46 results on '"Kolos, R."'
Search Results
2. Carriers of 4964 and 6196 diffuse interstellar bands and environments dominated by either CH or CH$^{+}$ molecules
- Author
Weselak, T., Galazutdinov, G. A., Sergeev, O., Godunova, V., Kołos, R., and Krełowski, J.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
The analysis of radial velocities of interstellar spectral features: CH, CH$^{+}$ as well as 4964 and 6196 diffuse interstellar bands, seen in spectra of HD 151932 and 152233, suggests that carrier of the former is spatially correlated with CH while that of the latter -- with CH$^{+}$. A further analysis, done in this paper and based on the sample of 106 reddened OB stars, partly confirms this suggestion, showing that the CH column density correlates indeed much better with the equivalent width of the 4964 DIB than with that of the 6196 DIB. However, the strengths of the 6196 DIB correlate only marginally better with CH$^+$ than with CH., Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Acta Astronomica
- Published
- 2014
3. Nitrogen hydrides in interstellar gas: Herschel/HIFI observations towards G10.6-0.4 (W31C)
- Author
Persson, C. M., Black, J. H., Cernicharo, J., Goicoechea, J. R., Hassel, G. E., Herbst, E., Gerin, M., De Luca, M., Bell, T. A., Coutens, A., Falgarone, E., Goldsmith, P. F., Gupta, H., Kazmierczak, M., Lis, D. C., Mookerjea, B., Neufeld, D. A., Pearson, J., Phillips, T. G., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Boulanger, F., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Geballe, T. R., Giesen, T., Godard, B., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Menten, K., Monje, R., Perault, M., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Teyssier, D., Peron, I., Cais, P., Gaufre, P., Cros, A., Ravera, L., Morris, P., Lord, S., and Planesas, P.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
The HIFI instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory has been used to observe interstellar nitrogen hydrides along the sight-line towards G10.6-0.4 in order to improve our understanding of the interstellar chemistry of nitrogen. We report observations of absorption in NH N=1-0, J=2-1 and ortho-NH2 1_1,1-0_0,0. We also observed ortho-NH3 1_0-0_0, and 2_0-1_0, para-NH3 2_1-1_1, and searched unsuccessfully for NH+. All detections show emission and absorption associated directly with the hot-core source itself as well as absorption by foreground material over a wide range of velocities. All spectra show similar, non-saturated, absorption features, which we attribute to diffuse molecular gas. Total column densities over the velocity range 11-54 km/s are estimated. The similar profiles suggest fairly uniform abundances relative to hydrogen, approximately 6*10^-9, 3*10^-9, and 3*10^-9 for NH, NH2, and NH3, respectively. These abundances are discussed with reference to models of gas-phase and surface chemistry., Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 online pages with 2 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A July 6 (Herschel/HIFI special issue)
- Published
- 2010
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4. Detection of hydrogen fluoride absorption in diffuse molecular clouds with Herschel/HIFI: a ubiquitous tracer of molecular gas
- Author
Sonnentrucker, P., Neufeld, D. A., Phillips, T. G., Gerin, M., Lis, D. C., De Luca, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Black, J. H., Bell, T. A., Boulanger, F., Cernicharo, J., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Kazmierczak, M., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T. R., Giesen, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Gupta, H., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martın-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Pearson, J., Perault, M., Persson, C. M., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Caux, E., Gusten, R., Hatch, W. A., Klein, T., Mehdi, I., Morris, P., and Ward, J. S.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We discuss the detection of absorption by interstellar hydrogen fluoride (HF) along the sight line to the submillimeter continuum sources W49N and W51. We have used Herschel's HIFI instrument in dual beam switch mode to observe the 1232.4762 GHz J = 1 - 0 HF transition in the upper sideband of the band 5a receiver. We detected foreground absorption by HF toward both sources over a wide range of velocities. Optically thin absorption components were detected on both sight lines, allowing us to measure - as opposed to obtain a lower limit on - the column density of HF for the first time. As in previous observations of HF toward the source G10.6-0.4, the derived HF column density is typically comparable to that of water vapor, even though the elemental abundance of oxygen is greater than that of fluorine by four orders of magnitude. We used the rather uncertain N(CH)-N(H2) relationship derived previously toward diffuse molecular clouds to infer the molecular hydrogen column density in the clouds exhibiting HF absorption. Within the uncertainties, we find that the abundance of HF with respect to H2 is consistent with the theoretical prediction that HF is the main reservoir of gas-phase fluorine for these clouds. Thus, hydrogen fluoride has the potential to become an excellent tracer of molecular hydrogen, and provides a sensitive probe of clouds of small H2 column density. Indeed, the observations of hydrogen fluoride reported here reveal the presence of a low column density diffuse molecular cloud along the W51 sight line, at an LSR velocity of ~ 24kms-1, that had not been identified in molecular absorption line studies prior to the launch of Herschel., Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, A&A Letter special issue, accepted on 07/13/2010
- Published
- 2010
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5. Herschel/HIFI measurements of the ortho/para ratio in water towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C
- Author
