28 results on '"Leito, Aivar"'
Search Results
2. Temporal dynamics of bird community composition: an analysis of baseline conditions from long-term data
- Author
Kampichler, Christian, Angeler, David G., Holmes, Richard T., Leito, Aivar, Svensson, Sören, van der Jeugd, Henk P., and Wesołowski, Tomasz
- Published
- 2014
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3. A framework for habitat monitoring and climate change modelling: construction and validation of the Environmental Stratification of Estonia
- Author
Villoslada, Miguel, Bunce, Robert G. H., Sepp, Kalev, Jongman, Rob H. G., Metzger, Marc J., Kull, Tiiu, Raet, Janar, Kuusemets, Valdo, Kull, Ain, and Leito, Aivar
- Published
- 2017
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4. The potential impacts of changes in ecological networks, land use and climate on the Eurasian crane population in Estonia
- Author
Leito, Aivar, Bunce, Robert Gerald Henry, Külvik, Mart, Ojaste, Ivar, Raet, Janar, Villoslada, Miguel, Leivits, Meelis, Kull, Anne, Kuusemets, Valdo, Kull, Tiiu, Metzger, Marc Joris, and Sepp, Kalev
- Published
- 2015
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5. Skipping the Baltic: The Emergence of a Dichotomy of Alternative Spring Migration Strategies in Russian Barnacle Geese
- Author
Eichhorn, Götz, Drent, Rudolf H., Stahl, Julia, Leito, Aivar, and Alerstam, Thomas
- Published
- 2009
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6. Earthworm communities of flooded grasslands in Matsalu, Estonia
- Author
Ivask, Mari, Truu, Jaak, Kuu, Annely, Truu, Marika, and Leito, Aivar
- Published
- 2007
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7. From northern Europe to Ethiopia: long-distance migration of Common Cranes (Grus grus)
- Author
Ojaste, Ivar, Leito, Aivar, Suorsa, Petri, Hedenström, Anders, Sepp, Kalev, Leivits, Meelis, Sellis, Urmas, and Väli, Ülo
- Published
- 2019
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8. From northern Europe to Ethiopia: long-distance migration of Common Cranes (Grus grus).
- Author
Ojaste, Ivar, Leito, Aivar, Suorsa, Petri, Hedenström, Anders, Sepp, Kalev, Leivits, Meelis, Sellis, Urmas, and Väli, Ülo
- Abstract
The majority of Common Cranes (Grus grus) breeding in northern Europe are short- to medium-distance migrants that overwinter in southern Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East. However, some individuals migrate longer distances to as far as Ethiopia. Using data from18 satellite-tracked juvenile Common Cranes, we assessed (1) the length and landscape composition of the migratory routes used and (2) the behaviour of neighbouring Finnish and Estonian (500 km apart in the north-south direction) sub-populations. Our results show that Common Cranes mainly use the East European flyway to reach thewintering grounds in Ethiopia, yet some individual cranesmay alternatively use the Baltic-Hungarianmigration route. Neither duration nor the number of stopovers used influenced the flight distances of the cranes. Further, 7-19 days of refuelling enabled the cranes to cover long flight distances, from 2,420 to 5,110 km in 6-15 days, without the need for settling down at potential stopovers on the route. Contrary to our expectations, the main refuelling sites of the Finnish breeding population were further south (in southern Ukraine) than those of the Estonian population (in Belarus). Despite the longer flight distances, Finnish cranes used threemainmigration stages, while cranes breeding atmore southern sites generally used mainly four stages. Our findings demonstrate that largesized social migrants such as the Common Crane may have spatially segregated, flexible migration patterns that involve only a few carefully selected stopovers during long-distance migration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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9. A framework for habitat monitoring and climate change modelling: construction and validation of the Environmental Stratification of Estonia
- Author
Villoslada, Miguel, primary, Bunce, Robert G. H., additional, Sepp, Kalev, additional, Jongman, Rob H. G., additional, Metzger, Marc J., additional, Kull, Tiiu, additional, Raet, Janar, additional, Kuusemets, Valdo, additional, Kull, Ain, additional, and Leito, Aivar, additional
- Published
- 2016
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10. Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi maakatte andmebaasi koostamine ning ajaloolise maakasutuse analüüs ja tsoneering
- Author
Semm, Maaria (koostaja), Kaasik, Are, Kirsimäe, Kristel, Leito, Aivar, Lukk, Heinrich, Metsaots, Kaie, Sepp, Kalev, Tomson, Pille, Tuvi, Eva-Liis, Jagomägi, Jüri, Kokk, Anne, and Sepp, Eva-Lena
- Subjects
kaardid ,Vilsandi rahvuspark ,uuringute aruanded ,Matsalu rahvuspark ,maakate ,digitaliseerimine ,maakasutus ,tsoneerimine ,andmebaasid - Abstract
Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi (RP) maakatte andmebaasi koostamist ning ajaloolise maakasutuse analüüsi teostamist on toetanud Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus keskkonnaprogrammi looduskaitse alamprogrammist (projekt nr 4756). Töö on koostatud Keskkonnaametiga kooskõlastatud lähteülesande alusel. Uurimisala kattis Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvusparkide maastiku ja rahvusparkide piiridest väljapoole jääva puhvri 500m ulatuses. Töö koosneb käesolevast tekstilisest aruandest ja MapInfo formaadis andmebaasist koos kaardifailidega. Tekstiline osa sisaldab (a) metoodika kirjeldust, (b) määratletud tsoonide üldkirjeldusi ja soovitusi iga väärtusgrupi kohta, (d) analüüsitud kuue perioodi maakatte kaarte ja tsoneeringu kaarte paberil ja (e) lisasid. MapInfo kihtidena on antud põhikaardi baasil tekitatud muutuste kaardifailid koos andmebaasiga (1) Matsalu_teed.TAB, (2) Matsalu_alad.TAB, (3) Matsalu_hooned.TAB, (4) Matsalu_roostik.TAB, (5) Vilsandi_teed.TAB, (6) Vilsandi_alad.TAB, (7) Vilsandi_hooned.TAB, (8) Vilsandi_roostik.TAB. Lisaks on loodud kõiki kihte ja neist tuletatud teemakaarte hõlmav töökeskkond MapInfo jaoks Matsalu rahvuspargi alal 0_Matsalu.WOR ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi alal 0_Vilsandi.WOR. Põhikaardi baasil tekitatud muutuste andmebaasi andmete analüüsimise tulemusel on loodud maastike tsoneeringu kaardikihid ajaloolise maakatte/maakasutuse alusel (1) Klassid_Matsalu.TAB, (2) 1Klass_Matsalu.TAB, (3) 2Klass_Matsalu.TAB ja (4) Klassid_Vilsandi.TAB, (5) 1Klass_Vilsandi.TAB, (6) 2Klass_Vilsandi.TAB. Vastavalt lähteülesandele oli töö eesmärgiks koostada Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi maastike tsoneering ajaloolise maakasutuse/maakatte püsivuse ja muutuste alusel ning koostada soovitused määratletud tsoonide edaspidiseks korralduseks ja kaitseks. Maastiku väärtustamise aluseks on ajaloolise maakatte/maakasutuse püsivus ja rahvusparkide kaitse-eesmärkidest tulenev rannikumaastike loodus ja kultuuripärandi kaitse. Maakatte/maakasutuse püsivust hinnatakse võrreldes 1944ndateni eksisteerinud talumaastike maakasutusega, mida loetakse nö traditsioonilisteks maastikeks ehk pärandmaastikeks. Lisaks annab antud perioodi maastikumuster ettekujutuse mõlema kaitsealade moodustamise eelsest olukorrast. Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvusparkide territooriumi kohta ei ole seni koostatud detailset metoodiliselt ühtset maakatte muutuste analüüsi. Loodav andmebaas aitab täpsustada kaitseala tsoneeringut, on suureks abiks kaitsekorralduskava täiendamisele kui ka aitab kaasa tõhusamatele kaitseala valitsemise otsustele ja valitseja poolt antavatele kooskõlastustele. Töö tulemusteks on Vilsandi ja Matsalu rahvusparkide maakatte digitaliseeritud andmebaas, mis kajastab perioodi 1900-2009, maastike tsoneering ajaloolise maakatte muutuste/püsivuse alusel ja soovitused iga väärtusklassi kohta ajaloolise maakasutuse/maakatte väärtusest lähtuvalt. Töö koostamise käigus viidi läbi 3 koosolekut (24.04, 28.07 ja 06.11.2014), mille käigus kokkulepitud seisukohad ja ettepanekud võeti arvesse lõpparuandes. Esimene koosolek toimus lähteülesande täpsustamiseks, teine koosolek tsoonide piiritlemise läbikaalumiseks peale esmase tsoonide variandi valmimist ja kolmas koosolek toimus varem kokkulepitud maastikutsoonide edaspidiseks kaitseks pakutavate piirangute läbiarutamiseks. Aruande koostas Maaria Semm (Eesti Maaülikool). Oma panuse aruande valmimisse andsid Are Kaasik, Kristel Kirsimäe, Aivar Leito, Heinrich Lukk, Kaie Metsaots, prof. Kalev Sepp, Pille Tomson, Eva-Liis Tuvi (Eesti Maaülikool) ning Jüri Jagomägi, Anne Kokk ja Eva-Lena Sepp (Regio AS). Aruandele viitamine: Semm, M., Tomson, P., Sepp, E-L., Sepp, K. 2014. Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi maakatte andmebaasi koostamine ning ajaloolise maakasutuse analüüs ja tsoneering. Lõpparuanne. Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi maakatte andmebaasi koostamine ning ajaloolise maakasutuse analüüs ja tsoneering (1.03.2013−30.11.2014). Eesti Maaülikool, Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut. Andmebaasile viitamine: Matsalu/Vilsandi rahvuspargi maakatte andmebaas. 2014. Matsalu ja Vilsandi rahvuspargi maakatte andmebaasi koostamine ning ajaloolise maakasutuse analüüs ja tsoneering (1.03.2013−30.11.2014). Eesti Maaülikool, Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut. Uuringu koostamist toetas Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus 2012. a. looduskaitse programmist (projekt nr 4756).
- Published
- 2014
11. Factors affecting the flight altitude of migrating waterbirds in Western Estonia
- Author
Kahlert, Johnny Abildgaard, Leito, Aivar, Laubek, Bjarke, Luigujõe, Leho, Kuresoo, Andres, Aaen, Kim, and Luud, Aarne
- Published
- 2012
12. III kaitsekategooria liigi sookure (Grus grus) kaitse tegevuskava (jätkukava) aastateks 2009–2013
- Author
Leito, Aivar (koostaja), Ojaste, Ivar (koostaja), and Eesti Maaülikool. Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut
- Subjects
kaitsekorraldus ,seire ,Eesti ,levik (biol.) ,Grus grus ,sookurg - Abstract
Sookurg (Grus grus L.) on Euraasia parasvöötmes laialdaselt levinud liik, kuid kelle levila ja arvukus ning seisund tervikuna on pidevalt muutunud (Blotzheim et al. 1973, Cramp, Simmons 1980, Prange 1989, 1994, 1999, 2001 jt). Liigi levila oli kõige enam ahenenud ning olukord kõige kriitilisem 20. sajandi keskpaiku. Pärast seda on kunagine areaal hakanud küll taastuma, kuid ei ole veel jõudnud endiste piirideni. Eestis on sookurg põlisasukas, kes esineb kogu maal nii pesitseja kui ka läbirändajana. Nii nagu enamikus teisteski areaali piirkondades oli liigi arvukus ka meil madalseisus kuni möödunud sajandi kaskpaigani (Kumari 1958) ning on hakanud oluliselt kasvama alles viimastel aastakümnetel (Renno 1993, Nowald et al. 1999, Leito 2001, 2002 jt). Kas, kui pikalt ja millise tempoga levila tihenemine ning arvukuse juurdekasv jätkub, on raske täpsemalt prognoosida. Mõnede tunnuste järgi (kohatine väga tihe asustus ja madal pesitsusedukus) võib siiski arvata, et sarnaste keskkonnatingimuste juures praegune kiire kasvutempo lähiaastatel aeglustub ning arvukus ja asustustihedus stabiliseerub. Kui aga pesitsustingimused peaksid järsult halvenema, siis võib see liigi püsimajäämist meil otseselt