1,746 results on '"Lobo, R"'
Search Results
2. Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Heracleum afghanicum Kitamura leaves
- Author
Amini, M.H., Kalsi, V, Kaur, B, Khatik, Gopal L., Lobo, R, Singh, G, Agarhari, U. C, Yele, S, and Suttee, A
- Published
- 2017
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3. Revealing the KH2PO4 soft-mode coupling mechanism with infrared spectroscopy under pressure
- Author
Santos-Cottin, D., Nasrallah, S., Capitani, F., Simon, P., Homes, C. C., Akrap, A., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
We measured the far-infrared reflectivity of a KH2PO4 single crystal up to pressures of 2 GPa in the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases. We find that the nu4 vibrational mode of the PO4 tetrahedron is strongly affected by the applied pressure. At ambient pressure this phonon is destabilized by the presence of the H ions and hence shows a highly damped character, beyond the phonon propagation threshold. Applying a pressure close to 0.6 GPa makes this phonon clearly underdamped. Its behavior closely follows the soft-mode behavior observed in Raman spectroscopy. Our results solve a long standing open problem, demonstrating that the nu4 mode is the excitation mediating the coupling of the hydrogen network to the lattice modes that create the ferroelectic polarization in KH2PO4., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2024
4. Optical conductivity signatures of open Dirac nodal lines
- Author
Santos-Cottin, D., Casula, M., Medici, L. de', Mardelé, F. Le, Wyzula, J., Orlita, M., Klein, Y., Gauzzi, A., Akrap, A., and Lobo, R. P. S. M
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
We investigate the optical conductivity and far-infrared magneto-optical response of BaNiS$_2$, a simple square-lattice semimetal characterized by Dirac nodal lines that disperse exclusively along the out-of-plane direction. With the magnetic field aligned along the nodal line the in-plane Landau level spectra show a nearly $\sqrt{B}$ behavior, the hallmark of a conical-band dispersion with a small spin-orbit coupling gap. The optical conductivity exhibits an unusual temperature-independent isosbestic line, ending at a Van Hove singularity. First-principles calculations unambiguously assign the isosbestic line to transitions across Dirac nodal states. Our work suggests a universal topology of the electronic structure of Dirac nodal lines.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Pressure-induced structural phase transition and suppression of Jahn-Teller distortion in the quadruple perovskite structure
- Author
Bhadram, V. S., Joseph, B., Delmonte, D., Gilioli, E., Baptiste, B., -Godec, Y. Le, Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Gauzzi, A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
By means of in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy under hydrostatic pressure, we investigate the structural stability of the quadruple perovskite LaMn7O12. At 34 GPa, the data unveil a first-order structural phase transition from monoclinic I2/m to cubic Im-3 symmetry characterized by a pronounced contraction of the unit cell and by a significant modifications in the Raman phonon modes. The phase transition is also marked by the suppression of Jahn-Teller distortion which is present in the ambient monoclinic phase. In addition, above 20 GPa pressure, a sudden and simultaneous broadening is observed in several Raman modes which suggests the onset of a sizable electron-phonon interaction and incipient charge mobility. Considering that LaMn7O12 is paramagnetic insulator at ambient, and Jahn-Teller distortion is frozen in the high-pressure Im-3 phase, we argue that this phase could be a potential candidate to host a purely electronic insulator-metal transition with no participation of the lattice, Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2021
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6. Metavalent bonding in crystalline solids: how does it collapse?
- Author
Guarneri, L., Jakobs, S., von Hoegen, A., Maier, S., Cojocaru-Mirédin, O., Raghuwanshi, M., Drögeler, M., Stampfer, C., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Piarristeguy, A., Pradel, A., Xu, M., and Wuttig, M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
The chemical bond is one of the most powerful, yet controversial concepts in chemistry, explaining property trends in solids. Recently, a novel type of chemical bonding has been identified in several higher chalcogenides, characterized by a unique property portfolio, unconventional bond breaking and sharing of about one electron between adjacent atoms. Metavalent bonding is a fundamental type of bonding besides covalent, ionic and metallic bonding, raising the pertinent question, if there is a well-defined transition between metavalent and covalent bonding. For three different pseudo-binary lines, namely GeTe1-xSex, Sb2Te3(1-x)Se3x and Bi2-2xSb2xSe3, a sudden drop in several properties, including the optical dielectric constant, the Born effective charge, the electrical conductivity as well as the bond breaking is observed once a critical Se or Sb concentration is reached. This finding provides a blueprint to explore the impact of metavalent bonding on attractive properties utilized in phase change materials and thermoelectrics.
- Published
- 2020
7. The combination of electrodeposited chromium (III) and PVD as an industrial viable solution for the replacement of electrodeposited chromium (VI)
- Author
Pinheiro, X.L., Oliveira, K., Santos, J., Girão, A.V., Bastos, A.C., Sousa, M., Baptista, D., Gomes, S., Lobo, R., Oliveira, P., Monteiro, A., Teixeira, J.P., Monteiro, M., Fernandes, P.A., Oliveira, F.J., and Salomé, P.M.P.
