13 results on '"M. Boichu"'
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2. Large-scale particulate air pollution and chemical fingerprint of volcanic sulfate aerosols from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun flood lava eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano (Iceland)
- Author
M. Boichu, O. Favez, V. Riffault, J.-E. Petit, Y. Zhang, C. Brogniez, J. Sciare, I. Chiapello, L. Clarisse, S. Zhang, N. Pujol-Söhne, E. Tison, H. Delbarre, and P. Goloub
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Volcanic sulfate aerosols play a key role in air quality and climate. However, the rate of oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) precursor gas to sulfate aerosols (SO42-) in volcanic plumes is poorly known, especially in the troposphere. Here we determine the chemical speciation as well as the intensity and temporal persistence of the impact on air quality of sulfate aerosols from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun flood lava eruption of Icelandic volcano Bárðarbunga. To do so, we jointly analyse a set of SO2 observations from satellite (OMPS and IASI) and ground-level measurements from air quality monitoring stations together with high temporal resolution mass spectrometry measurements of an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) performed far from the volcanic source. We explore month/year long ACSM data in France from stations in contrasting environments, close and far from industrial sulfur-rich activities. We demonstrate that volcanic sulfate aerosols exhibit a distinct chemical signature in urban/rural conditions, with NO3:SO4 mass concentration ratios lower than for non-volcanic background aerosols. These results are supported by thermodynamic simulations of aerosol composition, using the ISORROPIA II model, which show that ammonium sulfate aerosols are preferentially formed at a high concentration of sulfate, leading to a decrease in the production of particulate ammonium nitrate. Such a chemical signature is however more difficult to identify at heavily polluted industrial sites due to a high level of background noise in sulfur. Nevertheless, aged volcanic sulfates can be distinguished from freshly emitted industrial sulfates according to their contrasting degree of anion neutralization. Combining AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) sunphotometric data with ACSM observations, we also show a long persistence over weeks of pollution in volcanic sulfate aerosols, while SO2 pollution disappears in a few days at most. Finally, gathering 6-month long datasets from 27 sulfur monitoring stations of the EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) network allows us to demonstrate a much broader large-scale European pollution, in both SO2 and SO4, associated with the Holuhraun eruption, from Scandinavia to France. While widespread SO2 anomalies, with ground-level mass concentrations far exceeding background values, almost entirely result from the volcanic source, the origin of sulfate aerosols is more complex. Using a multi-site concentration-weighted trajectory analysis, emissions from the Holuhraun eruption are shown to be one of the main sources of SO4 at all EMEP sites across Europe and can be distinguished from anthropogenic emissions from eastern Europe but also from Great Britain. A wide variability in SO2:SO4 mass concentration ratios, ranging from 0.8 to 8.0, is shown at several stations geographically dispersed at thousands of kilometres from the eruption site. Despite this apparent spatial complexity, we demonstrate that these mass oxidation ratios can be explained by a simple linear dependency on the age of the plume, with a SO2-to-SO4 oxidation rate of 0.23 h−1. Most current studies generally focus on SO2, an unambiguous and more readily measured marker of the volcanic plume. However, the long persistence of the chemical fingerprint of volcanic sulfate aerosols at continental scale, as shown for the Holuhraun eruption here, casts light on the impact of tropospheric eruptions and passive degassing activities on air quality, health, atmospheric chemistry and climate.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Current challenges in modelling far-range air pollution induced by the 2014–2015 Bárðarbunga fissure eruption (Iceland)
- Author
M. Boichu, I. Chiapello, C. Brogniez, J.-C. Péré, F. Thieuleux, B. Torres, L. Blarel, A. Mortier, T. Podvin, P. Goloub, N. Söhne, L. Clarisse, S. Bauduin, F. Hendrick, N. Theys, M. Van Roozendael, and D. Tanré
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
