51 results on '"Ma Eb"'
Search Results
2. Production of charged pions, kaons and protons at large transverse momenta in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
- Author
Piano, Stefano, Lea, Ramona, Camerini, Paolo, Luparello, Grazia, Margagliotti, Giacomo, Rui, Rinaldo, Abelev bt, B., Adam ak, J., Adamová cb, D., Aggarwal cf, M. M., Aglieri Rinella ah, G., Agnello cm, M., Agostinelli z, A., Agrawal ar, N., Ahammed dw, Z., Ahmad r, N., Ahmad Masoodi r, A., Ahmed o, I., Ahn bm, S. U., Ahn bm, S. A., Aimo cm, I., Aiola eb, S., Ajaz o, M., Akindinov bc, A., Aleksandrov cs, D., Alessandro dd, B., Alexandre cu, D., Alici cx, A., L, Alkin c, A., Alme ai, J., Alt am, T., Altini ae, V., Altinpinar q, S., Altsybeev dv, I., Alves Garcia Prado dl, C., Andrei bw, C., Andronic cp, A., Anguelov cl, V., Anielski ay, J., Anticˇic ́ cq, T., Antinori da, F., Antonioli cx, P., Aphecetche df, L., Appelshäuser aw, H., Arbor bp, N., Arcelli z, S., Armesto p, N., Arnaldi dd, R., Aronsson eb, T., Arsene u, I. C., Arslandok aw, M., Augustinus ah, A., Averbeck cp, R., Awes cc, T. C., Azmi r, M. D., Bach am, M., Badalà cz, A., Baek an, Y. W., Bagnasco dd, S., Bailhache aw, R., Bairathi cj, V., Bala ci, R., Baldisseri n, A., Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa ah, F., Bán bd, J., Baral bf, R. C., Barbera aa, R., Barile ae, F., Barnaföldi ea, G. G., Barnby cu, L. S., Barret bo, V., Bartke di, J., Basile z, M., Bastid bo, N., Basu dw, S., Bathen ay, B., Batigne df, G., Batyunya bk, B., Batzing u, P. C., Baumann aw, C., Bearden by, I. G., Beck aw, H., Bedda cm, C., Behera ar, N. K., Belikov az, I., Bellini z, F., Bellwied dn, R., Belmont Moreno bi, E., Bencedi ea, G., Beole y, S., Berceanu bw, I., Bercuci bw, A., Berdnikov cd, Y., 1, Berenyi ea, D., Berger ck, M. E., Bertens bb, R. A., Berzano y, D., Betev ah, L., Bhasin ci, A., Bhati cf, A. K., Bhattacharjee ao, B., Bhom ds, J., Bianchi y, L., Bianchi bq, N., Bianchin bb, C., Bielcˇík ak, J., Bielcˇíková cb, J., Bilandzic by, A., Bjelogrlic bb, S., Blanco j, F., Blau cs, D., Blume aw, C., Bock cl, F., Bogdanov bu, A., Bøggild by, H., Bogolyubsky de, M., Böhmer ck, F. V., Boldizsár ea, L., Bombara al, M., Book aw, J., Borel n, H., Borissov dz, A., Bornschein am, J., Bossú bj, F., Botje bz, M., Botta y, E., Böttger av, S., Braun Munzinger cp, P., Bregant dl, M., Breitner av, T., Broker aw, T. A., Browning cn, T. A., Broz aj, M., Bruna dd, E., Bruno ae, G. E., Budnikov cr, D., Buesching aw, H., Bufalino dd, S., Buncic ah, P., Busch cl, O., Buthelezi bj, Z., Caffarri ab, D., Cai g, X., Caines eb, H., Caliva bb, A., Calvo Villar cv, E., Canoa Roman ah, V., Carena ah, F., Carena ah, W., Carminati ah, F., Casanova Díaz bq, A., Castillo Castellanos n, J., Casula w, E. A. R., Catanescu bw, V., Cavicchioli ah, C., Ceballos Sanchez i, C., Cepila ak, J., Cerello dd, P., Chang do, B., Chapeland ah, S., Charvet n, J. L., Chattopadhyay dw, S., Chattopadhyay ct, S., Cherney ce, M., Cheshkov du, C., Cheynis du, B., Chibante Barroso ah, V., Chinellato dn, D. D., Chochula ah, P., Chojnacki by, M., Choudhury dw, S., Christakoglou bz, P., Christensen by, C. H., Christiansen af, P., Chujo ds, T., Chung co, S. U., Cicalo cy, C., Cifarelli l, L., Z, Cindolo cx, F., Cleymans ch, J., Colamaria ae, F., Colella ae, D., Collu w, A., Colocci z, M., Conesa Balbastre bp, G., Conesa del Valle au, Z., Connors eb, M. E., Contin x, G., Contreras k, J. G., Cormier cc, T. M., Corrales Morales y, Y., Cortese ad, P., Cortés Maldonado b, I., Cosentino bs, M. R., Costa ah, F., Crochet bo, P., Cruz Albino k, R., Cuautle bh, E., Cunqueiro bq, L., Dainese da, A., Dang g, R., Danu bg, A., Das ct, D., Das au, I., Das ct, K., Das d, S., Dash dm, A., Dash ar, S., De dw, S., Delagrange df, H., 2, Deloff bv, A., Dénes ea, E., D’Erasmo ae, G., de Barros dl, G. O. V., De Caro l, A., de Cataldo cw, G., de Cuveland am, J., De Falco w, A., De Gruttola ac, D., De Marco dd, N., De Pasquale ac, S., de Rooij bb, R., Diaz Corchero j, M. A., Dietel ay, T., Divià ah, R., Di Bari ae, D., Di Liberto db, S., Di Mauro ah, A., Di Nezza bq, P., Djuvsland q, Ø., Dobrin bb, A., Dobrowolski bv, T., Domenicis Gimenez dl, D., Dönigus aw, B., Dordic u, O., Dørheim ck, S., Dubey dw, A. K., Dubla bb, A., Ducroux du, L., Dupieux bo, P., Dutta Majumdar ct, A. K., Ehlers eb, R. J., Elia cw, D., Engel av, H., Erazmus ah, B., Erdal ai, H. A., Eschweiler am, D., Espagnon au, B., Estienne df, M., Esumi ds, S., Evans cu, D., Evdokimov de, S., Eyyubova u, G., Fabris da, D., Faivre bp, J., Falchieri z, D., Fantoni bq, A., Fasel cl, M., Fehlker q, D., Feldkamp ay, L., Felea bg, D., Feliciello dd, A., Feofilov dv, G., Ferencei cb, J., Fernández Téllez b, A., Ferreiro p, E. G., Ferretti y, A., Festanti ab, A., Figiel di, J., Figueredo dl, M. A. S., Filchagin cr, S., Finogeev ba, D., Fionda ae, F. M., Fiore ae, E. M., Floratos cg, E., Floris ah, M., Foertsch bj, S., Foka cp, P., Fokin cs, S., Fragiacomo dc, E., Francescon ab, A., Frankenfeld cp, U., Fuchs ah, U., Furget bp, C., Fusco Girard ac, M., Gaardhøje by, J. J., Gagliardi y, M., Gago cv, A. M., Gallio y, M., Gangadharan s, D. R., Ganoti cg, P., Garabatos cp, C., Garcia Solis m, E., Gargiulo ah, C., Garishvili bt, I., Gerhard am, J., Germain df, M., Gheata ah, A., Gheata bg, M., Ghidini ae, B., Ghosh dw, P., Ghosh d, S. K., Gianotti bq, P., Giubellino ah, P., Gladysz Dziadus di, E., Glässel cl, P., Gomez k, R., González Zamora j, P., Gorbunov am, S., Görlich di, L., Gotovac dh, S., Graczykowski dy, L. K., Grajcarek cl, R., Grelli bb, A., Grigoras ah, A., Grigoras ah, C., Grigoriev bu, V., Grigoryan a, A., Grigoryan bk, S., Grinyov c, B., Grion dc, N., Grosse Oetringhaus ah, J. F., Grossiord du, J. Y., Grosso ah, R., Guber ba, F., Guernane bp, R., Guerzoni z, B., Guilbaud du, M., Gulbrandsen by, K., Gulkanyan a, H., Gunji dr, T., Gupta ci, A., Gupta ci, R., Khan o, K. H., Haake ay, R., Haaland q, Ø., Hadjidakis au, C., Haiduc bg, M., Hamagaki dr, H., Hamar ea, G., Hanratty cu, L. D., Hansen by, A., Harris eb, J. W., Hartmann am, H., Harton m, A., Hatzifotiadou cx, D., Hayashi dr, S., Heckel aw, S. T., Heide ay, M., Helstrup ai, H., Herghelegiu bw, A., Herrera Corral k, G., Hess ag, B. A., Hetland ai, K. F., Hicks eb, B., Hippolyte az, B., Hladky be, J., Hristov ah, P., Huang q, M., Humanic s, T. J., Hutter am, D., Hwang t, D. S., Ilkaev cr, R., Ilkiv bv, I., Inaba ds, M., Incani w, E., Innocenti y, G. M., Ionita ah, C., Ippolitov cs, M., Irfan r, M., Ivanov cp, M., Ivanov cd, V., Ivanytskyi c, O., Jachołkowski aa, A., Jacobs bs, P. M., Jahnke dl, C., Jang bm, H. J., Janik dy, M. A., Jayarathna dn, P. H. S. Y., Jena ar, S., Jimenez Bustamante bh, R. T., Jones cu, P. G., Jung an, H., Jusko cu, A., Kalcher am, S., Kalinak bd, P., Kalweit ah, A., Kamin aw, J., Kang ec, J. H., Kaplin bu, V., Kar dw, S., Karasu Uysal bn, A., Karavichev ba, O., Karavicheva ba, T., Karpechev ba, E., Kebschull av, U., Keidel ed, R., Ketzer ck, B., Khan r, M. M., 3, Khan ct, P., Khan dw, S. A., Khanzadeev cd, A., Kharlov de, Y., Kileng ai, B., Kim ec, B., Kim bm, D. W., Kim do, D. J., Kim an, J. S., Kim an, M., Kim ec, M., Kim t, S., Kim ec, T., Kirsch am, S., Kisel am, I., Kiselev bc, S., Kisiel dy, A., Kiss ea, G., Klay f, J. L., Klein cl, J., Klein Bösing ay, C., Kluge ah, A., Knichel cp, M. L., Knospe dj, A. G., Kobdaj ah, C., Kofarago ah, M., Köhler cp, M. K., Kollegger am, T., Kolojvari dv, A., Kondratiev dv, V., Kondratyeva bu, N., Konevskikh ba, A., Kovalenko dv, V., Kowalski ah, M., Kox bp, S., Koyithatta Meethaleveedu ar, G., Kral do, J., Králik bd, I., Kramer aw, F., Kravcˇáková al, A., Krelina ak, M., Kretz am, M., Krivda cu, M., Krizek cb, F., Krus ak, M., Kryshen cd, E., Krzewicki cp, M., Kucˇera cb, V., Kucheriaev cs, Y., Kugathasan ah, T., Kuhn az, C., Kuijer bz, P. G., Kulakov aw, I., Kumar ar, J., Kurashvili bv, P., Kurepin ba, A., Kurepin ba, A. B., Kuryakin cr, A., Kushpil cb, S., Kushpil cb, V., Kweon cl, M. J., Kwon ec, Y., Ladron de Guevara bh, P., Lagana Fernandes dl, C., Lakomov au, I., Langoy dx, R., Lara av, C., Lardeux df, A., Lattuca y, A., La Pointe dd, S. L., La Rocca aa, P., Leardini cl, L., Lee cu, G. R., Legrand ah, I., Lehnert aw, J., Lemmon ca, R. C., Lenhardt cp, M., Lenti cw, V., Leogrande bb, E., Leoncino y, M., León Monzón dk, I., Lévai ea, P., Li g, S., Lien dx, J., Lietava cu, R., Lindal u, S., Lindenstruth am, V., Lippmann cp, C., Lisa s, M. A., Ljunggren af, H. M., Lodato bb, D. F., Loenne q, P. I., Loggins dz, V. R., Loginov bu, V., Lohner cl, D., Loizides bs, C., Lopez bo, X., López Torres i, E., Lu cl, X. G., Luettig aw, P., Lunardon ab, M., Luo g, J., Luzzi ah, C., Ma eb, R., Maevskaya ba, A., Mager ah, M., Mahapatra bf, D. P., Maire cl, A., Malaev cd, M., Maldonado Cervantes bh, I., Malinina bk, L., 4, Mal’Kevich bc, D., Malzacher cp, P., Mamonov cr, A., Manceau dd, L., Manko cs, V., Manso bo, F., Manzari ah, V., Marchisone y, M., Mareš be, J., Margotti cx, A., Marín cp, A., Markert ah, C., Marquard aw, M., Martashvili dq, I., Martin cp, N. A., Martinengo ah, P., Martínez b, M. I., Martínez García df, G., Martin Blanco df, J., Martynov c, Y., Mas df, A., Masciocchi cp, S., Masera y, M., Masoni cy, A., Massacrier df, L., Mastroserio ae, A., Matyja di, A., Mayer di, C., Mazer dq, J., Mazumder as, R., Mazzoni db, M. A., Meddi v, F., Menchaca Rocha bi, A., Meninno ac, E., Mercado Pérez cl, J., Meres aj, M., Miake ds, Y., Mikhaylov bc, K., Milano ah, L., Milosevic u, J., 5, Mischke bb, A., Mishra as, A. N., Mis ́kowiec cp, D., Mitu bg, C. M., Mlynarz dz, J., Mohanty dw, B., Molnar az, L., Montaño Zetina k, L., Montes j, E., Morando ab, M., Moreira De Godoy dl, D. A., Moretto ab, S., Morreale do, A., Morsch ah, A., Muccifora bq, V., Mudnic dh, E., Muhuri dw, S., Mukherjee dw, M., Müller ah, H., Munhoz dl, M. G., Murray ch, S., Musa ah, L., Musinsky bd, J., Nandi ar, B. K., Nania cx, R., Nappi cw, E., Nattrass dq, C., Nayak dw, T. K., Nazarenko cr, S., Nedosekin bc, A., Nicassio cp, M., Niculescu bg, M., Nielsen by, B. S., Nikolaev cs, S., Nikulin cs, S., Nikulin cd, V., Nilsen ce, B. S., Noferini l, F., Nomokonov bk, P., Nooren bb, G., Nyanin cs, A., Nystrand q, J., Oeschler cl, H., Oh eb, S., Oh bl, S. K., An, 6, Okatan bn, A., Olah ea, L., Oleniacz dy, J., Oliveira Da Silva dl, A. C., Onderwaater cp, J., Oppedisano dd, C., Ortiz Velasquez af, A., Oskarsson af, A., Otwinowski cp, J., Oyama cl, K., Pachmayer cl, Y., Pachr ak, M., Pagano ac, P., Paic ́ bh, G., Painke am, F., Pajares p, C., Pal dw, S. K., Palmeri cz, A., Pant ar, D., Papikyan a, V., Pappalardo cz, G. S., Park cp, W. J., Passfeld ay, A., Patalakha de, D. I., Paticchio cw, V., Paul ct, B., Pawlak dy, T., Peitzmann bb, T., Pereira Da Costa n, H., Pereira De Oliveira Filho dl, E., Peresunko cs, D., Pérez Lara bz, C. E., Peryt dy, W., Pesci cx, A., Pestov e, Y., Petrácˇek ak, V., Petran ak, M., Petris bw, M., Petrovici bw, M., Petta aa, C., Pikna aj, M., Pillot df, P., Pinazza ah, O., Pinsky dn, L., Piyarathna dn, D. B., Płoskon ́ bs, M., Planinic cq, M., Pluta dy, J., Pochybova ea, S., Podesta Lerma dk, P. L. M., Poghosyan ah, M. G., Pohjoisaho ap, E. H. O., Polichtchouk de, B., Poljak cq, N., Pop bw, A., Porteboeuf Houssais bo, S., Porter bs, J., Pospisil ak, V., Potukuchi ci, B., Prasad d, S. K., Preghenella cx, R., Prino dd, F., Pruneau dz, C. A., Pshenichnov ba, I., Puddu w, G., Punin cr, V., Putschke dz, J., Qvigstad u, H., Rachevski dc, A., Raha d, S., Rak do, J., Rakotozafindrabe n, A., Ramello ad, L., Raniwala cj, R., Raniwala cj, S., Räsänen ap, S. S., Rascanu aw, B. T., Rathee cf, D., Rauf o, A. W., Razazi w, V., Read dq, K. F., Real bp, J. S., Redlich bv, K., 7, Reed eb, R. J., Rehman q, A., Reichelt aw, P., Reicher bb, M., Reidt cl, F., Renfordt aw, R., Reolon bq, A. R., Reshetin