To contribute to the knowledge of the chemical species P. klotzschianum, P. hispidum and P. arboreum, analyzes of volatile obtained by hydrodistillation-(HD), extracts obtained by supercritical fluid extraction-(SFE) and identification of isolated compounds were performed using techniques such as GC/MS/FID, NMR (1D, 2D) and IV. Sesquiterpenes present in P. klotzschianum, P. hispidum and P. arboreum as the (E)-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene and germacrene D observed only in P.hispidum and P. klotzschianum were the main substances responsible for the high values obtained sesquiterpenes identified by HD. For the monoterpenes £]-pinene (27.19¡Ó0.27%) and £-pinene (7.17¡Ó0.50%) identified in the chemical composition of the stems of P. klotzschianum and Ô-3-carene (17.39¡Ó0.15%, 19.13¡Ó0.48%) respectively present in fresh and dry leaves of P. hispidum also deserved highlighted. The highest yield of extract using supercritical carbon dioxide-(SC-CO2) was 1.36% (80 ¢XC/220 bar) P. klotzschianum and 1.92% (80 ¢XC/200 bar) for P. hispidum, already with the addition of modifiers 2.18% for P. klotzschianum and 3.62% P. hispidum both using 5% methanol at 80 ¢XC/220 bar. By analysis of variance and F test the cosolvent was the variable that most influenced the yields of extracts for F = 288.95 (P. klotzschianum) and F = 409.59 (P.hispidum). The major compounds identified by GC/MS/FID of P. hispidum using SC-CO2 and SC-CO2 + co-solvents were germacrene D (21.08%-80 ¢XC/200 bar-isopropanol 1%) and squalene (15.18%-80 ¢X C/200 bar). Four compounds not initially identified by GC/MS/FID were isolated from extracts of SC-CO2 by column-chromatography (CC) followed by preparative layer chromatography-(CCDP): N-[3-(6-methoxy-3´, 4´-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2(Z)-propenoyl]-pyrrolidine (PHC7_1), N-[3-(6´-methoxy-3´, 4´-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2 (E)-propenoyl]-pyrrolidine (PHC7_2), N-[7 (3´, 4´ methylenedioxyphenyl)-2(Z), 4(E)-heptadienoil]-pyrrolidine (PHC6_2) and N-[7 (3´, 4´ methylenedioxyphenyl)-2(E), 4(Z)-heptadienoil]-pyrrolidine (PHC9), among these only PHC7_1 was cited in the literature on P. hispidum, the others were first reported in the species, with an PHC6_2 PHC9 unpublished in the literature. In chemical composition of the extracts of P. klotzschianum, germacrene D (25.00¡Ó0.11%-40 ¢XC/220 bar/isopropanol 3%), bicyclogermacrene (15.41¡Ó0.23%-40 ¢XC/220 bar/isopropanol 3%), 14-oxy-muuroleno-£ (21.23¡Ó0.10%-80 ¢XC/180 bar/ethanol 3%) pipercalosidina (22.06¡Ó0.01%-40 ¢XC/180 bar/methanol 1%) and (E)-caryophyllene (11.66¡Ó0.05%-40 ¢XC/220 bar/isopropanol 3%) are the major constituents present in the extracts obtained with SC-CO2 or addition modifier. Among the samples tested in front of IC50 HepG2 and HL-60 cells, the samples P. hispidum stems oil (94.77¡Ó1.93%-HepG2), P. klotzschianum fruit oil (90.53¡Ó1.10%-HepG2, 76.64¡Ó7.44%-HL-60) and P. klotzschianum oil fresh leaves (93.24¡Ó0.70%-HepG2) had cytotoxic activity. The oil obtained from the dried leaves of P. klotzschianum (122.372¡Ó1.247 £gg mL-1), dried leaves of P. hispidum (141.876¡Ó2.333 £gg mL-1), fresh leaves of P. arboreum (187.901¡Ó2.106 £gg mL-1) and fresh leaves P. klotzschianum (223.051¡Ó1.253 £gg mL-1) showed larvicidal activity against the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Visando