ohustada. Problemaatiline, kuid kindlasti arvestamist vajav on sookure arvukuse ja seisundi perspektiiv kliima soojenedes. Huntley (et al. 2008) prognoosmudel kliima soojenemise korral näitab sookure pesitsusareaali väga olulist ahenemist ja ligikaudu 1000 km-st nihet põhja poole käesoleva sajandi lõpuks. Kui see stsenaarium peaks teostuma, siis võib sookurg juba selle sajandi lõpuks muutuda nii meil kui ka globaalselt ohualtiks liigiks. Kuna Eestis pesitseb oluline osa (ligi 8%) Euroopa sookurgedest ning sügisrändel peatub siin ligikaudu 10% Euroopa populatsioonist, siis on sookure kaitsmine meil ka üleeuroopalise (EL) tähtsusega. Õigusaktid, rahvusvahelised lepped ja direktiivid on kaitse korraldamise õiguslikuks aluseks, kuid liigi tegelikuks kaitsmiseks on vaja ka konkreetseid tegevuskavu nii regionaalsel (riikide) kui ka Euroopa tasandil. Et Eestil on tähtis osa läbirändavate (mujal pesitsevate) sookurgede kaitsmisel, siis hõlmab kaitsekorralduskava olulisel määral ka rändeasurkonda. Kaitsekorralduskava on toimingute eelisjärjestamise ja planeeringu koostamise alus. Kava koostamine on kindlasti vajalik, kui kaitsealuse liigi kaitseks seni rakendatud abinõud ei taga liigi säilimist. Sookurg on III kaitsekategooria liik, kelle jaoks eraldi kaitsekorralduskava üldjuhul ei koostata. Kuna sookure seisund on meil praegu hea ja lähiprognoos soodne, siis uue kaitsekorralduskava rakendamine ei ole Eesti tasandil hädavajalik, kuid see on vajalik liigi kui terviku kaitse tagamiseks ning kohustuseks EL ees. Sellest lähtuvalt ongi koostatud sookure kaitsekorralduse jätkukava Eestis aastateks 2009–2013.
- Published
- 2008
13. Effects of an extensive Prymnesium polylepis bloom on breeding eiders in the Baltic Sea
- Author
Larsson, Kjell, Hajdu, Susanna, Kilpi, Mikael, Larsson, Rolf, Leito, Aivar, Lyngs, Peter, Larsson, Kjell, Hajdu, Susanna, Kilpi, Mikael, Larsson, Rolf, Leito, Aivar, and Lyngs, Peter
- Abstract
The effects of an extensive bloom of the potentially toxic Prymnesium polylepis (Haptophyta) on breeding eiders (Somateria mollissima) in the Baltic Sea were analysed. Increasing abundances of the alternate stage P. polylepis was detected by a marine monitoring programme in the autumn 2007. The bloom peaked between March and May 2008 in the southern, central and northwestern Baltic Proper and abundances of up to 5 x 106 cells l- 1 were recorded. At several sites P. polylepis constituted between 30 and 90% of the total phytoplankton biovolume. The flagellate was only recorded in low numbers in the northeastern Baltic Proper and Gulf of Finland. The abundances were low in 2007, 2009 and 2010. In 28 eider colonies situated in the southern and central Baltic Proper, sharp and synchronous declines in the number of nesting eiders were observed from 2007 to 2008. In colonies on Gotland in the central Baltic Proper, a 76% decrease, from 6650 nests to 1620 nests, was followed by increases in 2009 and 2010, although not up to numbers observed in 2007. At Utklippan and Ertholmene in the southern Baltic Proper, the observed decreases of 55%, from 144 to 65 nests, and 36%, from 1660 to 1060 nests, respectively, between 2007 and 2008, were followed by increases in 2009 and 2010 up to the level observed in 2007. By contrast, no general decline of the number of nesting eiders was observed from 2007 to 2008 in 75 colonies in the northeastern Baltic Proper and Gulf of Finland. Hence, the spatial distribution of the P. polylepis bloom in 2008 closely matched the observed distribution of extensive non-breeding of female eiders. We suggest that the intensive spring bloom of P. polylepis, either through a toxic or non-toxic pathway, affected the main benthic food of eiders, i.e. blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus x Mytilus edulis), at pre-breeding foraging sites close to the breeding sites, and, subsequently, the body condition of adult female eiders and their breeding propensity.
- Published
- 2014
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14. Newly established breeding sites of the barnacle Goose branta leucopsis in North-western Europe - an overview of breeding habitats and colony development
- Author
Larsson, Kjell, Feige, Nicole, van der Jeugd, Henk P, van der Graaf, Alexandra J, Leito, Aivar, Stahl, Julia, Larsson, Kjell, Feige, Nicole, van der Jeugd, Henk P, van der Graaf, Alexandra J, Leito, Aivar, and Stahl, Julia
- Abstract
Traditional breeding grounds of the Russian Barnacle Goose population are at the Barents Sea in the Russian Arctic. During the last decades, the population increased and expanded the breeding area by establishing new breeding colonies at lower latitudes. Breeding numbers outside arctic Russia amounted to about 12,000 pairs in 2005. By means of a questionnaire, information about breeding habitat characteristics and colony size, colony growth and goose density were collected from breeding areas outside Russia. This paper gives an overview about the new breeding sites and their development in Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in habitat characteristics and population parameters between North Sea and Baltic breeding sites. Colonies at the North Sea are growing rapidly, whereas in Sweden the growth has levelled off in recent years. In Estonia numbers are even decreasing. On the basis of their breeding site choice, the flyway population of Barnacle Geese traditionally breeding in the Russian Arctic can be divided into three sub-populations: the Barents Sea population, the Baltic population and the North Sea population. The populations differ not only in habitat use but also in breeding biology.
