24 results on '"Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun"'
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2. Factors affecting complication rates of pneumonectomy in destroyed lung
- Author
Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun Kosif, primary
- Published
- 2018
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3. Lung carcinoma patients aged eighty years over and prognostic factors affecting survival
- Author
Kasapoğlu, Umut Sabri, primary, Güngör, Sinem, additional, Arınç, Sibel, additional, Yalçınsoy, Murat, additional, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, additional, and Akbay, Özlem Makbule, additional
- Published
- 2017
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4. Is chest x-ray necessary after thoracentesis? bilateral pneumothorax
- Author
Derdiyok, Onur, primary, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun Kosif, additional, Akyıl, Fatma Tokgöz, additional, Demir, Mine, additional, and Baysungur, Volkan, additional
- Published
- 2017
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5. Survival in Operated Early and Local Advanced-Stage (IA-IIIA) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Author
Taylan, Mahsuk, primary, Arınç, Sibel, additional, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun Kosif, additional, Bodur, Mehmet Sinan, additional, Öztaş, Selahattin, additional, Karataş, Mevlut, additional, Irmak, ilim, additional, Arpag, Huseyin, additional, and Hazar, Armağan, additional
- Published
- 2016
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6. E20. Genel anestezi altında uygulanan perkütan ve cerrahi trakeostomilerin retrospektif analizi
- Author
Alpay, Levent, Meydan, Burhan, OKUR, ERDAL, KÜPELİ, MUSTAFA, SAĞIROĞLU, GÖNÜL, and Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun
- Published
- 2013
7. The major morbidity and mortality criteria in pneumonectomies
- Author
Alpay, Levent, Laçin, Tunç, Kıral, Hakan, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Ocakcıoğlu, İlhan, Coşgun, Tuğba, Baysungur, Volkan, Yalçınkaya, İrfan, and Maltepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
- Subjects
pnömonektomi ,morbidite ,mortalite ,morbidity ,complication ,komplikasyon ,pneumonectomy ,mortality - Abstract
Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı pnömonektomi yapılan hastaların mortalitesini ve morbiditesini incelemek, komplikasyonları özellikle bronkoplevral fistülleri (BPF) ayrıntılı olarak irdelemektir. Metod: Ekim 2005-Ocak 2011 tarihleri arasında pnömonektomi yapılan 178 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Yaş, cinsiyet, operasyon tarafı, indüksiyon terapisi, eşlik eden sistemik hastalık ve kanser evreleri belirlendi. İstatistik olarak lojistik regresyon analizi uygulandı. Hastaların morbidite ve mortalite değerlerinin bu parametrelerle ilişkisi değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Ortalama yaş 57,3 olarak belirlendi. 40 hastada (%22,4) majör morbidite gelişti; 11 hastada (%6,1) bronkoplevral fistül (BPF), 11 hastada (%6.1) postoperatif aritmi, 5 hastada akut respiratuvar yetmezlik (%2.8), 5 hastada pnömoni (%2.8) ve 8 hastada (%4.6) diğer morbiditeler gelişti. Neoadjuvan tedavi alan 11 hastadan 5 kişide (%44.9) bronkoplevral fistül görüldü (p=0.01). Ondört hastada (%8.1) mortalite görüldü. Bu 14 hastanın 5‘i (%35.7) geç dönem bronkoplevral fistül ve fistül komplikasyonları nedeniyle kaybedildi. Bronkoplevral fistül riski sağ pnömonektomi sonrası (7/77,%9), sol pnömonektomiye oranla (4/101,%3.9) daha yüksekti. Morbiditeyi artıran faktörler ileri yaş (p=0.01) ve sağ pnömonektomi (p=0.03) idi. Mortaliteyi anlamlı düzeyde etkileyen faktör ise ileri yaş (p=0.049) idi. Sonuç: Pnömonektomi akciğer rezeksiyonları içinde hastaların yaşam kalitesini en kötü etkileyen, mortalite ve morbidite oranı en yüksek operasyon şeklidir. Bu sebeple operasyon sonrası daha çok risk taşıyan grupların değerlendirilebilmesi ve dikkatli olunması önemlidir. Operasyon sonrası gelişebilecek komplikasyonlara karşı erken tanı için