- Published
- 2024
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8. Scaling of the Fano effect of the in-plane Fe-As phonon and the superconducting critical temperature in Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$
- Author
Xu, B., Cappelluti, E., Benfatto, L., Mallett, B. P. P., Marsik, P., Sheveleva, E., Lyzwa, F., Wolf, Th., Yang, R., Qiu, X. G., Dai, Y. M., Wen, H. H., Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Bernhard, C.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
By means of infrared spectroscopy we determine the temperature-doping phase diagram of the Fano effect for the in-plane Fe-As stretching mode in Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$. The Fano parameter $1/q^2$, which is a measure of the phonon coupling to the electronic particle-hole continuum, shows a remarkable sensitivity to the magnetic/structural orderings at low temperatures. More strikingly, at elevated temperatures in the paramagnetic/tetragonal state we find a linear correlation between $1/q^2$ and the superconducting critical temperature $T_c$. Based on theoretical calculations and symmetry considerations, we identify the relevant interband transitions that are coupled to the Fe-As mode. In particular, we show that a sizable $xy$ orbital component at the Fermi level is fundamental for the Fano effect and possibly also for the superconducting pairing., Comment: Supplemental materials are available upon request
- Published
- 2018
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9. Optical study of Dirac fermions and related phonon anomalies in antiferromagnetic compound CaFeAsF
- Author
Xu, B., Xiao, H., Gao, B., Ma, Y. H., Mu, G., Marsik, P., Sheveleva, E., Lyzwa, F., Dai, Y. M., Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Bernhard, C.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We performed optical studies on CaFeAsF single crystals, a parent compound of the 1111-type iron-based superconductors that undergoes a structural phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic at $T_s$ = 121 K and a magnetic one to a spin density wave (SDW) state at $T_N$ = 110 K. In the low temperature optical conductivity spectrum, after the subtraction of a narrow Drude peak, we observe a pronounced singularity around 300 cm$^{-1}$ that separates two regions of quasilinear conductivity. We outline that these characteristic absorption features are signatures of Dirac fermions, similar to what was previously reported for the BaFe$_2$As$_2$ system [1]. In support of this interpretation, we show that for the latter system this singular feature disappears rapidly upon electron and hole doping, as expected if it arises from a van Hove singularity in-between two Dirac cones. Finally, we show that one of the infrared-active phonon modes (the Fe-As mode at 250 cm$^{-1}$) develops a strongly asymmetric line shape in the SDW state and note that this behaviour can be explained in terms of a strong coupling with the Dirac fermions., Comment: 4 pages, 4figures
- Published
- 2018
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10. Linear behavior of the optical conductivity and incoherent charge transport in BaCoS2
- Author
Santos-Cottin, D., Klein, Y., Werner, Ph., Miyake, T., Medici, L. de', Gauzzi, A., Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Casula, M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Optical conductivity measurements on a BaCoS2 single crystal show an unusual linear behavior over a broad spectral range. In the paramagnetic phase above 300 K, the spectrum shows no gap, which contradicts the previously proposed scenario of a charge-transfer Mott insulator. Ab initio dynamical mean field theory calculations including a retarded Hubbard interaction explain the data in terms of an incipient opening of a Co(3d)-S(3p) charge-transfer gap concomitant to incoherent charge transport driven by electronic correlations. These results point to a non-Fermi liquid scenario with Hund's metal properties in the paramagnetic state, which arises from an incipient Mott phase destabilized by low-energy charge fluctuations across the vanishing 3d-3p charge-transfer gap., Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2017
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11. Infrared probe of the gap evolution across the phase diagram of Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$
- Author
Xu, B., Dai, Y. M., Xiao, H., Shen, B., Wen, H. H., Qiu, X. G., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We measured the optical conductivity of superconducting single crystals of Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ with $x$ ranging from 0.40 (optimal doping, $T_c = 39$ K) down to 0.20 (underdoped, $T_c = 16$ K), where a magnetic order coexists with superconductivity. In the normal state, the low-frequency optical conductivity can be described by an incoherent broad Drude component and a coherent narrow Drude component: the broad one is doping-independent, while the narrow one shows strong scattering in the heavily underdoped compound. In the superconducting state, the formation of the condensate leads to a low-frequency suppression of the optical conductivity spectral weight. In the heavily underdoped region, the superfluid density is significantly suppressed, and the weight of unpaired carriers rapidly increases. We attribute these results to changes in the superconducting gap across the phase diagram, which could show a nodal-to-nodeless transition due to the strong interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in underdoped Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$.
- Published
- 2017
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12. Optical observation of spin-density-wave fluctuations in Ba122 iron-based superconductors
- Author
Xu, B., Dai, Y. M., Xiao, H., Shen, B., Ye, Z. R., Forget, A., Colson, D., Feng, D. L., Wen, H. H., Qiu, X. G., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
In iron-based superconductors, a spin-density-wave (SDW) magnetic order is suppressed with doping and unconventional superconductivity appears in close proximity to the SDW instability. The optical response of the SDW order shows clear gap features: substantial suppression in the low-frequency optical conductivity, alongside a spectral weight transfer from low to high frequencies. Here, we study the detailed temperature dependence of the optical response in three different series of the Ba122 system [Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$, Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ and BaFe$_{2}$(As$_{1-x}$P$_{x}$)$_{2}$]. Intriguingly, we found that the suppression of the low-frequency optical conductivity and spectral weight transfer appear at a temperature $T^{\ast}$ much higher than the SDW transition temperature $T_{SDW}$. Since this behavior has the same optical feature and energy scale as the SDW order, we attribute it to SDW fluctuations. Furthermore, $T^{\ast}$ is suppressed with doping, closely following the doping dependence of the nematic fluctuations detected by other techniques. These results suggest that the magnetic and nematic orders have an intimate relationship, in favor of the magnetic-fluctuation-driven nematicity scenario in iron-based superconductors., Comment: 6 pages 5 figures
