17 results on '"Kamnik-Savinja Alps"'
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2. Phytosociological analysis of European larch forests in the Southeastern Alps.
- Author
Dakskobler, I., Seliškar, A., and Rozman, A.
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EUROPEAN larch , *MOUNTAIN plants , *FOREST management , *PLANT communities - Abstract
Using the (unweighted) average linkage clustering (UPGMA) method we classified 458 phytosociological relevés of Larix decidua forests in the Southeastern Alps into 25 clusters. Based on their analysis we described the following new subassociations: Rhodothamno-Laricetum deciduae geetosum rivalis, sorbetosum chamaemespili, piceetosum abietis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, cystopteridetosum fragilis, cyclaminetosum purpurascentis, dryadetosum octopetalae and sorbetosum ariae. The selected method proved adequate in identifying the differences between larch stands on potential subalpine spruce and beech sites, and larch forests on the upper forest line, as well as the differences between initial larch stages on the upper forest line and more stable development stages on better developed soils on promontories and ledges above the upper beech forest line. Larch forests occur mainly in the altitudinal belt between (1,500) 1,600 and 1,800 (1,900) m, on shady aspects and slopes that are steeper than 30°. They are some of the best preserved forest types in the Southeastern Alps, on smaller surface areas (Macesnje above the Beli Potok valley in the Julian Alps) even virgin forests, and their role as biotopes is exceptional. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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3. New data on the progradation of the Dachstein carbonate platform (Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia)
- Author
Bogomir Celarc, Luka Gale, and Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek
- Subjects
Carnian/Norian ,Southern Alps ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,Platform progradation ,Dachstein carbonate platform ,Slovenia ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
Upper Triassic basin-platform succession in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps (N-central Slovenia) is similar to the succession known from the Julian Alps (Martuljek Mountain Group). It was part of the same Late Triassic depositional edifice, with the progradation of the Dachstein Platform in the SW-NE direction (recent orientation) from Julian Alps toward the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. Tectonic blocks with the same/similar stratigraphic record, were displaced as a consequence of the Alpine and later tectonic displacements. In the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the upper part of the Martuljek platy limestone was dated with the conodonts as Late Carnian – Early Norian in the Mt. Ko~na. In the Mt. Skuta area, Limestone with chert is positioned above Martuljek platy limestone and under the Dachstein carbonate platform. Uppermost part of the Limestone with chert is Late Norian. Mutual vertical and lateral relationship, age of the lithological units, especially upper part of the deeper-water limestone, points to the progradation of the Dachstein carbonate platform in the Early Norian and possible aggradation in the part of the Middle and in the Late Norian.
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
Stojilković, Borut
- Subjects
Copyright of Dela is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska Fakulteta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
MARTÍN-PÉREZ, Andrea, KOŠIR, Adrijan, and OTONIČAR, Bojan
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In Snežna Jama cave, Slovenia, extensive speleothems composed of dolomite, aragonite and hydromagnesite have been found, occurring as 5 cm thick globular crusts coating the host rock. Arborescent aragonite constitutes the skeleton of the crust, whereas dolomite is cementing, coating and replacing the aragonite. Te dolomite displays two distinctive fabrics: coarse rounded to spheroidal crystals, frequently showing f-brous-radial and concentric patterns, and microcrystalline aggregates. Dissolution of the dolostone host rock has provided Mg, which is the main control on the precipitation of arago-nite, dolomite and hydromagnesite. Dolomite precipitation could be promoted by increased Mg/Ca ratios due to the prior precipitation of calcite and aragonite and by forced degassing due to ventilation caused by the existence of shafs cutting the main cave passage and a former entrance to the cave. However, in many caves such conditions do not lead to the formation of dolomite and so we discuss other mechanisms which might promote dolomite precipitation, like the possible contribution of microbes, or the transformation of precursor phases such as amorphous Ca-Mg carbonates, or hydromagnesite. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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6. New data on the progradation of the Dachstein carbonate platform (Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia).
