22 results on '"K. M. Lebedinskii"'
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2. Selection of the End-Expiratory Pressure for Mechanical Respiratory Support (Review)
- Author
R. Y. Ovsiannikov and K. M. Lebedinskii
- Subjects
end-expiratory pressure ,ventilation-perfusion relationships ,shunt ,alveolar dead space ,compliance ,gas analysis ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
End-expiratory pressure remains one of the few parameters of mechanical respiratory support whose values have not been strictly regulated using the evidence-based approach. The absence of «gold standard» for end-expiratory pressure optimization together with its obvious significant contribution to the efficiency and safety of respiratory support has driven the search for the optimal method of choosing its values for several decades.Aim of the review: to identify the optimal methods for determining the values of end-expiratory pressure based on the analysis of its positive and negative effects in the used strategies of mechanical respiratory support.Material and methods. We analyzed 165 papers from the PubMed, Scopus, and RSCI databases of medical and biological publications. Among them we selected 86 sources that most completely covered the following subjects: respiratory support, end-expiratory pressure, recruitment, ventilation-perfusion relationships, metabolography, and gas analysis.Results. We outlined the main positive and negative effects of the end-expiratory pressure with regard to both lung biomechanical characteristics and pulmonary perfusion. The evolution of views on the methods of determining optimal values of the end-expiratory pressure was reviewed with the emphasis on a certain «fixation» of the scientific community in recent decades concerning the opening of the alveoli. The promising techniques based on the analysis of the diffusion capacity of the lungs were presented.Conclusion. Focusing on mechanical lung opening prevents the scientific community from advancing in the optimization of the end-expiratory pressure. Dynamic assessment of pulmonary diffusion efficiency provides a new perspective on the issue, offering additional ways to the development of «gold standard».
- Published
- 2022
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3. Модель прогнозирования послеоперационной пневмонии в абдоминальной хирургии: результаты наблюдательного многоцентрового исследования
- Author
R. V. Veyler, N. V. Trembach, T. S. Musaeva, M. A. Magomedov, A. S. Popov, V. V. Fisher, V. E. Khoronenko, A. I. Gritsan, P. V. Dunts, A. Zh. Bayalieva, A. M. Ovezov, K. M. Lebedinskii, D. V. Martynov, A. P. Spasova, V. V. Stadler, D. A. Levit, K. G. Shapovalov, V. N. Kokhno, and Igor B. Zabolotskikh
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послеоперационные легочные осложнения ,послеоперационная пневмония ,летальность ,факторы риска ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Ведущее место в структуре послеоперационных осложнений занимает послеоперационная пневмония. Учитывая распространенность послеоперационной пневмонии и рост числа хирургических процедур, прогнозирование ее развития является актуальной задачей, позволяющей принять меры по снижению частоты ее возникновения, путем оптимизации периоперационного периода. Несмотря на свою ценность, существующие шкалы прогнозирования послеоперационной пневмонии не обеспечивают отечественных специалистов надежным и постоянным методом, с помощью которого можно стратифицировать риск развития послеоперационной пневмонии в нашей популяции. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: разработка модели прогнозирования послеоперационной пневмонии на основе выявления факторов риска ее развития. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Многоцентровое проспективное исследование, 6844 пациента старше 18 лет, подвергающиеся плановым оперативным вмешательствам на органах брюшной полости. Оценивали 30-дневную летальность и послеоперационную пневмонию. На первом этапе исследования проводилось сравнение между группой с пневмонией и группой без пневмонии исходных данных пациентов, а также факторов, связанных с операцией и анестезией. На втором этапе исследования проводился логистический регрессионный анализ для оценки вклада факторов в развитие послеоперационной пневмонии. На третьем этапе исследования выполнялось построение модели прогнозирования послеоперационной пневмонии по данным многомерного логистического регрессионного анализа. На заключительном этапе производилось сравнение полученной модели с моделями прогнозирования других авторов, встречающихся в мировой литературе. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Пневмония выявлена у 53 пациентов (0,77 %). Летальный исход наблюдался у 39 пациентов: у пациентов с пневмонией в 15 случаях (28,3 %), а без пневмонии — в 24 случаях (0,4 %). Ретроспективно с учетом полученной модели к группе высокого риска развития пневмонии были отнесены 933 пациента, частота развития пневмонии составляла 4,5 %. В группе низкого риска развития пневмонии — 5911 пациентов, частота развития пневмонии составляла 0,19 %. ВЫВОДЫ: Выявлены восемь независимых переменных, связанных с послеоперационной пневмонией: длительность операции, курение, полная функциональная зависимость, периоперационная анемия, требующая применения препаратов железа, интраоперационное применение вазопрессоров, III функциональный класс по классификации Американского общества анестезиологов, применение бронходилатирующих препаратов по поводу хронической обструктивной болезни легких, высокий операционный риск. Модель прогнозирования послеоперационной пневмонии имеет отличную прогностическую значимость (AUROC = 0,904).
