1. Bentonite as adsorbent for separation of metal ions from aqueous solutions
- Author
Kugler, Jaka, Škerget, Mojca, and Čolnik, Maja
- Subjects
zeta potential ,adsorption ,adsorpcija ,težke kovine ,bentonite ,udc:66.081:666.322(043.2) ,zeta potencial ,bentonit ,heavy metals ,ICP OES - Abstract
Onesnaževanje okolja s težkimi kovinami in reševanje le te problematike na učinkovit in hkrati ekonomsko sprejemljiv način, predstavlja vedno večji izziv v današnjem času. V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali adsorpcijske lastnosti bentonita za adsorpcijo kovinskih ionov (železo, baker, svinec) iz vodne raztopine. Masne koncentracije kovinskih ionov v raztopini smo določili z optično emisijsko spektroskopijo (ICP OES). Prav tako smo preučili karakteristike samega bentonita (velikost delcev, zeta potencial, specifična površina, volumen por). Karakterizacija je pokazala, da je v našem vzorcu bentonita povprečni zeta potencial - 0,257 mV in povprečna velikost delcev 1657 nm. Ugotovili smo, da s spreminjanjem pH raztopin Fe2+, Cu2+ in Pb2+ ionov, bentonit najbolje adsorbira pri pH vrednosti 7. Spreminjali smo tudi koncentracije samih raztopin z Fe2+, Cu2+ in Pb2+ ionov v območju od 1 mM do 13 mM in izmerili, da ima bentonit največjo kapaciteto pri koncentraciji 13 mM. Prav tako smo preizkusili medsebojni vpliv ionov na adsorpcijo in ugotovili, da je učinkovitost adsorpcije vseh treh ionov nad 99 %. Iz rezultatov diplomskega dela lahko sklepamo, da je bentonit odlična izbira za odstranjevanje železovih, bakrovih in svinčevih ionov iz vode. Heavy metal pollution and how to solve this problem in an efficient and economically acceptable way, represents one of the biggest problems in our modern world. In diploma thesis, we examined adsorption capacity of bentonite for the adsorption of metal ions (iron, copper, lead) from aqueous solution. The mass concentrations of the metal ions in the solution has been determinated by optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES). Furthermore, the characteristics of bentonite (particle size, zeta potential, specific surface area, pore volume) has been examined. Characterization showed that for our sample of bentonite, the average zeta potential was 0.257 mV and the average particle size was 1657 nm. We observed that by changing the pH of Fe2+, Cu2+ and Pb2+ ion solutions, bentonite absorbs best at pH value of 7. By varying the concentration of the solutions of Fe2+, Cu2+ and Pb2+ ions in range from 1 mM to 13 mM it was found that bentonite has the highest capacity at a concentration of 13 mM. In addition, we investigated the interactions of the ions in solution and their influence on adsorption and we realised that the adsorption efficiency of all three ions was above 99 %. The results of the thesis lead to the conclusion, that bentonite is an excellent choice for the removal of iron, copper and lead ions from water.
- Published
- 2019