hastalar iyi takip edilmelidir., Aim: We aimed to investigate the major morbidity and mortalities, especially bronchopleural fistulas in patients who underwent pneumonectomy. Methods: Between October 2005 and January 2011, 178 patients were retrospectively analyzed who underwent pneumonectomy. The patient characteristics of age, sex, lateralization, induction therapy, co-morbid diseases and pathologic stages were set. Statistical analyses were performed with logistic regression analyses to compare the parameters with mortality and morbidity. Results: The mean age was 57.3. Major morbidity occurred in 49 (27.5%) patients. The morbidities included 11 bronchopleural fistula (6.1%), 11 (6.1%) aritmia, 5 (2.8%) respiratory insuffiency, 5 (2.8%) pneumonia, and 8 (4.6%) other morbidities. Discussion: Pneumonectomy itself has high morbidity and mortality rates, which also has a negative impact on the quality of life among patients with lung resections. Therefore, it should be noted that high risk patients must be carefully investigated and close monitorization must be applied.
- Published
- 2013
8. Organising pneumonia mimicking lung cancer : experience of 17 patients
- Author
Kanbur, Serda, Alpay, Levent, Atinkaya, Cansel, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Demir, Mine, Doğruyol, Talha, Baysungur, Volkan, Yalçınkaya, İrfan, and Maltepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
- Subjects
organize pnömoni ,pulmoner kitle ,akciğer kanseri cerrahisi ,lung cancer surgery ,pulmonary mass ,organising pneumonia - Abstract
Lokalize organize pnömoniler radyolojik olarak bazen akciğer kanseri ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Operasyon öncesi tanı konulamayan ve tedaviye rağmen gerilemeyen bir çok olgu rezeksiyona kadar gidebilmektedir. Bu seri opere ettiğimiz, final patolojileri organize pnömoni olarak raporlanan 17 hastayla ilgili tecrübelerimizi içermektedir. Kliniğimizde Şubat 2006-Aralık 2011 yılları arasında fokal pulmoner lezyonu olan 1266 hastaya akciğer rezeksiyonu yapıldı. Bu çalışmanın temelini oluşturan 84 hastada rezeksiyon sonrası benign patolojik lezyon saptandı. Bu hastaların 17'sinde operasyon sonrası tanı organize pnömoni olarak raporlandı. Hastaların hepsinde operasyon sırasında kitle örneklenerek frozen section ile değerlendirildi. Bu hastalara cerrahi rezeksiyon olarak, videotorakoskopik veya torakotomi ile wedge (n=6 %35) rezeksiyon ve lobektomi (n=11 %65) uygulandı. Rezeksiyon materyellerinden sürüntü alınarak aerobic ve anaerobic bakteriyel, mantar ile mycobacteriyel kültür alındı. Hastaların kliniği, radyolojik bulgular, kitlenin lokalizasyonu ve boyutu, patolojileri, yapılan tedavi ile takipleri incelendi. Hastaların yaşları 40 ile 79 arasındaydı. En sık saptanan klinik belirti öksürük (%94) ve hemoptizi (%59) idi. Radyolojik olarak, parankim yerleşimli, plevrayı invaze etmeyen, yuvarlak ve ya oval şekilde genelde hava bronkogramları da içeren kitlelerin boyutları 2.1 ila 8.7 cm arasında değişmekteydi. Patolojik bulgular ise inflamasyonun eşlik ettiği basit mikroskopik patern ile nekrotizan pnömonik bulgular arasında değişmekteydi. Sadece 11 (%65) vakada etyolojik ajan mikrobiyolojik olarak üretilebildi. En sık etken patojenler, viridans Streptoccocus, Klebsiella ve Neisseria spp saptandı. Hiçbir hastada mortalite, morbidite gelişmedi ve takiplerinde sorun yaşanmadı. Organize pnömonilerin akciğer neoplazmalarından, ayırıcı tanısında zaman zaman zorluklar yaşanmaktadır. Takiplerde, tedaviye rağmen gerilemeyen, kesin tanısı olmayan pulmoner lezyonlarda cerrahi rezeksiyon gerekebilmektedir., Localized organizing pneumonia may be confounded with lung cancer radiologically. Despite the preoperative treatment; undiagnosed and persisting cases are candidates for surgery, even resection. This series represents our experience with 17 operated patients whose final pathology was reported as organizing pneumonia. Between February 2006 and December 2011, 1266 patients with focal pulmonary lesions had lung resection in our clinic. Eighty-four of the