The 2014–2015 Holuhraun lava-flood eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano (Iceland) emitted prodigious amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. This eruption caused a large-scale episode of air pollution throughout Western Europe in September 2014, the first event of this magnitude recorded in the modern era. We gathered chemistry-transport simulations and a wealth of complementary observations from satellite sensors (OMI, IASI), ground-based remote sensing (lidar, sunphotometry, differential optical absorption spectroscopy) and ground-level air quality monitoring networks to characterize both the spatial-temporal distributions of volcanic SO2 and sulfate aerosols as well as the dynamics of the planetary boundary layer. Time variations of dynamical and microphysical properties of sulfate aerosols in the aged low-tropospheric volcanic cloud, including loading, vertical distribution, size distribution and single scattering albedo, are provided. Retrospective chemistry-transport simulations at low horizontal resolution (25 km × 25 km) capture the correct temporal dynamics of this far-range air pollution event but fail to reproduce the correct magnitude of SO2 concentration at ground-level. Simulations at higher spatial resolution, relying on two nested domains with finest resolution of 7.3 km × 7.3 km, improve substantially the far-range vertical distribution of the volcanic cloud and subsequently the description of ground-level SO2 concentrations. However, remaining discrepancies between model and observations are shown to result from an inaccurate representation of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) dynamics. Comparison with lidar observations points out a systematic under-estimation of the PBL height by the model, whichever the PBL parameterization scheme. Such a shortcoming impedes the capture of the overlying Bárðarbunga cloud into the PBL at the right time and in sufficient quantities. This study therefore demonstrates the key role played by the PBL dynamics in accurately modelling large-scale volcanogenic air pollution.
- Published
- 2016
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4. Synergistic use of Lagrangian dispersion and radiative transfer modelling with satellite and surface remote sensing measurements for the investigation of volcanic plumes: the Mount Etna eruption of 25–27 October 2013
- Author
P. Sellitto, A. di Sarra, S. Corradini, M. Boichu, H. Herbin, P. Dubuisson, G. Sèze, D. Meloni, F. Monteleone, L. Merucci, J. Rusalem, G. Salerno, P. Briole, and B. Legras
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
In this paper we combine SO2 and ash plume dispersion modelling with satellite and surface remote sensing observations to study the regional influence of a relatively weak volcanic eruption from Mount Etna on the optical and micro-physical properties of Mediterranean aerosols. We analyse the Mount Etna eruption episode of 25–27 October 2013. The evolution of the plume along the trajectory is investigated by means of the FLEXible PARTicle Lagrangian dispersion (FLEXPART) model. The satellite data set includes true colour images, retrieved values of volcanic SO2 and ash, estimates of SO2 and ash emission rates derived from MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) observations and estimates of cloud top pressure from SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager). Surface remote sensing measurements of aerosol and SO2 made at the ENEA Station for Climate Observations (35.52° N, 12.63° E; 50 m a.s.l.) on the island of Lampedusa are used in the analysis. The combination of these different data sets suggests that SO2 and ash, despite the initial injection at about 7.0 km altitude, reached altitudes around 10–12 km and influenced the column average aerosol particle size distribution at a distance of more than 350 km downwind. This study indicates that even a relatively weak volcanic eruption may produce an observable effect on the aerosol properties at the regional scale. The impact of secondary sulfate particles on the aerosol size distribution at Lampedusa is discussed and estimates of the clear-sky direct aerosol radiative forcing are derived. Daily shortwave radiative forcing efficiencies, i.e. radiative forcing per unit AOD (aerosol optical depth), are calculated with the LibRadtran model. They are estimated between −39 and −48 W m−2 AOD−1 at the top of the atmosphere and between −66 and −49 W m−2 AOD−1 at the surface, with the variability in the estimates mainly depending on the aerosol single scattering albedo. These results suggest that sulfate particles played a large role in the transported plume composition and radiative forcing, while the contribution by ash particles was small in the volcanic plume arriving at Lampedusa during this event.