ba, A., Rettig am, F., Revol ah, J. P., Reygers cl, K., Riabov cd, V., Ricci br, R. A., Richert af, T., Richter u, M., Riedler ah, P., Riegler ah, W., Riggi aa, F., Rivetti dd, A., Rocco bb, E., Rodríguez Cahuantzi b, M., Rodriguez Manso bz, A., Røed u, K., Rogochaya bk, E., Rohni ci, S., Rohr am, D., Röhrich q, D., Romita dp, R., Ronchetti bq, F., Ronflette df, L., Rosnet bo, P., Rossegger ah, S., Rossi ah, A., Roukoutakis cg, F., Roy as, A., Roy az, C., Roy ct, P., Rubio Montero j, A. J., Russo y, R., Ryabinkin cs, E., Ryabov cd, Y., Rybicki di, A., Sadovsky de, S., Šafarˇík ah, K., Sahlmuller aw, B., Sahoo as, R., Sahu bf, P. K., Saini dw, J., Salgado p, C. A., Salzwedel s, J., Sambyal ci, S., Samsonov cd, V., Sanchez Castro az, X., Sánchez Rodríguez dk, F. J., Šándor bd, L., Sandoval bi, A., Sano ds, M., Santagati aa, G., Sarkar dw, D., Scapparone cx, E., Scarlassara ab, F., Scharenberg cn, R. P., Schiaua bw, C., Schicker cl, R., Schmidt cp, C., Schmidt ag, H. R., Schuchmann aw, S., Schukraft ah, J., Schulc ak, M., Schuster eb, T., Schutz ah, Y., Schwarz cp, K., Schweda cp, K., Scioli z, G., Scomparin dd, E., Scott cu, P. A., Scott dq, R., Segato ab, G., Seger ce, J. E., Selyuzhenkov cp, I., Seo co, J., Serradilla j, E., Sevcenco bg, A., Shabetai df, A., Shabratova bk, G., Shahoyan ah, R., Shangaraev de, A., Sharma dq, N., Sharma ci, S., Shigaki aq, K., Shtejer y, K., Sibiriak cs, Y., Siddhanta cy, S., Siemiarczuk bv, T., Silvermyr cc, D., Silvestre bp, C., Simatovic dt, G., Singaraju dw, R., Singh ci, R., Singha bx, S., Singhal dw, V., Sinha dw, B. C., Sinha ct, T., Sitar aj, B., Sitta ad, M., Skaali u, T. B., Skjerdal q, K., Smakal ak, R., Smirnov eb, N., Snellings bb, R. J. M., Søgaard af, C., Soltz bt, R., Song co, J., Song ec, M., Soramel ab, F., Sorensen dq, S., Spacek ak, M., Sputowska di, I., Spyropoulou Stassinaki cg, M., Srivastava cn, B. K., Stachel cl, J., Stan bg, I., Stefanek bv, G., Steinpreis s, M., Stenlund af, E., Steyn bj, G., Stiller cl, J. H., Stocco df, D., Stolpovskiy de, M., Strmen aj, P., Suaide dl, A. A. P., Subieta Vasquez y, M. A., Sugitate aq, T., Suire au, C., Suleymanov o, M., Sultanov bc, R., Šumbera cb, M., Susa cq, T., Symons bs, T. J. M., Szanto de Toledo dl, A., Szarka aj, I., Szczepankiewicz ah, A., Szymanski dy, M., Takahashi dm, J., Tangaro ae, M. A., Tapia Takaki au, J. D., 8, Tarantola Peloni aw, A., Tarazona Martinez ah, A., Tarzila bw, M. G., Tauro ah, A., Tejeda Muñoz b, G., Telesca ah, A., Terrevoli w, C., Ter Minasyan bu, A., Thäder cp, J., Thomas bb, D., Tieulent du, R., Timmins dn, A. R., Toia da, A., Torii dr, H., Trubnikov c, V., Trzaska do, W. H., Tsuji dr, T., Tumkin cr, A., Turrisi da, R., Tveter u, T. S., Ulery aw, J., Ullaland q, K., Uras du, A., Usai w, G. L., Vajzer cb, M., Vala bk, M., Valencia Palomo au, L., Vallero y, S., Vande Vyvre ah, P., Vannucci br, L., Van Der Maarel bb, J., Van Hoorne ah, J. W., van Leeuwen bb, M., Vargas b, A., Varma ar, R., Vasileiou cg, M., Vasiliev cs, A., Vechernin dv, V., Veldhoen bb, M., Velure q, A., Venaruzzo x, M., Vercellin y, E., Vergara Limón b, S., Vernet h, R., Verweij dz, M., Vickovic dh, L., Viesti ab, G., Viinikainen do, J., Vilakazi bj, Z., Villalobos Baillie cu, O., Vinogradov cs, A., Vinogradov dv, L., Vinogradov cr, Y., Virgili ac, T., Viyogi dw, Y. P., Vodopyanov bk, A., Völkl cl, M. A., Voloshin bc, K., Voloshin dz, S. A., Volpe ah, G., von Haller ah, B., Vorobyev dv, I., Vranic cp, D., Vrláková al, J., Vulpescu bo, B., Vyushin cr, A., Wagner q, B., Wagner cp, J., Wagner ak, V., Wang g, M., Wang cl, Y., Watanabe ds, D., Weber dn, M., Wessels ay, J. P., Westerhoff ay, U., Wiechula ag, J., Wikne u, J., Wilde ay, M., Wilk bv, G., Wilkinson cl, J., Williams cx, M. C. S., Windelband cl, B., Winn cl, M., Xiang g, C., Yaldo dz, C. G., Yamaguchi dr, Y., Yang bb, H., Yang g, P., Yang q, S., Yano aq, S., Yasnopolskiy cs, S., Yi co, J., Yin g, Z., Yoo co, I. K., Yushmanov cs, I., Zaccolo by, V., Zach ak, C., Zaman o, A., Zampolli cx, C., Zaporozhets bk, S., Zarochentsev dv, A., Závada be, P., Zaviyalov cr, N., Zbroszczyk dy, H., Zgura bg, I. S., Zhalov cd, M., Zhang g, F., Zhang g, H., Zhang bo, X., Bs, G, Zhangg, Y., Zhaou, C., Zhoug, D., Zhoug, F., Zhoubb, Y., Zhug, H., Zhudf, J., G, Zhug, J., Zhug, X., Zichichil, A., Zimmermann cl, A., Zimmermann ay, M. B., Zinovjev c, G., Zoccarato du, Y., Zynovyev c, M., Zyzak aw, M., Piano, Stefano, Lea, Ramona, Camerini, Paolo, Luparello, Grazia, Margagliotti, Giacomo, Rui, Rinaldo, B., Abelev bt, J., Adam ak, D., Adamová cb, M. M., Aggarwal cf, G., Aglieri Rinella ah, M., Agnello cm, Dd, A., Agostinelli z, N., Agrawal ar, Z., Ahammed dw, N., Ahmad r, A., Ahmad Masoodi r, I., Ahmed o, S. U., Ahn bm, S. A., Ahn bm, I., Aimo cm, S., Aiola eb, M., Ajaz o, A., Akindinov bc, D., Aleksandrov c, B., Alessandro dd, D., Alexandre cu, A., Alici cx, L, A., Alkin c, J., Alme ai, T., Alt am, V., Altini ae, S., Altinpinar q, I., Altsybeev dv, C., Alves Garcia Prado dl, C., Andrei bw, A., Andronic cp, V., Anguelov cl, J., Anielski ay, T., Anticˇic ́ cq, F., Antinori da, P., Antonioli cx, L., Aphecetche df, H., Appelshäuser aw, N., Arbor bp, S., Arcelli z, N., Armesto p, R., Arnaldi dd, T., Aronsson eb, I. C., Arsene u, Cp, M., Arslandok aw, A., Augustinus ah, R., Averbeck cp, T. C., Awes cc, M. D., Azmi r, Ch, M., Bach am, A., Badalà cz, Y. W., Baek an, Bo, S., Bagnasco dd, R., Bailhache aw, V., Bairathi cj, R., Bala ci, A., Baldisseri n, F., Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa ah, J., Bán bd, R. C., Baral bf, R., Barbera aa, F., Barile ae, G. G., Barnaföldi ea, L. S., Barnby cu, V., Barret bo, J., Bartke di, M., Basile z, N., Bastid bo, S., Basu dw, B., Bathen ay, G., Batigne df, B., Batyunya bk, P. C., Batzing u, C., Baumann aw, I. G., Bearden by, H., Beck aw, C., Bedda cm, N. K., Behera ar, I., Belikov az, F., Bellini z, R., Bellwied dn, E., Belmont Moreno bi, G., Bencedi ea, S., Beole y, I., Berceanu bw, A., Bercuci bw, Y., Berdnikov cd, D., Berenyi ea, M. E., Berger ck, R. A., Bertens bb, D., Berzano y, L., Betev ah, A., Bhasin ci, A. K., Bhati cf, B., Bhattacharjee ao, J., Bhom d, L., Bianchi y, N., Bianchi bq, C., Bianchin bb, J., Bielcˇík ak, J., Bielcˇíková cb, A., Bilandzic by, S., Bjelogrlic bb, F., Blanco j, D., Blau c, C., Blume aw, F., Bock cl, Bs, A., Bogdanov bu, H., Bøggild by, M., Bogolyubsky de, F. V., Böhmer ck, L., Boldizsár ea, M., Bombara al, J., Book aw, H., Borel n, A., Borissov dz, Co, J., Bornschein am, F., Bossú bj, M., Botje bz, E., Botta y, S., Böttger av, P., Braun Munzinger cp, M., Bregant dl, T., Breitner av, T. A., Broker aw, T. A., Browning cn, M., Broz aj, Ak, E., Bruna dd, G. E., Bruno ae, D., Budnikov cr, H., Buesching aw, S., Bufalino dd, P., Buncic ah, O., Busch cl, Z., Buthelezi bj, D., Caffarri ab, X., Cai g, H., Caines eb, A., Caliva bb, E., Calvo Villar cv, V., Canoa Roman ah, F., Carena ah, W., Carena ah, F., Carminati ah, A., Casanova Díaz bq, J., Castillo Castellanos n, E. A. R., Casula w, V., Catanescu bw, C., Cavicchioli ah, C., Ceballos Sanchez i, J., Cepila ak, P., Cerello dd, B., Chang do, S., Chapeland ah, J. L., Charvet n, S., Chattopadhyay dw, S., Chattopadhyay ct, M., Cherney ce, C., Cheshkov du, B., Cheynis du, V., Chibante Barroso ah, D. D., Chinellato dn, Dm, P., Chochula ah, M., Chojnacki by, S., Choudhury dw, P., Christakoglou bz, C. H., Christensen by, P., Christiansen af, T., Chujo d, S. U., Chung co, C., Cicalo cy, L., Cifarelli l, Z, F., Cindolo cx, J., Cleymans ch, F., Colamaria ae, D., Colella ae, A., Collu w, M., Colocci z, G., Conesa Balbastre bp, Z., Conesa del Valle au, Ah, M. E., Connors eb, Contin x, G., J. G., Contreras k, T. M., Cormier cc, Dz, Y., Corrales Morales y, P., Cortese ad, I., Cortés Maldonado b, M. R., Cosentino b, Dl, F., Costa ah, P., Crochet bo, R., Cruz Albino k, E., Cuautle bh, L., Cunqueiro bq, A., Dainese da, R., Dang g, A., Danu bg, D., Das ct, I., Das au, K., Das ct, S., Das d, A., Dash dm, S., Dash ar, S., De dw, H., Delagrange df, A., Deloff bv, E., Dénes ea, G., D’Erasmo ae, G. O. V., de Barros dl, A., De Caro l, Ac, G., de Cataldo cw, J., de Cuveland am, A., De Falco w, D., De Gruttola ac, N., De Marco dd, S., De Pasquale ac, R., de Rooij bb, M. A., Diaz Corchero j, T., Dietel ay, R., Divià ah, D., Di Bari ae, S., Di Liberto db, A., Di Mauro ah, P., Di Nezza bq, Ø., Djuvsland q, A., Dobrin bb, T., Dobrowolski bv, D., Domenicis Gimenez dl, B., Dönigus aw, O., Dordic u, S., Dørheim ck, A. K., Dubey dw, A., Dubla bb, L., Ducroux du, P., Dupieux bo, A. K., Dutta Majumdar ct, R. J., Ehlers eb, D., Elia cw, H., Engel av, B., Erazmus ah, Df, H. A., Erdal ai, D., Eschweiler am, B., Espagnon au, M., Estienne df, S., Esumi d, D., Evans cu, S., Evdokimov de, G., Eyyubova u, D., Fabris da, J., Faivre bp, D., Falchieri z, A., Fantoni bq, M., Fasel cl, D., Fehlker q, L., Feldkamp ay, D., Felea bg, A., Feliciello dd, G., Feofilov dv, J., Ferencei cb, A., Fernández Téllez b, E. G., Ferreiro p, A., Ferretti y, A., Festanti ab, J., Figiel di, M. A. S., Figueredo dl, Dp, S., Filchagin cr, D., Finogeev ba, F. M., Fionda ae, E. M., Fiore ae, E., Floratos cg, M., Floris ah, S., Foertsch bj, P., Foka cp, S., Fokin c, E., Fragiacomo dc, A., Francescon ab, U., Frankenfeld cp, U., Fuchs ah, C., Furget bp, M., Fusco Girard ac, J. J., Gaardhøje by, M., Gagliardi y, A. M., Gago cv, M., Gallio y, D. R., Gangadharan, P., Ganoti cg, Cc, C., Garabatos cp, E., Garcia Solis m, C., Gargiulo ah, I., Garishvili bt, J., Gerhard am, M., Germain df, A., Gheata ah, M., Gheata bg, B., Ghidini ae, P., Ghosh dw, S. K., Ghosh d, P., Gianotti bq, P., Giubellino ah, E., Gladysz Dziadus di, P., Glässel cl, R., Gomez k, P., González Zamora j, S., Gorbunov am, L., Görlich di, S., Gotovac dh, L. K., Graczykowski dy, R., Grajcarek cl, A., Grelli bb, A., Grigoras ah, C., Grigoras ah, V., Grigoriev bu, A., Grigoryan a, S., Grigoryan bk, B., Grinyov c, N., Grion dc, J. F., Grosse Oetringhaus ah, J. Y., Grossiord du, R., Grosso ah, F., Guber ba, R., Guernane bp, B., Guerzoni z, M., Guilbaud du, K., Gulbrandsen by, H., Gulkanyan a, T., Gunji dr, A., Gupta ci, R., Gupta ci, K. H., Khan o, R., Haake ay, Ø., Haaland q, C., Hadjidakis au, M., Haiduc bg, H., Hamagaki dr, G., Hamar ea, L. D., Hanratty cu, A., Hansen by, J. W., Harris eb, H., Hartmann am, A., Harton m, D., Hatzifotiadou cx, S., Hayashi dr, S. T., Heckel aw, M., Heide ay, H., Helstrup ai, A., Herghelegiu bw, G., Herrera Corral k, B. A., Hess ag, K. F., Hetland ai, B., Hicks eb, B., Hippolyte az, J., Hladky be, P., Hristov ah, M., Huang q, T. J., Humanic, D., Hutter am, D. S., Hwang t, R., Ilkaev cr, I., Ilkiv bv, M., Inaba d, E., Incani w, G. M., Innocenti y, C., Ionita ah, M., Ippolitov c, M., Irfan r, M., Ivanov cp, V., Ivanov cd, O., Ivanytskyi c, A., Jachołkowski aa, P. M., Jacobs b, C., Jahnke dl, H. J., Jang bm, M. A., Janik dy, P. H. S. Y., Jayarathna dn, S., Jena ar, Dn, R. T., Jimenez Bustamante bh, P. G., Jones cu, H., Jung an, A., Jusko cu, S., Kalcher am, P., Kalinak bd, A., Kalweit ah, J., Kamin aw, J. H., Kang ec, V., Kaplin bu, S., Kar dw, A., Karasu Uysal bn, O., Karavichev ba, T., Karavicheva ba, E., Karpechev ba, U., Kebschull av, R., Keidel ed, B., Ketzer ck, M. M., Khan r, P., Khan ct, S. A., Khan dw, A., Khanzadeev cd, Y., Kharlov de, B., Kileng ai, B., Kim ec, D. W., Kim bm, An, D. J., Kim do, J. S., Kim an, M., Kim an, M., Kim ec, S., Kim t, T., Kim ec, S., Kirsch am, I., Kisel am, S., Kiselev bc, A., Kisiel dy, G., Kiss ea, J. L., Klay f, J., Klein cl, C., Klein Bösing ay, A., Kluge ah, M. L., Knichel cp, A. G., Knospe dj, C., Kobdaj ah, Dg, M., Kofarago ah, M. K., Köhler cp, T., Kollegger am, A., Kolojvari dv, V., Kondratiev dv, N., Kondratyeva bu, A., Konevskikh ba, V., Kovalenko dv, M., Kowalski ah, Di, S., Kox