pathology results were reported as benign pathological lesions which established the basis of this study. Postoperative pathology was reported as organizing pneumonia in 17 of these patients. In all the cases, masses were evaluated with frozen section during operation. Wedge resection with videothoracoscopy or thoracotomy (n=6, 35%) and lobectomy (n=11, 65%) was carried out. Swab sample was taken from resection materials for aerobic and anaerobic bacterial, fungal and mycobacterial culture. Patient's clinic, radiological findings, localization and size of the mass, final pathology, treatment and follow-up period were analysed. Patients aged between 40 and 79. Most frequent symptoms were cough (94%) and hemoptysis (59%). Radiologically, the masses were between 2.1-8.7 cm which were localized in the lung parenchyma; without any invasion to the pleura, round or oval shaped and generally presented with air bronchograms. Pathological findings ranged from simple microscopic pattern with inflammation to necrotizing pneumonia. Etiological cause was found in only 11 (65%) cases microbiologically. Most common pathogens were Streptococcus viridians, Klebsiella and Neisseria spp. No mortality or morbidity was detected and none of the patients had a complication during follow up. Differential diagnosis of organizing pneumonia from lung neoplasms may present a challenge occasionally. Surgical resection can be necessary in patients with undiagnosed persisting pulmonary lesions despite the treatment and follow-up.
- Published
- 2013
9. D15. Akciğer kanseri nedeniyle lobektomi uygulanan 100 olgunun retrospektif analizi
- Author
ÇOPUROĞLU, ELİF, Meydan, Burhan, SAĞIROĞLU, GÖNÜL, Tezel, Çağatay, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Okur, Erdal, İskender, İlker, and Küpeli, Mustafa
- Published
- 2013
10. The role of sleeve resections in surgical treatment of lung cancer
- Author
Kosif Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Alpay, Levent, Kanbur, Serdar, Koşar, Altuğ, Sönmez, Hakan, Demir, Mine, Baysungur, Volkan, Yalçınkaya, İrfan, Örki, Tülay, and Maltepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
- Subjects
akciğer kanseri cerrahisi ,sleeve ,lung cancer surgery - Abstract
Amaç: Bronşial sleeve rezeksiyonlar akciğerin habis ve selim patolojilerinde pnömonektomi operasyonunun alternatifi olarak geliştirilmiş tekniklerdir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma İstanbul Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Cerrahi merkezinde Eylül 1994- Mayıs 2009 tarihleri arasında 71 hastaya uygulanan sleeve rezeksiyonları incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Uzun dönem takipte sleeve rezeksiyon uygulanan hastalardan 26'sı kaybedildi, ortalama takip süresi 33 ay, maksimum takip süresi 120 aydı. Standart sapması 27.7 olarak bulundu. İki yıllık sağkalım %67.2 (ort.57.3 ay±7.5) olarak saptandı.Komplikasyonların ortaya çıkmasıyla; operasyon yapılan taraf, anastomoz şekli ( tek- tek, devamlı sütür ), olguların yaşı arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı ancak istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir sonuç bulunamadı. (Sırasıyla; p=0.09, p=0.4, p=0.3 ).Operasyon tarafının sağ ya da sol olmasının sağkalıma etkisi araştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir sonuç bulunamadı (p=0.13). Sağ kalım oranlarını, komplikasyonların varlığına göre değerlendirdiğimizde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmamakla birlikte, anlamlıya yakın sonuç elde edildi (p= 0.08). Sağkalım oranlarının, uygulanan ek cerrahi işlemlerden etkilendiği istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p= 0.03). N faktörü; N0, N1 ve N2 olmak üzere üç ayrı gruba ayrıldı ve sağkalıma etkisi araştırıldı ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu ( p= 0.03). 