- Published
- 2023
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4. Септический шок у взрослых: клинические рекомендации Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов»
- Author
M. Yu. Kirov, V. V. Kuzkov, D. N. Protsenko, A. V. Shchegolev, M. A. Babaev, B. Z. Belotserkovskiy, A. O. Bykov, A. I. Gritsan, V. V. Kulabukhov, A. V. Kulikov, V. L. Kupreichik, R. E. Lakhin, K. M. Lebedinskii, S. I. Rey, V. A. Rudnov, Alexey A. Smetkin, M. V. Surkov, E. M. Shifman, S. A. Shlyapnikov, M. B. Yarustovsky, and I. B. Zabolotskikh
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септический шок ,интенсивная терапия ,рекомендации ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
В статье представлены основные положения клинических рекомендаций по септическому шоку у взрослых, утвержденных Общероссийской общественной организацией «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» в 2023 г. Актуальность проблемы связана со значительной распространенностью и высокими показателями летальности при септическом шоке. Рекомендации включают вопросы этиологии, патогенеза, клинической картины, методов лабораторной и инструментальной диагностики септического шока. Представлена стартовая интенсивная терапия септического шока, включая подходы по назначению вазопрессорных и инотропных препаратов, рекомендации по выбору антибактериальных препаратов, особенности инфузионной и адъювантной терапии, в том числе при рефрактерном к терапии септическом шоке. Обсуждены вопросы хирургического лечения очага инфекции. Представлены критерии качества оказания медицинской помощи взрослым пациентам с септическим шоком и алгоритмы действий врача при диагностике и интенсивной терапии пациентов с септическим шоком.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Хронические нарушения сознания: клинические рекомендации Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов»
- Author
A. A. Belkin, E. V. Aleksandrova, T. V. Akhutina, V. A. Belkin, E. S. Berdnikovich, V. I. Bykova, N. A. Varako, I. A. Voznyuk, E. V. Gnedovskaya, V. N. Grigoryeva, O. S. Zaytsev, Yu. P. Zinchenko, G. E. Ivanova, N. E. Ivanova, M. S. Kovyazina, A. N. Kondratyev, E. A. Kondratyeva, S. A. Kondratyev, V. V. Krylov, Ya. A. Latyshev, K. M. Lebedinskii, L. A. Legostaeva, O. A. Maksakova, M. Yu. Martynov, Yu. V. Mikadze, S. S. Petrikov, M. V. Petrova, M. A. Piradov, K. A. Popugaev, I. V. Pryanikov, Yu. V. Ryabinkina, I. A. Savin, Dmitry V. Sergeev, M. V. Sinkin, A. A. Skvortsov, E. Yu. Skripay, A. Yu. Suvorov, N. A. Suponeva, D. Yu. Usachev, E. V. Fufaeva, N. A. Shamalov, A. V. Shchegolev, E. G. Iazeva, and I. B. Zabolotskikh
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кома ,хронические нарушения сознания ,продленное нарушение сознания ,вегетативное состояние ,состояние минимального сознания ,реабилитация ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
Хронические нарушения сознания (ХНС) представляют собой синдромы тяжелого поражения центральной нервной системы, приводящие к длительной грубой инвалидизации и требующие значительных усилий по лечению и реабилитации, которые ложатся на медицинские учреждения и на плечи близких пациентов. ХНС развиваются у пациентов после комы и характеризуются наличием бодрствования при полном или практически полном отсутствии признаков осознанного поведения. К ХНС относятся вегетативное состояние (ВС) и состояние минимального сознания (СМС). Также для описания начальных стадий этих состояний используется термин «продленное нарушение сознания» (ПНС). Отдельно выделяют выход из СМС — состояние, которое формируется по мере восстановления когнитивных функций. Диагностика ХНС основывается на многократном структурированном клиническом осмотре с применением специализированных шкал при условии исключения обратимых причин нарушения сознания. Лечение пациентов с ХНС включает в себя поддержание жизненно важных функций, обеспечение оптимального питания и борьбу с типичными осложнениями и сопутствующими состояниями (пролежни, спастичность, боль, пароксизмальная симпатическая гиперактивность и др.). У пациентов с ХНС должна проводиться реабилитация с участием мультидисциплинарной реабилитационной команды в объеме, который определяется проблемами и возможностями конкретного пациента. Наиболее эффективной реабилитация является при условии ее раннего начала. На данный момент однозначных доказательств эффективности каких-либо специфических методов, направленных на восстановление сознания, не получено; изучается ряд соответствующих фармакологических и нефармакологических вмешательств, обязательным условием применения которых является максимально возможная коррекция соматических проблем пациента. Важную роль в ведении пациентов с ХНС играет вовлечение близких пациента, которые, в свою очередь, нуждаются в получении объективной практической информации о состоянии своего родственника и о направлениях реабилитации, а также в психологической помощи.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Структура и частота сопутствующих заболеваний и связанных с ними послеоперационных осложнений: национальное наблюдательное многоцентровое исследование STOPRISK
