109 results on '"João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna"'
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2. Resultados da correção simplificada com enxerto único no defeito septal atrioventricular completo
- Author
Ana Paula Tagliari, Daniel Augusto Schröder, Guaracy Teixeira Filho, Paulo Roberto Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Ivo A. Nesralla, and Renato A. K. Kalil
- Subjects
Comunicação Interatrial ,Toracotomia ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
FUNDAMENTO: Desde que Wilcox, em 1997, descreveu uma forma simplificada de correção do Defeito Septal Atrioventricular (DSAV) com enxerto único, diversos estudos têm sido realizados comparando-a à técnica com duplo enxerto. OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados em médio e longo prazos da correção de DSAV completo pela técnica simplificada de enxerto único. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 16 casos consecutivos arrolados entre janeiro de 2001 e dezembro de 2011. A idade média foi 18,31 ± 34,19 meses (2 meses - 11 anos) e o peso 7,80 ± 6,12 Kg (3,77 - 25,0 Kg); 6 pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 14 eram portadores de Síndrome de Down. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 54,97 ± 47,79 meses. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de circulação extracorpórea foi 74,63 ± 18,48 min (49 - 112 min) e o de pinçamento aórtico, de 46,44 ± 11,89 min (34 - 67 min). Foram observados dois óbitos hospitalares (12,5%), ambos por causa cardiovascular. Três pacientes foram reoperados por regurgitação da valva atrioventricular (VA) esquerda e dois apresentaram bloqueio atrioventricular (BAV) completo com necessidade de implante de marca-passo definitivo. Não houve nenhum caso de obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo. Os 14 pacientes sobreviventes permanecem assintomáticos, 10 deles com insuficiência da valva VA esquerda leve (71,42%). CONCLUSÃO: A técnica simplificada com enxerto único para correção de DSAV completo mostrou-se factível, associada à correção adequada dos defeitos e à favorável evolução clínica e ecocardiográfica nos 57,97 meses de seguimento médio avaliados.
- Published
- 2013
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3. Valvoplastia sem suporte para insuficiência mitral degenerativa: resultados a longo prazo Unsupported valvuloplasty for degenerative mitral regurgitation: long-term results
- Author
Alexsandra L. Balbinot, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Orlando C. Wender, Guaracy Fernandes Teixeira Filho, Rogério S. Abrahão, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
Valvoplastia ,valva mitral ,estudos de acompanhamento ,estudos de avaliação ,Mitral valve ,mitral valve ,evaluation studies ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
FUNDAMENTO: As vantagens do reparo valvar para tratamento de insuficiência mitral degenerativa estão bem estabelecidas. O procedimento está associado com baixas taxas de morbimortalidade, e foram relatados baixos índices de reoperação, eventos tromboembólicos e endocardite. Na maior parte das séries, são implantados anéis para anuloplastia, mas algumas instituições preferem valvoplastia sem suporte. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução clínica de pacientes submetidos à valvoplastia sem suporte para tratamento de insuficiência mitral degenerativa. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1980 e janeiro de 2003, 116 pacientes foram submetidos ao procedimento. Sessenta e dois (53,4%) eram do sexo masculino, e a media de idade era 47,2 ± 16,5 anos. Os procedimentos empregados foram: Anuloplastia tipo Wooler (65,5%), anuloplastia unilateral (15,5%), ressecção quadrangular da cúspide posterior (35,3%), encurtamento de corda tendínea anterior (20,7%), encurtamento de corda tendínea posterior (6,9%) e desbridamento do cálcio (0,9%). O período médio de acompanhamento foi de 6,5 ± 5,1, e o acompanhamento mais longo foi de 24 anos. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade precoce foi de 0,86% (1 paciente), e a mortalidade tardia foi de 6,03% (7 pacientes). A sobrevida atuarial foi de 85,3% em vinte anos. A maioria dos pacientes (55,2%) apresentava classe funcional III no período pré-operatório, enquanto no período pós-operatório a classe funcional I foi mais freqüente (66,4%). Quatro pacientes (3,4%) tiveram complicações tromboembólicas, e não foi observada correlação com fibrilação atrial. A sobrevida livre de eventos tromboembólicos foi de 94,8%, e resultados semelhantes foram observados para endocardite bacteriana. A sobrevida livre de reoperação foi de 79% e 53% aos 5 e 10 anos, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Valvoplastia sem suporte é um procedimento eficaz e seguro para tratamento de insuficiência mitral degenerativa, representando uma alternativa terapêutica adequada para determinados casos.BACKGROUND: The advantages of valve repair for treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation are well established. The procedure is associated with low mortality and morbidity rates, and low indices of reoperation, thromboembolic events and endocarditis have been reported. In most series, annuloplasty rings are implanted, but some institutions give preference to unsupported valvuloplasty. OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical outcome of patients submitted to unsupported valvuloplasty for degenerative mitral regurgitation. METHODS: Between January 1980 and January 2003, 116 patients were submitted to the procedure. A total of 62 (53.4%) were men, and mean age was 47.2 ± 16.5 years. The procedures included: Wooler annuloplasty (65.5%), unilateral annuloplasty (15.5%), quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet (35.3%), anterior chordal shortening (20.7%), posterior chordal shortening (6.9%), and calcium debridement (0.9%). Mean follow-up was 6.5 ± 5.1 years, and the longest follow-up was 24 years. RESULTS: Mortality was 0.86% (1 pt) early and 6.03% (7 pt) late. Actuarial survival was 85.3% in 20 years. Most patients (55.2%) presented preoperative NYHA functional class III, whereas class I was more frequent in the postoperative period (66.4%). Thromboembolic complications were observed in 4 patients (3.4%), and no correlation was seen with atrial fibrillation. Freedom from thromboembolic events was 94.8%, and similar results were observed for bacterial endocarditis. Survival free from reoperation was 79%, and 53% at 5 and 10 years, respectively. CONCLUSION: Unsupported valvuloplasty is effective and safe for treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation, representing an adequate therapeutic alternative for selected cases.
- Published
- 2008
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4. Fatores de risco hospitalar para implante de bioprótese valvar de pericárdio bovino Hospital risk factors for bovine pericardial bioprosthesis valve implantation
- Author
Mateus W. De Bacco, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Gustavo De Bacco, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Marisa F. Santos, Edemar Pereira, Altamiro Reis da Costa, Paulo Roberto Prates, Renato A. K. Kalil, and Ivo A. Nesralla
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Cirurgia torácica ,mortalidade hospitalar ,fatores de risco ,bioprótese ,implante de prótese de valva ,Thoracic surgery ,hospital mortality ,risk factors ,bioprosthesis ,heart valve prosthesis implantation ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
FUNDAMENTO: Identificação de fatores de risco pré-operatórios na cirurgia cardíaca valvar visa melhor resultado cirúrgico pela possível neutralização de condições relacionadas com morbi-mortalidade aumentada. OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetiva identificar fatores de risco hospitalar em pacientes submetidos a implante de bioprótese de pericárdio bovino. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo incluindo 703 pacientes consecutivos submetidos a implante de pelo menos uma bioprótese de pericárdio bovino St. Jude Medical-Biocor® de setembro de 1991 a dezembro de 2005 no Instituto de Cardiologia do RS, sendo 392 aórticos, 250 mitrais e 61 mitro-aórticos. Analisadas as características sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal, classe funcional (New York Heart Association - NYHA), fração de ejeção, lesão valvar, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabete melito, função renal, arritmias cardíacas, cirurgia cardíaca prévia, revascularização miocárdica, plastia tricúspide e caráter eletivo, de urgência ou de emergência da cirurgia. Desfecho primordial foi mortalidade hospitalar. Utilizou-se regressão logística para examinar relação entre fatores de risco e mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 101 (14,3%) óbitos hospitalares. Características significativamente relacionadas à mortalidade aumentada foram sexo feminino (p 2,4mg/dl (p=0,004), classe funcional IV (pBACKGROUND: Identification of preoperative heart valve surgery risk factors aim to improve surgical outcomes with the possibility to offset conditions related to increased morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: Intent of this study is to identify hospital risk factors in patients undergoing bovine pericardial bioprosthesis implantation. METHODS: Retrospective study including 703 consecutive patients who underwent implantation of at least one St. Jude Medical-Biocor™ bovine pericardial bioprosthesis between September 1991 and December 2005 at the Rio Grande do Sul Cardiology Institute; 392 were aortic, 250 were mitral and 61 were mitroaortic. Characteristics analyzed were gender, age, body mass index, NYHA (New York Heart Association) functional class, ejection fraction, valve lesions, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, kidney function, arrhythmias, prior heart surgery, coronary artery bypass graft, tricuspid valve surgery and elective, urgent or emergency surgery. Main outcome was in-hospital mortality. Relationship between risk factors and in-hospital mortality was analyzed using logistic regression. RESULTS: Were 101 (14.3%) in-hospital deaths. Characteristics with significant relationship to increased mortality were female gender (p 2.4mg/dl (p=0.004), functional class IV (p
- Published
- 2007
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5. Influências temporais nas características e fatores de risco de pacientes submetidos a revascularização miocárdica The influence of time on the characteristics and risk factors for patients submitted to myocardial revascularization
- Author
Flávia H. Feier, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Eduardo Garcia, Felipe de Bacco, Edemar Pereira, Marisa Santos, Altamiro Reis da Costa, Ivo A. Nesralla, and João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna
- Subjects
Cirurgia cardíaca ,revascularização miocárdica ,escore de risco ,Heart surgery ,myocardial revascularization ,risk factors ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Comparar perfil clínico e cirúrgico entre dois grupos de pacientes submetidos a Cirurgia de Revascularização Miocárdica (CRM) no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, com intervalo de 10 anos; observar sua influência na mortalidade hospitalar e verificar previsibilidade deste resultado mediante escore de risco. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, envolvendo 307 pacientes submetidos a CRM isolada em período semestral de 1991/92 (grupo INICIAL, n=153) ou 2001/02 (grupo ATUAL, n=154). Foram analisados características demográficas, doenças cardíacas, co-morbidades e eventos operatórios, visando à comparação entre grupos e definição do escore de risco de morte hospitalar (conforme Cleveland Clinic). RESULTADOS: O grupo ATUAL tinha idade mais avançada, condição cardíaca mais grave (classe funcional, prevalência de insuficiência cardíaca e número de vasos com lesão severa) e maior prevalência de co-morbidades. Os pacientes iniciais mostraram maior prevalência na indicação cirúrgica de urgência. Não ocorreu diferença no escore médio de risco calculado para ambos os grupos (2,8 + 3,1 no INICIAL e 2,2 + 2,5 no ATUAL) ou na mortalidade hospitalar (respectivamente 3,3% e 1,9%), valores comparáveis com os comunicados pela Cleveland Clinic (para escore de risco 3, mortalidade prevista de 2,0 %, com limite de confiança 95% de 0-4,3% e mortalidade real em estudo de confirmação de 3,4%). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes atualmente submetidos a CRM são mais idosos e em pior condição clínica (cardíaca e sistêmica) que os operados há 10 anos, mas a pontuação no escore de risco e a mortalidade hospitalar foram discretamente aumentadas no grupo inicial. Para isto, pode ter contribuído maior prevalência de cirurgias de urgência. Um escore de risco pode ser utilizado para identificar pacientes que requerem maiores cuidados e predizer o resultado cirúrgico.OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical and surgical and clinical profiles of two group of patients submitted to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) at Instituto de Cardiologia do RGS within a decade interval, define related hospital mortality and to validate a severity risk score for this populations. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study, including 307 CABG patients operated during six months of 1991/92 (n=153) and 2001/02 (n=154). Demographic characteristics, heart disease severity, co-morbidities and pre-operative events were evaluated and compared between groups. Hospital mortality and severity risk scores for mortality according to Cleveland Clinic were also assessed. RESULTS: Patients operated in 2001/02 were older, had more severe cardiac disease (increased NYHA functional class, prevalence of heart failure, and distribution of coronary diseased) and presented more co-morbidities than those operated in 1991/92. This patients required urgent surgery more often. The mean Cleveland Clinic severity risk score wasn't different between groups (2.8 + 3.1 in 1991/92 and 2.2 + 2.5 in 2001/02) and hospital mortality didn't present significant difference (3.3% and 1.9%, respectively). For Cleveland Clinic score 3 the predicted mortality was estimated as 2.0% (with confidence limit 95% of 0- 4.3%) and observed mortality for surgical patients of this institution was 3.4%. CONCLUSION: Patients submitted to CABG currently are older and in worse clinical conditions than those operated 10 years ago, but severity risk scores and hospital mortality were discretely increased for initial series of patients. This may be a consequent of a higher prevalence of urgent surgical indication in those patients. A severity risk score for hospital mortality can be used to predict surgical result and identify patients requiring specific care.
- Published
- 2006
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6. Bioprótese valvar de pericárdio bovino St Jude Medical-Biocor: sobrevida tardia St Jude Medical-Biocor bovine pericardial bioprosthesis: long-term survival
- Author
Felipe W. de Bacco, João Ricardo M. Sant'anna, Roberto T. Sant'anna, Paulo R. Prates, Renato A. K. Kalil, and Ivo A. Nesralla
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Bioprótese ,Prótese das valvas cardíacas ,Valvas cardíacas ,Bioprosthesis ,Heart valve prosthesis ,Heart valves ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo é apresentar resultados a longo prazo da subsituição valvar por bioprótese de pericárdio bovino SJM-BiocorTM. MÉTODO: Entre 1992 e 2000, tiveram alta hospitalar, após substituição valvar por bioprótese de pericárdio bovino SJM-BiocorTM 304 pacientes. Idades eram de 15 a 83 anos (média: 60,6±14,3), sendo 50,3% do sexo masculino. Pacientes tiveram situação clínica atualizada e análise atuarial foi empregada no cálculo da sobrevida simples e livre de eventos. RESULTADOS: Em um seguimento total de 931,0 pacientes-ano, ocorreram 28 (9,2%) óbitos tardios, sendo cinco (1,6%) relacionados à bioprótese, sete (2,3%) cardíacos, quatro (1,3%) não-cardíacos e 12 (3,9%) de causa desconhecida. Eventos de bioprótese foram: endocardite: 18 (5,9%), degeneração fibrocálcica: 15 (4,9%), tromboembolismo: três (1,0%), hemólise: um (0,3%). Disfunção de bioprótese resultou em 16 (5,2%) reoperações, por degeneração fibrocálcica (nove), endocardite (seis) e tromboembolismo (um). Probabilidade de sobrevida foi 86,3±3,4%, no 5º, e 69,3±9,0%, no 10º ano pós-operatório. Idade jovem (60 anos, n=187): 82,0±13,3% vs 58,8±13,6%, no 9º ano. Sobrevida livre de eventos foi 77,5±3,7%, no 5º, e 40,2±9,0%, no 10º ano. Probabilidade de falência estrutural de bioprótese foi 5%, no 5º ano, e 20%, no 10º; em aórticos, zero e 8%, respectivamente. A classe funcional (NYHA) atual é I para 88,5%, II para 9,1% e III para 2,4% dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Implante de bioprótese de pericárdio bovino SJM-BiocorTM resulta em satisfatória perspectiva de sobrevida dos pacientes com doença valvar e apresenta baixa prevalência de disfunção de prótese.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work is to present long-term results of valve replacement using SJM-BiocorTM bovine pericardial bioprostheses. METHODS: From 1992 to 2000, 304 patients were discharged from hospital after bioprosthesis implantation. Ages ranged from 15 to 83 years (mean: 60.6 ± 14.3 years) and 50.3% were male. Patient deaths and events related to bioprosthesis (infection, thromboembolism and structural failure) were considered for estimation of cumulative probability of survival and event-free survival. RESULTS: Total follow-up was 931.0 patients-year. During follow-up there were 28 (9.2%) deaths. Causes were bioprosthesis failure in five (1.6%), cardiac in seven (2.3%), non-cardiac in four (1.3%), and unknown in 12 (3.9%) patients. Events related to bioprosthesis were: endocarditis: 18 (5.9%), fibrocalcic degeneration: 15 (4.9%), thromboembolism: three (1.0%), hemolysis: one (0.3%). Bioprosthesis dysfunctions resulted in 16 (5.2%) reoperations due to fibrocalcic degeneration (nine), endocarditis (six) and thromboembolism (one). Probability of survival was higher in the young population (< 40 years, n=35) when compared to the older group (> 60 year, n=187): 82.0 ± 13.3% vs. 58.8 ± 13.6% in the 9th year. Event-free survival was 77.5 ± 3.7% for 5th year and 40.2 ± 9.0% for 10th year. Overall estimative of structural failure for a SJM-BiocorTM was 5% in 5th year increasing to 20% in the 10th year. In the aortic position the values were zero and 8%, respectively. Considering current clinical conditions, 88.5% are in NYHA class I, 9.1% in class II and 2.3% in class III. CONCLUSIONS: SJM-BiocorTM bovine pericardial bioprostheses resulted in satisfactory survival of patients, related to low prevalence of bioprosthesis dysfunction.
