33 results on '"Layibo Y"'
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2. Etude de la stabilite du taux de prothrombine en fonction de la temperature et du delai entre le prelevement et la manipulation a Lome (Togo)
- Author
Kueviakoe, M.D.I., Tchako-Tchokote, V, Padaro, E, Layibo, Y, Mawussi, K, Magnang, H, and Vovor, A
- Subjects
Hemostasis, PT, temperature, time, Stability, tropical environnement, Lomé, Hémostase, TP, température, temps, stabilité, milieu tropical, Lomé - Abstract
Introduction: La qualité des résultats d’analyses biologiques dépend de la maitrise de la phase pré-analytique. Cette étude a pour objectif de déterminer dans les conditions réelles de fonctionnement d'un laboratoire d'analyses médicales, les temps limites d'acceptabilité des échantillons pour la réalisation du taux de prothrombine (TP) dont découle l’INR pour l’ajustement des doses d’AVK.Méthodes: Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale évaluant l’influence de la température et du délai avant manipulation dans la détermination du TP dans deux groupes de populations (sujets en bonne santé apparente et patients sous anticoagulants) à Lomé (Togo). Les valeurs obtenues ont été définies comme "instables" lorsqu'une différence significative a été observée (variation moyenne en pourcentage > 10% par rapport à la valeur de référence).Résultats: Cent-vingt sujets ont été enrôlés dans cette étude (60 sujets par groupe). Dans le « plasma seul » des sujets en bonne santé apparente, le TP était stable pendant 12 heures à la température de laboratoire et 24 heures aux températures réfrigérée/congelée. Par contre pour les patients sous AVK, le TP dans le plasma seul est stable jusqu’à 12 heures aux températures de laboratoire et réfrigérée, et 24 heures à la température congelée. Dans le « plasma laissé en contact avec le culot globulaire » et conservé à température de laboratoire, il existe une stabilité de 6 heures au moins pour le TP.Conclusion:La température et le délai avant manipulation influencent la stabilité du TP. La sécurité des patients est une mission de plus en plus visible et importante pour les laboratoires d’analyses médicales.Mots clés: Hémostase, TP, température, temps, stabilité, milieu tropical, LoméEnglish Title: Study of the stability of prothrombin ratio according to the tempretaure and delay between blood collection and handling in Lome (Togo)English AbstractIntroduction: The quality of Biological test belongs highly to the mastery of the preanalytical phase. The aim of this study was to establish in a real running of a medical test laboratory, the conditions of acceptability of PR (Prothrombin Ratio) from wich the INR is derived for Vitamin K Antagonist dose adjustment.Methods: It was a transversal study rating the influence of the temperature and the extension time of manipulation within the determination of PR out of two group populations (health appearance people and patients using Vitamin K Antagonist), at Lome (Togo). The values obtained were defined as "unstable" when a clinically significant difference was observed (average percentage change> 10% compared to the reference value).Results: The study enrolled 120 people (60 per group). Using the “plasma alone” on the health appearance people, the PR was stable for 12 hours at the laboratory temperature and for 24 hours at refrigerated and frozen temperature. Otherwise, using the “plasma alone” on patients under Vit K Antagonist, shown a stability of PR going to 12 hours at laboratory and refrigerated temperature and 24 hours for frozen. Using the non separated plasma with the globular, the stability of PR was for 6 hours at laboratory temperature for the two groups.Conclusion: Temperature and time to manipulation greatly influence PR stability in subjects with and without AVK. Patient safety is an increasingly visible and important mission for medical laboratories.Keywords: Hemostasis, PT, temperature, time, Stability, tropical environnement, Lomé
- Published
- 2019
3. Performance de l’hemocue hb 201+ dans la mesure du taux d’hemoglobine chez les donneurs de sang au centre national de transfusion sanguine de Lome, Togo
- Author
Layibo, Y., Mawussi, K., Padaro, E., Magnang, H., Feteke, L., Kueviakoe, I.M.D, and Vovor, A.
- Subjects
HemoCue, hémoglobine, hémoglobinomètre, don de sang, anémie - Abstract
Introduction : Les bonnes pratiques transfusionnelles recommandent d’apprécier la nécessité d’évaluer le taux d’hémoglobine sanguin lors de la sélection clinique précédant le don. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les performances de l’HemoCue Hb 201+ pour la mesure du taux d’hémoglobine chez les donneurs de sang.Patients et méthode : Nous avons comparé du 15 novembre au 28 décembre 2011 l’HemoCue Hb 201+ à l’analyseur d’hématologie Celly Plus pour la mesure du taux d’hémoglobine chez les candidats au don de sang au Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine (CNTS) de Lomé.Résultats : Pour les 388 candidats au don de sang retenus sur 1291 enregistrés, le biais moyen entre l’HemoCue Hb 201+ et le Celly Plus était de 0,64 ± 1,24 g/dL et de 5,9 ± 11,5% de la valeur cible. Le taux de concordance de l’HemoCue Hb 201+ dans la classification du taux d’hémoglobine en anémie ou non était de 89,4%. Sa sensibilité, sa spécificité, ses valeurs prédictives positive et négative et ses rapports de ressemblance positive et négative pour le diagnostic de l’anémie chez les candidats au don de sang étaient respectivement de 92,1%, 86,2%, 93,1%, 69,7%, 5,29 et 0,10. L’association de l’appréciation de la coloration des conjonctives à la mesure de taux d’hémoglobine chez les candidats au don de sang n’améliorait pas les performances de l’hémoglobinomètre.Conclusion : Malgré la surestimation du taux d’hémoglobine par l’HemoCue Hb 201+, ce dernier avait de bonne performance dans la détection de l’anémie chez les candidats au don de sang.Mots-clés : HemoCue, hémoglobine, hémoglobinomètre, don de sang, anémie. Performance of the hemocue hb 201+ in the assessment of hemoglobin level in blood donors at the national blood transfusion center in Lome, Togo Introduction: Good transfusion practices recommend to evaluate the need to assess blood hemoglobin level during clinical selection prior to blood donation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of HemoCue Hb 201+ for the measurement of hemoglobin levels in blood donors.Patients and method: From November 15 to December 28, 2011, HemoCue Hb 201+ was compared to the Celly Plus hematology analyzer for hemoglobin levels in blood donation candidates at the Lomé National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS).Results: In the 388 individuals included from 1291 candidates registered, the bias between the HemoCue Hb 201+ and the Celly Plus was 0.64 ± 1.24 g/dL and 5.9 ± 11.5% of the target value. The agreement rate of HemoCue Hb 201+ in theidentification of anemia was 89.4%. Its’ sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and positive and negative likelihood ratios for the diagnosis of anemia in blood donation candidates were 92.1%, 86.2%, 93.1%, 69.7%, 5.29 and 0.10, respectively. Adding the clinical evaluation of conjunctives to the measurement of hemoglobin levels in these candidates did not improve the anemia detection performance of the hemoglobinometer.Conclusion: Despite the overestimation of the hemoglobin levels by HemoCue Hb 201+, it performed well in detecting anemia in blood donors.Keywords: HemoCue; hemoglobin, hemoglobinometer, blood donation, anemia.
