1. The Saga of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$: Parameters, Models, and Phase Diagrams
- Author
Möller, Marius, Maksimov, P. A., Jiang, Shengtao, White, Steven R., Valenti, Roser, and Chernyshev, A. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
RuCl$_3$ was likely the first ever deliberately synthesized ruthenium compound, following the discovery of the $_{44}$Ru element in 1844. For a long time it was known as an oxidation catalyst, with its physical properties being discrepant and confusing, until a decade ago when its allotropic form $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ rose to exceptional prominence. This "re-discovery" of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ has not only reshaped the hunt for a material manifestation of the Kitaev spin liquid, but it has opened the floodgates of theoretical and experimental research in the many unusual phases and excitations that the anisotropic-exchange magnets as a class of compounds have to offer. Given its importance for the field of Kitaev materials, it is astonishing that the low-energy spin model that describes this compound and its possible proximity to the much-desired spin-liquid state is still a subject of significant debate ten years later. In the present study, we argue that the existing key phenomenological observations put strong natural constraints on the effective microscopic spin model of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$, and specifically on its spin-orbit-induced anisotropic-exchange parameters that are responsible for the non-trivial physical properties of this material. These constraints allow one to focus on the relevant region of the multi-dimensional phase diagram of the $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ model, suggest an intuitive description of it via a different parametrization of the exchange matrix, offer a unifying view on the earlier assessments of its parameters, and bring closer together several approaches to the derivation of anisotropic-exchange models. We explore extended phase diagrams relevant to the $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ parameter space using quasi-classical, Luttinger-Tisza, exact diagonalization, and density-matrix renormalization group methods, demonstrating a remarkably c... (arxiv cutoff; for the rest, see the paper), Comment: 39 pages, 28 Figures. Text of immense pedagogical power. Fixed Ref. [1]
- Published
- 2025