1,555 results on '"Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies"'
Search Results
2. Social Transformation through Prefiguration? A Multi-Political Approach of Prefiguring Alternative Infrastructures
- Author
Schiller-Merkens, Simone and Schiller-Merkens, Simone
- Abstract
Prefiguration unites organizations and collectives as diverse as post-growth organizations, common good organizations, community-supported agriculture, transition towns, or ecovillages in their fundamental critique of contemporary capitalism and the belief in the urgency of a major social transformation toward sustainability. It refers to realizing imaginaries of radically alternative futures in social practices, of bringing about the future by enacting real utopias in the present. Prefiguration is an increasingly fashionable concept in the social sciences, but it is still rarely used in scholarship on infrastructures. This paper shows the potential relevance of this concept for studying infrastructures, in particular to address the social transformation of contemporary infrastructures toward radically alternative, revolutionary infrastructures. It therefore starts with providing insights into the common and yet rather narrow understanding of social change and transformation in literature on prefiguration. Building on scholarly reflections on the politics of social transformation and the crucial role of organizing in transformative social change processes, the paper derives a multi-political approach where prefiguration is considered in its intricate linkage to other forms of politics. Furthermore, the paper outlines the conceptual relationship between prefiguration and infrastructures, proposes conceiving radically alternative infrastructures as being created through prefigurative organizing, and discusses a few exemplary challenges of prefiguring alternative immaterial and material infrastructures. It generally suggests that a fundamental social transformation of our societies and infrastructures requires prefigurative organizing, understood through its multi-political lens.
- Published
- 2023
3. Frontiers of Modernity: Infrastructures and Socio-Ecological Transformations
- Author
Wagner, Peter and Wagner, Peter
- Abstract
The preceding contributions to this special issue bring together, from different angles, research on infrastructures with the currently urgent concern of transforming our societies with a view to achieving greater sustainability of modes of production and living. This closing essay does not add further analyses but rather reflects on proposed conceptualizations and the rich array of examples for investigated infrastructures. This is done with a view towards understanding what can and what cannot be accomplished in terms of enhancing possibilities for sustainability in the Anthropocene by analyzing infrastructures and their transformations. Or in other words, this essay selectively draws on and connects the preceding articles to sketch the historicity of the infrastructures of modernity.
- Published
- 2023
4. Feministische Visionen vor und nach 1989: Geschlecht, Medien und Aktivismen in der DDR, BRD und im östlichen Europa
- Author
Aleksander, Karin, Auga, Ulrike E., Dvorakk, Elisaveta, Heft, Kathleen, Jähnert, Gabriele, Schimkat, Heike, Aleksander, Karin, Auga, Ulrike E., Dvorakk, Elisaveta, Heft, Kathleen, Jähnert, Gabriele, and Schimkat, Heike
- Abstract
Wie forderten Geschlechterdiskurse vor und nach 1989 die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse heraus? Wie intervenierten Akteur*innen in machtvolle Ordnungen? Wie werden feministische Visionen in gegenwärtige Aktivismen aufgenommen? Der Band untersucht feministische, queere und künstlerische Widerstandspraxen sowie Mediendiskurse und Selbst- und Fremdzuschreibungen von DDR-Geschlechterbildern aus intersektionalen, postkolonialen und postsäkularen Perspektiven. Zudem wird die Entwicklung der Gender Studies in Osteuropa in den Blick genommen. Die Autor*innen setzen sich mit Geschlechterdiskursen und -studien vor und nach 1989 in der DDR sowie in Mittel- und Osteuropa bis in die unmittelbare Gegenwart hinein auseinander. Neben einer Neubetrachtung von Emanzipationsbewegungen der 1980er-Jahre wird analysiert, wie gegenwärtige Aktivismen uneingelöste feministische Visionen aufnehmen - in der LGBTIQ*Bewegung sowie in postkolonialen, postsäkularen, queeren Theorien. Dabei werden Literatur, Kunst, visuelle Kulturen, und Religion in der DDR als Orte von Widerstand und Vision perspektiviert. Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich zudem mit Fremd- und Selbstzuschreibungen, den Diskursen über 'die' Ostdeutschen und die Komplexität ostdeutscher Geschlechterrealitäten. Der 'Modernisierungsvorsprung' der Geschlechterpolitik in der DDR sowie die Perspektiven verschiedener Generationen werden diskutiert. Das 'Ostdeutsche' als Marker des 'Anderen' verweist dabei auf 'westdeutsche' hegemoniale Vorstellungen, ausgehandelt in Geschlechterbildern und Mediendiskursen. Gleichzeitig adressieren die Autor*innen interdependente Machtverhältnisse. Es wird nach einem intersektionalen Antidiskriminierungsrecht gefragt, das strukturelle Diskriminierungen adressiert, ohne Ostdeutsche als 'Ethnie' zu essentialisieren. Zudem wird die (Nicht-)Etablierung der Gender Studies als umkämpftes politisches Feld in den Blick genommen. Gender Studies sind in der DDR, Polen, Tschechien und Ungarn aus den jeweiligen soziale
- Published
- 2022
5. Refeudalisierung und Rechtsruck: Soziale Ungleichheit und politische Kultur in Lateinamerika
- Author
Kaltmeier, Olaf and Kaltmeier, Olaf
- Abstract
Weltweit ist eine Konjunktur der Refeudalisierung zu verzeichnen: Milliardäre werden Staatspräsidenten, der Luxuskonsum steigt ebenso dramatisch an wie soziale Ungleichheiten und es entsteht eine Kultur politischer und sozio-ökonomischer Abschottung. In Lateinamerika ist diese Tendenz zudem mit einem markanten Rechtsruck in der politischen Sphäre verbunden, der - symbolisiert im Aufstieg weißer, reicher Männer - Indigene, Arme und Feministen zunehmend diffamiert. Mit seiner Refeudalisierungs-Hypothese liefert der Autor einen kohärenten Interpretationsrahmen, um die Phänomene des Gesellschaftswandels verständlich zu machen, die wir im frühen 21. Jahrhundert global durchleben und die in Lateinamerika ganz spezifische regionale Ausdrucksformen annehmen.
- Published
- 2022
6. Lean on Me: Rezension zu 'The Nation and the Promise of Friendship: Building Solidarity through Sociability' von Danny Kaplan
- Author
Busen, Andreas and Busen, Andreas
- Abstract
Danny Kaplan: The Nation and the Promise of Friendship: Building Solidarity through Sociability. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 978-3-319-78401-4
- Published
- 2022
7. Nichts wird mehr besser, wenn schon alles gut ist: Verdrängungsmechanismen, Beschönigungsversuche und Verschleierungstechniken zur sozialen Ungleichheit
- Author
Butterwegge, Christoph and Butterwegge, Christoph
- Abstract
In dem Beitrag geht es um Aussagen einer "Beschönigungs- und Beschwichtigungsliteratur" zum Thema "Armut und soziale Ungleichheit", wie der Verfasser jene Bücher und Artikel nennt, die das Problem seiner Meinung nach verharmlosen, relativieren oder negieren. Kritisiert wird, dass die sich in Deutschland seit Jahrzehnten vertiefende Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich durch Verwendung nicht oder wenig aussagekräftiger Daten ebenso aus dem Blickfeld gerät wie die trotz Verabschiedung der "Agenda 2030" durch einen UN-Gipfel fortdauernde Not in Entwicklungsländern.
