17 results on '"Křivková, Jana"'
Search Results
2. Legislative framework of brain death versus irreversible circulatory arrest in the Czech republic
- Author
Křivková, Jana, Šimek, Jiří, and Leden, Pavel
- Subjects
Maastrichská kritéria ,smrt ,smrt mozku ,nevratná zástava oběhu ,death ,Etika ,brain death ,transplantace ,irreversible arrest circulation ,ethics ,Maastricht criteria ,transplantation - Abstract
V předkládaném přehledovém článku autoři článku představují legislativní úpravu týkající se rozdílu smrti mozku a nevratné zástavy oběhu (NHBD - non heart beating donor, DCD – donation after cardiac death), které jsou základním pilířem novely transplantačního zákona č. 44/2013 v České republice. Blíže popisují proces dárcovství DCD a kategorizaci dárců orgánů a tkání dle Maastrichských kritérií. Zaměřují se na rozdílnost mezi diagnostikou smrti mozku a nevratnou zástavou oběhu. Problematiku znalostí personálu o možnostech odběru orgánů a tkání od dárců po nevratné zástavě oběhu a jeho základním legislativním rámci v České republice shrnují v závěru své práce. In this review article, the authors present the legislative regulation regarding the difference between brain death and irreversible circulatory arrest (NHBD - non heart beating donor, DCD - donation after cardiac death), which are the main pillars of the amendment to the Transplantation Act No. 44/2013 in the Czech Republic. They describe in more detail the process of DCD donation and the categorization of organ and tissue donors according to the Maastrich criteria. They focus on the difference between the diagnosis of brain death and irreversible circulatory arrest. They summarize the issue of staff knowledge about the possibilities of organ and tissue procurement from donors after irreversible circulatory arrest and its basic legislative framework in the Czech Republic in the conclusion of their work.
- Published
- 2022
3. Current methods in protein-protein interactions research
- Author
Křivková, Jana, Hrdý, Ivan, and Kučerová, Jitka
- Subjects
proximitní značení ,affinity chromatography ,proximity labeling ,protein interactions ,cross-linking ,afinitní chromatografie ,biotinylation ,proteinové interakce ,biotinylace - Abstract
Protein-protein interactions (PPI) have a crucial role in all processes in living cells. Understanding the interactions between proteins allows us to describe cell processes in more detail and their study opens new possibilities for drug design. The importance of the question of studying PPI is shown in the recent development of various methods for their identification and description. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview of new and improved experimental methods of identification and characterization of protein-protein interactions. Methods described in this thesis are divided in four chapters - proximity-dependent labelling methods (BioID, BioID2, APEX, TurboID, MiniTurbo, PUP-IT, AirID, SPPLAT, EMARS), cross-linking methods (XS-MS), fluorescence methods for identification and visualization (BiFC, FRET, BRET) and biophysical methods for description of kinetics and thermodynamics parameters of interaction (SPR, ITC, MT).