- Author
- Subjects
CARBONATES ,TRIASSIC Period ,SEDIMENTATION & deposition ,PLATE tectonics - Abstract
Copyright of Geologija (0016-7789) is the property of Geological Survey of Slovenia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
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7. Biostratigrafska in sedimentološka analiza globljemorskih triasnih plasti pri Preddvoru
- Author
Primožič, Janja and Gale, Luka
- Subjects
foraminifera Pilammina densa ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,Mače pri Preddvoru ,anizij ,Južne Alpe ,Strelovška formacija ,Strelovec Formation ,Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe ,Mače at Preddvor ,Anisian - Abstract
Na jugovzhodnem pobočju hriba Kozjek nad Mačami pri Preddvoru je bilo odkrito zaporedje tankoplastnatih dolomitov, apnencev in laporjev. V diplomskem delu sem posnela sedimentološki profil zaporedja, ga skušala umestiti med že znane litostratigrafske enote Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp, ter s pomočjo mikrofosilov določila starost enote. Na terenu sem odvzela šest vzorcev za konodontno analizo in 13 vzorcev apnenca za zbruske. Na podlagi zbruskov sem določila osem mikrofaciesov in sicer: laminirani bioklastični peloidni wackestone (?), laminirani mudstone, rekristalizirani wackestone, mudstone s posamičnimi ploščicami iglokožcev, foraminiferni peloidni wacke/packstone, ostrakodni peloidni packstone in ostrakodni peloidni grainstone ter bioklastični intraklastični packstone. Rezultati konodontnih analiz so bili negativni, v zbruskih pa je prisotna foraminifera Pilammina densa, ki je značilen fosil srednjega in zgornjega anizija. Prisotnost sinsedimentno splazelih plasti kaže na sedimentacijo na nagnjenem morskem dnu. Primerjava mikrofaciesov s standardnimi mikrofaciesi ne daje enoznačne interpretacije sedimentacijskega okolja. Odlaganje plasti bi tako lahko potekalo v poglobljeni laguni znotraj platforme, ali na pobočju nekoliko globljega morskega bazena. Relativno majhna debelina plasti kaže, da globina lagune ali bazena ni presegla par 10 m. Posneto zaporedje se litološko precej dobro ujema z opisom Strelovške formacije, ki je bila do sedaj starostno opredeljena zgolj na podlagi superpozicije. A sequence of thin-layered dolomites, limestones and marls was found on south-eastern slope of hill Kozjek above Mače near Preddvor. In this diploma work I recorded sedimentological log of the sequence, tried to place it among the already known litostratigraphic units of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and determine the age of the unit with the help of microfossils. Therefore, six samples were taken for conodont analysis and 13 samples of limestone for thin sections. Eight microfacies types were identified from thin sections: laminated bioclastic peloid limestone (?), laminated mudstone, recrystallized wackestone, mudstone with individual echinoderm plates, foraminiferal peloid wacke/packstone, ostracode peloid packstone and ostracode peloid grainstone and bioclastic intraclastic packstone. Conodont analysis proved to be negative, but microfossil foraminifera Pilammina densa was found in thin sections. The latter is typical for the middle to upper Anisian epoch. The presence of slumps indicates sedimentation on a sloping seabed. Comparison of microfacies with standard microfacies does not give unambigous interpretation of the sedimentary environment. The deposition of layers could take place in a deepened lagoon inside the platform, or on the slope of slightly deeper sea basin. Relatively small thickness of succession indicates that the depth of the lagoon or pool did not exceed a couple of tens of meters. The recorded sequence lithologically corresponds with the description of the Strelovec formation. Thus far, the age of the latter was defined solely on the basis of superposition.