- Published
- 2008
15. Newly established breeding sites of the barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis in North-western Europe : an overview of breeding habitats and colony development
- Author
Feige, Nicole, van der Jeugd, Henk P, van der Graaf, Alexandra J, Larsson, Kjell, Leito, Aivar, Stahl, Julia, Feige, Nicole, van der Jeugd, Henk P, van der Graaf, Alexandra J, Larsson, Kjell, Leito, Aivar, and Stahl, Julia
- Abstract
Traditional breeding grounds of the Russian Barnacle Goose population are at the Barents Sea in the Russian Arctic. During the last decades, the population increased and expanded the breeding area by establishing new breeding colonies at lower latitudes. Breeding numbers outside arctic Russia amounted to about 12,000 pairs in 2005. By means of a questionnaire, information about breeding habitat characteristics and colony size, colony growth and goose density were collected from breeding areas outside Russia. This paper gives an overview about the new breeding sites and their development in Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in habitat characteristics and population parameters between North Sea and Baltic breeding sites. Colonies at the North Sea are growing rapidly, whereas in Sweden the growth has levelled off in recent years. In Estonia numbers are even decreasing. On the basis of their breeding site choice, the flyway population of Barnacle Geese traditionally breeding in the Russian Arctic can be divided into three sub-populations: the Barents Sea population, the Baltic population and the North Sea population. The populations differ not only in habitat use but also in breeding biology.
- Published
- 2008
16. The effect of atmospheric circulation on spring arrival of short- and long-distance migratory bird species in Estonia.
- Author
Palm, Vello, Sepp, Mait, Truu, Jaak, Ward, Raymond D., and Leito, Aivar
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyse and identify preferred atmospheric circulation conditions for migratory birds during their spring arrival in Estonia (for Tartu and Kuressaare). A total of 47 circulation classifications and 42 common bird species were studied. The analysis identified a clear division of species into two general clusters according to their preferred circulation conditions. Short-distance migrants preferred predominantly cyclonic conditions with winds from the south-west, while for long-distance migrants windless anticyclonic conditions were preferred. The former were also less dependent on circulation than the latter. Short-distance migrants reaching Tartu were more dependent on circulation than those reaching Kuressaare. The classifications created by the methods CAP, CKM and SAN indicated stronger associations with bird arrival than those based on the methods NNW, PXK and SOM. Clear species sub-clusters were identified for the Tartu migrants only, distinguishable in the strength of the dependence on circulation or the preferred circulation conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
17. Factors affecting the flight altitude of migrating waterbirds in Western Estonia
- Author
Kahlert, Johnny, primary, Leito, Aivar, additional, Laubek, Bjarke, additional, Luigujõe, Leho, additional, Kuresoo, Andres, additional, Aaen, Kim, additional, and Luud, Aarne, additional
- Published
- 2012
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18. Skipping the Baltic: the emergence of a dichotomy of alternative spring migration strategies in Russian barnacle geese
- Author
Eichhorn, Götz, primary, Drent, Rudolf H., additional, Stahl, Julia, additional, Leito, Aivar, additional, and Alerstam, Thomas, additional
- Published
- 2008
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19. Coastal grassland wader abundance in relation to breeding habitat characteristics in Matsalu Bay, Estonia.
- Author
Leito, Aivar, Elts, Jaanus, Mägi, Eve, Truu, Jaak, Ivask, Mari, Kuu, Annely, Ööpik, Merle, Meriste, Mart, Ward, Raymond, Kuresoo, Andres, Pehlak, Hannes, Sepp, Kalev, and Luigujõe, Leho
- Subjects
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CICONIIFORMES , *HABITATS , *CLIMATE change research , *ECOLOGY , *GRASSLANDS , *BIRD populations - Abstract
Wader populations have been declining worldwide, providing a fundamental question as to which environmental factors limit population growth. Many studies have focused on the effects of habitat change on wader populations as a result of climate change, agricultural intensification or abandonment of arable land. However, there are few studies investigating the relationship between wader distribution/abundance and prey abundance. This study focused on the relationship between breeding wader abundance, habitat characteristics and prey abundance on different types of coastal and floodplain grasslands. The study was carried out in the Matsalu Bay area, Western Estonia between 2001 and 2005. Results showed that most wader species were strongly related to habitat flooding type but not to plant species richness or evenness or mean vegetation coverage. Abundance of epigeic earthworms at a site was positively correlated with wader species diversity and abundance, as well as at the individual species level for abundance of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa and Redshank Tringa totanus. Endogeic earthworm abundance was not significantly related to total wader abundance, although for some species there was a weak negative relationship. We conclude that epigeic earthworms are an important food source for most wader species on Matsalu grasslands and endogeic earthworms are not likely to be utilised as a prey source. Wader abundance was most strongly related to flooding as a determinate factor for breeding habitat characteristics and with epigeic earthworms as a food source. These factors are important environmental variables influencing local abundance and distribution of coastal waders. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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20. Effect of atmospheric circulation types on spring arrival of migratory birds and long-term trends in the first arrival dates in Estonia.
- Author
Sepp, Mait, Palm, Vello, Leito, Aivar, Päädam, Kalev, and Truu, Jaak
- Subjects
MIGRATORY birds ,ATMOSPHERIC circulation ,PHENOLOGY ,SPRING ,CLIMATOLOGY ,CLIMATE change ,EFFECT of atmospheric temperature on birds - Abstract
The article explores the relationship of atmospheric circulation types (CT) and the arrival of migratory birds in Estonia during spring. The 1958-2002 spring migration phenology of 42 bird species in Estonia's Tartu and Kuressaare was analyzed to obtain the first arrival dates and later compared it to CT of COST 733 catalog 1.2, domain 05. The authors conclude that spring arrival of migratory birds in western and eastern Estonia is affected by weather conditions and climate change.
- Published
- 2011
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21. The spring timing of arrival of migratory birds: dependence on climate variables and migration route.