Lis, D. C., Phillips, T. G., Goldsmith, P. F., Neufeld, D. A., Herbst, E., Comito, C., Schilke, P., Müller, H. S. P., Bergin, E. A., Gerin, M., Bell, T. A., Emprechtinger, M., Black, J. H., Blake, G. A., Boulanger, F., Cabrit, S., Caux, E., Ceccarelli, C., Cernicharo, J., Coutens, A., Crockett, N. R., Daniel, F., Dartois, E., De Luca, M., Dubernet, M. -L., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T. R., Godard, B., Giesen, T. F., Goicoechea, J. R., Gry, C., Gupta, H., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Kołos, R., Krełowski, J., Joblin, C., Johnstone, D., Kaźmierczak, M., Lord, S. D., Maret, S., Martin, P. G., Martín-Pintado, J., Melnick, G. J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Morris, P., Murphy, J. A., Ossenkopf, V., Pagani, L., Pearson, J. C., Pérault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Qin, S. -L., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Trappe, N., van der Tak, F. F. S., Vastel, C., Wang, S., Yorke, H. W., Yu, S., Zmuidzinas, J., Boogert, A., Erickson, N., Karpov, A., Kooi, J., Maiwald, F. W., Schieder, R., and Zaal, P.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We present Herschel/HIFI observations of the fundamental rotational transitions of ortho- and para-H$_2^{16}$O and H$_2^{18}$O in absorption towards Sagittarius~B2(M) and W31C. The ortho/para ratio in water in the foreground clouds on the line of sight towards these bright continuum sources is generally consistent with the statistical high-temperature ratio of 3, within the observational uncertainties. However, somewhat unexpectedly, we derive a low ortho/para ratio of $2.35 \pm 0.35$, corresponding to a spin temperature of $\sim$27~K, towards Sagittarius~B2(M) at velocities of the expanding molecular ring. Water molecules in this region appear to have formed with, or relaxed to, an ortho/para ratio close to the value corresponding to the local temperature of the gas and dust., Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, HIFI Special Issue; 5 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2010
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6. Herschel/HIFI observations of interstellar OH+ and H2O+ towards W49N: a probe of diffuse clouds with a small molecular fraction
- Author
Neufeld, D. A., Goicoechea, J. R., Sonnentrucker, P., Black, J. H., Pearson, J., Yu, S., Phillips, T. G., Lis, D. C., De Luca, M., Herbst, E., Rimmer, P., Gerin, M., Bell, T. A., Boulanger, F., Cernicharo, J., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Kazmierczak, M., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T. R., Giesen, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Gupta, H., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kołos, R., Krełowski, J., Martın-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Perault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Cros, A., Klein, K., Lorenzani, A., Philipp, S., Samoska, L. A., Shipman, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Szczerba, R., and Zmuidzinas, J.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We report the detection of absorption by interstellar hydroxyl cations and water cations, along the sight-line to the bright continuum source W49N. We have used Herschel's HIFI instrument, in dual beam switch mode, to observe the 972 GHz N = 1 - 0 transition of OH+ and the 1115 GHz 1(11) - 0(00) transition of ortho-H2O+. The resultant spectra show absorption by ortho-H2O+, and strong absorption by OH+, in foreground material at velocities in the range 0 to 70 km/s with respect to the local standard of rest. The inferred OH+/H2O+ abundance ratio ranges from ~ 3 to ~ 15, implying that the observed OH+ arises in clouds of small molecular fraction, in the 2 - 8% range. This conclusion is confirmed by the distribution of OH+ and H2O+ in Doppler velocity space, which is similar to that of atomic hydrogen, as observed by means of 21 cm absorption measurements, and dissimilar from that typical of other molecular tracers. The observed OH+/H abundance ratio of a few E-8 suggests a cosmic ray ionization rate for atomic hydrogen of (0.6 - 2.4) E-16 s-1, in good agreement with estimates inferred previously for diffuse clouds in the Galactic disk from observations of interstellar H3+ and other species., Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters
- Published
- 2010
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7. Excitation and Abundance of C3 in star forming cores:Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight-lines to W31C and W49N
- Author
Mookerjea, B., Giesen, T., Stutzki, J., Cernicharo, J., Goicoechea, J. R., De Luca, M., Bell, T. A., Gupta, H., Gerin, M., Persson, C. M., Sonnentrucker, P., Makai, Z., Black, J., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Herbst, P. Hennebelle E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kaźmierczak, M., Kołos, R., Krełowski, J., Lis, D. C., Martin-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Pearson, J. C., Perault, M., Phillips, T. G., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Dieleman, P., Güsten, R., Honingh, C. E., Morris, P., Roelfsema, P., Schieder, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., and Zmuidzinas, J.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We present spectrally resolved observations of triatomic carbon (C3) in several ro-vibrational transitions between the vibrational ground state and the low-energy nu2 bending mode at frequencies between 1654-1897 GHz along the sight-lines to the submillimeter continuum sources W31C and W49N, using Herschel's HIFI instrument. We detect C3 in absorption arising from the warm envelope surrounding the hot core, as indicated by the velocity peak position and shape of the line profile. The sensitivity does not allow to detect C3 absorption due to diffuse foreground clouds. From the column densities of the rotational levels in the vibrational ground state probed by the absorption we derive a rotation temperature (T_rot) of ~50--70 K, which is a good measure of the kinetic temperature of the absorbing gas, as radiative transitions within the vibrational ground state are forbidden. It is also in good agreement with the dust temperatures for W31C and W49N. Applying the partition function correction based on the derived T_rot, we get column densities N(C3) ~7-9x10^{14} cm^{-2} and abundance x(C3)~10^{-8} with respect to H2. For W31C, using a radiative transfer model including far-infrared pumping by the dust continuum and a temperature gradient within the source along the line of sight we find that a model with x(C3)=10^{-8}, T_kin=30-50 K, N(C3)=1.5 10^{15} cm^{-2} fits the observations reasonably well and provides parameters in very good agreement with the simple excitation analysis., Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (HIFI first results issue)
- Published
- 2010
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8. Strong absorption by interstellar hydrogen fluoride: Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight-line to G10.6-0.4 (W31C)
- Author
Neufeld, D. A., Sonnentrucker, P., Phillips, T. G., Lis, D. C., De Luca, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Black, J. H., Gerin, M., Bell, T., Boulanger, F., Cernicharo, J., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Kazmierczak, M., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T. R., Giesen, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Gupta, H., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Pearson, J., Perault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Cais, P., Caux, E., Liseau, R., Morris, P., and Planesas, P.
