12 results on '"Leivo V"'
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2. Insualte project – building assessment as a part of assessment impacts of energy efficiency on indoor environmental quality and health
- Author
Leivo, V., Kiviste, M., Aaltonen, A., Du, L., Tadas Prasauskas, Martuzevicius, D., and Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U.
3. Building energy-efficiency interventions in North-East Europe: Effects on indoor environmental quality and public health
- Author
Du, L., Tadas Prasauskas, Leivo, V., Turunen, M., Aaltonen, A., Kiviste, M., Martuzevicius, D., and Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U.
4. Assessment of impacts of improving energy efficiency on indoor environmental quality and public health in Europe: The INSULAtE protocol
- Author
Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U., Turunen, M., Leivo, V., Prasauskas, T., Aaltonen, A., and Dainius Martuzevicius
5. Assessment of quality and maturity level of R&D
- Author
Berg, P., primary, Pihlajamaa, J., additional, Leinonen, M., additional, and Leivo, V., additional
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6. OPAS KOSTEUSONGELMIIN Rakennustekninen, mikrobiologinen ja lääketieteellinen näkökulma
- Author
Leivo, V., Rakennetekniikka - Rakennetekniikka, Rakennustekniikan osasto - Department of Civil Engineering, and Tampere University of Technology
- Abstract
Kosteusvaurioiden korjaaminen on voi olla teknisessä mielessä usein yksinkertainen ja rutiininomainen toimenpide. Ongelmaksi muodostuu usein se, miten eri alojen asiantuntijoiden yhteistyönä pystytään löytämään vauriot ja määrittelemään riittävät korjaustoimenpiteet ja niiden tekemisestä vastuussa olevat tahot sekä miten koko korjausprosessi organisoidaan mahdollisimman tehokkaalla tavalla. Luku 1 esittelee kosteus- ja homevaurioihin liittyvää käsitteistöä. Luvuissa 2 ... 5 käsitellään kosteus- ja homevaurioita yleisesti rakennusteknisestä (luku 2), mikrobiologisesta (luvut 3 ja 4) ja lääketieteellisestä (luku 5) näkökulmasta. Luvussa 6 esitellään korjaushankkeen yleisestä kulkua. Luku 7 käsittelee kosteus- ja homevaurioiden tutkimista eri näkökulmista. Luvussa 8 käsitellään kosteus- ja homevaurioiden korjaamista ja siinä huomioonotettavia asioita sekä korjaamista prosessina. Luku 9 käsittelee kosteus- ja homevaurioiden ennaltaehkäisemistä; rakennusten kunnossapitoa ja huoltoa. Luku 10 selventää kosteus- ja homevaurioiden korjaamisen oikeudellista näkökulmaa. Luvuissa 11 esitetään joitakin esimerkkejä kosteus- ja homevaurioiden korjauksista. Lukija voi lukea minkä tahansa neljästä osakokonaisuudesta (yleiset perusteet: luvut 1 ... 6, korjaaminen: luvut 7 ... 9, oikeudelliset näkökulmat: luku 10 tai esimerkit: luku 11) myös erikseen oman mielenkiintonsa mukaisesti.