- Published
- 2022
8. Refeudalización: Desigualdad social, economía y cultura política en América Latina en el temprano siglo XXI
- Author
Kaltmeier, Olaf and Kaltmeier, Olaf
- Abstract
En las sociedades contemporáneas constatamos un estado de desigualdad social como en el viejo régimen: la acumulación de la riqueza en el 1% de la población, multimillonarios como presidentes, el aumento en el consumo de lujo, el surgimiento de una cultura de distinción, así como la concentración de la tierra y la segregación espacial. Para comprender estos fenómenos en un marco interpretativo coherente, este ensayo plantea la hipótesis de que en el temprano siglo XXI vivimos una nueva combinación de refeudalización a nivel global, pero con rasgos regionales específicos. En América Latina este concepto es particularmente útil para entender el regreso de la derecha al poder después de una época de gobiernos de izquierda.
- Published
- 2022
9. Europäische Gesellschaften zwischen Kohäsion und Spaltung: Rolle, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit
- Author
Baier, Florian, Borrmann, Stefan, Hefel, Johanna, Thiessen, Barbara, Baier, Florian, Borrmann, Stefan, Hefel, Johanna, and Thiessen, Barbara
- Abstract
Soziale Kohäsion zu fördern und zu bewahren ist eine zentrale Herausforderung europäischer Gesellschaften. Basierend auf Beiträgen der ersten trinationalen Tagung von DGSA, OGSA und SGSA wird in diesem Sammelband thematisiert, welche Bedeutungen soziale Kohäsion für Individuen und Gesellschaften hat und wie Soziale Arbeit dazu beitragen kann, soziale Kohäsion als Grundlage freiheitlich demokratischer Gesellschaften zu fördern und zu bewahren. Angesichts wachsender ökonomischer und sozialer Disparitäten, sowohl im internationalen als auch im nationalen und regionalen Kontext sowie damit verbundenen drohenden bzw. zunehmenden Spaltungen von Gesellschaft, werden Ab- und Ausgrenzungsprozesse zu zentralen Themen, innerhalb derer Soziale Arbeit ihre Praxis, Forschung und Theoriebildung zu verorten hat. National verfasste sozialrechtliche und -politische Wohlfahrtsregime verweisen dabei auf je unterschiedliche historische Traditionslinien, auch wenn europäische Rahmungen zu Harmonisierungsprozessen geführt haben. Unklar bleibt jedoch, wie sich solidarische und auf unterschiedliche Lebenswelten bezogene Unterstützungsangebote konzipieren lassen, die Vielfalt nicht primär als Problem markieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die drei akademischen Fachgesellschaften Sozialer Arbeit aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (DGSA, OGSA und SGSA) soziale Kohäsion und gesellschaftliche Spaltung zu zentralen Themen ihrer ersten gemeinsamen Tagung 2021 gemacht. Dieser Sammelband basiert auf ausgewählten Beiträgen der trinationalen Tagung. Einleitend wird in diesem Sammelband das Themengebiet aus theoretischer und historischer Perspektive beleuchtet, um daran anschließend einzelne Handlungsfelder Sozialer Arbeit im Kontext von Kohäsion und Spaltung zu diskutieren. Auf der Grundlage international vergleichender Studien und Diskussionen werden sowohl nationale als auch übergreifende Charakteristika gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen sowie Sozialer Arbeit deutlich und es werden Perspekt, Promoting and preserving social cohesion has become a central challenge for European societies. Based on contributions from the first trinational conference of DGSA, OGSA and SGSA, this book addresses both the meaning of social cohesion for individuals and societies and the question of how social work can contribute to promoting and preserving social cohesion as the basis of liberal democratic societies.
- Published
- 2022
10. Von Defizitlisten und Wunschzetteln unter blauem Himmel: Rezension zu 'Lütten Klein - Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft'
- Author
Lehmann, Maren and Lehmann, Maren
- Abstract
Steffen Mau: Lütten Klein - Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2019. 978-3-518-42894-8
- Published
- 2022
11. Jenseits der Gräben: Rezension zu 'Lütten Klein - Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft'
- Author
Busch, Ulrich and Busch, Ulrich
- Abstract
Steffen Mau: Lütten Klein - Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2019. 978-3-518-42894-8
- Published
- 2022
12. Schnittmuster der Klassengesellschaft: Rezension zu 'Working Class. Warum wir Arbeit brauchen, von der wir leben können' von Julia Friedrichs
- Author
Vogel, Berthold and Vogel, Berthold
- Abstract
Julia Friedrichs: Working Class: Warum wir Arbeit brauchen, von der wir leben können. München: Piper-Verlag 2021. 978-3-8270-1426-9
- Published
- 2022
13. Das große Krabbeln: Rezension zu 'Wilde Soziologie - Soziale Insekten und die Phantasmen moderner Vergesellschaftung' von Eva Johach
- Author
Delitz, Heike and Delitz, Heike
- Abstract
Eva Johach: Wilde Soziologie - Soziale Insekten und die Phantasmen moderner Vergesellschaftung. Paderbon: Wilhelm Fink 2020. 978-3-8467-6522-7
- Published
- 2022
14. Neue Ideen zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Literaturessay zu 'Anfänge. Eine neue Geschichte der Menschheit' von David Graeber und David Wengrow
- Author
Paul, Axel T. and Paul, Axel T.
- Abstract
David Graeber, David Wengrow: Anfänge - Eine neue Geschichte der Menschheit. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 2022. 978-3-608-98508-5
- Published
- 2022
15. Mentale Lagerungen: Textauszug aus 'Lütten Klein - Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft'
- Author
Mau, Steffen and Mau, Steffen
- Published
- 2022
16. The relationships between social wellbeing, democracy quality and political life
- Author
Lasswell, Jake, Jain, Howell Bassin, Kammer, Von Der, Lasswell, Jake, Jain, Howell Bassin, and Kammer, Von Der
- Abstract
This article investigates the economic and cultural foundations of wellbeing in the Berlin Republic and assesses the role of objective and subjective wellbeing in social and political life. It finds that although Germany enjoys the economic prerequisites for generally high levels of individual and social wellbeing, certain individuals and groups of Germans struggle to realise their life potential, either because of material constraints or because of subjective constraints relating to social tensions and cultural perceptions. These constraints include a deep-seated 'materialist-pessimist' cultural outlook; ongoing tensions relating to the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) with the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1990; and a new public discourse of austerity arising out of government responses to an overloaded welfare system and the European financial crisis.
