Emotional intelligence in healthcare leadership: Protocol for a concept analysis Prepared for Registration to Open Science Framework Aim The aim of the study is to define and clarify the concept of emotional intelligence in healthcare leadership by using the Walker’s and Avant’s concept analysis model. Research question How is emotional intelligence defined and conceptualized in healthcare leadership? Design The study will be conducted following the Walker’s and Avant’s concept analysis model, including eight steps: concept selection, determining the aim of the analysis, identification of all uses, determining the defining attributes, construction of a model case, construction of additional cases, identification of antecedents and consequences of the concept, and definition of empirical referents (Walker & Avant, 2019). All the relevant literature of emotional intelligence in healthcare leadership will be identified through conducting the literature review in accordance with the Joanna Briggs Institute’s (JBI) methodology and search protocol for scoping reviews (Peters et al., 2020a). Searches A three-step search strategy will be used in this study following the JBI methodology. Searches will be performed in the databases of Scopus, CINAHL, ProQuest, Web of Science, and Finnish database Medic. Published and un-published studies in English, Swedish or Finnish will be considered. Searches for unpublished studies and grey literature will be conducted using MedNar. Types of studies to be included This review will consider both qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as mixed methods studies and systematic reviews, to comprehensively identify sources of evidence. Grey literature will be considered as well in the proposed study. Eligibility Criteria The “PCC” mnemonic (population, concept, and context) will be applied to define the eligibility criteria for this study. Population: This study will consider studies that are focused on leaders or managers working in managerial positions in any organizational level in healthcare environments. Studies that are focused only on healthcare professionals will be excluded. However, studies of healthcare leadership, with professionals as informants of the observed leadership, can be included. Concept: This study will consider studies that explore leadership that includes use of emotional intelligence in the healthcare field. Studies that do not include the aspect of emotional intelligence in leadership will be excluded. Context: Studies that describe the emotional intelligence in leadership in any healthcare setting, will be included. Studies that focus on other disciplines than healthcare will be excluded. Data extraction and data synthesis The screening of titles and abstracts will be performed independently by two researchers. The inclusion and exclusion criteria will be applied in the identification of potentially relevant studies. Any possible disagreements will be resolved by reaching consensus, and with a help of a third researcher, if necessary (Peters et al., 2020b). Study selection process will be described and presented in narrative form as well as in PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) flow diagram (Tricco et al., 2018). The extracted data will be used to perform the eight steps of the Walker’s and Avant’s concept analysis. The data synthesis will be conducted by following the Walker’s and Avant’s concept analysis model as well. Finally, the results will be presented in a diagrammatic or tabular form, along with a narrative summary (Peters et al., 2020b). Validity and Rigor Literature review of this concept analysis will be conducted in accordance with the applied JBI methodology (Peters et al., 2020a), which will support the trustworthiness of this research. Moreover, the PRISMA-ScR (PRISMA extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist, will be followed. The checklist follows the guidance from EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research). (Tricco et. al., 2018.) Screening will be conducted by two researchers. Data extraction and synthesis will be done mainly by one researcher, although these will be discussed in the research group. Finally, an information specialist will be consulted in the formation of the final search strategy. Contact details for further information: Heini Heikkinen heini.heikkinen@student.oulu.fi Organisational affiliation of the research: University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology Research team members: Heini Heikkinen, Suvi Kuha, Outi Kanste University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology Type of review: Concept analysis Anticipated or actual start date: April 2023 Anticipated completion date: December 2023 Funding sources/sponsors: None Conflicts of interest: None known Language: English Country: Finland Stage of research: Ongoing