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Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We report the detection of strong absorption by interstellar hydrogen fluoride along the sight-line to the submillimeter continuum source G10.6-0.4 (W31C). We have used Herschel's HIFI instrument, in dual beam switch mode, to observe the 1232.4763 GHz J=1-0 HF transition in the upper sideband of the Band 5a receiver. The resultant spectrum shows weak HF emission from G10.6-0.4 at LSR velocities in the range -10 to -3 km/s, accompanied by strong absorption by foreground material at LSR velocities in the range 15 to 50 km/s. The spectrum is similar to that of the 1113.3430 GHz 1(11)-0(00) transition of para-water, although at some frequencies the HF (hydrogen fluoride) optical depth clearly exceeds that of para-H2O. The optically-thick HF absorption that we have observed places a conservative lower limit of 1.6E+14 cm-2 on the HF column density along the sight-line to G10.6-0.4. Our lower limit on the HF abundance, 6E-9 relative to hydrogen nuclei, implies that hydrogen fluoride accounts for between ~ 30 and 100% of the fluorine nuclei in the gas phase along this sight-line. This observation corroborates theoretical predictions that - because the unique thermochemistry of fluorine permits the exothermic reaction of F atoms with molecular hydrogen - HF will be the dominant reservoir of interstellar fluorine under a wide range of conditions., Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Herschel special issue). This revised version corrects a typographic error in the HTML abstract, in which the lower limit on the HF abundance (should be 6E-9) was previously misstated. The abstract in the PDF version is correct and the latter has not been modified
- Published
- 2010
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9. Excited electronic structure of methylcyanoacetylene probed by VUV Fourier-transform absorption spectroscopy
- Author
Lamarre, N., Gans, B., Vieira Mendes, L.A., Gronowski, M., Guillemin, J.-C., De Oliveira, N., Douin, S., Chevalier, M., Crépin, C., Kołos, R., and Boyé-Péronne, S.
- Published
- 2016
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10. Collections of the Central Scientific Library named after Yakub Kolas of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a “haven of cartesianism”
- Author
Kolos, R. A., primary
- Published
- 2022
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11. Photochemical synthesis of the cyanodiacetylene HC(sub 5)N: A cryogenic matrix experiment
- Author
Coupeaud, A., Kolos, R., Couturier-Tamburelli, I., and Aycard, J.P.
- Subjects
Acetylene -- Chemical properties ,Acetylene -- Optical properties ,Argon -- Optical properties ,Density functionals -- Usage ,Butadiene -- Chemical properties ,Butadiene -- Optical properties ,Chemicals, plastics and rubber industries - Abstract
The reactivity of intermolecular complexes cyanoacetylene:acetylene and dicyanoacetylene:acetylene, trapped in solid argon matrixes at 10K and irradiated with vacuum UV is studied. FTIR measurements, together with (super 2)H, (super 15)N, (super 13)C labeling experiments and with density functional theory (DFT) calculations pointed to the formation of cyanodiacetylene HC(super 5)N (cyanobutadiyne).
- Published
- 2006
12. Optimal oxygen concentration for the detection of single indocarbocyanine molecules in a polymeric matrix
- Author
Piwoński, H., Kołos, R., Meixner, A., and Sepioł, J.
- Published
- 2005
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13. Theoretical and IR-matrix isolation studies on the urea and urea-D 4, - [formula omitted], and -1,3- [formula omitted]2 substituted molecules
- Author
Dobrowolski, J.Cz, Kołos, R, Sadlej, J, and Mazurek, A.P
- Published
- 2002
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14. Single molecule spectroscopy of Mg-tetrazaporphyrin in xenon matrix.: Heavy atom effect
- Author
Starukhin, A, Shulga, A, Sepiol, J, Kolos, R, Knyukshto, V, Renn, A, and Wild, U.P
- Published
- 2002
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15. Vibrational spectra of alkali metal isoorotates
- Author
Dobrosz-Teperek, K, Dobrowolski, J.Cz, Kołos, R, Lewandowski, W, and Mazurek, A.P
- Published
- 2001
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- Author
Ruban, I., Khudov, H., Lishchenko, V., Pukhovyi, O., Popov, S., Kolos, R., Kravets, T., Shamrai, N., Solomonenko, Yu., and Yuzova, I.
- Subjects
This paper reports the assessment of the detection zone of survey radar stations under a mode of single-place location. The detection zone under this mode significantly depends on the properties of the single-position effective surface of air objects scattering. The assessment of the detection zone of survey radar stations under a mode of the distributed location has been performed. It was established that the dimensions of the detection zone of air objects under a mode of the distributed location depend not only on the characteristics of the transmitting and receiving positions but on the system's geometry and the information combining technique as well. It was established that the size and nature of the detection zones of air objects under a mode of distributed reception depend on the distance to the base line and the degree of suppression of the penetrating signal in the receiving position. The detection zone of survey radar stations was estimated when the modes of single-position and distributed location merge. It was established that the shape of an air object detection zone depends on the design features of a particular air object and would take a different form for different types of air objects. However, the general trend to increase the size of the detection zone and reduce the dependence of its shape on the foreshortening of an air object when the merged modes of single-position and distributed reception is inherent in all types of air objects. The quality of using the merging of single-position and distributed reception modes at the pre-defined flight altitude of an air object was assessed. It was established that the application of the non-coherent combination of the single-position and distributed processing channels would increase the size of the detection zone of stealth aircraft objects by at least 30 % compared to the size of the single-position radar detection zone [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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17. Vibrational spectroscopy of glutethimide—from isolated molecule to solid state
- Author
Bajdor, K., Glice, M.M., Leś, A., Adamowicz, L., and Kołos, R.