- Published
- 2020
8. Spolni dimorfizem kranjske kozje češnje (Rhamnus fallax Boiss.) na območju Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp
- Author
Čugalj, Jan and Brus, Robert
- Subjects
kranjska kozja češnja ,morphometric analysis ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,sexual dimorphism ,udc:630*18:630*17(043.2)=163.6 ,spolni dimorfizem ,Rhamnus fallax Boiss ,morfometrijska analiza ,Carniolan buckthorn ,Kamniško- Savinjske Alpe - Abstract
Kranjska kozja češnja (Rhamnus fallax Boiss.) je značilna kalcifilna in pionirska grmovna vrsta. Razširjena je od jugovzhodnega obrobja Alp po Balkanskem polotoku vse do Grčije in Bolgarije. Cilji raziskave so bili ugotoviti razmerje med spoloma v populacijah, obstoj morfološke variabilnosti, vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov na variabilnost vrste ter obstoj morebitnega spolnega dimorfizma. Na območju Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp smo izbrali 6 vzorčnih ploskev. Za ugotovitev spolne strukture populacij smo v analizo zajeli 547 grmov. Za podrobnejšo morfometrijsko analizo smo od teh izbrali 180 grmov s katerih smo nabrali 1620 listov. Ugotovili smo, da je na vseh raziskovalnih ploskvah delež moških osebkov večji od deleža ženskih. V povprečju je moških rastlin skoraj dvakrat več (49,31 %) od ženskih (27,33 %), preostalim grmom (23,36 %) pa spola ni bilo možno določiti. Hierarhični poskus smo izvedli z namenom, da bi prikazali vpliv posameznih dejavnikov (višinskih pasov, ploskev, spolov, grmov) na variabilnost proučevanih znakov. Na skupno variabilnost listov je imel največji vpliv položaj znotraj grma, na skupno variabilnost grmov pa razlike med grmi. Vpliv spola na variabilnost grmov in listov je bil najmanjši. Z metodo glavnih komponent smo analizirali povprečne vrednosti znakov za moške in ženske osebke. Moški grmi so imeli v primerjavi z ženskimi na večini ploskev nekoliko večje liste. Velikost listov je bila pri vseh ploskvah podobna, pri tem je izrazito izstopala le ploskev III, ki se je nahajala na bolj suhem rastišču s kamnitimi tlemi ter vetru izpostavljeni legi. Rhamnus fallax Boiss. is a distinctive calciphyte and pioneer species. It ranges from southeastern outskirts of Alps throughout the Balkan Peninsula to Greece and Bulgaria. The goals of this study were identification of the sex ratio of the sampled populations, existence of morphologic variability, influence of environmental factors on variability and occurrence of eventual sexual dimorphism in this species. We selected 6 populations in the region of Kamnik-Savinja Alps. To determine the sex ratio of the populations we analyzed 547 shrubs. Out of those we selected 180 specimens from which we gathered 1620 leaves for detailed morphometric analysis. We have found that the sex ratio was male biased in all populations. On average there were approximately twice as many males (49,31 %) as females (27,33 %), however the sex determination was not possible on the remaining share of the shrubs (23,36 %). We preformed a hierarchical test with intention to show the influence of individual factors (altitudinal belt, population, sex, specimen) on the variability of the measured characteristics. The greatest influence on the overall variability of leaves came from the intra-specimen level and the greatest influence on the overall variability of shrubs came from the specimen level. The sex status of shrubs had the weakest influence on variability of leaves and shrubs. We preformed principal component analysis on the average values for all characteristics on male and female plants. In most populations male shrubs had somewhat larger leaves than females. Average leaf size was relatively similar among analyzed populations, with the exception of population III, which was located in dryer wind exposed habitat with rocky soil.