- Author
Palm, Vello, Leito, Aivar, Truu, Jaak, and Tomingas, Oliver
- Subjects
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BIRD migration , *SEASONAL effects on wildlife , *MIGRATION flyways , *STAGING areas (Birds) , *CLIMATE change , *SPECIES diversity , *ANIMAL migration , *NORTH Atlantic oscillation - Abstract
The article focuses on a research that assesses the spring-arrival timing of 42 migratory bird species in Estonia from 1957 to 1996. It evaluates the divisions of migratory birds, the climatic factors that influence their spring-arrival timing, and the trends in their spring-arrival timing in connection with climate change. Results show that there are two general clusters and six sub-clusters of species during the spring arrival of migratory birds: 23 are short-distance migrants while 19 are long-distance migrants. It discusses the relationship of the short-distance migrants' first arrival dates to the seasonal winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and other climatic variables. It adds that long-distance migrants' first arrival dates are weakly correlated with climatic factors.
- Published
- 2009
22. Autumn numbers and distribution of the staging greylag goose Anser anser in Estonia in 1990-98.
- Author
Leito, Aivar, Möls, Tõnu, Mägi, Eve, and Kastepõld, Taivo
- Subjects
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GREYLAG goose - Abstract
We analysed the results of mid-September counts of staging greylag geese in Estonia in 1990-98. Each year 9800 to 15 700 greylags were counted in western Estonia during this period. The analysis provides no evidence of an overall linear trend, but differences between linear trends in certain site clusters are statistically significant proving that the preferences in halting sites have changed in the study years. Principal Component Analysis suggests that the first principal component, characterizing the total number of birds and defined as the Abundance Factor, explains about 56% of the variability of square-root transformed counts. The second principal component, Matsalu Preference Factor, indicates whether birds prefer Matsalu and South Saaremaa to Hiiumaa, West Saaremaa and East Saaremaa. It explains about 24% of the total variability. A significant increase of Matsalu Preference Factor suggests that the importance of Matsalu Bay has increased considerably among geese staging areas in recent years. Two structural indices describe stable proportions of the distribution of birds over the study area characterizing their possible relocation patterns. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2003
23. Valgepõsk-lagle Barentsi mere asurkonna mittepesitsusaegsest ökoloogiast
- Author
Leito, Aivar, Ling, Harry, juhendaja, Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond, and Tartu Ülikool. Zooloogia osakond
- Subjects
valgepõsk-lagle ,linnud ,magistritööd ,lindude ränne ,Barentsi meri - Abstract
- Published
- 1981
24. The spring timing of arrival of migratory birds: Dependence on climate variables and migration route
- Author
Palm, Vello, Leito, Aivar, Jaak Truu, and Tomingas, Oliver
25. Sookure (Grus grus L.) pesitsus- ja rändeökoloogia
- Author
Ojaste, Ivar, Sepp, Kalev, Leito, Aivar, Väli, Ülo, and Végvári, Zsolt (opponent)
- Subjects
Estonia ,dissertations ,rändeökoloogia ,nest ,dissertatsioonid ,Eesti ,migration ecology ,crane ,bird migration ,pesitsemine ,sookurg ,lindude ränne - Abstract
A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Biology The objectives of this thesis were to analyse the breeding population trends and distribution of the Common Cranes in Estonia and the availability of potential breeding habitat (I, IV), to describe nesting habitats in Estonia and to explore the relationships between habitat and nesting success and nesting phenology (II), to investigate the relation between the numbers and distribution of autumn staging cranes and agricultural land use (III), to examine the stability of the habitat network used by cranes (IV) and to study the long-distance migration pattern of cranes (V). The population of the Common Crane started to increase in Estonia since 1970s (I). In parallel, the mean density of pairs increased, and distribution widened all over the country (I). First time breeders started to occupy new suitable habitats for nesting (I). The extended distribution of the crane has been favoured by the good availability of potential nesting sites (IV). The Common Crane nesting sites are different wetlands in Estonia have similar water regimes, plant communities and microrelief. The preferred breeding habitats are mires (II). The breeding success is associated with quality of breeding habitat and distance between neighbouring nests. The beginning of egg laying has a significant trend of advancement over time. Human activity had a significantly negative effect on the breeding success of cranes (II). The Common Crane numbers in staging sites are positively correlated with cropping area of cereals and negatively with the extent of potato fields. Changes in the local numbers and distribution of cranes when staging during their migration depend on changes in agricultural land use in staging areas (III). Migration routes used by cranes form a widespread ecological network (IV). Despite the modest contribution of nature conservation to the population increase of cranes (IV), the conservation efforts to protect peatlands play key roles in conservation of the Common Crane in the longer term. The climate change scenario modelling suggests minimal impact on cranes in future (IV). Common Crane’s long-distance autumn migration strategies differed between northern and southern sub-populations by the density and location of stopovers, daily flight distances, and the total migration duration. Cranes used during migration both, time- and energy-minimization strategies (V). Käesolevas tööd uuriti Eestis pesitseva sookure asurkonna suuruse ja leviku muutusi ning võimalike pesitsusalade levikut Eestis (I, IV), Eesti asurkonna elupaiga valikut ja selle seost pesitsusedukuse ning -fenoloogiaga (II), sügisrändel peatuvate lindude arvukuse muutusi seoses põllumajandusliku maakasutusega (III), sookurgede kasutatava ökoloogilise võrgustiku stabiilsust (IV) ja sookurgede kaugrändestrateegiat (V). Sookurepopulatsiooni kasv algas 1970. aastatel ühel ajal nii Eestis (I) kui ka kogu Euroopas. Pesitseva asurkonna suurenemisega Eestis kaasnes leviku laienemine ja keskmise asustustiheduse suurenemine (I). See tõi kaasa uute elupaikade asustamise (I). Sookurepopulatsiooni suurenemisel ja lausalise leviku tekkimisel on olnud tähtis tegur võimalike elupaikade laialdane levik (IV). Sookured pesitsevad erinevatel, kuid sarnase veerežiimi, taimekoosluse ja mikroreljeefiga märgaladel. Nad eelistavad pesitseda rabades ja soodes (II). Sookurgede pesitsusedukus on seotud elupaiga kvaliteediga ja kaugusega naaberpesadest. Inimhäiringul on pesitsustulemustele märkimisväärne negatiivne mõju (II). Munemise algus on Eestis muutunud viimase sajandi jooksul oluliselt varasemaks (II). Sügisrändel peatuvate sookurgede arvukus on positiivselt seotud külvatud teravilja pindalaga ja negatiivselt kartulipõldude pindalaga (III). Sookurgede arvukus ja levik rändepeatuskohtades sõltub nii Eestis kui ka rändeteedel põllumajanduslikus maakasutuses toimuvatest muutustest (III). Kõik rändeteed koos rändepeatus- ja talvitamisaladega moodustavad ühtse ökoloogilise võrgustiku (IV). Sookurepopulatsiooni juurdekasv on olnud sõltumatu kaitstavatest aladest, kuid soode ja rabade kui liigile esmatähtsa elupaiga kaitse on sookure pikaajalises kaitsestrateegias kriitilise tähtsusega (IV). Kliimamuutused näivad mõjutavat sookurepopulatsiooni pigem positiivselt (IV). Sookurgede põhjapoolse asurkonna kaugrändestrateegia erineb märgatavalt lõuna pool pesitseva asurkonna kaugrändestrateegiast rändepeatuskohtade tiheduse ja paiknemise, päevase rändelennu pikkuse ning kogu rändeperioodi pikkuse poolest (V). Sookured kasutavad kaugrändel nii rändeaja minimeerimise kui ka energia minimeerimise strateegiat. Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences. This research was supported by European Social Fund’s Doctoral Studies and Internationalisation Programme DoRa, Archimedes Foundation and by institutional research funding IUT21-1 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.