- Published
- 2019
4. Le priapisme aigu: mode inaugural de decouverte d’une Leucemie Myeloïde Chronique (LMC) avec mutation T351I
- Author
Kueviakoe, M.D.I., Padaro, E, Layibo, Y, Anoukoum, T, Magnang, H, Mawussi, K, Vovor, A, and Segbena, A.Y.
- Subjects
priapisme, leucémie myéloïde chronique, imatinib, mutation T315I, priapism, chronic myeloid leukemia, imatinib, T315I mutation - Abstract
Objectif: Rapporter un cas de LMC (Leucémie Myéloïde Chronique) découverte à l’occasion d’un priapisme avec survenue d’une mutation T 315I résistante aux ITK habituels.Patient: Sujet de 30 ans, mélanoderme, sans antécédents particuliers qui est adressé en hématologie pour hyperleucocytose découverte lors d’un épisode de priapisme.Observation: Le patient avait présenté à l’admission un priapisme et une splénomégalie type IV de Hackett. L’exploration biologique a noté 165,6.109 leucocytes/l avec une myélémie polymorphe, une anémie à 116 g/l et une hyperplaquettose à 532.109 plaquettes/l. L’exploration biochimique n’a pas noté de perturbation. Sur le plan moléculaire, le transcrit b3-a2 a été mis en évidence avec un pourcentage BCR-ABL/PBGD de 27,8656 et l’équivalent de la dilution ligne témoin de 10-1 à 10-2. Sous imatinib (400 mg/jour), l’évolution a été marquée par la disparition du priapisme en 14 jours avec perte de l’érection matinale et l’obtention de la rémission hématologique (RH) en 28 jours. Après 8 mois de traitement, le patient a interrompu son traitement pendant 45 jours. Il a été alors observé une perte de la RH et de l’efficacité de l’imatinib dont l’exploration à permis d’identifier la mutation T 315 I habituellement résistante à l’imatinib. Le patient est alors mis sous hydroxyurée qui depuis 3 mois n’a pas permis l’obtention d’une RH.Conclusion: La LMC peut être découverte lors d’un priapisme aigu. La perte de RH liée à une longue interruption d’utilisation de l’imatinib, peut être responsable d’une mutation dans le domaine Tyrosine Kinase résistante aux ITK habituels.Mot-clés: priapisme, leucémie myéloïde chronique, imatinib, mutation T315IEnglish Title: Acute priapism: inaugural mode of discovery of chronic myeloid leukemia with T351I mutationEnglish AbstractObjective: To report a case of CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) discovered during a priapism with a mutation T315I resistant to the usual tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI).Patient: A 30-year-old specimen of melanoderma with no previous history in hematology for hyperleukocytosis discovered during an episode of priapism.Observations: The patient presented at admission a priapism and a splenomegaly type IV of Hackett. Biological exploration recorded 165.6 G/L of leukocytes with polymorphic myelemia, anemia at 116 g/L and thrombocytosis at 532 G/L. Biochemical exploration did not notice any disturbance. On the molecular level, the b3-a2 transcript was demonstrated with a BCR-ABL / PBGD percentage of 27.8656 and the control line dilution equivalent of 10-1 to 10-2. Under imatinib (400 mg / day), the evolution was marked by the disappearance of priapism in 14 days with loss of morning erection and achievement of haematological remission (HR) in 28 days. After 8 months of treatment, the patient discontinued his treatment for 45 days. There was then a loss of the HR and the effectiveness of imatinib whose exploration allowed to identify the T315I mutation which is usually resistant to imatinib. The patient is then placed under hydroxyurea which for 3 months did not allow obtaining an HR.Conclusion: CML can be discovered during acute priapism. The loss of HR due to a long interruption of imatinib use may be responsible for a mutation in the Tyrosine Kinase domain resistant to the usual TKI.Keywords: priapism, chronic myeloid leukemia, imatinib, T315I mutation
- Published
- 2018
5. Hemophilie A et B: a propos de dix cas colliges a Lome (Togo)
- Author
Padaro, E, Kueviakoe, I.M.D., Guedenon, K.J., Magnang, H, Mawussi, K, Layibo, Y, Vovor, A, and Segbena, A.Y.
- Subjects
Hémophilie, CHU Campus, Togo, Hemophilia, Campus University Hospital, Togo - Abstract
Objectif: Etudier les aspects épidémiologique, clinique, biologique et thérapeutique de l’hémophilie dans le service d’hématologie du CHU-Campus de Lomé (Togo)Méthodologie: Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective portant sur les dossiers des patients suivis entre Janvier 2008 et Juillet 2015. Les dossiers ont été retenus sur la base des arguments cliniques (hémarthroses, hématomes, ecchymoses et hématuries) et para cliniques (Temps de Céphaline Activateur et dosage des facteurs VIII et IX).Résultats: Au total dix (10) cas ont été colligés. L’âge moyen était de 12,5 ans avec des extrêmes de 0 à 35 ans. Il y avait une prédominance masculine (8hommes et 2 femmes) avec un sexe ratio de 4. Les principales circonstances de découverte ont été la circoncision (40%) et des plaies traumatiques (30%). Les douleurs articulaires étaient les signes fonctionnels les plus fréquents (20%) suivies de tuméfaction articulaire (20%). Les hématomes étaient les signes cliniques les plus fréquents (55%). Sur les 10 patients étudiés, 3 (30%) avaient développé une complication à type d’arthropathie hémophilique. Tous nos patients avaient un temps de saignement normal et un temps de céphaline avec activateur allongé qui se corrigeait par l’apport de plasma témoin normal. Le taux d’hémoglobine moyen de nos patients était de 89,5g /l avec des extrêmes de 31g/l à 139g/. Six patients (60%) avaient une hémophilie de type A et 4 (40%) une hémophilie B. Sept patients (70%) avaient une hémophilie mineure, 1 (10%) une hémophilie modérée et 2 (20%) une forme sévère. Neuf patients (90%) avaient reçu un traitement substitutif à base de Plasma Frais Congelé. Deux patients ont bénéficié d’un traitement à base de la desmopressine. Depuis Juin 2014, les patients bénéficient gracieusement d’un traitement substitutif.Conclusion: L’hémophilie existe mais reste rare au Togo. L’orientation diagnostique révèle deux cas d’hémophilie chez des sujets de sexe féminin. Une étude génotypique devrait apporter la confirmation diagnostiqueMots clés: Hémophilie, CHU Campus, TogoEnglish Title: Hemophilia A and B: about ten cases collected at Lome (Togo)English AbstractObjective: To study the epidemiological, clinical, biological and therapeutic aspetcs of hemophilia Campus Teaching Hospital of Lomé (Togo)Methodology: This is a retrospective study of patient’s records followed in Campusteanching Hospital from January 2008 to July 2015. The files were selected on the basis of clinical evidence (haemarthrosis, hematoma, bruising and haematuria) and paraclinical (partial thromboplastin time Activator and assay of factors VIII and IX).Results: A total of ten (10) cases were collected. The average age was 12.5 years, ranging from 0-35 years. There was a male predominance (8hommes and 2 women) with a sex ratio of 4. The main discovery circumstances were circumcision (40%) and traumatic wounds (30%). Joint pain were the most frequent functional signs (20%) followed by joint swelling (20%). Hematomas were the most frequent clinical signs (55%). Of the 10 patients studied, 3 (30%) had developed a complication of hemophilic arthropathy type. All patients had normal bleeding time and partial thromboplastin time with elongated activator which is corrected by the intake of normal control plasma. The average hemoglobin levels of patients was 89,5g / l with a range of 31g / l to 139g /. Six patients (60%) had hemophilia A and 4 (40%) hemophilia B. Seven patients (70%) had a minor hemophilia, 1 (10%) moderate and 2 hemophilia (20%) a severe form. Nine patients (90%) had received replacement therapy-based Fresh Frozen Plasma. Two patients underwent treatment with desmopressin. Since June 2014, patients receive a complimentary replacement therapy.Conclusion: Hemophilia exists but is rare in Togo. The diagnostic orientation reveals two cases of hemophilia among female subjects. Genotypic study should provide diagnostic confirmation.Keywords: Hemophilia, Campus University Hospital, Togo
- Published
- 2018
6. Datation de l’infection a Toxoplasma gondii chez 128 femmes enceintes dans un laboratoire de biologie medicale en milieu urbain a Lome (Togo)
- Author
Gani, T.K., Dorkenoo, M.A., Layibo, Y, Issa, Z, Halatoko, W, Banla, A, and Vovor, A.A.