- Published
- 1998
7. Koulujen kosteus- ja homevauriokorjaukset. Kokemuksia Ylöjärven kunnasta
- Author
Leivo, V., Rakennetekniikka - Rakennetekniikka, Rakennustekniikan osasto - Department of Civil Engineering, and Tampere University of Technology
- Abstract
Kosteus- ja homevaurioiden korjauksissa tulee ottaa huomioon rakennuksen vaurioiden korjausten ohella myös homevaurioiden terveysvaikutukset ja niiden poistaminen. Kunnan organisaatiorakenteella tulee olla valmiudet ryhtyä tarvittaviin toimenpiteisiin kosteus- ja homevaurioiden tai niiden epäilyjen ilmentyessä. Raportissa on aluksi käsitelty homeita yleisesti ja kosteusvaurioihin liittyvien homeiden erityispiirteitä sekä kosteus- ja homevaurioita rakennuksissa; vaurioita yleensä sekä niiden mikrobiologista ja rakenneteknistä kartoittamista, korjaamista ja ennaltaehkäisyä. Homeista on syytä muistaa, että ne ovat osa elinympäristöämme; ulkoilmassa on aina eri sienilajien itiöitä. Kosteusvaurioiden yhteydessä tavattavia homeita kutsutaan ns. indikaattorihomeiksi. Indikaattorihomeiksi luokiteltavien homeiden luetteloon, kosteusvauriopaneeliin, lisätään tutkimusten pohjalta uusia homesukuja. Rakennusta ja sen rakenteita rasittavat monet erilaiset rakennuksen sisä- ja ulkopuoliset kosteudenlähteet Useiden tutkimusten perusteella on todettu kosteusvaurioille riskialttiita rakenteita ja rakennusosia ja niille tyypillisiä vaurioita. Kosteus- ja homevaurioiden kartoittamisen tarkoituksena on löytää rakennuksen kosteusvauriot ja niiden syyt. Rakenteiden kosteusvaurioiden tutkimusmenetelmät voidaan jakaa aistinvaraisiin, materiaalia rikkomattomiin, materiaalia rikkoviin menetelmiin, materiaalinäytteisiin ja mikrobitutkimuksiin. Ensiksi mainituilla menetelmillä pyritään selvittämään kosteusvaurion laajuus ja syyt, viimeksi mainitulla pyritään saarnaan tietoa kosteusvaurion aiheuttamasta homevauriosta; homepitoisuuksista ja Iajistosta sekä kosteus- ja homevaurion aiheuttamista terveysvaikutuksista (altistuksesta). Mikrobinäytteitä voidaan ottaa rakennuksessa ilmanäytteenä, materiaalinäytteenä tai pintanäytteenä. Raportissa on käsitelty niitä toimenpiteitä, jotka kuuluvat kunnalle koulujen kosteus- ja homevauriotapauksissa (päätöksenteko). Kunnan rakennus- ja korjaushankkeiden läpiviennissä on tärkeää, että toimitaan johdonmukaisesti; että luottamushenkilöt saavat riittävästi tietoa päätöstensä pohjaksi ja että kunnassa tiedetään kuka vastaa asiakirjojen valmistelusta ja eteenpäin viemisestä kussakin vaiheessa. Esimerkkitapauksina on käsitelty Ylöjärven kunnan Kirkonkylän ala-asteella ja Moision yläasteen koululla tehtyjä kosteus- ja homevauriokorjauksia. CASE-tapauksissa on pyritty esittämään kaikki ne toimenpiteet, joita kuuluu koulujen kosteus- ja homevaurioiden korjausprosessiin. CASE-tapausten pohjalta on kehitetty ehdotus toimintamalliksi kunnille kosteus- ja homevaurioiden korjaamiseksi sekä ehdotus seurantamalliksi kunnille kosteus- ja homeongelmien ennaltaehkäisemiseksi ja vaurioiden toteamiseksi. Toimintamallin tarkoituksena on, että rakennuksen vauriot korjataan mahdollisimman joustavasti ja heti niiden ilmennyttyä. Mallissa on tärkeintä määrittää kunnassa kullekin toiminnalle vastuuhenkilö(t). Seurantamalli muodostuu kunnan kiinteistöjen (koulujen) järjestelmällisestä ja säännönmukaisesta tarkastus- ja huoltojärjestelmästä sekä kiinteistön rakenneteknisten asiakirjojen arkistointijärjestelmästä. Lisäksi raporttiin on liitetty kattava kirjallisuusluettelo aihepiiriin liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta sekä luettelo eräistä aihepiiriin erikoistuneista julkisista tutkimuslaitoksista. Tutkimusryhmän yhteystiedot ovat raportin liitteenä.
