event, a 2-day full-immersion conference, was the first of this kind in the Asia-Pacific region, following four successful editions held in Montreal, Canada. This conference brought together scientists and experts from across Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world to discuss, review, share perspectives, provide potential solutions and agree upon consistent approaches on recent issues in bioanalysis. A total of 27 invited speakers from worldwide regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies and CROs provided interesting and pertinent oral presentations. All discussions were focused on high-quality, better compliance to regulations and scientific excellence.
- Published
- 2011
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48. Biogeochemistry and microbial community composition in sea ice and underlying seawater off East Antarctica during early spring
- Author
Lei Chou, M.-L. Sauvée, Sylvie Becquevort, Véronique Schoemann, Isabelle Dumont, Jean-Louis Tison, and Delphine Lannuzel
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,biology ,Biogeochemistry ,Brine rejection ,biology.organism_classification ,Arctic ice pack ,Salinity ,Oceanography ,chemistry ,Algae ,Sea ice ,Organic matter ,Seawater ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Abstract
Pack ice, brines and seawaters were sampled in October 2003 in the East Antarctic sector to investigate the structure of the microbial communities (algae, bacteria and protozoa) in relation to the associated physico-chemical conditions (ice structure, temperature, salinity, inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll a and organic matter). Ice cover ranged between 0.3 and 0.8 m, composed of granular and columnar ice. The brine volume fractions sharply increased above −4°C in the bottom ice, coinciding with an important increase of algal biomass (up to 3.9 mg C l−1), suggesting a control of the algae growth by the space availability at that period of time. Large accumulation of NH4 + and PO4 3− was observed in the bottom ice. The high pool of organic matter, especially of transparent exopolymeric particles, likely led to nutrients retention and limitation of the protozoa grazing pressure, inducing therefore an algal accumulation. In contrast, the heterotrophs dominated in the underlying seawaters.
- Published
- 2009
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49. Distribution and characterization of dissolved and particulate organic matter in Antarctic pack ice
- Author
Delphine Lannuzel, Véronique Schoemann, Sylvie Becquevort, Isabelle Dumont, Jean-Louis Tison, and Lei Chou
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Total organic carbon ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,biology ,Ecology ,Particulates ,biology.organism_classification ,Arctic ice pack ,chemistry ,Algae ,Environmental chemistry ,Dissolved organic carbon ,Sea ice ,Organic matter ,Composition (visual arts) ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Abstract
Distribution and composition of organic matter were investigated in Antarctic pack ice in early spring and summer. Accumulation of organic compounds was observed with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) reaching 717 and 470 μM C, respectively and transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) up to 3,071 μg Xanthan gum equivalent l−1. POC and TEP seemed to be influenced mainly by algae. Particulate saccharides accounted for 0.2–24.1% (mean, 7.8%) of POC. Dissolved total saccharides represented 0.4–29.6% (mean, 9.7%) of DOC, while dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) accounted for only 1% of DOC. Concentrations of TEP were positively correlated with those of saccharides. Monosaccharides (d-MCHO) dominated during winter–early spring, whereas dissolved polysaccharides did in spring–summer. DFAA were strongly correlated with d-MCHO, suggesting a similar pathway of production. The accumulation of monomers in winter is thought to result from limitation of bacterial activities rather than from the nature of the substrates.
- Published
- 2009
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50. Continuity of Care for Advanced Cancer Patients
- Author
Serge Dumont, Jean Turgeon, and Isabelle Dumont
- Subjects
business.industry ,Neoplasms ,Palliative Care ,Humans ,Medicine ,Continuity of care ,General Medicine ,Medical emergency ,Continuity of Patient Care ,business ,medicine.disease ,Advanced cancer - Published
- 2005
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