- Published
- 2022
17. Polarization but Not Pillarization Catholicism and Cultural Change in Post-Transformation Poland
- Author
Sadlon, Wojciech and Sadlon, Wojciech
- Abstract
The modern Polish cultural system emerges through the interplay between social structure and agency, which represent different properties and powers or, more precisely, 'independent properties, capable of exerting autonomous influences.' I argue that Polish Catholicism entered the transformation process to some extent as an agential force which shaped progressive social change and delivered 'energy' for the transformation of Polish society. However, the process of transformation has changed the public position of the Catholic Church as it is no longer an actor within a dominating social movement that thrived in the quest for freedom and human rights. Catholicism that has played a role in shaping social conflicts, still represents to some degree 'a public good'. That is why, despite strong political polarization in Poland, there is no context for 'pillarization' within Polish society. The situation of Catholicism in the modern Polish social configuration should be described using the category of 'polarization' rather than 'pillarization'. My study of Polish Catholicism confirms that social polarization in Poland is not a bottom-up process but rather, is driven from the top down as a cultural process.
- Published
- 2022
18. Statistical and Perceived Diversity and Their Impacts on Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Germany, France and the Netherlands
- Author
Koopmans, Ruud, Schaeffer, Merlin, Koopmans, Ruud, and Schaeffer, Merlin
- Abstract
The question whether ethnic diversity is associated with declining social cohesion has produced much controversy. We maintain that more attention must be paid to cognitive mechanisms to move the debate ahead. Using survey data from 938 localities in Germany, France, and the Netherlands, we explore a crucial individual-level mechanism: perceptions of diversity. We not only consider perceptions of the amount, but also of the qualitative nature of diversity. By asking about various qualitative aspects of diversity, we test the cognitive salience of three explanations that have been proposed in the literature for negative diversity effects: out-group biases, asymmetric preferences and coordination problems. We show that all three mechanisms matter. Perceptions both mediate statistical diversity effects, and have important explanatory power of their own. Moreover, we are able to address the question to what extend the relationship of perceived diversity and neighborhood social cohesion varies across policy contexts. Based on assumptions in the literature about positive impacts of inclusive and culturally pluralist immigrant integration policy approaches, we hypothesize that ethno-cultural diversity is less negatively related to neighborhood social cohesion in more inclusive policy contexts. Our results provide partial support for this hypothesis as perceived diversity has a significantly stronger negative impact on neighborhood cohesion in Germany.
- Published
- 2022
19. Multilingualism and Social Inclusion in Scotland: Language Options and Ligatures of the '1+2 Language Approach'
- Author
Kanaki, Argyro and Kanaki, Argyro
- Abstract
Recent global trends in migration, trade and overall mobility have continued to transform our objective realities and subjective experiences around linguistic diversity. More broadly, in many countries, the politics of multilingualism seem to have changed the old links between language and nation-state. In this context, Scotland is studied in this article as a case study as it acts to dispel the myth of a 'monolingual country'. Its recent language policy, the "1+2 Language Approach" (Scottish Government, 2012b), including regional languages, modern foreign languages and heritage languages of migrants have created opportunities as well as imbalances and issues of equity in the Scottish language habitus. Drawing on Kraus's work (2018), this article demonstrates how the policy creates language as 'options' and as 'ligatures'. However, these 'options' and 'ligatures' are not salient and straightforward. The policy is explored on three different levels: (1) on its potential for allowing the development of multilingual communication strategies such as intercomprehension, code-switching and mixing, (2) on its commitment to linguistic justice avoiding language hierarchies and (3) on its links with dominating, neoliberal approaches to education and the economy. The article finally concludes that options and ligatures visible in language policy impose some semantic order on the confusion of layered co-occurrences of various hegemonies, or the general strain between macro and micro distinction.
- Published
- 2022
20. Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: Linguistic Justice and Language Policy
- Author
Csata, Zsombor, Marácz, László, Csata, Zsombor, and Marácz, László
- Abstract
Multilingual or linguistically heterogeneous societies are increasing around the globe. Socio-political processes, like Europeanization and globalization, are responsible for this expansion. Universal norms and standards for language use and identity are spreading, mediated by international organizations and charters. In this view, multilingualism can be seen as a challenge to national social cohesion, though it remained undisputed before the development of global multi level governance. In many places, languages of traditional territorial minorities have been recognized and given official status, leading in some cases to new forms of local, regional, and national governance. Furthermore, the proliferation of multilingualism is boosted by a variety of forms of mobility, where mobility is understood as physical migration or new forms of virtual mobility connected to digital networks. Mobility in this sense underpins the linguistic and transnational identity of the migrants who bring new languages with them. One of the questions in need of analysis is the circumstances and conditions that lead to the inclusion/exclusion from society of specific linguistic groups with shared linguistic features. This thematic issue wants to address the apparent schism between multilingualism and social inclusion as well as the language policy and planning pursued by supranational institutions, states, and societal organizations in their efforts tackle it. In this issue, the focus of study of linguistically diverse societies will be on the closely interrelated dependencies which impact language policy and planning.
- Published
- 2022
21. 'Gated Communities' - und andere neuere Demarkationslinien in 'entgrenzten Gesellschaften'
- Author
Schwengel, Hermann, Nogala, Detlef, Schwengel, Hermann, and Nogala, Detlef
- Published
- 2022
22. Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung
- Author
Dilger, Hansjörg, Warstat, Matthias, Dilger, Hansjörg, and Warstat, Matthias
- Abstract
Der Begriff der kulturellen Diversität ist umstritten - besonders, wenn es um die Zukunft von Institutionen geht. Führen Diversitäts-Politiken zu einem höheren Maß gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe unterrepräsentierter Gruppen? Oder ist "kulturelle Vielfalt" nur ein beschwichtigendes Etikett, das die sozialen Ungleichheiten in Institutionen eher verschleiert als benennt? Dieser Band beleuchtet die affektiven Dynamiken kultureller Diversifizierung in zentralen institutionellen Feldern wie Gesundheit, Bildung, Medien und Kultur. Er zeigt, dass es bei kultureller Diversifizierung nicht nur um die Reform von Institutionen, sondern um eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Neuorientierung in einer stark polarisierten Öffentlichkeit geht. Dieses radikale Potenzial wird nur selten realisiert, aber es erklärt die affektive Aufladung der Kämpfe um Diversität, der dieser Band nachgeht.