- Published
- 2019
26. Eestis pesitsevate sookurgede (Grus grus) rändemustrid
- Author
Maivel, Helian, Leito, Aivar, and Maastikukorraldus ja loodushoid
- Subjects
rändepeatuspaigad ,rändeteed ,magistritööd ,talvitumisalad - Abstract
Magistritöö Vee ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia õppekaval Sookurg (Grus grus) on laialdaselt levinud linnuliik Euraasia parasvöötmes. Tegemist on rändlinnuga ning tema geograafiline paiknemine levilas sõltub aastaajast. Eestis on sookurg üldlevinud, kuid väikesearvuline ning looduskaitsealune haudelind. 8% sookure Euroopa asurkonnast pesitseb Eestis ning 10% peatub siin rände ajal. Sookurge peetakse ka märgalade sümboliks ning indikaatorliigiks. Rände uurimiseks on sookurgi Eestis alates 1990. aastast värvirõngastatud. Lisaks hakati 1999. aastast sookurgi märgistama raadiosaatjatega ning 2001. aastast ka satelliitsaatjatega. Tänu sellele on võimalik sookurgi identifitseerida ning teha kindlaks nende päritolu. Sookurgede vaatlusi pärast märgistamist nimetatakse taasleidudeks. Antud töö eesmärk oli Eestis märgistatud sookurgede taasleidude põhjal välja selgitada sookurgede rändemustrid. Selleks analüüsiti aastatel 2005-2015 märgistatud sookurgede taasleide ning tehti kindaks, millised rändeteid, rändepeatuspaiku ja talvitumisalasid Eestis pesitsevad sookured kasutavad. Selgus, et Eestis pesitsevad sookured kasutavad kolme peamist rändeteed Euroopas. Nendest kõige populaarsem on Lääne-Euroopa rändetee ning seda kasutavad sookured talvituvad peamiselt Hispaanias. Teiseks on Kesk-Euroopa rändetee, mille põhilised talvitumisalad jäävad Põhja-Aafrikasse. Kõige pikem ja ebapopulaarsem on Ida-Euroopa rändetee, mis kulgeb Eestist Etioopiasse. Distantsiliselt ning maastikuliselt on need rändeteed erinevad, kuid sookurgede üldine rändestrateegia on kõigil kolmel rändeteel samalaadne. The Common Crane (Grus grus) has a large distribution area in Eurasia. It is a migratory bird species and its location depends on the season. In Estonia the Common Crane is quite frequent but has a low numbered population and is under protection. 8% of Common Cranes’ European population breeds in Estonia and another 10% stops here during migration. The Common Crane is considered a flagship and indicator species of wetlands. In order to study migration the Common Cranes have been colour-banded in Estonia since 1990. In addition to colour-banding – in 1999 the first Common Crane was marked with radio transmitter and in 2001 with satellite-transmitter. Thanks to marking it is possible to identify cranes and determine their origin. The observations of cranes after marking are called resightings. The aim of this thesis was to determine migration patterns of the Common Crane based on the resightings of Common Cranes marked in Estonia. Resightings of marked cranes between 2005 and 2015 were analyzed and the migration routes, staging and wintering areas were determined. As a result three main migration routes were identified. The most frequent of them was the Western European flyway used by cranes wintering primarily in Spain. The second in popularity was the Central European flyway with wintering sites in North-Africa. The longest and the rarest route was the Eastern European flyway that extends from Estonia to Ethiopia. All these 3 routes differ in distances and landscapes but the Common Cranes’ migration strategy is generally the same.
