Perez DL, Nicholson TR, Asadi-Pooya AA, Butler M, Carson AJ, David AS, Deeley Q, Diez I, Edwards MJ, Espay AJ, Gelauff JM, Jungilligens J, Hallett M, Kanaan RAA, Tijssen MAJ, Kozlowska K, LaFrance WC Jr, Marapin RS, Maurer CW, Reinders AATS, Sojka P, Staab JP, Stone J, Szaflarski JP, and Aybek S
Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: D.L.P. has received honoraria for continuing medical education lectures in FND; royalties from Springer for the textbook Functional Movement Disorder and from Elsevier for the textbook Functional Neurological Disorder; is on the editorial boards of Brain and Behavior (paid), Epilepsy & Behavior, and The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences; has received funding from the NIH and Sidney R. Baer Jr. Foundation for FND research; and is on the FND Society board and American Neuropsychiatric Association advisory council. T.R.N. does expert witness work in personal injury and clinical negligence cases of FND and other disorders; has received financial support for lectures from the FND Society; receives royalties from CRC Press for The Pocket Prescriber textbook series and from Springer for the textbook Functional Movement Disorder; has received grant funding, including for studies related to FND, from the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the Medical Research Council (MRC); is co-chair of the FNDS patient liaison committee and on the medical advisory boards of the charities FND Hope UK and FND Action and a trustee of FND Action. A.A.A.P. honoraria from Cobel Daruo; royalty: Oxford University Press (Book publication). M.B. receives royalties from CRC Press for Pocket Prescriber Psychiatry 2E and has been awarded fellowships from NIHR and the Wellcome Trust for studies on FND. A.J.C. paid associate editor of Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry; provides expert testimony in court on a range of neuropsychiatric topics including FND; and is on the FND Society board. Q.D. does medical expert reporting in personal injury and clinical negligence cases, including in cases of FND. M.J.E. does medical expert reporting in personal injury and clinical negligence cases, including in cases of FND; has shares in Brain & Mind (which provides neuropsychiatric and neurological rehabilitation in the independent medical sector, including in people with FND); has received financial support for lectures from the International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society and the FND Society; receives royalties from Oxford University Press for his book The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Parkinson’s Disease and Other Movement Disorder; has received honoraria for medical advice to Teva Pharmaceuticals; receives grant funding, including for studies related to FND, from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the Medical Research Council (MRC); is an associate editor of the European Journal of Neurology; is a member of the international executive committee of the International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society and the FND Society board; and is on the medical advisory boards of the charities FND Hope UK and Dystonia UK. A.J.E. has received grant support from the NIH and the Michael J Fox Foundation; personal compensation as a consultant/scientific advisory board member for Neuroderm, Amneal, Acadia, Avion Pharmaceuticals, Acorda, Kyowa Kirin, Supernus (formerly, USWorldMeds), and Herantis Pharma; honoraria for speakership for Avion, Amneal, and Supernus; royalties from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Cambridge University Press, and Springer; cofounded REGAIN Therapeutics; co-inventor of the patent “Compositions and methods for treatment and/or prophylaxis of proteinopathies”; and is on the FND Society board. M.H. is an inventor of a patent held by NIH for the H-coil for magnetic stimulation for which he receives license fee payments from the NIH (from Brainsway); is on the Medical Advisory Boards of Brainsway, QuantalX, and VoxNeuro; has consulted for Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and is on the FND Society board. R.A.A.K. receives royalties from Guilford press for a book chapter related to FND; grant funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council, The Medical Research Future Fund for research in FND; provides expert medico-legal opinions on neuropsychiatric disorders, including FND; is on the board of the International Neuropsychiatry Association. M.A.J.T reports grants from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development ZonMW Topsubsidie (91218013) and ZonMW Program Translational Research(40–44600-98–323); has received a European Fund for Regional Development from the European Union (01492947) and a European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Networking Support Scheme; furthermore, from the province of Friesland, the Stichting Wetenschapsfonds Dystonie and unrestricted grants from Actelion, Ipsen and Merz. W.C.L. has served on the editorial boards of Epilepsia, Epilepsy & Behavior; Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, and The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences; receives editor’s royalties from the publication of Gates and Rowan’s Nonepileptic Seizures, 3rd ed. (Cambridge University Press, 2010) and 4th ed. (2018); author’s royalties for Taking Control of Your Seizures: Workbook and Therapist Guide (Oxford University Press, 2015); has received research support from the Department of Defense (DoD W81XWH-17–0169), NIH (NINDS 5K23NS45902 [PI]), VA Providence HCS, Center for Neurorestoration and Neurorehabilitation, Rhode Island Hospital, the American Epilepsy Society (AES), the Epilepsy Foundation (EF), Brown University and the Siravo Foundation; has served on the Epilepsy Foundation New England Professional Advisory Board, the FND Society Board, the American Neuropsychiatric Association advisory council; has received honoraria for the AES Annual Meeting; has served as a clinic development consultant at University of Colorado Denver, Cleveland Clinic, Spectrum Health, Emory University, Oregon Health Sciences University and Vanderbilt University; and has provided medico legal expert testimony. C.W.M. has received honoraria for continuing medical education lectures in FND, royalties from Springer for a textbook on functional movement disorder, and has received grant support from the Parkinson’s Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association and the Stony Brook Biomedical Sciences Innovation Fund unrelated to this work. J. P. Staab is supported by grant W81XWH1810760 from the US Department of Defense. J.S. royalties from UpToDate and carries out expert witness work in relation to FND; runs a free website for people with FND,; and is on the FND Society board. J.P. Szaflarski, funding: NIH, NSF, DoD, Shor Foundation for Epilepsy Research, UCB Biosciences, NeuroPace Inc., SAGE Therapeutics Inc., Serina Therapeutics Inc., LivaNova Inc., Greenwich Biosciences Inc., Biogen Inc., Eisai Inc., State of AL; Consulting/Advisory Boards: PureTech Health, Biopharmaceutical Research Company, LivaNova Inc., UCB Pharma, AdCel Pharma, iFovea Inc; Editor-in-Chief, Epilepsy & Behavior Reports (paid); Editorial board member for Epilepsy & Behavior, Journal of Epileptology (associate editor), Journal of Medical Science, and Folia Medica Copernicana; provided expert opinion in medico-legal cases including of FND; has served on the Alabama State Medical Cannabis Study Commission (nominated by Gov. Ivey); serves on the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (2021–2025; nominated by Dr. Scott Harris, State Health Officer). S.A. is on the FND Society board.