- Published
- 2016
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13. Optical conductivity of URu$_2$Si$_2$ in the Kondo Liquid and Hidden-Order Phases
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Buhot, J., Méasson, M. A., Aoki, D., Lapertot, G., Lejay, P., and Homes, C. C.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We measured the polarized optical conductivity of URu$_2$Si$_2$ from room temperature down to 5 K, covering the Kondo state, the coherent Kondo liquid regime, and the hidden-order phase. The normal state is characterized by an anisotropic behavior between the ab plane and c axis responses. The ab plane optical conductivity is strongly influenced by the formation of the coherent Kondo liquid: a sharp Drude peak develops and a hybridization gap at 12 meV leads to a spectral weight transfer to mid-infrared energies. The c axis conductivity has a different behavior: the Drude peak already exists at 300 K and no particular anomaly or gap signature appears in the coherent Kondo liquid regime. When entering the hidden-order state, both polarizations see a dramatic decrease in the Drude spectral weight and scattering rate, compatible with a loss of about 50 % of the carriers at the Fermi level. At the same time a density-wave like gap appears along both polarizations at about 6.5 meV at 5 K. This gap closes respecting a mean field thermal evolution in the ab plane. Along the c axis it remains roughly constant and it "fills up" rather than closing., Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures
- Published
- 2015
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14. Optical Conductivity Evidence of Clean-Limit Superconductivity in LiFeAs
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Chanda, G., Pronin, A. V., Wosnitza, J., Kasahara, S., Shibauchi, T., and Matsuda, Y.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We measured the optical conductivity of superconducting LiFeAs. In the superconducting state, the formation of the condensate leads to a spectral-weight loss and yields a penetration depth of 225 nm. No sharp signature of the superconducting gap is observed. This suggests that the system is likely in the clean limit. A Drude-Lorentz parametrization of the data in the normal state reveals a quasiparticle scattering rate supportive of spin fluctuations and proximity to a quantum critical point., Comment: 6 pages - 4 Figures
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
LOBO, R. C. A., primary, SABIONI, S. C., additional, and SANTOS, J. R. R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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16. Anomalous phonon redshift in K-doped BaFe2As2 iron pnictides
- Author
Xu, B., Dai, Y. M., Shen, B., Xiao, H., Ye, Z. R., Forget, A., Colson, D., Feng, D. L., Wen, H. H., Homes, C. C., Qiu, X. G., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The effect of K, Co and P dopings on the lattice dynamics in the BaFe$_2$As$_2$ system is studied by infrared spectroscopy. We focus on the phonon at $\sim$ 253 cm$^{-1}$, the highest energy in-plane infrared-active Fe-As mode in BaFe$_2$As$_2$. Our studies show that the Co and P dopings lead to a blue shift of this phonon in frequency, which can be simply interpreted by the change of lattice parameters induced by doping. In sharp contrast, an unusual red shift of the same mode was observed in the K-doped compound, at odds with the above explanation. This anomalous behavior in K-doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$ is more likely associated with the coupling between lattice vibrations and other channels, such as charge or spin. This coupling scenario is also supported by the asymmetric line shape and intensity growth of the phonon in the K-doped compound., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2015
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17. Eliashberg analysis of the optical conductivity in superconducting Pr$_2$CuO$_{x}$ ($x \simeq 4$)
- Author
Schachinger, E., Chanda, G., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Naito, M., and Pronin, A. V.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Superconducting Pr$_2$CuO$_x$, $x\simeq 4$ films with $T^\prime$ structure and a $T_c$ of 27 K have been investigated by millimeter-wave transmission and broadband (infrared-to-ultraviolet) reflectivity measurements in the normal and superconducting state. The results obtained by both experimental methods show a consistent picture of the superconducting condensate formation below $T_c$. An Eliashberg analysis of the data proves $d$-wave superconductivity and unitary-limit impurity scattering of the charge carriers below $T_{c}$. The derived electron-exchange boson interaction spectral function $I^2\chi(\omega)$ shows only marginal changes at the superconducting transition with the mass enhancement factor $\lambda$, the first inverse moment of $I^2\chi(\omega)$, being equal to 4.16 at 30 K and to 4.25 at 4 K., Comment: IOP style, 12 pages
- Published
- 2014
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18. Lattice dynamics of the heavy fermion compound URu$_2$Si$_2$
- Author
Buhot, J., Méasson, M. A., Gallais, Y., Cazayous, M., Sacuto, A., Bourdarot, F., Raymond, S., Lapertot, G., Aoki, D., Regnault, L. P., Ivanov, A., Piekarz, P., Parlinski, K., Legut, D., Homes, C. C., Lejay, P., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We report a comprehensive investigation of the lattice dynamics of URu$_2$Si$_2$ as a function of temperature using Raman scattering, optical conductivity and inelastic neutron scattering measurements as well as theoretical {\it ab initio} calculations. The main effects on the optical phonon modes are related to Kondo physics. The B$_{1g}$ ($\Gamma_3$ symmetry) phonon mode slightly softens below $\sim$100~K, in connection with the previously reported softening of the elastic constant, $C_{11}-C_{12}$, of the same symmetry, both observations suggesting a B$_{1g}$ symmetry-breaking instability in the Kondo regime. Through optical conductivity, we detect clear signatures of strong electron-phonon coupling, with temperature dependent spectral weight and Fano line shape of some phonon modes. Surprisingly, the line shapes of two phonon modes, E$_u$(1) and A$_{2u}$(2), show opposite temperature dependencies. The A$_{2u}$(2) mode loses its Fano shape below 150 K, whereas the E$_u$(1) mode acquires it below 100~K, in the Kondo cross-over regime. This may point out to momentum-dependent Kondo physics. By inelastic neutron scattering measurements, we have drawn the full dispersion of the phonon modes between 300~K and 2~K. No remarkable temperature dependence has been obtained including through the hidden order transition. {\it Ab initio} calculations with the spin-orbit coupling are in good agreement with the data except for a few low energy branches with propagation in the (a,b) plane.