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, N. V. Trembach, M. A. Magomedov, A. S. Popov, Yu. P. Malyshev, A. A. Dmitriev, E. V. Grigoryev, V.V. Fisher V.V. Fisher, V. E. Khoronenko, V. N. Kokhno, A. P. Spasova, V. R. Davydova, A. I. Gritsan, K. M. Lebedinskii, P. V. Dunts, A. Zh. Bayalieva, A. M. Ovezov, D. V. Martynov, N. G. Arikan, M. Yu. Kirov, V. I. Ershov, I. N. Pasechnik, A. N. Kuzovlev, and D. E. Fedunets
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сопутствующие заболевания ,послеоперационные осложнения ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Оценка риска и выделение группы пациентов с высокой вероятностью развития неблагоприятного исхода — основа эффективной профилактики послеоперационных неблагоприятных событий. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: определить структуру и частоту сопутствующих заболеваний в предоперационный период и ассоциированные с ними неблагоприятные послеоперационные исходы. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Проведен анализ показателей 8241 пациента базы STOPRISK, оперированных на органах брюшной полости и малого таза за период с 1 июля 2019 г. по 30 апреля 2022 г. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Сопутствующие заболевания встречались у 4638 пациентов (56,3 %), при этом одно заболевание наблюдали у 1872 пациентов (22,7 %), сочетание двух заболеваний — у 1383 пациентов (16,8 %), трех заболеваний — у 814 пациентов (9,9 %), четырех заболеваний — у 395 пациентов (4,8 %), более 4 — у 170 пациентов (2,0 %). Наиболее часто встречались гипертоническая болезнь — 48,2 %, хроническая сердечная недостаточность (20,7 %), ишемическая болезнь сердца (19,3 %). Наличие одного осложнения и более зафиксировано у 285 пациентов (3,5 %), летальный исход — у 36 пациентов (0,43 %). У 74,0 % пациентов наблюдали единственное осложнение, у 14,0 % — сочетание двух осложнений, у 12,0 % — сочетание трех осложнений и более. В структуре осложнений преобладали парез кишечника (25,57 %), пневмония (12,1 %), раневая инфекция (12,1 %). Как летальность, так и частота осложнений росли с увеличением количества сопутствующих заболеваний. ВЫВОДЫ: Наиболее частые сопутствующие заболевания в абдоминальной хирургии — гипертоническая болезнь, хроническая сердечная недостаточность, ишемическая болезнь сердца, сахарный диабет и нарушение сердечного ритма. Частота послеоперационных осложнений составила 3,5 %, летальность — 0,43 %; при этом наиболее частыми осложнениями были парез кишечника, раневая инфекция и пневмония.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Периоперационное ведение взрослых пациентов с сопутствующим сахарным диабетом: методические рекомендации Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» (второй пересмотр)
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, Yu. P. Malyshev, P. V. Dunts, K. M. Lebedinskii, I. N. Leiderman, М. I. Neimark, Т. М. Semenikhina, and A. I. Yaroshetskiy
- Subjects
сахарный диабет ,нарушение толерантности к глюкозе ,гипергликемия ,гипогликемия ,гликемический контроль ,гликированный гемоглобин ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
Сахарный диабет является доказанным предиктором развития послеоперационных осложнений, особенно гнойно-септических и кардиальных, а также значительно увеличивает вероятность летального исхода. В статье представлен пересмотр национальных рекомендаций Федерации анестезиологов и реаниматологов (ФАР) по периоперационному ведению взрослых пациентов с сахарным диабетом, в котором обобщены и оценены все имеющиеся на момент пересмотра данные литературы о ведении пациентов в периоперационный период. Поиск литературы был сосредоточен на метаанализах и рандомизированных контролируемых исследованиях, но также включал регистры, нерандомизированные сравнительные и описательные исследования, серии случаев, когортные исследования, систематические обзоры и мнения экспертов. Перед публикацией рекомендации были утверждены Президиумом Правления ФАР. В пересмотренную версию 2022 г. по сравнению с предыдущей внесены изменения: обоснована предоперационная диагностика кардиальной автономной нейропатии с помощью теста глубокого дыхания и ортостатического теста, представлены принципы отмены плановой операции в зависимости от уровня гликированного гемоглобина и тактика назначения пероральных сахароснижающих препаратов. Также обоснован выбор между общей и регионарной анестезией на основании выявления кардиальной автономной нейропатии и полинейропатии, аргументирован выбор препаратов для анестезии и принципы их дозирования, определена антиэметическая терапия. Для каждой рекомендации представлен уровень достоверности доказательств и уровень убедительности доказательств. Рекомендации разработаны экспертами в области периоперационного ведения пациентов для врачей анестезиологов-реаниматологов в качестве помощи в принятии клинических решений, окончательное решение по конкретному пациенту принимается лечащим врачом после консультации врача-эндокринолога и/или на основе решения консилиума.