bp, G., Koyithatta Meethaleveedu ar, J., Kral do, I., Králik bd, F., Kramer aw, A., Kravcˇáková al, M., Krelina ak, M., Kretz am, M., Krivda cu, Bd, F., Krizek cb, Ap, M., Krus ak, E., Kryshen cd, M., Krzewicki cp, V., Kucˇera cb, Y., Kucheriaev c, T., Kugathasan ah, C., Kuhn az, P. G., Kuijer bz, I., Kulakov aw, J., Kumar ar, P., Kurashvili bv, A., Kurepin ba, A. B., Kurepin ba, A., Kuryakin cr, S., Kushpil cb, V., Kushpil cb, M. J., Kweon cl, At, Y., Kwon ec, P., Ladron de Guevara bh, C., Lagana Fernandes dl, I., Lakomov au, R., Langoy dx, C., Lara av, A., Lardeux df, A., Lattuca y, S. L., La Pointe dd, Bb, P., La Rocca aa, L., Leardini cl, G. R., Lee cu, I., Legrand ah, J., Lehnert aw, R. C., Lemmon ca, M., Lenhardt cp, V., Lenti cw, E., Leogrande bb, M., Leoncino y, I., León Monzón dk, P., Lévai ea, S., Li g, J., Lien dx, R., Lietava cu, S., Lindal u, V., Lindenstruth am, C., Lippmann cp, M. A., Lisa, H. M., Ljunggren af, D. F., Lodato bb, P. I., Loenne q, V. R., Loggins dz, V., Loginov bu, D., Lohner cl, C., Loizides b, X., Lopez bo, E., López Torres i, X. G., Lu cl, P., Luettig aw, M., Lunardon ab, J., Luo g, C., Luzzi ah, R., Ma eb, A., Maevskaya ba, M., Mager ah, D. P., Mahapatra bf, A., Maire cl, Az, M., Malaev cd, I., Maldonado Cervantes bh, L., Malinina bk, D., Mal’Kevich bc, P., Malzacher cp, A., Mamonov cr, L., Manceau dd, V., Manko c, F., Manso bo, V., Manzari ah, Cw, M., Marchisone y, J., Mareš be, A., Margotti cx, A., Marín cp, C., Markert ah, Dj, M., Marquard aw, I., Martashvili dq, N. A., Martin cp, P., Martinengo ah, M. I., Martínez b, G., Martínez García df, J., Martin Blanco df, Y., Martynov c, A., Mas df, S., Masciocchi cp, M., Masera y, A., Masoni cy, L., Massacrier df, A., Mastroserio ae, A., Matyja di, C., Mayer di, J., Mazer dq, R., Mazumder a, M. A., Mazzoni db, F., Meddi v, A., Menchaca Rocha bi, E., Meninno ac, J., Mercado Pérez cl, M., Meres aj, Y., Miake d, K., Mikhaylov bc, Bk, L., Milano ah, J., Milosevic u, A., Mischke bb, A. N., Mishra a, D., Mis ́kowiec cp, C. M., Mitu bg, J., Mlynarz dz, B., Mohanty dw, Bx, L., Molnar az, L., Montaño Zetina k, E., Montes j, M., Morando ab, D. A., Moreira De Godoy dl, S., Moretto ab, A., Morreale do, A., Morsch ah, V., Muccifora bq, E., Mudnic dh, S., Muhuri dw, M., Mukherjee dw, H., Müller ah, M. G., Munhoz dl, S., Murray ch, L., Musa ah, J., Musinsky bd, B. K., Nandi ar, R., Nania cx, E., Nappi cw, C., Nattrass dq, T. K., Nayak dw, S., Nazarenko cr, A., Nedosekin bc, M., Nicassio cp, M., Niculescu bg, B. S., Nielsen by, S., Nikolaev c, S., Nikulin c, V., Nikulin cd, B. S., Nilsen ce, F., Noferini l, Cx, P., Nomokonov bk, G., Nooren bb, A., Nyanin c, J., Nystrand q, H., Oeschler cl, Ax, S., Oh eb, S. K., Oh bl, An, 6, A., Okatan bn, L., Olah ea, J., Oleniacz dy, A. C., Oliveira Da Silva dl, J., Onderwaater cp, C., Oppedisano dd, A., Ortiz Velasquez af, A., Oskarsson af, J., Otwinowski cp, K., Oyama cl, Y., Pachmayer cl, M., Pachr ak, P., Pagano ac, G., Paic ́ bh, F., Painke am, C., Pajares p, S. K., Pal dw, A., Palmeri cz, D., Pant ar, V., Papikyan a, G. S., Pappalardo cz, W. J., Park cp, A., Passfeld ay, D. I., Patalakha de, V., Paticchio cw, B., Paul ct, T., Pawlak dy, T., Peitzmann bb, H., Pereira Da Costa n, E., Pereira De Oliveira Filho dl, D., Peresunko c, C. E., Pérez Lara bz, W., Peryt dy, A., Pesci cx, Y., Pestov e, V., Petrácˇek ak, M., Petran ak, M., Petris bw, M., Petrovici bw, C., Petta aa, M., Pikna aj, P., Pillot df, O., Pinazza ah, L., Pinsky dn, D. B., Piyarathna dn, M., Płoskon ́ b, M., Planinic cq, Dt, J., Pluta dy, S., Pochybova ea, P. L. M., Podesta Lerma dk, M. G., Poghosyan ah, Ce, E. H. O., Pohjoisaho ap, B., Polichtchouk de, N., Poljak cq, A., Pop bw, S., Porteboeuf Houssais bo, J., Porter b, V., Pospisil ak, B., Potukuchi ci, S. K., Prasad d, R., Preghenella cx, F., Prino dd, C. A., Pruneau dz, I., Pshenichnov ba, G., Puddu w, V., Punin cr, J., Putschke dz, H., Qvigstad u, A., Rachevski dc, S., Raha d, J., Rak do, A., Rakotozafindrabe n, L., Ramello ad, R., Raniwala cj, S., Raniwala cj, S. S., Räsänen ap, B. T., Rascanu aw, D., Rathee cf, A. W., Rauf o, V., Razazi w, K. F., Read dq, J. S., Real bp, K., Redlich bv, R. J., Reed eb, A., Rehman q, P., Reichelt aw, M., Reicher bb, F., Reidt cl, R., Renfordt aw, A. R., Reolon bq, A., Reshetin ba, F., Rettig am, J. P., Revol ah, K., Reygers cl, V., Riabov cd, R. A., Ricci br, T., Richert af, M., Richter u, P., Riedler ah, W., Riegler ah, F., Riggi aa, A., Rivetti dd, E., Rocco bb, M., Rodríguez Cahuantzi b, A., Rodriguez Manso bz, K., Røed u, E., Rogochaya bk, S., Rohni ci, D., Rohr am, D., Röhrich q, R., Romita dp, Ca, F., Ronchetti bq, L., Ronflette df, P., Rosnet bo, S., Rossegger ah, A., Rossi ah, F., Roukoutakis cg, A., Roy a, C., Roy az, P., Roy ct, A. J., Rubio Montero j, R., Russo y, E., Ryabinkin c, Y., Ryabov cd, A., Rybicki di, S., Sadovsky de, K., Šafarˇík ah, B., Sahlmuller aw, R., Sahoo a, P. K., Sahu bf, J., Saini dw, C. A., Salgado p, J., Salzwedel, S., Sambyal ci, V., Samsonov cd, X., Sanchez Castro az, Bh, F. J., Sánchez Rodríguez dk, L., Šándor bd, A., Sandoval bi, M., Sano d, G., Santagati aa, D., Sarkar dw, E., Scapparone cx, F., Scarlassara ab, R. P., Scharenberg cn, C., Schiaua bw, R., Schicker cl, C., Schmidt cp, H. R., Schmidt ag, S., Schuchmann aw, J., Schukraft ah, M., Schulc ak, T., Schuster eb, Y., Schutz ah, K., Schwarz cp, K., Schweda cp, G., Scioli z, E., Scomparin dd, P. A., Scott cu, R., Scott dq, G., Segato ab, J. E., Seger ce, I., Selyuzhenkov cp, J., Seo co, E., Serradilla j, Bi, A., Sevcenco bg, A., Shabetai df, G., Shabratova bk, R., Shahoyan ah, A., Shangaraev de, N., Sharma dq, Bf, S., Sharma ci, K., Shigaki aq, K., Shtejer y, Y., Sibiriak c, S., Siddhanta cy, T., Siemiarczuk bv, D., Silvermyr cc, C., Silvestre bp, G., Simatovic dt, R., Singaraju dw, R., Singh ci, S., Singha bx, Dw, V., Singhal dw, B. C., Sinha dw, T., Sinha ct, B., Sitar aj, M., Sitta ad, T. B., Skaali u, K., Skjerdal q, R., Smakal ak, N., Smirnov eb, R. J. M., Snellings bb, C., Søgaard af, R., Soltz bt, J., Song co, M., Song ec, F., Soramel ab, S., Sorensen dq, M., Spacek ak, I., Sputowska di, M., Spyropoulou Stassinaki cg, B. K., Srivastava cn, J., Stachel cl, I., Stan bg, G., Stefanek bv, M., Steinpreis, E., Stenlund af, G., Steyn bj, J. H., Stiller cl, D., Stocco df, M., Stolpovskiy de, P., Strmen aj, A. A. P., Suaide dl, M. A., Subieta Vasquez y, T., Sugitate aq, C., Suire au, M., Suleymanov o, R., Sultanov bc, M., Šumbera cb, T., Susa cq, T. J. M., Symons b, A., Szanto de Toledo dl, I., Szarka aj, A., Szczepankiewicz ah, M., Szymanski dy, J., Takahashi dm, M. A., Tangaro ae, J. D., Tapia Takaki au, A., Tarantola Peloni aw, A., Tarazona Martinez ah, M. G., Tarzila bw, A., Tauro ah, G., Tejeda Muñoz b, A., Telesca ah, C., Terrevoli w, A., Ter Minasyan bu, J., Thäder cp, D., Thomas bb, R., Tieulent du, A. R., Timmins dn, A., Toia da, Aw, H., Torii dr, V., Trubnikov c, W. H., Trzaska do, T., Tsuji dr, A., Tumkin cr, R., Turrisi da, T. S., Tveter u, J., Ulery aw, K., Ullaland q, A., Uras du, G. L., Usai w, M., Vajzer cb, M., Vala bk, L., Valencia Palomo au, S., Vallero y, Cl, P., Vande Vyvre ah, L., Vannucci br, J., Van Der Maarel bb, J. W., Van Hoorne ah, M., van Leeuwen bb, A., Vargas b, R., Varma ar, M., Vasileiou cg, A., Vasiliev c, V., Vechernin dv, M., Veldhoen bb, A., Velure q, M., Venaruzzo x, E., Vercellin y, S., Vergara Limón b, R., Vernet h, M., Verweij dz, L., Vickovic dh, G., Viesti ab, J., Viinikainen do, Z., Vilakazi bj, O., Villalobos Baillie cu, A., Vinogradov c, L., Vinogradov dv, Y., Vinogradov cr, T., Virgili ac, Y. P., Viyogi dw, A., Vodopyanov bk, M. A., Völkl cl, K., Voloshin bc, S. A., Voloshin dz, G., Volpe ah, B., von Haller ah, I., Vorobyev dv, D., Vranic cp, J., Vrláková al, B., Vulpescu bo, A., Vyushin cr, B., Wagner q, J., Wagner cp, V., Wagner ak, M., Wang g, Y., Wang cl, D., Watanabe d, M., Weber dn, J. P., Wessels ay, U., Westerhoff ay, J., Wiechula ag, J., Wikne u, M., Wilde ay, G., Wilk bv, J., Wilkinson cl, M. C. S., Williams cx, B., Windelband cl, M., Winn cl, C., Xiang g, C. G., Yaldo dz, Y., Yamaguchi dr, H., Yang bb, P., Yang g, S., Yang q, S., Yano aq, S., Yasnopolskiy c, J., Yi co, Z., Yin g, I. K., Yoo co, I., Yushmanov c, Zaccolo by, V., C., Zach ak, A., Zaman o, C., Zampolli cx, S., Zaporozhets bk, A., Zarochentsev dv, P., Závada be, N., Zaviyalov cr, H., Zbroszczyk dy, I. S., Zgura bg, M., Zhalov cd, F., Zhang g, H., Zhang g, X., Zhang bo, G, B, Y., Zhangg, C., Zhaou, D., Zhoug, F., Zhoug, Y., Zhoubb, H., Zhug, J., Zhudf, G, J., Zhug, X., Zhug, A., Zichichil, A., Zimmermann cl, M. B., Zimmermann ay, G., Zinovjev c, Y., Zoccarato du, M., Zynovyev c, and M., Zyzak aw
- Subjects
Particle ratios ,ALICE ,High pT ,Nuclear modification factor ,Identified particle production ,Particle ratio ,LHC ,Baryon anomaly - Abstract
Transverse momentum spectra of π±, K± and p(p ̄) up to pT = 20 GeV/c at mid-rapidity in pp, peripheral (60–80%) and central (0–5%) Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV have been measured using the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The proton-to-pion and the kaon-to-pion ratios both show a distinct peak at pT ≈ 3 GeV/c in central Pb–Pb collisions. Below the peak, pT < 3 GeV/c, both ratios are in good agreement with hydrodynamical calculations, suggesting that the peak itself is dominantly the result of radial flow rather than anomalous hadronization processes. For pT > 10 GeV/c particle ratios in pp and Pb–Pb collisions are in agreement and the nuclear modification factors for π±, K± and p(p ̄) indicate that, within the systematic and statistical uncertainties, the suppression is the same. This suggests that the chemical composition of leading particles from jets in the medium is similar to that of vacuum jets.
- Published
- 2014
3. Effect of calcium chloride concentration on biological co-digestion of municipal solid waste and landfill leachate
- Author
MA Ebrahimi-Nik, S Ghanbari Azad Pashaki, M Khojastehpour, and A Rohani
- Subjects
biogas ,municipal solid waste ,leachate ,calcium chloride ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Background and Objective: In recent years, management and disposal of municipal solid waste has become a global problem and the most important environmental concern. Anaerobic digestion is a cost-effective solution for treatment of both solid waste and wastewater. The aim of this study was to investigate the positive or negative effects of calcium chloride content in anaerobic digestion process of municipal solid waste and leachate on biogas production. Materials and Methods: Experiments with 8 levels of calcium chloride on co-digestion of municipal solid waste and leachate were investigated in 500 ml digesters under mesophilic conditions in a completely randomized design with three replications. Reactors with a ratio of substrate to inoculum of 2 (on VS basis) were operated and the volume of the biogas was measured daily. Volatile and total solids, carbon/nitrogen of waste, COD, BOD and heavy metals were measured by following APHA. Results: The results of the experiment showed that the pH was decreased with increasing calcium chloride concentration. The highest amount of cumulative biogas production was obtained in CaCl2 of 2 g/L with the highest VS and TS reduction. Higher concentrations of CaCl2 (≥3 g/L) caused a reduction in the degradability of volatile and total solids and, as a result, a decreased performance of the digester. Conclusion: The results clearly confirmed that the addition of calcium chloride was an effective solution to improve biodegradability in co-digestion of the MSW and leachate and consequently to reduce the total and volatile solids and to increase the amount of biogas.