- Published
- 2022
23. Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: Linguistic Justice and Language Policy
- Author
László Marácz and Zsombor Csata
- Subjects
Mehrsprachigkeit ,Sprache ,social cohesion ,Multi-level governance ,Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,multilingualism ,soziale Kohäsion ,lcsh:HM401-1281 ,Identity (social science) ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Economic Justice ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,Globalization ,Kommunikationssoziologie, Sprachsoziologie, Soziolinguistik ,Globalisierung ,Political science ,communication strategies ,Multilingualism ,Language policy ,Virtual mobility ,Sociology of Communication, Sociology of Language, Sociolinguistics ,language ,Sprachenpolitik ,minority ,communication ,social integration ,Kommunikation ,Variety (linguistics) ,Linguistics ,mobility ,economy of language ,language policy ,linguistic justice ,social inclusion ,lcsh:Sociology (General) ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,interkulturelle Kommunikation ,Minderheit ,intercultural communication ,soziale Integration ,ddc:301 ,globalization - Abstract
Multilingual or linguistically heterogeneous societies are increasing around the globe. Socio-political processes, like Europeanization and globalization, are responsible for this expansion. Universal norms and standards for language use and identity are spreading, mediated by international organizations and charters. In this view, multilingualism can be seen as a challenge to national social cohesion, though it remained undisputed before the development of global multi level governance. In many places, languages of traditional territorial minorities have been recognized and given official status, leading in some cases to new forms of local, regional, and national governance. Furthermore, the proliferation of multilingualism is boosted by a variety of forms of mobility, where mobility is understood as physical migration or new forms of virtual mobility connected to digital networks. Mobility in this sense underpins the linguistic and transnational identity of the migrants who bring new languages with them. One of the questions in need of analysis is the circumstances and conditions that lead to the inclusion/exclusion from society of specific linguistic groups with shared linguistic features. This thematic issue wants to address the apparent schism between multilingualism and social inclusion as well as the language policy and planning pursued by supranational institutions, states, and societal organizations in their efforts tackle it. In this issue, the focus of study of linguistically diverse societies will be on the closely interrelated dependencies which impact language policy and planning.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Łukasz Rąb and Karolina Kettler
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Humanistic psychology ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Observation ,Epidemie ,social relations ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,soziale Beziehungen ,epidemic ,Utopia ,Political science ,Pandemic ,Health care ,sustainable development ,surveillance capitalism ,post-pandemic world ,utopia ,work ,humanistic management ,Working Conditions ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Health policy ,media_common ,Gesellschaft ,Sustainable development ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,business.industry ,Health Policy ,Capitalism ,Arbeitswelt ,society ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Political economy ,Scale (social sciences) ,Auswirkung ,impact ,surveillance ,ddc:300 ,Gesundheitspolitik ,ddc:301 ,business ,world of work - Abstract
The current coronavirus pandemic is not only a health/healthcare crisis but to a vast extent it will also influence other spheres of life, including social relations, the shape of economy and working models, and natural environment. Sustainable development that relies on the previously mentioned pillars (economy, society, environment) is going to be strongly affected by the virus outbreak. There is a threat that the process of recovering from the corona crisis will accelerate and legitimize the dynamics of surveillance capitalism. A really interesting case is going to be the labor world, where thanks to modern technologies, suppression of personal freedoms and triumph of total surveillance might be particularly easy. However, good scenarios are also plausible. The first 21st century pandemic of that scale may force societies to redefine their current modus operandi and shift capitalism into a more sustainable, humanistic model.
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
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25. Frontiers of Modernity: Infrastructures and Socio-Ecological Transformations
- Author
Wagner, Peter
- Subjects
Wachstum ,infrastructural turn ,growth ,Social Sciences ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Capitalism ,Ecology, Environment ,infrastructure ,Geld ,Sociology & anthropology ,Ökologie und Umwelt ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,Transformation ,economic method ,social structure ,revolution ,sozialer Wandel ,Anthropocene ,Ökologie ,ddc:577 ,capitalism ,Kapitalismus ,Ecology ,Nachhaltigkeit ,transformation ,Infrastruktur ,social change ,solidarity ,social sciences ,sustainability ,Solidarity ,Moderne ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,money ,ddc:301 ,Energie ,modernity ,Wirtschaftsweise ,energy - Abstract
The preceding contributions to this special issue bring together, from different angles, research on infrastructures with the currently urgent concern of transforming our societies with a view to achieving greater sustainability of modes of production and living. This closing essay does not add further analyses but rather reflects on proposed conceptualizations and the rich array of examples for investigated infrastructures. This is done with a view towards understanding what can and what cannot be accomplished in terms of enhancing possibilities for sustainability in the Anthropocene by analyzing infrastructures and their transformations. Or in other words, this essay selectively draws on and connects the preceding articles to sketch the historicity of the infrastructures of modernity., Historical Social Research Vol. 47, No. 4 (2022): Special Issue: Ruptures, Transformations, Continuities. Rethinking Infrastructures and Ecology. Starting Point and Frequency: Year: 1979, Issues per volume: 4, Volumes per year: 1
- Published
- 2022
26. Social Transformation through Prefiguration? A Multi-Political Approach of Prefiguring Alternative Infrastructures
- Author
Schiller-Merkens, Simone
- Subjects
real utopia ,social transformation ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Ecology, Environment ,Prefiguration ,Sociology & anthropology ,Ökologie und Umwelt ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,economic method ,sozialer Wandel ,prefigurative organizing ,prefiguration ,alternatives to capitalism ,infrastructures ,social sciences ,organizations ,Ökologie ,ddc:577 ,Ecology ,Nachhaltigkeit ,transformation ,social change ,sustainability ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,ddc:301 ,Wirtschaftsweise - Abstract
Prefiguration unites organizations and collectives as diverse as post-growth organizations, common good organizations, community-supported agriculture, transition towns, or ecovillages in their fundamental critique of contemporary capitalism and the belief in the urgency of a major social transformation toward sustainability. It refers to realizing imaginaries of radically alternative futures in social practices, of bringing about the future by enacting real utopias in the present. Prefiguration is an increasingly fashionable concept in the social sciences, but it is still rarely used in scholarship on infrastructures. This paper shows the potential relevance of this concept for studying infrastructures, in particular to address the social transformation of contemporary infrastructures toward radically alternative, revolutionary infrastructures. It therefore starts with providing insights into the common and yet rather narrow understanding of social change and transformation in literature on prefiguration. Building on scholarly reflections on the politics of social transformation and the crucial role of organizing in transformative social change processes, the paper derives a multi-political approach where prefiguration is considered in its intricate linkage to other forms of politics. Furthermore, the paper outlines the conceptual relationship between prefiguration and infrastructures, proposes conceiving radically alternative infrastructures as being created through prefigurative organizing, and discusses a few exemplary challenges of prefiguring alternative immaterial and material infrastructures. It generally suggests that a fundamental social transformation of our societies and infrastructures requires prefigurative organizing, understood through its multi-political lens., Historical Social Research Vol. 47, No. 4 (2022): Special Issue: Ruptures, Transformations, Continuities. Rethinking Infrastructures and Ecology. Starting Point and Frequency: Year: 1979, Issues per volume: 4, Volumes per year: 1
