Since the so-called “replication crisis”, the reproducibility of findings as a major quality criterion in natural science is the target of methodological discussions in many research areas (Munafò et al., 2017; Open Science Colloboration., 2015). To address this topic, the scientific community requires strategies to increase transparency. When preparing their data, researchers inevitably take more or less arbitrary decisions by picking a processing pipeline out of a large pool of (potentially) equally justifiable data processing and analysis choices (Brand, Dixon, & McBee, 2019). Usually there is more than one suitable path without a clear empirical evidence for the superiority of appropriateness of one specific path (Dragicevic, Jansen, Sarma, Kay, & Chevalier, 2019). These researchers’ degrees of freedom provoke a garden of forking paths (Gelman & Loken, 2014) which has been criticized in the current literature. Further, the lack of consensus about data processing and analysis pipelines used even within an area of research leads to difficulties in comparing findings across different studies. Consequently, the result of a single statistical model applied to a single data set generated via a specific preprocessing pipeline - as typically reported in research papers - is limited, since it doesn’t inform on the robustness of the result. To address the problem of choosing one data processing path while multiple suitable paths may exist, multiverse analysis has been proposed (Steegen, Tuerlinckx, Gelman, & Vanpaemel, 2016). Thereby researchers generate a ‘data multiverse’ from all or many possible decision paths in processing a single data set. The underlying idea of a data multiverse is that at every point the researchers have to take a decision, the multiverse grows by one more possible data set or by a whole branch of single data sets. This naturally leads to a multiverse of results based on this data multiverse even when applying an identical statistical model to all data sets (i.e., ‘data multiverse’). A similar approach is to set up a ‘model multiverse’ by applying different statistical models to a single data set (Donnelly, Brooks, & Homer, 2019; McBee, Brand, & Wallace E. Dixon, 2019; Patel, Burford, & Ioannidis, 2015). As a consequence, a data multiverse analysis illustrates the existence of possible outcomes based on equally justifiable choices within different preprocessing or transformation pipelines of a single data set (Stern, Arslan, Gerlach, & Penke, 2019). In case findings show homogeneity of results across the different forking paths, the robustness of an effect independent of the used preprocessing pipeline (for a data multiverse) or statistical pipeline (for a model multiverse), can be assumed. If inhomogeneity, however, is observed, this may inform us on potential boundary conditions (for instance inclusion of specific covariates). In this sense, we want to address a topical problem concerning skin conductance response (SCR) quantification approaches which arises from recent methodological discussions about comparability of methods and procedures. In human fear conditioning research the most commonly used psychophysiological index to infer fear learning are SCR. In practice, different methods to quantify SCR exist: First of all, the trough-to-peak (TTP) approach consists of quantifying the SCR amplitude as the difference of the peak score of the response and the preceding trough within specific time-windows and criteria (Boucsein, 1992). It can be conducted manually or semi-manually (i.e., computer-assisted) through trained raters and is supported in a fully computerized (though manually modifiable) way in the software Autonomate, which implements the TTP criteria (Boucsein, 1992) in computer-based algorithms (Green, Kragel, Fecteau, & LaBar, 2014). Second, computational approaches for SCR quantification exist with software programs such as Ledalab or PsPM providing computerized model-based SCR quantification (Bach, 2014; Staib, Castegnetti, & Bach, 2015). A third SCR quantification approach is what we here refer to as baseline correction approach (Pineles, Orr, & Orr, 2009): The baseline of each SCR is defined as the mean in a pre-CS period (conditioned stimulus). This mean is subtracted from the subsequent peak response in a post-CS period. Of note, the pre- and post-CS periods vary in the literature. In sum, there is no standard quantification approach for SCR, but all approaches mentioned are currently used interchangeably. As part of previous work, we conducted a systemic literature research (described in detail in: Lonsdorf et al., 2019) covering all publications (including e-pubs ahead of print) in PubMed from the 22nd September 2018 to the 22nd March 2019 to identify records which measure SCRs in human fear conditioning research. From 854 records identified through database searching, 50 records remained after the exclusion of review articles/ meta-analysis, rodent work, irrelevant topics, duplicates and no SCR measurement (for further information on screening and exclusion of records see the supplemental flow chart according to PRISMA guidelines (Liberati et al., 2009)). In these articles, TTP and baseline correction for SCR quantification were most common in the field with few studies employing computational approaches (an overview can be found in the additional bar chart). Yet, the “baseline correction category” is itself a particularly heterogeneous category as we identified 16 different ways to perform SCR quantification through baseline correction through our systematic literature search. These differed in the duration and length of the time windows used (yet, only partly explained by different experimental timings of the employed paradigm). Because TTP SCR quantification approaches are conducted semi-manually by independent raters they may be affected by the raters’ decision even with extensive rater-training. Here, we aim to investigate whether differences in the operationalization of SCR quantification through baseline correction and semi-manual TTP scoring as used in the field (described in detail in: Lonsdorf et al., 2019) result in divergent or convergent outcomes. Hence, we employ these different definitions in a multiverse analysis by applying all of them to a single preexisting data set to generate a data multiverse. Beside the frequentist approach we implement a Bayesian inference approach and compute Bayes Factors. Bayes Factors quantify the evidence for the absence of an effect or the absence of evidence for or against an effect. As our primary aim, we want to test for CS+/CS- discrimination within fear acquisition training (effect of main interest) as a prime example in this data multiverse based on different SCR quantification approaches. Our secondary aim is to use trait anxiety, as assessed by the STAI-Questionnaire (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1983), as a case example for individual differences in fear conditioning to test robustness of a possible association between CS+/CS- discrimination in fear acquisition training and trait anxiety regarding different baseline correction approaches and TTP scoring in a data multiverse approach. 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