- Published
- 2018
4. Repelling property of the methalonic and hexanic extracts of Sambucus ebulus L. against the Culex pipiens: in-vitro study
- Author
H Fathi, SF Motevalli-Haghi, MA Ebrahimzadeh, SH Nikookar, B Parsie, and M Karami
- Subjects
Sambucus ebulus L. ,Culex pipiens ,Insect repelent ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Background and Objective: The anti inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant of Sambucus ebulus L. have been reported in several studies. This study was done to assess the repelling property of the methalonic and hexanic extracts of Sambucus ebulus L. against the Culex pipiens. Methods: In this experimental study, Sambucus ebulus L. collected from the natural inhabitants of Mazandran province in northern Iran. Methalonic and hexanic extraction were provided from the leaf and fruit of Sambucus ebulus L. Concentration of 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg was prepared. 0.4 ml of the extract prepared and was spreed on the albino skin area of 4×6 cm2. After 30 minutes the number of the mosquito (Culex pipiens) bites on the skin was recorded. N, Ndiethyl-3 methyl benzamide was considered as positive control. Results: The highest repelling property of the Sambucus ebulus L. belonged to the concentration of 250 mg/kg of leaf and fruit extraction. The highest repelling effect was 80% and 66.8% for leaf methalonic and hexanic extract, respectively. The highest repelling effect was 84% and 72% for fruit metalonic and hexanic extract, respectively (P
- Published
- 2017
5. Bio-elicitation of β-carboline alkaloids in Cell Suspension Culture of Peganum harmala L.
- Author
MA Ebrahimi and N Zarinpanjeh
- Subjects
peganum harmala l. ,biotic elicitors ,cell suspension culture ,harmaline ,harmine ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Toxicology. Poisons ,RA1190-1270 - Abstract
Background: Sustainable and commercial production of secondary metabolites is a critical issue when dealing with its clinical application. Efforts are still being made to look for biotic or abiotic elicitors with more efficient and universal effects on the improvement of secondary metabolites. Objective: In order to evaluate the suitability of different biotic elicitors on P. harmala L. cell suspension cultures was established to enhance the &beta-carboline alkaloids (harmaline and harmine) production. Methods: The elicitation of cell suspension cultures of Peganum harmala L. was done by adding various fungal mycelium homogenates (Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria alternate, Coriolus versicolor, Fusarium oxysporum, Mucor sp, Penicillium notatum, and Rhizopus stonifer), Casein hydrolysate and Saccharomyces cerevisiae at different concentrations. The cell cultures of P. harmala L. were subcultured on MS medium with optimal treatment of biotic elicitor. CAMAG analytical HPTLC system was used for estimation of harmaline and harmine after extraction of &beta-carboline alkaloids. Results: The maximum harmine production (91.2±1.8 µg g-1 DW) was observed at 1000 mg l-1 S. cerevisiae in cell suspension culture of P. harmala L. (1.68 fold over than the control). Also the results showed that supplement of 75-100 mg l-1 casein hydrolysate in cell cultures media increased biomass of cell culture and harmaline and harmine production (1.61 and 1.46 times over than the control, respectively). Conclusion: The conclusion of the research showed that by applying biotic elicitors, we can reach to higher secondary metabolites (harmaline and harmine) in cell suspension culture of P. harmala L. We suggest future investigation on using other elicitors like bacterial extract or signal transduction compounds in cell suspension culture of P. harmala L. in order to increase the production of different kind of secondary metabolites.
- Published
- 2015
6. Evaluation of the Antioxidant capacities and Total Phenolic Contents of beech and oak Barks
- Author
R Fazli, N Nazarnezhad, MA Ebrahimzadeh, and M Zabihzadeh
- Subjects
Anti-oxidant Activity ,Phenols ,Flavonoids ,Beech ,Oak ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Abstract Background & aim: Anti-oxidant compounds prevent prevalence of chronic diseases and food spoiling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the total phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of beech and oak barks. Methods: In this experimental study, the skin of beech and oak trees were prepared and then acetone extraction was obtained using Soxhle method. At the beginning, total phenol and flavonoid of extracts were determined and the anti-oxidant properties of the extracts were then evaluated by three methods (methods Biphenyl Pykryl Hydrosol, regenerative power produced- and nitric oxide). Results: The amount of phenolic was higher in bark of beech trees, but flavonoids were higher in oaks. The result of test to trap free radicals of Biphenyl Pykryl Hydrazyl showed the inhibitory concentration 50% of acetone extract of the bark of beech and oak, were 92.19 and 33.7 mg/L respectively. Beech extracts had greater regenerative power than oak. In Nitric oxide trap test acetone extract inhibited 50% in bark of beech trees was 98/23 and the oak extract was 92/90 mg/L respectively. Conclusion: Acetone extract of the bark in three models showed varying degrees of anti - oxidant activity. Beech extract had better antioxidant activity compared with oak extract. Key words: Anti-oxidant Activity, Phenols, Flavonoids, Beech, Oak
- Published
- 2013
7. Assessment of Genetic Diversity in the Populations of Hypericum perforatum L. Using AFLP Markers
- Author
L Rezaei, A Qaderi, MR Naghavi, MA Ebrahimi, AS Riazi, A Mehrafarin, and H Naghdi Badi
- Subjects
hypericum perforatum ,genetic diversity ,aflp markers ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Toxicology. Poisons ,RA1190-1270 - Abstract
Background: Hypericum perforatum is one of the valuable medicinal plants in Iran that is used in treating human diseases likes mania, anxiety and depression. Objective : Iranian H. perforatum populations were gathered from deferent region of Iran and also their genetic diversity in company with the possible relationship between genetic diversity and geographical distribution were studied. Methodes: DNA was isolated by CTAB method from young leaves and double digested by EcoRI and Tru1I enzymes. Polymorphic DNA markers generated by DNA fingerprinting technique AFLP (Vos method) using 12 primers combinations. DNA fragments detected with silver nitrate staining according to Basam protocol. Results: Totally 235 bands were scored, that 97% of them were polymorphic. The PIC values ranged between 0.31 and 0.45 with mean of 0.38. The highest and the lowest levels of genetic similarity were 0.89 and 0.29, respectively. Cluster analysis using UPGMA method and DICE similarity coefficient indicated a high genetic diversity among H. perforatum populations. There was no relationship between genetic diversity and geographical distribution. Also for the all loci, the PC1 and PC2 explained 12.8% and 8.3% of the variation, respectively. Conclusion: Wide genetic diversity between Iranian H. perforatum pupulations provide applied information to performance of breeding programs and genetic resource management. Of course, investigation of amount of hypericin and hyperforin metabolites in these populations are requiring to selection paramount genotypes.
- Published
- 2012
8. Kombucha inhibits adipogenesis and promotes lipolytic activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
- Author
Jeong AY, Ma EB, Hong SJ, Kim E, Ko S, Huh JY, and Kim YM
- Abstract
This research was conducted to investigate the anti-obesity effects of black tea or green tea kombucha (BK, GK) and compared their compositional differences. As a result of kombucha treatment during the adipocyte differentiation process, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ was significantly decreased, and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α and adipocyte protein 2 showed a tendency to decrease with BK treatment. Oil red O staining results also demonstrated a reduction of lipid accumulation by BK treatment compared to the control. In mature adipocytes, BK significantly upregulated the gene expression of hormone-sensitive lipase and tended to increase the expression of adipose triglyceride lipase and adiponectin. Additionally, as a biomarker of lipolysis, glycerol content also marginally increased with either BK or GK treatment. The differences were observed in tea polyphenol compound and organic acid contents between BK and GK. In conclusion, these results suggest that black tea kombucha may have anti-obesity activity., Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10068-024-01740-8., Competing Interests: Conflict of interestThe authors declare no known competing financial interest., (© The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2024. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.)
- Published
- 2024
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9. Associations Between Patient/Caregiver Trust in Clinicians and Experiences of Healthcare-Based Discrimination.
- Author
Kaur A, Gottlieb LM, Ettinger de Cuba S, Byhoff E, Fleegler EW, Cohen AJ, Glasser NJ, Ommerborn MJ, Clark CR, and De Marchis EH
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Cross-Sectional Studies, Adult, Middle Aged, United States, Primary Health Care statistics & numerical data, Racism psychology, Racism statistics & numerical data, Child, Young Adult, Adolescent, Logistic Models, Trust psychology, Caregivers psychology, Caregivers statistics & numerical data, Physician-Patient Relations
- Abstract
Background: Higher trust in healthcare providers has been linked to better health outcomes and satisfaction. Lower trust has been associated with healthcare-based discrimination., Objective: Examine associations between experiences of healthcare discrimination and patients' and caregivers of pediatric patients' trust in providers, and identify factors associated with high trust, including prior experience of healthcare-based social screening., Methods: Secondary analysis of cross-sectional study using logistic regression modeling. Sample consisted of adult patients and caregivers of pediatric patients from 11 US primary care/emergency department sites., Results: Of 1,012 participants, low/medium trust was reported by 26% identifying as non-Hispanic Black, 23% Hispanic, 18% non-Hispanic multiple/other race, and 13% non-Hispanic White ( P = .001). Experience of any healthcare-based discrimination was reported by 32% identifying as non-Hispanic Black, 23% Hispanic, 39% non-Hispanic multiple/other race, and 26% non-Hispanic White ( P = .012). Participants reporting low/medium trust had a mean discrimination score of 1.65/7 versus 0.57/7 for participants reporting high trust ( P < .001). In our adjusted model, higher discrimination scores were associated with lower trust in providers (aOR 0.74, 95%CI = 0.64, 0.85). A significant interaction indicated that prior healthcare-based social screening was associated with reduced impact of discrimination on trust: as discrimination score increased, odds of high trust were greater among participants who had been screened (aOR = 1.28, 95%CI = 1.03, 1.58)., Conclusions: Patients and caregivers reporting more healthcare-based discrimination were less likely to report high provider trust. Interventions to strengthen trust need structural antiracist components. Increased rapport with patients may be a potential by-product of social screening. Further research is needed on screening and trust., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report., (© Copyright by the American Board of Family Medicine.)
- Published
- 2024
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10. Pathophysiology of sarcopenia: Genetic factors and their interplay with environmental factors.
- Author
Aslam MA, Ma EB, and Huh JY
- Subjects
- Humans, Aged, Muscle, Skeletal physiology, Aging physiology, Hormones, Chronic Disease, Sarcopenia genetics
- Abstract
Sarcopenia is a geriatric disorder characterized by a progressive decline in muscle mass and function. This disorder has been associated with a range of adverse health outcomes, including fractures, functional deterioration, and increased mortality. The pathophysiology of sarcopenia is highly complex and multifactorial, involving both genetic and environmental factors as key contributors. This review consolidates current knowledge on the genetic factors influencing the pathogenesis of sarcopenia, particularly focusing on the altered gene expression of structural and metabolic proteins, growth factors, hormones, and inflammatory cytokines. While the influence of environmental factors such as physical inactivity, chronic diseases, smoking, alcohol consumption, and sleep disturbances on sarcopenia is relatively well understood, there is a dearth of studies examining their mechanistic roles. Therefore, this review emphasizes the interplay between genetic and environmental factors, elucidating their cumulative role in exacerbating the progression of sarcopenia beyond their individual effects. The unique contribution of this review lies in synthesizing the latest evidence on the genetic factors and their interaction with environmental factors, aiming to inform the development of novel therapeutic or preventive interventions for sarcopenia., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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11. Transcription factors, cap 'n' collar isoform C regulates the expression of CYP450 genes involving in insecticides susceptibility in Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Liu J, Wu HH, Zhang YC, Zhang JZ, Ma EB, and Zhang XY
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Transcription Factors genetics, Transcription Factors metabolism, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System genetics, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System metabolism, Protein Isoforms genetics, Protein Isoforms metabolism, Insecticides pharmacology, Insecticides metabolism, Locusta migratoria genetics, Locusta migratoria metabolism
- Abstract
Background: The cap 'n' collar (Cnc) belongs to the Basic Leucine Zipper (bZIP) transcription factor super family. Cap 'n' collar isoform C (CncC) is highly conserved in the animal kingdom. CncC contributes to the regulation of growth, development, and aging and takes part in the maintenance of homeostasis and the defense against endogenous and environmental stress. Insect CncC participates in the regulation of various kinds of stress-responsive genes and is involved in the development of insecticide resistance., Results: In this study, one full-length CncC sequence of Locusta migratoria was identified and characterized. Upon RNAi silencing of LmCncC, insecticide bioassays showed that LmCncC played an essential role in deltamethrin and imidacloprid susceptibility. To fully investigate the downstream genes regulated by LmCncC and further identify the LmCncC-regulated genes involved in deltamethrin and imidacloprid susceptibility, a comparative transcriptome was constructed. Thirty-five up-regulated genes and 73 down-regulated genes were screened from dsLmCncC-knockdown individuals. We selected 22 LmCncC-regulated genes and verified their gene expression levels using RT-qPCR. Finally, six LmCYP450 genes belonging to the CYP6 family were selected as candidate detoxification genes, and LmCYP6FD1 and LmCYP6FE1 were further validated as detoxification genes of insecticides via RNAi, insecticide bioassays, and metabolite identification., Conclusions: Our data suggest that the locust CncC gene is associated with deltamethrin and imidacloprid susceptibility via the regulation of LmCYP6FD1 and LmCYP6FE1, respectively., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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12. Spanish-Dementia Knowledge Assessment Scale (DKAS-S): Ecuadorian validation and comparison among Spanish health students.
- Author
A CV, E BG, B L, A L, Ma EB, Gg RO, Ea MM, Pc MS, Aa RC, and G PR
- Subjects
- Humans, Ecuador epidemiology, Cross-Sectional Studies, Reproducibility of Results, Psychometrics methods, Surveys and Questionnaires, Dementia diagnosis, Dementia epidemiology, Dementia therapy, Students, Nursing psychology
- Abstract
Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most frequent cause of cognitive impairment. Improving knowledge of dementia management through health education for health professionals can improve clinical and community care in home and specialist settings. It is important to guarantee good dementia knowledge in health students, and it is necessary to evaluate it with a good standardized tool. The aim of the current study was to assess the psychometric properties of the DKAS-S with cohorts of Ecuadorian health students, to compare these results with a former validation in Spanish health students and to analyse the level of knowledge according to different variables., Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study to assess the validity, reliability and feasibility of the DKAS-S by comparing two different cohorts of health students (nursing and psychologists)., Results: A total of 659 students from Spain (n = 233) and Ecuador (n = 426) completed the DKAS-S (mean age 24.02 (6.35) years old), and 52.80% were nursing students. The DKAS-S showed good internal consistency in the Ecuadorian cohort (Cronbach's α = 0.76). No significant difference was found between Spanish and Ecuadorian students (p = 0.767) in the global scale score, but there were differences in some subscales. Psychologist students scored significantly higher on the global scale than nursing students (32.08 (9.51) vs. 27.49 (7.15); p < 0.001)). Students with a family history of cognitive impairment scored higher on the global scale, and those who had contact with people with dementia obtained better results on the global scale., Conclusions: We confirmed that the DKAS-S is an adequate and useful instrument to measure levels of knowledge about dementia among health students in Spanish-speaking communities. It is a reliable and valid measure with good psychometric properties. Understanding health students' knowledge about dementia will allow better adaptation of academic plans to train better health professionals., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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13. Gasdermin D Deficiency Does Not Protect Mice from High-Fat Diet-Induced Glucose Intolerance and Adipose Tissue Inflammation.
- Author
Ma EB, Javaid HMA, Jung DH, Park JH, and Huh JY
- Subjects
- Animals, Inflammasomes metabolism, Inflammation metabolism, Mice, Mice, Knockout, NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein metabolism, Obesity metabolism, PPAR gamma metabolism, Adipose Tissue metabolism, Adipose Tissue pathology, Diet, High-Fat adverse effects, Glucose Intolerance metabolism, Phosphate-Binding Proteins genetics, Pore Forming Cytotoxic Proteins genetics
- Abstract
The adipose tissue NLRP3 inflammasome has recently emerged as a contributor to obesity-related metabolic inflammation. Recent studies have demonstrated that the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome cleaves gasdermin D (GSDMD) and induces pyroptosis, a proinflammatory programmed cell death. However, whether GSDMD is involved in the regulation of adipose tissue function and the development of obesity-induced metabolic disease remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of GSDMD in adipose tissue inflammation as well as whole-body metabolism using GSDMD-deficient mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 30 weeks. The effects of GSDMD deficiency on adipose tissue, liver, and isolated macrophages from wild-type (WT) and GSDMD knockout (KO) mice were examined. In addition, 3T3-L1 cells were used to examine the expression of GSDMD during adipogenesis. The results demonstrate that although HFD-induced inflammation was partly ameliorated in isolated macrophages and liver, adipose tissue remained unaffected by GSDMD deficiency. Compared with the WT HFD mice, GSDMD KO HFD mice exhibited a mild increase in HFD-induced glucose intolerance with increased systemic and adipose tissue IL-1 β levels. Interestingly, GSDMD deficiency caused accumulation of fat mass when challenged with HFD, partly by suppressing the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR γ ). The expression of GSDMD mRNA and protein was dramatically suppressed during adipocyte differentiation and was inversely correlated with PPAR γ expression. Together, these findings indicate that GSDMD is not a prerequisite for HFD-induced adipose tissue inflammation and suggest a noncanonical function of GSDMD in regulation of fat mass through PPAR γ ., Competing Interests: The authors report no conflicts of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Eun Bi Ma et al.)