- Published
- 2023
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8. Perioperative management of adult patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus: guidelines of the All-Russian public organization 'Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists' (second revision)
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, Yu. P. Malyshev, P. V. Dunts, K. M. Lebedinskii, I. N. Leiderman, М. I. Neimark, Т. М. Semenikhina, and A. I. Yaroshetskiy
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Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Law - Abstract
Diabetes mellitus is a proven predictor of postoperative complications, especially infectious and cardiac, and also significantly increases the risk of mortality. The article presents a revision of the national guidelines of the Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists (FAR) on the perioperative management of adult patients with diabetes mellitus, which summarizes and evaluates all available data at the time of revision on this topic. The literature search was focused on meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials, but also included registries, non-randomized comparative and descriptive studies, case series, cohort studies, systematic reviews, and expert opinions. Before publication, the guidelines were approved by the Presidium of the FAR Board. In the revised version of 2022, changes were made in comparison with the previous one: the preoperative diagnosis of cardiac autonomic neuropathy using a deep breathing test and an orthostatic test was justified, the principles of elective surgery canceling depending on the level of glycated hemoglobin and the tactics of preoperative oral hypoglycemic drugs prescribing were presented. The choice between general and regional anesthesia based on the detection of cardiac autonomic neuropathy and polyneuropathy was also justified, the choice of drugs for anesthesia and the principles of their dosing were reasoned, antiemetic therapy was determined. For each recommendation, the level of evidence is presented. The guidelines were developed by experts in the field of perioperative management of patients for anesthesiologists and intensive care specialists to help in decision-making, the final decisions concerning an individual patient must be made by the by the attending physician after consultation with an endocrinologist and/or based on the decision of the council of specialists.
- Published
- 2023
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9. National multicenter prospective observational study 'The role of concomitant diseases in poSTOPerative complications RISK stratification — STOPRISK': study protocol
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, N. V. Trembach, T. S. Musaeva, P. V. Dunts, V. V. Golubtsov, E. V. Grigoryev, A. I. Gritsan, M. N. Zamyatin, V. N. Kokhno, A. N. Kuzovlev, K. M. Lebedinskii, M. A. Magomedov, Yu. P. Malyshev, A. M. Ovezov, A. S. Popov, D. N. Protsenko, V. V. Fisher, and V. E. Khoronenko
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Law - Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Advances in modern anesthesiology have significantly reduced the risk of anesthesia compared to the last century, however, the level of perioperative in-hospital mortality after elective major abdominal surgery is still high at the moment. Poor outcome prediction is the cornerstone of individualized perioperative management of high-risk patients aimed at preventing complications. Despite the fact that a large number of risk assessment tools have been developed over the past decades, the accuracy of the forecast is still far from required. According to the literature data, models based on the study of risk factors in the national population of patients, of which comorbidities make the greatest contribution, have the greatest accuracy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Design: prospective observational study. Setting: National multicenter study of patients in surgical hospitals. Patients: Patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Interventions: Not provided. RESULTS: The developed design was registered in the ClinicalTrials.gov database, a study organized by the Federation of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators of Russia in cooperation with the Kuban State Medical University has now begun, 38 centers are participating in it, two papers have been published based on the results of an interim analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The study is of great scientific and medical and social importance, as a result of the analysis of the data obtained, the role of concomitant diseases in the development of an adverse outcome will be studied and a national risk assessment model will be developed.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Perioperative management of elderly and senile patients. Recommendations