- Published
- 1999
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18. Способи підвищення бойових можливостей інженерних боєприпасів
- Author
Ftemov, Y. O., Kolos, R. L., and Pavlyuchyk, V. P.
- Subjects
antitank mines ,ammunitions ,effectiveness of antitank mines ,противотанковые мины ,инженерные боеприпасы ,эффективность противотанковых мин ,протитанкові міни ,інженерні боєприпаси ,ефективність протитанкових мін - Abstract
It was analysis the stage of development ammunitions against armored objects with an aim to show of use of antitank mines, its lacks and also to define the ways of improvement of effectiveness such as introduction of new samples with use of modern technology in the branch artificial intellect, robotics, new materials . It was proposed new approaches, substitution of its constructions, and principle of work.Determined that the use of anti-personnel mines does not lose its relevance in the fight against armored targets of the enemy, but requires a new conceptual approach to their design and operating principle. This will make it possible to reduce the number of mines that will be applied and, accordingly, time, effort to install them, and increase their combat effectiveness., Проведен анализ развития инженерных боеприпасов для борьбы с бронированными объектами, отражена цель применения противотанковых мин, их недостатки, определенные пути для повышения эффективности через внедрение технологий из отрасли искусственного интеллекта и робототехники, новейших материалов, предложены подходы относительно изменения их конструкции, применения и принципа действия., Проведено аналіз розвитку інженерних боєприпасів для боротьби з броньованими об’єктами, висвітлено мету застосування протитанкових мін, їх недоліки, визначені шляхи підвищення ефективності через застосування передових технологій у галузі штучного інтелекту та робототехніки, новітніх матеріалів, запропоновано підходи щодо зміни їх конструкції, застосування та принципу дії.
- Published
- 2016
19. Organization of works on demining the area of explosive ordnance
- Author
Kolos, R. L., primary and Ftemov, Y. O., additional
- Published
- 2017
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20. Organization of works on demining the area of explosive ordnance
- Author
Kolos, R. L.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, доцент кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, Ftemov, Y. O.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, кандидат технічних наук, доцент, начальник кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, Kolos, R. L.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, доцент кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, and Ftemov, Y. O.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, кандидат технічних наук, доцент, начальник кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення
- Abstract
Analysis of factors affecting the tasks of demining the area while conducting combat operations in eastern Ukraine, namely the uses of ammunition, lack of accounting documents established mine-explosive obstacles, changing the micro-relief terrain, long of ammunition for their clearance, destruction of buildings mines under the influence of the environment and continuous use of weapons in the areas of demining works.Substantiated proposals for de-mining equipment group with the latest means of finding ammunition and ways to improve methods of cleaning tasks ground by hand and by mechanical systems. The attention to arrangements during demining traffic routes used to move units of various goods in which mainly used visual way to search for explosive devices for the tell-tale signs. In the places where there are hints of mining detectors are used to check the area. It is proposed to apply an additional group that after a certain period of time has re-check the road and give an opinion on the quality of the work. The methods demining, manual (manual demining); mechanical (mechanical sweeping); explosive (mine-explosion); complex (complete clearance, which combines two or more ways). We present ways to improve the design of mine sweeps for explosive ordnance disposal that setting stretch marks at a height of 1.5 m.Author analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods of quality control of cleaning areas: the method of random sampling and identification of areas for mine clearance as an alternative basis - the area cleared of explosive objects or terrain is not free from explosive devices., Проведен анализ факторов, влияющих на выполнение задач по разминированию местности во время ведения боевых действий на востоке Украины, а именно способов применения боеприпасов, отсутствие отчетных документов на установленные минно-взрывные заграждения, изменение микрорельефа местности, длительное время от применения боеприпасов до их разминирования, разрушения корпусов мин под воздействием окружающей среды и непрерывное применение оружия в районах выполнения работ.Рассматриваются способы разминирования, методы контроля качества очистки местности от взрывоопасных предметов. Обосновываются предложения по оснащению групп разминирования и совершенствование методов выполнения задач по очистке местности., Проведено аналіз факторів, які впливають на виконання завдань із розмінування місцевості під час ведення бойових дій на Сході України, а саме: способів застосування боєприпасів, відсутність звітних документів на встановлені мінно-вибухові загородження, зміни мікрорельєфу місцевості, тривалий час від застосування боєприпасів до їх розмінування, руйнування корпусів мін під впливом оточуючого середовища та безперервне застосування зброї у районах виконання робіт.Розглядаються способи розмінування, методи контролю якості очищення місцевості від вибухонебезпечних предметів. Обґрунтовуються пропозиції щодо оснащення груп розмінування та удосконалення методів виконання завдань з очищення місцевості.
- Published
- 2017
21. Ways to improve combat capabilities of engineering ammunition
- Author
Ftemov, Y. O.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, кандидат технічних наук, старший науковий співробітник, начальник кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення факультету підготовки спеціалістів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, Kolos, R. L.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення факультету підготовки спеціалістів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, Pavlyuchyk, V. P.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, старший викладач кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення факультету підготовки спеціалістів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, Ftemov, Y. O.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, кандидат технічних наук, старший науковий співробітник, начальник кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення факультету підготовки спеціалістів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, Kolos, R. L.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення факультету підготовки спеціалістів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення, and Pavlyuchyk, V. P.; Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Львів, старший викладач кафедри тактики підрозділів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення факультету підготовки спеціалістів бойового (оперативного) забезпечення
- Abstract
It was analysis the stage of development ammunitions against armored objects with an aim to show of use of antitank mines, its lacks and also to define the ways of improvement of effectiveness such as introduction of new samples with use of modern technology in the branch artificial intellect, robotics, new materials . It was proposed new approaches, substitution of its constructions, and principle of work.Determined that the use of anti-personnel mines does not lose its relevance in the fight against armored targets of the enemy, but requires a new conceptual approach to their design and operating principle. This will make it possible to reduce the number of mines that will be applied and, accordingly, time, effort to install them, and increase their combat effectiveness., Проведен анализ развития инженерных боеприпасов для борьбы с бронированными объектами, отражена цель применения противотанковых мин, их недостатки, определенные пути для повышения эффективности через внедрение технологий из отрасли искусственного интеллекта и робототехники, новейших материалов, предложены подходы относительно изменения их конструкции, применения и принципа действия., Проведено аналіз розвитку інженерних боєприпасів для боротьби з броньованими об’єктами, висвітлено мету застосування протитанкових мін, їх недоліки, визначені шляхи підвищення ефективності через застосування передових технологій у галузі штучного інтелекту та робототехніки, новітніх матеріалів, запропоновано підходи щодо зміни їх конструкції, застосування та принципу дії.