- Subjects
Toxoplasmose, sérologie, test d’avidité, femmes enceintes, Togo, Toxoplasmosis, serology, avidity test, pregnant women, Togo - Abstract
Objectif: L’étude a pour objectif de dater l’infection de la toxoplasmose chez les femmes enceintes par le test d’avidité des IgG afin d’améliorer la prise en charge précoce de cette affection dans le suivi des grossesses au Togo.Méthodologie: Il s’est agi d’une étude analytique qui s’est déroulée à l’Institut National d’Hygiène (INH) de Lomé et qui a porté sur 128 femmes enceintes dans le cadre de leur bilan prénatal. La datation de l’infection à T. gondii, a été faite avec le test d’avidité de la toxoplasmose chez les patientes dont la sérologie à la toxoplasmose a été positive.Résultats: Sur les 128 enquêtées dont la moyenne d’âge a été de 29,5 ans ± 5,2, la séroprévalence de l’infection a été de 53,9%. Le test d’avidité a permis d’exclure une infection récente de moins de 20 semaines dans 97,1% (67/69) des cas.Conclusion: La probabilité de séroconversion récente pendant la gestation était faible ; cependant la forte séroprévalence de la toxoplasmose retrouvée dans la population gestante, ne doit toutefois pas faire occulter l’existence de risque potentiel pour une minorité de ces femmes. L’utilisation de ce test dans les laboratoires de biologie médicale au Togo pourrait contribuer à améliorer la prise charge adéquate des femmes enceintes au Togo.Mots clés: Toxoplasmose, sérologie, test d’avidité, femmes enceintes, TogoEnglish Title: Datation of Toxoplasma gondii infection among pregnant women in a medical laboratory in urban areas in the city of Lome (Togo)English AbstractObject: The study aims to date the infection of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women using the IgG avidity test to improve early treatment of this disease in pregnancy in Togo.Methodology: This study was conducted at the National Institute of Hygiene (INH) of Lome in pregnant women who presented for routine prenatal testing. In patients with positive toxoplasmosis serology, T. gondii infections were dated using the toxoplasmosis IgG avidity.Results: Among the 128 respondents, whose age average was 29.5 ± 5.2 years, the prevalence of toxoplasmosis markers was 53.9%. The avidity test made it possible to exclude a recent infection of less than 20 weeks in 97.1% (67/69) of cases.Conclusion: The probability of seroconversion during pregnancy was low, but in spite of the high seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis found in the pregnant population, the potential risk for some women should not be overlooked. The use of this test in clinical laboratories in Togo could help improve pregnancy care.Keywords: Toxoplasmosis, serology, avidity test, pregnant women, Togo
- Published
- 2017
7. Traitement de la leucemie lymphoïde chronique (LLC) au Togo
- Author
Kueviakoe, IM, Agbetiafa, K, Padaro, E, Layibo, Y, Vovor, A, and Segbena, AY
- Abstract
No Abstract
- Published
- 2016
8. Variation de la calcémie et de la magnésémie chez les drépanocytaires homozygotes SS au CHU Campus de Lomé (Togo)
- Author
Padaro, E, Kuéviakoé, IMD, Layibo, Y, Agbétiafa, K, Fétéké, L, Magnang, H, and Ségbéna, AY
- Subjects
Drépanocytose, calcémie, magnésémie, Sickle cell anemia, serum calcium and magnesium levels - Abstract
Objectif: Déterminer la variation de la calcémie et de la magnésémie chez les drépanocytaires majeurs homozygotes SS.Méthodologie: Il s’agit d’une étude cas - témoin sur une population de 140 sujets répartis en 2 groupes. Un premier groupe de 70 drépanocytaires homozygotes SS constitué d’hommes et de femmes, ayant ou non une complication chronique et un deuxième groupe de 70 témoins constitué d’hommes et de femmes volontaires apparemment sains de phénotype hémoglobinique AA.Résultats: L’âge moyen des drépanocytaires était de 16, 22 ± 10,44 ans avec des valeurs extrêmes de 1an et 40 ans contre 28, 91 ± 15, 81 ans et des valeurs extrêmes 2 ans et 66 ans pour les témoins. Il y avait une prédominance masculine dans la population des drépanocytaires avec une sex-ratio à 1,41 alors qu’elle est de 0,94 pour les témoins. Cinquante huit patients (82,9%) avaient une normocalcémie contre 61 témoins (87,1%) et 17,1% des drépanocytaires avaient une hypocalcémie contre 12,9% des témoins. Soixante et un drépanocytaires homozygotes SS (87,1%) avaient une magnésémie normale contre 59 témoins AA (84,3%) et 9 drépanocytaires (12,9%) avaient une hypomagnésémie contre 10 témoins (14,9%). Il n’y avait pas de différence significative sur la variation des paramètres entre les drépanocytaires SS et les témoins AA.Conclusion: La calcémie et la magnésémie sont normales chez les drépanocytaires homozygotes SS en période inter critique. Nous préconisons un dosage élargi à tous les drépanocytaires et ceci en phase critique en vue de déterminer la part d’une éventuelle variation des ions divalents dans la survenue des crises.Mots clés: Drépanocytose, calcémie, magnésémieEnglish AbstractObjective: Determine the variation in calcium and magnesium in sickle cell homozygous SS.Methodology: It is a case - control study in a population of 140 subjects divided into two groups. A first group of 70 homozygous sickle cell SS composed of men and women, with or without a chronic complication and a second group of 70 witnesses comprised of men and women apparently healthy volunteers’ hemoglobin AA phenotype.Results: The average age of SCD is 16, 22 ± 10.44 years with extreme values of 1 year and 40 against 28, 91 ± 15, 81 and extreme values 2 years and 66 years for controls. There was a predominance of males in the population of sickle cell disease with a sex ratio at 1.41 while it is 0.94 for the controls. Fifty-eight patients (82.9%) had normal serum calcium against 61 controls (87.1%) and 17.1% of SCD patients had low serum calcium against 12.9 % of controls. Sixty-one SS sickle cell anemia (87.1%) had a normal serum magnesium witnesses against AA 59 (84.3%) and 9 SCD (12.9%) had low serum magnesium against 10 controls (14.9%). There was no significant difference in the variation of parameters between SS and sickle cookies AA.Conclusion: The calcium and magnesium are normal in homozygous sickle cell SS during international criticism. We recommend a dosage extended to all sickle cell disease and in this critical phase in order to determine the amount of any divalent ions in the occurrence of crises.Keywords: Sickle cell anemia, serum calcium and magnesium levels