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, E. S. Gorobets, E. V. Grigoryev, Yu. V. Kotovskaya, K. M. Lebedinskii, T. S. Musaeva, E. A. Mkhitaryan, A. M. Ovechkin, V. S. Ostapenko, A. V. Rozanov, N. K. Runikhina, O. N. Tkacheva, N. V. Trembach, V. E. Khoronenko, and M. A. Cherdak
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Law - Abstract
Perioperative management of elderly patients remains one of the most difficult tasks of modern anesthesiology. Compared with younger patients, people over 60 years of age have a higher risk of developing adverse postoperative outcomes, as a result of age-related decline in physiological functions, the presence of several concomitant diseases, polypragmasia, cognitive dysfunction and specific geriatric syndromes, such as frailty. More than 25 % of this category of people have several chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, hematopoietic, musculoskeletal systems, respiratory, digestive and other systems. In the process of aging, there is also a decrease and some perversion of metabolic processes, a decrease in the reactivity of the body. All of the above, along with the surgical intervention, increases the risk of postoperative complications and perioperative mortality. The recommendations present the definition of the category of elderly and senile patients, provide information about age-related changes in their body that affect anesthesia and intensive care. The main clinical syndromes and symptoms useful in predicting the unfavorable course of the perioperative period are indicated, including frailty, nutritional insufficiency, sarcopenia and cognitive dysfunction. Methods for assessing functional activity and the risk of falls are given separately. Attention is paid to the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of delirium, cardiovascular, respiratory complications. The principles of choosing the method of anesthesia and management of the perioperative period in elderly and senile patients, depending on the features of interventions and concomitant pathology, are described.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Comparative evaluation of scales for predicting an unfavorable postoperative outcome: Preliminary results of the multicenter study 'The role of concomitant diseases in the stratification of the risk of postoperative complications in abdominal surgery STOPRISK'
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, N. V. Trembach, M. A. Magomedov, V. G. Krasnov, L. Yu. Chernienko, S. N. Shevyrev, A. S. Popov, E. V. Tyutyunova, S. N. Vatutin, Yu. P. Malyshev, E. A. Popov, A. A. Smolin, I. Z. Kitiashvili, A. A. Dmitriev, E. V. Grigoryev, E. A. Kameneva, V. V. Fisher, E. V. Volkov, I. V. Yatsuk, D. A. Levit, A. M. Sharipov, V. E. Khoronenko, M. M. Shemetova, V. N. Kokhno, E. V. Polovnikov, A. P. Spasova, A. V. Mironov, V. R. Davydova, K. G. Shapovalov, A. I. Gritsan, S. V. Sorsunov, K. M. Lebedinskii, P. V. Dunts, V. A. Rudnov, V. V. Stadler, A. Zh. Bayalieva, M. V. Prigorodov, V. F. Antonov, D. G. Voroshin, A. M. Ovezov, A. A. Pivovarova, D. V. Martynov, O. A. Batigyan, M. N. Zamyatin, S. E. Voskanyan, A. A. Astakhov, A. Zh. Khoteev, D. N. Protsenko, N. G. Arikan, I. A. Zakharchenko, A. S. Matveev, I. A. Trembach, and T. S. Musaeva
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Law - Abstract
INTRODUCTION. The need for accurate risk stratification is obvious. Modern methods are quite cumbersome, which can cause difficulties when applied in routine practice, and therefore relatively simple but accurate forecasting methods have become very popular, which, however, have not been validated in Russia: SORT (Surgical Outcome Risk Tool), SRS (Surgical Risk Scale), POSPOM (Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality), NZRISK (New Zealand RISK), SMPM (Surgical Mortality Probability Model). OBJECTIVES. The aim of this work is to determine the prognostic value of risk assessment scales in predicting an unfavorable postoperative outcome based on the analysis of data obtained in the STOPRISK study in patients undergoing open abdominal surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The analysis of data on perioperative parameters of 1,179 patients who underwent open abdominal surgery is presented. RESULTS. The fatal outcome was recorded in 14 patients (1.18 %). A total of 135 complications were registered in 92 patients (7.8 %). All scales demonstrated satisfactory prognostic value in assessing the risk of complications (the area under the operating characteristic curve (AUROC) for the Physical Status Scale of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) was 0.714 (0.687–0.739), for the Surgical Risk Scale (SRS) — 0.727 (0.701–0.753), for