- Published
- 2005
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7. Resultado da substituição aórtica por ampliação anelar anterior e posterior é comparável a do anel normal Similar results of valve replacement with normal aortic annulus or anterior and posterior annular enlargement
- Author
João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Felipe W. De Bacco, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Renato A.K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, and Ivo A. Nesralla
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Estenose da valva aórtica ,Doenças das valvas cardíacas ,Prótese das valvas cardíacas ,Aortic valve stenosis ,Heart valve diseases ,Heart valve prosthesis ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Comparar resultados tardios da substituição valvar no anel aórtico com ou sem ampliação. MÉTODO: Incluídos 22 pacientes aórticos com ampliação anelar anterior e posterior por anel pequeno e 23 com diâmetro anelar normal quando da substituição valvar aórtica. Para grupos, foram comparáveis características como sexo, idade, diagnóstico valvar, etiologia da doença e lesões associadas. Substituição valvar simples foi rotineira. Para ampliação anelar posterior foi feita incisão no ponto médio do seio não coronariano, estendida ao folheto mitral anterior; ampliação anterior resultou de incisão no anel aórtico anterior, estendida por 2 cm no septo interventricular, não transfixado; reconstrução aórtica foi realizada por enxertos de pericárdio bovino. Resultados considerados para toda amostra foram características operatórias, evolução clínica (seguimento de 2 a 11 anos) e gradiente na via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (VSVE) ao ecocardiograma Doppler. RESULTADOS: Ampliação aumentou diâmetro anelar aórtico de 18,3±2,2 mm para 24,8±2,0 mm (pOBJECTIVE: To compare results of aortic valve replacement in patients with normal valve annulus and in those requiring annular enlargement. METHOD: Study includes 22 patients submitted to anterior and posterior annulus enlargement and 23 patients with a normal aortic annulus. Both groups were matched in gender, age, valvar lesion, etiology of cardiac disease and associated lesions. Patients with normal annuli had usual valve replacement. For those who required annular enlargement, posterior enlargement was performed by incision in the mid portion of the non-coronary sinus up to the anterior mitral leaflet. Anterior enlargement resulted from an incision between left and right coronary ostia extended to the ventricular septum for 2 cm. The aorta was reconstructed using bovine pericardium patches. The diameter of aortic annulus at surgery, clinical evolution (2 to 11 years follow-up) and left outflow tract obstruction (Doppler echocardiography) were considered. RESULTS: Enlargement increased aortic annulus from 18.3±2.2 mm to 24.8±2.0 mm (p
- Published
- 2004
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8. Estudo randomizado de correção cirúrgica de fibrilação atrial permanente: resultados parciais Randomized study of surgical correction of permanent atrial fibrillation: preliminary results
- Author
Álvaro Albrecht, Gustavo Lima, Renato A. K. Kalil, Daniel L. Faria-Corrêa, Marcelo Miglioransa, Rogério Abrahão, Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, and Ivo A. Nesralla
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Fibrilação atrial ,Valva mitral ,Arritmias ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Atrial fibrillation ,Mitral valve ,Arrhythmia ,Cardiac surgical procedures ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados de dois modos de tratar a fibrilação atrial (FA): com cirurgia do Labirinto e com Isolamento de Veias Pulmonares (IVP), comparando com grupo controle, para estabelecer o melhor tratamento aos portadores desta arritmia. MÉTODO:Todos os pacientes tinham indicação cirúrgica por outra lesão cardíaca, concomitantemente tratada. Foram randomizados 51 pacientes no período de julho de 1999 a setembro de 2003. Em nenhum paciente foi utilizada crioablação. Analisamos inicialmente as seguintes variáveis: tempo de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), pinçamento aórtico (ISQ), taxa de reversão a ritmo sinusal na alta hospitalar, e complicações do trans e pós-operatório imediato. RESULTADOS: Houve dois óbitos intra-hospitalares, um no grupo Labirinto e um no grupo IVP. O grupo Labirinto apresentou o maior tempo de CEC (pOBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of techniques in the treatment of atrial fibrillation: the Maze procedure and Isolation of Pulmonary Veins were compared together with Control group, to establish the best treatment for this arrhythmia. METHOD: All patients were referred for surgery due for other cardiac lesions, which were treated concurrently. From July 1999 to September 2003, fifty-one patients where randomly allocated to the different groups. No cryoablation or other source of energy was used. The following variables were initially analyzed: total bypass time, aortic clamping time, sinus rhythm at discharge, and trans-operative and immediate post-operative complications. RESULTS: There were two intra-hospitalar deaths, one in the Maze group and one in the Isolation of Pulmonary Veins group. The Maze group had the longest bypass time (p
- Published
- 2004
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9. Emprego de sistemas robóticos na cirurgia cardiovascular Robotic systems in cardiovascular surgery
- Author
Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Paulo R. L. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Paulo R. Prates, Renato A. K. Kalil, Diogo E. Santos, and Ivo A. Nesralla
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Robótica ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos minimamente invasivos ,Robotics ,Cardiac surgical procedures ,Surgical procedures ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
O desenvolvimento de sistemas robóticos para cirurgia teve início na década de 80, por solicitação do exército norte-americano, que antevia a possibilidade de realizar operações em teatros de guerra, distantes do local onde estava o cirurgião. Entretanto, o primeiro uso em humanos só ocorreu anos mais tarde, numa ressecção transuretral de hiperplasia benigna de próstata. Cirurgiões cardíacos foram logo atraídos pela técnica robótica devido a possível aplicação com reduzido caráter invasivo; esperava-se menor trauma cirúrgico e redução da dor, morbidade, tempo de internação e custo do procedimento. Atualmente, de forma restrita e em casos selecionados, robôs são usados para revascularização do miocárdio e implante de marcapasso em cirurgias cardíacas totalmente endoscópicas; podendo também constituir apoio visual na retirada de artéria torácica interna, reconstrução valvar mitral e correção de defeitos congênitos. Utilizando o robô auxiliar AESOP® para controle do videotoracoscópio, com controle vocal por meio do sistema HERMES®, temos realizado dissecção da artéria torácica interna, implante de eletrodo ventricular esquerdo e abordagem de defeitos congênitos na cirurgia de correção. Apesar do entusiasmo científico inicial com a cirurgia robótica, ainda não existe evidência clara de superioridade desta técnica em relação à operação convencional, em termos de resultado. Isto se aplica também ao custo, pois o investimento inicial na aquisição de sistema cirúrgico completo (console, controle de vídeo, instrumental) provavelmente é compensado após muitos procedimentos e longo intervalo. Mas é certo que a cirurgia robótica terá um lugar no futuro, possibilitando aprendizagem, telepresença e realização de procedimentos pouco invasivos, embora complexos.The development of robotic systems for surgery started in the 80's, motivated by the US army's need for surgical procedure in field hospitals with surgeons in a distant location (tele-presence). But the first human application of robotic surgery occurred years later in a transurethral resection for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Cardiac surgeons were attracted to the robotic techniques because of the potential reduction in the invasive character of the procedures. This results in reduced trauma, a reduction of pain and morbidity, a faster recovery and lower cost of surgery. Robotic systems were developed, allowing totally thoracoscopic cardiac surgery for myocardial revascularization and multi-site pacemaker implantation in selected cases. Video-thoracoscopic support systems for internal thoracic artery harvesting, mitral valve reconstruction and correction of congenital heart defects also exist. We used the AESOP® system with HERMES® voice control to harvest the internal thoracic artery, trans-thoracic implantation of the left ventricular electrode and as an approach to congenital heart defects for surgical repair. In spite of scientific enthusiasm related to robotic surgery, there is no clear evidence of superiority of this technique when compared to conventional procedures in terms of results. The same is true with the cost of the procedures, and even if a single robotic surgery is less expensive, the initial investment for a complete robotic system (console, video control, instruments) can be compensated only with many procedures over the long term. But there is no doubt that robotic surgery will have a place in the future of surgery, providing tele-presence of the surgeon, enabling teaching and training and performing less invasive surgical procedures.
- Published
- 2004
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10. Computer dynamics to evaluate blood flow through the modified Blalock-Taussig shunt Estudo computadorizado do escoamento de sangue em modelo da anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada
- Author
João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Dimitrius C. Pereira, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, Estela Horowitz, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Paulo R . L. Prates, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
Metodologias computacionais ,Biologia computacional ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Cardiopatias congênitas ,Congenital heart disease ,Computational dynamics ,Palliative operation ,Modified Blalock-Taussig ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJECTIVES: To study the influence of geometric factors upon the function of modified Blalock-Taussig anastomoses (mBT) using a computational dynamic code based upon the method of finite elements. METHODS: The mBT operation, performed in 10 patients, was graphically reconstructed to create a parametric 3-dimensional geometric model. Using Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin approximations, blood flow and distribution were evaluated in different diameters of subclavian arteries and polytetrafluoroethylene grafts (PTFE) and angles of proximal anastomoses. RESULTS: The percentage of blood flow derived through the PTFE grows as its diameter increases in relation to subclavian artery diameter. Variations in the PTFE diameter do not interfere with pulmonary artery flow distribution. An angle of 110º in proximal anastomoses results in a high percentage of blood derivation to the graft, while angles of 30º, 60ºand 90º present with almost similar flow rates. However, angles of 30º and 110º produce an excessive flow to one of the pulmonary arteries, in detriment of the other. Peak pressure in the PTFE is affected by the proximal angle of anastomosis, with 30º resulting in higher and 110º in lower values. As the angle increases, the region of higher pressure shifts from the PTFE to subclavian artery. CONCLUSION: In the experimental model, percentage of flow derived in the PTFE is directly related to the diameter of the graft. The ratio between the diameters of subclavian artery and graft is an important regulator of flow deviation to the anastomosis. Angles of the anastomosis between the subclavian artery and the PTFE of 60º to 90º result in favorable pulmonary artery flow distribution and the location of the peak pressure.OBJETIVO: Dinâmica computacional foi utilizada para avaliar a influência de fatores geométricos no funcionamento de modelo da cirurgia de Blalock-Taussig modificada (BTm), ou interposição de enxerto de politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) entre as artérias subclávia e pulmonar. MÉTODO: A cirurgia de BTm, realizada em 10 pacientes, serviu para compor modelo geométrico tridimensional parametrizado, avaliado quanto a diferentes diâmetros de artéria subclávia e PTFE e ângulo proximal da anastomose. Foi empregado o código de dinâmica computacional FLOTRAN baseado no método de elementos finitos conhecido como "Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin". RESULTADOS: Nas simulações, a porcentagem de fluxo desviada pelo enxerto aumenta com a relação entre diâmetros do PTFE e da artéria subclávia. Um ângulo de 110º na anastomose proximal mostra maior porcentagem de sangue desviado, enquanto que 30º, 60º e 90º mostram desvios de fluxo quase similares. Contudo, ângulos de 30º e 110º tornam excessivo o fluxo pulmonar em uma das artérias pulmonares, em detrimento da outra. O pico de pressão no PTFE varia conforme o ângulo adotado, sendo maior em 30º . Quando o ângulo da anastomose aumenta, a região de maior pressão se desloca do enxerto para a artéria subclávia. CONCLUSÕES: No modelo experimental, o diâmetro do enxerto de PTFE é regulador principal da porcentagem de fluxo desviado. Na análise computadorizada, um ângulo de 60º a 90º entre artéria subclávia e enxerto de PTFE parece mais adequado para anastomose, considerando-se percentagem de fluxo desviado, sua distribuição entre ramos pulmonares e pico de pressão na zona da anastomose.
- Published
- 2003
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11. Gene therapy with VEGF 165 for angiogenesis in experimental acute myocardial infarction Terapia gênica com VEGF 165 para angiogênese no infarto agudo do miocárdio experimental
- Author
Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo Moreno, Luiz C. J. Anflor, Daniel L.C. Correa, Roberto Ludwig, Marinez B. Barra, Eduardo A. Silva, Nance Nardi, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Paulo R. Prates, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
Terapia gênica ,Angiogênese ,VEGF ,Infarto do miocárdio ,Gene therapy ,Angiogenesis ,Acute myocardial infarction ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: Evaluate coronary angiogenic response to transmural injection of plasmid encoding VEGF 165 in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) zones in a canine model. METHODS: The heart of eleven dogs was exposed and AMI was induced by occlusion of the diagonal branch of anterior descending coronary artery. For each of 10 selected points in the infarction area and its peripheral zone injections of 1 ml of saline solution (control group: five dogs) or 1 ml of plasmid encoding VEGF 165 solution (200 µg/ml) (VEGF group: six dogs) were introduced. Tecnecium myocardial scintigraphy was performed immediately after animal recovery and 14 days later to evaluate the myocardial perfusion. The animals were sacrificed and the hearts were submitted to a histological study of the infarcted area, peripheral zone and normal posterior ventricular wall, to evaluate the number of arterioles and capillaries. RESULTS: Immediate modifications in myocardial perfusion found in scintigraphic studies were similar in both groups. In the second evaluation at 14 days, hypoperfusion of ischemic area had recovered by 70% to 90% when compared to the day of AMI. Histologic evaluation of the peripheral area of AMI indicated a larger number of vessels in the VEGF group when compared to controls (mean: 123.81 + 21.48 and 40 + 6.13, p < 0.01, respectively). This increase resulted mainly from an increase in the number of capillaries (97.5 + 16.04 in the VEGF group and 22.18 + 3,25 in control group, p < 0.01), as the number of arterioles did not increase significantly. In the VEGF group, a comparison in the number of vessels of the AMI peripheral area and normal myocardium revealed a non-significant increase of vessels in the ischemic area (123.81 + 21.48 and 95.14 + 41.19). CONCLUSION: An intramural injection of plasmid VEGF 165 resulted in a significant increase in the number of capillaries in the peripheral AMI area. This increase may have a beneficial effect in the reduction and recovery of the ischemic area secondary to AMI.OBJETIVO: Verificar a indução de angiogênese miocárdica pela injeção transmural de plasmídeo VEGF 165 (Genentech/ USA) em zonas do infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) de cães, mediante avaliação por cintilografia miocárdica e estudo histológico. MÉTODOS: Em onze cães anestesiados o coração foi abordado em toracotomia antero-lateral esquerda e produzido IAM pela ligadura simples de ramo diagonal da artéria coronária descendente anterior. Em cada de 10 pontos selecionados da área infartada e sua periferia foi realizada a injeção de um total de 1 ml de solução salina (grupo controle: cinco cães) ou de solução contendo plasmídeo VEGF 165 na concentração de 200 ug/ml (grupo tratado: seis cães). Os animais foram recuperados e realizada cintilografia miocárdica com Tecnécio imediatamente e 14 dias após IAM. Os animais foram sacrificados e o coração retirado para estudo histológico da área de infarto, de sua periferia e de área da parede ventricular posterior, visando contagem eletrônica de capilares e arteríolas. RESULTADOS: Cintilografia mostrou modificações na perfusão miocárdica comparáveis entre os grupos quanto ao estudo imediato e 15 dias após IAM, sendo que os dois grupos mostraram uma recuperação de 70 a 90 % da hipoperfusão demonstrada no 1o exame. O estudo histológico da área de transição do IAM revelou um maior número de vasos no grupo tratado em relação ao grupo controle (média de 123,81 + 21,48 e 40 + 6,13, respectivamente; p 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Injeção transmural de plasmídeo VEGF 165 resultou em significativo aumento no número de capilares na zona de transição do IAM experimental. O aumento de capilares pela terapia gênica tem presumível efeito benéfico na redução e recuperação da área isquêmica.
- Published
- 2003
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12. Técnica cirúrgica simplificada pode ser eficaz no tratamento da fibrilação atrial crônica secundária a lesão valvar mitral?
- Author
Renato A. K. KALIL, Gustavo G. LIMA, Rogério ABRAHÃO, Márcio L. STÜRMER, Álvaro ALBRECHT, Paulo MORENO, Tiago L. L. LEIRIA, Leonardo M. PIRES, João Ricardo M. SANT'ANNA, Paulo R. PRATES, and Ivo A. NESRALLA
- Subjects
Fibrilação atrial ,Valva mitral ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Veias pulmonares ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
INTRODUÇÃO: Fibrilação atrial tem sido tratada pelo procedimento do Labirinto (Cox) e suas modificações. Há, no entanto, evidências de que o isolamento dos óstios das veias pulmonares ou exclusão do átrio esquerdo poderia ser eficaz para este fim. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Avaliamos os resultados iniciais da técnica simplificada de isolamento cirúrgico dos óstios das veias pulmonares para tratar fibrilação atrial crônica em pacientes operados por lesão valvar mitral. Foram tratados 7 pacientes por esta técnica (grupo IVP) e comparados com série prévia de 57 casos submetidos a cirurgia do Labirinto (Cox 3). RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 49±8 anos vs 49±11 anos, (IVP vs. Cox3), sendo 71% e 72% (IVP vs. Cox 3) do sexo feminino. Dimensões do átrio esquerdo 5,5±0,7 cm vs. 6,0±1,1 cm (IVP vs. Cox 3). Fração de ejeção ventricular 63±10% vs. 64±6% (IVP vs. Cox 3). Tempo CEC 91±33 min vs. 104±29 min (IVP vs. Cox 3). Tempo de isquemia71±23 min vs. 83±26 min (IVP vs. Cox 3). Ritmo pós-operátório sinusal/atrial n(%): 6(86) vs. 46(80) (IVP vs. Cox 3). Ritmo marcapasso n(%):1 (14) vs. 4 (7) (IVP vs. Cox 3). Fibrilação atrial n(%): 0 vs. 7 (13) (IVP vs. Cox 3). CONCLUSÕES: Resultados iniciais mostram reversão a ritmo sinusal na maioria dos casos em ambos procedimentos e manutenção do ritmo a longo prazo. Foi iniciado estudo prospectivo randomizado para avaliar o IVP comparativamente ao procedimento Cox 3.
