Acțiunea ReMO COST este o rețea de părți interesate de la toate nivelurile comunității de cercetare, care a elaborat un manifest pentru sănătatea mintală și starea de bine a cercetătorilor; se solicită evaluarea modului în care sănătatea mintală și starea de bine a acestora pot fi cel mai bine alimentate și susținute prin acțiuni și inițiative la nivel instituțional, comunitar, individual și de politici. Acest manifest solicită tuturor părților interesate din ecosistemul de cercetare să se implice în dezvoltarea politicilor care monitorizează, îmbunătățesc și mențin starea de bine și sănătatea mintală în mediul de cercetare, conturând valori mai cuprinzătoare ale succesului și calității, susținând echilibrul dintre viața profesională și viața privată, incluziunea, și cariere de cercetare sustenabile, care să țină cont de familie. The English Language Version of the Manifesto can be found at:, Translated into Romanian by Claudia I. Iacob and Cristina S. Trofin. This work was performed within the framework of COST Action CA19117 - "Researcher Mental Health"., {"references":["Council conclusions on \"Deepening the European Research Area: Providing researchers with attractive andsustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality\",","OECD. (2021). Reducing the precarity of academic research careers.","WHO, Healthy Workplace Framework and Model (2010)","ILO, Mental Health in the workplace (2010)","Levecque, K., (2017). Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students. Research Policy, 46(4), 868-879.","Guthrie, S.,, Understanding mental health in the research environment: A Rapid Evidence Assessment. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017.","Barry, K. M., (2018). Psychological health of doctoral candidates, study-related challenges and perceived performance. Higher Education Research & Development, 37(3), 468-483.","Garcia-Williams, A. G., (2014). Mental health and suicidal behavior among graduate students. Academic psychiatry, 38(5), 554-560.","Mattijssen, L. M. S., Bergmans, J. E., van der Weijden, I. C. M., & Teelken, J. C. (2021). In the eye of the storm: The mental health situation of PhD candidates. Perspectives on Medical Education, 10(2), 71–72,","Satinsky, E. N., Kimura, T., Kiang, M. V., Abebe, R., Cunningham, S., Lee, H., Lin, X., Liu, C. H., Rudan, I., Sen, S., Tomlinson, M., Yaver, M., & Tsai, A. C. (2021). Systematic review and meta-analysis of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among Ph.D. students. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 14370.","Olsthoorn, L. H. M., Heckmann, L. A., Filippi, A., Vieira, R. M., Varanasi, R. S., Lasser, J., Bäuerle, F., Zeis, P., & Schulte-Sasse, R. (2020). Max Planck PhDnet Survey 2019 Report. Max Planck PhDNet.","Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP (CSES), Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission), Whittle, M., & Rampton, J. (2020). Towards a 2030 vision on the future of universities in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union.","CA19117 - Researcher Mental Health Action is funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) for the period 1 November 2020 - 31 October 2024","Cactus Foundation Mental Health Survey. (2020).","Initiative for Science in Europe. (2021). Position on precarity of academic careers.","Woolston, C. (2019). PhDs: The tortuous truth. Nature, 575(7782), 403–406.","Kismihók, G., et al.. (2019). Declaration on Sustainable Researcher Careers.","Innstrand, S. T., & Christensen, M. (2020). Healthy Universities. The development and implementation of a holistic health promotion intervention programme especially adapted for staff working in the higher educational sector: The ARK study. Global Health Promotion, 27(1), 68–76.","Solloway, A. (2020, September 14). Promoting a culture of wellbeing for researchers and improving the way we evaluate research [Speech]. Vitae Connections Week.","Wellbeing and mental health lens on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)","Woolston, C. (2020). Postdocs under pressure: 'Can I even do this any more?' Nature, 587(7835), 689–692.","Moss, S., & Mahmoudi, M. (2021). STEM the Bullying: An Empirical Investigation of Abusive Supervision in Academic Science. SSRN Electronic Journal.","Some research communities already started developing mentoring programmes, like Referent at the Marie Curie Alumni Association","Devine, K., & Hunter, K. H. (2017). PhD student emotional exhaustion: The role of supportive supervision and self-presentation behaviours. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(4), 335–344.","Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. (2020). Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions guidelines on supervision."]}