- Published
- 2022
4. Etické otázky ošetřovatelské péče u pacientů na dlouhodobé umělé plicní ventilaci
- Author
- Subjects
Long term mechanical ventilation ,umělá plicní ventilace ,Nursing ,Mechanical ventilation ,Bioethics ,etika ,sestra ,Nurse ,dlouhodobá umělá plicní ventilace ,bioetika ,Ethics ,ošetřovatelství ,education - Abstract
The diploma is focused on Ethical aspects of nursing care from the perspective of staff providing nursing care in the intensive care units and long-term intensive care units. We were also interested in respondent?s knowledge in the field of ethical principles in biomedicine and their legislation. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes nursing care of the mechanically ventilated patients, short history of medical ethics and current status of the ethics in biomedicine. The investigative part was implemented by combination of a quantitative and a qualitative research. For the quantitative part of the investigation we used the method of questioning by a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, 10 closed questions, 8 half-opened questions and 2 open questions which offered to show a personal opinion. Questionnaires were anonymous. Respondents that were asked were workers providing nursing care in the intensive care units and long-term intensive care units. The first goal of the diploma was to find out respondents point of view on nursing care in patients on long term mechanical ventilation. The second goal was to find out the most important ethical problems in providing nursing care in this category of patients. The last goal of the diploma was to find out respondents knowledge of codes of ethics and legislation. For the quantitative research we had two hypotheses: 1. There are ethical problems related to providing nursing care in patients on long term mechanical ventilation. This hypothesis was verified, because statistically significant majority of respondents said, that there are ethical problems related to providing nursing care in this category of patients. 2. The nurses´ approach to patients on long term mechanical ventilation is different in the intensive care units and long term intensive care units. This hypothesis was verified, because there were statistically significant differences between answers of respondents providing nursing care in intensive care units and long term intensive care units. For the qualitative research we used the technique of half-structured interview offering open questions. Into the research file was involved 10 nurses, 5 from intensive care units and 5 from long term intensive care units. There were set three investigatory questions. 1. What opinion has respondents about nursing care in patients on long term mechanical ventilation? The investigation showed that nurses have the same attitude to long term ventilated paitents as in the case of patients on acute short term mechanical ventilation. 2. What are the most serious ethical problems related to nursing long term mechanical ventilated patients? The research found out the most serious ethical problems related to long term mechanical ventilation from the point view of a nursing staff. These are preservation of human dignity and prolonging medically futile treatment. 3. What awareness of basic ethical principles and their legislation the respondents have? The investigation showed that nurses have poor knowledge of the issue. The results confirm the current situation of this issue. Based on the results of our research, we prepared educational brochure draft, which could help to facilitate orientation in this field.
- Published
- 2013
5. Tourism in the Pardubický Region
- Author
Křivková, Jana, Valentová, Jana, and Vaško, Martin
- Subjects
Pardubický kraj ,the Pardubický Region ,cestovní ruch ,supply and demand in tourism ,nabídka a poptávka v cestovním ruchu ,tourism - Abstract
Bachelor thesis deals with the appraisal of tourism in the Pardubický Region. This region belongs to the least visited regions in the Czech Republic for many years, although there are many tourist attractivities in this area. In this thesis the causes of this situation will be analyzed. The Tourism Industry in the Pardubický Region will be analyzed from two points of view: supply-side and demand-side in tourism. Finally the findings will be compiled in the SWOT analysis and the possibilities of further tourism development in this region will be suggested as well.
- Published
- 2011
6. Role of a nurse in the care of patients with post-puncture cephalalgia after an operation in spinal anaesthesia
- Author
- Subjects
Pain ,Spinal anaesthesia ,bolest ,postpunkční bolesti hlavy ,režimová opatření ,spinální anestezie ,edukace ,Syndrome of post-puncture cephalalgia ,Education ,Regime measures ,ošetřovatelství ,Nursing - Abstract