- Published
- 2016
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5. Temporal variations of flux and altitude of sulfur dioxide emissions during volcanic eruptions: implications for long-range dispersal of volcanic clouds
- Author
M. Boichu, L. Clarisse, J.-C. Péré, H. Herbin, P. Goloub, F. Thieuleux, F. Ducos, C. Clerbaux, and D. Tanré
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Sulfur-rich degassing, which is mostly composed of sulfur dioxide (SO2), plays a major role in the overall impact of volcanism on the atmosphere and climate. The accurate assessment of this impact is currently hampered by the poor knowledge of volcanic SO2 emissions. Here, using an inversion procedure, we show how assimilating snapshots of the volcanic SO2 load derived from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) allows for reconstructing both the flux and altitude of the SO2 emissions with an hourly resolution. For this purpose, the regional chemistry-transport model CHIMERE is used to describe the dispersion of SO2 when released in the atmosphere. As proof of concept, we study the 10 April 2011 eruption of the Etna volcano (Italy), which represents one of the few volcanoes instrumented on the ground for the continuous monitoring of SO2 degassing. We find that the SO2 flux time-series retrieved from satellite imagery using the inverse scheme is in agreement with ground observations during ash-poor phases of the eruption. However, large discrepancies are observed during the ash-rich paroxysmal phase as a result of enhanced plume opacity affecting ground-based ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopic retrievals. As a consequence, the SO2 emission rate derived from the ground is underestimated by almost one order of magnitude. Altitudes of the SO2 emissions predicted by the inverse scheme are validated against an RGB image of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) capturing the near-source atmospheric pathways followed by Etna plumes, in combination with forward trajectories from the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. At a large distance from the source, modelled SO2 altitudes are compared with independent information on the volcanic cloud height. We find that the altitude predicted by the inverse scheme is in agreement with snapshots of the SO2 height retrieved from recent algorithms exploiting the high spectral resolution of IASI. The validity of the modelled SO2 altitude is further confirmed by the detection of a layer of particles at the same altitude by the spaceborne Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP). Analysis of CALIOP colour and depolarization ratios suggests that these particles consist of sulfate aerosols formed from precursory volcanic SO2. The reconstruction of emission altitude, through inversion procedures which assimilate volcanic SO2 column amounts, requires specific meteorological conditions, especially sufficient wind shear so that gas parcels emitted at different altitudes follow distinct trajectories. We consequently explore the possibility and limits of assimilating in inverse schemes infrared (IR) imagery of the volcanic SO2 cloud altitude which will render the inversion procedure independent of the wind shear prerequisite.
- Published
- 2015
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6. Ensemble meteorological reconstruction using circulation analogues of 1781–1785
- Author
P. Yiou, M. Boichu, R. Vautard, M. Vrac, S. Jourdain, E. Garnier, F. Fluteau, and L. Menut
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Environmental pollution ,TD172-193.5 ,Environmental protection ,TD169-171.8 ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
This paper uses a method of atmospheric flow analogues to reconstruct an ensemble of atmospheric variables (namely sea-level pressure, surface temperature and wind speed) between 1781 and 1785. The properties of this ensemble are investigated and tested against observations of temperature. The goal of the paper is to assess whether the atmospheric circulation during the Laki volcanic eruption (in 1783) and the subsequent winter were similar to the conditions that prevailed in the winter 2009/2010 and during spring 2010. We find that the 3 months following the Laki eruption in June 1783 barely had analogues in 2010. The cold winter of 1783/1784 yielded circulation analogues in 2009/2010. The reconstructed surface temperature over land bears significant correlations with local observations, although the amplitude of the reconstruction is weaker.
