A collection of 141 old and local Spanish accessions of pear (Pyrus communis) from the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria Agraria-Universidad de Lleida (ETSIA-UdL) Pear Germplasm Bank in Lleida, Spain, were studied using a set of eight microsatellite markers to estimate the genetic diversity of the collection, to identify the genetic structure and relationships among its accessions, and to establish a representative core collection. An additional set of 13 well-known pear cultivars, currently grown in Spain and which represent a wide genetic diversity, were added as reference. The eight simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci amplified 97 alleles, with nine to 15 alleles per locus, and with the expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.65 to 0.89. All of the accessions except for 16 had at least one of the 48 rare alleles (frequency < 0.05) identified, and seven unique alleles were found in six accessions. Fifteen accessions were identified as synonyms and were excluded from the analysis. Genetic analyses performed by hierarchical clustering, Bayesian modelbased clustering, and factorial correspondence analysis supported the existence of three groups among the accessions with moderate [fixation index (FST) = 0.074], but significant, differentiation. As a whole, most of the germplasm (about 75%) curated at the collection showed its genetic distinctness with respect to the main pear cultivars used in European orchards. In fact, most reference cultivars were included in one single cluster that, moreover, had the lowest genetic diversity and allelic richness, in spite of having been chosen as heterogeneous material from different origins. The obtained results were also used to create a core collection with 35 accessions constituting an efficient and accessible entry point in the ETSIA-UdL pear collection for breeding and research communities. Pear (Pyrus spp.) is one of the most important fruit crops of the Rosaceae family, ranking second to apple (Malus ·domestica) in world and European production of pome fruit tree species (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010). Pyrus communis is the most commonly cultivated pear species in Europe, America, and Africa, whereas Pyrus pyrifolia is the main cultivated species in Asia (Bell, 1991). Worldwide production of P. communis pears is based upon relatively few cultivars, most of them selected in late 18th and 19th century, or derived from those. Furthermore, the genetic base of cultivated pear in western Europe has significantly narrowed in the last few years. In 1986, seven cultivars accounted for 58% of pear production in western Europe (Bell, 1991), but nowadays, seven cultivars account for 75% of the production (World Apple and Pear Association, 2009). ‘Conference’ has become predominant in most European producing countries, and accounts for nearly one-third of European Union production. The reasons for this concentration are varied, but include economic and market factors, changes in consumption patterns, and biological aspects, such as productivity, storage ability, and susceptibility to pests and diseases (Bell, 1991). As a consequence, many of the traditional or local cultivars have been considered obsolete and replaced, leading to a dramatic loss of genetic diversity. The recognition of the need for the collection and preservation of endangered fruit germplasm has encouraged the establishment of genetic resource conservation programs. In 1986, a germplasm bank of old and local pear cultivars was established by the Horticulture section of the ETSIA-UdL. This germplasm bank currently maintains 114 Malus and 169 Pyrus accessions, collected at 12 northern Spanish provinces (Urbina et al., 2007), at the Estacion Experimental de Lleida of the Institut of Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaria (IRTA) in Lleida, Spain. In 2002, a research program was launched to evaluate the genetic diversity of the collection through detailed morphological and agronomical description, and fingerprinting analysis based upon molecular markers was initiated in 2005. Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been favored over other methods in establishing unique genetic identities or fingerprints and in assessing genetic diversity within a collection due to their high polymorphism level, reproducibility, and relative ease of analysis (Schlotterer, 2004). Moreover, SSR have also proven useful in creating core collections that represent not only the genetic structure of germplasm collections, but also their phenotypic structure (Santesteban et al., 2009). The SSR markers used in the earliest studies in pear were derived from apple (Yamamoto et al., 2001; Hemmat et al., 2003), as apple proved to be highly conserved in pear. However, after the development of SSR derived from asian pear (P. pyrifolia) and Received for publication 10 May 2010. Accepted for publication 28 June 2010. Financial support for this work was provided by INIA, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (project grant nos. RF2004008-C03-00, RFP2004-009, and RFP-0000-68). Corresponding author. E-mail: carlos.miranda@unavarra.es. 428 J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 135(5):428–437. 2010. Table 1. Pear accessions maintained by the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria Agraria Universidad de Lleida (ETSIA-UdL) Germplasm Bank and reference cultivars that were included in the study, in alphabetical order. Accessions selected to constitute the core collection are indicated in bold. Collection information includes accession name and bank code, site of collection, specific latitude and longitude, approximate elevation, and collecting source code according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (FAO/IPGRI, 2001) multicrop passport descriptors. Accession name Accession code Site of collection in Spain Latitude Longitude Elevation (m) Collecting source Agramunt 1 PRF-135 Puigvert d’Agramunt, Lleida 41.78 1.13 360 23 Agua PRF-030 Nalda, La Rioja 42.33 –2.48 530 23 Agua Iglesia PRF-028 Lardero, La Rioja 42.42 –2.45 435 23 Agua Magistral PRF-029 Lardero, La Rioja 42.40 –2.47 460 23 Aguilar 1 PRF-011 Aguilar de Campoo, Palencia 42.78 –4.25 900 23 Almenar 1 PRF-071 Almenar, Lleida 41.77 0.62 270 62 Angelina PRF-141 Isona i Conca Della, Lleida 42.08 1.12 1000 23 Areny 1 PRF-091 Areny de Noguera, Huesca 42.25 0.73 670 62 Areny 2 PRF-092 Areny de Noguera, Huesca 42.25 0.73 675 62 Areny 3 PRF-093 Areny de Noguera, Huesca 42.25 0.73 675 62 Areny 4 PRF-113 Areny de Noguera, Huesca 42.25 0.72 750 23 Azucar verde 1 PRF-007 Albelda de Iregua, La Rioja 42.37 –2.47 490 21 Azucar verde 2 PRF-008 Albelda de Iregua, La Rioja 42.37 –2.47 490 21 Balaguer 1 PRF-066 Balaguer, Lleida 41.75 0.77 220 23 Balaguer 2 PRF-067 Balaguer, Lleida 41.75 0.77 220 23 Balaguer Flix 1 PRF-046 Balaguer, Lleida 41.73 0.93 290 62 Balaguer Flix 2 PRF-047 Balaguer, Lleida 41.73 0.93 290 23 Balaguer Flix 3 PRF-048 Balaguer, Lleida 41.73 0.93 290 23 Balaguer Flix 4 PRF-049 Balaguer, Lleida 41.73 0.93 290 23 Balaguer Flix 5 PRF-050 Balaguer, Lleida 41.73 0.93 290 23 Balaguer Flix 6 PRF-051 Balaguer, Lleida 41.73 0.93 290 23 Balart PRF-070 Almenar, Lleida 41.77 0.58 280 23 Benavent de la Conca 1 PRF-142 Benavent de la Conca, Lleida 42.08 1.12 985 23 Bergamota PRF-112 Sopeira, Huesca 42.33 0.73 780 23 Bescano 1 PRF-121 Bescano, Girona 41.97 2.75 110 23 Bescano 2 PRF-122 Bescano, Girona 41.97 2.72 110 23 Biscarri 1 PRF-143 Biscarri, Lleida 42.12 1.12 920 23 Blanca d’aigua PRF-079 Baix Pallars, Lleida 42.33 1.0