The objective of this diploma paper was to answer the question whether nursing for patients after an operation in spinal anaesthesia has any effects on the occurrence of post-puncture cephalalgia and on the satisfaction of patients with spinal anaesthesia. The paper is divided into two parts: a theoretical one and a practical research one. The theoretical part sums up the current knowledge of spinal anaesthesia; it provides anatomic and physiological aspects, possible complications and the importance of nursing in this type of anaesthesia. It deals with the syndrome of post-puncture cephalalgia in detail, the mechanism of its origin, typical symptoms, its treatment, and the importance of nursing for patients suffering from this syndrome. With regard to the importance of education in nursing jobs, one chapter of the theoretical part deals with education and educational process. The research part consists of qualitative as well as quantitative surveys. The research was carried out with a group of patients who were hospitalized at the surgical and gynaecological departments of Domažlická nemocnice a.s. (Domažlice Hospital Ltd.) and have undergone an operation in spinal anaesthesia. The quantitative survey was done using a questionnaire that contained 27 questions. Seventy-eight patients, selected at random, took part in this research stage. The objective of the qualitative survey was to find out the following: whether patients were aware of the aspects of spinal anaesthesia, whether they have experienced any complications in relation to the administration of spinal anaesthesia, how have they been informed, and what was their overall satisfaction with spinal anaesthesia. The qualitative part involved 10 patients who had been divided randomly into two groups: a group with ``standard{\crqq} education and a group with above-standard education using a purpose-made brochure. A semi-standardized interview, consisting of 18 questions, was carried of with each patient. The patients in the latter group were also asked additional questions aimed at the benefit of the informative brochure and the completeness of the presented information. The former group was asked whether they would be interested in a brochure focusing on spinal anaesthesia. Based on the results of this survey, the basic research question of the paper can be answered. Nursing does have positive effects on the occurrence of complications and on the satisfaction with spinal anaesthesia. A detailed result analysis shows that patients do not feel any subjective need to be educated by a nurse and they are not interested in the brochure. Most of the patients think they are informed sufficiently and they do not want more information. However, the results of the qualitative survey into the group educated by a nurse show a higher informedness about the method, lower occurrence of complications, higher satisfaction, better observance of recommended regimen measures, and highly reduced level of stress in relation to spinal anaesthesia. The educative brochure was accepted by the educated patients as beneficial and useful. Based on the above-listed results, the informative brochure, being an integral part of this paper, will be introduced as a standard education tool for patients undergoing an operation in spinal anaesthesia at Domažlická nemocnice a.s.
- Published
- 2010
7. Analýza cestovního ruchu v Pardubickém kraji a perspektivy jeho rozvoje
- Author
Vaculík, Josef, Černý, Tomáš, Křivková, Jana, Vaculík, Josef, Černý, Tomáš, and Křivková, Jana
- Abstract
Diplomová práce "Analýza cestovního ruchu v Pardubickém kraji a perspektivy jeho rozvoje" se zabývá analýzou současného stavu cestovního ruchu v Pardubickém kraji, jeho vyhodnocením a navržením možných perspektiv dalšího rozvoje. Práce je koncipována tak, aby od obecných charakteristik zkoumaného tématu logicky postupovala ke konkrétním problémovým oblastem. Významnou část práce tvoří analýza nabídky a poptávky cestovního ruchu v kraji. Zvláštní pozornost je pak věnována problematice institucionálního zajištění, finanční podpory a projektové činnosti v oblasti cestovního ruchu v Pardubickém kraji. Předkládaná zjištění jsou doplněna o doporučení a návrhy ze strany autorky této práce., The thesis "Analysis of tourism in the Pardubice Region and the perspectives of its development" deals with the analysis of the current situation of tourism in the Pardubice Region, its appraisal and the suggestion of possible perspectives for its further development. The thesis is composed in order to proceed from general characteristics of the analyzed theme to particular issues in the logical way. The analysis of supply and demand in tourism creates an important part of the thesis. The particular attention is paid to tourism organisations, financial support and projects in tourism in the Pardubice Region. Recommendations and suggestions from the author´s side are provided to complete the presented findings., Ústav podnikové ekonomiky a managementu, Studentka seznámila komisi s obsahem a cílem své diplomové práce. Práce se zabývá problematikou analýzy cestovního ruchu v Pardubickém kraji a perspektivy jeho rozvoje. Cílem diplomové práce bylo zhodnocení stavu cestovního ruchu v Pardubickém kraji a navržení perspektiv rozvoje. Studentka seznámila komisi se závěry práce a odpověděla na otázky položené vedoucím práce a oponentem práce: 1. Uveďte, které jsou podle Vašeho názoru, tři nejvýznamnější příležitosti Pardubického kraje uvedené ve SWOT analýze, a blíže je specifikujte. 2. V práci popisujete, že organizace cestovního ruchu působí na čtyřech možných úrovních. Do jaké kategorie byste zařadila v práci zmiňované destinační managementy jednotlivých turistických oblastí?