- Published
- 2016
9. Profil evolutif des patients souffrant de leucemie myeloïde chronique sous imatinib au Togo : etude de 63 cas colliges en 10 ans au chu-campus de Lome
- Author
Kueviakoe, MI, Agbetiafa, K, Padaro, E, Layibo, Y, Kolou, M, Amavi, T, and Segbena, A
- Subjects
LMC, imatinib, évolution - Abstract
Objectif : Le but de cette étude était de décrire le devenir actuel des patients souffrant de LMC et mis sous imatinib au Togo.Patients et méthode : Il s’agit d’ une étude rétrospective descriptive réalisée sur une période de 10 ans (de juin 2003 à main 2013) portant sur 63 dossiers de patients atteints de LMC et suivis au service d’hématologie du CHU Campus. Le type de transcrit par PCR quantitative est recherché dans les laboratoires d’hématologie de l’hôpital Henri Mondor (France).Résultats : L’âge moyen des patients était de 39,63±15 ans (extrêmes de 9 et 80 ans). Il y avait une prédominance masculine (sex-ratio : 1,42). Nous avons noté 65,08% de survie contre 26,98% de décès et 7,94% de perdu de vue. Le type de transcrit le plus représenté était le b3-a2 avec 53,97%. La cause de décès la plus représentée était l’anémie sévère avec 47,06%, suivie de l’acutisation avec mutation (29,41%). Trente-huit patients (60,32%) avaient débuté l’imatinib dès le diagnostic et vingtcinq (39,68%) plus tard. Parmi ceux ayant débuté l’imatinib dès le diagnostic, trente (78,95%) sont vivants, cinq (13,16%) sont décédés et trois (7,89%) sont perdus de vue. Pour ceux ayant débuté plus tard, onze (44%) sont vivants, douze (48%) sont décédés et deux (8%) sont perdus de vue. Nous avons noté cinq résistances soit 7,94% parmi lesquelles quatre avaient débuté le traitement plus tard soit 6,35% et un dès le diagnostic soit 1,59%.Conclusion : Ce travail nous a permis de noter que la LMC touche tous les âges. Une introduction précoce de l’ITK de première génération, la mise en place de structures de réanimation hématologique et la poursuite de la collaboration nord-sud pour l’accès aux ITK de deuxième voire troisième génération doivent permettre d’améliorer les progrès acquis pour une rémission durable.Mots clés : LMC, imatinib, évolution.
- Published
- 2015
10. Profil de l’hemogramme au cours de l’acces palustre simple a Plasmodium falciparum chez les enfants de 6 mois a 5 ans au Togo
- Author
Layibo, Y, Dorkenoo, AM, Vovor, A, Agbo, MY, Bazamao, M, Padaro, E, Agbetiafa, K, Kueviakoe, IM, Morgah, K, Segbena, AY, and Agbere, D
- Subjects
enfant, hémogramme, paludisme, pédiatrie - Abstract
Objectifs : Cette étude avait pour but de décrire l’hémogramme au cours l’accès palustre simple à Plasmodium falciparum. Patients et méthodes : Une NFS a été réalisée chez 267 enfants âgés de moins de 5ans dans deux villes à faciès épidémiologique différent au Togo d’août à décembre 2007. Résultats : Le taux d’hémoglobine moyen était de 10,0±2,4g/dl. L’anémie notée chez 71,9% des enfants (n=192) était hypochrome normocytaire et hypochrome microcytaire respectivement dans 27,3% (n=73) et 31,8% (n=85) des cas. Le nombre moyen de plaquettes était de 162468±94700 plaquettes/mm3. La thrombopénie a été notée chez 42,7% des enfants inclus (n=114). La leucocytose moyenne était de 9014±4163 leucocytes/mm3. La leucopénie et l’hyperleucocytose ont été retrouvées respectivement dans 0,7% et 9,7% des cas. Le nombre moyen des polynucléaires neutrophiles était de 5416±3154 PNN/mm3. La neutropénie et la polynucléose neutrophile étaient retrouvées dans respectivement 4,1% (n=11) et 24,7% des cas (n=66). La lymphocytose moyenne était de 3453±2249 lymphocytes/mm3 ; on notait 15,4% de lymphopénie (n=41) et 9,4% d’hyperlymphocytose (n=25). Le nombre de PNE, de PNB et des monocytes était normal chez la presque totalité des enfants avec des moyennes respectives de 115/mm3, 0,2/mm3 et 29/mm3. La densité parasitaire était faiblement corrélée avec la leucocytose (p=0,042) et négativement avec le taux d’hémoglobine (p=0,015) et le nombre de plaquettes (p=0,031). Conclusion : Le paludisme à Plasmodium falciparum est cause d’anémie et de thrombopénie chez l’enfant.Mots clés: enfant, hémogramme, paludisme, pédiatrie.
- Published
- 2015
11. Phenotypage erythrocytaire et recherche des agglutinines irregulieres chez les drepanocytaires majeurs : A propos de 109 cas colliges au CHU campus de Lome (Togo) de Mai 2003 a Decembre 2003
- Author
Padaro, E, Kueviakoe, IM, Agbetiafa, K, Feteke, L, Kolou, M, Kponvi, A, Layibo, Y, and Segbena, AY
- Subjects
Phénotypes, sang, Togo - Abstract
Objectif : Déterminer les phénotypes érythrocytaires RH Kell chez les drépanocytaires et rechercher les agglutinines irrégulières chez les polytransfusés.Matériel et méthode : L’étude a porté sur une cohorte de 109 drépanocytaires majeurs (72 patients homozygotes SS et 37 doubles hétérozygotes SC) régulièrement suivis en consultation d’hématologieclinique au CHU Campus de Lomé pour le phénotypage érythrocytaire. Vingt six patients étaient polytransfusés et avaient bénéficié de la recherche d’agglutinines irrégulières (test de Coombs indirect).Résultats : Cinquante six (56) patients étaient de groupe O (51,38%), 28 de groupe B (25,69%), 23 de groupe A (21,10%) et 2 de groupe AB (1,83%). Sept phénotypes érythrocytaires RH ont été identifiés :DCce (13,75 %) ; Dce (63,30 %) ; DcEe (11,93 %) ; dce (8,26 %) ; DCe (0,92 %) ; DCEe (0,92 %) ; dCce (0,92 %). Quatre cas d’exception à la règle d’antitétisme ont été relevés. Les patients étaient essentiellement Kell négatif (97,25 %). Le test de Coombs indirect était positif chez 13 patients (50 % des polytransfusés) dont 10 étaient de phénotype SS et 3 de phénotype SC.Conclusion : Le phénotypage érythrocytaire et la recherche des agglutinines irrégulières occupent une place très importante dans la thérapeutique transfusionnelle chez les drépanocytaires et les sujetssusceptibles d’être transfusés fréquemment.