the Surgical Outcome Risk Scale (SORT) — 0.738 (0.712–0.763), for the New Zealand Risk Scale (NZRISK) — 0.763 (0.738–0.787), for the Surgical Mortality Probability Scale (SMPM) — 0.732 (0.706–0.757), for the Preoperative Postoperative mortality Prediction Scale (POSPOM) — 0.764 (0.738–0.788)) and good in assessing the risk of death (AUROC for the ASA scale was 0.82 (0.804–0.843), for the SRS scale — 0.860 (0.838–0.879), for the SORT scale — 0.860 (0.838–0.879), for the NZRISK scale — 0.807 (0.783–0.829), for the SMPM scale — 0.852 (0.831–0.872), for the POSPOM scale — 0.811 (0.788–0.833)). CONCLUSIONS. All the studied scales have good prognostic value in assessing the risk of 30-day mortality after major abdominal surgery. The NZRISK and POSPOM scales demonstrate good prognostic value for cardiovascular complications, POSPOM and SRS scales — for acute renal injury. POSPOM and NZRISK scales showed an excellent prognostic value in relation to the risk of postoperative delirium.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Rehabilitation in the intensive care unit (RehabICU). Clinical practice recommendations of the national Union of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Specialists of Russia and of the national Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists
- Author
Andrey A. Belkin, A. M. Alasheev, V. A. Belkin, Y. B. Belkina, A. N. Belova, D. V. Belskii, R. A. Bodrova, G. P. Bryusov, N. A. Varako, I. A. Voznyuk, V. I. Gorbachev, A. V. Grechko, L. Sh. Gumarova, V. D. Daminov, V. I. Ershov, R. A. Zhiguzhevskiy, I. B. Zabolotskikh, O. S. Zaytsev, V. O. Zakharov, Y. P. Zinchenko, G. E. Ivanova, S. N. Kaurkin, P. A. Knyazenko, M. S. Kovyazina, A. N. Kondratiev, E. A. Kondratyeva, E. V. Kostenko, A. A. Kulakova, V. V. Krylov, V. L. Kupreychik, O. A. Laysheva, K. M. Lebedinskii, A. L. Levit, I. N. Leiderman, A. Yu. Lubnin, E. A. Lukoianova, M. N. Maltceva, M. R. Makarova, E. V. Melnikova, N. N. Mitrakov, I. E. Mishina, S. A. Pomeshkina, S. S. Petrikov, M. V. Petrova, E. A. Pinchuk, M. A. Piradov, K. A. Popugaev, A. V. Polyakova, I. V. Pogonchenkova, D. N. Protsenko, N. V. Raseva, Y. N. Rudnik, V. A. Rudnov, Y. V. Ryabinkina, I. A. Savin, T. Yu. Safonova, G. B. Semenova, E. Y. Skripai, A. A. Solodov, A. Yu. Suvorov, N. A. Suponeva, D. V. Tokareva, S. P. Urazov, D. Yu. Usachev, A. S. Fadeeva, D. R. Khasanova, V. T. Khasanshin, S. V. Tsarenko, S. E. Chuprina, Y. Yu. Shestopalov, A. V. Shchegolev, A. M. Shchikota, R. E. Engaus, and S. N. Norvils
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Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Law - Abstract
After discharge from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), more than 50 % of patients experience pathological symptoms that are not related to the primary emergency but reduce the quality of life and require rehabilitation. Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PIСS) include only those conditions that do not have a direct causal relationship with the emergency condition that gave rise to hospitalization in the ICU. The pathophysiological basis of the PICS is the phenomenon of “learned non-use”: a state of artificial limitation of the patient’s motor and cognitive activity as a result of the use of analgosedation, bed rest and immobilization. The clinical picture of PICS is determined by the severity of its individual components, detailed using a package of clinimetric scales. Based on the results of dynamic testing, the PICS severity index is calculated. The sum of the scores in the range from 0 to 10 reflects the severity and effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. For the prevention of PICS, the Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia together with the Federation of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators of Russia has developed the rehabilitation complex “ReabICU”. In the English-language literature, such a complex is called “Awakening and Breathing Coordination, Delirium monitoring/management, and Early exercise/mobility” bundle. ReabICU is a complex of technologically therapeutic and diagnostic modules “positioning and mobilization”, “prevention of dysphagia and nutritional deficiency”, “prevention of emotional and cognitive impairment and delirium”, “prevention of loss of self-care skills”. The basis of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team, which includes a doctor for medical rehabilitation, 2 specialists in physical rehabilitation, a specialist in occupation therapy, a medical psychologist, a medical speech therapist, a nurse for medical rehabilitation. The activity of multidisciplinary rehabilitation team is evaluated on the basis of quality criteria and the achievement of the main goal of ReabICU — the preservation of the premorbid status of the patient’s socialization.