- Published
- 2017
27. Knowledge, learning and legitimacy in participatory multi-level ecological network governance
- Author
Suškevičs, Monika, Külvik, Mart, and Leito, Aivar
- Subjects
kaasamine ,maastikuplaneerimine ,regionaalplaneerimine ,dissertatsioonid ,maaomanikud ,valitsemine ,keskkonna planeerimine ,ökovõrgustikud - Abstract
Ecological networks aim to integrate biodiversity conservation with sustainable spatial development. Their governance in Europe is shaped by the interplays between multiple actors from various levels along spatial and jurisdictional-institutional scales. Despite the calls for greater public and stakeholder involvement, the legitimacy or social robustness of spatial planning and biodiversity policies in Europe has continuously been questioned by various stakeholders. This thesis, drawing on a set of qualitative case studies, provides some reflections on the participatory development of certain ecological network initiatives foremost in Estonia (e.g. the Natura 2000 and the national Green Network), as well as in other EU countries. The following questions are addressed. (1) To what extent are participatory approaches able to effectively build stakeholder awareness? (2) What are instances of and factors contributing towards knowledge integration and social learning within participatory processes? (3) Which conditions affect the legitimacy of ecological network governance? Landowners are one key stakeholder group within the Natura 2000 designations and management. Yet, their awareness on important topics, like socio-economic implications of designations, or on formal rules of consultations in the Estonian cases was rather vague. The way information is exchanged, but its content also affects the success of communication: broad awareness-raising campaigns (e.g. information distributed via mass media) are not likely to satisfy stakeholders’ specific information needs and build their trust towards environmental authorities. More personalised involvement tools are needed to raise landowners’ awareness. In the Estonian Natura 2000 consultations, mostly scientific knowledge stood at the forefront, but the participatory delineations of the Green Network allowed the inclusion of knowledge from a broader set of stakeholders. Trust in each other’s expertise, but also certain attributes of the decision-making context, and of participatory processes (e.g. goal definition, continuity of contacts) facilitated knowledge integration in the latter case. Conflictive situations can also catalyse learning among stakeholders, e.g. support them to become aware of and respectful towards each other’s concerns. The cases have illustrated several challenges that the complex architectures of multi-level governance contexts pose on certain normative criteria for assessing legitimacy, e.g. for inclusion, accountability or transparency. Under different contexts, stakeholders tend to wear “multiple hats”, e.g. represent different kinds of interests, or are carriers of various knowledge claims. Often the concrete situation determines which one of such “hats” will be the most important. Here, the legitimacy of decision-making foremost depends on what kinds of stakeholders’ concerns are considered and/or included in the processes and their outcomes. Stakeholder analyses could help to identify the actors, analyse their roles, claims, and their relevance. The issue(s) at stake also affect stakeholders’ expectations towards participatory decision-making. So, stakeholders’ expectations towards participation, but the overall process boundaries should also be clarified from the outset, in order to avoid raising unjustified expectations. If conflicts within ecological network governance are caused by fundamental differences in frames, i.e. the various ways people make sense of problems, re-framing exercises could be one solution to reconcile such conflicts. Re-framing helps stakeholders to focus on common aspects in their views, which could facilitate mutual understanding and collaboration. Ultimately, participatory practices are influenced by the prevailing participatory culture, e.g. the ways different stakeholders, including public officials, have been used to conceptualise and exercise participation. Ökovõrgustike planeerimine ja rakendamine ühendab maastiku ökoloogilised funktsioonid mitmesuguste sotsiaal-majanduslike aspektidega ning hõlmab geograafilisi ja administratiivtasandeid kohalikest omavalitsustest Euroopa Liiduni (EL). Asjaliste (ingl stakeholders) kaasamist otsustusprotsessidesse peetakse mitmetel pragmaatilistel ning normatiivsetel kaalutlustel oluliseks ökovõrgustike valitsemise osaks. Väitekiri tugineb juhtumiuuringute analüüsil, käsitledes ökovõrgustikega seonduvate kaasamisprotsesside tõhusust ja tulemuslikkust Eestis ning mõnedes teistes EL riikides, ning juhindub järgmistest uurimisküsimustest. (1) Kuidas saab kaasamisega toetada tulemuslikku suhtlust eri osapoolte vahel (sh tõsta maaomanike teadlikkust) Natura 2000 alade määratlemise kontekstis? (2) Millistel juhtudel on / ei ole kaasamine toiminud õpi- ning erinevate asjaliste teadmisi koondava protsessina? Millised faktorid seda mõjutavad? (3) Millised asjaolud määravad otsustusprotsesside ja nende tulemite legitiimsuse (s.t vastuvõetavuse)? Maaomanikud on Natura 2000 võrgustiku moodustamisel üks olulisimaid asjalistegruppe. Analüüsitud juhtumid näitavad, et laialdased avalikustamiskampaaniad ei suuda rahuldada maaomanike spetsiifilist infovajadust, kuid vahetumad ja konkreetsemat sisulist infot pakkuvad suhtlusvormid (nt telefonivestlus looduskaitseametnikuga või osalemine asjaliste koosolekutel) tõstavad tõenäolisemalt maaomanike teadlikkust ning aitavad ennetada arusaamatusi maaomanike ja looduskaitse-ekspertide vahel. Eesti Natura 2000 alade määratlemine põhines eeskätt teaduslikel alustel, kuid maakondade rohevõrgustiku planeerimine võimaldas paljude erinevate teadmistega asjaliste kaasamist. Viimasel juhul olid määravad edutegurid otsustusprotsessi varases etapis loodud usalduslik kontakt ja osapoolte vahelise hea suhte järjepidevus. Kui varasemalt on leitud, et kaasamine on õpiprotsess eeskätt koostööliste suhete tingimustes, siis käesolev uurimus kinnitab, et ka konfliktiolukorrad võivad soodustada üksteise seisukohtade ja huvide teadvustamist ning nendega arvestamist. Valitsustasandite paljusus võib takistada tõhusat teabevahetust neil toimivate asjaliste vahel, samuti asjaliste võrdväärset kaasamist, vastutusvaldkondade selget piiritlemist ja otsustetegijate aruandekohustuse (accountability) täitmist mitme erineva valitsustasandi ees. Laiapõhjaline asjaliste kaasatus (inclusion) otsustusprotsessidesse ei pruugi alati tagada lõplike otsuste legitiimsust. Otsuste vastuvõetavust mõjutavad siinkohal eeskätt asjaliste hinnangud sellele, kuivõrd nende panusega on kaasamisel arvestatud. Asjalised võivad eri olukordades esindada väga mitmesuguseid rolle, millele vastavalt nad otsustesse panustavad, nt oma teadmiste või huvide kajastamisega. Asjalistel on tihti ka erinevad ootused kaasamisprotsesside ülesehituse ja tulemuste osas, seega tuleks ekslike ootuste vältimiseks kaasamise aluspõhimõtted ning täpsemad protsessireeglid varakult kõigi osapooltega läbi rääkida. Asjaliste analüüs (stakeholder analysis) võimaldab otsusetegijail asjalisi ja nende rolle kaardistada ning lõppkokkuvõttes hinnata, milliseid osapooli tuleks antud kontekstis esmajoones kaasata. Väitekirjas tuli esile legitiimsuseuuringutes seni vähest kajastamist leidnud aspekt, et otsuste illegitiimsus võib tuleneda ka asjaolust, et kaasamisel pole piisavalt arvestatud märkimisväärsete erinevustega asjaliste probleemikäsitlustes (frames). Seda tüüpi vastuolude lahendamisel võib abi olla probleemide ümbersõnastamisest (re-framing) nii, et keskendutakse seisukohtades peituvaile ühisjoontele, millele ehitada üles edasine arutelu ning võimalik koostöö. Selgus ka, et mõnesid Eesti keskkonnakorralduspraktikas laialdaselt kasutatavaid kaasamisvorme (nt avalikke koosolekuid) peavad asjalised ebapiisavateks võimalusteks otsuseid mõjutada. Võimalik, et koosolekuid jt sarnaseid kaasamisvorme aitaksid tõhustada nende parem organiseeritus, mida soodustaksid nt professionaalsed hõlbustajad (facilitators) või ametnike koosolekujuhtimisalaste oskuste arendamine. Kaasamise tõhusust ja tulemuslikkust mõjutab suuresti ka osalus- ja kaasamiskultuur: erinevate asjaliste, sh ametnike arusaamad kaasamisest-osalusest. Publication of this dissertation has been supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of European Social Fund.