- Published
- 2022
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14. Characteristics of Halloween genes and RNA interference-mediated functional analysis of LmCYP307a2 in Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Zhang XY, He QH, Zhang TT, Wu HH, Zhang JZ, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Animals, Ecdysterone, Insect Proteins genetics, Insect Proteins metabolism, Molting, RNA Interference, Locusta migratoria genetics, Locusta migratoria metabolism
- Abstract
Halloween genes are involved in the biosynthesis of the molting hormone, which plays a key role in insect ecdysis, development, metamorphosis, and reproduction. Our previous work identified five Halloween genes from Locusta migratoria, but their functions are currently unknown. In this study, the sequences of these five Halloween genes were analyzed and characterized. LmCYP307a2, LmCYP306a1, LmCYP302a1, and LmCYP315a1 were primarily expressed in the prothoracic glands, while LmCYP314a1 was universally expressed in peripheral tissues, especially in the ovaries and Malpighian tubules. All five Halloween genes were mainly expressed from the 5th to the 7th d in 5th-instar nymphs. RNA interference (RNAi) silencing of LmCYP307a2 resulted in severe molting delays and molting failure, which could be rescued by supplementary 20-hydroxyecdysone. A hematoxylin and eosin staining analysis suggested that the RNAi of LmCYP307a2 inhibited the ecdysis process by inhibiting the apolysis and degradation of the old cuticle, and by promoting the synthesis of a new cuticle. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction results showed that the expressions of LmE74, LmCht5, and LmCht10 were dramatically down-regulated, while that of LmChsI was substantially up-regulated, after knockdown of LmCYP307a2. The results suggest that LmCYP307a2 is related to the molt process via regulation of chitin synthesis and degradation., (© 2021 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
- Published
- 2022
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15. DEAD-Box RNA Helicase DDX47 Maintains Midgut Homeostasis in Locusta migratoria .
- Author
Wang JX, Ma EB, Zhang JZ, and Xing SP
- Subjects
- Animals, DEAD-box RNA Helicases physiology, Digestive System Physiological Phenomena, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Locusta migratoria genetics, Locusta migratoria physiology, Male, DEAD-box RNA Helicases metabolism, Digestive System metabolism, Homeostasis, Locusta migratoria metabolism, RNA, Ribosomal, 18S genetics
- Abstract
Tissue homeostasis is critical for maintaining organ shape, size, and function. The condition is regulated by the balance between the generation of new cells and the loss of senescent cells, and it involves many factors and mechanisms. The midgut, an important part of the intestinal tract, is responsible for digestion and nutrient absorption in insects. LmDDX47, the ortholog of DEAD-box helicase 47 from Locusta migratoria , is indispensable for sustaining a normal midgut in the nymphs. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In this study, LmDDX47 knockdown resulted in atrophy of the midgut and gastric cecum in both nymph and adult locusts. After LmDDX47 knockdown, the number of regenerative and columnar cells in the midgut was significantly reduced, and cell death was induced in columnar tissue. LmDDX47 was localized to the nucleolus; this was consistent with the reduction in 18S rRNA synthesis in the LmDDX47 knockdown group. In addition, the acetylation and crotonylation levels of midgut proteins were significantly increased. Therefore, LmDDX47 could be a key regulator of midgut homeostasis, regulating 18S rRNA synthesis as well as protein acetylation and crotonylation in the migratory locust.
- Published
- 2022
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16. A dsRNA-degrading nuclease (dsRNase2) limits RNAi efficiency in the Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis).
- Author
Fan YH, Song HF, Abbas M, Wang YL, Li T, Ma EB, Cooper AMW, Silver K, Zhu KY, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Animals, Larva, Pupa, RNA Interference, Zea mays, Endonucleases, Insect Control methods, Moths genetics, RNA, Double-Stranded
- Abstract
The efficiency of RNA interference (RNAi) varies substantially among different insect species. Rapid degradation of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) by dsRNA-degrading nucleases (dsRNases) has been implicated to cause low RNAi efficiency in several insect species. In this study, we identified four dsRNase genes (OfdsRNase1, OfdsRNase2, OfdsRNase3 and OfdsRNase4) from the Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis) transcriptome database. Bioinformatic analyses showed that each deduced protein sequence contained endonuclease NS domains and signal peptides. Gene expression analysis revealed that OfdsRNase2 was exclusively expressed in the midgut of larvae. RNAi efficiency was investigated in 2-d-old fifth-instar larvae (high expression of dsRNase2) and 2-d-old pupae (low expression of dsRNase2) by feeding or injecting dsRNA targeting a marker gene that encodes the lethal giant larvae protein (OfLgl). Our results showed that OfLgl only partially silenced the expression of OfLgl in pupae, but not in larvae, suggesting that OfdsRNase2 could contribute to lower RNAi efficiency in larval stages. This hypothesis was supported by our RNAi-of-RNAi experiment using a tissue culture technique where the silencing efficiency against the reporter gene, OfHex1, was significantly improved after knockdown of OfdsRNase2. When double luciferase assays were performed to evaluate the role of the four dsRNases in vitro, only OfdsRNase2 expressed in S2 cells significantly affected RNAi efficiency by degrading dsRNA. Taken together, our results suggested that the degradation of dsRNA by OfdsRNase2 in the midgut contributed to low RNAi efficiency in O. furnacalis larvae., (© 2020 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
- Published
- 2021
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17. The microRNA miR-184 regulates the CYP303A1 transcript level to control molting of Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Wang YL, Wu LX, Li HY, Wen XQ, Ma EB, Zhu KY, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Animals, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System genetics, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System metabolism, Drosophila Proteins genetics, Drosophila melanogaster genetics, Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental, MicroRNAs genetics, Locusta migratoria genetics, Locusta migratoria metabolism, MicroRNAs metabolism, Molting genetics
- Abstract
Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs) play essential physiological functions in insects. CYP303A1 is highly conserved in insect species studied to date, and shows an indispensable role for adult eclosion in both Locusta migratoria and Drosophila melanogaster. However, how CYP303A1 is regulated to control insect developmental processes remains uninvestigated. In this study, we discovered functional binding sites for miR-184 in the coding sequence of LmCYP303A1. The luciferase reporter assay showed that miR-184 could target LmCYP303A1 and regulate its expression in vitro. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-184 through microinjection of agomir to locusts reduced the transcripts of LmCYP303A1 and led to abnormal molting, which is similar to the phenotype of silencing LmCYP303A1 by direct injection of dsLmCYP303A1 to locusts. Meanwhile, down-regulation of miR-184 by injection of antagomir increased the LmCYP303A1 transcript and caused molting defects. These findings suggested that miR-184 could target LmCYP303A1 to regulate the molting process in L. migratoria, which might be considered as a novel target for pest control., (© 2020 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
- Published
- 2021
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18. Associations of Circulating Irisin with FNDC5 Expression in Fat and Muscle in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic Mice.
- Author
Jiang S, Piao L, Ma EB, Ha H, and Huh JY
- Subjects
- Adipokines metabolism, Animals, Blood Glucose metabolism, Disease Models, Animal, Gene Expression Regulation, Insulin Resistance, Male, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Adipose Tissue metabolism, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 metabolism, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 metabolism, Fibronectins biosynthesis, Fibronectins blood, Metabolic Syndrome metabolism, Muscle, Skeletal metabolism
- Abstract
Irisin is an exercise-induced myokine, suggested to exert beneficial effects on metabolism. However, the studies on the regulation of irisin secretion and the expression of its precursor FNDC5 have shown conflicting data. The discrepancies among previous correlation studies in humans are related to the heterogeneity of the study population. The fact that irisin is not only a myokine but also an adipokine leads to the further complexity of the role of irisin in metabolic regulation. In this study, we examined the regulation of FNDC5 expression and irisin in circulation in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic mice, and their potential relationships with metabolic parameters. In streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type 1 diabetic mice, high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice and db/db mice, the circulating irisin as well as FNDC5 gene expression in subcutaneous fat was downregulated. Muscle FNDC5 expression was only significantly lower in STZ mice, and epididymal fat FNDC5 expression was unaltered. It is interesting to note that plasma irisin levels correlated positively with subcutaneous fat FNDC5 expression, but not epididymal fat or muscle. Moreover, both irisin levels and subcutaneous fat FNDC5 correlated negatively with markers of insulin resistance. These results suggest a regulatory role for subcutaneous fat-derived FNDC5/irisin in metabolic disease.
- Published
- 2021
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19. Infraglottic versus supraglottic jet-ventilation for endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration: A randomised controlled trial.
- Author
Anwar M, Fritze R, Base E, Wasserscheid T, Wolfram N, Koinig H, Hackner K, Lambers C, Schweiger T, Errhalt P, and Hoda MA
- Subjects
- Austria, Bronchoscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration, Europe, Humans, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Lung Neoplasms, Lymph Nodes diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Background: For endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) under general anaesthesia, both rigid bronchoscopy and laryngeal masks (LMAs) with superimposed high-frequency jet ventilation can be used. Despite the fact that in Europe rigid bronchoscopy for EBUS-TBNA is still widely used, an increasing number of centres use jet ventilation via the LMA for this procedure. To our knowledge no clinical trials have ever been made to compare these two methods. This trial aimed to evaluate whether patients recover from the procedure more quickly when a LMA is used for ventilation compared with rigid bronchoscopy where muscle relaxants and deep anaesthesia are required., Objectives: We wanted to test the hypothesis that there is no difference in the postoperative recovery of patients in the postanaesthesia care unit (PACU) after EBUS-TBNA with jet ventilation via a rigid bronchoscope and a LMA. Secondary outcomes were the difference of duration of anaesthesia, the diagnostic outcome of the procedure and drug quantities for both groups., Design: Prospective randomised single blinded two centre controlled trial., Setting: Two centres in Austria participated. Patients were enrolled from December 2016 until January 2018., Patients: Ninety patients for elective EBUS-TBNA were enrolled and assigned to one of two intervention groups. Two patients were excluded before and eleven patients were excluded after EBUS-TBNA. Seventy-seven were analysed., Interventions: Patients assigned to group 1 were ventilated with a LMA; those assigned to group 2 were ventilated via a rigid bronchoscope. Vital signs, drug dosage, duration of anaesthesia, recovery, PACU stay and Aldrete score at the PACU were recorded., Main Outcome Measures: The primary endpoint was an integral over time of a modified Aldrete score. Secondary endpoints were the durations of the interventions, the recovery from anaesthesia and PACU stay, initial and mean Aldrete values at PACU, the effect site concentration of Propofol according to the Schnider pharmacokinetic model, the peak ultiva rates and the diagnostic outcome., Results: We were not able to show any significant difference regarding the postoperative recovery criteria based on the Aldrete score, the durations measured and the diagnostic outcomes. Vital signs remained stable and in an equal range in both groups. There were no differences in the mean effect site propofol concentration and the peak ultiva rates., Conclusion: EBUS-TBNA under general anaesthesia using a LMA with SHJV is equal to rigid bronchoscopy with superimposed high-frequency jet ventilation for the variables analysed., Trial Registration: ISRCTN (ISRCTN58911367).
- Published
- 2020
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20. Prevalence of Covid-19 Infection and Subsequent Cohorting in a Residential Substance Use Treatment Program in Boston, MA.
- Author
Barocas JA, Blackstone E, Bouton TC, Kimmel SD, Caputo A, Porter SJ, and Walley AY
- Subjects
- Adult, Betacoronavirus genetics, Boston epidemiology, COVID-19, COVID-19 Testing, Clinical Laboratory Techniques, Coronavirus Infections diagnosis, Coronavirus Infections genetics, Female, Humans, Pandemics, Prevalence, SARS-CoV-2, Young Adult, Coronavirus Infections epidemiology, Health Personnel statistics & numerical data, Pneumonia, Viral epidemiology, Residential Treatment statistics & numerical data, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Objectives: The global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) may disproportionately affect persons in congregate settings, including those in residential substance use treatment facilities. To limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 through congregate settings, universal testing may be necessary. We aimed to determine the point prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in a residential treatment program setting and to understand the unique challenges of Covid-19 transmission in this setting., Methods: We performed a case series of SARS-CoV-2 rT-PCR testing via nasopharyngeal in a residential substance use treatment program for women in Boston. Staff and residents of the treatment program were tested for SARS-CoV-2. The primary outcome was SARS-CoV-2 test result., Results: A total of 31 residents and staff were tested. Twenty-seven percent (6/22) of the residents and 44% (4/9) of staff tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. All of the SARS-CoV-2 positive residents resided in the same residential unit. Two positive cases resided together with 2 negative cases in a 4-person room. Two other positive cases resided together in a 2-person room. One positive case resided with 2 negative cases in a 3-person room. One positive case resided with a negative case in a 2-person room. Based on test results, residents were cohorted by infection status and continued to participate in addiction treatment on-site., Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 infection was common among staff and residents within a residential substance use treatment program for women in Boston. Universal SARS-CoV-2 testing in residential substance use programs can be instituted to reduce the risk of further transmission and continue addiction treatment programming when accompanied by adequate space, supplies, and staffing.
- Published
- 2020
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21. Irisin Exerts Inhibitory Effect on Adipogenesis Through Regulation of Wnt Signaling.
- Author
Ma EB, Sahar NE, Jeong M, and Huh JY
- Abstract
Irisin is an exercise-induced myokine known to induce adipocyte browning through induction of uncoupling protein 1. Recent studies have reported that irisin is also an adipokine. However, there is limiting evidence on the role of endogenous irisin from adipocytes. In this study we aim to elucidate the expression and secretion pattern of irisin during adipocyte differentiation and the role of endogenous and exogenous irisin on the adipogenic process. As such, recombinant irisin, plasmid expressing FNDC5 and small interfering RNA were utilized. Our results show that the gene expression of irisin precursor FNDC5 and irisin secretion increases at the early stage of adipogenesis. Both recombinant irisin treated cells and FNDC5-overexpressed cells resulted in inhibition of adipogenesis evidenced by downregulated C/EBPα, PPARγ, and FABP4 expression and reduced lipid accumulation. Further data showed that the inhibitory effect of irisin on adipogenesis is mediated though potentiation of Wnt expression, which is known to determine the fate of mesenchymal stem cells and regulate adipogenesis. Conversely, FNDC5 knockdown cells showed downregulated Wnt expression, but failed to further induce adipogenesis. This study suggests that both exogenous and endogenous irisin is able to inhibit adipogenesis and that activation of Wnt and subsequent repression of transcription factors is partly involved in this process. This provides a novel insight on the local effect of irisin on adipocytes and additional benefit to protect against obesity-related metabolic disorders.
- Published
- 2019
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22. Nuclear receptor hormone receptor 39 is required for locust moulting by regulating the chitinase and carboxypeptidase genes.
- Author
Zhao XM, Qin ZY, Zhang J, Yang Y, Jia P, Yang Q, Ma EB, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Carboxypeptidases genetics, Chitinases genetics, Insect Proteins chemistry, Insect Proteins metabolism, Locusta migratoria enzymology, Locusta migratoria growth & development, Locusta migratoria metabolism, Nymph enzymology, Nymph genetics, Nymph growth & development, Nymph metabolism, Phylogeny, Receptors, Cytoplasmic and Nuclear chemistry, Receptors, Cytoplasmic and Nuclear metabolism, Sequence Alignment, Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental, Insect Proteins genetics, Locusta migratoria genetics, Molting genetics, Receptors, Cytoplasmic and Nuclear genetics
- Abstract
The nuclear receptor-mediated 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) signalling pathway plays crucial roles in insects by initiating and regulating moulting and metamorphosis. In the present study, we identified and characterized a cDNA encoding a putative nuclear receptor protein (Locusta migratoria hormone receptor 39, LmHR39) based on L. migratoria transcriptomics data. Reverse-transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) revealed that LmHR39 shows low-level expression in the early days of fifth-instar nymphs, and peak expression occurs on day 5, which is followed by a decrease before ecdysis. LmHR39 transcription could be induced by 20E in vivo and was significantly suppressed by knocking down the expression of the L. migratoria ecdysone receptor gene and early-late gene LmHR3. After RNA interference of LmHR39 with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), 85% of the insects showed abnormal morphology, with curly wings after moulting and delayed eclosion time. Haematoxylin and eosin staining indicated that apolysis of the integument and wing pad cuticle in the dsLmHR39-treated insects was delayed compared to that in the dsRNA for green fluorescent protein-injected control. Furthermore, RNA-sequencing and RT-qPCR analysis showed the expression level of carboxypeptidase genes (Carboxypeptidase A (CPA) and Carboxypeptidase M (CPM)) and chitin degrading genes (LmChitinase5 (LmCHT5) and LmChitinase10 (LmCHT10)) dramatically declined in the dsLmHR39-treated insects, implying that the LmHR39-mediated 20E signalling pathway is involved in the regulation of carboxypeptidase genes (CPA and CPM) and chitinase genes (LmCHT5 and LmCHT10), and participated in apolysis of the integument and wing pads during locust moulting., (© 2019 The Royal Entomological Society.)