- Published
- 2022
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13. Anesthesia and intensive care for patients with COVID-19. Russian Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists guidelines
- Author
Igor B. Zabolotskikh, M. Yu. Kirov, K. M. Lebedinskii, D. N. Protsenko, S. N. Avdeev, A. A. Andreenko, L. V. Arsentyev, V. S. Afonchikov, I. I. Afukov, A. A. Belkin, E. A. Boeva, A. Yu. Bulanov, Ya. I. Vasiliev, A. V. Vlasenko, V. I. Gorbachev, E. V. Grigoryev, S. V. Grigoryev, A. A. Eremenko, E. N. Ershov, M. N. Zamyatin, G. E. Ivanova, A. N. Kuzovlev, A. V. Kulikov, and R. E. Lakhin
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Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Law - Abstract
In the process of developing the recommendations, the publications of the official websites of the Russian Federation, the electronic databases of the RSCI, PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were analyzed by the developers independently of each other. The date of the last search query was November 1, 2021. To develop the recommendations for the Guidelines, documents were used that directly describe the features of the management of patients with a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 (recommendations and guidelines — 35; randomized clinical trials and Cochrane Reviews — 23; observational and comparative studies — 134; other documents, notes and comments — 72). Compared to the previous, 5th, version of the recommendations, 35 provisions have been corrected in 10 sections. The provisions of the current version of the recommendations highlight the specifics of anesthesia, intensive care, rehabilitation, resuscitation measures, manipulation, transportation, prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in the implementation of these activities. Methods of protecting personnel from infection with COVID-19 during manipulations, anesthesia and intensive care are considered. The features of respiratory support, extracorporeal detoxification, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, thromboprophylaxis, drug interactions are described. The features of the management of pregnant women, children, patients with concomitant diseases, the principles of the formation of stocks of drugs and consumables are considered. For management of COVID-19 patients, the following were specified and supplemented: 1) indications and contraindications for the administration of drugs (acetaminophen, glucocorticosteroids, remdesevir, tocilizumab, baricitinab, statins, convalescent plasma), depending on the severity of the disease; 2) features of intensive care for concomitant diseases (cardiovascular system, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, arrhythmia); 3) the timing of elective surgery in patients who survive COVID-19, and post vaccination; 4) thromboprophylaxis and management of coagulation disorders; 5) regulatory and legal documents concerning the activities of healthcare workers facing COVID-19.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Physical and Physiological Mechanisms of Consciousness and General Anesthesia (Review)
- Author
K. M. Lebedinskii and A. N. Kovalenko
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0301 basic medicine ,Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Central nervous system ,Information analysis ,Orderliness ,Executive functions ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cerebral cortex ,Anesthesia ,Perception ,medicine ,Reversible inhibition ,Consciousness ,Psychology ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,media_common - Abstract
General anesthesia (narcosis) is an induced, reversible inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS) with suppression of pain sensitivity, consciousness, motor, and vegetative activity during surgeries. The existing pharmacological theories provide no exhaustive explanation of the consciousness suppression mechanism, although mechanisms of other narcosis effects are well studied. The reason lies in the radical difference of the vertical construction scheme of CNS conduction pathways for organization of most of its perceptual and executive functions from the organization structures of the brain, which must be associated with processes of consciousness in information analysis and control command synthesis as a key synergetic factor of a self-organizing system. This makes it possible not only to explain the matter of phenomena of anesthesia through changing functional dynamic orderliness in the neural networks of the cerebral cortex, but also to control anesthesia depth and a patient’s condition in general with methods of self-organization analysis by informational richness of their regulation signals, monitoring fractal dimension trend of an entropy attractor generated at the same time.
- Published
- 2018
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15. Central anticholinergic syndrome following general anaesthesia: prevention and treatment with galantamine
- Author
I. S. Kurapeev, K. M. Lebedinskii, and M. S. Danilov
- Subjects
Physostigmine ,cholinesterase inhibitors ,tof-monitoring ,eeg entropy ,central anticholinergic syndrome ,medicine ,Galantamine ,General anaesthesia ,Cholinesterase ,lcsh:R5-920 ,biology ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Unconsciousness ,neostigmine ,humanities ,decurarization ,Neostigmine ,Anesthesia ,Shivering ,biology.protein ,medicine.symptom ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,business ,galantamine ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Prolonged emergence, excitation and shivering after general anaesthesia are well-known, though only in German-speaking countries they are considered to be forms of single central anticholinergic syndrome (CAS), while in others this term is not associated with general anaesthesia. In Russia the problem is augmented with lack of physostigmine — the first choice for CAS in Germany. We present our analysis of implementing galantamine instead of physostigmine for CAS prevention and management while administering this drug for decurarization. 130 patients undergoing general anaesthesia were divided into three groups depending on decurarization — group I (n = 54) without decurarization, in group II (n = 29) we used galantamine, in group III (n = 47) — neostigmine. In all the groups we assessed CAS incidence and its galantamine treatment effectiveness. Diagnostic criteria for CAS comatose form was unconsciousness 5 min later reaching inhalational agent zero end-expiratory concentration. Using the criteria we found CAS incidence in group I was 26,9%, in group II there were no cases of the syndrome, in group III the incidence was 14,9%. Thus, galantamine 0,3–0,4 mg · kg–1 (max 0,78 mg · kg–1) IV not only prevents CAS but is also effective in its treatment.