2 yıllık sağkalım N0'da % 81.5, N1'de % 63, N2'de % 21 olarak bulundu. Tümör çaplarının sağkalıma etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı ( p=0.6) Sonuç: Sleeve rezeksiyonlar diğer rezeksiyonlar gibi düşük mortalite ve morbidite ile yapılabilir., Aim: Bronchial sleeve resections are developed as alternative techniques to pneumonectomy operation in malignant and benign pathologies of the lung. Patients and Methods: This study was carried out between September 1994 and May 2009 in order to examine 71 patients who underwent sleeve resection in Istanbul Sureyyapasa Chest Surgery Center. Results: Twenty-six of the patients died in long term follow-up, mean and maximum follow-up duration was 33 months and 120 months, respectively. Standard deviation was 27.7. General survival rate in two years was 67.2% (mean 57.3±7.5 months). With the development of complications; the relationships between operation side, anastomosis technique (seperate, continuous suture), patients' age were investigated, however statistically significant results were found (p=0.09, p=0.4, p=0.3, respectively). The effect on survival was investigated between right and left sided operation, no significant results were found statistically (p=0.13). When survival rates were analysed according to the presence of complications; better statistical results were found, however still with no statistical significance (p= 0.08). It was statistically significant that survival rates were affected by additional surgical procedures (p= 0.03). It was also statistically significant that N factor, which was divided into three groups: N0, N1 and N2, had an influence on survival (p=0.03). The two-year survival rate was 81.5% in N0, 63% in N1, 21% in N2. There was no statistically significant effect on survival by tumor diameters (p=0.6). Conclusion: Sleeve resections can be performed with low mortality and morbidity rates like other resections.
- Published
- 2013
11. E2. Akciğer kanseri nedeniyle lobektomi uygulanan 100 olgunun retrospektif analizi
- Author
SAĞIROĞLU, GÖNÜL, OKUR, ERDAL, Tezel, Çağatay, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, ÇOPUROĞLU, ELİF, İskender, İlker, Meydan, Burhan, and Küpeli, Mustafa
- Published
- 2011
12. D9. Torakotomi sonrası analjezide intravenöz tramadol ile hasta kontrollü analjezi ve devamlı infüzyonun karşılaştırılması
- Author
Meydan, Burhan, Tezel, Çağatay, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Demir, Mine, Küpeli, Mustafa, İskender, İlker, and SAĞIROĞLU, GÖNÜL
- Published
- 2011
13. D6. Torakotomi sonrası ağrı tedavisinde epidural morfin bupivakain ile intravenöz morfinin etkilerinin karşılaştırılması
- Author
Meydan, Burhan, Tezel, Çağatay, Alpay, Levent, Küpeli, Mustafa, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, and SAĞIROĞLU, GÖNÜL
- Published
- 2010
14. D5. Genel anestezi altında uygulanan perkütan ve cerrahi trakeostomilerin retrospektif analizi
- Author
Okur, Erdal, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Küpeli, Mustafa, SAĞIROĞLU, GÖNÜL, Meydan, Burhan, and Alpay, Levent
- Published
- 2010
15. Barclay tekniği ile karina rezeksiyonu
- Author
Kir, Altan, Koşar, Altuğ, Kadıoğlu, Salih Zeki, Atasalihi, Ali, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun Kosif, Maltepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, and Koşar, Altuğ
- Subjects
Adenoid kistik/cerrahi ,Trakea neoplazileri ,Bronchi/surgery ,Carcinoma ,Karsinom ,Adenoid cystic/surgery ,Bronş/cerrahi ,Tracheal neoplasms - Abstract
Elli dört yaşında kadın hastaya, sol trakeobronşiyal bileşkede saptanan adenoid kistik karsinom nedeniyle karina rezeksiyonu yapıldı. Barclay yöntemiyle, sağ ana bronş trakeaya uç-uca, sol ana bronş intermedier bronşa uç-yan anastomoze edildi. Ameliyat sonrası dokuzuncu ayda yapılan fiberoptik bronkoskopide anastomoz hattı normal bulundu., A 54-year-old female patient underwent carinal resection due to adenoid cystic carcinoma localized at the left tracheobronchial junction. Using the Barclay’s method, end-to-end anastomosis of the right main bronchus to the trachea, and endto-side anastomosis of the left main bronchus to the bronchus intermedius were performed. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the ninth postoperative month showed normal anastomosis line.
