In this study, we consider a special situation that only a pair of hydrophone on a moving underwater vehicle is available to localize a fixed acoustic source of far distance. The trigonometry can be used in this situation by using two different DOA of different locations. Notice that the distance between the two locations should be measured. Therefore, we assume that the vehicle is sailing straightly and the moving distance for each unit time is measured continuously. However, the accuracy of the localization using the trigonometry is highly dependent to the accuracy of DOAs and measured moving distances. Therefore, we proposed another method based on the extended Kalman filter that gives more robust and accurate localization result., {"references":["Z. Zhou. J. Cui, and A. Bagatzoglou, Scalable Localization with Mobility\nPrediction for Underwater Sensor Networks, in 2008 IEEE INFOCOM\nConf., pp.2198-2206.","Z. Zhou , J. Cui , S. Zhou, Localization for large-scale underwater sensor\nnetworks, Proc. the 6th international IFIP-TC6 Conf. on Ad Hoc and\nsensor networks, wireless networks, next generation internet, May 14-18,\n2007, Atlanta, GA, USA, pp.108-119.","P. Corke, C. Detweiler, M Dumbabin, M. Hamilton, D. Rus, and I.\nVasilescu, Experiments with Underwater Robot Localization and Tracking,\nProc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp.4556 4561, April\n2007.","N. Y. Ko, T. G. Kim, and S. W. Noh, Monte Carlo Localization of\nUnderwater Robot Using Internal and Exter nal Information, IEEE Conf.\nAsia-Pacific Services Computing, pp.410 415, Dec 2011.","B.A.A.P. Balasuriya, M. Takai, W.C. Lam, T. Ura, and Y. Kuroda,\nVision based autonomous underwater vehicle navigation: underwater\ncable tracking, Proc. OCEANS 97. MTS/IEEE Conf., 14181424 vol.2,\nOct 1997.","L. Stutters, H. Liu, C. Tiltman, and D. J. Brown, Navigation technologies\nfor autonomous underwater vehicles, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. C,\nAppl. Rev., vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 581589, Jul. 2008.","K. T. Wong and M. D. Zoltowski, Closed-form underwater acoustic\ndirection-finding with arbitrarily spaced vector hydrophones at unknown\nlocations, IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 566575, July 1997.","K. T. Wong and M. D. Zoltowski, Extended-aperture underwater acoustic\nmulti-source azimuth/elevation direction-finding using uniformly but\nsparsely spaced vector hydrophones, IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., vol. 22, no.\n4, pp. 659672, Oct. 1997.","K. T. Wong, and M. K. AWAD, Source Tracking with Multiple-\nForgetting-Factor RLS Using a Vector-Hydrophone Away From or Near\na Reflecting Boundary, IEEE Conf. OCEANS, pp. 1-4, May 2007.\n[10] N. Zou, C.C. Swee, B.A.L Chew, Vector Hydrophone Array Development\nand its Associated DOA Estimation Algorithms, in the Proceedings\nof OCEANS Asia Pacific, pp. 1-5, Singapore, May 2006.\n[11] J. Li, and X. Zhang, Improved Joint DOD and DOA Estimation for\nMIMO Array With Velocity Receive Sensors, IEEE Signal Processing\nLett., vol. 18, issue. 12, pp/ 717-720, Dec, 2011.\n[12] H. Lai and K. Bell and H. Cox, DOA Estimation using Vector Sensor\nArrays, 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,\n2009.\n[13] Q. Zhang, and J. Huang, N. Zou, Joint estimation of DOA and time-delay\nin underwater localization, Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Acoustic,\nSpeech, and Signal Processing, vol. 5, pp. 2817-2820, 1999.\n[14] D. Carevic, Automatic estimation of multiple target positions and velocities\nusing passive TDOA measurements of transients, IEEE Trans.Signal\nProcess., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 424436, Feb. 2007.\n[15] L. Yang and K. C. Ho, An Approximately Efficient TDOA Localization\nAlgorithm in Closed-Form for Locating Multiple Disjoint Sources With\nErroneous Sensor Positions, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.\n57, pp. 45984615, Dec. 2009.\n[16] D. Carevic, Detection and Tracking of Underwater Targets Using\nDirectional Sensors, Proc. of Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and\nInformation, 2007 3rd International Conf., 2007, pp. 143-148.\n[17] Z. Yang, W. Xu, Z. Xiao, and X. Pan, Passive localization of an\nAutonomous Underwater Vehicle with periodic sonar signaling, IEEE\nConf. OCEANS, pp. 1-4, May 2010.\n[18] M. Cai, B. Bingham, Passive acoustic detection of a small remotely\noperated vehicle, IEEE Conf. OCEANS, pp. 1-7, June 2011."]}