- Published
- 2013
8. Meeting the needs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Author
Čejková, Denisa, Tomová, Šárka, and Křivková, Jana
- Subjects
COPD ,patients needs ,the classification needs ,potřeby nemocných ,CHOPN ,klasifikace potřeb - Abstract
The intention of the thesis was based on an exploratory investigation to determine whether the needs of patients with COPD varies depending on the stage of the disease. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first slew characteristic of COPD, its diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The second deals with the classification of needs, motives and consequences that arise for patients insufficient meet the needs. The third part focuses on the specifics of treating patients with COPD. In the empirical part presents the results of quantitative research, which was conducted via questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in stage II, III and IV on the second clinic of Pneumology, University Hospital Motol. Exploratory survey was conducted anonymously, from July to December 2017. The main criterion for selection of respondents were diagnosed with COPD, good physical condition, mental well-being and willingness of patients to share their feelings. A total of 76 patients were approached, of which three savings would not participate. From the exploratory investigation showed that patients II. stages are distinctly identified needs, than patients in stage III and IV....
- Published
- 2017
9. The role of nurses in the application of low molecular weight heparin
- Author
Kubátová, Lenka, Křivková, Jana, and Tomová, Šárka
- Subjects
komplikace ,Antikoagulační léčba ,Anticoagulant therapy ,sestra ,low molecular weight heparin ,complications ,nurse ,subkutánní injekce ,nízkomolekulární heparin ,subcutaneous injection - Abstract
The bachelor thesis "Role of a nurse in application of a low-molecular-weight heparin" focuses on the topic of application of a low-molecular-weight heparin. The aim of the research was to explore the correct technique of a subcutaneous application of a low- molecular-weight heparin and assess the role of nurses in educating patients about the application. The theoretical section provides a basic overview of the low-molecular-weight heparin and explains the principles of antithrombotic therapy. The research section was implemented using a quantitative research technique, interviews using a structured questionnaire. The survey included 130 respondents working at standard surgical, orthopaedic, internal medicine wards and intensive care unit in the University Hospital Motol. The results showed nursing problems in the technique of application of low-molecular-weight heparin. The same number of respondents report a correct application angle (62 %) and do not massage the injection site (63 %). One third of respondents remove air bubbles from a syringe, only 58 % of respondents keep the skin pinch throughout the application. The survey proved that nurses from standard wards and nurses with a University degree apply the correct technique of a low-molecular-weight heparin application better than nurses...
- Published
- 2017
10. Impact of Pain in Patients with Hemophilia on their Emotional Experience and Quality of Life
- Author
Půčková, Romana, Raudenská, Jaroslava, and Křivková, Jana
- Subjects
úzkost ,pain ,distress ,hemophilia ,quality of life ,zlost ,bolest ,resentment ,nepohoda ,anxiety ,hemofilie ,deprese ,anger ,kvalita života ,vztek ,depression - Abstract
The Bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of the impact of pain on emotional experience and quality of life in haemophiliac patients and the significance of pain management for nursing practice. The aim of the thesis was to tackle problems concerning the disease in adult haemophiliacs in connection with pain, emotional experience and quality of life, describe relations between these variables and determine the main factors influencing pain and quality of life in haemophiliacs. For that purpose, nine basic hypotheses were set and verified by the means of statistical processing of data obtained from a questionnaire survey of 105 adult haemophiliacs of age among 18 to 79 addressed across the whole Czech Republic. The respondents represented patients of both, A and B haemophilia and of all kinds of haemophilia severity. Four instruments were used to carry out the survey - a standardized questionnaire A36 Hemofilia-QoL for determining quality of life, a standardized questionnaire BDI - II for determining depressive symptoms, a standardized questionnaire GAD 7 for determining the level of anxiety and a visual-analogical scale, so-called Thermometer Scale of Emotions. The survey included a semi- structured questionnaire for demographic-anamnesis data. By the means of the instruments mentioned above,...