- Published
- 2018
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16. Prognostic modelling of blood hemodynamic response to regional and general anesthesia
- Author
K. M Lebedinskii and Mikhail G. Egorov
- Subjects
Haemodynamic response ,business.industry ,Anesthesia ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
Prognosis of systemic circulation response to the inducation of general anaesthesia and central neuraxial block is discussed in the review. Modern approaches to preoperative cardiovascular risk assessment, while accurately predicting overall risk level, doesn't help anaesthesiologist to choose anaesthesia methods in exact patient. The authors analyzing novel approach, based on non-invasive monitoring assessment of hemodynamic response to the stimuli, physiologically similar to those challenging patient's condition during the surgery and anaesthesia. In addition to the previously introduced prognostic model of hemodynamic response to central neuraxial block based on nitroglycerine test, esmolol test as a model of response to myocardiodepressive action of general anaesthesia induction is proposed.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
M S, Danilov and K M, Lebedinskii
- Subjects
Anesthesia Recovery Period ,Humans ,Anticholinergic Syndrome ,Anesthesia, General ,Cholinergic Antagonists - Abstract
While reading special literature in diferent languages the authors noted surprising fact: the term and concept of "central anticholinergic syndrome" is well-known as common anaesthesia complication in German (abbr: ZAS) and partially Spanish sources, but in Russian, English or French literature is used only in toxicological context. Describing etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the complication manifesting with comatose, agitated or shivering forms, the authors analyzing the reasons for such a noticeably diferent approaches to the situation reaching 10% of all the general anaesthesia cases. Probably, ZAS isn't nosologically clearly defined syndrome, but just adverse appearance of one of the fundamental general anaesthesia mechanisms? Anyway, the problem of central cholinergic activity suppression, excessive by its amplitude and/or duration, exists all over the world. German concept of ZAS allows the anaesthesiologist to resolve it on pathogenically generalized basis, while in other professional communities various symptomatic approaches seem to be more common.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
A Yu, Kulikov, O V, Kuleshov, and K M, Lebedinskii
- Subjects
Xenon ,Anesthetics, Inhalation ,Hemodynamics ,Humans ,Anesthesia, Inhalation - Abstract
Xenon is known as an anesthetic in many ways closer to the ideal. In recent years, despite a number of objective reasons limiting its widespread use, the search continues for understanding how xenon influences on central hemodynamic parameters and regional blood flow. Analysis of several dozen of modern articles revealed many differences between the earlier and present data, emphasizing the prospect offurther research. According to Russian authors Xe has a positive inotropic effect on the myocardium and increases cardiac output. Foreign researchers in animal experiments notice vasoconstrictor properties of Xe with increased vascular resistance in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. The place of Xe as an anesthetic in the anesthetist's arsenal yet to be seen.
- Published
- 2016
19. Takotsubo syndrome after surgical treatment of pheochromocytoma
- Author
K. M. Lebedinskii, A. A. Lisitsyn, and V. P. Zemlyanoy
- Subjects
Takotsubo syndrome ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Adrenalectomy ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Internal medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,medicine ,Cardiology ,Cardiomyopathy ,business ,medicine.disease - Published
- 2019
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20. Law committee of the Russian Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists (by the 3rd anniversary of creation)
- Author
V. I. Gorbachev, E. S. Netesin, and K. M. Lebedinskii
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Political science ,Law ,Emergency Medicine ,Russian federation - Published
- 2019
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21. A Pulse Oximeter with Logarithmic Photodetector
- Author
K. M. Lebedinskii, V. A. Mazurok, and K. M. Matus
- Subjects
Physics ,Logarithm ,business.industry ,Biomedical Engineering ,Medicine (miscellaneous) ,Photodetector ,Pulse (physics) ,Medical Laboratory Technology ,Optics ,Software ,Optoelectronics ,business ,Research method ,Mathematical simulation - Abstract
A pulse oximeter with logarithmic photodetector is described. Mathematical simulation using the Mathcad-14 software was used as a research method. The results of medical tests are given.
- Published
- 2010
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22. Perioperative risk assessment in patients with chronic post-thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
- Author
K. M. Lebedinskii, O. S. Maltseva, and P. K. Yablonskii
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Emergency Medicine ,Medicine ,business - Published
- 2018
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