- Published
- 2008
16. Organizing Pneumonia as a Histopathological Term.
- Author
Akyıl, Fatma Tokgöz, Ağca, Meltem, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, Arsev, Ayşe Alp, Akyıl, Mustafa, and Sevim, Tülin
- Subjects
OBJECTIVES: Organizing pneumonia (OP) is an interstitial lung disease characterized by granulation tissue buds in alveoli and alveolar ductus, possibly accompanied by bronchiolar involvement. Histopathologically, OP may signify a primary disease and be observed as a contiguous disease or as a minor component of other diseases. In this study, the clinical significance of histopathological OP lesions and clinical and radiological features of patients with primary OP were examined. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between January 2011 and January 2015, of 6,346 lung pathology reports, 138 patients with OP lesions were retrospectively evaluated. According to the final diagnoses, patients were grouped as reactive OP (those with final diagnosis other than OP) and primary OP (those with OP). Patients with primary OP were classified according to etiology as cryptogenic and secondary OP. Radiological evaluation was conducted within a categorization of "typical," "focal," and "infiltrative." RESULTS: Of 138 patients, 25% were males and the mean age was 54±14 years. Pathologically, 61% of patients had reactive OP and 39% had primary OP. All reactive OP lesions were reported using surgical specimens, and the most frequent primary diagnoses were malignancy (65%), infection (15%), interstitial lung diseases other than OP (7%), and bronchiectasis (5%). Other diagnoses included bullae, foreign body, hamartoma, bronchogenic cyst, and bronchopleural fistula. Of all the primary OP patients, 48 had cryptogenic OP and six had secondary OP. Radiological involvement was consistent with typical OP in 30%, focal OP in 63%, and infiltrative OP in 7% of the patients. All focal OP lesions were defined using surgical resections. Positron emission computed tomography (PET-CT) was recorded in 28 patients. In 11 patients, lymphadenomegaly was comorbid. The mean widest diameter of focal opacity was 2.7±1.2 (1.2-4.9) cm, and the mean the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax was 6.1±3.9 (1.7-16.7). CONCLUSION: OP lesions generally present as a minor component of other diseases. In patients with OP, cryptogenic OP and radiological focal OP is more frequently observed. Most focal OP lesions are detected using surgical resections because of malignant prediagnosis owing to elevated SUVmax. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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17. Pleural solitary fibrous tumors: an analysis of 11 cases
- Author
Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun Kosif, primary
- Published
- 2014
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18. Improved postoperative mortality rates after thoracic surgery for lung cancer
- Author
Kiral, Hakan, Evman, Serdar, Kanbur, Serda, and Misirlioglu, Aysun Kosif
- Published
- 2016
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19. Factors Related to NIMV Failure in Hospitalized COPD Patients With Exacerbation
- Author
Agca, Meltem, Tokgoz, Fatma, Yetis, Dildar, Tepetam, Fatma Merve, Misirlioglu, Aysun, Gunen, Hakan, and Yarkin, Tulay
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Baysungur, Volkan and Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun Kosif
- Abstract
Lung cancer (LC) may be concomitant with many diseases. One of the rare examples is LC and tuberculosis (TB) concomitance. LC prevalence in TB is 0.7%-2.32%, and TB prevalence in LC is 1.9%-4%. This concomitance was first described in the early 18th century. The metaplasia following TB and immunodeficiency after LC are the main reasons in pathogenesis. TB presence may delay the diagnosis of LC for an average of 4-11 months because it masks the clinic and radiology of the patient. Squamous cell LC is the most common type observed in LC and TB concomitance. However, peripheral and scar tumors are generally adenocancer. A standard algorithm has not been established because of the rarity of the situation. TB is generally treated with medication, but the primary treatment for LC is surgery. The surgical procedure in TB and LC concomitance is similar with that in LC. A good survival time can be achieved with an experienced and multidisciplinary team (pneumolog/medical oncolog/thoracic surgeon) as the postoperative problems and mortality rate decrease. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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21. Does the amount of fluid really matter for drain removal after lung resection?