- Published
- 2000
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13. Ventricular evoked response in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy treated with DDD pacing
- Author
João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Raquel Prati, Helmut Hutten, Günter Schreier, Peter Kastner, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, Iran Castro, Paulo C. Azambuja, Farid Faes, Ivo A. Nesralla, and Max Schaldach
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obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ,DDD pacing intracardiac electrogram ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To assess the changes in ventricular evoked responses (VER) produced by the decrease in left ventricular outflow tract gradient (LVOTG) in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) treated with dual-chamber (DDD) pacing. METHODS: A pulse generator Physios CTM (Biotronik, Germany) was implanted in 9 patients with severe drug-refractory HOCM. After implantation, the following conditions were assessed: 1) Baseline evaluation: different AV delay (ranging from 150ms to 50 ms) were sequentially programmed during 5 to 10 minutes, and the LVOTG (as determined by Doppler echocardiography) and VER recorded; 2) standard evaluation, when the best AV delay (resulting in the lowest LVOTG) programmed at the initial evaluation was maintained so that its effect on VER and LVOTG could be assessed during each chronic pacing evaluation. RESULTS: LVOTG decreased after DDD pacing, with a mean value of 59 ± 24 mmHg after dual chamber pacemaker, which was significantly less than the gradient before pacing (98 + 22mmHg). An AV delay >100ms produced a significantly lower decrease in VER depolarization duration (VER DD) when compared to an AV delay
- Published
- 1999
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14. Proposição de técnica endocavitária para remodelamento ventricular esquerdo
- Author
Ivo A. NESRALLA, João Ricardo M. SANT'ANNA, Paulo R. PRATES, Guaracy F. TEIXEIRA FILHO, Orlando WENDER, Altamiro R. COSTA, Marisa S. SANTOS, Edemar M. PEREIRA, Raul F. LARA, and Ari Tadeu SANTOS
- Subjects
Ventrículo cardíaco ,Cirurgia cardíaca ,Miocardiopatia congestiva ,Heart ventricle ,Heart surgery ,Cardiomyopathy ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
O remodelamento do coração mediante ventriculectomia parcial esquerda é uma proposição atual para o tratamento cirúrgico paliativo de pacientes com miocardiopatia dilatada e sem critérios de transplante cardíaco. Este procedimento acarreta morbi-mortalidade imediata elevada, por resultar em áreas de isquemia ou necrose miocárdica e pelo risco de arritmias. Nosso objetivo é apresentar uma técnica de remodelamento ventricular endocavitário, caracterizada pela manutenção da arquitetura anatomofuncional do coração por não incorrer em ressecção ventricular. A técnica foi utilizada em circulação extracorpórea e com o coração preservado por cardioplegia sangüínea hipotérmica. Após atriotomia esquerda, a cúspide anterior da valva mitral foi removida e um enxerto triangular de pericárdio bovino (medindo aproximadamente 2x6x6 cm) suturado no endocárdio ventricular por pontos de Polipropileno 3-0 ancorados em feltro de Dacron. As bordas ao longo do enxerto foram fixadas em duas linhas imaginárias que se estendiam da ponta do ventrículo esquerdo ao anel valvar mitral, passando uma delas pela metade do septo interventricular e outra junto à inserção do músculo papilar posterior mitral. A aproximação destas linhas configurou uma plicadura interna e posterior na cavidade ventricular esquerda, que teve seu diâmetro reduzido. As estruturas musculares e a circulação coronária foram preservadas. A base do triângulo foi fixada ao anel mitral mediante os pontos utilizados para implante da bioprótese mitral, necessário devido à remoção da cúspide anterior da valva. Oito pacientes com miocardiopatia dilatada, excluídos do programa de transplante cardíaco, foram submetidos à técnica proposta, no período de outubro a dezembro de 1996. Dois pacientes eram do sexo feminino e 6 masculinos e sua idade variava entre 24 e 58 anos. Cinco pacientes mostraram regurgitação mitral. Todos os doentes estavam hospitalizados por insuficiência cardíaca congestiva quando da indicação cirúrgica e classificados em classe funcional IV (New York Heart Association). Ocorreram dois óbitos na presente série: um no pós-operatório imediato e outro no 3º mês, por razões não relacionadas à presente técnica. A tabela abaixo indica as modificações determinadas pela operação em parâmetros da função ventricular esquerda, avaliada por ecocardiografia transesofágica. Parâmetro Pré-Operatório Pós-Operatório (30d) Significância Débito cardíaco (l/min) 2,6 ± 0,4 3,8 ± 0,7 PLeft ventricular remodeling by partial ventriculectomy is a recent proposition for palliation in dilated cardiomyopathy when cardiac transplantation is contraindicated. This procedure carries a high morbimortality due to myocardial ischemia, necrosis and arrhythmias. This paper presents a technique for endocavitary left ventricular remodeling which maintains the hearts morpho-functional architecture without myocardial resection. Under extracorporeal circulation and hypothermic cardioplegia, a left atriotomy is done, the anterior mitral leaflet removed and a triangular shaped bovine pericardial graft (aproximately 2 x 6 x 6 cm) is implanted inside the left ventricular cavity with 3-0 Polipropilene anclosed in Dacron felt. The graft is sutured in a divergent way from the apex to the mitral ring, at the middle of the septum and at the posterior papillary muscle. This produces an internal plication with ventricular cavity reduction. Myocardium and coronary circulation are preserved. The base of the triangular graft is sutured to the mitral annulus and the mitral bioprosthesis is implanted. The procedure was employed in 8 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, not candidates to transplantation, 2 females and 6 males, ranging from 24 to 58 years. Five had mitral regurgitation. All were in hospital, at class IV (NYHA). Mortality was 25% (2 cases): 1 in the hospital and 1 at 3 months p.o. The table shows the echocardiographic parameters for LV function: Pré-operative Post-operative Cardiac output (L/min) 2,6 ± 0,4 3,8 ± 0,7 p
- Published
- 1997
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15. Esternotomia mediana como via preferencial na anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada
- Author
Rogério ABRAHÃO, Renato Abdala K. Kalil, Sharbel M. Boustany, João Ricardo M. SANT'ANNA, Paulo R. Prates, Guaracy F. TEIXEIRA FILHO, Orlando C. B. WENDER, Flávio P. Oliveira, and Ivo A. NESRALLA
- Subjects
Anastomose cirúrgica ,Cirurgia cardíaca ,Atresia pulmonar ,Atresia tricúspide ,Dupla via de saída do ventrículo direito ,Estenose da valva pulmonar ,Anastomosis ,Pulmonary atresia ,Tricuspid atresia ,Double outlet right ventricle ,Heart surgery ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
A abordagem usual para a realização da anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada (ABTM) tem sido a toracotomia lateral. Esta via acarreta necessariamente trauma ao parênquima pulmonar e acesso difícil por ocasião da operação definitiva. A esternotomia mediana (EM) apresenta-se como uma alternativa com certas vantagens. Este trabalho visa avaliar a viabilidade técnica e os resultados da realização da ABTM por EM. Dez pacientes foram submetidos a esta técnica, interpondo-se enxertos de PTFE. A mortalidade imediata foi de 30%, e a tardia de 10%. Complicação imediata ocorreu em 10%. O tempo médio de internação foi 7,0 ± 0,5 dias. A variação da saturação da hemoglobina pré e pós-operatória foi 27,5 ± 11,7% (pThe usual approach for systemic-pulmonary shunts has been right or left thoracotomy and interposition of a PTFE vascular graft between the subclavian and pulmonary arteries. This approach, necessarily causes, trauma to the lungs and some difficulty for dissection and ligation later during definitive surgical correction. Median sternotomy has been used occasionally for right subclavian-pulmonary artery anastomosis with certain advantages over thoracotomy. In this series, 10 patients were submitted to systemic-pulmonary modified Blalock-Taussig shunts by median sternotomy as the first choice. There have been no technical difficulties. The grafts were anastomosed to the right subclavian artery or brachiocephalic trunk. The right pulmonary artery was preferred, but when infeasible, this side of the shunt was made to the pulmonary trunk or left pulmonary artery. There have been 3 early and 1 late death, unrelated to the shunt. Arterial saturation improved by 27.5 ± 11.7% (p
- Published
- 1997
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16. Direct intramyocardial transthoracic transplantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells for non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: INTRACELL, a prospective randomized controlled trial
- Author
Felipe Homem Valle, James Fracasso, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Ivo A. Nesralla, Renato A. K. Kalil, Iran Castro, Nance Beyer Nardi, and Roberto T. Sant'Anna
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Male ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Time Factors ,Ventricular Function, Left ,law.invention ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Medicine ,Bone Marrow Transplantation ,Ejection fraction ,Contração Miocárdica ,Dilated cardiomyopathy ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Treatment Outcome ,Echocardiography ,Transplante ,Cardiology ,Special Articles ,Female ,Non ischemic ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Adult ,Cardiomyopathy, Dilated ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cells ,Insuficiência Cardíaca ,lcsh:Surgery ,Bone Marrow Cells ,Placebo ,Peripheral blood mononuclear cell ,Injections, Intramuscular ,Young Adult ,Células ,Internal medicine ,Humans ,Cardiomiopatia dilatada ,Aged ,Heart Failure ,Transplantation ,business.industry ,Stroke Volume ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,medicine.disease ,Myocardial Contraction ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Exercise Test ,Quality of Life ,Surgery ,Bone marrow ,business - Abstract
Objective: We tested the hypothesis that direct intramyocardial injection of bone marrow mononuclear cells in patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy can improve left ventricular function and physical capacity. Methods: Thirty non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy patients with left ventricular ejection fraction
- Published
- 2014
17. Does diabetes mellitus increase immediate surgical risk in octogenarian patients submitted to coronary artery bypass graft surgery?
- Author
Paulo R. Prates, Guaracy F Teixeira Filho, Edemar M. C. Pereira, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, Ivo A. Nesralla, Felipe Homem Valle, and Fernando Pivatto Júnior
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Male ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Multivariate analysis ,lcsh:Surgery ,Revascularização miocárdica ,law.invention ,Diabetes Complications ,Diabetes mellitus ,Randomized controlled trial ,Risk Factors ,law ,Atrial Fibrillation ,medicine ,Humans ,Idoso de 80 anos ou mais ,Hospital Mortality ,Coronary Artery Bypass ,Risk factor ,Stroke ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Univariate analysis ,business.industry ,Idoso ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Atrial fibrillation ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Myocardial revascularization ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Female ,Epidemiologic Methods ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Diabetes is a well known risk factor for early and late adverse outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG); however, few studies have investigated the impact of this risk factor in the group of older patients, especially octogenarians. OBJECTIVES: To compare in-hospital mortality and morbidity of diabetic and nondiabetic patients aged > 80 years submitted to CABG. METHODS: A total of 140 consecutive cases were studied, of whom 37 (26.4%) were diabetics, in a retrospective cross-sectional study, that included all patients aged > 80 years submitted to isolated/associated CABG. The patients' mean age was 82.5 ± 2.2 years and 55.7% were males. RESULTS: The hospital mortality rate did not significantly differ in multivariate analysis: 16.2% diabetic x 13.6% nondiabetic (P = 0.554), as well as morbidity: 43.2% x 37.9%, respectively (P = 0.533). Regarding to operative morbidity, the occurrence of stroke was significantly higher in diabetic patients in the univariate analysis (10.8% x 1.9%, P = 0.042). In multivariate analysis, however, the incidence of stroke was not associated with the presence of diabetes (P = 0.085), but it was associated with atrial fibrillation (P = 0.044). There was no significant difference related to other complications. CONCLUSION: In this small consecutive retrospectively analyzed series, there was no significant increase in hospital mortality and morbidity related to diabetes for CABG in octogenarian patients. The impact of the results of this study is limited by the sample size and might be confirmed by future randomized clinical trials.
- Published
- 2012
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18. Results of aortic valve surgery in patients over 75 years old, at 4.5 years of follow-up
- Author
João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, Ana Paula Tagliari, Paulo R. Prates, Ivo A. Nesralla, Felipe Homem Valle, and Fernando Pivatto Júnior
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Male ,Reoperation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Risk Factors ,medicine ,Humans ,In patient ,Cardiac Surgical Procedures ,Intraoperative Complications ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Gynecology ,business.industry ,Age Factors ,Aortic Valve Stenosis ,General Medicine ,Surgery ,Treatment Outcome ,Aortic valve surgery ,Female ,Epidemiologic Methods ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Brazil - Abstract
INTRODUCAO: O aumento da expectativa de vida da populacao tem levado a maior necessidade de intervencoes cirurgicas sobre a valva aortica. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a mortalidade precoce e a medio prazo, a necessidade de reoperacao para troca valvar e complicacoes valvares [tromboembolismo sistemico (TES) e endocardite infecciosa em protese (EI)] em pacientes acima de 75 anos submetidos a cirurgia de estenose aortica. METODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 230 casos, operados no periodo de 2002 a 2007. A idade media foi de 83,4 anos, sendo 53% do sexo masculino, 73,2% hipertensos, 17,9% portadores de fibrilacao atrial e 14,4% com cirurgia cardiaca previa. Outro procedimento cardiaco esteve associado em 39,1% dos casos. RESULTADOS: Em 4,51 anos de seguimento medio, a sobrevida geral foi de 57,4%. Ocorreram 13,9% obitos intra-hospitalares (9,4% no grupo cirurgia de estenose aortica isolada vs. 20,9% quando outro procedimento cirurgico foi associado) e 28,7% obitos apos a alta hospitalar (25,0% vs. 34,4%), com 34 destes por causas cardiovasculares. Ocorreram seis casos de EI, oito casos de TES e seis reoperacoes para troca valvar. Os preditores de mortalidade geral foram: tempo de isquemia >90 min (RC 1,99 IC 95% 1,06-3,74), fracao de ejecao
- Published
- 2012
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19. Fatores de risco para mortalidade hospitalar no implante de prótese valvar mecânica
- Author
Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Mateus W. de Bacco, Ana Paula Sartori, Marisa F Santos, Ivo A. Nesralla, and Renato A. K. Kalil
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Prótese valvulares cardíacas ,Valve replacement ,Internal medicine ,Mitral valve ,medicine ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Próteses e implantes ,Prospective cohort study ,Tricuspid valve ,Ejection fraction ,Fatores de risco ,business.industry ,Mortality rate ,General Medicine ,Surgery ,Cardiac surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Mortalidade ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,Implant ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
INTRODUÇÃO: A identificação dos fatores de risco pré-operatórios na cirurgia valvar visa à melhoria do resultado cirúrgico por meio da neutralização de fatores relacionados à mortalidade aumentada. Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar fatores de risco para mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes submetidos a implante de prótese valvar mecânica. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo com aquisição retrospectiva de dados com 335 pacientes consecutivamente submetidos ao implante de prótese mecânica St Jude Medical, entre dezembro de 1994 e setembro de 2005, no Instituto de Cardiologia do RS, sendo 158 aórticos, 146 mitrais e 31 mitro-aórticos. Foi analisada a relação da mortalidade hospitalar com características demográficas e operatórias dos pacientes: sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal, classe funcional (NYHA), fração de ejeção, lesão valvar, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabete melito, creatinina, arritmia cardíaca, cirurgia cardíaca prévia, revascularização miocárdica, plastia tricúspide concomitante e caráter da cirurgia (eletivo, de urgência ou de emergência). Utilizada regressão logística para identificar os fatores de risco e quantificada sua influência pelo cálculo de odds-ratio. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 13 (3,88%) óbitos hospitalares. Características relacionadas à mortalidade aumentada foram creatinina sérica (P
- Published
- 2009
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20. Randomized study of surgical isolation of the pulmonary veins for correction of permanent atrial fibrillation associated with mitral valve disease
- Author
Luciana El Halal Schuch, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, Álvaro Albrecht, Rogério Abrahão, Gustavo Glotz de Lima, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cox maze procedure ,Randomization ,Adolescent ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Heart Valve Diseases ,Pulmonary vein ,law.invention ,Young Adult ,Postoperative Complications ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Mitral valve ,Internal medicine ,Atrial Fibrillation ,medicine ,Humans ,Cardiac Surgical Procedures ,Aged ,business.industry ,Extracorporeal circulation ,Atrial fibrillation ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Pulmonary Veins ,Circulatory system ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,Mitral Valve ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
ObjectiveChronic permanent atrial fibrillation is often due to mitral valve disease. The Cox maze procedure is the gold standard for treating this arrhythmia. Simpler techniques and ablation methods should have their efficacy tested in clinical practice. Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical pulmonary vein isolation as compared with the Cox maze procedure.MethodsSixty patients were randomly assigned to control group, modified maze group (Cox maze III), and surgical isolation of the pulmonary veins (SPVI) group from July 1999 to October 2004. All patients had mitral valve lesions treated concomitantly. Preoperative characteristics were similar between groups.ResultsThere were 4 deaths: 3 in the Cox maze group and 1 in the SPVI group (P = .31). The Cox maze group presented longer times of extracorporeal circulation and myocardial ischemia (P < .001). The relative risk of late postoperative development of atrial fibrillation was 0.07 in the SPVI group (P < .001; 95% confidence intervals: 0.02–0.27) and 0.195 in the Cox maze group (P = .002; 95% confidence intervals: 0.07–0.56) as compared with the control group. No difference was found between the SPVI and Cox maze groups concerning prevention of atrial fibrillation recurrence (relative risk: 0.358; P = .215; 95% confidence intervals: 0.08–1.67).ConclusionsThe modified Cox maze procedure and surgical pulmonary vein isolation were similarly effective in restoring sinus or regular rhythm in permanent atrial fibrillation associated with mitral valve disease. These results favor the adoption of surgical isolation as a preferable technique, simpler and equally effective in controlling atrial fibrillation. The results also can bring further information for understanding the mechanisms involved in origins and treatment of chronic permanent atrial fibrillation.
- Published
- 2009
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21. Resposta cronotrópica ao exercício após isolamento das veias pulmonares ou cirurgia de Cox-maze
- Author
Paulo R. Prates, Ivo A. Nesralla, Gustavo Glotz de Lima, Renato A. K. Kalil, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Daniela Marchiori Flores, Rogério Abrahão, and Iran Castro
- Subjects
Chronotropic ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Isolation (health care) ,Valva mitral ,Heart rate ,Mitral valve ,Internal medicine ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Medicine ,cardiovascular diseases ,Maze operation ,Surgical treatment ,Cardiac surgical procedures ,business.industry ,Atrial fibrillation ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Fibrilação atrial ,Frequência cardíaca ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,Surgery ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a resposta cronotrópica ao exercício nos períodos pós-operatório imediato e tardio, após tratamento cirúrgico de fibrilação atrial e valva mitral por técnicas distintas. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico prospectivo controlado, com amostra de 42 pacientes, portadores de fibrilação atrial crônica associada à valvulopatia mitral, submetidos a cirurgia pela técnica de isolamento de veias pulmonares (n=16), pela técnica do labirinto (Cox-maze modificado, sem uso de crioblação) (n=13), ambas com correção de valvulopatia mitral, ou para correção de valvulopatia isolada (n=13). As características clínicas pré-operatórias, indicações para cirurgia tipo e etiologia da lesão valvar foram semelhantes entre os três grupos. Os pacientes foram acompanhados em ambulatório e submetidos a testes ergométricos seriados. RESULTADOS: A resposta cronotrópica no pós-operatório imediato foi semelhante nos grupos analisados, em média 73,6% ± 12,3% da freqüência cardíaca máxima prevista. No grupo de isolamento das veias pulmonares, houve aumento de 64,4% ± 12,4% da freqüência cardíaca máxima, no pós-operatório imediato, para 78,9% ± 10,5% no 12º mês de pós-operatório (P=0,012). No grupo Cox-maze, a freqüência cardíaca máxima variou de 73,9% ± 11,14% para 78.8% ± 15,2% (P=1,000) e no grupo controle (apenas correção da valva mitral), de 67,2% ± 14,3% para 71,9% ± 12,9% (P=0,889). CONCLUSÃO: A atenuação pós-operatória imediata da resposta cronotrópica ao exercício foi semelhante no pós-operatório das três diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas. Houve melhora significativa da mesma, na evolução pós-operatória, no grupo de isolamento das veias pulmonares. Estes resultados sugerem que o procedimento de simples isolamento cirúrgico das veias pulmonares pode estar relacionado à melhor preservação do cronotropismo atrial. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the chronotropic response to exercise during immediate and late postoperative period after atrial fibrillation and mitral valve surgical treatment by different techniques. METHODS: Prospective controlled clinical study of 42 patients presenting chronic AF associated mitral valve disease, who underwent surgery by the techniques of pulmonary veins isolation (n=16), Modified Cox-maze procedure, without crioablation (n=13), both with isolated mitral valve repair (n=13). The preoperative clinical characteristics, surgical indications, kind and aetiology of valve lesion were similar between groups. The patients were outpatient followed-up and underwent series of ergometric tests. RESULTS: In the immediate postoperative period, chronotropic response was similar in the 3 groups with mean of 73.6 ± 12.3% of maximal calculated heart rate. In the surgical pulmonary veins isolation group, there was an increment of heart rate, from 64.4 ± 12.4% of maximal heart rate in the immediate postoperative period to 78.9 ± 10.5% in the 12th month (P=0.012) of postoperative. In the Cox-maze group, heart rate varied, respectively, from 73.9 ± 11.14% to 78.8 ± 15.2% (P=1.000) and in the control group (only mitral valve surgery), from 67.2 ± 14.3% to 71.9 ± 12.9% (P=0.889). CONCLUSION: An attenuation of immediate postoperative chronotropic response to exercise was similar in the postoperative in the three different surgical techniques. There was a significant improvement in this response concerning to postoperative outcome in the pulmonary veins isolation group. These results suggest that simple surgical pulmonary veins isolation may be related to a better preservation of atrial chronotropism.