- Published
- 2014
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7. Inverting for volcanic SO2 flux at high temporal resolution using spaceborne plume imagery and chemistry-transport modelling: the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption case study
- Author
M. Boichu, L. Menut, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Clarisse, C. Clerbaux, S. Turquety, and P.-F. Coheur
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Depending on the magnitude of their eruptions, volcanoes impact the atmosphere at various temporal and spatial scales. The volcanic source remains a major unknown to rigorously assess these impacts. At the scale of an eruption, the limited knowledge of source parameters, including time variations of erupted mass flux and emission profile, currently represents the greatest issue that limits the reliability of volcanic cloud forecasts. Today, a growing number of satellite and remote sensing observations of distant plumes are becoming available, bringing indirect information on these source terms. Here, we develop an inverse modelling approach combining satellite observations of the volcanic plume with an Eulerian regional chemistry-transport model (CHIMERE) to characterise the volcanic SO2 emissions during an eruptive crisis. The May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull is a perfect case study to apply this method as the volcano emitted substantial amounts of SO2 during more than a month. We take advantage of the SO2 column amounts provided by a vast set of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) satellite images to reconstruct retrospectively the time series of the mid-tropospheric SO2 flux emitted by the volcano with a temporal resolution of ~2 h, spanning the period from 1 to 12 May 2010. We show that no a priori knowledge on the SO2 flux is required for this reconstruction. The initialisation of chemistry-transport modelling with this reconstructed source allows for reliable simulation of the evolution of the long-lived tropospheric SO2 cloud over thousands of kilometres. Heterogeneities within the plume, which mainly result from the temporal variability of the emissions, are correctly tracked over a timescale of a week. The robustness of our approach is also demonstrated by the broad similarities between the SO2 flux history determined by this study and the ash discharge behaviour estimated by other means during the phases of high explosive activity at Eyjafjallajökull in May 2010. Finally, we show how a sequential IASI data assimilation allows for a substantial improvement in the forecasts of the location and concentration of the plume compared to an approach assuming constant flux at the source. As the SO2 flux is an important indicator of the volcanic activity, this approach is also of interest to monitor poorly instrumented volcanoes from space.
- Published
- 2013
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8. Reservoir depressurization driven by passive gas emissions at Ambrym volcano
- Author
T. Shreve, R. Grandin, M. Boichu, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP (UMR_7154)), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université de La Réunion (UR)-Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPG Paris)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Earth and Planets Laboratory [Washington], Carnegie Institution for Science, Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique - UMR 8518 (LOA), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université de Lille-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 6th Research agreement no. 3245, ANR-15-CE04-0003,VOLCPLUME,Les panaches volcaniques: emissions, chimie/transport et impact sur l'atmosphère et le climat(2015), European Project: 665850, and European Project: 101058785
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[SDU.OCEAN]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Ocean, Atmosphere ,Geophysics ,Space and Planetary Science ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,[SDU.STU.VO]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Volcanology ,Degassing processes ,Magma replenishment ,Subsidence - Abstract
International audience; Despite being a widespread and common process, the impact of passive volcanic degassing on the pressurization state of a magma reservoir is not well understood. If mass loss due to gas emissions results in reservoir depressurization and surface subsidence, the pressure difference between a shallow reservoir and deep magma source may result in magma recharge and eventually trigger an eruption. It is therefore important to determine how a simplified reservoir-conduit system responds to such degassing processes. Here we use an extreme example of persistent volcanic degassing—Ambrym—as a case study to relate sulphur dioxide mass flux with reservoir depressurization and edifice-scale subsidence, both measured from satellite-based remote sensing observations. A geodetic inversion of surface displacements measured with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar modeled using the Boundary Element Method provides bounds on the reservoir pressure change during an episode of subsidence at Ambrym from 2015 to 2017. These results are input into a lumped parameter theoretical model developed by Girona et al. (2014), and the free parameters (e.g., reservoir size and conduit radius) are systematically explored. We find that the 2015–2017 subsidence episode is consistent with pressure decreasing at a rate of −5.2 to −2.0 MPa year−1 in a reservoir at ∼2 km b.s.l., as a result of passive degassing. The subsidence episode is observed to end abruptly in October 2017, and no significant deformation is detected in the 14 months leading up to a rift zone intrusion and submarine eruption in December 2018, despite substantial degassing. We explain this lack of pre-eruptive deformation by an influx of ∼0.16 km3 of magma into a shallow (
- Published
- 2022
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9. Freezing influences, the exposure of IgG glycans in sera from multiple sclerosis patients
- Author
M. Bozhenko, M. Boichuk, G. Bila, T. Nehrych, and R. Bilyy
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freezing ,glycosylation ,igg ,inflammation ,multiple sclerosis ,Biochemistry ,QD415-436 ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
N-glycan residues attached to Asn297 of the immunoglobulin IgG molecule are responsible for changing its structural conformation and are used as markers of many inflammatory diseases. Freezing stabilizes protein structure, while recent solution NMR data showed greatly altered IgG glycan mobility at different temperatures. The aim of the current work was to investigate whether freezing sera samples from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and normal healthy donors (NHD) influences exposure of IgG glycans. The developed lectin immunosorbent assay was used to evaluate exposure of native IgG glycans with fucose-binding AAL lectin and sialic acid-binding SNA lectin. Sera samples were divided and either immediately frozen at -20 °C or stored at 4 °C. Lectin exposure was compared between 5 MS patient groups (n = 75) vs NHD (n = 23) and in paired samples with and without freezing. A significant increase in the exposure of fucose residues on IgG glycans in MS patients, compared to NHD, was observed. This increase was only observed if sera were frozen before analysis. The exposure of sialic acid was decreased in MS vs NHD samples after freezing sera samples. The exposure of core fucose residues and terminal sialic residues differed significantly in paired sera samples after freezing. Combined parameters of fucose and sialic acid exposure on native IgG glycans using frozen sera samples serve as a discriminative marker between MS and NHD. For AAL exposure, the discrimination of MS was characterized by AUROC of 0.906, sensitivity of 76.7% and specificity of 59.0% (P < 0.0001).