- Published
- 2022
27. The Role of Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics in Affecting Subjective Well-being. The Case of Hungary
- Author
Róbert, Péter
- Subjects
hungary ,Wohlbefinden ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,lcsh:Political science ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,lcsh:Social Sciences ,opinion research ,well-being ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,subjective well-being ,public opinion research ,multivariate analysis ,Hungary ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie ,Economic and Social Geography ,lcsh:H ,Meinungsforschung ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,subjective wellbeing ,multivariate Analyse ,ddc:300 ,Ungarn ,ddc:301 ,lcsh:J - Abstract
The paper investigates the influence of various demographic and social factors on the perception of well-being in Hungary. For the purpose of the analysis, various measures of subjective well-being have been developed, as dependent variables, using both narrower and broader set of items, and principal factor analysis was applied to construct normalised indices. Demographic predictors include gender, age, family composition, residence; sociological predictors contain education, labour market position, income and wealth as well as questions on health and religiosity. Hungary is an interesting case to study, given the well-known strong deficit in subjective well-being. The phenomenon is particularly motivating in the light of the official propaganda by the governing political forces on the country’s economic and social progress. Low level of subjective well-being is confirmed again, partly in international comparison, partly from the perspective of temporal change. Furthermore, detailed analysis of the data reveals that Hungarians seem to be markedly divided by age, residence and social status for higher or lower assessment of well-being. Regression models prove that material conditions have the strongest impact on subjective well-being, even if controlled for education and labour market position. The results on subjective-wellbeing raise questions for public policy in Hungary., Studies of Transition States and Societies, Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
- Published
- 2019
28. ‚Der Osten‘ als Teil ‚des Westens‘ und ‚des Rests‘. Eine unmöglich knappe Skizze der Potenziale Postkolonialer Theorien für eine Analyse ‚des Ostens‘
- Author
Sandra Matthäus
- Subjects
Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,ddc:301 ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies - Abstract
Leseprobe ----- Bibliographie: Matthaus, Sandra: ‚Der Osten‘ als Teil ‚des Westens‘ und ‚des Rests‘. Eine unmoglich knappe Skizze der Potenziale Postkolonialer Theorien fur eine Analyse ‚des Ostens‘, Femina Politica – Zeitschrift fur feministische Politikwissenschaft, 2-2019, S. 130-135. https://doi.org/10.3224/feminapolitica.v28i2.11
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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29. Doing Identity in Luxemburg: Subjektive Aneignungen - institutionelle Zuschreibungen - sozio-kulturelle Milieus
- Author
IPSE - Identités: Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces and IPSE - Identités: Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces
- Abstract
Luxemburg - internationaler Finanzplatz, europäisches Verwaltungszentrum, Einwanderungsland? Dieses Buch gibt Einblicke in eine wenig erforschte Gesellschaft und Hinweise auf Identitätskonstruktionen unter globalisierten Bedingungen. Das interdisziplinäre Autorenteam arbeitet subjektive Aneignungs- und institutionelle Zuschreibungsprozesse auf den Gebieten "Sprache", "Raum", "Alltagskultur" sowie "Selbst-" und "Fremdbild" heraus und ermittelt erstmals sozio-kulturelle Milieus im Großherzogtum. Der materialreiche Band zeigt Ambivalenzen und Dynamiken in einer multikulturellen und mehrsprachigen Gesellschaft auf.
- Published
- 2021
30. Moral Economies of Food in Contemporary China
- Author
Bunkenborg, Mikkel, Hansen, Anders Sybrandt, Bunkenborg, Mikkel, and Hansen, Anders Sybrandt
- Published
- 2021
31. Balance Sheet: Disadvantaged Social Groups in Hungary in 2007
- Author
Kovács Kósa, Magda, Pető, Andrea, Kovács Kósa, Magda, and Pető, Andrea
- Published
- 2021
32. Commoning als Rhizom denken - Normative Orientierungspunkte für gutes Leben
- Author
Schmitz, Luki S. and Schmitz, Luki S.
- Abstract
Ausgehend von Krisenwahrnehmungen und Sozialen Bewegungen, die durch politische Forderungen und konkrete Praktiken krisenhaften Strukturen Ideen des guten Lebens gegenüberstellen, wird Commons und Commoning als eine Form der anderen Wirtschafts- und Sozialbeziehungen vorgestellt. Zugleich wird die Pluralität der Commonspraktiken als Herausforderung für die Festlegung normativer Zielrichtungen herausgearbeitet. Durch eine immanente Perspektive, die die normativen Zielsetzungen aus der Debatte selbst herausstellt, kann ein gewinnbringender und erweiternder Umgang gelingen. Mit dem Ansatz des Rhizoms von Deleuze und Guattari wird eine Perspektive vorgestellt, die Commoning als pluralen Prozess des Werdens denkt und daraus Möglichkeiten zur Reflexion und immanente Verhandlung von normativen Zielen herausstellt., Starting from the articulation of crises and social movements that try to implement structures for a good life by making political claims and realizing practical projects, this article takes commons and commoning into consideration as a specific and practical form of economic and social relations that provides an alternative to capitalism. At the same time, the pluraity of practices is elaborated as presenting a challenge to determining normative goals. An immanent perspective which highlights the normative goals of commons from the debate itself provides a fruitful means of dealing with this plurality of challenges. Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome approach allows us to think of commoning as a form of becoming. The concept of becoming allows a reflective and immanent perspective to be taken of the negotiation of normative goals of commoning.
- Published
- 2021
33. Gating the Rich - Barcoding the Poor: Konturen einer neoliberalen Sicherheitskonfiguration
- Author
Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang, Nogala, Detlef, Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang, and Nogala, Detlef
- Published
- 2021
34. Erscheinungs- und Begriffswandel von Sozialkontrolle eingangs des 21. Jahrhunderts
- Author
Peters, Helge, Nogala, Detlef, Peters, Helge, and Nogala, Detlef
- Published
- 2021
35. Dimensions and Evaluation of Social Capital and Its Regional Distribution in the Slovak Republic
- Author
Rošková, Ivana, Prochádzková, Martina, Klasová, Slávka, Kováč, Viliam, Rošková, Ivana, Prochádzková, Martina, Klasová, Slávka, and Kováč, Viliam
- Abstract
The paper deals with the dimensions of social capital in the Slovak Republic. The aim is to assess how social capital is distributed socially among the citizens of the Slovak Republic and geographically among the regions of the country. Social capital is evaluated on a basis of the three dimensions, where networks, trust and civism belong. The paper analyses the data from the European Values Study survey, especially the 2008 wave. The results of this study show that social capital has kept a decreasing tendency in the Slovak Republic throughout the period from the year 1991 to the year 2008. The reasons behind this may lie in the historical development of the country - the transformation of the economy and the dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. With respect to a social distribution, social capital is generally higher among more educated, right-wing Slovaks with higher earnings. In the terms of a geographical distribution, the Trnava Region and the Trenčín Region appear to have less developed social capital compared to the other regions in Slovak Republic.