- Author
Ozdemir, Atilla, Misirlioglu, Aysun K., and Kutlu, Cemal A.
- Published
- 2008
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22. Torakotomi sonrası analjezide, intravenöz tramadol ile hasta-kontrollü analjezi ve devamlı infüzyonun karşılaştırılması.
- Author
Sağıroğlu, Gönül, Meydan, Burhan, İskender, İlker, Küpeli, Mustafa, Demir, Mine, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, and Tezel, Çağatay
- Subjects
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PATIENT-controlled analgesia , *TRAMADOL , *INTRAVENOUS therapy , *BLOOD pressure measurement , *DRUG side effects - Abstract
Objectives: We aimed to compare the consumption, and analgesic and adverse effects of tramadol that given via continuous intravenous infusion and intravenous patient-controlled analgesia. Materials and methods: Forty patients who planned for elective thoracotomy were included in this study. Group I patients received 100 mg loading dose, 5 mg hour-1 basal infusion, 20 mg bolus dose, 5 minutes locked out time, 4 hours limit of 300 mg tramadol. Group II patients received 100 mg loading dose followed by continuous infusion of 12 mg hour-1. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores and sedation scores were determined at postoperative 0, 4, 16, 24th hours. Systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, peripheral O2 saturation scores were recorded at postoperative 0,1,2,4,8,16,24th hours. After 24 hours complications and amount of used tramadol were recorded. Results: A significant decrease was observed in VAS scores starting from the fourth hour compared to all other times in both groups (p<0.001). When the beginning time and the other times in groups was compared, there was a statistically significant decreasing observed in sedation scores starting from the 4th hour to all other times (p<0.001). Total tramadol consumption in group I (374.2±132.5 mg) was found to be significantly higher compared with group II (292.4±80.1 mg) (p<0.05). Hypotension was observed in four patients in group I and this difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: We concluded that tramadol given both intravenous methods was effective for analgesia after postthoracotomy pain. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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23. Ameliyat öncesi klorheksidin glukonat ile yapılan cilt temizliğinin bakteri kolonizasyonu ve cerrahi alan enfeksiyonlarını azaltmasındaki rolü
- Author
Yilmaz, Ahmet, Ateş, Sebahat, Kosif, Aysun, Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yılmaz, Ahmet, Mısırlıoğlu, Aysun, and Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Bacteria ,Bakteri kolonizasyonu ,Surgical wound infection ,Klorheksidin glukonat ,Chlorhexidine ,Chlorhexidine gluconate ,Preoperative period ,Nursing ,Bacterial colonization ,Disinfection ,Cerrahi alan enfeksiyonu ,Surgery ,Surgical wound ,Hemşirelik ,Surgical site infection - Abstract
Bu çalışma Akciğer Kanseri tanısı almış, cerrahi girişim olarak Pnomonektomi veya Lobektomi yapılan hastaların preoperatif dönemdeki cilt temizliğinde klorheksidin glukonat kullanılmasının cerrahi alan enfeksiyonlarının ve bakteri kolonizasyonunun azaltılmasındaki rolünü belirlemek amacı ile randomize kontrollü olarak yapıldı. Araştırmanın evrenini bir eğitim araştırma hastanesinde Toraks cerrahisi uygulanacak hastalar oluşturdu. Örneklem; evren içinden dahil olma kriterlerini taşıyan ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 120 hastadan oluştu. Araştırmanın verileri Hasta İzlem Formu ve Tanıtıcı Bilgiler Formu kullanılarak toplandı. Çalışma sonucunda ameliyat öncesi Klorheksidin Glukonat’la yapılan duşun cerrahi alan enfeksiyonunu azaltmadaki rolü