- Published
- 2014
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19. Optical study of superconducting Pr$_2$CuO$_{x}$ with $x\simeq 4$
- Author
Chanda, G., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Schachinger, E., Wosnitza, J., Naito, M., and Pronin, A. V.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Superconducting Pr$_2$CuO$_x$, $x\simeq 4$ (PCO) films with $T^\prime$ structure and a $T_c$ of 27 K have been investigated by various optical methods in a wide frequency (7 - 55000 cm$^{-1}$) and temperature (2 to 300 K) range. The optical spectra do not reveal any indication of a normal-state gap formation. A Drude-like peak centered at zero frequency dominates the optical conductivity below 150 K. At higher temperatures, it shifts to finite frequencies. The detailed analysis of the low-frequency conductivity reveals that the Drude peak and a far-infrared (FIR) peak centered at about 300 cm$^{-1}$ persist at all temperatures. The FIR-peak spectral weight is found to grow at the expense of the Drude spectral weight with increasing temperature. The temperature dependence of the penetration depth follows a behavior typical for $d$-wave superconductors. The absolute value of the penetration depth for zero temperature is 1.6 $\mu$m, indicating a rather low density of the superconducting condensate., Comment: 11 pages
- Published
- 2014
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20. Characterization of the production system and breeding practices of indigenous goat keepers in Hai district, Northern Tanzania: implications for community-based breeding program
- Author
Nguluma, A. S., Hyera, E., Nziku, Z., Shirima, E. M., Mashingo, M. S. H., Lobo, R. N. B., Getachew, T., Rischkowsky, B., and Haile, A.
- Published
- 2020
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21. Breeding objectives and selection criteria of a participatory community-based breeding programme of goats and sheep
- Author
de Aguiar, A. L., da Silva, R. R., Alves, S. M., da Silva, L. P., de Morais, O. R., and Lobo, R. N. B.
- Published
- 2020
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22. Hidden $T$-Linear Scattering Rate in Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy
- Author
Dai, Y. M., Xu, B., Shen, B., Xiao, H., Wen, H. H., Qiu, X. G., Homes, C. C., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The optical properties of Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ have been determined in the normal state for a number of temperatures over a wide frequency range. Two Drude terms, representing two groups of carriers with different scattering rates ($1/\tau$), well describe the real part of the optical conductivity, $\sigma_{1}(\omega)$. A "broad" Drude component results in an incoherent background with a $T$-independent $1/\tau_b$, while a "narrow" Drude component reveals a $T$-linear $1/\tau_n$ resulting in a resistivity $\rho_n \equiv 1/\sigma_{1n}(\omega\rightarrow 0)$ also linear in temperature. An arctan($T$) low-frequency spectral weight is also a strong evidence for a $T$-linear 1/$\tau$. Comparison to other materials with similar behavior suggests that the $T$-linear $1/\tau_n$ and $\rho_n$ in Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ originate from scattering from spin fluctuations and hence that an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point is likely to exist in the superconducting dome., Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2013
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23. Pseudogap in underdoped Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ as seen via optical conductivity
- Author
Dai, Y. M., Xu, B., Shen, B., Wen, H. H., Hu, J. P., Qiu, X. G., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report the observation of a pseudogap in the \emph{ab}-plane optical conductivity of underdoped Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ ($x = 0.2$ and 0.12) single crystals. Both samples show prominent gaps opened by a spin density wave (SDW) order and superconductivity at the transition temperatures $T_{\it SDW}$ and $T_c$, respectively. In addition, we observe an evident pseudogap below $T^{\ast} \sim$ 75 K, a temperature much lower than $T_{\it SDW}$ but much higher than $T_{c}$. A spectral weight analysis shows that the pseudogap is closely connected to the superconducting gap, indicating the possibility of its being a precursor of superconductivity. The doping dependence of the gaps is also supportive of such a scenario., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2012
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24. Doping evolution of the optical scattering rate and effective mass of Bi(2)Sr(2-x)La(x)CuO(6)
- Author
Dai, Y. M., Xu, B., Cheng, P., Luo, H. Q., Wen, H. H., Qiu, X. G., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We determined the optical conductivity of Bi(2)Sr(2-x)La(x)CuO(6) at dopings covering the phase diagram from the underdoped to the overdoped regimes. The frequency dependent scattering rate shows a pseudogap extending into the overdoped regime. We found that the effective mass enhancement calculated from the optical conductivity is constant throughout the phase diagram. Conversely, the effective optical charge density varies almost linearly with doping. Our results suggest that the low frequency electrodynamics of Bi(2)Sr(2-x)La(x)CuO(6) is not strongly affected by the long range Mott transition., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2011
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25. Optical spectroscopy shows that the normal state of URu$_2$Si$_2$ is an anomalous Fermi liquid
- Author
Nagel, U., Uleksin, T., Rõõm, T., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Lejay, P., Homes, C. C., Hall, J., Kinross, A. W., Purdy, S., Williams, T. J., Luke, G. M., and Timusk, T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Fermi showed that electrons, as a result of their quantum nature, form a gas of particles where the temperature and density follow the so called Fermi distribution. In a metal, as shown by Landau, that despite their strong Coulomb interaction with each other and the positive background ions, the electrons continue to act like free quantum mechanical particles but with enhanced masses. This state of matter, the Landau-Fermi liquid, is recognized experimentally by an electrical resistivity that is proportional to the square of the absolute temperature plus a term proportional to the square of the frequency of the applied field. Calculations show that, if electron-electron scattering dominates the resistivity in a Landau Fermi liquid, the ratio of the two terms, $b$ has the universal value of {\em b} = 4. We find that in the normal state of the heavy Fermion metal URu$_2$Si$_2$, instead of the Fermi liquid value of 4 the coefficient $b$ =1 $\pm$ 0.1. This unexpected result implies that the electrons in this material are experiencing a unique scattering process. This scattering is intrinsic and we suggest that, the uranium $f$ electrons do not hybridize to form a coherent Fermi liquid but instead act like a dense array of elastic impurities, interacting incoherently with the charge carriers. This behavior is not restricted to URu$_2$Si$_2$. Fermi liquid like states with $b \neq$ 4 have been observed in a number of disparate systems but the significance of this result has not been recognized., Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2011