- Published
- 2021
36. Der Frosch im heißen Wasser: Wie in der informatisierten Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts Überwachung trivialisiert wird
- Author
Schulzki-Haddouti, Christiane, Nogala, Detlef, Schulzki-Haddouti, Christiane, and Nogala, Detlef
- Published
- 2021
37. Medo: o novo mal-estar da humanidade
- Author
Damião de Medeiros, Pilar Sousa Lima, Fontes, Paulo Vitorino, Damião de Medeiros, Pilar Sousa Lima, and Fontes, Paulo Vitorino
- Abstract
Uncertainty, insecurity and vulnerability have become commonplace in contemporary societies. This article aims an interdisciplinary reflection on the social and political construction of fear in liquid modernity. Zygmunt Bauman, Leonidas Donskis, Martha Nussbaum, Hannah Arendt, Ulrich Beck, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bernard Henri-Levy and Umberto Eco are some of the authors that we will put into dialogue to better understand the multiple narratives of fear in an era deeply marked by destruction social certainties, the worsening of social inequalities, the logic of predatory capitalism, the resurgence of nationalisms of exclusion, as well as ethnic-cultural particularisms, which move from xenophobic and racist discourses and, finally, new risks, such as ecological degradation and the pandemic COVID19, which currently plagues contemporary societies and domesticates social behaviors.
- Published
- 2021
38. Frei, fair und lebendig - Die Macht der Commons
- Author
Helfrich, Silke, Bollier, David, Helfrich, Silke, and Bollier, David
- Abstract
Dieses Buch soll Mut machen. Es vereint ein beziehungsreiches Denken mit einer neuen Art zu handeln. Das Ziel: eine freie, faire und lebendige Gesellschaft. Doch das Gewohnte hat sich tief eingegraben in unseren Köpfen, in unseren Alltag, in Markt und Staat. Die Autor*innen legen überkommene Denkmuster frei und entwerfen ein Programm für ein gelingendes Miteinander, ein anderes Politikverständnis und ein sorgendes Wirtschaften. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Commons-Praktiken. Sie zeigen, wie wir in Verschiedenheit gemeinsame Ziele verfolgen. Ganz praktisch können so Häuser und Fahrzeuge in ähnlicher Weise wie die Wikipedia entstehen. Das Buch stiftet zudem an, wie ein "Commoner" zu denken. Es bietet eine Sprache für die Welt von morgen. Es verändert nicht nur die Wirtschaft und die Politik - es verändert uns., This book is meant to encourage. It unites relational thinking with a new way of acting. The goal: a free, fair and vibrant society. But what we are used to is deeply rooted in our minds, in our everyday lives, in the market and the state. The authors uncover traditional patterns of thought and design a program for a successful cooperation, a different political understanding and a caring economy. They focus on practices, showing how we pursue common goals in diversity. In practice, houses and vehicles can be built in a similar way to Wikipedia. The book also encourages us to think like a "Commoner". It offers a language for the world of tomorrow. It not only changes the economy and politics - it changes us.
- Published
- 2021
39. Religiöser Pluralismus: Empirische Studien und analytische Perspektiven
- Author
Baumann, Martin, Behloul, Samuel M., Baumann, Martin, and Behloul, Samuel M.
- Abstract
Interdisziplinär konzipiert, zeigt dieses Buch in historischer und gegenwartsbezogener Perspektive die Komplexität und den Facettenreichtum des religiösen Pluralismus auf, der unsere gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit zunehmend bestimmt. Die hier dokumentierten religionswissenschaftlichen, soziologischen, rechtlichen und philosophischen Zugänge sind dabei behilflich, sich mit Religion und ihrer weltweit wachsenden gesellschaftlichen Relevanz auseinander zu setzen. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie der Herausforderung des Religionspluralismus im europäischen und außereuropäischen Raum begegnet wird und welche große Bandbreite an Themen hierbei zu Tage tritt.
- Published
- 2021
40. Changes in class structures after the great recession: Estonia and Lithuania compared
- Author
Morkevičius, Vaidas, Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, Ambrulevičiūtė, Aelita, Norkus, Zenonas, Morkevičius, Vaidas, Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, Ambrulevičiūtė, Aelita, and Norkus, Zenonas
- Abstract
In the studies of transition states and societies, Estonia and Lithuania are considered as twin cases of the neoliberal Baltic model due to similarities in their political economies and macroeconomic policies. Do similarities between the two countries extend to their class structures? We compare changes of the class composition in Estonia and Lithuania during the 2008-2015 period, encompassing the Great Recession and subsequent recovery. For empirical analysis, we use the European Social Survey (ESS) data and employ the framework of the European Socio-economic Classification (ESeC). We find that by 2015 the class structure of the Estonian society became similar to the class structures in the technologically most advanced post-industrial countries. Changes in the class structure of Lithuania diverged from general trends, preserving many features characteristic of industrial societies.
- Published
- 2021
41. Generational Differences, Generations of Western Society, Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace
- Author
Thompson, Sherwood, Klimczuk, Andrzej, Thompson, Sherwood, and Klimczuk, Andrzej
- Abstract
Generational differences in societies are characteristics generally attributed to people’s age that constitute a sociocultural phenomenon. Divisions in the generations differ across nations and extend even to civilizations. Perception and recognition of the different characteristics of each generation affect the cooperation between people in social, political, and economic capacities, and subsequently extend to entities in the public, informal, commercial, and nongovernmental sectors. From the perspective of social justice, it is important to draw attention to how workplace management techniques are used to promote equal opportunities among representatives of various generations.