- Published
- 2012
12. Effet des dons de sang répétés sur la ferritinémie et les paramètres de l’hémogramme chez le donneur de sang d’Afrique subsaharienne
- Author
Feteke, L., primary, Kueviakoe, M.I., additional, Edorh, L.D., additional, Mawussi, K., additional, Magnang, H., additional, Halatoko, A.W., additional, Layibo, Y., additional, Vovor, A., additional, Segbena, A.Y., additional, Murphy, E., additional, Lefrère, J.-J., additional, and Shiboski, C., additional
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Padaro, E., Kuéviakoé, I. M. D., Layibo, Y., Agbétiafa, K., Kolou, M., and Sébgéna, A. Y.
- Abstract
Copyright of Mali Médical is the property of Mali Medical, Faculte de Medecine, de Pharmacie et d'Odonto-stomatologie and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
14. Prevalence of the Surface Antigen of Hepatitis B Virus among Youth Aged 15 to 24 in TOGO in 2010
- Author
Gani KT, Banla AK, primary and Layibo Y, Halatoko WA, additional
- Published
- 2015
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15. White blood cells counts and parasite density in malaria in children aged 6 to 60 months in urban areas of Togo
- Author
Dorkenoo, A.M., additional, Layibo, Y., additional, Agbo, Y.M., additional, Morgah, K., additional, and Agbèrè, D., additional
- Published
- 2013
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16. Rare hemoglobins in Togo: A 15-year study at the Lomé University Campus Hospital Center
- Author
Kueviakoe, M.D.I., additional, Agbétiafa, K., additional, Padaro, E., additional, Fétéké, L., additional, Layibo, Y., additional, Amavi, T., additional, Egnondou, K., additional, Vovor, A., additional, and Ségbéna, A.Y., additional
- Published
- 2013
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17. Chronic myeloid leukemia and imatinib: Experience at the Lome Campus teaching hospital (Togo)
- Author
Segbena, A.Y., additional, Kueviakoe, I.M.D., additional, Agbetiafa, K., additional, Padaro, E., additional, Layibo, Y., additional, Dorkenoo, A., additional, Agbo, Y.M., additional, and Bories, D., additional
- Published
- 2012
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18. Évolution des admissions pour maladies cardiovasculaires en milieu cardiologique à Lomé : étude transversale de 7959 patients de juin 2004 à mai 2009
- Author
Yayehd, K., primary, Damorou, F., additional, N’Da, N.W., additional, Tchérou, T., additional, Tété, Y., additional, Johnson, A., additional, Layibo, Y., additional, and Doulé, N.V., additional
- Published
- 2012
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19. Séroprévalence et facteurs de risques associés à l'hépatite virale B chez les élèves dans le district sanitaire de la Kozah, 2021
- Author
Halatoko, W.A., Issa, Z., Kpaikpai, P., Koba, K.A., Sadji, A.Y., Layibo, Y., Akolly, K., and Patassi, A.
- Abstract
L'hépatite B est un problème de santé majeur dans le monde entier, en particulier dans les pays d'Afrique, d'Asie, d'Europe du Sud et d'Amérique latine. L'objectif de cette étude était d'estimer la prévalence et d'identifier les facteurs de risques associés à l'hépatite B chez les élèves dans le district sanitaire de la Kozah.
- Published
- 2023
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20. Saignée thérapeutique au cours de la drépanocytose majeure au Togo.
- Author
Padaro, E., Kueviakoe, I.M.D., Agbétiafa, K., Magnang, H., Mawussi, K., Layibo, Y., and Vovor, A.
- Abstract
Copyright of Médecine et Santé Tropicales is the property of John Libbey Eurotext Ltd. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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21. [Anemia in blood donors and criteria of hemoglobin level control at the national blood transfusion center (NBTC) of Lomé, Togo].
- Author
Mawussi K, Magnang H, Padaro E, Kuéviakoé I, Fétéké L, Layibo Y, Nadjir LK, and Vovor A
- Abstract
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of anemia among blood donors at Lomé national blood transfusion center (NBTC) and to identify criteria for controlling hemoglobin level in blood donation candidates., Methods: We determined the hemoglobin level using HemoCue® 201+. To identify the hemoglobin level control criteria, the judgment parameters were the proportion of anemic donors based on the number of blood donations in the last 12 months and the staining of the conjunctiva. One parameter is considered "critical" and used as a control criterion when more than 30% of donors meeting this parameter are anemic., Results: A total of 1 291 blood donor candidates, predominantly male (89.70%), were included in this study. The prevalence of anemia was 28.12%. This prevalence was 38.71% among women who made 2 donations and 32.27% among men who made 3 donations and who came for a new donation in the year. Anemia was observed in 59.45% of men and 51.56% of women who had slightly colored conjunctiva., Conclusion: The prevalence of anemia was high among blood donors at NBTC Lomé. Hemoglobin control is indicated in blood donation candidates with conjunctiva judged to be slightly colored and / or on their 2nd donation (female) and 3rd blood donation (male) within 12 months., (Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de renvoyer aux auteurs avant toute soumission à l'avis des lecteurs les manuscrits qui ne seraient pas conformes à ces modalités de présentation. En outre il leur conseille de conserver un exemplaire du manuscrit, des figures et des tableaux.)
- Published
- 2021
22. [Characteristics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Togo].
- Author
Padaro E, Layibo Y, Kueviakoe IDM, Agbétiafa K, Magnang H, Koudokpo NDA, Mawussi K, and Vovor A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Hepatomegaly epidemiology, Humans, L-Lactate Dehydrogenase metabolism, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell epidemiology, Lymphadenopathy epidemiology, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Staging, Prognosis, Retrospective Studies, Splenomegaly epidemiology, Togo epidemiology, Young Adult, beta 2-Microglobulin metabolism, Hepatomegaly etiology, Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell pathology, Lymphadenopathy etiology, Splenomegaly etiology
- Abstract
The epidemiological, clinical and biological characteristics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are little studied in Togo. The purpose of this study was to describe these characteristics at the time of diagnosis. We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study of patients diagnosed at the University Hospital Campus from January 1999 to December 2018. Over the past two decades, 87 patients were seen for CLL (20% of patients with hematological malignancies) with an annual prevalence of 4.35 new cases. The average age of patients was 61 +/- 12,48 years (ranging from 17-85 years); 55 women and 32 men (sex ratio M/F 0.58) were enrolled. Clinically, 16 patients (18%) had no tumor syndrome, 33 patients (38%) had lymphadenopathy, 62 patients (71%) splenomegaly and 23 patients (26%) hepatomegaly. Biologically, the mean blood and medullary lymphocyte count was 87188/mm
3 (ranging from 7000-481780/mm3 ) and 75.75% +/- 12,88 (ranging from 44,5-96,5%) respectively; 65 patients (75%) had haemoglobin less than 10g/dl and 20 patients (23%) had platelet count below 100000/mm3 . At the time of diagnosis, 67 patients (77%) had Binet stage C, 7 patients (8%) stage B and 13 patients (15%) stage A. The study of biological prognostics factors showed that 66% of cases had β2-microglobulin level higher than normal and 95% of cases had LDH higher than normal. CLL is a reality in Togo with a predominance of women and an average age of 61 years. Most patients are seen at Binet stage C and their assessment has revealed huge tumor mass with increased LDH and β2-microglobulin. The current follow-up of these patients will enable us to assess their overall survival., Competing Interests: Les auteurs ne déclarent aucun conflit d'intérêts., (© Essohana Padaro et al.)- Published
- 2019
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23. [Quality control of red blood cell pockets produced at Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine de Lomé].