- Published
- 2008
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22. Aplicabilidade do escore de risco de Ambler para pacientes com substituição valvar por bioprótese de pericárdio bovino
- Author
Ivo A. Nesralla, Gustavo de Bacco, Mateus W. de Bacco, Paulo R. Prates, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, and Marisa F Santos
- Subjects
Implante de prótese de valva/efeitos adversos ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Hospital mortality ,Prognóstico ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Renal function ,Logistic regression ,Valve replacement ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos ,Implante de prótese de valva/mortalidade ,Medicine ,Implante de prótese de valva ,Mortalidade hospitalar ,Medição de risco ,Cardiac surgical procedures ,Risk assessment ,Bioprosthesis ,Heart valves ,Bioprótese ,Framingham Risk Score ,Ejection fraction ,Fatores de risco ,business.industry ,Mortality rate ,Heart valve prosthesis implantation ,Medição de risco/métodos ,Retrospective cohort study ,Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos/mortalidade ,General Medicine ,Prognosis ,Surgery ,Risk factors ,Valvas cardíacas ,Valvas cardíacas/cirurgia ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Body mass index - Abstract
OBJETIVO: O estudo objetiva verificar aplicabilidade do escore de Ambler para pacientes que receberam implante bioprótese de pericárdio bovino no Instituto de Cardiologia do RGS/FUC e quantificar os fatores de risco. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 703 pacientes submetidos ao implante de bioprótese de pericárdio bovino entre 1991 e 2005, no Instituto de Cardiologia do RS. Em 392 pacientes, ocorreu implante aórtico, em 250, mitral e, em 61, combinado. Desfecho primário foi mortalidade hospitalar. As características estimativas do risco foram: idade, sexo, IMC, classe funcional (NYHA), fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda (FE), lesão valvar, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabete melito, função renal, ritmo cardíaco, cirurgia cardíaca prévia, revascularização miocárdica e/ou plastia tricúspide concomitante, caráter cirúrgico. Utilizada regressão logística uni e multivariada para quantificar fatores de risco preponderantes, pelo odds ratio (OR). RESULTADOS: A mortalidade observada foi de 14,3%, superior à prevista de valor 3% para escore médio 6 de Ambler, (p 80 anos (OR=6,10). A área sob curva ROC para nossa amostra foi calculada em 72,9% (aceitável > 70%). CONCLUSÃO: A mortalidade prevista no escore de Ambler não é reproduzida no resultado observado, mas a curva ROC evidenciou que o modelo é aplicável. Fatores de risco preponderantes foram individualizados. OBJETIVES: This study aims to verify the applicability of Ambler's risk score to patients who have undergone implantation of bovine pericardial bioprosthesis at the Instituto de Cardiologia do RGS/FCU. This study also aims to quantify the risk factors. METHODS: Retrospective study with 703 patients who had undergone implantation of bovine pericardial bioprosthesis between 1991 and 2005 at the Instituto de Cardiologia do RS. Aortic implant occurred in 392 patients, mitral in 250 and combined in 61. Primary outcome was hospital mortality. Characteristics used to estimate risk were: gender, age, body mass index (BMI), NYHA functional class, left ventricular ejection fraction, valvular lesions, systemic arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal function, cardiac rhythm, previous cardiac operations, and surgical priority. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to quantify preponderant risk factors by the odds-ratio (OR). RESULTS: The mortality rate was 14.3%, which was higher than the estimated mortality rate (3%, according to Ambler's mean score of 6, (p 70%). CONCLUSION: The mortality predicted in Ambler's score was not reproduced in the observed results. However, the ROC curve provides evidence that this model is applicable. Preponderant risk factors were individualizated.
- Published
- 2008
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23. Transplante autólogo de células-tronco de medula óssea por mini-toracotomia: técnica e resultados iniciais
- Author
João Pedro Marques-Pereira, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Andrés Delgado-Cañedo, Daniele Reimche Ott, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Ivo A. Nesralla, Nance Beyer Nardi, and Eduardo Dias
- Subjects
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ,Time Factors ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Dilated cardiomyopathy ,lcsh:Medicine ,Context (language use) ,Stem cells ,Cirurgia torácica ,Transplantation, Autologous ,Ventricular Function, Left ,Insuficiência cardíaca congestiva ,Immunophenotyping ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Autologous transplantation ,Thoracotomy ,Cardiomiopatia dilatada ,Transplante celular ,Bone Marrow Transplantation ,Ejection fraction ,business.industry ,lcsh:R ,Stroke Volume ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Heart surgery ,Transplantation ,Treatment Outcome ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cardiology ,Feasibility Studies ,Female ,Bone marrow ,Cell transplantation ,Intercostal space ,Células-tronco ,business ,Heart failure, congestive ,Stem Cell Transplantation - Abstract
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: There are few studies concerning bone marrow mononuclear cell (BMMC) transplantation in cases of nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. This study describes a novel technique of BMMC transplantation and the results up to one year after the procedure. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a case series to evaluate the safety and viability of the procedure, at Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. METHODS: Nine patients with symptomatic dilated cardiomyopathy, functional class III/IV and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 35% received BMMC (9.6 ± 2.6 x 107 cells) at 20 sites in the ventricular wall, by means of thoracotomy of length 5 cm in the fifth left intercostal space. Echocardiograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were performed. RESULTS: There were no major complications. The functional class results for the first six patients (preoperatively and at two, four, eight and twelve-month follow-ups, respectively) were: [IV-2, III-4] to [I-5, II-1] to [I-3, II-3] to [I-2, II-3] and [I-2, II-3]. Echocardiograms showed LVEF: 25.9 ± 8.2; 32.9 ± 10.4; 29.4 ± 7.2; 25.1 ± 7.9; 25.4 ± 6.8% (p = 0.023); and % left ventricular (LV) fiber shortening: 12.6 ± 4.4; 16.4 ± 5.4; 14.3 ± 3.7; 12.1 ± 4.0; 12.2 ± 3.4% (p = 0.021). LV performance variation seen on NMR was non-significant. CONCLUSION: Intramyocardial transplantation of BMMC in dilated cardiomyopathy cases is feasible and safe. There were early improvements in symptoms and LV performance. Medium-term evaluation revealed regression of LV function, although maintaining improved functional class. CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Há pouco estudos avaliando o transplante de células mononucleares da medula óssea (CMMO) na miocardiopatia dilatada não-isquêmica. O presente estudo descreve uma técnica de implante intramiocárdico de CMMO por mini-toracomia e resultados com até um ano de acompanhamento. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Série casos para avaliar segurança e viabilidade do procedimento, no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. MÉTODOS: Nove pacientes com miocardiopatia dilatada, em classe funcional III/IV e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) < 35% receberam CMMO (média 9,6 ± 2,6 x 107 células) em 20 pontos da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo, através de toracotomia de 5 cm no quinto espaço intercostal esquerdo. Foram realizados ecocardiograma e ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM). RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram complicações maiores. Os resultados pré-operatórios aos 2, 4, 8 e 12 meses de acompanhamento dos seis primeiros pacientes são: classe funcional: IV-2, III-4 para I-5, II-1 para I-3, II-3 para I-2, II-3 e I-2, II-3. Ecocardiograma: FEVE = 25.9 ± 8.2, 32.9 ± 10.4, 29.4 ± 7.2, 25.1 ± 7.9, 25.4 ± 6.8% (p = 0.023); Fração de encurtamento do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) = 12.6 ± 4.4, 16.4 ± 5.4, 14.3 ± 3.7, 12.1 ± 4.0, 12.2 ± 3.4% (p = 0.021). RNM demonstrou diferenças discretas, não significativas. CONCLUSÕES: O implante intramiocárdico de células-tronco na miocardiopatia dilatada é viável e seguro. Houve melhora precoce nos sintomas e na performance de VE. Avaliação a médio prazo demonstrou regressão da função VE, mantendo, contudo, a melhora na qualidade de vida e na classe funcional.
- Published
- 2008
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24. Modificações no perfil do paciente submetido à operação de revascularização do miocárdio Changes in profile of patients submitted to coronary bypass graft surgery
- Author
Flávia Heinz Feier, Roberto Tofani Sant'Anna, Eduardo Garcia, Felipe W De Bacco, Edemar Pereira, Marisa Fátima dos Santos, Altamiro Reis da Costa, João Ricardo M Sant'Anna, and Ivo A Nesralla
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lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Myocardial revascularization ,Cardiopatias ,Heart diseases ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,lcsh:Surgery ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,Medição de risco ,Revascularização miocárdica ,Risk assessment - Abstract
INTRODUÇÃO: Indicações da operação de revascularização miocárdica (RM) foram modificadas pela introdução de novas drogas e da angioplastia coronária transluminal percutânea (ACTP), sendo o procedimento cada vez considerado em pacientes com doença multiarterial coronária e de condição clínica mais grave. OBJETIVO: Comparar perfil clínico e cirúrgico entre dois grupos de pacientes submetidos a RM com intervalo de 10 anos, bem como observar sua influência na mortalidade hospitalar. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, envolvendo 307 pacientes submetidos a RM em 1991/92 (grupo INICIAL, n=153) ou 2001/02 (grupo ATUAL, n=154). Para cada grupo foram identificadas características demográficas, doenças cardíacas, co-morbidades e eventos operatórios, visando comparação e determinação dos fatores relacionados à mortalidade hospitalar aumentada. RESULTADOS: Grupo recente tinha idade mais avançada, condição cardíaca mais grave(classe funcional, prevalência de insuficiência cardíaca e número de vasos com lesão grave) e maior prevalência de co-morbidades. Pacientes iniciais mostraram maior prevalência na indicação cirúrgica de urgência. Não ocorreu diferença na mortalidade hospitalar (respectivamente 3,3% e 1,9% para grupos INICIAL e ATUAL). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes atualmente submetidos a RM são mais idosos e de condição clínica mais grave (cardíaca e sistêmica) que os operados há 10 anos, embora isto não tenha influenciado de modo significativo a mortalidade hospitalar, que é menor recentemente.INTRODUCTION: The improvement in care and management of ischemic heart disease and the dissemination of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) changed the indications for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), regarding procedures for patientswith multivessel disease in bad clinical conditions. OBJECTIVE: To compare surgical and clinical profiles between two groups of CABG patients at a 10 year interval observing the influence on hospital mortality rates. METHOD: Retrospective Cohort study, including 307 CABG patients operated on in 1991to 1992 (n=153) and 2001 to 2002 (n=154). Demographic characteristics, heart disease severity, comorbidities and pre-operative events were evaluated and compared between the groups. RESULTS: Patients operated in 2001 and 2002 were older, more severely ill (in a worse NYHA classand had higher prevalence of heart failure, and multi-vessel involvement) and with more co-morbidities. Patients operated in 1991 and 1992 had more urgent procedures. The observed surgical mortality rates were similar (3.3% and 1.9%, respectively). CONCLUSION: Patients submitted to CABG currently are older and in worse clinical conditions than those operated 10 years ago, but hospital mortality has not altered significantly.
- Published
- 2005
25. Randomized study of surgery for patients with permanent atrial fibrillation as a result of mitral valve disease
- Author
Ivo A. Nesralla, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Tiago Luiz Luz Leiria, Domingos Hatem, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, Gustavo Glotz de Lima, Claudio L Kruse, and Rogério Abrahão
- Subjects
Male ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cox maze procedure ,medicine.medical_treatment ,law.invention ,Postoperative Complications ,Mitral valve stenosis ,Randomized controlled trial ,Recurrence ,law ,Internal medicine ,Mitral valve ,Atrial Fibrillation ,medicine ,Humans ,Mitral Valve Stenosis ,Sinus rhythm ,Prospective Studies ,cardiovascular diseases ,Cardiac Surgical Procedures ,Prospective cohort study ,business.industry ,Mitral Valve Insufficiency ,Atrial fibrillation ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Pulmonary Veins ,Circulatory system ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,Mitral Valve ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Background The Cox Maze procedure has been used to treat atrial fibrillation in patients with mitral valve disease. Recently, ectopic foci, originating in the pulmonary veins, were demonstrated in patients with atrial fibrillation, and the indication was that their arrhythmia could have a focal origin. In the light of this new evidence, a simplified surgical technique to isolate the pulmonary veins was developed to eliminate permanent atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery. This study compares three surgical procedures proposed to maintain sinus rhythm after mitral valve surgery. Methods A prospective clinical trial of 30 patients with mitral valve disease and permanent atrial fibrillation who had undergone mitral valve surgery were randomized in accordance with the type of surgery used on each: (1) associated en bloc isolation of pulmonary veins, (2) the Maze procedure, or (3) mitral valve correction alone. The preoperative clinical characteristics were similar in the three groups. Results The overall postoperative complications were similar in all three groups. The cardiopulmonary bypass time and the aortic cross-clamping time were shorter in the control group, but this factor bore no relation to increased morbidity in the intervention groups. The relative risk of atrial fibrillation after surgery was 0.08 in the group undergoing isolation of pulmonary veins ( p = 0.010; 95% confidence interval, 0.01 to 0.71) and 0.20 in the Maze group ( p = 0.044; 95% confidence interval, 0.04 to 1.02) compared with the control group. Conclusions En bloc isolation of pulmonary veins associated with mitral valve surgery appears to be safe and just as effective as the Maze procedure in maintaining sinus rhythm in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation.
- Published
- 2004
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26. Isolamento das veias pulmonares em pacientes com fibrilação atrial permanente secundária a valvopatia mitral
- Author
Daniel L. Faria-Corrêa, Gustavo G. Lima, Marcelo Haertel Miglioransa, Paulo R. Prates, Ivo A. Nesralla, Tiago Luiz Luz Leiria, Renato A. K. Kalil, Domingos Hatem, Rogério Abrahão, Gustavo F. Vanni, and João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna
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medicine.medical_specialty ,fibrilação atrial ,Ejection fraction ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,arritmia cardíaca ,Atrial fibrillation ,Surgical correction ,Amiodarone ,medicine.disease ,Cardioversion ,cirurgia do labirinto ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Left atrial ,Mitral valve ,Internal medicine ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,Medicine ,Sinus rhythm ,cardiovascular diseases ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of surgical isolation of the pulmonary veins for re-establishing sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation secondary to mitral valve disease. METHODS: Thirty-three (67% were women) patients with permanent atrial fibrillation and indication for surgical correction of the mitral valve underwent surgical isolation of the pulmonary veins. Their mean age was 56.3±10 years, preoperative NYHA functional class was 3.2±0.6, left atrial size was 5.5±0.9 cm, and ejection fraction was 61.3±13%. The surgical technique consisted of a circumferential incision surrounding the 4 pulmonary veins, excision of the left atrial appendage, and a perpendicular incision originating in the inferior margin of the circumferential incision isolating the pulmonary veins down to the mitral valve. Early arrhythmias were aggressively treated with cardioversion. RESULTS: The mean follow-up was 23.9±17 months, and 3 patients died in the postoperative period. Ten patients required electrical cardioversion in the postoperative period; 87% had sinus rhythm in the last medical visit, and 33% were using amiodarone. CONCLUSION: Isolation of the pulmonary veins associated with mitral valve surgery is an effective and safe technique for maintaining sinus rhythm in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation.
- Published
- 2004
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27. Meta-analysis of continuous oral anticoagulants versus heparin bridging in patients undergoing CIED surgery: reappraisal after the BRUISE study
- Author
Roberto T, Sant'anna, Tiago L, Leiria, Thais, Nascimento, João Ricardo M, Sant'anna, Renato A K, Kalil, Gustavo G, Lima, Atul, Verma, Jeff S, Healey, David H, Birnie, and Vidal, Essebag
- Subjects
Male ,Pacemaker, Artificial ,Vitamin K ,Heparin ,Incidence ,Premedication ,Administration, Oral ,Anticoagulants ,Hemorrhage ,Comorbidity ,Risk Assessment ,Defibrillators, Implantable ,Prosthesis Implantation ,Treatment Outcome ,Thromboembolism ,Humans ,Female ,Aged - Abstract
Management of patients treated with oral anticoagulation (OAC) requiring a cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) surgery is a challenge that requires balancing the risk of bleeding complications with the risk of thromboembolic events. Recently the approach of performing these procedures while the patient remains with a therapeutic international normalized ratio has gained interest due to several publications showing its relative safety.To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of continuous use of OAC compared with heparin bridging in the perioperative setting of CIED surgery using a meta-analysis.A systematic review of PubMed/MEDLINE, Ovid, and Elsevier databases was performed. Eligible randomized controlled trials and cohort studies were included. The outcomes studied were risk of clinically significant bleeding and of thromboembolic events. Our analysis was restricted to OAC with vitamin K antagonists.Of 560 manuscripts initially considered relevant, seven were included in the meta-analysis, totaling 2,191 patients. Data are reported as odds ratios (ORs) with confidence interval (CI) of 95%. Maintenance of OAC was associated with a significantly lower risk of postoperative bleeding compared with heparin bridge (OR = 0.25, 95% CI 0.17-0.36, P0.00001). There was no difference noted in the risk of thromboembolic events between the two strategies (OR = 1.86, 95% CI 0.29-12.17, P = 0.57).Uninterrupted use of OAC in the perioperative of CIED surgery was associated with a reduced risk of bleeding. This strategy should be considered the preferred one in patients at moderate-to-high risk of thromboembolic events.