- Published
- 2016
22. Ways to improve combat capabilities of engineering ammunition
- Author
Ftemov, Y. O., primary, Kolos, R. L., additional, and Pavlyuchyk, V. P., additional
- Published
- 2016
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23. Excitation and abundance of C3 in star forming cores. Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight-lines to W31C and W49N
- Author
Mookerjea, B., Giesen, T., Stutzki, J., Cernicharo, J., Goicoechea, J. R., De Luca, M., Bell, T. A., Gupta, H., Gerin, M., Persson, C. M., Sonnentrucker, P., Makai, Z., Black, J., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, Pierre, Joblin, C., Kazmierczak, M., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Lis, D. C., Martin-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Pearson, J. C., Perault, M., Phillips, T. G., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Dieleman, P., Güsten, R., Honingh, C. E., Morris, P., Roelfsema, P., Schieder, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Zmuidzinas, J., Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (LAOG), and Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2010
24. CH+(1-0) and 13CH+(1-0) absorption lines in the direction of massive star-forming regions
- Author
Falgarone, E., Godard, B., Cernicharo, J., De Luca, M., Gerin, M., Phillips, T. G., Black, J. H., Lis, D. C., Bell, T. A., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Giesen, T., Goicoechea, J. R., Goldsmith, P. F., Gupta, H., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, Pierre, Joblin, C., Kazmierczak, M., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Neufeld, D. A., Perault, M., Pearson, J. C., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schmidt, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Menten, K., Geballe, T. R., Schlemmer, S., Shipman, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Philipp, S., Cros, A., Zmuidzinas, J., Samoska, L. A., Klein, K., Lorenzani, A., Szczerba, R., Péron, I., Cais, Ph., Gaufre, P., Ravera, L., Morris, P., Lord, S., Planesas, P., Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (LAOG), and Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2010
25. CH+(1-0) and (CH+)-C-13(1-0) absorption lines in the direction of massive star-forming regions
- Author
Falgarone, E., Godard, B., Cernicharo, J., De Luca, M., Gerin, M., Phillips, T. G., Black, J. H., Lis, D. C., Bell, T. A., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Giesen, T., Goicoechea, J. R., Goldsmith, P. F., Gupta, H., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kazmierczak, M., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Neufeld, D. A., Perault, M., Pearson, J. C., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schmidt, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Menten, K., Geballe, T. R., Schlemmer, S., Shipman, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Philipp, S., Cros, A., Zmuidzinas, J., Samoska, L. A., Klein, K., Lorenzani, A., Szczerba, R., Peron, I., Cais, P., Gaufre, P., Ravera, L., Morris, P., Lord, S., Planesas, P., Falgarone, E., Godard, B., Cernicharo, J., De Luca, M., Gerin, M., Phillips, T. G., Black, J. H., Lis, D. C., Bell, T. A., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Giesen, T., Goicoechea, J. R., Goldsmith, P. F., Gupta, H., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kazmierczak, M., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Neufeld, D. A., Perault, M., Pearson, J. C., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schmidt, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Menten, K., Geballe, T. R., Schlemmer, S., Shipman, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Philipp, S., Cros, A., Zmuidzinas, J., Samoska, L. A., Klein, K., Lorenzani, A., Szczerba, R., Peron, I., Cais, P., Gaufre, P., Ravera, L., Morris, P., Lord, S., and Planesas, P.
- Abstract
We report the detection of the ground-state rotational transition of the methylidyne cation CH+ and its isotopologue (CH+)-C-13 toward the remote massive star-forming regions W33A, W49N, and W51 with the HIFI instrument onboard the Herschel satellite. Both lines are seen only in absorption against the dust continuum emission of the star-forming regions. The CH+ absorption is saturated over almost the entire velocity ranges sampled by the lines-of-sight that include gas associated with the star-forming regions (SFR) and Galactic foreground material. The CH+ column densities are inferred from the optically thin components. A lower limit of the isotopic ratio [(CH+)-C-12]/[(CH+)-C-13]> 35.5 is derived from the absorptions of foreground material toward W49N. The column density ratio, N(CH+)/N(HCO+), is found to vary by at least a factor 10, between 4 and > 40, in the Galactic foreground material. Line-of-sight 12CH+ average abundances relative to total hydrogen are estimated. Their average value, N(CH+)/NH > 2.6 x 10(-8), is higher than that observed in the solar neighborhood and confirms the high abundances of CH+ in the Galactic interstellar medium. We compare this result to the predictions of turbulent dissipation regions (TDR) models and find that these high abundances can be reproduced for the inner Galaxy conditions. It is remarkable that the range of predicted N(CH+)/ N(HCO+) ratios, from 1 to similar to 50, is comparable to that observed.