- Published
- 2017
11. Specifika edukačního procesu u pacienta s šedým zákalem
- Author
Čádová, Jana, Tomová, Šárka, and Křivková, Jana
- Subjects
eye diseases ,patient ,pooperační péče ,postoperative care ,šedý zákal ,Education process ,cataract ,Edukační proces ,pacient - Abstract
This bachelor thesis on a topic "Specifics of the education process in a patient with cataract" is focused on the educational activities of a nurse in patients after a cataract surgery. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part concerns cataract, history and types. It describes the educational process of nurses and nursing care for patients after cataract surgery. The practical part describes results of the exploratory questionnaire survey, which was held in five Prague hospitals. The exploratory involved two groups of respondents, ophthalmic nurses working in clinics/departments and patients who have undergone cataract surgery. Results of the questionnaire survey are summarised at the end of the thesis, in chapter discussion. They show that observed populations are similar, for example in the selected form of education. Furthermore, the different opinions were confirmed, such as the question of family member's presence during the education.
- Published
- 2017
12. Nurses' knowledge of electrocardiography
- Author
Fialová, Iveta, Křivková, Jana, and Nikodemová, Hana
- Subjects
elektrokardiograf ,defibrilátor ,Arrhythmia ,elektrokardiogram ,defibrilator ,Arytmie ,pacemaker ,kardiostimulátor ,electrocardiogram ,electrocardiograph - Abstract
The bachelor thesis deals with the general knowledge of nurses in the area of electrocardiography, hence also its name Knowledge of nurses about electrocardiography. In the theoretical part, electrography, its history, recordings, pathological rhythms and nursing care associated with rhythm detection are described. In the empirical part, the results of quantitative research carried out by the questionnaire are interpreted over the methodology. At the end of the thesis are summarized the results of the questionnaire survey, which shows shortcomings in education during preparation for the general nurse's profession. These deficiencies are then manifested by insufficient knowledge of the recognition of basic pathological ECG rhythms, eventual defibrillation of some pathological rhythms. The lowest knowledge in this area has nurses with secondary education only. From the questionnaire survey, it is clear that nurses would appreciate not only more tuition during their general nurse training, but would also take part in electrocardiography workshops.
- Published
- 2017
13. Effect Multiple Sclerosis on activities of daily living
- Author
Němečková, Jana, Nikodemová, Hana, and Křivková, Jana
- Subjects
hormonal treatment ,ataka ,quality of life ,roztroušená skleróza ,attack ,biological treatment ,biologická léčba ,hormonální léčba ,kvalita života ,multiple sclerosis - Abstract
Bibliografický záznam NĚMEČKOVÁ, Jana. Vliv roztroušené sklerózy na aktivity denního života. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2. Lékařská fakulta, Ústav ošetřovatelství, 2016. 87 s., přílohy. Vedoucí bakalářské práce PhDr. Hana Nikodemová Abstract In my Bachelor thesis I examine the impact of Multiple sclerosis on a daily life activities. The intention is to present an overview of knowledge of the disease itself and map its impact on the activities of a normal day. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The introduction of the theoretical part is devoted to reasons of my decision to describe this topic, I define the aim of the work and the working hypotheses, subsequently there is described the disease itself in tabular form by each areas, such as the characteristics of the disease, duration of disease, diagnosis, treatment etc. Then I pay attention to daily life activities and needs of the patient. In the practical part is performed quantitative research through a questionnaire survey of patients from a specialized center for the treatment of demyelinating diseases in the Department of Neurology at the Motol University Hospital. The obtained data are presented in tabular and graphical reports. Keywords multiple sclerosis , activities of daily living, the impact of disease, attack, human needs
- Published
- 2016
14. Knowledge of nurses in the care of patients with central venous catheter
- Author