- Published
- 2021
42. Review: Researching Estonian transformation: morphogenetic reflections
- Author
Wańczyk, Kacper and Wańczyk, Kacper
- Published
- 2021
43. Bosquejo para una historia estructural de la aceleración capitalista
- Author
Cristiano, Javier Luis and Cristiano, Javier Luis
- Abstract
Entre los análisis de la transformación de las estructuras temporales de la modernidad la idea de aceleración ocupa un lugar prominente, donde el trabajo de Hartmut Rosa es la refe-rencia principal, pues ha esbozado una teoría sistemática en donde la aceleración se conecta con variables explicativas conformando una tendencia sociológicamente discernible. El ob-jetivo de este artículo es profundizar ese análisis, puntualmente en la conexión que Rosa establece entre aceleración y capitalismo. A fin de anali-zar ese vínculo como un movimiento tendencial de la sociedad moderna, se procede, primero, a precisar las relaciones formales entre la lógica del capital, tal como fue analizada por Marx, y la aceleración de concretos y fundamentales procesos sociales. Después, se trata de mostrar el modo en que esas relaciones lógicas se han desplegado en la historia larga del capitalismo, apelando para ello a conceptos y a material em-pírico proveniente de la escuela francesa de la regulación. Con ello se obtiene un bosquejo de historia estructural de la aceleración que, ade-más de precisar y desarrollar con medios no habituales la teoría de Rosa, tiene valor poten-cial para análisis históricos y conceptuales más específicos., Prominent among the analysis of the transfor-mation of the temporal structures of modernity is the idea of acceleration, Hartmut Rosa’s work being the main reference for it since it outlines a systematic theory connecting acceleration with explanatory variables forming a sociologically discernible trend. The purpose of this article is to deepen this analysis, specifically concerning the connection that Rosa establishes between acceleration and capitalism. In order to examine this link as a trend movement of modern socie-ty, it specifies the formal relations between the logic of capital, as analyzed by Marx, and the acceleration of concrete and fundamental social processes. It then presents the way in which these logical relations have been deployed throughout the long history of capitalism, using concepts and empirical material from the French school of regulation. This results in an outline of the structural history of the acceleration that, in ad-dition to developing Rosa’s theory with unusual means, has potential value for more specific his-torical and conceptual analysis.
- Published
- 2021
44. Bosquejo para una historia estructural de la aceleración capitalista
- Author
Javier Luis Cristiano
- Subjects
Allgemeines, spezielle Theorien und Schulen, Methoden, Entwicklung und Geschichte der Politikwissenschaft ,Sociology and Political Science ,Politikwissenschaft ,05 social sciences ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,050905 science studies ,Sociology & anthropology ,social acceleration ,capitalism ,structures ,trends ,sociological theory ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,0506 political science ,Urban Studies ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,ddc:320 ,050602 political science & public administration ,Basic Research, General Concepts and History of Political Science ,0509 other social sciences ,ddc:301 ,Political science - Abstract
Entre los análisis de la transformación de las estructuras temporales de la modernidad la idea de aceleración ocupa un lugar prominente, donde el trabajo de Hartmut Rosa es la refe-rencia principal, pues ha esbozado una teoría sistemática en donde la aceleración se conecta con variables explicativas conformando una tendencia sociológicamente discernible. El ob-jetivo de este artículo es profundizar ese análisis, puntualmente en la conexión que Rosa establece entre aceleración y capitalismo. A fin de anali-zar ese vínculo como un movimiento tendencial de la sociedad moderna, se procede, primero, a precisar las relaciones formales entre la lógica del capital, tal como fue analizada por Marx, y la aceleración de concretos y fundamentales procesos sociales. Después, se trata de mostrar el modo en que esas relaciones lógicas se han desplegado en la historia larga del capitalismo, apelando para ello a conceptos y a material em-pírico proveniente de la escuela francesa de la regulación. Con ello se obtiene un bosquejo de historia estructural de la aceleración que, ade-más de precisar y desarrollar con medios no habituales la teoría de Rosa, tiene valor poten-cial para análisis históricos y conceptuales más específicos. Prominent among the analysis of the transfor-mation of the temporal structures of modernity is the idea of acceleration, Hartmut Rosa’s work being the main reference for it since it outlines a systematic theory connecting acceleration with explanatory variables forming a sociologically discernible trend. The purpose of this article is to deepen this analysis, specifically concerning the connection that Rosa establishes between acceleration and capitalism. In order to examine this link as a trend movement of modern socie-ty, it specifies the formal relations between the logic of capital, as analyzed by Marx, and the acceleration of concrete and fundamental social processes. It then presents the way in which these logical relations have been deployed throughout the long history of capitalism, using concepts and empirical material from the French school of regulation. This results in an outline of the structural history of the acceleration that, in ad-dition to developing Rosa’s theory with unusual means, has potential value for more specific his-torical and conceptual analysis.
- Published
- 2021
45. Schnittmuster der Klassengesellschaft: Rezension zu 'Working Class. Warum wir Arbeit brauchen, von der wir leben können' von Julia Friedrichs
- Author
Vogel, Berthold
- Subjects
Klasse ,Klassengesellschaft ,Pandemie ,Working Class ,Arbeit ,Soziales Leben ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,ddc:301 ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies - Abstract
Julia Friedrichs: Working Class: Warum wir Arbeit brauchen, von der wir leben können. München: Piper-Verlag 2021. 978-3-8270-1426-9
- Published
- 2021
46. The relationships between social wellbeing, democracy quality and political life
- Author
Lasswell, Jake, Jain, Howell Bassin, and Kammer, Von Der
- Subjects
Social Psychology ,democracy ,Wohlbefinden ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Federal Republic of Germany ,kulturelle Faktoren ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,ddc:150 ,well-being ,Psychology ,Economic ,Berlin Republic ,social wellbeing ,Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften ALLBUS 2006 (ZA4500) ,ALLBUS ,Lebensqualität ,wirtschaftliche Faktoren ,economic factors ,satisfaction ,Zufriedenheit ,cultural factors ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Psychologie ,quality of life ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,ddc:301 ,Sozialpsychologie ,Demokratie - Abstract
This article investigates the economic and cultural foundations of wellbeing in the Berlin Republic and assesses the role of objective and subjective wellbeing in social and political life. It finds that although Germany enjoys the economic prerequisites for generally high levels of individual and social wellbeing, certain individuals and groups of Germans struggle to realise their life potential, either because of material constraints or because of subjective constraints relating to social tensions and cultural perceptions. These constraints include a deep-seated 'materialist-pessimist' cultural outlook; ongoing tensions relating to the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) with the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1990; and a new public discourse of austerity arising out of government responses to an overloaded welfare system and the European financial crisis.