- Published
- 2010
26. Excitation and abundance of C-3 in star forming cores Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight-lines to W31C and W49N
- Author
Mookerjea, B., Giesen, T., Stutzki, J., Cernicharo, J., Goicoechea, J. R., De Luca, M., Bell, T. A., Gupta, H., Gerin, M., Persson, C. M., Sonnentrucker, P., Makai, Z., Black, J., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kazmierczak, M., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Lis, D. C., Martin-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Pearson, J. C., Perault, M., Phillips, T. G., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Dieleman, P., Guesten, R., Honingh, C. E., Morris, P., Roelfsema, P., Schieder, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Zmuidzinas, J., Mookerjea, B., Giesen, T., Stutzki, J., Cernicharo, J., Goicoechea, J. R., De Luca, M., Bell, T. A., Gupta, H., Gerin, M., Persson, C. M., Sonnentrucker, P., Makai, Z., Black, J., Boulanger, F., Coutens, A., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T., Godard, B., Goldsmith, P. F., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Herbst, E., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kazmierczak, M., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Lis, D. C., Martin-Pintado, J., Menten, K. M., Monje, R., Pearson, J. C., Perault, M., Phillips, T. G., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Teyssier, D., Vastel, C., Yu, S., Dieleman, P., Guesten, R., Honingh, C. E., Morris, P., Roelfsema, P., Schieder, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., and Zmuidzinas, J.
- Abstract
We present spectrally resolved observations of triatomic carbon (C-3) in several ro-vibrational transitions between the vibrational ground state and the low-energy nu(2) bending mode at frequencies between 1654-1897 GHz along the sight-lines to the submillimeter continuum sources W31C and W49N, using Herschel's HIFI instrument. We detect C-3 in absorption arising from the warm envelope surrounding the hot core, as indicated by the velocity peak position and shape of the line profile. The sensitivity does not allow to detect C-3 absorption due to diffuse foreground clouds. From the column densities of the rotational levels in the vibrational ground state probed by the absorption we derive a rotation temperature (T-rot) of similar to 50-70 K, which is a good measure of the kinetic temperature of the absorbing gas, as radiative transitions within the vibrational ground state are forbidden. It is also in good agreement with the dust temperatures for W31C and W49N. Applying the partition function correction based on the derived T-rot, we get column densities N(C-3) similar to 7-9 x 10(14) cm(-2) and abundance x(C-3) similar to 10(-8) with respect to H-2. For W31C, using a radiative transfer model including far-infrared pumping by the dust continuum and a temperature gradient within the source along the line of sight we find that a model with x(C-3) = 10(-8), T-kin = 30-50 K, N(C-3) = 1.5 x 10(15) cm(-2) fits the observations reasonably well and provides parameters in very good agreement with the simple excitation analysis.
- Published
- 2010
27. Interstellar CH absorption in the diffuse interstellar medium along the sight-lines to G10.6-0.4 (W31C), W49N, and W51
- Author
Gerin, M., De Luca, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Herbst, E., Falgarone, E., Godard, B., Bell, T. A., Coutens, A., Kazmierczak, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Black, J. H., Neufeld, D. A., Phillips, T. G., Pearson, J., Rimmer, P. B., Hassel, G., Lis, D. C., Vastel, C., Boulanger, F., Cernicharo, J., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Giesen, T., Goldsmith, P. F., Gupta, H., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Perault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schmidt, M., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Yu, S., Contursi, A., Menten, K., Geballe, T. R., Schlemmer, S., Morris, P., Hatch, W. A., Imram, M., Ward, J. S., Caux, E., Guesten, R., Klein, T., Roelfsema, P., Dieleman, P., Schieder, R., Honingh, N., Zmuidzinas, J., Gerin, M., De Luca, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Herbst, E., Falgarone, E., Godard, B., Bell, T. A., Coutens, A., Kazmierczak, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Black, J. H., Neufeld, D. A., Phillips, T. G., Pearson, J., Rimmer, P. B., Hassel, G., Lis, D. C., Vastel, C., Boulanger, F., Cernicharo, J., Dartois, E., Encrenaz, P., Giesen, T., Goldsmith, P. F., Gupta, H., Gry, C., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Joblin, C., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Martin-Pintado, J., Monje, R., Mookerjea, B., Perault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Salez, M., Schmidt, M., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Yu, S., Contursi, A., Menten, K., Geballe, T. R., Schlemmer, S., Morris, P., Hatch, W. A., Imram, M., Ward, J. S., Caux, E., Guesten, R., Klein, T., Roelfsema, P., Dieleman, P., Schieder, R., Honingh, N., and Zmuidzinas, J.
- Abstract
We report the detection of the ground state N, J = 1, 3/2 -> 1, 1/2 doublet of the methylidyne radical CH at similar to 532 GHz and similar to 536 GHz with the Herschel/ HIFI instrument along the sight-line to the massive star-forming regions G10.6-0.4 (W31C), W49N, and W51. While the molecular cores associated with these massive star-forming regions show emission lines, clouds in the diffuse interstellar medium are detected in absorption against the strong submillimeter background. The combination of hyperfine structure with emission and absorption results in complex profiles, with overlap of the different hyperfine components. The opacities of most of the CH absorption features are linearly correlated with those of CCH, CN, and HCO+ in the same velocity intervals. In specific narrow velocity intervals, the opacities of CN and HCO+ deviate from the mean trends, giving rise to more opaque absorption features. We propose that CCH can be used as another tracer of the molecular gas in the absence of better tracers, with [CCH]/[H-2] similar to 3.2 +/- 1.1 x 10(-8). The observed [CN]/[CH], [CCH]/[CH] abundance ratios suggest that the bulk of the diffuse matter along the lines of sight has gas densities nH = n(H) + 2n(H-2) ranging between 100 and 1000 cm(-3).