- Author
Magnang H, Padaro E, Mawussi K, Ouenangou T, Layibo Y, Kuéviakoé MDI, and Vovor A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Hematocrit, Hemoglobins analysis, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pediatrics, Young Adult, Blood Donors, Erythrocyte Transfusion standards, Erythrocytes, Quality Control
- Abstract
Introduction: at the National Center for Blood Transfusion (NCBT) in Lomé, whole blood is systematically separated into its various labile blood products. This study aims to assess the quality of the red blood cell concentrates (RBCC) produced., Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study on 260 RBCCs (204 adult units and 56 paediatric units) from January to March 2018. The bags were weighed to determine the volume of their content. Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels were determined using the Horiba Medical Pentra XLR device. We evaluated the fidelity and precision of the device in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurements of the variables analyzed. Statistical analyses were performed using the R software., Results: adult units assessment showed that 79.90%; 81.86% and 43.13% bags were consistent with respect to the volume and haemoglobin and haematocrit levels. Paediatric units assessment showed that 98.21%; 69.64% and 37.50% bags were consistent with respect to the volume and haemoglobin and haematocrit levels. Simultaneous analysis of the three parameters showed a compliance rate of 42.16% for RBCCs in adults against 35.71% for pediatric RBCCs., Conclusion: we recommend to expand the interval between two blood donations and to perform hemoglobin test before blood donation in compliance with the eligibility criteria for giving blood at the National Center for Blood Transfusion in Lomé., Competing Interests: Les auteurs ne déclarent aucun conflit d'intérêts.
- Published
- 2019
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24. Therapeutic phlebotomy during major sickle cell disease in Togo.
- Author
Padaro E, Kueviakoe IMD, Agbétiafa K, Magnang H, Mawussi K, Layibo Y, and Vovor A
- Subjects
- Adult, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Hemoglobins analysis, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Togo, Young Adult, Anemia, Sickle Cell therapy, Phlebotomy
- Abstract
To determine the influence of therapeutic phlebotomy on the reduction of vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs) and of hospital admissions of patients with sickle cell disease and to describe how they experience this practice. Descriptive cross-sectional study of 27 patients with sickle cell disease who underwent phlebotomies. We estimated the number of VOCs, hemoglobin levels, and patient response. Among 27 sickle cell patients (24 SC and 3 SS) who underwent phlebotomies, there were 22 men (81.5 %) men and 5 (18.5 %) women, with an average age of 34.6 ±10.9 years (range: 21-56 years). Before the phlebotomies, 23 (85.2 %) had showed signs of hyperviscosity, they had a mean of 5.3 ± 1.02 (range: 3-8) VOCs annually, and their mean hemoglobin level was 14.3 ±1.5g/dl (range: 10.4 g/dl-16.8 g/dl). The mean number of phlebotomies was 4.9±4.11 (range: 1-13). After this treatment, 21 (91.3 %) reported that their signs of hyperviscosity disappeared, and the mean number of VOCs annually decreased to 0.9 ±0.07 (range: 0-2). The mean change in hemoglobin was 1.9 ±0.8 g/dl (range: 0.9-3.2 g/dl). Nine patients (6SC and 3SS), 7 under anti-anemic treatment, initially refused phlebotomy, mainly because they did not understand how it could be useful to reduce the amount of blood in patients with a potentially anemic disease. Phlebotomy has resulted in a decrease in the frequency of VOCs and hospitalizations. It is essential to further popularize it and increase patients' aware of its value in combatting sickle cell disease and thus improve their willingness for and adherence to this treatment.
- Published
- 2019
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25. [Prevalence of albuminuria in sickle cell disease patients at the Campus university hospital of Lome, Togo].
- Author
Layibo Y, Kuéviakoé IM, Padaro E, Magnang H, Vovor A, and Agbonon A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Albuminuria urine, Anemia, Sickle Cell complications, Anemia, Sickle Cell urine, Child, Child, Preschool, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Hospitals, University, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prevalence, Togo epidemiology, Young Adult, Albuminuria epidemiology, Anemia, Sickle Cell epidemiology
- Abstract
Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of albuminuria in sickle cell disease patients at the Campus University Hospital of Lome., Patients and Method: Albuminuria was assessed by the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) in sickle cell disease individuals who attended the outpatient consultation in their steady state., Results: The prevalence of albuminuria was 21% (14/67). Albuminuria was more frequent (32% vs 13%, p=0,054) and occurred earlier (6 years vs 21 years) among the 28 SS/Sβ
0 -thalassemia sickle-cell diseases individuals than the 39 SC ones. Albuminuria was associated with high counts of leukocytes (p=0.033) and neutrophils (p=0.008). It was negatively correlated with hemoglobin level (p=0.032) and positively with LDH (p=0.002), SGOT (p=0.002), leukocytes (p=0.003), neutrophils (p< 0.001) and thrombocytes (p=0.010) counts for all sickle cell patients without statistical confirmation for each sickle cell phenotype apart from neutrophils in SS/Sβ0 -thalassemia. Defining albuminuria as an UACR greater than 20 mg/g had a specificity of 100% and a sensibility and 90% when the UACR was compared to the 24-hours urines albumin quantification., Conclusion: The assessment of albuminuria should begin at age 5 years in SS/Sβ0 -thalassemia sickle-cell anemia patients and from 20 years old in SC patients by the UACR.- Published
- 2019
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26. Impact of community-based integrated mass drug administration on schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminth prevalence in Togo.
- Author
Bronzan RN, Dorkenoo AM, Agbo YM, Halatoko W, Layibo Y, Adjeloh P, Teko M, Sossou E, Yakpa K, Tchalim M, Datagni G, Seim A, and Sognikin KS
- Subjects
- Child, Feces parasitology, Female, Helminthiasis epidemiology, Humans, Male, Mass Drug Administration, Parasite Egg Count, Prevalence, Public Health Administration, Schistosomiasis epidemiology, Togo epidemiology, Anthelmintics administration & dosage, Anthelmintics therapeutic use, Helminthiasis drug therapy, Schistosomiasis drug therapy, Soil parasitology
- Abstract
Background: Togo has conducted annual, integrated, community-based mass drug administration (MDA) for soil-transmitted helminths (STH) and schistosomiasis since 2010. Treatment frequency and target populations are determined by disease prevalence, as measured by baseline surveys in 2007 and 2009, and WHO guidelines. Reported programmatic treatment coverage has averaged over 94%. Togo conducted a cross-sectional survey in 2015 to assess the impact of four to five years of MDA on these diseases., Methodology/principal Findings: In every sub-district in the country outside the capital, the same schools were visited as at baseline and a sample of fifteen children age 6 to 9 years old was drawn. Each child submitted urine and a stool sample. Urine samples were tested by dipstick for the presence of blood as a proxy measure of Schistosoma haematobium infection. Stool samples were analyzed by the Kato-Katz method for STH and Schistosoma mansoni. At baseline, 17,100 children were enrolled at 1,129 schools in 562 sub-districts; in 2015, 16,890 children were enrolled at the same schools. The overall prevalence of both STH and schistosomiasis declined significantly, from 31.5% to 11.6% for STH and from 23.5% to 5.0% for schistosomiasis (p<0.001 in both instances). Egg counts from both years were available only for hookworm and S. mansoni; intensity of infection decreased significantly for both infections from 2009 to 2015 (p<0.001 for both infections). In areas with high baseline prevalence, rebound of hookworm infection was noted in children who had not received albendazole in the past 6 months., Conclusions/significance: After four to five years of MDA in Togo, the prevalence and intensity of STH and schistosomiasis infection were significantly reduced compared to baseline. Data on STH indicate that stopping MDA in areas with high baseline prevalence may result in significant rebound of infection. Togo's findings may help refine treatment recommendations for these diseases., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
- Published
- 2018
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27. [Types of bcr-abl and their correlations with the blood count in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in Togo].