- Published
- 2014
28. Análise comparativa dos resultados da cirurgia do labirinto (Cox-maze) para fibrilação atrial crônica em pacientes com doença valvar mitral reumática ou degenerativa
- Author
Renato A. K. Kalil, Álvaro Albrecht, Bartira Cunha, Ivo A. Nesralla, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Rogério Abrahão, Paulo R. Prates, and Paulo Moreno
- Subjects
lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RD1-811 ,Valva mitral ,Arritmia sinusal ,Cardiopatia reumática ,lcsh:Surgery ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,General Medicine ,Arritmia sinusal/cirurgia ,Atrial fibrillation ,Fibrilação atrial ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Valva mitral/cirurgia ,RC666-701 ,Mitral valve ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Surgery ,Fibrilação atrial/cirurgia ,Arrhythmia, sinus ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Rheumatic heart disease - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Comparar resultados da correção de Fibrilação Atrial (FA) Crônica em Doença Mitral Reumática (R) ou Degenerativa (D) a curto e médio prazos. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: De 1994 a 1997, 57 pacientes foram submetidos à Cirurgia do Labirinto e correção mitral. Oito (20%) reumáticos eram do sexo masculino; 32 (80%) feminino. Dos degenerativos 8 (47%) eram do sexo masculino; 9 (53%) femininos, (NS). Idade 47 ± 11 anos R; 54 ± 17 D (p < 0,05). Diâmetro do AE: 6,1 ± 1,1 cm R e 5,9 ± 1,2 D, (NS). RESULTADOS: Óbitos: 1 (2,5%) imediato em R; 2 (12%) hospitalares e 1 (7%) tardio em D (NS). Implante de marcapasso (MP) em 4 (10%) R e 2 (17%) D (NS). Tempos de isquemia: 63 ± 16 min R; 63 ± 15 min D, (NS). Circulação extracorpórea: 92 ± 19 min R e 96 ± 23 min D, (NS). Na alta hospitalar: 3 (10%) R e nenhum D recebiam medicação antiarrítmica, (NS); 9 (23%) R e 3 (20%) D recebiam anticoagulantes (NS). Conversão a ritmo sinusal (RS) em 31 (80%) do grupo R e em 12 (80%) do D, (NS). Ritmo de MP em 4 (10%) R, NS. FA incidiu em 4 (10%) R e em 2 (13%) D, (NS). Ritmo juncional em 1 (7%) D, (NS). Na última avaliação: RS em 27 (71%) R e 9 (75%) D (NS). Ritmo de MP em 4 (10%) R e 2 (17%) D, (NS). FA em 6 (16%) R e nenhum D, (NS). Taquicardia atrial paroxística em 1 (3%) R e 1 (8%) do grupo D, (NS). À ergometria, realizada em média de 16,2 ± 11,1 meses PO por 24 (60%) pacientes R e a 16,4 ± 10,0 meses PO para 10 (59%) degenerativos, 6 (25%) R e 1 (10%) D apresentaram RC adequada (NS). Em 3 (12,5%) R e 6 (60%) D foi considerada intermediária (p = 0,009). RC inadequada foi detectada em 15 (62,5%) pacientes R e 3 (30%) D- (p = 0,09). CONCLUSÃO: A etiologia R ou D não afeta a morbimortalidade e os benefícios aos pacientes com valvopatia mitral submetidos à Cirurgia do Labirinto e correção valvar. A recuperação do RS e a presença de arritmias no PO foi semelhante nos grupos. A resposta cronotrópica ao exercício tende a ser menor no grupo degenerativo. The results of maze procedure in rheumatic mitral valve disease are subject to debate. This paper reports medium term results in rheumatic and degenerative mitral valve surgery associated with maze procedure. From 1994 to 1997, 57 patients were operated on. They were divided into two Groups; R (rheumatic) 40 patients and D (degenerative) 17. Group R included 8 (20%) males and 32 (80%) females. Group D: 8 (47%) males and 9 (53%) females (NS). Age in R = 47 ± 11 and D 54 ± 17 years (p < 0.05). Left atrial size was 6.1 ± 1.1 cm in R and 5.9 ± 1.2 in D (NS). There were 3 hospital deaths, 1 (2.5%) in R and 2 (12%) in D. One D patient (7%) died late. Pacemakers were implanted in 4 (10%) R and 2 (17%) in D (NS). There were no significant differences regarding surgical duration of perfusion or myocardial ischemia, antiarrhythmic medications, immediate or late cardiac rythms and occurrence of arrythmias. Ergometric evaluation for measuring chronotropic response revealed a normal response in 6 (25%) R and 1 (10%) in D at a mean of 16.6 months PO. In the lower response group, 3 (12.5%) R and 6 (60%) D had intermediate values (p = 0.009) and 15 (62.5%) R versus 3 (30%) D had values below 75% of expected heart rate (p = 0.09). Rheumatic or degenerative ethiology of mitral valve disease does not influence the results of maze procedure in this patient population. Mean chronotropic response to exercise tends to be lower in degenerative patients.
- Published
- 1999
29. Técnicas reparadoras em crianças com anomalias congênitas da valva mitral: resultados clínicos tardios
- Author
Paulo R. Prates, Christiano da Silveira de Barcellos, Marcus K. S. Chiattoni, Gabriel Lorier, Gustavo Hoppen, Nicolas Teleo, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, Abud Homsi Netto, Javier Gonzales, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
Insuficiência da valva mitral ,Estenose da valva mitral/cirurgia ,Gynecology ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Valva mitral ,Valva mitral/anormalidades ,Insuficiência da valva mitral/cirurgia ,business.industry ,lcsh:Surgery ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,General Medicine ,Estenose da valva mitral ,Valva mitral/criança ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Valva mitral/cirurgia ,Mitral valve ,medicine ,Surgery ,Mitral valve stenosis ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Mitral valve insufficiency - Abstract
Fundamento: Malformações congênitas da valva mitral são lesões complexas. Em crianças e adolescentes, os anéis protéticos devem ser evitados. Desde 1975 não usamos anéis protéticos, empregando-se a técnica de Wooler nas anuloplastias. Objetivo: Análise da evolução clínica tardia após o tratamento cirúrgico das anomalias mitrais congênitas, com e sem malformações associadas, em crianças até 12 anos de idade, tratadas com técnicas reparadoras e reconstrutivas sem suporte anelar. Casuística e Métodos: Foram avaliados 21 pacientes operados entre 1975 e 1998. A média de idade foi de 4,67 ± 3,44 anos; sexo feminino em 47,6%; a insuficiência esteve presente em 57,1% (12 casos), estenose em 28,6% (6 casos) e dupla lesão em 14,3% (3 casos). O tempo de perfusão foi 43,10 ± 9,50 min; tempo de isquemia 29,40 ± 10,50 min. O seguimento clínico na insuficiência foi feito em 12 pacientes com média de 41,52 ± 53,61 meses; no grupo de estenose em 4 pacientes com média de 46,39 ± 32,02 meses. Resultados: No grupo de insuficiência 10 pacientes estavam assintomáticos. Controle ecocardiográfico em 9 pacientes, (seguimento 37,17 ± 39,51 meses) 6 pacientes apresentaram refluxo leve, 1 ausência de refluxo e 2 com refluxo moderado; 1 paciente foi reoperado aos 48 m após a primeira operação, sendo feita nova plastia. No grupo da estenose, 4 pacientes, todos assintomáticos, sendo 2 sem medicação, com seguimento ecocardiográfico, média 42,61 ± 30,59 meses, gradiente médio entre 8 e 12 mmHg. No grupo de dupla lesão, 1 paciente foi reoperado para implante de bioprótese aos 43 meses da primeira operação, 1 paciente aos 75 meses da operação encontrava-se em classe funcional II e a ecocardiografia mostrou estenose e insuficiência leve. Não foram relatados episódios de endocardite nem tromboembolismo. A mortalidade operatória foi de 9,5% (2 casos). Não houve mortalidade tardia. Conclusões: a estenose mitral apresenta maiores dificuldades de correção, pelas anormalidades valvares e pela gravidade de lesões associadas. A correção da insuficiência sem suporte anelar apresenta bons resultados a longo prazo. Background: Congenital mitral valve disease is associated with complex deformities of mitral apparatus. Annular support should be avoided in children and adolescents. Since 1975 we have employed non-supported techniques for mitral repair. Objective: This paper presents long term clinical results for repair in congenital mitral valve disease in children under 12 years of age. Patients and Methods: This series comprises 21 patients operated from 1995 to 1998. Mean age 4.6 ± 3.4 years. Female sex 47.6% mitral regurgitation in 57.1% (12 pt), stenosis 28.6% (6 pt) and mixed lesion 14.3% (3 pt). Perfusion time was 43.1 ± 9.5 min and ischemic time 29.4 ± 10.5 min. Follow-up time was 41.5 ± 53.6 months for the regurgitation group (12 pt) and 46.3 ± 32.0 months for the stenosis group (4 pt followed). Results: Operative mortality was 9.5% (2 cases), both in the stenosis group. There was no late death. In the regurgitation group, 10 pt (83.3%) were assymptomatic. Echocardiographic control at a mean follow-up time of 37.1 ± 39.5 months showed, in 9 cases, 1 without reflux, 6 mild and 2 moderate reflux. There was 1 reoperation at 48 months post operative for a new valve repair. In the stenosis group, there were 4 patients followed, all in functional class I, 2 without drugs. Echo control at a mean follow-up time of 42.6 ± 30.5 months showed mean gradient from 8 to 12 mmHg. The mixed lesion group had 1 reoperation after 43 post-operative months. There were no cases of endocarditis or thromboembolism. Conclusion: Mitral valve repair in congenital lesions is associated with good late results. The majority of cases remain assymptomatic and free of reoperations. Failures are related to complexity of deformities. Rings on annular support are not necessary. Repair of regurgitation performs better than these for stenosis.
- Published
- 1998
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30. Idade avançada e incidência de fibrilação atrial em pós-operatório de troca valvar aórtica
- Author
Guaracy F Teixeira Filho, Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Ivo A. Nesralla, Pablo Mondim Py, Renato A. K. Kalil, and Fernando Pivatto Júnior
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Stroke etiology ,Hospital mortality ,Stroke mortality ,Age Distribution ,Postoperative Complications ,Aortic valve replacement ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Medicine ,Humans ,Hospital Mortality ,Postoperative Period ,Estenose da Valva Aórtica ,Retrospective Studies ,Aged ,Gynecology ,Aged, 80 and over ,Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation ,business.industry ,Idoso ,Age Factors ,Atrial fibrillation ,General Medicine ,Original Articles ,Aortic Valve Stenosis ,Length of Stay ,medicine.disease ,Período Pós-Operatório ,Stroke ,Intensive Care Units ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Fibrilação Atrial ,Acute Disease ,Cardiology ,cardiovascular system ,Surgery ,Age distribution ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Objetivo: Descrever, em idosos, a correlação entre faixa etária e ocorrência de fibrilação atrial após cirurgia por estenose aórtica, além de avaliar a influência da ocorrência de fibrilação atrial na incidência de acidente vascular cerebral, tempo de internação e mortalidade hospitalar. Métodos: Estudo transversal retrospectivo incluindo pacientes com idade > 70 anos submetidos à cirurgia de troca valvar aórtica isolada. Resultados: Foram estudados 348 pacientes com idade média de 76,8±4,6 anos. A incidência de fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório foi 32,8% (n=114), sendo superior nos pacientes > 80 anos (42,9 vs. 28,8% 70-79 anos, P=0,017) e havendo significância estatística limítrofe (P=0,055) para tendência linear na correlação idade e incidência de fibrilação atrial. Verificou-se significativo maior tempo de internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e hospitalar total, porém, não se observou maior taxa de acidente vascular cerebral ou de mortalidade hospitalar decorrente da fibrilação atrial. Conclusão: A incidência de fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de cirurgia para estenose valvar aórtica em pacientes idosos com > 70 anos foi elevada e linearmente correlacionada ao avanço da idade, especialmente após 80 anos, causando aumento dos tempos de internação total e em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, sem aumento significativo da morbimortalidade. O conhecimento desses dados é importante para evidenciar a necessidade de medidas profiláticas e de tratamento precoce dessa arritmia nesse subgrupo. Objective: This study aims to describe the correlation between age and occurrence of atrial fibrillation after aortic stenosis surgery in the elderly as well as evaluate the influence of atrial fibrillation on the incidence of strokes, hospital length of stay, and hospital mortality. Methods: Cross-sectional retrospective study of > 70 year-old patients who underwent isolated aortic valve replacement. Results: 348 patients were included in the study (mean age 76.8±4.6 years). Overall, post-operative atrial fibrillation was 32.8% (n=114), but it was higher in patients aged 80 years and older (42.9% versus 28.8% in patients aged 70-79 years, P=0.017). There was borderline significance for linear correlation between age and atrial fibrillation (P=0.055). Intensive Care Unit and hospital lengths of stay were significantly increased in atrial fibrillation (P
- Published
- 2014
31. Ausência de ventriculotomia previne arritmias ventriculares pós correção da tetralogia de Fallot?
- Author
Prates Pr, Orlando Carlos Belmonte Wender, Flávio P Oliveira, Renato A. K. Kalil, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Ivo A. Nesralla, Rogério Abrahão, Guaracy F Teixeira Filho, Leonardo Vedolin, and Paulo R. Prates
- Subjects
lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Átrio cardíaco/cirurgia ,lcsh:Surgery ,Arritmia ,Átrio cardíaco ,Medicine ,Arritmia/prevenção ,Gynecology ,business.industry ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,General Medicine ,Ventrículo cardíaco ,Tetralogia de Fallot/complicações pós-operatórias ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Tetralogia de Fallot/cirurgia ,Tetralogy of Fallot ,Ventrículo cardíaco/cirurgia ,Surgery ,Heart atrium ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Tetralogia de Fallot ,Heart ventricle ,Arrhythmia - Abstract
Arritmias ventriculares são eventos tardios freqüentes após correção da tetralogia de Fallot (TF). Morte súbita, possivelmente relacionada a arritmias, é responsável por mais de 40% dos óbitos tardios. Fibrose cicatricial pela ventriculotomia direita poderia ser fator predisponente a eventos arrítmicos. A abordagem atrial teria vantagens por evitar lesão das coronárias, não comprometer a dinâmica ventricular e prevenir arritmias tardias. Trabalhos prévios demostraram não haver melhor desempenho hemodinâmico no procedimento pós-operatório imediato na correção atrial. Nesta série, procuramos analisar a incidência de arritmias ventriculares tardias no Grupo de correção atrial, comparativamente à ventriculotomia direita. Entre 1988 e 1995, 238 pacientes foram submetidos a correção cirúrgica da TF, sendo 28 por via exclusiva atrial (Grupo A) e 210 por via ventricular (Grupo V). Os grupos eram semelhantes quanto a idade, sexo, peso, altura e superfície corporal. A escolha da abordagem foi aleatória. Pacientes que sofreram qualquer ventriculotomia foram incluídos no Grupo V. Avaliamos a ocorrência de BAV transitório ou definitivo no p.o. imediato e a presença de arritmias atriais e ventriculares no ECG comum obtido na última consulta ambulatorial. O tempo de acompanhamento foi 45 ± 22 m no Grupo A e 33 ± 24 m no Grupo V. Não houve BAV transitório ou definitivo no Grupo A. Ocorreram 7% BAV transitórios e 2% definitivos no Grupo V (NS). Arritmias supraventriculares foram 17,4% no Grupo A e 12,0% no Grupo V (NS). Arritmias ventriculares foram 13,0% A e 3,8% V (NS). A evolução clínica quanto ao alívio da estenose pulmonar, eventos p.o. imediatos e classe funcional foi semelhante em ambos os grupos. Resultados publicados de mapeamento eletrofisiológico de VD demonstram anormalidade da despolarização, não apenas na parede livre, mas também no septo, banda parietal e ápex, sendo as arritmias ventriculares mais freqüentes e mais graves em casos da despolarização alterada no VD. Entretanto, não se encontra correlação entre arritmias e ventriculotomia. Concluímos que a abordagem atrial não previne a ocorrência de arritmias ventriculares no p.o. tardio de TF.Right ventriculotomy might be related to late ventricular arrhythmias after surgical correction of Tetralogy of Fallot. This paper presents the incidence of late ventricular arrhythmias comparing groups submitted or not to a ventriculotomy. From 1988 to 1995, 238 patients were consecutively operated upon, 28 by atrial approach exclusively (Group A) and 210 uncluding a right ventriculotomy (Group V). There were no significant differences regarding to age, sex, weight, height or body surface area. There been no previous selection for the approach. Fallow-up time was 45 ± 22 months for Group A and 33 ± 24 months for Group V (NS). The incidence of atrioventricular block and arrhythmias were studied by conventional ambulatory EKG. Group A presented no transient or permanent AV block, while there have been 7% transient and 2% permanent AV block in Group V (NS). Supraventricular arrhythmias were 17,4% in Group A and 12,0% in Group V (NS). There have been no relation between arrhythmias and ventriculotomy. This might suggest that atrial approach, avoiding ventriculotomy, does not prevent late ventricular arrhythmias.