- Published
- 2019
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23. LmCDA1 organizes the cuticle by chitin deacetylation in Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Yu RR, Liu WM, Zhao XM, Zhang M, Li DQ, Zuber R, Ma EB, Zhu KY, Moussian B, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Acetylation, Amidohydrolases chemistry, Amidohydrolases metabolism, Amino Acid Sequence, Animal Shells metabolism, Animals, Insect Proteins chemistry, Insect Proteins metabolism, Locusta migratoria growth & development, Locusta migratoria metabolism, Nymph growth & development, Nymph metabolism, Phylogeny, Sequence Alignment, Amidohydrolases genetics, Chitin metabolism, Insect Proteins genetics, Locusta migratoria genetics
- Abstract
Cells produce an extracellular matrix (ECM) with a stereotypic organization that is important for tissue function. The insect cuticle is a layered ECM that mainly consists of the polysaccharide chitin and associated proteins adopting a quasi-crystalline structure. Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms deployed during construction of the highly ordered protein-chitin ECM so far is limited. In this study, we report on the role of the chitin deacetylase 1 (LmCDA1) in the organization of the protein-chitin ECM in the migratory locust Locusta migratoria, and LmCDA1 localizes predominantly to the apical tier of the protein-chitin ECM, but it is also found in lower regions. Reduction of LmCDA1 function correlates with lower amounts of chitin and impedes conversion of chitin to chitosan by deacetylation. Establishment of the quasi-crystalline architecture of the protein-chitin ECM is, however, independent of LmCDA1 activity, but it is dependent on another chitin deacetylase, LmCDA2, which has no detectable effects on chitin deacetylation and, as shown previously, no influence on chitin content. Our data reveal that LmCDA1 and LmCDA2 act in parallel and independently from each other in defining the dimensions of the cuticle. Both enzymes are non-uniformly distributed within the protein-chitin matrix, suggesting a site-autonomous function., (© 2018 The Royal Entomological Society.)
- Published
- 2019
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24. Provider and Staff Feedback on Screening for Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health for Pediatric Patients.
- Author
Byhoff E, Garg A, Pellicer M, Diaz Y, Yoon GH, Charns MP, and Drainoni ML
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Boston, Child, Community Health Centers statistics & numerical data, Health Plan Implementation, Humans, Mass Screening statistics & numerical data, Minority Groups statistics & numerical data, Pilot Projects, Program Evaluation, Qualitative Research, Community Health Centers organization & administration, Health Status Disparities, Mass Screening organization & administration, Referral and Consultation organization & administration, Social Determinants of Health
- Abstract
Introduction: Screening and referral for Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (SDOH) are increasingly recommended in clinical guidelines and consensus statements. It is important to understand barriers and facilitators to implementation of standardized SDOH screening and referral practices, as well as the scope of current existing SDOH screening., Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study to understand the current state of SDOH screening and to assess the barriers and facilitators to implementing a standardized SDOH screening and referral practice in Boston community health centers (CHCs) for pediatric patients. We requested all SDOH screening documents from 15 Boston CHCs and conducted provider and staff focus groups at intervention sites of an SDOH implementation pilot in Boston., Results: All CHCs screened in some form for SDOH, but there was no agreement on which domains to screen. Participating CHCs screened for a mean of 8 SDOH domains (range, 5 to 16). Overall, 16 SDOH domains emerged. From the focus groups, 5 themes emerged: 1) provider perspectives, 2) work flow, 3) prior experience, 4) site resources and staffing, and 5) sustainability. There was little agreement among participants within each theme, as all were seen as barriers and facilitators depending on the respondent., Discussion: This study highlights the various SDOH screening methods currently used in Boston CHCs, and the need for workflow and process individualization of SDOH screening and referral. Providers and clinical staff should be part of the discussion when implementing SDOH screening and referral procedures to ensure appropriate work flow, staff buy-in, and to maximize resources available., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: none declared., (© Copyright 2019 by the American Board of Family Medicine.)
- Published
- 2019
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25. The effects of phenolic glycosides from Betula platyphylla var. japonica on adipocyte differentiation and mature adipocyte metabolism.
- Author
Huh JY, Lee S, Ma EB, Eom HJ, Baek J, Ko YJ, and Kim KH
- Subjects
- 3T3-L1 Cells, Adipocytes cytology, Animals, Cell Survival drug effects, Cells, Cultured, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Glycosides chemistry, Glycosides isolation & purification, Mice, Molecular Structure, Phenols chemistry, Phenols isolation & purification, Structure-Activity Relationship, Adipocytes drug effects, Adipocytes metabolism, Betula chemistry, Cell Differentiation drug effects, Glycosides pharmacology, Phenols pharmacology
- Abstract
Betula platyphylla var. japonica (Betulaceae) has been used traditionally in Asian countries for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. A recent study has reported a phenolic compound, platyphylloside from B. platyphylla, that shows inhibition on adipocyte differentiation and induces lipolysis in 3T3-L1 cells. Based on this finding, we conducted phytochemical analysis of the EtOH extract of the bark of B. platyphylla var. japonica, which resulted in the isolation of phenolic glycosides (1-4). Treatment of the isolated compounds (1-4) during adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 mouse adipocytes resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of adipogenesis. In mature adipocytes, arylbutanoid glycosides (2-4) induced lipolysis related genes HSL and ATGL, whereas catechin glycoside (1) had no effect. Additionally, arylbutanoid glycosides (2-4) also induced GLUT4 and adiponectin mRNA expression, indicating improvement in insulin signaling. This suggests that the isolates from B. platyphylla var. japonica exert benefial effects in regulation of adipocyte differentiation as well as adipocyte metabolism.
- Published
- 2018
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26. Identification of LmUAP1 as a 20-hydroxyecdysone response gene in the chitin biosynthesis pathway from the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Liu XJ, Sun YW, Li DQ, Li S, Ma EB, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Animals, Chitin biosynthesis, Chitin Synthase genetics, Female, Hemolymph metabolism, Insect Proteins genetics, Insect Proteins metabolism, Locusta migratoria genetics, Locusta migratoria growth & development, Male, Nucleotidyltransferases genetics, Nymph enzymology, Chitin Synthase metabolism, Ecdysterone metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Locusta migratoria metabolism, Nucleotidyltransferases metabolism
- Abstract
In Locusta migratoria, we found that two chitin biosynthesis genes, UDP N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase gene LmUAP1 and chitin synthase gene LmCHS1, are expressed mainly in the integument and are responsible for cuticle formation. However, whether these genes are regulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) is still largely unclear. Here, we showed the developmental expression pattern of LmUAP1, LmCHS1 and the corresponding 20E titer during the last instar nymph stage of locust. RNA interference (RNAi) directed toward a common region of the two isoforms of LmEcR (LmEcRcom) reduced the expression level of LmUAP1, while there was no difference in the expression of LmCHS1. Meantime, injection of 20E in vivo induced the expression of LmUAP1 but not LmCHS1. Further, we found injection-based RNAi of LmEcRcom resulted in 100% mortality. The locusts failed to molt with no apolysis, and maintained in the nymph stage until death. In conclusion, our preliminary results indicated that LmUAP1 in the chitin biosynthesis pathway is a 20E late-response gene and LmEcR plays an essential role in locust growth and development, which could be a good potential target for RNAi-based pest control., (© 2016 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
- Published
- 2018
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27. Screening for Social Determinants of Health in Michigan Health Centers.
- Author
Byhoff E, Cohen AJ, Hamati MC, Tatko J, Davis MM, and Tipirneni R
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Mass Screening, Community Health Centers statistics & numerical data, Primary Health Care statistics & numerical data, Social Determinants of Health
- Abstract
Objective: Through an academic-community partnership with a statewide consortium of health centers (HCs) in Michigan, we characterize the current scope of screening for social determinants of health (SDH)., Methods: We requested copies of forms used to screen for SDH at the 39 HC organizations in Michigan. Using content analysis, we examined variation in screening domains and processes. We present descriptive analyses of HC characteristics and patient demographics., Results: We received screening documentation from 23 of the 39 HCs (59%), representing 167 delivery sites. We found broad empiric consensus regarding a core set of 13 SDH screening domains that align with nationally recommended screening guidelines. Two additional domains, Culture and Functional Status, were screened for by <40% of HCs. While patient self-report is the most frequent mode of SDH screening (41%), many HCs use staff members to administer the screening documents., Conclusions: HCs across a large and diverse state are screening for SDH and largely agree on core SDH screening domains. Using existing empiric data from frontline providers can inform potential best practices in SDH screening., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: none declared., (© Copyright 2017 by the American Board of Family Medicine.)
- Published
- 2017
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28. Heterologous expression and characterization of two chitinase 5 enzymes from the migratory locust Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Li YL, Song HF, Zhang XY, Li DQ, Zhang TT, Ma EB, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Animals, Chitin chemistry, Chitinases chemistry, Chitinases genetics, Insect Proteins chemistry, Insect Proteins genetics, Kinetics, Protein Binding, Sf9 Cells, Chitinases metabolism, Insect Proteins metabolism, Locusta migratoria enzymology
- Abstract
Insect chitinases are involved in degradation of chitin from the exoskeleton or peritrophic metrix of midgut. In Locusta migratoria, two duplicated Cht5s (LmCht5-1 and LmCht5-2) have been shown to have distinct molecular characteristics and biological roles. To explore the protein properties of the two LmCht5s, we heterologously expressed both enzymes using baculovirus expression system in SF9 cells, and characterized kinetic and carbohydrate-binding properties of purified enzymes. LmCht5-1 and LmCht5-2 exhibited similar pH and temperature optimums. LmCht5-1 has lower Km value for the oligomeric substrate (4MU-(GlcNAc)3 ), and higher Km value for the longer substrate (CM-Chitin-RBV) compared with LmCht5-2. A comparison of amino acids and homology modeling of catalytic domain presented similar TIM barrel structures and differentiated amino acids between two proteins. LmCht5-1 has a chitin-binding domain (CBD) tightly bound to colloidal chitin, but LmCht5-2 does not have a CBD for binding to colloidal chitin. Our results suggested both LmCht5-1 and LmCht5-2, which have the critical glutamate residue in region II of catalytic domain, exhibited chitinolytic activity cleaving both polymeric and oligomeric substrates. LmCht5-1 had relatively higher activity against the oligomeric substrate, 4MU-(GlcNAc)3 , whereas LmCht5-2 exhibited higher activity toward the longer substrate, CM-Chitin-RBV. These findings are helpful for further research to clarify their different roles in insect growth and development., (© 2016 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
- Published
- 2016
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29. Molecular Characterization of Six Small Heat Shock Proteins and Their Responses Under Cadmium Stress in Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidea).
- Author
Kou LH, Wu HH, Liu YM, Zhang YP, Zhang JZ, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Grasshoppers genetics, Grasshoppers growth & development, Grasshoppers metabolism, Heat-Shock Proteins, Small metabolism, Insect Proteins metabolism, Nymph drug effects, Nymph genetics, Nymph growth & development, Nymph metabolism, Phylogeny, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Sequence Alignment, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Cadmium adverse effects, Grasshoppers drug effects, Heat-Shock Proteins, Small genetics, Insect Proteins genetics
- Abstract
Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) have been implicated in many physiological processes and play important roles in the response to various stresses. In this study, the full-length sequences of six sHSPs: OcHSP19.1, 19.8, 20.4, 20.7, 21.1, and 23.8 were obtained from the rice grasshopper Oxya chinensis transcriptome database. The deduced amino acid sequences of the six OcsHSPs contain a typical α-crystallin domain, which consists of approximately 100 amino acid residues and five β-strands. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that OcHSP23.8 was orthologous to the sHSPs of other species and that OcHSP19.1, 20.4, 20.7, and 21.1 were species specific, whereas OcHSP19.8 did not cluster closely to Orthoptera but was placed on the basal end of the cluster. Developmental stage-dependent and tissue-specific expression patterns were evaluated using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The six genes were expressed in all developmental stages and showed clear tissue specificity. The cadmium acute experiment indicates that Cd(2+) can induce the six genes. However, various response patterns were observed among these genes under Cd(2+) stress conditions. OcHSP19.1, 19.8, 20.4, and 20.7 were highly induced by 2.61 mM Cd(2+) at 24 h. OcHSP23.8 was significantly upregulated by 2.61 mM Cd(2+) at 6 h. For OcHSP21.1, the highest expression levels were found after treatment with 0.87 mM Cd(2+) for 24 h, 1.74 mM Cd(2+) for 36 h, and 2.61 mM Cd(2+) for 12 h. These differential characteristics will facilitate future investigations into the physiological functions of sHSPs., (© The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.)
- Published
- 2016
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30. Effect of dietary cadmium on the activity of glutathione S-transferase and carboxylesterase in different developmental stages of the Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidea).
- Author
Zhang YP, Song DN, Wu HH, Yang HM, Zhang JZ, Li LJ, Ma EB, and Guo YP
- Subjects
- Animals, Cadmium toxicity, Cadmium Chloride metabolism, Female, Grasshoppers drug effects, Grasshoppers growth & development, Male, Seedlings metabolism, Toxicity Tests, Chronic, Triticum metabolism, Cadmium metabolism, Carboxylesterase metabolism, Glutathione Transferase metabolism, Grasshoppers enzymology, Insect Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and carboxylesterases (CarEs) play important roles in the detoxification of endogenous and exogenous compounds. In this study, the biochemical effects of dietary cadmium (Cd) on the activities of GST and CarE in different developmental stages of the rice grasshopper Oxya chinensis Thunberg were studied. The results showed that the effects of the Cd concentration and developmental stage on GST activity were statistically significant. GST activity in O. chinensis increased at the highest Cd concentration in most nymphs, suggesting that GST is typically inducible by Cd. However, GST activity was inhibited in adults under Cd stress owing to life-stage-specific physiological characteristics. The results showed that the substrates, developmental stage, and Cd concentration had statistically significant effects on CarE activity. In most studies of CarE activity, the interaction between any two studied factors was statistically significant, although the interaction effects of the substrates, developmental stages, and Cd concentrations were not significant, which implied that the insect physiological condition and the external environmental may affect CarE activity. The results suggest that the insect's life stage and enzyme substrates should be considered when enzyme activity under Cd stress is studied.
- Published
- 2014
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31. The complete mitochondrial genome of Sasakia funebris (Leech) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and comparison with other Apaturinae insects.
- Author
Wang JP, Cao TW, Xuan SB, Wang H, Zhang M, and Ma Eb
- Subjects
- Animals, Base Composition, Base Sequence, DNA, Intergenic, Gene Order, Insecta genetics, Lepidoptera classification, Molecular Sequence Data, Open Reading Frames, Phylogeny, RNA, Ribosomal genetics, RNA, Transfer chemistry, RNA, Transfer genetics, Sequence Alignment, Genome, Mitochondrial, Lepidoptera genetics
- Abstract
Sasakia funebris, a member of the lepidopteran family, Nymphalidae (superfamily Papilionoidea) is a rare species and is found only in some areas of South China. In this study, the 15,233 bp long complete mitochondrial genome of S. funebris was determined, and harbors the gene arrangement identical to all other sequenced lepidopteran insects. The nucleotide composition of the genome is highly A+T biased, accounting for 81.2%. All protein-coding genes (PCGs) start with typical ATN codons, except for COI which begins with the CGA codon. All tRNAs have a typical clover-leaf secondary structure, except for tRNASer(AGN), the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm of which forms a simple loop. The S. funebris A+T-rich region of 370 bp contains several features common to the Lepidoptera insects, including the motif ATAGA followed by a 19 bp poly-T stretch, and two tandem repeats consisting of 18 bp repeat units and 14 bp repeat units. The phylogenetic analyses of Apaturinae based on mitogenome sequences showed: (S. funebris+Sasakia charonda)+(Apatura metis+Apatura ilia). This result is consistent with the morphological classification., (Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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32. Bacterial and fungal diversity in the starter production process of Fen liquor, a traditional Chinese liquor.
- Author
Li XR, Ma EB, Yan LZ, Meng H, Du XW, and Quan ZX
- Subjects
- Bacteria genetics, China, DNA, Fungal, DNA, Ribosomal Spacer, Fungi genetics, Humans, Microbiota, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny, RNA, Bacterial, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Alcoholic Beverages microbiology, Bacteria classification, Biodiversity, Fungi classification
- Abstract
Fermented foods and beverages are important parts of human diet. Fen liquor, a Chinese liquor is a fermented beverage that uses a traditional fermentation process. Starters are the main microbial source and also provide nutrients for microorganisms during fermentation. In this study, starters of Fen liquor were produced through a complex traditional fermentation process. To investigate the community structure and the composition of microorganisms in the starter production process, bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were sequenced using clone libraries and pyrosequencing, respectively. There was much higher diversity among the bacteria than among the fungi in the starter production process. Bacteria on the surface of the starters belonged mostly to the Lactobacillaceae family, while members of the Bacillacae family were dominant in the interior of the samples that lacked access to air and water. In the fungi population, diversity was high only in the raw material. In all other samples, nearly all of the fungal sequences were from Pichia kudriavzevii, a member of the Saccharomycetaceae family. Nearly all samples showed similar fungal community structures, indicating that there was little change in the fungal community. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to reveal the whole process of the starter production of Chinese traditional liquor. The findings obtained in this study provide new insights into understanding the composition of the microbial community during the traditional Chinese liquor starter production process and information about the production process control and monitoring.