- Author
Padaro E, Magnang H, Layibo Y, Mawussi K, Kuéviakoé IM, Agbétiafa K, and Vovor A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive blood, Male, Middle Aged, Togo, Young Adult, Blood Cell Count, Fusion Proteins, bcr-abl genetics, Hemoglobins metabolism, Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive genetics
- Abstract
This study aims to describe the different bcr-abl gene transcript variants in order to determine their frequency and to study their influence on CBC diagnostic test. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 34 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in Togo. The search for fusion transcripts was performed in the laboratory of biological haematology at the Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil (France). The average age of patients was 42,32±14,87 years ranging between 9 and 65 years. Most patients were male, with a sex- ratio of 1.61 (21 men and 13 women). Molecular examination showed b3-a2 transcript and b2-a2 transcript. Nineteen patients (55.88%) expressed b3-a2 transcript, 13 patients (38.24%) b2-a2 transcript (32.10%) and two patients expressed both b3-a2 and b2-a2 transcripts (5.88%). At diagnosis, mean hemoglobin level, the average number of white blood cells and the average number of platelets in patients expressing b3-a2 transcript were 99,2g/L; 207,63g/l and 451,28g/l respectively. In patients expressing b2-a2 transcript values were 104,6g/l, 114,32g/l and 486,11g/l. In patients with both transcripts, values were 67g/L, 867g/l and 780g/l respectively. CBC parameters are more significantly altered in patients with both transcripts b3-a2 and b2-a2.
- Published
- 2018
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28. Prevalence of syphilis among female sex workers and their clients in Togo in 2011.
- Author
Halatoko WA, Landoh DE, Saka B, Akolly K, Layibo Y, Yaya I, Gbetoglo D, Banla AK, and Pitché P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, HIV Infections epidemiology, Humans, Middle Aged, Prevalence, Safe Sex statistics & numerical data, Surveys and Questionnaires, Togo, Young Adult, Sentinel Surveillance, Sex Workers statistics & numerical data, Syphilis epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: During the last ten years, a resurgence of syphilis has occurred in many countries worldwide, including Togo. Previous studies have shown a wide range of syphilis infection among the female sex workers (FSWs), from 1.5 to 42.1%. In Togo, Key populations, including FSWs, are rarely involved in the sentinel surveillance programs to determine the prevalence of HIV and syphilis. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of syphilis among female sex workers (FSWs) and their clients in Togo., Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in December 2011 targeting FSWs and their clients in Togo. Among participant who consented, we collected blood samples for syphilis and HIV testing., Results: In total, 1,836 participants (1,106 FSWs and 730 clients) were included in the survey. Their mean age was 28.6 ± 9 years. The prevalence of syphilis was 2.2% (2.2% among FSWs compare to 2.3% among their clients, p = 0.82). This prevalence was higher among FSWs over 30 years old compare to those less than 30 years old (Odd Ratio (OR) =5.03; 95% CI [1.95-13.49]). Single FSWs were three times less likely to have syphilis than those living in couple or married (OR = 3.11; CI 95% [1.16-8.83]). Brothel based or declared FSWs were 4 times more likely to be infected by syphilis than secret ones (OR = 3.89; CI 95% [1.60-9.54]). Out of the 1,836 participants of the survey, 165 (8.9%) were HIV positive. Having syphilis was associated with HIV infection (OR = 3.41; IC 95% [1.53-7.41])., Conclusion: This study showed that: i) the prevalence of syphilis among FSWs and their clients was high; ii) syphilis was significantly associated with HIV infection. It is necessary to increase awareness campaigns and emphasize on condom use among this key population group.
- Published
- 2017
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29. [Biermer's disease in the hematology service of campus teaching hospital of Lomé: 13 cases from January 2013 to December 2014].
- Author
Padaro E, Kuéviakoé IMD, Layibo Y, Agbétiafa K, Kolou M, and Sébgéna AY
- Abstract
Aims: To study the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic aspects of Biermer's disease in the hematology service of campus teaching hospital of Lomé., Method: This retrospective study was conducted in the laboratory service of the University Hospital campus in which there is a unit of clinical hematology. This study took place over a period of twelve years and has identified 13 patients (5 men, 8women). Patients were selected on the basis of clinical, paraclinical (blood cells count, bone marrow, dosage of vitamin B12 and the intrinsic factor antibody) and the therapeutic test., Results: The mean age was 53 years ranging from 32 to 68 years. There was a female predominance with a sex ratio of 0.6. Clinically, there was conjonctival palor and asthenia (92% each) followed by paresthesia (62%). The blood cell count essentially showed profound anemia (7g/dl on average), macrocytic (84,6%), normocytic (15,3%), bicytopenia (61,5%) and pancytopenia (23% ). In all patients, the bone marrow study showed megaloblasts, the dosage of the vitamin showed a collapse of vitamin B12 (76,9%), and intrinsic factor antibody was positive (92,3%). The fibroscopy showed atrophic gastritis (76,9%), intestinal metaplasia (69,2%) and an absence of Helicobacter pylori. The evolution was favorable with parenteral B12 vitamin therapy for all patients., Conclusion: We recommend looking for iron deficiency during the follow-up and gastric biopsy even if no macroscopic lesions are found., (Le comitée de rédaction se réserve le droit de revoyer aux auteurs avant toute soumission à l'avis des lecteurs les manuscrits qui ne seraient pas conformes à ces modalités de présentation. En outre il leur conseille de sonserver un examplaire du manuscrit, des figures et des tableaux.)
- Published
- 2017
30. Therapeutic efficacy trial of artemisinin-based combination therapy for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria and investigation of mutations in k13 propeller domain in Togo, 2012-2013.