- Published
- 1997
8. Collected data on bending, vibration, and push-out tests of shallow steel-timber composite beams-Nordic system.
- Author
Aspila A, Heinisuo M, Leivo V, Malaska M, Mela K, Pajunen S, and Vuorela M
- Abstract
In a slim-floor structural system, beams and slabs are placed at the same level, reducing the overall floor height and material usage in vertical structures, thereby improving economic efficiency. The use of slim-floor structures is common practice in Finnish construction where these structures are typically constructed using hollow-concrete slabs and welded steel box beams. However, in Finland, only a few buildings utilise cross-laminated timber (CLT) slabs in slim-floor structures, and none have incorporated the composite action between CLT and steel beams. This paper presents the laboratory test results of combining CLT slabs and asymmetric welded box beams (WQ-beams) to further assess their potential in optimising structural performance. The structural behaviour of the test construction was evaluated for serviceability and ultimate limit states. The testing involved six full-scale specimens to observe structural responses by measuring total jack forces, deflections, strains, and slip between timber and steel. Vibration tests were conducted on four specimens, capturing deflection and acceleration during heel-drop and walking tests. Additionally, push-out tests were performed to determine connection properties of the wood screws by measuring jack force and displacements. The same skilled faculty team meticulously carried out all tests in the Structural Behaviour Laboratory at Tampere University in Finland. The comprehensive datasets are presented in Excel sheets along with illustrative graphs. Furthermore, the report contains images taken during and after the tests. The provided dataset can serve construction companies, product developers, and researchers aiming to deepen their understanding of the structural behaviour of steel-timber slim-floor composite structures. Additionally, it can be utilised as a reliable reference to validate finite element models (FEM) and analytical calculation models, and to aid in the development of design guides or standards., (© 2024 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2024
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9. Effects of energy retrofits on Indoor Air Quality in multifamily buildings.
- Author
Du L, Leivo V, Prasauskas T, Täubel M, Martuzevicius D, and Haverinen-Shaughnessy U
- Subjects
- Air Microbiology, Dust analysis, Environment, Controlled, Environmental Monitoring, Finland, Housing, Humans, Lithuania, Air Pollutants analysis, Air Pollution, Indoor analysis, Air Pollution, Indoor prevention & control, Conservation of Energy Resources methods, Ventilation methods
- Abstract
We assessed 45 multifamily buildings (240 apartments) from Finland and 20 (96 apartments) from Lithuania, out of which 37 buildings in Finland and 15 buildings in Lithuania underwent energy retrofits. Building characteristics, retrofit activities, and energy consumption data were collected, and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameters, including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO
2 ), formaldehyde (CH2 O), selected volatile organic compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), radon, and microbial content in settled dust were measured before and after the retrofits. After the retrofits, heating energy consumption decreased by an average of 24% and 49% in Finnish and Lithuanian buildings, respectively. After the retrofits of Finnish buildings, there was a significant increase in BTEX concentrations (estimated mean increase of 2.5 µg/m3 ), whereas significant reductions were seen in fungal (0.6-log reduction in cells/m2 /d) and bacterial (0.6-log reduction in gram-positive and 0.9-log reduction in gram-negative bacterial cells/m2 /d) concentrations. In Lithuanian buildings, radon concentrations were significantly increased (estimated mean increase of 13.8 Bq/m3 ) after the retrofits. Mechanical ventilation was associated with significantly lower CH2 O concentrations in Finnish buildings. The results and recommendations presented in this paper can inform building retrofit studies and other programs and policies aimed to improve indoor environment and health., (© 2019 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)- Published
- 2019
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10. Occupant satisfaction with indoor environmental quality and health after energy retrofits of multi-family buildings: Results from INSULAtE-project.