- Published
- 2013
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33. RNA interference to reveal roles of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase gene during molting process in Locusta migratoria.
- Author
Rong S, Li DQ, Zhang XY, Li S, Zhu KY, Guo YP, Ma EB, and Zhang JZ
- Subjects
- Acetylglucosaminidase metabolism, Animals, Base Sequence, Insect Proteins metabolism, Locusta migratoria classification, Locusta migratoria genetics, Locusta migratoria growth & development, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny, Acetylglucosaminidase genetics, Insect Proteins genetics, Locusta migratoria enzymology, Molting, RNA Interference
- Abstract
β-N-acetylglucosaminidases are crucial enzymes involved in chitin degradation in insects. We identified a β-N-acetylglucosaminidase gene (LmNAG1) from Locusta migratoria. The full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) of LmNAG1 consists of 2 667 nucleotides, including an open reading frame (ORF) of 1 845 nucleotides encoding 614 amino acid residues, and 233- and 589-nucleotide non-coding regions at the 5'- and 3'-ends, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the cDNA-deduced LmNAG1 protein with the enzymatically characterized β-N-acetylglucosaminidases in group I. Analyses of stage- and tissue-dependent expression patterns of LmNAG1 were carried out by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Our results showed that LmNAG1 transcript level in the integument was significantly high in the last 2 days of the fourth and fifth instar nymphs. LmNAG1 was highly expressed in foregut and hindgut. RNA interference of LmNAG1 resulted in an effective silence of the gene and a significantly reduced total LmNAG enzyme activity at 48 and 72 h after the injection of LmNAG1 double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). As compared with the control nymphs injected with GFP dsRNA, 50% of the dsLmNAG1-injected nymphs were not able to molt successfully and eventually died. Our results suggest that LmNAG1 plays an essential role in molting process of L. migratoria., (© 2012 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
- Published
- 2013
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34. Bacterial and fungal diversity in the traditional Chinese liquor fermentation process.
- Author
Li XR, Ma EB, Yan LZ, Meng H, Du XW, Zhang SW, and Quan ZX
- Subjects
- Base Sequence, Biodiversity, DNA, Bacterial genetics, DNA, Fungal genetics, DNA, Ribosomal Spacer genetics, Lactobacillaceae genetics, Lactobacillaceae isolation & purification, Phylogeny, Polymerase Chain Reaction, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Saccharomycetales genetics, Saccharomycetales isolation & purification, Alcoholic Beverages microbiology, Fermentation, Food Microbiology methods, Lactobacillaceae classification, Saccharomycetales classification
- Abstract
This study endeavored to investigate the variability of bacteria and fungi present during the fermentation process of the light-fragranced distilled liquor known as Fen liquor. To accomplish this, we used a combination of clone libraries of 16S rRNA genes, bar-coded pyrosequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1), and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Fifteen families of bacteria and six families of fungi were detected. More than 91% of 16S rRNA gene sequences could be assigned to the family Lactobacillaceae, which were then classified to eight different operational taxonomic units (OTUs), based on a 3% cut-off. The most abundant OTU which contributed to 51% of the total 16S rRNA gene sequences was affiliated with Lactobacillus acetotolerans and had a significantly similar variation trend with the chemical constituents detected. Sixty percent of the fungal ITS1 region sequences were affiliated with the family Saccharomycetaceae. The most abundant OTU was very similar to Issatchenkia orientalis, which displayed notable similarities with respect to the change trends in both ethanol and organic acid contents. The sequences of the second most abundant OTU were closest to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an important species in the process of ethanol production. Furthermore, about one fourth of the ITS1 region sequences belonged to the family Saccharomycopsidaceae. Conversely, very few sequences could be grouped together with filamentous fungi. The results of qPCR showed that the content of bacteria was increased while that of fungi was more stable in the fermentation process. It is very important to simultaneously investigate bacterial and fungal variations in food-fermentation processes., (Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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35. [Genetic diversity of different geographical populations of Oxya chinensis based on AFLP analysis].
- Author
Ma J, Li T, Long WM, An WW, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis, Animals, China, Grasshoppers classification, Phylogeny, Polymorphism, Genetic, Genetic Variation, Grasshoppers genetics
- Abstract
In order to study the genetic diversity and genetic structure of populations, 7 populations of Oxya chinensis from 7 provinces (or cities) of China were analyzed using AFLP technique. A total of 336 reproducible bands were amplified with 7 primer combinations from 128 individuals. Two hundred and ninety-two bands (86.90%) were polymorphic. High genetic diversity was found among O. chinensis populations and Wanning population had higher genetic diversity than other populations. Mantel test (r=0.27, P=0.89) suggested that there was no significant association between genetic distance and geographic distance. Remarkable genetic differentiation was found among populations. Unweighted pair group method average (UPGMA) tree showed that the 7 O. chinensis populations were divided into 3 groups: Changping of Beijing, Tai-yuan of Shanxi and Jining of Shandong populations in the north; Hanzhong of Shaanxi, Changsha of Hunan and Laibin of Guangxi populations in the south; and Wanning of Hainan population. Principal component analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation of the north and the south populations and island and continent populations existed in the 7 O. chinensis populations because of geographic isolation.
- Published
- 2010
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36. Mechanisms of organophosphate resistance in a field population of oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen).
- Author
Yang ML, Zhang JZ, Zhu KY, Xuan T, Liu XJ, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Acetylcholinesterase metabolism, Animals, Chlorpyrifos pharmacology, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System metabolism, Drug Synergism, Esterases metabolism, Glutathione Transferase metabolism, Inactivation, Metabolic, Insect Control methods, Insecticide Resistance, Insecticides pharmacokinetics, Malathion pharmacology, Maleates pharmacology, Organophosphates pharmacology, Organothiophosphorus Compounds pharmacokinetics, Piperonyl Butoxide pharmacology, Insecticides pharmacology, Locusta migratoria drug effects, Locusta migratoria metabolism, Organothiophosphorus Compounds pharmacology
- Abstract
The susceptibilities to three organophosphate (OP) insecticides (malathion, chlorpyrifos, and phoxim), responses to three metabolic synergists [triphenyl phosphate (TPP), piperonyl butoxide (PBO), and diethyl maleate (DEM)], activities of major detoxification enzymes [general esterases (ESTs), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s)], and sensitivity of the target enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were compared between a laboratory-susceptible strain (LS) and a field-resistant population (FR) of the oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen). The FR was significantly resistant to malathion (57.5-fold), but marginally resistant to chlorpyrifos (5.4) and phoxim (2.9). The malathion resistance of the FR was significantly diminished by TPP (synergism ratio: 16.2) and DEM (3.3), but was unchanged by PBO. In contrast, none of these synergists significantly affected the toxicity of malathion in the LS. Biochemical studies indicated that EST and GST activities in the FR were 2.1- to 3.2-fold and 1.2- to 2.0-fold, respectively, higher than those in the LS, but there was no significant difference in P450 activity between the LS and FR. Furthermore, AChE from the FR showed 4.0-fold higher activity but was 3.2-, 2.2-, and 1.1-fold less sensitive to inhibition by malaoxon, chlorpyrifos-oxon, and phoxim, respectively, than that from the LS. All these results clearly indicated that the observed malathion resistance in the FR was conferred by multiple mechanisms, including increased detoxification by ESTs and GSTs, and increased activity and reduced sensitivity of AChE to OP inhibition., (Copyright 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.)
- Published
- 2009
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37. Analyses of microbial consortia in the starter of Fen Liquor.
- Author
Shi JH, Xiao YP, Li XR, Ma EB, Du XW, and Quan ZX
- Subjects
- Bacteria classification, Bacteria genetics, Bacteria growth & development, China, Colony Count, Microbial, Culture Media, DNA, Bacterial analysis, DNA, Bacterial isolation & purification, DNA, Fungal analysis, DNA, Fungal isolation & purification, DNA, Ribosomal Spacer analysis, Ecosystem, Fermentation, Fungi classification, Fungi genetics, Fungi growth & development, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Alcoholic Beverages microbiology, Bacteria isolation & purification, Fungi isolation & purification
- Abstract
Aims: This study aimed to determine the microbial diversity in the starter of Fen Liquor., Methods and Results: The plate method was used to enumerate the micro-organisms; meanwhile, the 16S rDNA of bacteria and the internal transcribed spacer of fungi were used to determine microbial diversity. Several genera were accordingly identified. Among the bacteria, Lactobacillales and Actinomycetales were detected only on the surface of the starter, whereas Bacillales was dominant within the starter. Among the fungi, Saccharomycopsis and Issatchenkia were the main genera in surface and interior starter, respectively; in addition, Thermomyces was found in interior starter, while other species of fungi were detected on the surface., Conclusions: The culture-dependent and polymerase chain reaction-based methods revealed the significant microbial diversity in different locations in the starter of Fen Liquor., Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is the first to identify the bacterial and fungal communities associated with the starter of Fen Liquor using both traditional and molecular methods; it is also the first to compare the microbial diversity on the surface of starter with that in the interior. The results enrich our knowledge on liquor-related micro-organisms, and can be used to promote the development of the traditional fermentation technology.
- Published
- 2009
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38. Oxidative stress related enzymes in response to chromium (VI) toxicity in Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidae).
- Author
Li LJ, Zhang F, Liu XM, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Analysis of Variance, Animals, Body Weight, China, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Enzyme Activation drug effects, Female, Grasshoppers physiology, Male, Nymph enzymology, Nymph physiology, Sex Factors, Toxicity Tests, Acute, Catalase metabolism, Chromium toxicity, Grasshoppers enzymology, Oxidative Stress physiology, Peroxidase metabolism, Superoxide Dismutase metabolism
- Abstract
The toxic effects of Cr(VI) on antioxidant enzymes of Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidae) were determined. Changes in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and guaiacol peroxidase (GPx) were measured in O. chinensis insects injected with Cr(VI). Fifth-nymphs of O. chinensis insects were injected with Cr(VI) with different concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450 mg/kg of body weight). The results showed that Cr(VI) led to the change of SOD, CAT, and GPx activities at different concentrations, which revealed that: (1) The oxidative stress of SOD increased with the increase of Cr(VI) concentration. (2) With the increase of Cr(VI) concentrations, CAT activities for females increased at lower concentrations, but decreased at higher concentration range, which indicated that antioxidant system of O. chinensis was not influenced by the presence of Cr(VI). A very similar response to Cr(VI) effect for males indicated that Cr(VI) concentrations were not high enough to damage O. chinensis in terms of CAT. (3) The GPx activity for females increased in all treatments, which revealed that the damage power of Cr(VI) was increased with the increase of Cr(VI) concentrations in terms of GPx, but the effect was not so remarkable. There was not a consistent trend of GPx activities for males in all treatments of Cr(VI). Cr (VI)-induced changes in antioxidant enzymes were different for SOD, CAT and GPx, of which the tendency was that activities generally changed with increase of concentrations of Cr(VI) suggesting SOD, CAT, and GPx could serve as indices of oxidative stress to some extent.
- Published
- 2005
39. [Differential acute mortality among the allozyme genotypes of Oxya chinensis by pesticide avermectin].
- Author
Li CL, Duan YH, Lu FP, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Alleles, Animals, Genotype, Glucose-6-Phosphate Isomerase genetics, L-Lactate Dehydrogenase genetics, Phosphoglucomutase genetics, Grasshoppers enzymology, Grasshoppers genetics, Insecticides pharmacology, Ivermectin analogs & derivatives, Ivermectin pharmacology
- Abstract
The rice grasshopper Oxya chinensis exhibits polymorphic loci at Ldh, Gpi, Pgm and Me. The data of the mean number of alleles per locus (A = 2.8), percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 80.0%), the observed mean heterozygosities (Ho = 0.271 approximately 0.279) and the expected mean heterozygosities (He = 0.305 approximately 0.316) of the species suggest that O. chinensis possesses sufficient genetic diversity. It was hypothesized that the high polymorphisms at Ldh, Gpi, Pgm and Me might make it possible for pesticide avermectin to act as a selective agent through differential lethality among the insect individuals with different genotypes. In this study a total of 855 grasshoppers were injected with avermectin (1.3 x 10(-2) g/g) to obtain a mortality of 54% after 24 hours. The allozyme analysis was then employed to determine the genotypes of Ldh, Gpi, Pgm and Me for both dead and surviving individuals. Contingency table chi2 tests showed that avermectin displayed random lethal effects on the genotypes at the loci of Ldh, Pgm and Me, without correlation between the genotype and mortality. In contrast, at Gpi locus, the grasshopper demonstrated a mortality cline of Gpi-AA (38%), Gpi-AB (51%), Gpi-BB (58%) and Gpi-BC (74%). The significant mortality differences were found among the following genotype pairs: Gpi-AA vs. Gpi-BB, Gpi-AA vs. Gpi-BC and Gpi-AB vs. Gpi-BC. These data implied the Gpi-AA genotype was likely related to the specie's resistance to the pesticide avermectin. It was also noted that the Gpi-A allele was present in the genotypes with low morality,while Gpi-B was present in the genotypes with moderate mortality, and the individuals with Gpi-C allele exhibited the highest mortality. The data obtained in this study suggested that the increasing proportion of Gpi-AA genotype and perhaps Gpi-A allele in a population may be useful as a potential resistant biomarker of O. chinensis to pesticide avermectin.
- Published
- 2004
40. [Impacts of malathion on population genetic structure of Oxya chinensis].
- Author
Lu FP, Li CL, Duan YH, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Alleles, Animals, Cluster Analysis, Gene Frequency, Genetic Variation, Genetics, Population, Genotype, Grasshoppers classification, Grasshoppers enzymology, Grasshoppers genetics, Malate Dehydrogenase drug effects, Malate Dehydrogenase genetics, Phosphoglucomutase drug effects, Grasshoppers drug effects, Insecticides pharmacology, Malathion pharmacology, Phosphoglucomutase genetics, Polymorphism, Genetic drug effects
- Abstract
Allozyme electrophoresis was employed to compare the difference in mortality among the genotypes at two polymorphic loci of Pgm and Me of grasshopper Oxya chinensis individuals acutely exposed to 1.5g/L malathion which resulted in 56% mortality in 24 hours. The selective lethal effects were observed among the genotypes at Pgm locus but not at Me locus. It is noted that the genotype Pgm-ab experienced the highest mortality (80%), whereas Pgm-bb and Pgm-bc were 49%, lower than the average. The chi(2) tests showed significant difference in morality between Pgm-bb and Pgm-cc. After exposure the allele frequency of Pgm-b showed a notable increase among surviving individuals. The cluster analysis based on Roger's genetic distance indicated that the acute exposure to malathion can cause differentiation in genetic composition at population level in Oxya chinensis. Because malathion is commonly used as the insecticide for grasshopper control, the data obtained in this study suggest that the similar genotype-mortality effects may occur in crop fields.
- Published
- 2004
41. [Genetic relationships among five populations of Oxya chinensis in Shanxi Province and adjacent region based on RAPD].
- Author
Zhang JZ, Ren L, Guo YP, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Animals, Genetics, Population, Orthoptera classification, Orthoptera genetics, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique
- Abstract
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were applied to analyze genetic relationships of five populations of Oxya chinensis collected from Shanxi Province and laner Mongolia, Oxya japonica from Guangxi was used as an outgroup. Genomic DNA of sixty-four individuals was extracted from dissected leg muscle using phenol-chloroform procedure, and then amplified by 10 random primers (10 bp), the amplified products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The results were as follows: (1) a total of 115 clear and reproducible bands were generated, molecular size was 200 - 2500 bp. The obtaining segments of individual primer were among 5 - 15, on average, about 12 bands per primer. (2) The dendrogram based on 115 RAPD markers was constructed and clustered using between-groups linkage method. The cluster analysis indicated strong similarities within populations, firstly, the individuals in each population closely clustered together;and then five populations of Oxya chinensis could be distinguished with RAPD markers and were grouped into two distinct clusters. The dendrogram showed that Shanxi Linyi population and Tunliu population were the most similar,which were clustered with Taiyuan population Shanxi into one cluster, while, Daixian population in Shanxi was closely related to laner Mongolia population, both of which belonged to the other cluster. Nevertheless, All the five populations of Oxya chinensis had far genetic distance with Oxya japonica. In the dendrogram, a tendency of clustering following a North-South gradient could be observed, the results implied that genetic distance of five populations of Oxya chinensis correlated with geographical distance to some degree.