- Published
- 1997
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32. High doses of vascular endothelial growth factor 165 safely, but transiently, improve myocardial perfusion in no-option ischemic disease
- Author
Eduardo Ludwig, Renato A. K. Kalil, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Clarissa Garcia Rodrigues, Bruna Eibel, Paulo R. Prates, Imarilde I. Giusti, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Felipe Borsu de Salles, Sang Won Han, Melissa Medeiros Markoski, Gabriel Grossman, Nance Beyer Nardi, Ivo A. Nesralla, and Guaracy F Teixeira Filho
- Subjects
Male ,Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Angiogenesis ,Ischemia ,Biology ,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology ,Angina Pectoris ,Angina ,Myocardial perfusion imaging ,Internal medicine ,Genetics ,medicine ,Humans ,Prospective Studies ,Prospective cohort study ,Genetics (clinical) ,Aged ,Pharmacology ,Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Myocardial Perfusion Imaging ,Canadian Cardiovascular Society ,Genetic Therapy ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Clinical trial ,Treatment Outcome ,Cardiology ,Exercise Test ,Molecular Medicine ,Female ,Perfusion - Abstract
Gene therapy can induce angiogenesis in ischemic tissues. The aim of this study was to assess safety, feasibility, and results, both clinical and on myocardial perfusion, of gene therapy in refractory angina. This was a phase I/II, prospective, temporal-controlled series, clinical trial. Thirteen patients were maintained for minimum 6 months under optimized clinical management, and then received intramyocardial injections of 2000 μg plasmid vascular endothelial growth factor 165 and were followed by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), treadmill tests, Minnesota quality of life questionnaire (QOL), and New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional plus Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) angina classifications. There were no deaths, early or late. During the optimized clinical treatment, we observed worsening of rest ischemia scores on SPECT (p0.05). After treatment, there was a transitory increase in myocardial perfusion at the third-month SPECT under stress (pre-operative [pre-op] 18.38 ± 7.51 vs. 3 months 15.31 ± 7.30; p0.01) and at the sixth month under rest (pre-op 13.23 ± 7.98 vs. 6 months: 16.92 ± 7.27; p0.01). One year after, there were improvements in treadmill test steps (pre-op 2.46 ± 2.07 vs.12 months 4.15 ± 2.23; p0.01) and oxygen consumption (pre-op 7.66 ± 4.47 vs.12 months 10.89 ± 4.65; p0.05), QOL (pre-op 48.23 ± 18.35 vs.12 months 28.31 ± 18.14; p0.01) scores, and CCS (pre-op 3 [3-3.5] vs.12 months 2 [1-2.5]; p0.01) and NYHA (pre-op 3 [3-3] vs. 2 [2-2] vs. 12 months 2 [1-2]; p0.01) classes. Gene therapy demonstrated to be feasible and safe in this advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy patient sample. There were improvements in clinical evaluation parameters, and a transitory increase in myocardial perfusion detectable by SPECT scintigraphy.NCT00744315 http://clinicaltrials.gov/
- Published
- 2013
33. Resultado clínico tardio da anuloplastia mitral sem suporte em crianças e adolescentes
- Author
Edemar M. C. Pereira, Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Solange Bordignon, Kalil R, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
Aortic valve ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Mitral regurgitation ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Pulmonary embolism ,Stenosis ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cardiothoracic surgery ,Infective endocarditis ,Mitral valve ,medicine ,Endocarditis ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Late post-operative clinical results fortreatmentof mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients under 18 years-old by annuloplasty without ring or posterior support are presented. From 1977 to 1995,70 patients: 36 female and 34 male, mean age 12.4 ± 4.8 y (6m to 18y), with pure MR were submitted to an Wooler type of annuloplasty. None received ring or annular support. Twelve (17.1%) had chordal shortening associated. Ethiology was rheumatic 71.4%, congenital 18.6%, myxomatous 8.6% and infectious 1.4%. Preoperative functional class was II: 32 cases (45.7%), III: 18 (25.7%), IV: 20 (28.6%). Twenty-one patients (30%) had associated procedures: on aortic valve 12 (15.2%), tricuspid 4 (5.7%), ASD 4 (5.7%) and aortic and tricuspid 1 (1.4%). Mean perfusion time was 45.2 ± 18.3 min for the whole group and 37.2 ± 11.3 min for annuloplasty alone. Mean ischemic time was 28.4 ± 14.3 min and 21.8 ± 7.1 min respectively. Follow-up time ranged from 7 months to 18 years. Mortality was 4.3% (3 cases) in the early postoperative and 8.6% (6 cases) in the late follow up. Early residual regurgitation was found in 15 patients (21.4%) and 50.0% in 35. Thirteen (18.6%) were reoperated at a mean p.o. time of 56.2 ± 46.2 m. Causes for reoperation: primary MR 5 (38.5%), endocarditis 4 (30.7%), stenosis 2 (15.4%), aortic valve disfunction 1 (7.7%), pulmonary embolism 1 (7.7%). Late evaluation in 46 non-operated survivors: 34 were in functional class I (73.9%), 10 in II (21.7%) and 2 in III (4.3%). Actuarial survival was 93 ± 3% at 5 years and 80 ± 7% at 10 years. Event-free survival was 89 ± 4% and 61 ± 10% at 5 and 10 years. For rheumatic ethiology, event-free survival was 80 ± 8% and 55 ± 16% and, for congenital MR, 90 ± 9% at 5 and 10 years p.o. Simple, unsupported annuloplasty (Wooler type), alone or associated to chordal shortening is an effective and reproducible procedure for MR in children and adolescents. Morbidity and mortality are low in relation to other techniques and prosthetic replacement. Failures were mainly related to rheumatic carditis and infective endocarditis. In growing up patient under 18 years old, this technique would be recommended because it may allow unrestricted development of the mitral orifice.
- Published
- 1996
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34. Resultado clínico tardio da anuloplastia mitral sem suporte em crianças e adolescentes Late outcome of unsupported annuloplasty as surgical treatment of mitral insufficiency in children and adolescents
- Author
Solange Bordignon, Renato A. Karan Kalil, João Ricardo M Sant'Anna, Paulo Roberto Prates, Edemar Manuel Pereira, and Ivo A Nesralla
- Subjects
Insuficiência da valva mitral ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Valva miftal ,Valva mitral ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Cirurgia cardíaca ,Mitral valve ,lcsh:Surgery ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,Mitral valve insufficiency ,Heart surgery - Abstract
O resultado clínico pós-operatório (p.o.) tardio da reconstrução da valva mitral sem suporte em crianças e adolescentes é analisado através da observação de uma série de 70 pacientes operados. Objetivou-se acompanhar a evolução clínica tardia após o tratamento de insuficiência mitral pelas técnicas reparadoras nos pacientes em fase de crescimento, avaliar a eficácia, a durabilidade e a reprodutibilidade do procedimento, bem como morbidade e mortalidade nas fases hospitalar e tardia. Consideraram-se, ainda, os resultados em relação à etiologia da doença e as causas de falha do método. De 1977 a 1995, foram operados 70 pacientes, sendo 36 casos do sexo feminino e 34 do masculino. A média de idade foi de 12,4 ± 4,8 anos (6m a 18a). Houve predomínio da etiologia reumática (71,4%) sobre a congênita (18,6%), a degeneração mixomatosa (8,6%) e a infecciosa (1,4%). A classe funcional pré-operatória era 11 em 32 (45,7%) casos, 111 em 18 (25,7%) casos e IV em 20 (28,6%) casos. A técnica cirúrgica utilizada foi a anuloplastia simples tipo Wooler isolada em 58 (82,9%) casos e associada a encurtamento de cordoalha em 12(17,1%). Em 21 (30%) pacientes foram realizados procedimentos associados. O período de acompanhamento foi de 7 m a 17 anos, no p.o. A mortalidade hospitalar foi 4,3%. Regurgitação mitral foi descrita no intra-operatório em 21,4%. Sopro sistólico de regurgitação mitral residual foi notado em 35 (49,9%) pacientes, a maioria sem repercussão hemodinâmica. A classe funcional pós-operatória foi I em 73,9%, II em 21,7% e III em 4,4%. As curvas de análise atuarial mostraram aos 5 e 10 anos, respectivamente, probabilidade de sobrevida global de 89% e 79% e estimativa de permanecer livre de eventos cirúrgicos no período de 87% e 61 % no grupo total, 88% e 56% no grupo de etiologia reumática e 91 % no grupo de etiologia congênita para 5 e 10 anos. A insuficiência mitral pode ser tratada efetivamente por anuloplastia sem suporte anular profético, com resultados tardios comparáveis àqueles obtidos por técnicas mais complexas. Isto tem importância no tratamento de crianças e adultos jovens, especialmente no sexo feminino, quando se deseja evitar o implante de próteses mecânicas.Late post-operative clinical results fortreatmentof mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients under 18 years-old by annuloplasty without ring or posterior support are presented. From 1977 to 1995,70 patients: 36 female and 34 male, mean age 12.4 ± 4.8 y (6m to 18y), with pure MR were submitted to an Wooler type of annuloplasty. None received ring or annular support. Twelve (17.1%) had chordal shortening associated. Ethiology was rheumatic 71.4%, congenital 18.6%, myxomatous 8.6% and infectious 1.4%. Preoperative functional class was II: 32 cases (45.7%), III: 18 (25.7%), IV: 20 (28.6%). Twenty-one patients (30%) had associated procedures: on aortic valve 12 (15.2%), tricuspid 4 (5.7%), ASD 4 (5.7%) and aortic and tricuspid 1 (1.4%). Mean perfusion time was 45.2 ± 18.3 min for the whole group and 37.2 ± 11.3 min for annuloplasty alone. Mean ischemic time was 28.4 ± 14.3 min and 21.8 ± 7.1 min respectively. Follow-up time ranged from 7 months to 18 years. Mortality was 4.3% (3 cases) in the early postoperative and 8.6% (6 cases) in the late follow up. Early residual regurgitation was found in 15 patients (21.4%) and 50.0% in 35. Thirteen (18.6%) were reoperated at a mean p.o. time of 56.2 ± 46.2 m. Causes for reoperation: primary MR 5 (38.5%), endocarditis 4 (30.7%), stenosis 2 (15.4%), aortic valve disfunction 1 (7.7%), pulmonary embolism 1 (7.7%). Late evaluation in 46 non-operated survivors: 34 were in functional class I (73.9%), 10 in II (21.7%) and 2 in III (4.3%). Actuarial survival was 93 ± 3% at 5 years and 80 ± 7% at 10 years. Event-free survival was 89 ± 4% and 61 ± 10% at 5 and 10 years. For rheumatic ethiology, event-free survival was 80 ± 8% and 55 ± 16% and, for congenital MR, 90 ± 9% at 5 and 10 years p.o. Simple, unsupported annuloplasty (Wooler type), alone or associated to chordal shortening is an effective and reproducible procedure for MR in children and adolescents. Morbidity and mortality are low in relation to other techniques and prosthetic replacement. Failures were mainly related to rheumatic carditis and infective endocarditis. In growing up patient under 18 years old, this technique would be recommended because it may allow unrestricted development of the mitral orifice.
- Published
- 1996
35. Results of simplified single-patch repair for complete atrioventricular septal defect
- Author
Daniel Augusto Schröder, Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Ana Paula Tagliari, Ivo A. Nesralla, Guaracy F Teixeira Filho, and Renato A. K. Kalil
- Subjects
Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular ,Male ,Reoperation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Complete atrioventricular septal defect ,business.industry ,Treatment outcome ,Suture Techniques ,Follow up studies ,Infant ,Single patch ,Heart Septal Defects, Atrial ,Surgery ,Treatment Outcome ,Child, Preschool ,medicine ,Humans ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Nuclear medicine ,Child ,Follow-Up Studies ,Retrospective Studies ,Ultrasonography - Abstract
FUNDAMENTO: Desde que Wilcox, em 1997, descreveu uma forma simplificada de correcao do Defeito Septal Atrioventricular (DSAV) com enxerto unico, diversos estudos tem sido realizados comparando-a a tecnica com duplo enxerto. OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados em medio e longo prazos da correcao de DSAV completo pela tecnica simplificada de enxerto unico. METODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 16 casos consecutivos arrolados entre janeiro de 2001 e dezembro de 2011. A idade media foi 18,31 ± 34,19 meses (2 meses - 11 anos) e o peso 7,80 ± 6,12 Kg (3,77 - 25,0 Kg); 6 pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 14 eram portadores de Sindrome de Down. O tempo de seguimento medio foi de 54,97 ± 47,79 meses. RESULTADOS: O tempo medio de circulacao extracorporea foi 74,63 ± 18,48 min (49 - 112 min) e o de pincamento aortico, de 46,44 ± 11,89 min (34 - 67 min). Foram observados dois obitos hospitalares (12,5%), ambos por causa cardiovascular. Tres pacientes foram reoperados por regurgitacao da valva atrioventricular (VA) esquerda e dois apresentaram bloqueio atrioventricular (BAV) completo com necessidade de implante de marca-passo definitivo. Nao houve nenhum caso de obstrucao da via de saida do ventriculo esquerdo. Os 14 pacientes sobreviventes permanecem assintomaticos, 10 deles com insuficiencia da valva VA esquerda leve (71,42%). CONCLUSAO: A tecnica simplificada com enxerto unico para correcao de DSAV completo mostrou-se factivel, associada a correcao adequada dos defeitos e a favoravel evolucao clinica e ecocardiografica nos 57,97 meses de seguimento medio avaliados.
- Published
- 2012
36. Insuficiência renal oculta acarreta risco elevado de mortalidade após cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica
- Author
Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, Mathias Alexandre Volkmann, Jayme Eduardo Burmeister, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Ivo Abraão Nesralla, Paulo Eduardo Ballvé Behr, and Paulo Roberto Cardoso Consoni
- Subjects
Gynecology ,Fatores de Risco ,medicine.medical_specialty ,In hospital mortality ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,Mortalidade Hospitalar ,Insuficiência Renal Crônica ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Risk Factors ,Creatinine ,Myocardial Revascularization ,medicine ,Surgery ,Creatinina ,Hospital Mortality ,Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Revascularização Miocárdica ,Artery - Abstract
INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: Insuficiência renal crônica pré operatória é fator preditivo independente para mortalidade em cirurgia cardíaca. Como creatinina sérica normal não representa obrigatoriamente função renal normal, comparamos as taxas de mortalidade, de permanência hospitalar total e de permanência hospitalar pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica isolada com creatinina < 1,5 mg/dL, de acordo com a depuração estimada, normal ou alterada. MÉTODOS: Em 4.765 pacientes submetidos à revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio entre janeiro/1996 e junho/2004, a depuração da creatinina foi estimada através da equação de Cockcroft-Gault. Considerou-se função renal alterada uma depuração da creatinina 60 mL/min (Grupo A) e 1.226 com 60mL/min (Group A), and 1,226 with
- Published
- 2011
37. Late outcome of unsupported annuloplasty for rheumatic mitral regurgitation
- Author
Fernando A. Lucchese, Edemar M. C. Pereira, Ivo A. Nesralla, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Paulo R. Prates, Renato A. K. Kalil, and Farid Cézar Faes
- Subjects
Aortic valve ,Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Atrial septal defects ,Valve replacement ,Actuarial Analysis ,Mitral valve ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Mitral regurgitation ,Tricuspid valve ,business.industry ,Suture Techniques ,Rheumatic Heart Disease ,Mitral Valve Insufficiency ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Survival Rate ,Stenosis ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Treatment Outcome ,Cardiology ,cardiovascular system ,Mitral Valve ,Female ,business ,Mitral valve regurgitation ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Objectives . The aim of this study was to evaluate medium- and long-term (range 4 months to 17 years) clinical results in a series of patients treated surgically by unsupported mitral annuloplasty. Background . Mitral valve regurgitation has usually been treated by valve replacement or ring annuloplasty. A few series have reported plastic repair procedures without annular support or remodeling. Furthermore, in rheumatic lesions the results have been inferior to those in degenerative mitral insufficiency, and the majority of previous reports have provided information on short-or medium-term follow-up. Methods . One hundred fifty-four patients were operated on (55 male [36%]and 99 female [64%]). The mean age ± SD was 36 ±16 years (range 5 to 73). Associated lesions comprised 47 aortic and 21 tricuspid valve lesions and 2 atrial septal defects. Patients with concomitant mitral stenosis were not included. Preoperative functional class was I or II in 19% and III or IV in 81%. The cardiothoracic ratio was 0.61 ± 0.10. All patients underwent an unsupported mitral annuloplasty procedure in which the mural portion of the annulus was reduced by applying two buttressed mattress sutures at the commissures without compromising the width of the septal leaflet. When necessary, additional chordal procedures were performed. No patients received ring or posterior annular support. Results . The early mortality rate was 1.9% (three patients; one of the three died of myocardial failure and two of pulmonary thromboembolism). The late mortality rate was 5.8% (nine patients; three of the nine died of myocardial failure, one each of septicemia, pulmonary thromboembolism and sudden arrhythmic death and three of unknown causes). Twenty-eight patients (18.2%) were reoperated on because of mitral valve dysfunction and 2 (1.3%) because of prosthetic aortic valve dysfunction. A residual late systolic murmur was present in 48% of patients. Late complications were systemic thromboembolism in 5.8% (one third with an aortic valve prosthesis), infective endocarditis in 1.3% and pulmonary thromboembolism in 0.6%. Postoperative functional class was I or II in 84% and III or IV in 16%. Cardiothoracic ratio was 0.58 ± 0.10. Actuarial probability of late survival was 79.5 ± 5.3% at 10 years and 71.0 ± 7.4% at 14 years. Event-free survival was 67.9 ± 8.9% at 10 years and 56.1 ±11.7% at 14 years. Conclusions . Rheumatic mitral regurgitation can be effectively treated by annuloplasty without prosthetic annular support, with late results comparable to those obtained with more complicated procedures. This observation is particularly important for treatment of children and young adult patients.
- Published
- 1993
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38. Terapia gênica com VEGF para angiogênese na angina refratária: ensaio clínico fase I/II
- Author
Eduardo Ludwig, Imarilde I. Giusti, Renato A. K. Kalil, Gabriel Grossman, Nance Beyer Nardi, Paulo R. Prates, Ivo A. Nesralla, Felipe Borsu de Salles, Guaracy F Teixeira Filho, Clarissa Garcia Rodrigues, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, and Sang Won Han
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Myocardial ischemia ,biology ,business.industry ,Angiogenesis ,Genetic enhancement ,VEGF receptors ,Agentes indutores da angiogênese ,Angina pectoris ,Treatment outcome ,General Medicine ,Surgery ,Gene therapy ,Phase i ii ,Terapia de genes ,Angiogenesis inducing agents ,medicine ,biology.protein ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Refractory angina ,business ,Isquemia miocárdica - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança, viabilidade e efeitos iniciais, clínicos e sobre a perfusão miocárdica, da administração intramiocárdica, transtorácica, de VEGF 165 plasmidial em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana avançada e angina refratária, não passíveis de revascularização percutânea e cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico fase I/II. Treze pacientes cardiopatas isquêmicos com angina refratária apesar de tratamento medicamentoso máximo por no mínimo seis meses, não passíveis de revascularização cirúrgica ou por cateter foram submetidos a injeções intramiocárdicas de 2000µg VEGF 165 plasmidial. Os pacientes foram avaliados por cintilografia miocárdica, teste ergométrico, questionário de qualidade de vida (Minnesota) e determinação das classes de insuficiência cardíaca (NYHA) e angina (CCS). RESULTADOS: Não houve óbitos ou reintervenções. Durante o período de tratamento medicamentoso máximo, não se observou diferenças em cintilografias miocárdicas, testes ergométricos e questionários de qualidade de vida, ainda, houve tendência a piora das classes NYHA (P=0,05) e CCS (P=0,05). Três meses após intervenção, observou-se melhora dos escores cintilográficos SSS (18,38±7,51 vs. 15,31±7,29, P=0,003) e SRS (11,92±7,49 vs. 8,53±6,68, P=0,002), porém não na proporção da extensão da área de miocárdio isquêmico (23,38±13,12% vs. 20,08±13,88%, P=0,1). Houve tendência a melhora dos METs nas ergometrias (7,66±4,47 vs. 10,29±4,36, P=0,08), melhora do escore de qualidade de vida (48,23±18,35 vs. 30,15±20,13; P=0,02) e das classes NYHA (3,15±0,38 vs. 1,77±0,83, P=0,001) e CCS (3,08±0,64 vs. 1,77±0,83, P=0,001), no mesmo período. CONCLUSÕES: A terapia demonstrou-se segura e viável nesta série de pacientes. Os resultados iniciais tendem a demonstrar melhora na gravidade da angina e redução da intensidade da isquemia miocárdica. OBJECTIVE: Safety, feasibility and early myocardial angiogenic effects evaluation of transthoracic intramyocardial phVEGF165 administration for refractory angina in no option patients. METHODS: Cohort study, in which 13 patients with refractory angina under optimized clinical treatment where included, after cineangiograms had been evaluated and found unfeasible by surgeon and interventional cardiologist. Intramyocardial injections of 5mL solution containing plasmidial VEGF165 where done over the ischemic area of myocardium identified by previous SPECT/Sestamibi scan. Evaluations included a SPECT scan, stress test, Minnesotta QOL questionnaire and NYHA functional class and CCS angina class determinations. RESULTS: There were no deaths or new interventions during the study period. There were no significant variations in SPECT scans, QOL scores and stress tests results during medical treatment in the included patients. After the 3rd post operative month, there was improvement in SPECT segmental scores, SSS (18.38±7.51 vs. 15.31±7.29, P=0.003) and SRS (11.92±7.49 vs. 8.53±6.68, P=0.002). The ischemic area extension, however, had non-significant variation (23.38±13.12% vs. 20.08±13.88%, P=0.1). Stress tests METs varied from 7.66±4.47 pre to 10.29±4.36 METs post-op (P=0.08). QOL score improved from 48.23±18.35 pre to 30.15±20.13 post-op points (P=0.02). NYHA class was 3.15±0.38 pre vs. 1.77±0.83 post-op (P=0.001) and angina CCS class, 3.08±0.64 vs. 1.77±0.83 (P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Intramyocardial VEGF165 therapy for refractory angina, in this small trial of no option patients, resulted feasible and safe. Early clinical and scintilographic data showed improvements in symptoms and myocardial perfusion, with regression of ischemia severity in treated areas.