- Author
Haverinen-Shaughnessy U, Pekkonen M, Leivo V, Prasauskas T, Turunen M, Kiviste M, Aaltonen A, and Martuzevicius D
- Subjects
- Adult, Environment, Controlled, Environmental Health, Female, Finland epidemiology, Humans, Lithuania epidemiology, Male, Respiratory Tract Diseases epidemiology, Temperature, Air Pollution, Indoor analysis, Conservation of Energy Resources, Housing, Personal Satisfaction
- Abstract
Background: Driven by climate change mitigation, EU countries are committed to improve energy efficiency of their building stock by implementing the energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD). Should higher energy efficiency result in better indoor environmental quality (IEQ), this policy could also be seen as an opportunity to improve public health across Europe., Objectives: This paper focuses on the assessment of the effects of energy retrofits on occupant satisfaction with IEQ and health in multifamily buildings., Methods: Data on occupant satisfaction with IEQ and health were collected from the occupants of 39 Finnish and 15 Lithuanian multifamily buildings (an average of five apartments per building, one adult per apartment) both before and after energy retrofits (such as improving thermal insulation, windows, heating and/or ventilation systems). Parallel to the data collected from the occupants, data on several IEQ parameters, including temperature, temperature factor, and air change rate, were collected from their apartments. Moreover, data from seven Finnish and five Lithuanian non-retrofitted control buildings were collected according to the same protocol., Results: Occupant satisfaction regarding indoor temperature was associated with both retrofit status (OR 5.3, 95% CI 2.6-11.0) and measured IEQ parameters (indoor temperature OR 1.4 per 1 °C increase, temperature factor OR 1.1 per 1% increase, and air change rate OR 5.6 per 1/h increase). Additional positive associations were found between retrofit status and occupants reporting absence of upper respiratory symptoms (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1-2.9) as well as not missing work or school due to respiratory infections (OR 4.1, 95% CI 1.2-13.8), however, these associations were independent of the measured IEQ parameters., Conclusions: There seems to be a strong subjective component related to the observed changes in occupant satisfaction with IEQ and health as a result of energy retrofitting in buildings. Further studies are needed to verify the actual mechanisms, as well as possible long term effects., (Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier GmbH.)
- Published
- 2018
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11. Indoor thermal environment, air exchange rates, and carbon dioxide concentrations before and after energy retro fits in Finnish and Lithuanian multi-family buildings.
- Author
Leivo V, Prasauskas T, Du L, Turunen M, Kiviste M, Aaltonen A, Martuzevicius D, and Haverinen-Shaughnessy U
- Abstract
Impacts of energy retrofits on indoor thermal environment, i.e. temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), as well as ventilation rates and carbon dioxide (CO
2 ) concentrations, were assessed in 46 Finnish and 20 Lithuanian multi-family buildings, including 39 retrofitted case buildings in Finland and 15 in Lithuania (the remaining buildings were control buildings with no retrofits). In the Finnish buildings, high indoor T along with low RH levels was commonly observed both before and after the retrofits. Ventilation rates (l/s per person) were higher after the retrofits in buildings with mechanical exhaust ventilation than the corresponding values before the retrofits. Measured CO2 levels were low in vast majority of buildings. In Lithuania, average indoor T levels were low before the retrofits and there was a significant increase in the average T after the retrofits. In addition, average ventilation rate was lower and CO2 levels were higher after the retrofits in the case buildings (N=15), both in apartments with natural and mixed ventilation. Based on the results, assessment of thermal conditions and ventilation rates after energy retrofits is crucial for optimal indoor environmental quality and energy use., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2018
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12. Assessment of indoor environmental quality in existing multi-family buildings in North-East Europe.
- Author
Du L, Prasauskas T, Leivo V, Turunen M, Pekkonen M, Kiviste M, Aaltonen A, Martuzevicius D, and Haverinen-Shaughnessy U
- Subjects
- Carbon Dioxide analysis, Carbon Monoxide analysis, Environmental Monitoring methods, Finland, Formaldehyde analysis, Humans, Lithuania, Nitrogen Dioxide analysis, Particulate Matter analysis, Ventilation standards, Volatile Organic Compounds analysis, Air Pollutants analysis, Air Pollution, Indoor analysis, Housing standards
- Abstract
Sixteen existing multi-family buildings (94 apartments) in Finland and 20 (96 apartments) in Lithuania were investigated prior to their renovation in order to develop and test out a common protocol for the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) assessment, and to assess the potential for improving IEQ along with energy efficiency. Baseline data on buildings, as well as data on temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), radon, and microbial content in settled dust were collected from each apartment. In addition, questionnaire data regarding housing quality and health were collected from the occupants. The results indicated that most measured IEQ parameters were within recommended limits. However, different baselines in each country were observed especially for parameters related to thermal conditions and ventilation. Different baselines were also observed for the respondents' satisfaction with their residence and indoor air quality, as well as their behavior related to indoor environment. In this paper, we present some evidence for the potential in improving IEQ along with energy efficiency in the current building stock, followed by discussion of possible IEQ indicators and development of the assessment protocol., (Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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