- Published
- 2020
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10. Neutrophil-released enzymes can influence composition of circulating immune complexes in multiple sclerosis
- Author
S. Paryzhak, T. Dumych, I. Mahorivska, M. Boichuk, G. Bila, S. Peshkova, T. Nehrych, and R. Bilyy
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multiple sclerosis ,immunoglobulin ,glycosylation ,lectins ,interferon ,treatment ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
During NET formation, the content of neutrophils granules is released into the intercellular milieu. Consisting of many proteases and ROS species, formed NETs were shown to degrade cytokines (Schauer, Nat Med, 2014); while the content of neutrophil’s azurophilic granules proved to contain glycosidases, secreted upon activation (Thaysen-Andersen, JBC, 2015), and formation of autoantibodies to neutrophil beta-glucoronidase was connected with the level of anti-MPO antibodies (Ab) (Martensson, Autoimmunity, 1992). Taking into account these facts, we aimed to investigate the possibility of NET-related changes in glycan composition on circulating IgG molecules and IgG–IgM immune complexes in multiple sclerosis (MS). This autoimmune disorder still has no reliable detection markers or established ways of treatment, besides widely accepted interferon therapy, making it a particularly interesting clinical condition. By applying capture lectin-ELISA, we analysed binding of α2,6 sialyl-specific lectins SNA, PSqL, and core α1,6-fucose specific lectin AAL to circulating IgG and related complexes in five groups of MS patients: untreated (17 persons); undergoing therapy with interferon (IFN) β-1 b (15 persons), corticosteroids (methylprednisolone) (12 persons) and anti-B-cell monoclonal Ab (12 persons: Ocrelizumab, 6 persons and alemtuzumab, 6 persons). A group of 23 healthy donors served as control. Significant increase in neutrophil elastase activity, observed in the group of patients under corticosteroid treatment was also accompanied by sialyl-specific PSqL and SNA lectin binding to captured IgG molecules. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that sialic acid residues were exposed on free IgG and on circulating IgG–IgM immune complexes. Increased lectin binding was not observed for anti-myelin basic protein (one of the major autoAb in MS) Ab compared to total serum Ab. IFN therapy was accompanied by low neutrophil elastase activity and low amount of circulating immune complexes. Incubation of in vitro generated NETs with human serum revealed the digestion of high-molecular weight immune complexes with subsequent exposure of hidden glycoepitops. Obtained data indicate the potential of neutrophil-derived proteases to modify (partially degrade) circulating immune complexes leading to exposure of internal glycoepitops.