- Published
- 2020
9. Phytosociological analysis of European larch forests in the Southeastern Alps
- Author
Igor Dakskobler, Andrej Seliškar, and Andrej Rozman
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Biotope ,upgma ,phytosociology ,julian alps ,Plant Science ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,kamnik-savinja alps ,natura 2000 ,italy ,slovenia ,Beech ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Average Linkage Clustering ,biology ,Phytosociology ,hierarhical classification ,European Larch ,UPGMA ,Botany ,Forestry ,synsystematics ,biology.organism_classification ,rhodothamno-laricetum ,Geography ,QL1-991 ,QK1-989 ,karavanke ,Montane ecology ,triglav national park ,Larch ,Zoology ,010606 plant biology & botany - Abstract
Using the (unweighted) average linkage clustering (UPGMA) method we classified 458 phytosociological relevés of Larix decidua forests in the Southeastern Alps into 25 clusters. Based on their analysis we described the following new subassociations: Rhodothamno-Laricetum deciduae geetosum rivalis, sorbetosum chamaemespili, piceetosum abietis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, cystopteridetosum fragilis, cyclaminetosum purpurascentis, dryadetosum octopetalae and sorbetosum ariae. The selected method proved adequate in identifying the differences between larch stands on potential subalpine spruce and beech sites, and larch forests on the upper forest line, as well as the differences between initial larch stages on the upper forest line and more stable development stages on better developed soils on promontories and ledges above the upper beech forest line. Larch forests occur mainly in the altitudinal belt between (1,500) 1,600 and 1,800 (1,900) m, on shady aspects and slopes that are steeper than 30°. They are some of the best preserved forest types in the Southeastern Alps, on smaller surface areas (Macesnje above the Beli Potok valley in the Julian Alps) even virgin forests, and their role as biotopes is exceptional.
- Published
- 2018
10. The Cordevolian reef on the Menina, Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia
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Anton Ramovš and Luka Šribar
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Cordevolian reef ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,Slovenia ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
The peaks of Menina with Vivodnik, Snežni vrh, Globače, Vrtačnik, Ovčji stan,Vetrnik and Petelinjek, as well the area between them consist of Cordevolian (Lover Carnian, Triassic) reef limestone and partly dolomitic limestone, and dolomite with corals Margarophyllia capitata (Münster), Margarosmilia septanectens (Loretz) and Tropidendron sp., sponges Solenolmia manon (Münster) andAlpinothalamia slovenica (Senowbari-Daryan), microproblematicum Ladinella porata (Kraus & Ott) and Plexoramea cerebriformis (Mello). The reef limestone of Menina has the same faunistic characteristics with the same species of corals,sponges and microproblematica as the Cordevolian reef limestone in the northern Julian Alps, which is an indication of a unique sedimentation region for the two areas on the carbonate plarform.areas on the carbonate platform.
- Published
- 1992
11. Middle Triassic carbonate-platform break-up and formation of small-scale half-grabens (Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia).
- Author
Celarc, Bogomir, Goričan, Špela, and Kolar-Jurkovšek, Tea
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In the Julian Alps (Mt. Prisojnik, NW Slovenia) and in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps (Mt. Križevnik, N Slovenia), both of which form part of the eastern Southern Alps, several meters of Upper Anisian pelagic red nodular, radiolarian-rich limestone (Loibl Formation) were deposited on the drowned platform carbonates of the Contrin Formation. The time of the platform drowning is dated with radiolarians and conodonts to the Illyrian, more precisely to the upper part of the Paraceratites trinodosus Ammonoid Zone. The red limestone is overlain by pyroclastics and volcanics (rhyolites) or carbonate (mega)breccia (Uggowitz Formation). The following unit consists of thin-bedded limestone, grainstone and subordinate marl (Buchenstein Formation) deposited during the final filling of the basin from the adjacent prograding carbonate platform (Schlern Formation) in the Ladinian. Map-scale geometry, neptunian dykes, the onset of volcanism, the presence of (mega)breccia and related paleo-escarpments, the lateral variations in thickness and the wedge-shaped geometry of the lithological units provide evidence of syn-sedimentary block faulting and the formation of small-scale, relatively shallow half-grabens within the previously uniform Slovenian Carbonate Platform. This analysis indicates a clear tectonic control over the development of the Middle Triassic stratigraphy. The described extensional event is well correlated and genetically connected with the syn-rift formation of the neighboring Slovenian Basin and other Southern Alpine basins that formed in connection with the opening of the Meliata-Maliac branch of the Neotethys Ocean. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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12. Značilnosti planinskega obiska na območju Kamniške Bistrice