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26. Optical conductivity of Ba0.6 K0.4 Fe2 As2 : The effect of in-plane and out-of-plane doping in the superconducting gap
- Author
Dai, Y. M., Xu, B., Shen, B., Wen, H. H., Qiu, X. G., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We measured the in-plane optical conductivity of a nearly optimally doped (Ba,K)Fe2As2 single crystal with Tc = 39.1 K. Upon entering the superconducting state the optical conductivity below ~20 meV vanishes, strongly suggesting a fully gapped system. A BCS-like fit requires two different isotropic gaps to describe the optical response of this material. The temperature dependence of the gaps and the penetration depth suggest a strong interband coupling, but no impurity scattering induced pair breaking is present. This contrasts to the large residual conductivity observed in optimally doped Ba(Fe,Co)2As2 and strongly supports an s(+/-) gap symmetry for these compounds., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures -- Version and title updated to match published version
- Published
- 2011
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27. Infrared reflectivity of the phonon spectra in multiferroic TbMnO3
- Author
Schleck, R., Moreira, R. L., Sakata, H., and Lobo, R. P. S. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
We measured the temperature dependent infrared reflectivity spectra of TbMnO3 with the electric field of light polarized along each of the three crystallographic axes. We analyzed the effect, on the phonon spectra, of the different phase transitions occurring in this material. We show that the antiferromagnetic transition at TN renormalizes the phonon parameters along the three directions. Our data indicate that the electromagnon, observed along the a direction, has an important contribution to the building of the dielectric constant. Only one phonon, observed along the c-axis, has anomalies at the ferroelectric transition. This phonon is built mostly from Mn vibrations, suggesting that Mn displacements are closely related to the formation of the ferroelectric order., Comment: 7 pages; 6 figures
- Published
- 2010
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28. Optical signature of sub-gap absorption in the superconducting state of Ba(Fe,Co)2As2
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Dai, Y. M., Nagel, U., Room, T., Carbotte, J. P., Timusk, T., Forget, A., and Colson, D.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The optical conductivity of Ba(Fe$_{0.92}$Co$_{0.08}$)$_2$As$_2$ shows a clear signature of the superconducting gap, but a simple $s$-wave description fails in accounting for the low frequency response. This task is achieved by introducing an extra Drude peak in the superconducting state representing sub-gap absorption, other than thermally broken pairs. This extra peak and the coexisting $s$-wave response respect the total sum rule indicating a common origin for the carriers. We discuss the possible origins for this absorption as (i) quasiparticles due to pair-breaking from interband impurity scattering in a two band $s_{\pm}$ gap symmetry model, which includes (ii) the possible existence of impurity levels within an isotropic gap model; or (iii) an indication that one of the bands is highly anisotropic., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2010
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29. Elastic and magnetic effects on the infrared phonon spectra of MnF2
- Author
Schleck, R., Nahas, Y., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Varignon, J., Lepetit, M. B., Nelson, C. S., and Moreira, R. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We measured the temperature dependent infrared reflectivity spectra of MnF2 between 4 K and room temperature. We show that the phonon spectrum undergoes a strong renormalization at TN. The ab-initio calculation we performed on this compound accurately predict the magnitude and the direction of the phonon parameters changes across the antiferromagnetic transition, showing that they are mainly induced by the magnetic order. In this material, we found that the dielectric constant is mostly from phonon origin. The large change in the lattice parameters with temperature seen by X-ray diffraction as well as the A2u phonon softening below TN indicate that magnetic order induced distortions in MnF2 are compatible with the ferroelectric instabilities observed in TiO2, FeF2 and other rutile-type fluorides. This study also shows the anomalous temperature evolution of the lower energy Eu mode in the paramagnetic phase, which can be compared to that of the B1g one seen by Raman spectroscopy in many isostructural materials. This was interpreted as being a precursor of a phase transition from rutile to CaCl2 structure which was observed under pressure in ZnF2., Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, updated version accepted in PRB
- Published
- 2009
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30. Polar phonons and spin excitations coupling in multiferroic BiFeO3 crystals
- Author
Rovillain, P., Cazayous, M., Gallais, Y., Sacuto, A., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Lebeugle, D., and Colson, D.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
Raman scattering measurements on BiFeO3 single crystals show an important coupling between the magnetic order and lattice vibrations. The temperature evolution of phonons shows that the lowest energy E and A1 phonon modes are coupled to the spin order up to the Neel temperature. Furthermore, low temperature anomalies associated with the spin re-orientation are observed simultaneously in both the E phonon and the magnon. These results suggest that magnetostriction plays an important role in BiFeO3.
- Published
- 2009
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31. Spin Dynamics in Cuprates: Optical Conductivity of HgBa2CuO4
- Author
Yang, J., Hwang, J., Schachinger, E., Carbotte, J. P., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Colson, D., Forget, A., and Timusk, T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The electron-boson spectral density function I^2ChiOmega responsible for carrier scattering of the high temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4 (Tc = 90 K) is calculated from new data on the optical scattering rate. A maximum entropy technique is used. Published data on HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 (Tc = 130 K) are also inverted and these new results are put in the context of other known cases. All spectra (with two notable exceptions) show a peak at an energy (Omega_r) proportional to the superconducting transition temperature Omega_r ~= 6.3 kB.Tc. This charge channel relationship follows closely the magnetic resonance seen by polarized neutron scattering, Omega_r^{neutron} ~= 5.4 kB.Tc. The amplitudes of both peaks decrease strongly with increasing temperature. In some cases, the peak at Omega_r is weak and the spectrum can have additional maxima and a background extending up to several hundred meV.