- Published
- 2010
28. Herschel/HIFI measurements of the ortho/para ratio in water towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C
- Author
Lis, D.C., Phillips, T.G., Goldsmith, P.F., Neufeld, D.A., Herbst, E., Comito, C., Schilke, P., Muller, H.S.P., Bergin, E.A., Gerin, M., Bell, T.A., Emprechtinger, M., Black, J., Blake, G.A., Boulanger, F., Caux, E., Ceccarelli, C., Cernicharo, J., Coutens, A., Crockett, N.R., Daniel, F., Dartois, E., De Luca, M., Dubernet, M.-L., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T.R., Godard, B., Giesen, T.F., Goicoechea, J.R., Gry, C., Gupta, H., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Joblin, C., Johnstone, D., Kazmierczak, M., Lord, S.D., Maret, S., Martin, P.G., Martin-Pintado, J., Melnick, G.J., Menten, K.M., Monjel, R., Mookerjea, B., Morris, P., Murphy, J.Anthony, Ossenkopf, V., Pearson, J.C., Perault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Qin, S.-L., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Trappe, Neil, van der Tak, F.F.S., Vastel, C., Wang, S., Yorke, H.W., Yu, S., Zmuidzinas, J., Boogert, A., Erickson, N., Karpov, A., Kooi, J., Maiwald, F.W., Schieder, R., Zaal, P., Lis, D.C., Phillips, T.G., Goldsmith, P.F., Neufeld, D.A., Herbst, E., Comito, C., Schilke, P., Muller, H.S.P., Bergin, E.A., Gerin, M., Bell, T.A., Emprechtinger, M., Black, J., Blake, G.A., Boulanger, F., Caux, E., Ceccarelli, C., Cernicharo, J., Coutens, A., Crockett, N.R., Daniel, F., Dartois, E., De Luca, M., Dubernet, M.-L., Encrenaz, P., Falgarone, E., Geballe, T.R., Godard, B., Giesen, T.F., Goicoechea, J.R., Gry, C., Gupta, H., Hennebelle, P., Hily-Blant, P., Kolos, R., Krelowski, J., Joblin, C., Johnstone, D., Kazmierczak, M., Lord, S.D., Maret, S., Martin, P.G., Martin-Pintado, J., Melnick, G.J., Menten, K.M., Monjel, R., Mookerjea, B., Morris, P., Murphy, J.Anthony, Ossenkopf, V., Pearson, J.C., Perault, M., Persson, C., Plume, R., Qin, S.-L., Salez, M., Schlemmer, S., Schmidt, M., Sonnentrucker, P., Stutzki, J., Teyssier, D., Trappe, Neil, van der Tak, F.F.S., Vastel, C., Wang, S., Yorke, H.W., Yu, S., Zmuidzinas, J., Boogert, A., Erickson, N., Karpov, A., Kooi, J., Maiwald, F.W., Schieder, R., and Zaal, P.
- Abstract
We present Herschel/HIFI observations of the fundamental rotational transitions of ortho- and para-H16 2 O and H18 2 O in absorption towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C. The ortho/para ratio in water in the foreground clouds on the line of sight towards these bright continuum sources is generally consistent with the statistical high-temperature ratio of 3, within the observational uncertainties. However, somewhat unexpectedly, we derive a low ortho/para ratio of 2.35±0.35, corresponding to a spin temperature of ∼27 K, towards Sagittarius B2(M) at velocities of the expanding molecular ring. Water molecules in this region appear to have formed with, or relaxed to, an ortho/para ratio close to the value corresponding to the local temperature of the gas and dust.
- Published
- 2010
29. Vibrational stimulated emission of CO in solid argon
- Author
Chabbi, H., Dahoo, Pierre-Richard, Gauthier-Roy, B., Vasserot, A., Abouaf-Marguin, L., Broquier, M., Dubost, H., Kolos, R., Tramer, A., Berset, J. M., Ortega, J.M., Laboratoire de Physique moléculaire et applications (LPMA), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Photophysique Moléculaire (PPM), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire pour l'utilisation du rayonnement électromagnétique (LURE), and Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-MENRT-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
[CHIM.THEO]Chemical Sciences/Theoretical and/or physical chemistry ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 1998
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30. Interstellar OH+, H2O+and H3O+along the sight-line to G10.6–0.4
- Author
Gerin, M., primary, De Luca, M., additional, Black, J., additional, Goicoechea, J. R., additional, Herbst, E., additional, Neufeld, D. A., additional, Falgarone, E., additional, Godard, B., additional, Pearson, J. C., additional, Lis, D. C., additional, Phillips, T. G., additional, Bell, T. A., additional, Sonnentrucker, P., additional, Boulanger, F., additional, Cernicharo, J., additional, Coutens, A., additional, Dartois, E., additional, Encrenaz, P., additional, Giesen, T., additional, Goldsmith, P. F., additional, Gupta, H., additional, Gry, C., additional, Hennebelle, P., additional, Hily-Blant, P., additional, Joblin, C., additional, Kazmierczak, M., additional, Kolos, R., additional, Krelowski, J., additional, Martin-Pintado, J., additional, Monje, R., additional, Mookerjea, B., additional, Perault, M., additional, Persson, C., additional, Plume, R., additional, Rimmer, P. B., additional, Salez, M., additional, Schmidt, M., additional, Stutzki, J., additional, Teyssier, D., additional, Vastel, C., additional, Yu, S., additional, Contursi, A., additional, Menten, K., additional, Geballe, T., additional, Schlemmer, S., additional, Shipman, R., additional, Tielens, A. G. G. M., additional, Philipp-May, S., additional, Cros, A., additional, Zmuidzinas, J., additional, Samoska, L. A., additional, Klein, K., additional, and Lorenzani, A., additional
- Published
- 2010
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31. Single-molecule spectroscopy of molecules isolated in solid-deposited matrices
- Author
Starukhin, A. S., primary, Shulga, Alexander M., additional, Knyukshto, Valentin N., additional, Sepiol, Jerzy, additional, Kolos, R., additional, Renn, Alois, additional, and Wild, Urs P., additional
- Published
- 2002
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32. Single-molecule spectroscopy of molecules isolated in solid-deposited matrices.