- Author
Janežič, Tim and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
Kamniška Bistrica ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,mountaineering ,mountaineering visitation ,planinstvo ,planinski obisk ,Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe - Abstract
Dolina Kamniške Bistrice je ledeniška alpska dolina na južni strani Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. Zaradi svoje lege v bližini Ljubljane in drugih, nekoliko manjših bližnjih mest, je zelo priljubljen izletniški cilj mnogim planincem. Dodatna motivacija za obisk pa je neokrnjena narava z večjim številom naravnih znamenitosti in pestra izbira planinskih poti, od dolinskih izletov pa do sredogorja in visokogorja. Namen zaključne seminarske naloge je predstaviti glavne značilnosti planinskega obiska doline Kamniške Bistrice. Na samem območju je bilo izvedeno anketiranje planincev, rezultati pa so pokazali, da največ planincev prihaja s širšega območja naselij med Ljubljano in dolino Kamniške Bistrice. Najbolj priljubljena cilja med anketiranci sta Kamniško sedlo in Grintovec, najvišji vrh Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. Posamezni planinci se za obisk doline odločajo predvsem zaradi njene dobre dostopnosti. The valley of Kamniška Bistrica is a glacial alpine valley on the southern side of the KamnikSavinja Alps. With its location near Ljubljana and other, somewhat smaller nearby towns, it represents a very popular destination to many mountaineers. The unspoiled nature with a large number of natural sights and the wide choice of paths, from valley destinations up to the highlands and mountains, are a source of additional motivation for a visit. The purpose of the final seminar paper is to present the main characteristics of the mountaineering visitation of the Kamniška Bistrica valley. A survey of mountaineers was conducted in the area. The results showed that the majority of mountaineers come from the wider area of settlements between Ljubljana and the valley of Kamniška Bistrica. The most popular destinations among the interviewees are Kamniško sedlo and Grintovec, the highest peak of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. Individual mountaineers choose to visit the valley mainly because of its good accessibility.
- Published
- 2019
13. Razvoj in značilnosti visokogorskih kraških jam na izbranih območjih Julijskih in Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp
- Author
Kobol, Klavdija and Gabrovšek, Franci
- Subjects
Julian Alps ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,udc:551.44(497.4)(043.2) ,karst caves ,izbrana območja ,selected areas ,diplomska dela ,geography ,raziskovanje ,Julijske Alpe ,kraške jame ,geografija ,alpine karst ,visokogorski kras ,researching ,Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe - Published
- 2016
14. Ledenik pod Skuto kot pokazatelj podnebnih sprememb v slovenskem delu Alp = The Skuta glacier as an indicator of climate changes in Slovenian part of the Alps
- Author
Miha Pavšek
- Subjects
glacier dynamics ,climate changes ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,Slovenia ,glaciers ,lcsh:G1-922 ,lcsh:Geography (General) - Abstract
The Anton Melik Geographical Institute SRC SASA provide the regular annual measurementsof Triglav and Skuta glaciers for more than six decades. Both glaciers show a permanentretreat. Last measurements undoubtedly confirm the importance of the glacier shady positionat the foothills of the surrounding walls. Comparison of glacier characteristics with somemeteorological data helps us to recognize the influence of climate changes on this, mostsoutheastern lying glaciers in the Alps.
- Published
- 2007
15. Flora okolice kraja Jezersko (Kamniške Alpe, kvadrant 9653/1)
- Author
Tonejec, Matej and Frajman, Božo
- Subjects
botanika ,pteridophytes ,semenke ,Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,udc:58(234.3)(497.4 Jezersko)(043.2) ,Jezersko ,spermatophytes ,nature conservation ,botany ,praprotnice ,varstvo narave ,Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe - Published
- 2014
16. Odsev naravnih nesreč v zemljepisnih imenih - nekaj primerov iz Zahodnih Karavank in zahodnih Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp.