contribuir para o conhecimento quimico das especies P. klotzschianum, P. hispidum e P. arboreum, analises dos volateis obtidos por hidrodestilacao-(HD), extratos obtidos por extracao com fluido supercritico-(EFS) e identificacao de compostos isolados foram realizadas por tecnicas como CG/EM/DIC, RMN (1D, 2D) e IV. Sesquiterpenos presentes na P. klotzschianum, P. hispidum e P. arboreum como o (E)-cariofileno, biciclogermacreno e o germacreno D observados somente na P. klotzschianum e P. hispidum foram as principais substancias responsaveis pelos altos percentuais de sesquiterpenos identificados obtidos por HD. Para os monoterpenos o £]-pineno (27,19¡Ó0,27%) e £-pineno (7,17¡Ó0,50%) identificados na composicao quimica dos caules de P. klotzschianum e Ô-3-careno (17,39¡Ó0,15%-19,13¡Ó0,48%) respectivamente presente nas folhas frescas e folhas secas da P. hispidum mereceram destaque. O maior rendimento de extrato utilizando dioxido de carbono supercritico-(SC-CO2) foi 1,36% (80 ¢XC/220 bar) P. klotzschianum e 1,92% (80 ¢XC/200 bar) para a P. hispidum, ja com adicao de modificadores 2,18% para a P. klotzschianum e 3,62% para a P. hispidum ambas utilizando 5% de metanol a 80 ¢XC/220 bar. Pela analise de variancia e teste F o co-solvente foi a variavel que maior influenciou para os rendimentos dos extratos F=288,95 (P. klotzschianum) e F=409,59 (P.hispidum). Os constituintes majoritarios identificados por CG/EM/DIC para a P. hispidum utilizando SC-CO2 e SC-CO2 + co-solventes foram o germacreno D (21,08%-80 ¢XC/200 bar- isopropanol 1%) e o esqualeno (15,18%-80 ¢XC/200 bar). Quatro substancias inicialmente nao identificadas por CG/EM/DIC foram isoladas dos extratos de SC-CO2 por meio de cromatografia em coluna-(CC) seguida de cromatografia em camada preparativa-(CCDP) N-[3-(6¡¦-metoxi-3¡¦,4¡¦-metilenodioxifenil)-2(Z)-propenoil]-pirrolidina (PHC7_1), N-[3-(6¡¦-metoxi-3¡¦,4¡¦-metilenodioxifenil)-2(E)-propenoil]-pirrolidina (PHC7_2), N-[7(3¡¦,4¡¦ metilenodioxifenil)-2(Z),4(E)-heptadienoil]-pirrolidina (PHC6_2) e N-[7(3¡¦,4¡¦ metilenodioxifenil)-2(E),4(Z)-heptadienoil]-pirrolidina (PHC9), dentre estas apenas a PHC7_1 foi citada na literatura sobre P. hispidum, as demais foram relatadas pela primeira vez na especie, sendo a PHC6_2 e PHC9 ineditas na literatura. Na composicao quimica dos extratos da P. klotzschianum o germacreno D (25,00¡Ó0,11%-40 ¢XC/220 bar/isopropanol 3%), biciclogermacreno (15,41¡Ó0,23%-40 ¢XC/220 bar/isopropanol 3%), 14-oxi-£-muuroleno (21,23¡Ó0,10%-80 ¢XC/180 bar/etanol 3%), pipercalosidina (22,06¡Ó0,01%-40 ¢XC/180 bar/metanol 1%) e (E)-cariofileno (11,66¡Ó0,05%-40¢XC/220 bar/isopropanol 3%) foram os constituintes majoritarios presentes nos extratos obtidos com SC-CO2 ou com adicao de modificadores. Dentre as amostras testadas na IC50 frente as celulas HepG2 e HL60 as amostras P. klotzschianum oleo dos caules (94,77¡Ó1,93%-HepG2), P. klotzschianum oleo dos frutos (90,53¡Ó1,10%-HepG2, 76,64¡Ó7,44%-HL60) e P. klotzschianum oleo das folhas frescas (93,24¡Ó0,70%-HepG2) apresentaram atividade citotoxica. Os oleos obtidos das folhas secas da P. klotzschianum (122,372¡Ó1,247 £gg mL-1), folhas secas da P. hispidum (141,876¡Ó2,333 £gg mL-1), folhas frescas da P. arboreum (187,901¡Ó2,106 £gg mL-1) e folhas frescas da P. klotzschianum (223,051¡Ó1,253 £gg mL-1) apresentaram atividade larvicida contra o mosquito Aedes aegypti.