- Published
- 2009
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32. Evaluation of biodegradable gel containing flax seed extract (Linum usitatissimum) as a targeted drug delivery for management of chronic periodontitis
- Author
Pappu, R, Varghese, J, Koteshwara, KB, Kamath, V, Lobo, R, and Nimmy, K.
- Published
- 2019
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33. Multiple bosonic mode coupling in the charge dynamics of the electron-doped superconductor (Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$)CuO$_4$
- Author
Schachinger, E., Homes, C. C., Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Carbotte, J. P.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We analyze optical spectroscopy data of the electron-doped superconductor (Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$)CuO$_4$ (PCCO) to investigate the coupling of the charge carriers to bosonic modes. The method of analysis is the inversion of the optical scattering rate $\tau^{-1}_{\rm op}(\omega,T)$ at different temperatures $T$ by means of maximum entropy technique combined with Eliashberg theory. We find that in the superconducting state the charge carriers couple to two dominant modes one at $\sim 10 $meV and a second one at $\sim 45 $meV. The low energy mode shows a strong temperature dependence and disappears at or slightly above the critical temperature $T_c$. The high energy mode exists above $T_c$ and moves towards higher energies with increasing temperatures. It also becomes less prominent at temperatures $> 100 $K above which it evolves into a typical spin-fluctuation background. In contrast to the hole-doped High-$T_c$ superconductors PCCO proves to be a superconductor close to the dirty limit., Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures submitted to Physical Review B
- Published
- 2008
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34. Infrared phonon dynamics of multiferroic BiFeO3 single crystal
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Moreira, R. L., Lebeugle, D., and Colson, D.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
We discuss the first infrared reflectivity measurement on a BiFeO3 single crystal between 5 K and room temperature. The 9 predicted ab-plane E phonon modes are fully and unambiguously determined. The frequencies of the 4 A1 c-axis phonons are found. These results settle issues between theory and data on ceramics. Our findings show that the softening of the lowest frequency E mode is responsible for the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant, indicating that the ferroelectric transition in BiFeO3 is soft-mode driven., Comment: 5 pages (figures included)
- Published
- 2007
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35. Optical determination of the superconducting energy gap in electron-doped Pr_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4
- Author
Homes, C. C., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Fournier, P., Zimmers, A., and Greene, R. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The optical properties of single crystal Pr_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 have been measured over a wide frequency range above and below the critical temperature (T_c \simeq 20 K). In the normal state the coherent part of the conductivity is described by the Drude model, from which the scattering rate just above T_c is determined to be 1/\tau \simeq 80 cm^{-1}. The condition that \hbar/\tau \approx 2k_B T near T_c appears to be a general result in many of the cuprate superconductors. Below T_c the formation of a superconducting energy gap is clearly visible in the reflectance, from which the gap maximum is estimated to be \Delta_0 \simeq 35 cm^{-1} (4.3 meV). The ability to observe the superconducting energy gap in the optical properties favors the nonmonotonic over the monotonic description of the d-wave gap. The penetration depth for T\ll T_c is \lambda \simeq 2000 \AA, which when taken with the estimated value for the dc conductivity just above T_c of \sigma_{dc} \simeq 35 \times 10^3 \Omega^{-1}cm^{-1} places this material on the general scaling line for the cuprates defined by 1/\lambda^2 \propto \sigma_{dc}(T\simeq T_c) \times T_c. This result is consistent with the observation that 1/\tau \approx 2\Delta_0, which implies that the material is not in the clean limit., Comment: Discussion has been expanded and reorganized; 9 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2006
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36. Temperature dependence of the spectral weight in p- and n-type cuprates: a study of normal state partial gaps and electronic kinetic energy
- Author
Bontemps, N., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Santander-Syro, A. F., and Zimmers, A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The optical conductivity of CuO2 (copper-oxygen) planes in p- and n-type cuprates thin films at various doping levels is deduced from highly accurate reflectivity data. The temperature dependence of the real part sigma1(omega) of this optical conductivity and the corresponding spectral weight allow to track the opening of a partial gap in the normal state of n-type Pr{2-x}Ce(x)CuO4 (PCCO), but not of p-type Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+delta} (BSCCO) cuprates. This is a clear difference between these two families of cuprates, which we briefly discuss. In BSCCO, the change of the electronic kinetic energy Ekin - deduced from the spectral weight- at the superconducting transition is found to cross over from a conventional BCS behavior (increase of Ekin below Tc to an unconventional behavior (decrease of Ekin below Tc) as the free carrier density decreases. This behavior appears to be linked to the energy scale over which spectral weight is lost and goes into the superfluid condensate, hence may be related to Mott physics.
- Published
- 2006
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37. Photoinduced time-resolved electrodynamics of superconducting metals and alloys
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., LaVeigne, J. D., Reitze, D. H., Tanner, D. B., Barber, Z. H., Jacques, E., Bosland, P., Burns, M. J., and Carr, G. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The photoexcited state in superconducting metals and alloys was studied via pump-probe spectroscopy. A pulsed Ti:sapphire laser was used to create the non-equilibrium state and the far-infrared pulses of a synchrotron storage ring, to which the laser is synchronized, measured the changes in the material optical properties. Both the time- and frequency- dependent photoinduced spectra of Pb, Nb, NbN, Nb{0.5}Ti{0.5}N, and Pb{0.75}Bi{0.25} superconducting thin films were measured in the low-fluence regime. The time dependent data establish the regions where the relaxation rate is dominated either by the phonon escape time (phonon bottleneck effect) or by the intrinsic quasiparticle recombination time. The photoinduced spectra measure directly the reduction of the superconducting gap due to an excess number of quasiparticles created by the short laser pulses. This gap shift allows us to establish the temperature range over which the low fluence approximation is valid., Comment: 12 pages with 10 figures
- Published
- 2005
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38. On the optical conductivity of Electron-Doped Cuprates I: Mott Physics
- Author
Millis, A. J., Zimmers, A., Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Bontemps, N.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The doping and temperature dependent conductivity of electron-doped cuprates is analysed. The variation of kinetic energy with doping is shown to imply that the materials are approximately as strongly correlated as the hole-doped materials. The optical spectrum is fit to a quasiparticle scattering model; while the model fits the optical data well, gross inconsistencies with photoemission data are found, implying the presence of a large, strongly doping dependent Landau parameter.