- Author
Dorkenoo AM, Yehadji D, Agbo YM, Layibo Y, Agbeko F, Adjeloh P, Yakpa K, Sossou E, Awokou F, and Ringwald P
- Subjects
- Artemether, Lumefantrine Drug Combination, Child, Preschool, DNA, Protozoan genetics, Drug Combinations, Female, Genotyping Techniques, Humans, Infant, Malaria, Falciparum parasitology, Male, Mutation, Plasmodium falciparum genetics, Plasmodium falciparum isolation & purification, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Prospective Studies, Togo, Treatment Outcome, Amodiaquine therapeutic use, Antimalarials therapeutic use, Artemisinins therapeutic use, Drug Resistance, Ethanolamines therapeutic use, Fluorenes therapeutic use, Malaria, Falciparum drug therapy, Plasmodium falciparum drug effects, Protozoan Proteins genetics
- Abstract
Background: Since 2005, the Togo National Malaria Control Programme has recommended two different formulations of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL), for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. Regular efficacy monitoring of these two combinations is conducted every 2 or 3 years. This paper reports the latest efficacy assessment results and the investigation of mutations in the k13 propeller domain., Methods: The study was conducted in 2012-2013 on three sentinel sites of Togo (Lomé, Sokodé and Niamtougou). Children aged 6-59 months, who were symptomatically infected with Plasmodium falciparum, were treated with either AL (Coartem(®), Novartis Pharma, Switzerland) or ASAQ (Co-Arsucam(®), Sanofi Aventis, France). The WHO standard protocol for anti-malarial treatment evaluation was used. The primary end-point was 28-day adequate clinical and parasitological response (ACPR), corrected to exclude reinfection using polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) genotyping., Results: A total of 523 children were included in the study. PCR-corrected ACPR was 96.3-100 % for ASAQ and 97-100 % for AL across the three study sites. Adverse events were negligible: 0-4.8 % across all sites, for both artemisinin-based combinations. Upon investigation of mutations in the k13 propeller domain, only 9 (1.8 %) mutations were reported, three in each site. All mutant parasites were cleared before day 3. All day 3 positive patients were infected with k13 wild type parasites., Conclusions: The efficacy of AL and ASAQ remains high in Togo, and both drugs are well tolerated. ASAQ and AL would be recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Togo.
- Published
- 2016
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31. Performance d’Hemocue Hb 201+ dans le diagnostic de l’anémie de l’enfant dans les structures sanitaires du niveau périphérique au Togo.
- Author
Vovor A, Dorkenoo A, and Layibo Y
- Abstract
Performance of HemoCue Hb201+ in the diagnosis of anaemia in children in health facilities at the peripheral level in Togo ., Background: Anaemia is a global public health problem, especially in developing countries. Anaemia has major repercussions on health status, as well as on the economic and social development of a country. Effective care of anaemic patients requires a reliable and precise diagnostic test that can determine haemoglobin levels., Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of the Hemocue test Hb201+
® ., Method: This study compared haemoglobin levels measured using the photometer Hemocue Hb201+® with those measured by analysers of haematology. Children aged 6 to 59 months who suffered from uncomplicated malaria were eligible for inclusion. Haemoglobin levels determined by the analysers were considered the reference for evaluation of the levels measured using Hemocue Hb201+® ., Results: 72.8% of the values obtained by Hemocue Hb201® were within ±1g/dl of the reference value. The Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.80. The prevalence of anaemia was 79.3% using the reference method and 77.9% using Hemocue 201+® . The sensitivity and the specificity of Hemocue Hb201+® were 95.1% and 65.3% respectively., Conclusion: The study results showed that the Hemocue Hb201 test+® provided good sensitivity, average specificity and average precision, both for the diagnosis of anaemia and for the determination of haemoglobin levels. It may be used in peripheral centres to facilitate the laboratory diagnosis of anaemia and its management in populations that live in areas with difficult accessibility., Competing Interests: Aucun conflit d’intérêt: les auteurs déclarent n’avoir aucun lien financier ou personnel les ayant influencé de façon inappropriée pendant la rédaction de l’article.- Published
- 2013
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32. [Myeloproliferative disorders "Philadelphia negative" and JAK2V617F mutation: study of 15 cases in Togo].
- Author
Padaro E, Agbetiafa K, Delagnon Kueviakoe IM, Layibo Y, Amegbor K, Vovor A, Giraudier S, Sanogo I, and Segbena AY
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Amino Acid Substitution physiology, Cohort Studies, Female, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Middle Aged, Myeloproliferative Disorders diagnosis, Myeloproliferative Disorders epidemiology, Phenylalanine genetics, Prognosis, Togo epidemiology, Valine genetics, Janus Kinase 2 genetics, Mutation, Missense physiology, Myeloproliferative Disorders genetics, Philadelphia Chromosome
- Abstract
The goal of our study is to document the prevalence of change JAK2V617F among patients reached of myeloproliferative syndromes (MPS) in Togo in order to evaluate frequencies. This descriptive study included 15 patients followed with the CHU Campus for a SMP. The research of JAK2 change by PCR was carried out with the APHP Henri Mondor of Creteil (France). During the study period, 15 patients followed for MPS (9 cases of polycythemia Vera, 5 cases of essential thrombocytemia and a case of primitive myelofibrosis) profited from the research of JAK2 change. The Middle age of the patients was respectively of 45±18 years; of 55±6 years for the PV and the essential thrombocytemia. The patient followed for primitive myelofibrosis was 72 years old. Sex-ratio (H/F) was of 2. JAK2 Change was positive in 5 cases out of 9 (55.5%) of the polycythemia Vera, at 3 patients out of 5 (60%) followed for essential thrombocytemia but negative for patient reached of primitive myelofibrosis. In conclusion, JAK2 Change has an interest diagnosis and forecast in the MPS negative Chromosom Philadelphia and can be systematic even in Africa Sub-saharian.
- Published
- 2012
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33. [Evolution of cardiovascular diseases' admissions in cardiology departments of Lomé hospitals: a cross-sectional study on 7959 patients from June 2004 to May 2009].
- Author
Yayehd K, Damorou F, N'Da NW, Tchérou T, Tété Y, Johnson A, Layibo Y, and Doulé NV
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cardiovascular Diseases classification, Cardiovascular Diseases etiology, Child, Cohort Studies, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Hospitals statistics & numerical data, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Patient Admission statistics & numerical data, Risk Factors, Time Factors, Togo epidemiology, Young Adult, Cardiology Service, Hospital statistics & numerical data, Cardiovascular Diseases epidemiology, Patient Admission trends
- Abstract
Background: To determine the frequency of cardiovascular diseases, their risk factors as well as their evolution in two cardiology departments of Lomé., Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among patients attending two cardiology departments of Lomé, from June 2004 to May 2009, who had a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease., Results: A total of 7959 patients were included. Female gender predominated. The mean age was of 49.5 ± 17.2 years. The number of admissions increased from 958 in 2004 to 2399 in 2009. Arterial hypertension (62.7%) and ischemic heart diseases (10.6%) were the most frequent diagnoses. Among patients with a diagnosis of heart failure, the etiology was not recorded for 12.2%. Overweight and dyslipidemia were significantly more frequent in women (P<0.001), while smoking and physical inactivity were significantly more frequent in men (P<0.001). During the period, there was a moderate rise of the prevalence of overweight, dyslipidemia, and physical inactivity, whereas the prevalence of diabetes and smoking remained almost unchanged., Conclusion: Admissions for cardiovascular diseases increased from 2004 to 2009. This epidemiological transition may be related to poor awareness of cardiovascular disease among the low-income population and the financial burden of health care., (Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2012
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