Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) also known as consumer-packaged goods are consumed every day by the average consumers and it has become part of everyday life for most of the urban and rural people, used up over short period of days, weeks or months and within one year. The items in FMCG include all consumables (other than groceries, pulses) and non-consumable that people buy at regular intervals. Since the past few years, the income of rural Indians is raising and their mindset to buy FMCG products are increasing rapidly with improving their lifestyle. With this improving interest of rural consumers over FMCG products, the study entitled " Study on Rural Marketing of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Milk was undertaken to investigate the buying pattern of rural consumers inVinukonda mandal of Guntur district, the factors affecting the buying pattern of rural consumers, the factors affecting the buying behavior of rural consumers, their level of satisfaction towards the changing the attributes like Price, Quality, Availabilities, offers, and purchasing experience and the various opportunities and challenges for FMCG companies in rural areas. The products chosen for this case study are milk and its importance This study also reveals that how a rural consumer makes the decision to spend their available resources (time, effort, money) on consuming related items and their satisfaction levels towards their FMCG product available in their locations. The study also identifies how their power of buying the FMCG products is utilized from different stores. It also revealed the affective of various sources of information affecting the buying behavior of FMCG brands and also the loyalty of rural consumers on sticking to the same brand., {"references":["1.\tAnand and Hundal, B.S. (2008), \"Perceptions of consumers towards promotional schemes for durables: a study in Punjab\", The ICFAI University Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.3 No. 2, 17-31. 2.\tAnand, Sandeep and Krishna, Rajnish (2008), \"Rural brand preference determinants in India\", 3.\tIn Conference on Marketing to Rural Consumers – Understanding and tapping the rural market potential, IIMK, pp. 1-5. 4.\tArens, F. William (2006), Contemporary Advertising, 10 e, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York 5.\tBhatt, Rajeshwari G. and Jaiswal, M. C. (1986), \"A study of an advertising impact and consumer reaction\", Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.18, pp. 9-16. 6.\tBijapurkar, Rama (2000), \"The Marketing in India, The Economic Times, September 18, pp. 6. 7.\tBijoor, Harish (2005), \"Creating brand strategies for rural India\", Deccan Herald, July, 4. 8.\tBishnoi, V.K. and Bharti (2007), \"Awareness and consumption pattern of rural consumers towards home and personal care products\", In Conference on Marketing to Rural Consumers, IIM K, pp. 93-106. 9.\tDhunna, Mukesh (1984), \"An analysis of consumer behaviour—a case study of soft drinks\", Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.14, pp. 26-28."]}