- Published
- 2004
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39. Infrared Properties of Electron Doped Cuprates: Tracking Normal State Gaps and Quantum Critical Behavior in Pr(2-x)Ce(x)CuO(4)
- Author
Zimmers, A., Tomczak, J. M., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Bontemps, N., Hill, C. P., Barr, M. C., Dagan, Y., Greene, R. L., Millis, A. J., and Homes, C. C.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report the temperature dependence of the infrared-visible conductivity of Pr(2-x)Ce(x)CuO(4) thin films. When varying the doping from a non-superconducting film (x = 0.11) to a superconducting overdoped film (x = 0.17), we observe, up to optimal doping (x = 0.15), a partial gap opening. A model combining a spin density wave gap and a frequency and temperature dependent self energy reproduces our data reasonably well. The magnitude of this gap extrapolates to zero for x ~ 0.17 indicating the coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in this material and the existence of a quantum critical point at this Ce concentration., Comment: 5 pages 6 figures included
- Published
- 2004
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40. Infrared Signature of the Superconducting State in Pr(2-x)Ce(x)CuO(4)
- Author
Zimmers, A., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Bontemps, N., Homes, C. C., Barr, M. C., Dagan, Y., and Greene, R. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We measured the far infrared reflectivity of two superconducting Pr(2-x)Ce(x)CuO(4) films above and below Tc. The reflectivity in the superconducting state increases and the optical conductivity drops at low energies, in agreement with the opening of a (possibly) anisotropic superconducting gap. The maximum energy of the gap scales roughly with Tc as 2 Delta_{max} / kB Tc ~ 4.7. We determined absolute values of the penetration depth at 5 K as lambda_{ab} = (3300 +/- 700) A for x = 0.15 and lambda_{ab} = (2000 +/- 300) A for x = 0.17. A spectral weight analysis shows that the Ferrell-Glover-Tinkham sum rule is satisfied at conventional low energy scales \~ 4 Delta_{max}., Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2004
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41. The in-plane electrodynamics of the superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d: energy scales and spectral weight distribution
- Author
Santander-Syro, A. F., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Bontemps, N., Lopera, W., Girata, D., Konstantinovic, Z., Li, Z. Z., and Raffy, H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The in-plane infrared and visible (3 meV-3 eV) reflectivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Bi-2212) thin films is measured between 300 K and 10 K for different doping levels with unprecedented accuracy. The optical conductivity is derived through an accurate fitting procedure. We study the transfer of spectral weight from finite energy into the superfluid as the system becomes superconducting. In the over-doped regime, the superfluid develops at the expense of states lying below 60 meV, a conventional energy of the order of a few times the superconducting gap. In the underdoped regime, spectral weight is removed from up to 2 eV, far beyond any conventional scale. The intraband spectral weight change between the normal and superconducting state, if analyzed in terms of a change of kinetic energy is ~1 meV. Compared to the condensation energy, this figure addresses the issue of a kinetic energy driven mechanism., Comment: 13 pages with 9 figures included
- Published
- 2004
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42. Transient Infrared Photoreflectance Study of Superconducting MgB2: Evidence for Multiple Gaps and Interband Scattering
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Tu, J. J., Choi, Eun-Mi, Kim, Hyeong-Jin, Kang, W. N., Lee, Sung-Ik, and Carr, G. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We studied the far-infrared reflectance of superconducting MgB2 in and out of equilibrium using pulsed synchrotron radiation. The equilibrium data can be described by a single energy gap at 2 Delta / hc = 43 cm-1. The fit improves slightly at lower frequencies when two gaps (at 30 cm-1 and 56 cm-1$) are assumed to exist. The non equilibrium data is obtained when excess quasiparticles are generated in the MgB2 film by a laser pulse, decreasing the energy gap(s). The temperature dependence of the number of excess quasiparticles indicates that only a single gap near 30 cm-1 controls the non-equilibrium process. Fits to the photo-induced reflectance show the presence of the two gaps but weakening of an energy gap at 30 cm-1 only. Our data can be understood if one considers the picture where excited quasiparticles created by the laser impulse relax to the lowest gap band before recombining into Cooper pairs., Comment: 5 pages with 4 figures included
- Published
- 2004
43. Optical properties of (Pr,Ce)2CuO4
- Author
Zimmers, A., Bontemps, N., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Hill, C. P., Barr, M. C., Greene, R. L., Homes, C. C., and Millis, A. J.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We studied the optical conductivity of electron doped Pr{1-x)Ce(x)CuO(4) from the underdoped to the overdoped regime. The observation of low to high frequency spectral weight transfer reveals the presence of a gap, except in the overdoped regime. A Drude peak at all temperatures shows the partial nature of this gap. The close proximity of the doping at which the gap vanishes to the antiferromagnetic phase boundary leads us to assign this partial gap to a spin density wave., Comment: 4 pages 2 figures included. Submitted to NATO Advanced Research Workshop Proceedings (Miami January 2004)
- Published
- 2004
44. Interband scattering in MgB2
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Elsen, M., Monod, P., Tu, J. J., Choi, Eun-Mi, Kim, Hyeong-Jin, Kang, W. N., Lee, Sung-Ik, Cava, R. J., and Carr, G. L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The scattering process responsible for connecting the bands remains one of the last open questions on the physical properties of MgB2. Through the analysis of the equilibrium and photo-induced far-infrared properties as well as electron spin resonance of MgB2 we propose a phonon mediated energy transfer process between the bands based on the coupling of quasiparticles to an E2g phonon., Comment: 6 pages 2 figures included. Submitted to NATO Advanced Research Workshop Proceedings (Miami January 2004)