- Author
Geršič, Matjaž and Zorn, Matija
- Abstract
Copyright of Kronika is the property of Kronika, Casopis za Slovensko Krajevno Zgodovino and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Rak, Mihaela and Novak, Tone
- Subjects
Kamnik-Savinja Alps ,habitatni tipi ,ground fauna ,abiotic factors ,habitat types ,highlands ,suhe južine (Opiliones) ,udc:57/59(043.2) ,visokogorje ,Kamniško−Savinjske Alpe ,značilne rastline ,abiotski dejavniki ,arachnids ,talna favna ,harvestmen (Opiliones) ,typical plants - Abstract
V slovenskem visokogorju so suhe južine slabo raziskane. Podatki o prisotnosti suhih južin nad 2000 m nadmorske višine so večinoma iz območja Julijskih Alp. Na območju Kamniško—Savinjskih Alp je večina podatkov do nadmorske višine okoli 1300 m. V naši raziskavi smo pregledali in opisali 160 lokacij od nadmorske višine 1800 m do vrha na območijih Brane, Planjave, Ojstrice, Turske gore, Rink, Skute, Grintovca, Kočne, Krofičke, Dleskovške planote, Raduhe, Velike in Male Koroške Babe, Kalškega grebena, Kompotele, Mokrice, Storžiča ter na planinah Koren in Kriški planini. Na vsaki lokaciji smo opisali osnovne abiotske značilnosti in značilne rastline ter na tej osnovi opredelili habitatni tip oziroma ekoton med dvema habitatnima tipoma na lokaciji ter vzorčili talne živali. Abiotske dejavnike smo obdelali v obliki opisne statistike, zveze med okoljskimi dejavniki in zastopanostjo vrst suhih južin pa s pomočjo korespondenčne kanonične analize (CCA) in klastrske analize. Primerjali smo podobnost habitatnih tipov glede na abundanco suhih južin. Skupno smo našli 17 vrst suhih južin. Ugotovili smo, da od abiotskih dejavnikov na njihovo prisotnost najbolj vplivata pokrovnost vegetacije in tip tal. Glede poseljenosti s suhimi južinami sta najbolj številčno poseljena ekoton med blazinastim traviščem čvrstega šaša (36.433) in subalpinskim karbonatnim meliščem (61.231) ter ekoton med alpinskimi in subalpinskimi travišči na karbonatni podlagi v Južnih Apneniških Alpah (36.413) in alpinskim karbonatnim meliščem (61.232). Za vrste Mitopus morio, Platybunus bucephalus, Mitostoma alpinum, Nemastoma triste in Dicranopalpus gasteinensis so podatki verodostojni, pri ostalih vrstah gre za ocene, ker smo skupno našli manj kot po 10 osebkov. Till recently, in the highlands of Slovenia, the harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) fauna had not been satisfactorily investigated. Sparce data on the presence of Opiliones above the altitude of 2000 m predominantly refer to the area of the Julian Alps, while in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the majority most items refer up to the altitude of 1300 m. In our research, were examined for the harvestman fauna and described 160 habitats in the altitudes of above 1800 m till the peak of the following mountains: Mt. Brana, Planjava, Ojstrica, Turska gora, Štajerska, Koroška and Kranjska Rinka, Skuta, Grintovec, Kočna, Krofička, Dleskovška planota plateau, Raduha, Velika and Mala Koroška Baba, the Kalški greben ridge, Kompotela, Mokrica and Storžič, as well as the Koren and Kriška planina mountain pastures. At each site, the basic abiotic characteristics and typical plants were described on the basis of this data, habitat types and their ecotones, respectively were determined and soil animals sampled. The abiotic factors were evaluated using descriptive statistics, while the correlations between the environmental factors and the presence of Opiliones species were analyzed using the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and cluster analysis. The similarities of habitat types with respect to the abundance of Opiliones were elaborated. In total, 17 harvestman species were found. Among the abiotic factors, the vegetation cover and soil type influence most the presence of Opiliones. The highest density of Opiliones was found in the ecotone between the Cushion sedge carpets (36.433) and Butterburn screes (61.213) and the ecotone of Southern rusty sedge grasslands (36.413) and Alpine calcareous screes (61.232). The findings concerning Mitopus morio, Platybunus bucephalus, Mitostoma alpinum, Nemastoma triste and Dicranopalpus gasteinensis are confident, whilst those concerning other harvestman species are rather estimates, as less than 10 specimens were found in total.
- Published
- 2010
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