açısından gruplar arasındaki farkistatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p=0.05). Çalışmada Klorheksidin Glukonat’ın etkinliğinin ciltteki bakteri kolonizasyonu açısından değerlendirildiğinde Neisseria (p= 0,061), Corynebacterium (p= 0,699), Micrococcus (p= 0,157) ve Alfa Streptokok (p= 0,154) bakterilerini azaltmada etkisi olmadığı, Koagülaz negatif stafilokoklar (KNS) (p= 0,048) bakterisini azaltmada etkisi olduğu belirlendi., This randomized controlled study was carried out in order to determine role of applying chlorhexidine gluconate in preoperative stage for dermatological cleaning of patients, who are diagnosed with Lung Cancer and applied Pneumonectomy or Lobectomy as surgical intervention, in relieving surgical site infections and bacterial colonization. The population of this study was consisted of patients undergoing thoracic surgery in an educational research hospital. The study's sample was consisted of 120 patients who met the inclusion criteria and accepted to participate in the study. The data of the study was collected by using a Patient Follow-up Form and a Descriptive Information Form. As a result of the study, in terms of the role of pre-operative Chlorhexidine Gluconate showering in reducing surgical site infection the difference between the groups was statistically significant (p = 0.05). As a result of this evaluation, it was determined that Chlorhexidine Gluconate has no effect in relieving the bacterias Neisseria (p=0.061), Corynebacterium (p=0.699), Micrococcus (p= 0.157) and Alpha Streptococcus (p= 0.154). However, it was determined that it has an effect on relieving the bacteria Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CoNS) (p= 0.048).
- Published
- 2019
24. Factors affecting complication rates of pneumonectomy in destroyed lung.
- Author
Kosif Mısırlıoğlu A, Bayram S, Kıral H, Çoban Ağca M, Tokgöz Akyıl F, Alpay L, Baysungur V, and Yalçınkaya İ
- Abstract
Background: This study aims to investigate the relationship between characteristics of patients who were performed pneumonectomy for destroyed lung and their surgical procedures with postoperative complications., Methods: Thirty-nine patients (19 males, 20 females; mean age 35 years; range, 6 to 71 years) who were performed pneumonectomy with a diagnosis of destroyed lung between February 2007 and October 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were divided into two as those who did not develop any postoperative complication (group 1) and those who developed a postoperative complication (group 2). Patients' characteristics and details of the surgical procedures were compared between the two groups., Results: Twenty-nine patients (74%) were performed left pneumonectomy. Mean duration of hospital stay was nine days. During the postoperative three-month follow-up period, morbidity and mortality were reported for 13 patients (33.3%) and one patient (2.6%), respectively. No significant difference was found between groups 1 and 2 in terms of age, gender, concomitant diseases, spirometric findings, blood transfusion status, surgical resection width or methods of bronchial stump closure., Conclusion: Low albumin levels increased the risk of developing postoperative complications in patients who were performed surgical resection for destroyed lung. Postpneumonectomy morbidity and mortality rates were at acceptable levels. Pneumonectomy should not be avoided as surgical treatment in eligible patients with destroyed lung., Competing Interests: Conflict of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article., (Copyright © 2018, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.)
- Published
- 2018
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