Samson, Michal, Křivková, Jana, and Jirkovský, Daniel
- Subjects
Všeobecná sestra ,central venous catether ,invasive venous access ,intensive Medicine ,invazivní žilní vstupy ,centrální žilní katetr ,intenzivní medicína ,Nurse - Published
- 2016
15. Kvalita života pacientů s celiakií
- Author
Bičíková, Michaela, Křivková, Jana, and Vlachová, Marie
- Subjects
nutritional and metabolic diseases ,alergie na lepek ,quality of life ,gluten-free diet ,Celiac disease ,Celiakie ,kvalita života ,bezlepková dieta ,gluten intolerance ,digestive system diseases - Abstract
This thesis is dealing with the quality of life of patients with celiac disease. In the theoretical part, I am presenting the characteristics of celiac disease and I am describing its history briefly. For better orientation in the issue, I also joined a description of the anatomy of the small intestine and pathophysiology of celiac disease. In this thesis I am also dealing with incidence of disease, etiology and risk factors participating in the development of celiac disease, symptoms and the different forms, which are related to celiac disease, as well as potential complications and prognosis of celiac disease. An irreplaceable is the role of nurses in diagnosis and targeted screening for celiac disease, therapy and prevention, dispensarization and education of patients with celiac disease about gluten-free diet. I am also describing the problems that patients with celiac disease may encounter in everyday life. Last but not least I am focusing on the general concept of quality of life and also on the quality of life related to health and celiac disease. In the practical part, I am presenting aims and operational hypothesis, methodology of thesis and the characteristics of surveyed population sample. Chapter called the analysis of results includes pie charts showing the questionnaire's items,...
- Published
- 2016
16. Quality of life of patients after radical prostatectomy
- Author
Šimčík, Michal, Křivková, Jana, and Tomová, Šárka
- Subjects
incontinence ,Quality of life ,erektilní disfunkce ,inkontinence ,erective dysfunction ,patients ,adenocarcinoma ,radical prostatectomy ,radikální prostatektomie ,Kvalita života ,adenokarcinom ,pacient - Abstract
Bibliografický záznam ŠIMČÍK, Michal. Kvalita života pacientů po radikální prostatektomii, 2016, 117 stran, Bakalářská práce, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2. Lékařská fakulta, Ústav ošetřovatelství. Vedoucí závěrečné práce: Mgr. Jana Křivková Abstract The primary objective of this thesis is to explore the quality of life of patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy for prostate adenocarcinoma. The main objectives of the research is to evaluate the areas in which patients experience a more noticeable deterioration in quality of life, defining the most common nursing problems that brought them operational performance, within the meaning of holistic understanding of the patient and comparing the survey results with earlier surveys conducted. Based on the results of the statistical analysis of data obtained through an anonymous questionnaire should have a theoretical output of the quality of patients after the surgery, which should also include the creation of a practical, informative and educative material whose aim will be to improve adaptation to change his own ill health and mitigate the negative psychosocial illness experience. Keywords cancer, quality, prostate, urology, life
- Published
- 2016
17. Vliv založení stomie na aktivity denního života
- Author
Kougl, Jiří, Nikodemová, Hana, and Křivková, Jana
- Subjects
surgical procedures, operative ,Colostomy ,Stomie ,Ileostomie ,Ureterostomy ,Ileostomy ,Impact of intestinal stoma of daily activities ,Club stoma patiens ,Kolostomie ,Vliv založení stomie na aktivity denního života ,Klub stomiků ,Stomické pomůcky ,Urostomie ,Ostomy aids ,Stoma ,digestive system ,digestive system diseases - Abstract
In the theoretical part I am devoted to the history, anatomy, types of stoma, concept of stoma, indications for an establishment of stoma, pre and postoperative care, treatment of stoma, instruments and the influence on daily activities of a client while having a stoma. In the practical part I am following my own research of the impact of stoma on daily life's activities of klients with a stoma.
- Published
- 2016
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