- Author
Starukhin, A. S., Shulga, Alexander M., Knyukshto, Valentin N., Sepiol, Jerzy, Kolos, R., Renn, Alois, and Wild, Urs P.
- Published
- 2002
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33. Vibrational stimulated emission of 13CO2 in solid argon
- Author
Chabbi, H., primary, Dahoo, P.R., additional, Gauthier-Roy, B., additional, Vasserot, A.M., additional, Abouaf-Marguin, L., additional, Broquier, M., additional, Dubost, H., additional, Kolos, R., additional, Tramer, A., additional, Berset, J.M., additional, and Ortega, J.M., additional
- Published
- 1998
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34. Free electron laser as a tool for pump-probe measurements of the vibrational relaxation in condensed phases
- Author
Broquier, M., primary, Dubost, H., additional, Kolos, R., additional, Lefevre, J., additional, Tramer, A., additional, Ortega, J. M., additional, Berset, J. M., additional, and Peremans, A., additional
- Published
- 1996
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35. Free-electron laser as a tool for pump-probe measurements of the vibrational relaxation in condensed phases
- Author
Broquier, M., primary, Dubost, H., additional, Kolos, R., additional, Lefevre, J., additional, Tramer, A., additional, Berset, J.M., additional, Ortega, J.M., additional, and Peremans, A., additional
- Published
- 1995
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- Author
Gronowski, M. and Kolos, R.
- Subjects
- *
QUANTUM chemistry , *MOLECULAR clouds , *INTERSTELLAR molecules , *POTENTIAL energy surfaces , *QUANTUM mechanics - Abstract
It is demonstrated on quantum mechanical grounds that the dissociative recombination of HSCNH+ with an electron, a reaction of interest to the chemistry of molecular interstellar clouds, leads either to HSCN or to HNCS. The HSCNH+ cation, thus far undiscovered in space, is therefore proposed as a precursor for both neutral interstellar species, while H2NCS+ (32 kJ/mol more stable than HSCNH+, according to our quantum-chemical calculations) can yield only HNCS. Calculations of potential energy surfaces were carried out for both cationic precursors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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37. C 5N 2 revisited: mass-selective matrix isolation and DFT studies
- Author
Smith-Gicklhorn, A.M., Lorenz, M., Frankowski, M., Kołos, R., and Bondybey, V.E.
- Published
- 2002
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38. Detection and spectroscopy of single molecules in rare gas matrices: dibenzanthanthrene in krypton and xenon
- Author
Sepiol, J., Starukhin, A., Kolos, R., Latychevskaia, T., Jasny, J., Renn, A., and Wild, U.P.
- Published
- 1999
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39. A novel source of transient species for matrix isolation studies
- Author
Kolos, R.
- Published
- 1995
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40. Vibrational spectra of 5-halogenouracils: Part I
- Author
Zwierzchowska, Z., Dobrosz-Teperek, K., Lewandowski, W., Kolos, R., Bajdor, K., Dobrowolski, J. C., and Mazurek, A. P.
- Published
- 1997
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41. Photolysis of dicyanodiacetylene in argon matrices
- Author
Kolos, R.
- Published
- 1999
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42. Vibrational stimulated emission of ^1^3CO~2 in solid argon
- Author
Chabbi, H., Dahoo, P. R., Gauthier-Roy, B., Vasserot, A. M., Abouaf-Marguin, L., Broquier, M., Dubost, H., Kolos, R., Tramer, A., and Berset, J. M.
- Published
- 1998
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- Author
KOLOS, R., primary and GRABOWSKI, Z. R., additional
- Published
- 1983
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44. Vibrational stimulated emission of 13CO 2 in solid argon
- Author
Chabbi, H., Dahoo, P.R., Gauthier-Roy, B., Vasserot, A.M., Abouaf-Marguin, L., Broquier, M., Dubost, H., Kolos, R., Tramer, A., Berset, J.M., and Ortega, J.M.
- Published
- 1998
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- Author
Kolos, R [Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44, 01-224 Warsaw (Poland)]
- Published
- 2011
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46. Cell adhesion to polymeric surfaces: experimental study and simple theoretical approach.
- Author
Dobkowski J, Kolos R, Kamiński J, and Kowalczyńska HM
- Subjects
- Cell Adhesion, Cell Line, Humans, Biocompatible Materials, Models, Biological, Polymers
- Abstract
In a medium without serum, the initial adhesion of L1210 cells to nonsulfonated and sulfonated polymer surfaces was investigated. In the case of sulfonated polymer surfaces, the relative number of adhering cells strongly increases with an increase of the interfacial surface tension; that is, adhesion strongly depends on the surface density of sulfonic groups. However, in the case of nonsulfonated polymer surfaces, the relative number of adhering cells is high and independent of the interfacial surface tension. To extend the basic knowledge of these phenomena, a semi-empirical quantum chemical computational study was undertaken. Simple probe molecules were chosen that mimic the chemical properties of functional groups present on polymeric surfaces. The energies of interaction between these molecules and ones representing the midchain polypeptide building blocks were calculated. To discuss the steric effects involved in similar interactions on real surfaces, a simple model of polymeric surfaces was proposed. Also the interactions among such surfaces and the short hydrated polypeptide chain were studied at the molecular mechanics level of theory. The derived intermolecular energy parameter was found to change in parallel to the number of adhered cells within the two groups of substrata under study: nonsulfonated and sulfonated. The computational results suggest the possible existence of differently arranged cell membrane protein centers responsible for docking to these two types of surfaces., (Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
- Published
- 1999
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