La Notte P., Jaksic D., Perovic V., Vukovic A., Vujadinovic M., Beader M., Bonello F., Giannini P., Pavicevic S., Krstic M., Rajkovic R., Soskic S., Ivanisevic D., Sequino S., Grillo Spina F., Tonelli S., Cagnazzo A., and Maras V.
Montenegro, as candidate Country for the accession in the European Union, in the framework of the procedure for alignment and together with the harmonization of national legislation with CMO Wine, decided to conduct a new viticultural zoning study at national level. Within the overall objective of further strengthen the viticulture and wine sectors through the harmonization with EU standards, the IPA project "Technical Support to Renewal of viticulture zoning of Montenegro" (Europe Aid/136071/DH/SER/ME) had several other specific objectives including: a) the establish a new Viticulture Zoning as precondition to set up a system of designations for wine with Geographical Indications (PDO/PGI system); b) the official classification of the viticultural areas of Montenegro in climatic zone as required by EU regulation i.e. for the adoption of the oenological practices and defining the restrictions in their application. The two years project started in April 2015, leaded by CRSFA "Basile Caramia", was carried out by a multidisciplinary team of Italian and Serbian experts with the collaboration of experts from Montenegro. Starting from an old viticultural zoning of former Yugoslavia carried out in 1976, a huge amount of different existing data, provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other Institutions and wineries of Montenegro, was collected, processed and analysed. For the climate analysis, data from 12 meteorological stations and for three periods, one 44-years long (1971-2014) and two 20-years long (1971-1990 and 1995-2014), were used to calculate 11 bioclimatic indexes. Scientific literature, soil maps of Montenegro, the official vineyard and winery registers, the chemical analysis of all wines on the market in the last 5 years, different type of digital maps and DEM were the main source of data used. Additional primary data, used to confirm the existing ones, was collected in 19 vineyards/locations, selected as representatives of the candidate homogeneous subregions, by opening soil profiles, sampling, analyzing and comparing soils, grapes (2015 and 1016) and wines (2015) of the main cultivars. From the analysis of the vineyard parcels the main characteristics and statistics for each homogeneous area, including their borders were described in detail and represented, using contemporary advanced GIS methods (GIS software / ESRI ArcGIS etc.), in thematic maps. The results of the study confirm that Montenegro has, in a relatively small territory, very different terroirs particularly due to a complex orography and the Mediterranean climate strongly influenced by Adriatic Sea and the big Skadar lake as well as, locally, high mountains and rivers. The zoning study identified three main homogeneous viticultural areas or regions and eleven sub-regions that, classified among II (B), IV (C2) and V (C3) zones, have been formally recognized published on National Gazette: Crnogorski basen Skadrskog jezera (sub-regions Bjelopavli?i, Crmnica, Katuni, Podgorica, Rijeka, Piperi), Crnogorsko Primorje (sub-regions Boka kotorska, Budva-Bar, Ulcinj, Jadransko zale?e) and Nudo. Additionally, based just on climate analysis and perspections, five small new potential viticultural areas where identified within the area Sjever: Bijelo Polje, Dragaljsko Polje, Nik?i? and ??epan Polje. Those places, in the past too cold for viticulture, due to the ongoing and observed climate change, seem to be suitable for grape growing and should be tested experimentally. The zoning represent at the same time an instrument of deep knowledge about viticulture and territory available for the Montenegrin producers and the technical framework for the establishment of a new quality wine system based on the certification of the geographical origin. The final technical elaborate of the study, consisting in around 1.200 pages full of data, information and 22 different thematic maps for each area, will help the producers and their organizations/consortia in preparing the technical dossier than accelerating the procedures for the official recognition and registration of new PDO/PGI wines.