- Published
- 2018
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11. Glycosylation of random IgG distinguishes seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
- Author
I. Magorivska, B. Döncző, T. Dumych, A. Karmash, M. Boichuk, K. Hychka, M. Mihalj, M. Szabó, E. Csánky, J. Rech, A. Guttman, S. G. Vari, and R. Bilyy
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immunoglobulin ,glycosylation ,lectins ,elisa ,rheumatoid arthritis ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
The N-glycosylation of human immunoglobulins, especially IgGs, plays a critical role in determining affinity of IgGs towards their effector (pro- and anti-inflammatory) receptors. However, it is still not clear whether altered glycosylation is involved in only antibody-dependent disorders like seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or also in pathologies with similar clinical manifestations, but no specific autoantibodies like seronegative RA. The clarification of that uncertainty was the aim of the current study. Another study aim was the detection of specific glycan forms responsible for altered exposure of native glycoepitopes. We studied sera from seropositive RA (n = 15) and seronegative RA (n = 12) patients for exposure of glycans in native IgG molecules, followed by determination of specific glycans by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescent detection (CE-LIF). Aged-matched groups of normal healthy donors (NHD) and samples of intravenous immunoglobulin IgG preparations (IVIG) served as controls. There was significantly stronger binding of Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA) and Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL) lectins towards IgG from seropositive RA compared to seronegative RA or NHD. CE-LIF analysis revealed statistically significant increases in bisecting glycans FA2BG2 (p = .006) and FABG2S1 (p = .005) seropositive RA, accompanied by decrease of bisecting monogalactosylated glycan FA2(6)G1 (p = .074) and non-bisecting monosialylated glycan FA2(3)G1S1 (p = .055). The results suggest that seropositive RA is distinct from seronegative RA in terms of IgG glycan moieties, attributable to specific immunoglobulin molecules present in seropositive disease. These glycans were determined to be bisecting GlcNAc-bearing forms FA2BG2 and FABG2S1, and their appearance increased the availability of LCA and AAL lectin-binding sites in native IgG glycoepitopes.
- Published
- 2018
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12. Ensemble meteorological reconstruction using circulation analogues of 1781-1785.
- Author
P. Yiou, M. Boichu, Vautard, R., Vrac, M., Jourdain, S., Garnier, E., Fluteau, F., and Menut, L.
- Abstract
This paper uses a method of atmospheric flow analogues to reconstruct an ensemble of atmospheric variables (namely sea-level pressure, surface temperature and wind speed) between 1781 and 1785. The properties of this ensemble are investigated and tested against observations of temperature. The goal of the paper is to assess whether the atmospheric circulation during the Laki volcanic eruption (in 1783) and the subsequent winter were similar to the conditions that prevailed in the winter 2009/2010 and during spring 2010. We find that the three months following the Laki eruption in June 1783 barely have analogues in 2010. The cold winter of 1783/1784 yields circulation analogues in 2009/2010. Our analysis suggests that it is unlikely that the Laki eruption was responsible for the cold winter of 1783/1784, of the relatively short memory of the atmospheric circulation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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13. From prodigious volcanic degassing to caldera subsidence and quiescence at Ambrym (Vanuatu): the influence of regional tectonics.
- Author
Shreve T, Grandin R, Boichu M, Garaebiti E, Moussallam Y, Ballu V, Delgado F, Leclerc F, Vallée M, Henriot N, Cevuard S, Tari D, Lebellegard P, and Pelletier B
- Abstract
Eruptive activity shapes volcanic edifices. The formation of broad caldera depressions is often associated with major collapse events, emplacing conspicuous pyroclastic deposits. However, caldera subsidence may also proceed silently by magma withdrawal at depth, more difficult to detect. Ambrym, a basaltic volcanic island, hosts a 12-km wide caldera and several intensely-degassing lava lakes confined to intra-caldera cones. Using satellite remote sensing of deformation, gas emissions and thermal anomalies, combined with seismicity and ground observations, we show that in December 2018 an intra-caldera eruption at Ambrym preceded normal faulting with >2 m of associated uplift along the eastern rift zone and 2.5 m of caldera-wide subsidence. Deformation was caused by lateral migration of >0.4 cubic kilometers of magma into the rift zone, extinguishing the lava lakes, and feeding a submarine eruption in the rift edge. Recurring rifting episodes, favored by stress induced by the D'Entrecasteaux Ridge collision against the New Hebrides arc, lead to progressive subsidence of Ambrym's caldera and concurrent draining of the lava lakes. Although counterintuitive, convergent margin systems can induce rift zone volcanism and subsequent caldera subsidence.
- Published
- 2019
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