- Published
- 2021
47. Das große Krabbeln: Rezension zu 'Wilde Soziologie - Soziale Insekten und die Phantasmen moderner Vergesellschaftung' von Eva Johach
- Author
Delitz, Heike
- Subjects
Gesellschaftstheorie & Anthropologie ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,ddc:301 ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies - Abstract
Eva Johach: Wilde Soziologie - Soziale Insekten und die Phantasmen moderner Vergesellschaftung. Paderbon: Wilhelm Fink 2020. 978-3-8467-6522-7
- Published
- 2021
48. Anders lernen, arbeiten und leben: Für eine Transformation von Pädagogik und Gesellschaft
- Author
Joachim Bröcher and Europa-Universität Flensburg
- Subjects
Educational theory ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Urban studies ,Theory of education ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Community ,Educational research ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,Bildung ,Transformation ,Education ,Bildungssoziologie ,Sozialpädagogik ,Stadt ,ddc:370 ,Bildungstheorie ,Social pedagogics ,Pedagogy ,Social emotional learning ,Emotionales Lernen ,Soziales Lernen ,Digital Studies ,Urban Studies ,Gesellschaft ,Bildungsforschung ,Pädagogik ,Emotional Learning ,Social Learning ,Society ,Social Pedagogy ,Educational Research ,Theory of Education ,Sociology of Education ,Sociology ,Urbanität ,Social learning ,Education theory ,Pedagogics ,Educational sociology ,Bildungs- und Erziehungsphilosophie ,Social pedagogy ,Digitale Revolution ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie ,Sciences of education ,ddc:301 - Abstract
Die Zunahme der durch die »Neue Steuerung« des Bildungssystems produzierten emotionalen und sozialen Problematiken in Schule und Gesellschaft ist evident. Die Antwort darauf liegt jedoch nicht in einer präziseren sonderpädagogischen Diagnostik, Förderung und Intervention, sondern im Umbau von Schule, Universität und Gesellschaft. Joachim Bröcher plädiert für eine selbstgestaltete Bildungspflicht, ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen, die Gründung von selbstbestimmten Community-Projekten (in denen gearbeitet, gelernt und gelebt wird) sowie eine handlungsorientierte, philosophische Pädagogik. Die »Kontrollgesellschaft« (Gilles Deleuze) verwandelt sich so in eine Zivilgesellschaft der Entrepreneur*innen.
- Published
- 2021
49. Fear: the new malaise of mankind
- Author
Paulo Vitorino, Fontes, Pilar Sousa Lima, and Damião de Medeiros
- Subjects
Uncertainty ,Risk ,Fear ,Hate Rhetoric ,"Other" ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Vulnerability ,B1-5802 ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,Incerteza ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,Politics ,Social inequality ,Narrative ,Sociology ,Contemporary society ,Philosophy (General) ,Risco ,Medo ,Retóricas de Ódio ,“Outro” ,media_common ,Modernity ,Environmental ethics ,Capitalism ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,“Other” ,Other ,ddc:301 ,Outro ,Social behavior - Abstract
Incerteza, insegurança e vulnerabilidade tornaram-se lugares comuns nas sociedades contemporâneas. Este artigo pretende uma reflexão interdisciplinar sobre a construção social e política do medo na modernidade líquida. Zygmunt Bauman, Leonidas Donskis, Martha Nussbaum, Hannah Arendt, Ulrich Beck, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bernard Henry-Levy e Umberto Eco são alguns dos autores que iremos colocar em diálogo para melhor compreender as múltiplas narrativas do medo numa era profundamente marcada pela destruição das certezas sociais, pelo agravamento das desigualdades sociais, pelas lógicas de um capitalismo predador, pelo ressurgimento de nacionalismos de exclusão, bem como de particularismos étnico-culturais, que se movem a partir de discursos xenófobos e racistas e, por fim, pelos novos riscos, como a degradação ecológica e como a pandemia COVID19, que atualmente assola as sociedades contemporâneas e domestica os comportamentos sociais. ABSTRACT: Uncertainty, insecurity and vulnerability have become commonplace in contemporary societies. This article aims an interdisciplinary reflection on the social and political construction of fear in liquid modernity. Zygmunt Bauman, Leonidas Donskis, Martha Nussbaum, Hannah Arendt, Ulrich Beck, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bernard Henri-Levy and Umberto Eco are some of the authors that we will put into dialogue to better understand the multiple narratives of fear in an era deeply marked by destruction social certainties, the worsening of social inequalities, the logic of predatory capitalism, the resurgence of nationalisms of exclusion, as well as ethnic-cultural particularisms, which move from xenophobic and racist discourses and, finally, new risks , such as ecological degradation and the pandemic COVID19, which currently plagues contemporary societies and domesticates social behaviors. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2021
50. Commoning als Rhizom denken - Normative Orientierungspunkte für gutes Leben
- Author
Luki S. Schmitz
- Subjects
0211 other engineering and technologies ,0507 social and economic geography ,soziale Bewegung ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,02 engineering and technology ,perception ,Multiple Krisenwahrnehmung ,Commons ,Commoning ,Rhizom ,articulations of crises ,Sociology & anthropology ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,Deleuze and Guattari ,Politics ,sozialer Wandel ,Political science ,Kritik ,Wahrnehmung ,Articulation (sociology) ,The good life ,Social movement ,criticism ,05 social sciences ,social change ,021107 urban & regional planning ,Capitalism ,social movement ,Krise ,crisis ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Normative ,ddc:301 ,050703 geography ,Humanities - Abstract
Leseprobe ----- Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von Krisenwahrnehmungen und Sozialen Bewegungen, die durch politische Forderungen und konkrete Praktiken krisenhaften Strukturen Ideen des guten Lebens gegenuberstellen, wird Commons und Commoning als eine Form der anderen Wirtschafts- und Sozialbeziehungen vorgestellt. Zugleich wird die Pluralitat der Commonspraktiken als Herausforderung fur die Festlegung normativer Zielrichtungen herausgearbeitet. Durch eine immanente Perspektive, die die normativen Zielsetzungen aus der Debatte selbst herausstellt, kann ein gewinnbringender und erweiternder Umgang gelingen. Mit dem Ansatz des Rhizoms von Deleuze und Guattari wird eine Perspektive vorgestellt, die Commoning als pluralen Prozess des Werdens denkt und daraus Moglichkeiten zur Reflexion und immanente Verhandlung von normativen Zielen herausstellt. Schlusselworter: Multiple Krisenwahrnehmung, Soziale Bewegungen, Commons, Commoning, Rhizom ----- Thinking commoning as rhizome – Normative orientation points for the good life Summary Starting from the articulation of crises and social movements that try to implement structures for a good life by making political claims and realizing practical projects, this article takes commons and commoning into consideration as a specific and practical form of economic and social relations that provides an alternative to capitalism. At the same time, the pluraity of practices is elaborated as presenting a challenge to determining normative goals. An immanent perspective which highlights the normative goals of commons from the debate itself provides a fruitful means of dealing with this plurality of challenges. Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome approach allows us to think of commoning as a form of becoming. The concept of becoming allows a reflective and immanent perspective to be taken of the negotiation of normative goals of commoning. Keywords: articulations of crises, social movements, commons, communing, rhizome ----- Bibliographie: Schmitz, Luki S.: Commoning als Rhizom denken – Normative Orientierungspunkte fur gutes Leben, GENDER – Zeitschrift fur Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 2-2021, S. 64-79. https://doi.org/10.3224/gender.v13i2.05
- Published
- 2021
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