- Published
- 2010
39. Global contractility increment in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy after free wall-only intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells: an insight over stem cells clinical mechanism of action
- Author
Angelo Syrillo Pretto Neto, Ivo A. Nesralla, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Melissa Medeiros Markoski, Nance Beyer Nardi, Fernando Pivatto Júnior, James Fracasso, Paulo R. Prates, and Mauricio B Marques
- Subjects
Adult ,Cardiomyopathy, Dilated ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Biomedical Engineering ,lcsh:Medicine ,Transplantation, Autologous ,Ventricular Function, Left ,Contractility ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Autologous transplantation ,Humans ,Radionuclide Imaging ,Bone Marrow Transplantation ,Transplantation ,Ejection fraction ,business.industry ,lcsh:R ,Dilated cardiomyopathy ,Cell Biology ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Myocardial Contraction ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Heart failure ,Cardiology ,Female ,Bone marrow ,Stem cell ,business ,Stem Cell Transplantation - Abstract
Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) effects have been investigated in small series of nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (NIDC). Left ventricular myocardial contractility improvements occur, but doubt remains about their mechanism of action. We compared contractility changes in areas treated (free wall) and nontreated (septal wall) with BMMC, in selected patients who have showed significant ventricular improvement after free wall-only intramyocardial stem cells injection. From 15 patients with functional class III/IV (NYHA) and LVEF inferior to 35%, who received 9.6 ± 2.6 × 107 BMMC divided into 10 points over the left ventricular free wall, 7 (46.7%) showed LVEF relative improvement greater than 15%. Those patients were selected for further contractility study. BMMC were collected from iliac bone and isolated with Ficoll-Hypaque. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure the systolic thickening of the septal (nontreated) and free wall (treated) before injection and 3 months postoperatively. Mean systolic septal wall thickening increased from 0.46 to 1.23 mm (an absolute 0.77 ± 1.3 mm and relative 167.4% increase) and in the free wall from 1.13 to 1.87 mm (an absolute 0.74 ± 1.5 mm and relative increase of 65.5%). There was no difference in the rate of absolute or relative systolic thickening between the two walls ( p = 0.866 and 1.0, respectively), when cells were injected only in the left ventricular free wall. BMMC transplantation in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy can improve ventricular function by an overall effect, even in areas that are not directly injected. This finding favors the existence of a diffuse mechanism of action, rather than a local effect, and should be reminded when the pathophysiology of stem cells is considered.
- Published
- 2010
40. O papel da biopsia pulmonar na indicação cirúrgica de cardiopatias congénitas The role of lung biopsy in the decision-making process for congenital heart disease
- Author
Solange Bordignon, Marizele E Molon, Renato A. K Kalil, Fernando A Lucchese, Paulo R Prates, João Ricardo M Sant'Anna, and Ivo A Nesralla
- Subjects
lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,lung biopsy ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,hypertension, pulmonary ,lcsh:Surgery ,hipertensão arterial pulmonar ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,biopsia pulmonar - Abstract
Objetivando relacionar o aspecto morfológico dos vasos pulmonares com os dados clínicos para auxiliar na decisão da cirurgia de cardiopatias congênitas com hipertensão pulmonar severa, em casos previamente avaliados por critérios clínicos, angiográficos e/ou hemodinâmicos, foram realizadas, de 1980 a 1991, no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, 49 biópsias pulmonares. As idades dos pacientes variaram de 5m a 28a6m (média = 7a7m) e os diagnósticos foram: CIV (16), PCA (3), CIVe ESubAo (1), PCA e CIV (2), PCA e Cl A (1) DSAV (7), DSAV incompl. e PCA (1), PCA e CoAo (1), Inter Arco Ao com PCA e CIV e/ou ESupraM e Anel SubAo (2), DVSVD com CIV e/ou PCA (6), DVSVE e EP (1), ATe ESubP. (1), TGV (1), TGV corrigida e CIV (1) e truncus arteriosus (5). Houve 3 (6,1 %) óbitos no pós-operatório da biopsia. Baseado na classificação de Heath-Edwards, foram para correção cirúrgica 11 pacientes com cardiopatias simples (CIV, PCA, DSAV), cuja mortalidade foi 36,4%. Dez pacientes com cardiopatias complexas (DVSVD, DVSVE, TGV, truncus, inter arco Ao) foram para cirurgia, com mortalidade de 30%. A evolução pós-operatória tardia foi favorável em 13 (62%) pacientes. Conclui-se que a biopsia pulmonar pode ser útil na indicação cirúrgica das cardiopatias congênitas com hipertensão pulmonar severa e, por envolver riscos, sua utilização deve ser criteriosa. E valiosa para os pacientes que apresentam dúvidas quanto ao grau de doença vascular pulmonar ou quanto à natureza das lesões e o estudo clínico e hemodinâmico não são esclarecedores, ou mesmo quando apontarem para a contra-indicação cirúrgica.Open lung biopsy has been performed in patients with congenital heart disease and severe pulmonary hypertension in order to complement the decision-making process for surgical correction. All patients had clinical, hemodynamic and angiographic evaluation previously and would not be surgical candidates by conventional criteria. The 49 patients were studied from 198 0 to 1991 at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Age range was 5m to 28y6m (mean=7y7m). The diagnoses were: VSD (16); PDA (3); VSD and SubAortic Stenosis (1); PDA and VSD (2); PDA and ASD (1); AVSD (7); Incomplete AVSV and PDA (1); PDA and ACo (1); AAI with PDA and VSD (2); DORV with VSD and or PDA (6); DOLV with PS (1); TA (1), TGA (1); Corrected TGA with VSD (1) and Truncus Arteriosus (5). There were 3 hospitalar deaths after the biopsy procedure (6.1%). When the pulmonary vascular lesions were classified as Heath-Edwards class III or less, surgical correction was performed. There were 21 patients, 11 simple defects (PDA; VSD; AVSD) with 4 deaths (36.4%) and 10 complex heart defects with 3 deaths (30%) . One patient with VSD had persistent evolutive pulmonary hypertension. The remaining 13 had benefited from the correction. In conclusion, lung biopsy may be useful for the surgical decision in congenital heart disease with severe pulmonary hypertension. As a surgical procedure with the involved risks, it must be selectively indicated. Most patients with vascular lesions below class III (H-E), despite other methods of evaluation would benefit from the corrective procedure.
- Published
- 1992
41. The role of lung biopsy in the decision-making process for congenital heart disease
- Author
Fernando A. Lucchese, Renato A. K. Kalil, Solange Bordignon, Ivo A. Nesralla, Marizele E Molon, Paulo R. Prates, and João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,lung biopsy ,business.industry ,hypertension, pulmonary ,General Medicine ,Lung biopsy ,Surgery ,medicine ,hipertensão arterial pulmonar ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,biopsia pulmonar - Abstract
Objetivando relacionar o aspecto morfológico dos vasos pulmonares com os dados clínicos para auxiliar na decisão da cirurgia de cardiopatias congênitas com hipertensão pulmonar severa, em casos previamente avaliados por critérios clínicos, angiográficos e/ou hemodinâmicos, foram realizadas, de 1980 a 1991, no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, 49 biópsias pulmonares. As idades dos pacientes variaram de 5m a 28a6m (média = 7a7m) e os diagnósticos foram: CIV (16), PCA (3), CIVe ESubAo (1), PCA e CIV (2), PCA e Cl A (1) DSAV (7), DSAV incompl. e PCA (1), PCA e CoAo (1), Inter Arco Ao com PCA e CIV e/ou ESupraM e Anel SubAo (2), DVSVD com CIV e/ou PCA (6), DVSVE e EP (1), ATe ESubP. (1), TGV (1), TGV corrigida e CIV (1) e truncus arteriosus (5). Houve 3 (6,1 %) óbitos no pós-operatório da biopsia. Baseado na classificação de Heath-Edwards, foram para correção cirúrgica 11 pacientes com cardiopatias simples (CIV, PCA, DSAV), cuja mortalidade foi 36,4%. Dez pacientes com cardiopatias complexas (DVSVD, DVSVE, TGV, truncus, inter arco Ao) foram para cirurgia, com mortalidade de 30%. A evolução pós-operatória tardia foi favorável em 13 (62%) pacientes. Conclui-se que a biopsia pulmonar pode ser útil na indicação cirúrgica das cardiopatias congênitas com hipertensão pulmonar severa e, por envolver riscos, sua utilização deve ser criteriosa. E valiosa para os pacientes que apresentam dúvidas quanto ao grau de doença vascular pulmonar ou quanto à natureza das lesões e o estudo clínico e hemodinâmico não são esclarecedores, ou mesmo quando apontarem para a contra-indicação cirúrgica. Open lung biopsy has been performed in patients with congenital heart disease and severe pulmonary hypertension in order to complement the decision-making process for surgical correction. All patients had clinical, hemodynamic and angiographic evaluation previously and would not be surgical candidates by conventional criteria. The 49 patients were studied from 198 0 to 1991 at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Age range was 5m to 28y6m (mean=7y7m). The diagnoses were: VSD (16); PDA (3); VSD and SubAortic Stenosis (1); PDA and VSD (2); PDA and ASD (1); AVSD (7); Incomplete AVSV and PDA (1); PDA and ACo (1); AAI with PDA and VSD (2); DORV with VSD and or PDA (6); DOLV with PS (1); TA (1), TGA (1); Corrected TGA with VSD (1) and Truncus Arteriosus (5). There were 3 hospitalar deaths after the biopsy procedure (6.1%). When the pulmonary vascular lesions were classified as Heath-Edwards class III or less, surgical correction was performed. There were 21 patients, 11 simple defects (PDA; VSD; AVSD) with 4 deaths (36.4%) and 10 complex heart defects with 3 deaths (30%) . One patient with VSD had persistent evolutive pulmonary hypertension. The remaining 13 had benefited from the correction. In conclusion, lung biopsy may be useful for the surgical decision in congenital heart disease with severe pulmonary hypertension. As a surgical procedure with the involved risks, it must be selectively indicated. Most patients with vascular lesions below class III (H-E), despite other methods of evaluation would benefit from the corrective procedure.
- Published
- 1992
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42. Anuloplastia sem suporte para tratamento da insuficiência mitral reumática Non-supported mitral annuloplasty technique for treatment of rheumatic mitral insufficiency
- Author
Renato A. K Kalil, Fernando A Lucchese, Paulo R Prates, João Ricardo M Sant'Anna, Farid C Faes, Edemar M. C Pereira, and Ivo A Nesralla
- Subjects
mitral valve ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,valvas cardíacas ,insuficiência mitral reumática ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,valvoplastia ,lcsh:Surgery ,valva mitral ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,rheumatic mitral regurgitation ,valvuloplasty - Abstract
Desde 1974, temos empregado anuloplastia sem suporte para tratamento da insuficiência mitral de etiologia reumática em uma população predominantemente jovem. A avaliação dos resultados tardios forma a base deste relato. São 154 pacientes com insuficiência mitral isolada (sem estenose ou dupla lesão), sendo 55 (36%) do sexo masculino e 99 (64%) do feminino, idade média = 36 ± 16 (5 a 73) anos; as lesões associadas foram: 47 lesões aórticas, 21 tricuspídeas e 2 comunicações interatriais; a classe funcional pré-operatória foi I-II em 19% e III-IV em 81 % e o índice cardiotorácico 0,61 ± 0,10. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a uma anuloplastia similar à descrita por WOOLER et alii 21 que consiste na redução da porção mural do anel mitral obtida pela aplicação de dois pontos ancorados em feltros nas comissuras, sem comprometer a extensão de cúspide septal. Quando necessário, procedimentos adicionais sobre as cordas tendíneas foram realizados. Nenhum paciente recebeu suporte anular por anel ou barra posterior. A mortalidade precoce foi de 3 (1,9%) pacientes: falência miocárdica (1) e embolia pulmonar (2). A mortalidade tardia foi de 9 (5,8%), falência miocárdica (3), septicemia (1), embolia pulmonar (1) e morte súbita (1) e causa desconhecida (3). Reoperações foram realizadas em 28 (18,2%) casos, dos quais 2 (1,3%) por disfunção de prótese aórtica. Sopro sistólico residual esteve presente em 48% dos casos. Complicações tardias: embolias sistêmicas 5,8% (1/3 como prótese aórtica), endocardite infecciosa 1,3% e embolia pulmonar 0,7%. Classe funcional pós-operatória (p. a.) foi I - II em 84% e III - IV em 16%; índice cardiotorácico p. o. 0,58 ± 0,10. Probalidade atuarial de sobrevida tardia é estimada em 79,5 ± 5,3% aos 10 anos e 71,0 ± 7,4% aos 14 anos. Sobrevida sem eventos: 67,9 ± 8,9% aos 10 anos e 56,1 ± 11,7% aos 14 anos. A insuficiência mitral reumática pode ser tratada efetivamente por anuloplastia sem suporte anular profético, com resultados tardios comparáveis àqueles obtidos por técnicas mais complexas. Isto tem importância no tratamento de crianças e adultos jovens, especialmente no sexo feminino, quando se deseja evitar implante de próteses mecânicas.Since 1974 a non-supported mitral annuloplasty technique has been employed for treatment of pure mitral regurgitation (PMR), in a population that was predominantly young and of rheumatic ethnology. An evaluation of late results forms the basis of this report. There were 154 patients operated on for PMR, 55 (36%) male and 99 (64%) female. Mean age was 36 ± 16 (5 to 73) years. Associated lesions were: 47 aortic, 21 tricuspid and 2 ASDs (atrial aptal defects). Cases with concomitant mitral stenosis were not included. Properative functional class was I-II in 19% and III-IV in 81%. The cardiothoracic ratio was 0.61 ± 0.10. All patients were submitted to an unsupported mitral annuloplastic procedure, similar to that described by WOOLER, that consisted in reduction of the mural portion of the annulus obtained with the application of two buttressed mattress sutures at the comissures without compromisse to the width of the septal leaflet. When necessary, additional chordal procedures were performed. No patients received ring or posterior annular support. Residual late systolic murmur was present in 48%. Late complications were: systemic thromboembolism 5.8% (1/3 with aortic prosthesis), infective endocardites 1.3% and pulmonary thromboembolism 0.7%. Postoperative functional class was I-II in 84% and III-IV in 16%. Cardiothoracic ratio was 0.58 ± 0.10. Actuarial probability of late survival was 79.5 ± 5.3% at 10 years and 71.0 ± 7.4% at 14 years. Event free survival was 67.9 ± 8.9% at 10 years and 56.1 ± 11.7% at 14 years. Rheumatic mitral regurgitation can be effectively treated by annuloplasty without prosthetic annular support with late results comparable to those obtained with more complicated procedures. This is particularly important for treatment of children and young patients, specially females at child-bearing age which, in some areas, form a substantial cohort in mitral disease.
- Published
- 1992
43. Surgery for rheumatic lesions of the cardiac valves in the young
- Author
Fernando A. Lucchese, Rogério E. Sarmento Leite, Paulo R. Prates, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Renato A. K. Kalil, and Ivo A. Nesralla
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Younger age ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,Disease ,Actuarial survival ,Surgery ,Hospital treatment ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Mitral valve ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Cardiac valve ,cardiovascular system ,Medicine ,In patient ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Developed country - Abstract
SummaryAlthough declining in the so-called “first world,” surgery for rheumatic valvar lesions in patients less than 16 years of age is still a challenging problem in lesser developed countries. From 1970 to 1990, we operated upon and followed-up 136 children (less than 16 years) with different valvar lesions, performing various surgical procedures. The mitral valve was most frequently affected (52.9%) followed by multiple valvar disease (39.7%) and aortic (7.3%) involvement. The operations performed were valvoplasties (67), valvar replacement (49), and combined procedures (20). Hospital mortality for the overall group was 10.2%. There were 71 reinterventions in the follow-up of 20 years. Actuarial survival was 60.3% including hospital mortality. The event-free actuarial survival showed that 91% had at least one major event which required reoperation or hospital treatment, or else invasive cardiac procedures. We conclude that rheumatic valvar disease is still a challenging problem in our country, and that the severity of the illness is directly related to the younger age patients. In spite of reasonable long-term survival, very few patients had an uneventful follow-up after surgery.