- Published
- 2004
45. Sum rules and energy scales in BiSrCaCuO
- Author
Santander-Syro, A. F., Lobo, R. P. S. M., and Bontemps, N.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
From very high accuracy reflectivity spectra, we have derived the optical conductivity and estimated the spectral weight up to various cut-off frequencies in underdoped Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+\delta}$ (Bi-2212). We show that, when evaluating the optical spectral weight over the full conduction band (1 eV), the kinetic energy decreases in the superconducting state, unlike in conventional BCS superconductors. As a consequence, the Ferrell-Glover-Tinkham sum rule is not satisfied up to this energy scale. This stands as a very unconventional behavior, contrasted with the overdoped Bi-2212 sample., Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures included. Submitted to NATO Advanced Research Workshop Proceedings (Miami January 2004)
- Published
- 2004
46. Characterization of Vascular Disease Risk in Postmenopausal Women and Its Association with Cognitive Performance
- Author
Cedars, Marcelle, Dowling, NM, Gleason, CE, Manson, JAE, Hodis, HN, Miller, VM, Brinton, EA, Neal-Perry, G, Santoro, MN, and Lobo, R
- Abstract
Objectives:While global measures of cardiovascular (CV) risk are used to guide prevention and treatment decisions, these estimates fail to account for the considerable interindividual variability in pre-clinical risk status. This study investigated heterog
- Published
- 2013
47. Pairing in cuprates from high energy electronic states
- Author
Santander-Syro, A. F., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Bontemps, N., Konstantinovic, Z., Li, Z. Z., and Raffy, H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The in-plane optical conductivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d thin films with small carrier density (underdoped) up to large carrier density (overdoped) is analyzed with unprecedented accuracy. Integrating the conductivity up to increasingly higher energies points to the energy scale involved when the superfluid condensate builds up. In the underdoped sample, states extending up to 2 eV contribute to the superfluid. This anomalously large energy scale may be assigned to a change of in-plane kinetic energy at the superconducting transition, and is compatible with an electronic pairing mechanism., Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2001
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48. Absence of a pseudogap in the in-plane infrared response of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+d)
- Author
Santander-Syro, A. F., Lobo, R. P. S. M., Bontemps, N., Konstantinovic, Z., Li, Z. Z., and Raffy, H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The ab-plane reflectance of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+d) thin films was measured in the 30-25000 cm^(-1) range for one underdoped (Tc = 70 K), and one overdoped sample (Tc = 63 K) as a function of temperature (10-300 K). We find qualitatively similar behaviors in the temperature dependence of the normal-state infrared response of both samples. Above Tc, the effective spectral weight, obtained from the integrated conductivity, does not decrease when T decreases, so that no opening of an optical pseudogap is seen. We suggest that these are consequences of the pseudogap opening first in the k=(0, pi) direction, according to ARPES, and of the in-plane infrared conductivity being mostly sensitive to the k=(pi, pi) direction., Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2001
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49. Sub-nanosecond, time-resolved, broadband infrared spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., LaVeigne, J. D., Reitze, D. H., Tanner, D. B., and Carr, G. L.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors - Abstract
A facility for sub-nanosecond time-resolved (pump-probe) infrared spectroscopy has been developed at the National Synchrotron Light Source of Brookhaven National Laboratory. A mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser produces 2 ps duration, tunable near-IR pump pulses synchronized to probe pulses from a synchrotron storage ring. The facility is unique on account of the broadband infrared from the synchrotron, which allows the entire spectral range from 2 cm-1 (0.25 meV) to 20,000 cm-1 (2.5 eV) to be probed. A temporal resolution of 200 ps, limited by the infrared synchrotron-pulse duration, is achieved. A maximum time delay of 170 ns is available without gating the infrared detector. To illustrate the performance of the facility, a measurement of electron-hole recombination dynamics for an HgCdTe semiconductor film in the far- and mid infrared range is presented., Comment: 11 pages with 9 figures included
- Published
- 2001
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50. Localization by disorder in the infrared conductivity of (Y,Pr)Ba2Cu3O7 films
- Author
Lobo, R. P. S. M., Sherman, E. Ya., Racah, D., Dagan, Y., and Bontemps, N.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The ab-plane reflectivity of (Y{1-x}Prx)Ba2Cu3O7 thin films was measured in the 30-30000 cm-1 range for samples with x = 0 (Tc = 90 K), x = 0.4 (Tc = 35 K) and x = 0.5 (Tc = 19 K) as a function of temperature in the normal state. The effective charge density obtained from the integrated spectral weight decreases with increasing x. The variation is consistent with the higher dc resistivity for x = 0.4, but is one order of magnitude smaller than what would be expected for x = 0.5. In the latter sample, the conductivity is dominated at all temperatures by a large localization peak. Its magnitude increases as the temperature decreases. We relate this peak to the dc resistivity enhancement. A simple localization-by-disorder model accounts for the optical conductivity of the x = 0.5 sample., Comment: 7 pages with (4) figures included
- Published
- 2001
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