- Published
- 2004
42. Comparative allozyme analysis of two geographic populations of Pararcyptera microptera meridionalis in China.
- Author
Li CX, Ma EB, Guo YP, and Duan YH
- Subjects
- Animals, Gene Frequency, Genetic Variation, Heterozygote, Orthoptera classification, Isoenzymes genetics, Orthoptera enzymology, Orthoptera genetics
- Abstract
The genetic structure of the two populations of Pararcyptera microptera meridionalis (Ikonn.) from Hebei and Liaoning in China was analyzed with horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Among 15 loci of 11 enzymes identified in zymograms, Adk-1, Fbp-1, Mdh-2 and G3pd-1 showed low variability with few alleles. Higher allelic polymorphisms were observed at Fbp-2, Mdh-1 and Me-1. The two populations demonstrated high percentage of polymorphic loci (93.3% and 100.0%) but low observable overall heterozygosity (0.061 and 0.086), that could be attributed to heterozygote deficiencies, which led to the genotype frequency deviating from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. It is reasoned that the strong movement capability of the insect makes the individuals likely to be exposed to drastically varied environments, which tends to maintain dynamic equilibrium of genetic polymorphisms. The F-statistics between the two populations was comparatively smaller ( F(st) = 0.084), but larger when compared with those in migratory locusts like Locusta migratoria manilensis. Nei's genetic identity (I) and Roger's genetic distance (D) also showed close genetic relationship of the two populations by their high genetic identity (I = 0.904) and small genetic distance (D = 0.256). However,considerably qualitative and quantitative differences were noted at loci Acp-1 (F(st) = 0.462) and Pgi-1 (F(st) = 0.182).
- Published
- 2004
43. [Molecular phylogenetic relationships among species in Oxya serville(Orthoptera: Catantopidae) based on random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)].
- Author
Zhang JZ, Ma EB, and Guo YP
- Subjects
- Animals, DNA genetics, DNA isolation & purification, Grasshoppers classification, Species Specificity, Grasshoppers genetics, Phylogeny, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique methods
- Abstract
The molecular phylogenetic relationships of five species of Oxya Audient-serville including O. chinensis, O. brachyptera, O. agavisa, O. japonica and O. intricata were studied with RAPD. Genomic DNA of forty-one individuals were amplified with eight oligonucleotide (10 mer) primers which were previously selected, the specifical bands occured in all them, a total of 96 clear and reproducible bands (rang from 200-2500 bp) were generated, 95 of which were polymorphic band, the only one band (850 bp) which was amplified with S362 was common to five species of Oxya. The obtaining segments of individual primer were between 8-16, the average was 12. A molecular phylogenetic tree based on was constructed Euclidean distance among five species of rice grasshopper by between-groups linkage method, the result indicated O. chinensis was closely related to O. brachyptera, the genetic relationship of O. japonica and O. agavisa was also close, whereas O. intricata had far phylogenetic relationship with them. The results of dendrogram were consistent with the previous conclusion of morphologic classification and cytotaxonomy, and suggested RAPD was suitable for analysis of phylogenetic relationships among species of Oxya.
- Published
- 2003
44. Genetic differentiation of different populations of four locust species in China.
- Author
Li CX, Ma EB, and Zheng XY
- Subjects
- Animals, China, Enzymes genetics, Enzymes metabolism, Gene Frequency, Genetic Variation, Genotype, Grasshoppers classification, Grasshoppers enzymology, Isoenzymes genetics, Isoenzymes metabolism, Polymorphism, Genetic, Species Specificity, Grasshoppers genetics, Phylogeny
- Abstract
The genetic structure of eight populations of four locust species in three families (Catantopidae, Pamphagidae and Pyrgomorphidae) was examined by means of horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, the locusts were collected from Shanxi, Jiangsu and Hebei Province in China. The allele frequency and allozyme polymorphism of 12 enzymes (18 loci) were analyzed. Low variability with a few alleles was observed in Shirakiacris shirakii and Atractomorpha sinensis, however, Oxya Chinensis and Haplotropis brunneriana showed high polymorphism. In the eight populations of the four locust species, high percentage of polymorphic loci was observed (53.3%-100.0%). Owing to heterozygote deficiency of some species, all the four species demonstrated low overall heterozygosity (Ho = 0.034-0.139), which lead to the genotype frequency deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, many of the examined loci were fit for or close to H-W equilibrium in Atractomorpha sinensis. A certain differentiation in mean heterozygosity was found among the four species. Due to the difference of migratory capability, reproductive manner and living bound, mean heterozygosity (Ho) is higher in Haplotropis brunneriana (Ho = 0.089-0.139) and Oxya Chinensis (Ho = 0.073-0.090) than in Atractomorpha sinensis (Ho = 0.034-0.050) and Shirakiacris shirakii (Ho = 0.048-0.068). Genetic differentiation from F-statistics was also different at population level among four locust species. It was high in Haplotropis brunneriana (Fst = 0.32) and Atractomorpha sinensis (Fst = 0.31), and low genetic differentiations were observed in Oxya Chinensis (Fst = 0.20) and Shirakiacris shirakii (Fst = 0.18). It was confirmed that migratory capability, adaptability and surrounding factors had an important influence on the genetic differentiation of locust populations. The taxon relationships based on Nei's genetic identity (I) and genetic distance (D) were consistent with results obtained from karyotypic analyses. Oxya Chinensis and Shirakiacris shirakii in the same family have a higher genetic identity (I = 0.576) and a smaller genetic distance (D = 0.559); the species examined in Pampagidae displayed somewhat closer relationship to those in Pyrgomorphidae (D = 0.776, I = 0.464) than to those in Catantopidae (D = 0.908, I = 0.406). It is suggested that the allozyme analysis is an useful molecular marker for phylogenetic reconstruction of locust at both species and population levels.
- Published
- 2003
45. Genetic studies on eight populations of eight locust species from Shanxi Province, China.
- Author
Li CX, Duan YH, Zheng XY, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Alleles, Animals, China, Electrophoresis, Starch Gel, Enzymes analysis, Gene Frequency, Genetics, Population, Genotype, Grasshoppers classification, Grasshoppers enzymology, Linkage Disequilibrium, Phylogeny, Enzymes genetics, Grasshoppers genetics
- Abstract
The genetic structure of eight locust species in three families (Catantopidae, Oedipodidae and Arcypteridae) from Shanxi Province in China was compared using allozyme analysis with horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Among 17 loci identified in zymograms, Ao-1, Est-3, G3pd-1, Idh-2 and Mdh-2 had low variability with a few alleles. High polymorphism was observed at Ldh-1, Me-1 and Gpi-1. Each of the eight species demonstrated high percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 64.7%-94.1%) but low observed heterozygosity (H0 = 0.024-0.087) due to heterozygote deficiency. It was noted that the migratory locusts usually had higher percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 88.2%-94.1%) than non-migratory species (P = 64.7%-94.1%). The only exception is Oxya chinensis(P = 94.1%). It is reasoned that the higher polymorphism is necessary for migratory species to cope with the environments that might be drastically different from the habitats before migration. The taxon relationships using cluster analysis based on Nei's genetic identity (I) and Roger's genetic distance (D) were the same at species and genus levels. The differences were found at family level, possibly due to the alternative algorithms. The cladogram using Roger's genetic distance (D) overlapped the relationship obtained from karyotypic analyses, which demonstrated that the species examined in Catantopidae displayed somewhat closer relationship to those in Oedipodidae than to those in Arcypteridae. It is suggested that the allozyme analysis is useful as molecular marker for locusts in phylogenetic reconstruction at the species and genus level, while additional data from other studies are necessary when used for higher taxa.
- Published
- 2003
46. [Genetic relationships among Oxya agavisa and other relative species revealed by Cyt b sequences].
- Author
Ren ZM, Ma EB, and Guo YP
- Subjects
- Animals, Base Sequence, DNA, Complementary, Grasshoppers classification, Molecular Sequence Data, Oryza, Phylogeny, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid, Cytochrome b Group genetics, DNA, Mitochondrial analysis, Grasshoppers genetics
- Abstract
The mtDNA Cyt b genes (432 bp) were sequenced for 16 individuals of Oxya agavisa from 7 Chinese region, 3 other relative species (O. japonica, O. chinensis and O. intricata), and two outgroup species (Pseudomorphacris hollisi and Tetrix japonica). In the obtained sequences of O. agavisa, A% + T% was about 71.0% and 9 polymorphic nucleotide sites were observed (about 2.08%), among which no transversions were observed and only one substitution resulted in the variation of amino acid. In the case of 3 other species of Oxya, A% + T% was about 72.5% (O. chinensis) and 70% (O. japonica and O. intricata), respectively. A% + T% in the third site was much higher than the other two sites in all the analyzed Oxya species (O. agavisa, 88.3%; O. chinensis, 92.4%; O. japonica, 86.8%; O. intricata, 89.5%). Six haplotypes of O. agavisa were compared with the 3 other Oxya species and 73 polymorphic nucleotide sites were examined (about 16.9%) in all. Phylogenetic tree was constructed with the Neighbor-Joining methods using P. hollisi and T. japonica as outgroups and the confidence of nodes in the tree was evaluated by Bootstrap(1000 replicates). The NJ tree showed that different haplotypes of O. agavisa clustered together, but no clear relationships between haplotypes and the geographic regions would be inferred. The population from Mount Wuyi belongs to the peculiar group and is relatively distant to other populations. In addition, the NJ tree showed that O. agavisa was closer to O. japonica and O. chinensis closer to O. intricata, which was different from the previous results of morphologic, chromosome karyotype and bands. The relationships among different species of Oxya still need to be further clarified.
- Published
- 2002
47. [The studies of the phylogeny of acridoidea based on mtDNA sequences].
- Author
Ren ZM, Ma EB, and Guo YP
- Subjects
- Animals, Base Sequence, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny, Cytochrome b Group genetics, DNA, Mitochondrial chemistry, Grasshoppers classification
- Abstract
The mtDNA Cyt b sequences (432 bp) were analyzed in 10 individuals from 8 different families of Acridoidea in China. The homologous sequences were compared, the used frequency of nucleotide was calculated and the molecular phylogenetic tree constructed by Neighbor-Joining method using T. japonica as outgroup. The confidence of nodes in the trees was evaluated by bootstrap (1000 replicates). These sequences were the middle part of Cyt b gene, and in the obtained sequences, A% + T% was about 70.4% and G% + C% only 29.6%. The sequence data revealed considerable variation in 177 nucleotide sites (about 41.0%) among the analyzed individuals from 8 different families. From every amino acid codon, A% + T% in the third site was higher (86.6%) than the other two sites and lower than other insects in the corresponding region. The NJ tree suggested that 11 individuals from the 8 families clustered in 4 groups, among which Gomphoceridae and Pamphagidae firstly clustered and then together with Arcypteridae and Acrididae to form group I; Cluster II was made of three species from Catantopidae, O. japonica, O. chinensis and O. intricata; Pyrgmorphidae and Oedipodidae formed group III and Chrotogonidae single as cluster IV, respectively. The phylogenetic relationships of the 8 families was: Chrotogonidae-->Pyrgomorphidae and Oedipodidae-->Catantopidae-->Acrididae-->Arcypteridae-->Gomphoceridae and Pamphagidae, which is little different from the morphological results.
- Published
- 2002
48. Comparative allozyme analysis of severel grasshopper species.
- Author
Qiao HX, Duan YH, Ma EB, and Han Y
- Subjects
- Alleles, Animals, Genes, Dominant, Genetics, Population, Grasshoppers enzymology, Phylogeny, Species Specificity, Gene Frequency, Genetic Variation, Grasshoppers genetics, L-Lactate Dehydrogenase genetics, Malate Dehydrogenase genetics
- Abstract
The allele frequency of four allozyme loci in four grasshopper species from two families of Catantopidae and Oedipodidae was examined using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. The zymograms show that all four species have two loci in malate dehydrogenase (MDH). At MDH-1 one moderately migrated allele is shared and dominant in all four species. Locusta migratoria manilensi has two allele fixations in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malic enzyme (ME); while Gastrimargus saussure has a fixed allele at MDH-1 and a unique fixation at MDH-2. The overall genetic variance was the highest in Oxya chinensis (Allele per locus = 3.0; He = 0.22), but the lowest in L. migratoria manilens (Allele per locus = 1.5; He = 0.013). Allozyme data suggests the four species are close in phylogenetic relationship, but differentiated in genetic variation levels.
- Published
- 2002
49. Comparative allozyme analysis of Oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis from two breeding areas in north China.
- Author
Zheng XY, Duan YH, Li CX, and Ma EB
- Subjects
- Alleles, Animals, China, DNA genetics, Electrophoresis, Starch Gel, Enzymes analysis, Gene Frequency, Genetics, Population, Genotype, Grasshoppers genetics, Linkage Disequilibrium, Enzymes genetics, Grasshoppers enzymology
- Abstract
The allozyme analysis using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was employed to compare the genetic structure in the population of oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis from two breeding areas, Beidagang(Tianjin) and Huanghua(Hebei). The two areas are adjacent but with distinct ecological features, with the recorded locust outbreaks and migration. The zymograms showed that among nineteen loci four (Mdh-1, Pgm, Adk and G3pd) showed extremely low variability level with the frequency of the most common allele higher than 0.95 in the populations from both sites. The rest loci had 2 to 4 alleles but the allele frequencies between the two populations were all similar except Fbp and Got-2 loci. In the 27 chi 2-tests for the genotypes at polymorphic loci only two (Pgi and Got-1) of beidagang population did fit the Hardy-Weinberg's expectations. This is due to high frequencies of the most common homozygotes and the corresponding heterozygote deficiency. The allozyme data demonstrated that the locusts had remarkable genetic variability within each population, but little divergence between the populations. The genetic variability measurements were found similar: Percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was between 73.7% and 78.9%; The mean number of alleles per locus (A) was from 2.9 to 3.1; and the mean heterozygosity (Ho) was nearly identical (about 0.138). The F-statistics (FST = 0.053) also showed the genetic uniformity of the populations, corresponding to the high Nei's genetic identity (I = 0.938). These results of the allozyme analysis suggested that the two populations appeared to be a part of a large population. It is reasoned that the genetic polymorphism and differentiation at certain loci between the two populations may depend on at least two agnostic factors that are all related to migration. First, the unusual dispersal capability of L. m. manilensis tends to make a continuous genetic structure distribution. Second, the frequent migration also results in the individuals to be exposed to drastically various environments. Since the broad adaptability is crucial to survive the changing environments, the genetic variation at population level is necessarily required to offer the population resilience for successful survival and reproduction under those ecologically divergent abiotic and biotic conditions. Thus, the migration contributes to the maintenance of dynamic equilibrium of genetic polymorphism in this highly specialized subspecies.
- Published
- 2002
50. Application of YLD calculation in assessing disease data--an analysis of 4 diseases in 2 regions.
- Author
Ma EB, Wang RT, Yang GH, and Phillips MR
- Subjects
- Accidents, Traffic economics, Adult, Age of Onset, Aged, Humans, Incidence, Lung Neoplasms complications, Lung Neoplasms economics, Mathematical Computing, Middle Aged, Schizophrenia complications, Schizophrenia economics, Software, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary complications, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary economics, Cost of Illness, Persons with Disabilities, Quality-Adjusted Life Years
- Abstract
The objective of the current study is to discuss the problems related to how data is used to calculate Years Lost with Disability (YLD) with the method recommended by the World Bank. The study includes collecting useful data, estimating disease duration and average age of disease onset, adjusting incidence and prevalence data by means of a software programme, DISMOD (Harvard University Incidence & Prevalence Model), and assessing the importance of YLD calculation for different diseases. Remission and fatality rates of 3 diseases were estimated by experts at 2 round consultations. Incidence rates, disease duration and average age of disease onset were calculated and adjusted by DISMOD. YLD due to schizophrenia is the highest among 4 diseases in two regions. YLD is 18.88% in disability adjusted life year for 4 diseases in Xiacheng District, and 19.97% in Fuyang County. Available data can be used for the calculation of YLD after being adjusted. DISMOD is a useful instrument to test the internal consistency of incidence, prevalence, remission and fatality rate. The adjusted data are acceptable to experts and DISMOD. To get rational remission and fatality rates, we can use a cohort method through expert consultations. To reflect overall burden of disease, YLD calculation should be used.
- Published
- 1999
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