- Published
- 2014
28. Tuuleparkide mõju veelindudele ja nende rändele Eesti näitel
- Author
Burtin, Viktoria and Leito, Aivar
- Subjects
tuuleelektrijaamad ,bakalaureusetööd ,Eesti ,ränne (biol.) ,veelinnud ,tuuleenergia - Abstract
Tuuleparkide arv suureneb nii mujal maailmas kui ka Eestis ning see on hakanud lindudele negatiivset mõju avaldama. Seda kinnitavad teadusartiklid, uurijate poolt kogutud andmed ja muud töös kasutatud eesti ja võõrkeelsed allikad. Hetkel töötab Eestis üle 85 elektrituuliku. Suurimaid tuuleparke kavandatakse aga avamerele. Elektrituuliku puhul mõjutavad/ohustavad linde kõige enam torn, tiivikulabad, tiivikurumm, gondel, õhukaablid ja juurdepääsuteed. Paljude veelindude aastatsükli lahutamatuks osaks on ränne. Eestit läbib Ida-Atlandi rändetee juhtharu. Siit lendab regulaarselt läbi miljoneid veelinde. Paljud kasutavad siinseid rannikualasid rändepeatus- või pesitsuspaikadena. Veelindude päevane ränne toimub madalal, seda eriti vee kohal ning ebasoodsad ilmastikuolud võivad sundida neid veelgi madalamalt lendama. Rände ajal kasutavad veelinnud rannikut sageli ka juhtjoonena ja koonduvad sinna. Seetõttu on just nemad tuuleparkide poolt, mis paiknevad sageli rannikul või avamerel, eriti ohustatud. Mitmete veelindude keskmised lennukõrgused päevase rände ajal jäävad Eestis kõige sagedamini esinevate kõrgusvahemikega elektrituulikute tiivikulabade pöörlemisraadiuse ulatusse. Eriti ohtlik on kui olulistele rändeteedele jääb mitmeid tuuleparke. Tuulepargi mõju linnustikule sõltub selle spetsiifikast, ümbritseva ala topograafiast, mõjutatavatest elupaikadest ja lindude arvust ning liikidest. Peamine tuulaparkide mõju veelindudele seisneb kokkupõrgetes, häirimisega kaasnevas väljatõrjumises, barjääri efektis ja elupaikade hävimises/muutumises. Selle otsesteks tagajärgedeks on lindude kohene surm või surmavad vigastused ning kaudseteks muutused sigimisedukuses ja sellega seoses populatsiooni suuruses. Probleemi ennetada aitavad rahvusvahelised konventsioonid ja lepped. Tuulepargi mõju vähenadab hästi valitud asukoht, õiged ehitus- ja hooldusvõtted ning tuulepargi rajamisele eelnev ja järgnev seire, mille tulemustest saaksid õppida ka teised. The number of wind farms in the world, as well as in Estonia, is growing and it has started to influence birds in a negative way. It has been proven by scientific articles, the data collected by researchers and other Estonian and foreign sources used in this paper. At the moment, there are over 85 operating wind turbines in Estonia. The largest wind farms are being developed offshore. The parts of a wind turbine that endanger birds the most or have the greatest impact on them are tower, rotor blades, hub, nacelle, overhead cables and access roads. Migration is an inseparable part of an annual cycle for numerous waterbirds. A leading branch of East Atlantic Flyway crosses Estonia. It is regularly used by millions of waterbirds. Many of them use Estonian shore areas as a resting, feeding or nesting sites. Waterbirds’ flight altitudes during diurnal migration are low, especially above water and unfavourable weather conditions may force them to fly even lower. Waterbirds often use shores as leading lines and congregate there during migration. Therefore, wind farms which tend to situate onshore or offshore, are dangerous especially for them. The average diurnal migration flight altitudes of many waterbird species remain within the operation area of rotor blades of most wind turbines in Estonia. It is especially dangerous, if there are many wind farms along important migration flyways. A wind farm’s impact on birds depends on the nature of the wind farm, the topography of the surrounding area, the habitats, number of birds and species involved. Wind farms’ impact waterbird mainly through: collision, displacement which is caused by disturbance, barrier effect and habitat loss/change. The direct consequence of that is instant death of birds or their lethal injuries. Indirect consequence is chance in reproduction rate and through that in the population. International conventions and agreements help to prevent these problems. The impact of a wind farm can be reduced by carefully chosen site, suitable construction and maintenance work and pre and post construction monitoring, the results of which can be learnt from.
- Published
- 2012
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