- Published
- 1992
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44. Valvoplastia sem suporte para insuficiência mitral degenerativa: resultados a longo prazo
- Author
Ivo A. Nesralla, Renato A. K. Kalil, Paulo R. Prates, Guaracy F Teixeira Filho, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, Alexsandra Balbinot, Rogério Abrahão, and Orlando Carlos Belmonte Wender
- Subjects
mitral valve ,Gynecology ,Mitral regurgitation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,estudos de acompanhamento ,valva mitral/terapia operatória ,Long term results ,estudos de avaliação ,Valvoplastia ,Surgery ,evaluation studies ,valva mitral/cirurgia ,Medicine ,valva mitral ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
FUNDAMENTO: As vantagens do reparo valvar para tratamento de insuficiência mitral degenerativa estão bem estabelecidas. O procedimento está associado com baixas taxas de morbimortalidade, e foram relatados baixos índices de reoperação, eventos tromboembólicos e endocardite. Na maior parte das séries, são implantados anéis para anuloplastia, mas algumas instituições preferem valvoplastia sem suporte. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução clínica de pacientes submetidos à valvoplastia sem suporte para tratamento de insuficiência mitral degenerativa. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1980 e janeiro de 2003, 116 pacientes foram submetidos ao procedimento. Sessenta e dois (53,4%) eram do sexo masculino, e a media de idade era 47,2 ± 16,5 anos. Os procedimentos empregados foram: Anuloplastia tipo Wooler (65,5%), anuloplastia unilateral (15,5%), ressecção quadrangular da cúspide posterior (35,3%), encurtamento de corda tendínea anterior (20,7%), encurtamento de corda tendínea posterior (6,9%) e desbridamento do cálcio (0,9%). O período médio de acompanhamento foi de 6,5 ± 5,1, e o acompanhamento mais longo foi de 24 anos. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade precoce foi de 0,86% (1 paciente), e a mortalidade tardia foi de 6,03% (7 pacientes). A sobrevida atuarial foi de 85,3% em vinte anos. A maioria dos pacientes (55,2%) apresentava classe funcional III no período pré-operatório, enquanto no período pós-operatório a classe funcional I foi mais freqüente (66,4%). Quatro pacientes (3,4%) tiveram complicações tromboembólicas, e não foi observada correlação com fibrilação atrial. A sobrevida livre de eventos tromboembólicos foi de 94,8%, e resultados semelhantes foram observados para endocardite bacteriana. A sobrevida livre de reoperação foi de 79% e 53% aos 5 e 10 anos, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Valvoplastia sem suporte é um procedimento eficaz e seguro para tratamento de insuficiência mitral degenerativa, representando uma alternativa terapêutica adequada para determinados casos. BACKGROUND: The advantages of valve repair for treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation are well established. The procedure is associated with low mortality and morbidity rates, and low indices of reoperation, thromboembolic events and endocarditis have been reported. In most series, annuloplasty rings are implanted, but some institutions give preference to unsupported valvuloplasty. OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical outcome of patients submitted to unsupported valvuloplasty for degenerative mitral regurgitation. METHODS: Between January 1980 and January 2003, 116 patients were submitted to the procedure. A total of 62 (53.4%) were men, and mean age was 47.2 ± 16.5 years. The procedures included: Wooler annuloplasty (65.5%), unilateral annuloplasty (15.5%), quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet (35.3%), anterior chordal shortening (20.7%), posterior chordal shortening (6.9%), and calcium debridement (0.9%). Mean follow-up was 6.5 ± 5.1 years, and the longest follow-up was 24 years. RESULTS: Mortality was 0.86% (1 pt) early and 6.03% (7 pt) late. Actuarial survival was 85.3% in 20 years. Most patients (55.2%) presented preoperative NYHA functional class III, whereas class I was more frequent in the postoperative period (66.4%). Thromboembolic complications were observed in 4 patients (3.4%), and no correlation was seen with atrial fibrillation. Freedom from thromboembolic events was 94.8%, and similar results were observed for bacterial endocarditis. Survival free from reoperation was 79%, and 53% at 5 and 10 years, respectively. CONCLUSION: Unsupported valvuloplasty is effective and safe for treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation, representing an adequate therapeutic alternative for selected cases.
- Published
- 2008
45. Unsupported valvuloplasty for degenerative mitral regurgitation: long-term results
- Author
Alexsandra L, Balbinot, Renato A K, Kalil, Paulo R, Prates, João Ricardo M, Sant'Anna, Orlando C, Wender, Guaracy Fernandes, Teixeira Filho, Rogério S, Abrahão, and Ivo A, Nesralla
- Subjects
Male ,Reoperation ,Mitral Valve Insufficiency ,Endocarditis, Bacterial ,Middle Aged ,Disease-Free Survival ,Postoperative Complications ,Treatment Outcome ,Thromboembolism ,Humans ,Mitral Valve ,Female ,Postoperative Period ,Follow-Up Studies ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
The advantages of valve repair for treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation are well established. The procedure is associated with low mortality and morbidity rates, and low indices of reoperation, thromboembolic events and endocarditis have been reported. In most series, annuloplasty rings are implanted, but some institutions give preference to unsupported valvuloplasty.To assess the clinical outcome of patients submitted to unsupported valvuloplasty for degenerative mitral regurgitation.Between January 1980 and January 2003, 116 patients were submitted to the procedure. A total of 62 (53.4%) were men, and mean age was 47.2 +/- 16.5 years. The procedures included: Wooler annuloplasty (65.5%), unilateral annuloplasty (15.5%), quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet (35.3%), anterior chordal shortening (20.7%), posterior chordal shortening (6.9%), and calcium debridement (0.9%). Mean follow-up was 6.5 +/- 5.1 years, and the longest follow-up was 24 years.Mortality was 0.86% (1 pt) early and 6.03% (7 pt) late. Actuarial survival was 85.3% in 20 years. Most patients (55.2%) presented preoperative NYHA functional class III, whereas class I was more frequent in the postoperative period (66.4%). Thromboembolic complications were observed in 4 patients (3.4%), and no correlation was seen with atrial fibrillation. Freedom from thromboembolic events was 94.8%, and similar results were observed for bacterial endocarditis. Survival free from reoperation was 79%, and 53% at 5 and 10 years, respectively.Unsupported valvuloplasty is effective and safe for treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation, representing an adequate therapeutic alternative for selected cases.
- Published
- 2007
46. Hospital risk factors for bovine pericardial bioprosthesis valve implantation
- Author
Mateus W, De Bacco, João Ricardo M, Sant'Anna, Gustavo, De Bacco, Roberto T, Sant'Anna, Marisa F, Santos, Edemar, Pereira, Altamiro Reis da, Costa, Paulo Roberto, Prates, Renato A K, Kalil, and Ivo A, Nesralla
- Subjects
Adult ,Aged, 80 and over ,Bioprosthesis ,Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation ,Male ,Adolescent ,Age Factors ,Middle Aged ,Heart Valves ,Diabetes Complications ,Sex Factors ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Animals ,Humans ,Cattle ,Female ,Hospital Mortality ,Epidemiologic Methods ,Emergency Treatment ,Aged - Abstract
Identification of preoperative heart valve surgery risk factors aim to improve surgical outcomes with the possibility to offset conditions related to increased morbidity and mortality.Intent of this study is to identify hospital risk factors in patients undergoing bovine pericardial bioprosthesis implantation.Retrospective study including 703 consecutive patients who underwent implantation of at least one St. Jude Medical-Biocor bovine pericardial bioprosthesis between September 1991 and December 2005 at the Rio Grande do Sul Cardiology Institute; 392 were aortic, 250 were mitral and 61 were mitroaortic. Characteristics analyzed were gender, age, body mass index, NYHA (New York Heart Association) functional class, ejection fraction, valve lesions, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, kidney function, arrhythmias, prior heart surgery, coronary artery bypass graft, tricuspid valve surgery and elective, urgent or emergency surgery. Main outcome was in-hospital mortality. Relationship between risk factors and in-hospital mortality was analyzed using logistic regression.Were 101 (14.3%) in-hospital deaths. Characteristics with significant relationship to increased mortality were female gender (p0.001), age over 70 years (p=0.004), atrial fibrillation (p=0.006), diabetes mellitus (p=0.043), creatinine2.4 mg/dl (p=0.004), functional class IV (p0.001), mitral valve lesion (p0.001), previous heart surgery (p=0.005), tricuspid valve surgery (p0.001) and emergency surgery (p0.001).Mortality rate observed is accepted by literature and is justifiable due to the high prevalence of risk factors, showing an increased significance level for female gender, age above 70, functional class IV, tricuspid valve repairs and emergency surgery. Offsetting these factors could contribute to reduced in-hospital mortality for valve surgery.
- Published
- 2006
47. Aortic valve replacement with anterior and posterior enlargement of small aortic annulus is comparable to surgery with normal annulus
- Author
João Ricardo M, Sant'anna, Felipe W, de Bacco, Roberto T, Santánna, Renato A K, Kalil, Paulo R, Prates, and Ivo A, Nesralla
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Aortic Valve ,Heart Valve Prosthesis ,Aortic Valve Insufficiency ,Humans ,Female ,Aortic Valve Stenosis ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
To compare results of aortic valve replacement in patients with normal annulus and in those undergoing anterior and posterior enlargement of a small annulus to implant a larger prosthesis.The study included 22 patients with enlargement of a small aortic annulus and 23 with a normal aortic annulus, with similar demographic characteristics and selected from a large surgical population. For normal annulus, simple valve replacement was performed. For annular enlargement, the posterior approach required incision in the mid portion of the non-coronary sinus, up to the anterior mitral leaflet; anterior enlargement was achieved by an incision between the left and right coronary ostium, extended to the ventricular septum for 2 cm. The aorta was reconstructed with bovine pericardium patches. The results analyzed included diameter of aortic annulus at surgery, clinical evolution (2 to 11 years of follow-up), left outflow tract obstruction and left ventricular mass (by Doppler echocardiography).Enlargement increased the aortic annulus from 18.3 +/- 2.2 mm to 24.8 +/- 2.0 mm (p0.001), a value similar to aortic annulus considered normal: 24.9 +/- 1.5 mm (NS). For annular enlargement, the peak systolic gradient at the prosthesis decreased from 83.6 +/- 22.3 mmHg (preoperative) to 26.7 +/- 11.4 mmHg (p0.01) at the last evaluation. For normal annulus, a reduction from 68.2 +/- 28.7 mmHg to 32.8 +/- 16.2 mmHg occurred (p0.001) (final values similar between groups; NS). Left ventricular mass at the last evaluation was 147.2 +/- 45.9 for patients with enlargement and 148.1 +/- 70.4 for those with normal annulus.Anterior and posterior aortic annulus enlargement enabled increases in annular diameter and valve prosthesis size, providing clinical and echocardiographic results similar to patients with valve replacement in a normal annulus.
- Published
- 2006
48. Influências temporais nas características e fatores de risco de pacientes submetidos a revascularização miocárdica
- Author
Edemar M. C. Pereira, Eduardo Garcia, Flávia H. Feier, Ivo A. Nesralla, Roberto T. Sant'Anna, Altamiro R. Costa, Felipe W. De Bacco, João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna, and Marisa Santos
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Myocardial revascularization ,escore de risco ,business.industry ,myocardial revascularization ,medicine ,Cirurgia cardíaca ,risk factors ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,revascularização miocárdica ,Heart surgery - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Comparar perfil clínico e cirúrgico entre dois grupos de pacientes submetidos a Cirurgia de Revascularização Miocárdica (CRM) no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, com intervalo de 10 anos; observar sua influência na mortalidade hospitalar e verificar previsibilidade deste resultado mediante escore de risco. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, envolvendo 307 pacientes submetidos a CRM isolada em período semestral de 1991/92 (grupo INICIAL, n=153) ou 2001/02 (grupo ATUAL, n=154). Foram analisados características demográficas, doenças cardíacas, co-morbidades e eventos operatórios, visando à comparação entre grupos e definição do escore de risco de morte hospitalar (conforme Cleveland Clinic). RESULTADOS: O grupo ATUAL tinha idade mais avançada, condição cardíaca mais grave (classe funcional, prevalência de insuficiência cardíaca e número de vasos com lesão severa) e maior prevalência de co-morbidades. Os pacientes iniciais mostraram maior prevalência na indicação cirúrgica de urgência. Não ocorreu diferença no escore médio de risco calculado para ambos os grupos (2,8 + 3,1 no INICIAL e 2,2 + 2,5 no ATUAL) ou na mortalidade hospitalar (respectivamente 3,3% e 1,9%), valores comparáveis com os comunicados pela Cleveland Clinic (para escore de risco 3, mortalidade prevista de 2,0 %, com limite de confiança 95% de 0-4,3% e mortalidade real em estudo de confirmação de 3,4%). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes atualmente submetidos a CRM são mais idosos e em pior condição clínica (cardíaca e sistêmica) que os operados há 10 anos, mas a pontuação no escore de risco e a mortalidade hospitalar foram discretamente aumentadas no grupo inicial. Para isto, pode ter contribuído maior prevalência de cirurgias de urgência. Um escore de risco pode ser utilizado para identificar pacientes que requerem maiores cuidados e predizer o resultado cirúrgico. OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical and surgical and clinical profiles of two group of patients submitted to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) at Instituto de Cardiologia do RGS within a decade interval, define related hospital mortality and to validate a severity risk score for this populations. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study, including 307 CABG patients operated during six months of 1991/92 (n=153) and 2001/02 (n=154). Demographic characteristics, heart disease severity, co-morbidities and pre-operative events were evaluated and compared between groups. Hospital mortality and severity risk scores for mortality according to Cleveland Clinic were also assessed. RESULTS: Patients operated in 2001/02 were older, had more severe cardiac disease (increased NYHA functional class, prevalence of heart failure, and distribution of coronary diseased) and presented more co-morbidities than those operated in 1991/92. This patients required urgent surgery more often. The mean Cleveland Clinic severity risk score wasn't different between groups (2.8 + 3.1 in 1991/92 and 2.2 + 2.5 in 2001/02) and hospital mortality didn't present significant difference (3.3% and 1.9%, respectively). For Cleveland Clinic score 3 the predicted mortality was estimated as 2.0% (with confidence limit 95% of 0- 4.3%) and observed mortality for surgical patients of this institution was 3.4%. CONCLUSION: Patients submitted to CABG currently are older and in worse clinical conditions than those operated 10 years ago, but severity risk scores and hospital mortality were discretely increased for initial series of patients. This may be a consequent of a higher prevalence of urgent surgical indication in those patients. A severity risk score for hospital mortality can be used to predict surgical result and identify patients requiring specific care.
- Published
- 2006
49. O uso do balão intra-aórtico no pré-operatório de cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica, associada à disfunção ventricular grave
- Author
Marcelo Kern and João Ricardo M. Sant'Anna
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Ejection fraction ,business.industry ,disfunção ventricular ,Extracorporeal circulation ,Infarction ,balão intra-aórtico ,ventricular dysfunction ,medicine.disease ,Preoperative care ,revascularização miocárdica ,Surgery ,myocardial revascularization ,Relative risk ,medicine ,intra-aortic balloon ,Myocardial infarction ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Prospective cohort study ,Cohort study - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade do Balão Intra-Aórtico (BIAo) profilático em cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) eletiva, para prevenir o infarto trans ou pós-operatório e para reduzir a mortalidade intra-hospitalar nos pacientes com baixa fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda. MÉTODOS: Em modelo de estudo de coorte, foram analisados 239 pacientes com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo inferior ou igual a 40%, submetidos à CRM eletiva com circulação extracorpórea (CEC), no período compreendido entre março de 1995 a fevereiro de 2001. RESULTADOS: Destes, 58 pacientes receberam BIAo pré-operatório e os demais foram operados sem assistência circulatória (grupo controle). Os dois grupos de pacientes tinham características semelhantes quanto a fatores associados aos desfechos em questão. Ocorreram 5 (8,6%) óbitos no grupo com BIAo e 21 (11,6%), no grupo controle (diferença não-signifícativa). Ocorreram 2 (3,4%) infartos no grupo com BIAo e 28 (15,5%), no grupo controle BIAo (p < 0,05), risco relativo de 0,22 com intervalo de confiança de 95% de 0,05 a 0,85. CONCLUSÃO: O BIAo, em uso pré-operatório, pode reduzir de forma significativa o risco de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) trans ou pós-operatório, em pacientes com função sistólica diminuída, sem incremento de complicações vasculares. Nesta mesma situação, o BIAo não diminui de forma significativa a mortalidade. Estudos randomizados devem ser conduzidos para se ter conclusões mais precisas. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic intra-aortic balloon (IAB) in elective myocardial revascularization surgery (MRS), to prevent trans or post-operative infarction and reduce intra-hospital mortality in patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction. METHODS: Using a cohort study model, 239 patients with left ventricular ejection fraction
- Published
- 2006
50. The influence of time on the characteristics and risk factors for patients submitted to myocardial revascularization
- Author
Flávia H, Feier, Roberto T, Sant'Anna, Eduardo, Garcia, Felipe de, Bacco, Edemar, Pereira, Marisa, Santos, Altamiro Reis, da Costa, Ivo A, Nesralla, and João Ricardo M, Sant'Anna
- Subjects
Male ,Time Factors ,Myocardial Revascularization ,Humans ,Female ,Hospital Mortality ,Middle Aged ,Epidemiologic Methods ,Severity of Illness Index ,Brazil ,Aged - Abstract
To compare the clinical and surgical profile between two groups of patients submitted to Myocardial Revascularization (MCR) surgery at the Instituto de Cardiologia of Rio Grande do Sul with a ten year interval, to observe its influence upon MCR hospital mortality and to verify the predictability of this result using the risk score.A retrospective cohort study involving 307 patients who underwent MCR surgery within a six month period during 1991/92 (INITIAL group, n=153) or 2001/02 (CURRENT group, n=154). Demographic characteristics, heart disease, comorbidities and surgical events were analyzed to compare the groups and to define the hospital mortality risk score (based on the Cleveland Clinic method).The CURRENT group was older, had more severe heart condition (functional class, incidence of heart failure and number of vessels with severe lesions) and a greater prevalence of comorbidities. The INITIAL group had a higher prevalence of nonelective surgery. Both groups had similar mean risk scores (2.8 +/- 3.1 for INITIAL and 2.2 +/- 2.5 for CURRENT) and hospital mortality rates (3.3% and 1.9% respectively). These figures are comparable to those for reported by Cleveland Clinic (for a risk score of 3 the predicted mortality range between 2.0 %; using a confidence level of 95% the predicted mortality is between 0 and 4.3%; and actual mortality confirmed by the study was 3.4%).Patients currently submitted to MCR are older and in worse clinical condition (heart and systemic) than those operated on ten years ago; however, the risk scores and hospital mortality rates were slightly higher in the INITIAL group. The higher number of nonelective surgical interventions could have contributed to this. A risk score can be used to identify patients that require a higher level of care and to predict surgical outcomes.
- Published
- 2005
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