A deficiency of the enzyme guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I (GTPCH 1) causes a reduction in the synthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a cofactor that is essential in the synthesis of tyrosine, dopamine and serotonin. It is an infrequent disease that produces psychomotor delay or regression and movement disorders, although treatment can improve or even correct the clinical signs and symptoms.We report the case of a girl with autosomal recessive GTPCH deficiency, who was diagnosed at 14 months by means of an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid with pterin, HVA and 5-HIAA deficiency, and positive phenylalanine overload test and genetic study. The clinical features began at the age of 5 months with intermittent upper limb and brain tremors, both at rest and intentional, that disappeared after a month. Psychomotor development was normal, mild axial hypotonia being found in the examination while the complementary tests that were performed were normal. The patient later presented psychomotor regression with loss of head control, diminished active movements, difficulty in bimanual manipulation, hypomimia and severe global hypotonia, which was the reason for the study of a progressive encephalopathy. Following the diagnosis of GTPCH deficiency, replacement therapy was established with levodopa/carbidopa, OH tryptophan and BH4, with excellent progress made in motor and cognitive functioning. Today, the patient is 5 years old, has an adequate psychomotor development for her age, is in the third year of preschool education and has caught up with the level of the rest of her classmates.In this case attention must be drawn to the extremely satisfactory motor and cognitive improvement of the patient after starting replacement therapy, as in many cases the cognitive level is usually affected on a permanent basis.Deficit de GTPCH 1 autosomico recesivo: importancia del analisis de los neurotransmisores en el liquido cefalorraquideo.Introduccion. El deficit de la enzima trifosfato de guanosina ciclohidrolasa 1 (GTPCH 1) origina una disminucion de la sintesis de la tetrahidrobiopterina (BH4), cofactor indispensable en la sintesis de la tirosina, la dopamina y la serotonina. Es una enfermedad poco frecuente que produce un retraso o regresion psicomotora y trastornos del movimiento, y en la que el tratamiento puede mejorar o incluso corregir la clinica. Caso clinico. Niña afecta de deficit de GTPCH con herencia autosomica recesiva, diagnosticada a los 14 meses con estudio del liquido cefalorraquideo con deficit de pterinas, HVA y 5-HIAA, test de sobrecarga de fenilalanina y estudio genetico positivos. La clinica comenzo a los 5 meses con temblor cefalico y de las extremidades superiores, en reposo e intencional, intermitente, que desaparecio en un mes. El desarrollo psicomotor era normal, destacaba una hipotonia axial leve en la exploracion y las pruebas complementarias realizadas fueron normales. Posteriormente presento regresion psicomotora con perdida del sosten cefalico, disminucion de los movimientos activos, dificultad para la manipulacion bimanual, hipomimia e hipotonia global grave, lo que motivo el estudio de una encefalopatia progresiva. Tras el diagnostico de deficit de GTPCH, inicio tratamiento sustitutivo con levodopa/carbidopa, OH triptofano y BH4, con muy buena evolucion tanto motora como cognitiva. Actualmente, la paciente tiene 5 años, presenta un desarrollo psicomotor adecuado a su edad, cursa tercer curso de educacion infantil y ha alcanzado el nivel de su clase. Conclusion. Hay que destacar en este caso la mejoria tan satisfactoria, tanto motora como cognitiva, tras iniciar el tratamiento sustitutivo, ya que el nivel cognitivo suele quedar afectado en muchos casos.