Cheiracanthium rupestre Herman, 1879 nomen dubium Chiracanthium rupestre Herman, 1879: 157, 356, pl. 7, f. 158 (Description and illustration of female). [Holotype ♀ from HUNGARY: Majl��th (Di��sgyőr, Miskolc), considered lost]. Cheiracanthium macedonicum Drensky, 1921 ( Figs 1 a+b, 2a+b, 4, 5a+b, 6a+b) Chiracanthium rupestre ��� Chyzer & Kulczyński 1897: 235, pl. 9, figs 42, 62, 78 (description of female, description and illustration of male; three ♀♀ examined, two of them by photographs, considered misidentified) Chiracanthium macedoinica [sic, lapsus] Drensky, 1921: 49, 77, pl. 1, figs 12-14 (description and illustration of female). [Holotype ♀ from BULGARIA: Yakoruda, Drensky leg., examined]. Chiracanthium macedonica ��� Drensky 1929: 23 (lapsus corrected) Cheiracanthium mazedonica ��� Drensky 1936: 173 (lapsus) Cheiracanthium macedonicum ��� Roewer 1955: 480 (correction of gender ending required by ICZN Art. 31.2). Chiracanthium macedonicum ��� Bonnet 1956: 1060 Cheiracanthium rupestre ��� Oltean 1973: 46, figs 1-2 (description and illustration of male; considered misidentified) Cheiracanthium rupestre ��� Sterghiu 1985: 110, figs 33a-c (description and illustration of male; considered misidentified) Cheiracanthium striolatum Simon, 1878 Cheiracanthium rupestre ��� Oltean 1973: 46, figs 1-2 (description and illustration of male; considered misidentified) Cheiracanthium rupestre ��� Sterghiu 1985: 110, figs 33a-c (description and illustration of male; considered misidentified) Cheiracanthium striolatum Simon, 1878, Published as part of Rainer Breitling, Tobias Bauer, Arno Grabolle, Pierre Oger, Paolo Pantini, Johan Van Keer, Walter P. Pfliegler, Elke JantsCher & Jan Dolansk��, 2016, East meets West: on the true identity of Cheiracanthium rupestre and Xysticus albomaculatus (AraChnida: Araneae: EutiChuridae, Thomisidae), pp. 38-49 in Arachnologische Mitteilungen 52 on page 47, DOI: 10.5431/aramit5208,, {"references":["Herman O 1879 Magyarorszag Pok-faunaja. III. A Kiralyi Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Tarsulat Megbizasabol. Ungarns Spinnen- fauna. III. Im Auftrage der Koniglich Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Budapest. 394 pp.","Drensky P 1921 Paiti otъ iztocнa Мakidoнii i Piрiн-pлaнiнa [Payazi ot iztochna Makedonia i Pirin-Planina - Spiders from Eastern Macedonia and the Pirin Mountains]. - Сpiсaнii нa Bълgaрсkata akadiмii нa нaukitѣ [Spisanie na Bulgarskata Akademia na Naukite] 23: 1 - 80, Tab. I-II","Chyzer C & Kulczynski W 1897 Araneae Hungariae. Tomus II. pars posterior: Zodarioidae, Agalenoidae, Drassoidae, Zoropseoidae, Dysderoidae, Filistatoidae, Calommatoidae, Theraphosoidae. Academia Scientiarum Hungarica, Budapest. pp. 147 - 366, Tab. VI-X","Drensky P 1929 Paiti (Araneae) otъ Tiнtрaлнa i Юgozapadнa Мakidoнii. Spinnen aus Mittel- und Sudwest-Mazedonien. - Сpiсaнii нa Bълgaрсkata akadiмii нa нaukitѣ [Spisanie na Bulgarskata Akademia na Naukite] 39: 1 - 76, Tab. I-IV","Drensky P 1936 Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) der Balkanhalbinsel. - Сpiсaнii нa Bълgaрсkata akadiмii нa нaukitѣ [Spisanie na Bulgarskata Akademia na Naukite] 32: 1 - 223","Roewer CF 1955 Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. 2. Band, Abt. a (Lycosaeformia, Dionycha [excl. Salticiformia]). Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles. pp. 1 - 924","Bonnet P 1956 Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse methodique de toute la litterature araneologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome II (2 me partie: C - F). Douladoure, Toulouse. pp. 919 - 1926","Oltean C 1973 Genul Chiracanthium C. L. Koch, 1839, in Romania. - Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Seria Stiintele naturii, Biologie animala 22: 45 - 49","Sterghiu C 1985 Fam. Clubionidae. In: Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania: Arachnida, Volumul V, Fascicula 4. Academia Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucharest. 165 pp."]}