1,001 results on '"Manohar, A. V."'
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2. Two Loop Renormalization of Scalar Theories using a Geometric Approach
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., Naterop, Luca, and Pagès, Julie
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We derive a general formula for two-loop counterterms in Effective Field Theories (EFTs) using a geometric approach. This formula allows the two-loop results of our previous paper to be applied to a wide range of theories. The two-loop results hold for loop graphs in EFTs where the interaction vertices contain operators of arbitrarily high dimension, but at most two derivatives. We also extend our previous one-loop result to include operators with an arbitrary number of derivatives, as long as there is at most one derivative acting on each field. The final result for the two-loop counterterms is written in terms of geometric quantities such as the Riemann curvature tensor of the scalar manifold and its covariant derivatives. As applications of our results, we give the two-loop counterterms and renormalization group equations for the O(n) EFT to dimension six, the scalar sector of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) to dimension six, and chiral perturbation theory to order $p^6$., Comment: ChPT results to O($p^6$) now agree with Bijnens, Colangelo, and Ecker, hep-ph/9907333
- Published
- 2023
3. An algebraic formula for two loop renormalization of scalar quantum field theory
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E, Manohar, Aneesh V, Naterop, Luca, and Pagès, Julie
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematical Sciences ,Physical Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
Abstract : We find a general formula for the two-loop renormalization counterterms of a scalar quantum field theory with interactions containing up to two derivatives, extending ’t Hooft’s one-loop result. The method can also be used for theories with higher derivative interactions, as long as the terms in the Lagrangian have at most one derivative acting on each field. We show that diagrams with factorizable topologies do not contribute to the renormalization group equations. The results in this paper will be combined with the geometric method in a subsequent paper to obtain the counterterms and renormalization group equations for the scalar sector of effective field theories (EFT) to two-loop order.
- Published
- 2024
4. An Algebraic Formula for Two Loop Renormalization of Scalar Quantum Field Theory
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., Naterop, Luca, and Pagès, Julie
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We find a general formula for the two-loop renormalization counterterms of a scalar quantum field theory with interactions containing up to two derivatives, extending 't~Hooft's one-loop result. The method can also be used for theories with higher derivative interactions, as long as the terms in the Lagrangian have at most one derivative acting on each field. We show that diagrams with factorizable topologies do not contribute to the renormalization group equations. The results in this paper will be combined with the geometric method in a subsequent paper to obtain the counterterms and renormalization group equations for the scalar sector of effective field theories (EFT) to two-loop order., Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables
- Published
- 2023
5. Fermion Geometry and the Renormalization of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
- Author
Assi, Benoît, Helset, Andreas, Manohar, Aneesh V., Pagès, Julie, and Shen, Chia-Hsien
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
The geometry of field space governs on-shell scattering amplitudes. We formulate a geometric description of effective field theories which extends previous results for scalars and gauge fields to fermions. The field-space geometry reorganizes and simplifies the computation of quantum loop corrections. Using this geometric framework, we calculate the fermion loop contributions to the renormalization group equations for bosonic operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory up to mass dimension eight., Comment: 28 pages
- Published
- 2023
6. Renormalization of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory from Geometry
- Author
Helset, Andreas, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
$S$-matrix elements are invariant under field redefinitions of the Lagrangian. They are determined by geometric quantities such as the curvature of the field-space manifold of scalar and gauge fields. We present a formalism where scalar and gauge fields are treated together, with a metric on the combined space of both types of fields. Scalar and gauge scattering amplitudes are given by the Riemann curvature $R_{ijkl}$ of this combined space, with indices $i,j,k,l$ chosen to be scalar or gauge indices depending on the type of external particle. One-loop divergences can also be computed in terms of geometric invariants of the combined space, which greatly simplifies the computation of renormalization group equations. We apply our formalism to the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), and compute the renormalization group equations for even-parity bosonic operators to mass dimension eight., Comment: 40 pages, 8 tables, 1 figure
- Published
- 2022
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7. Geometry in Scattering Amplitudes
- Author
Helset, Andreas, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We formulate the field-space geometry for an effective field theory of scalars and gauge bosons. Geometric invariants such as the field-space curvature enter in both scattering amplitudes and the renormalization group equations, with the scalar and gauge results unified in a single expression., Comment: 7 pages. Updated references and corrected typo
- Published
- 2022
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8. Radiated Angular Momentum and Dissipative Effects in Classical Scattering
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V., Ridgway, Alexander K., and Shen, Chia-Hsien
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
We present a new formula for the angular momentum $J^{\mu\nu}$ carried away by gravitational radiation in classical scattering. This formula, combined with the known expression for the radiated linear momentum $P^\mu$, completes the set of radiated Poincare charges due to scattering. We parametrize $P^\mu$ and $J^{\mu\nu}$ by non-perturbative form factors and derive exact relations using the Poincare algebra. There is a contribution to $J^{\mu\nu}$ due to static (zero-frequency) modes, which can be derived from Weinberg's soft theorem. Using tools from scattering amplitudes and effective field theory, we calculate the radiated $J^{\mu\nu}$ due to the scattering of two spinless particles to third order in Newton's constant $G$, but to all orders in velocity. Our form-factor analysis elucidates a novel relation found by Bini, Damour, and Geralico between energy and angular momentum loss at $\mathcal{O}(G^3)$. Our new results have several nontrivial implications for binary scattering at $\mathcal{O}(G^4)$. We give a procedure to bootstrap an effective radiation reaction force from the loss of Poincare charges due to scattering., Comment: 5 pages +refs, two figures and one Mathematica ancillary file for table I; minor revision and fixed a typo in the definition of \Delta b, matched to PRL version in v2
- Published
- 2022
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9. Dark Matter Effective Field Theory and an Application to Vector Dark Matter
- Author
Aebischer, Jason, Altmannshofer, Wolfgang, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) and the Low Energy Effective Field Theory (LEFT) can be extended by adding additional spin 0, 1/2 and 1 dark matter particles which are singlets under the Standard Model (SM) gauge group. We classify all gauge invariant interactions in the Lagrangian up to terms of dimension six, and present the tree-level matching conditions between the two theories at the electroweak scale. The most widely studied dark matter models, such as those based on the Higgs portal or on kinetic mixing between the photon and a dark photon, are based on dimension-four interactions with the SM sector. We consider a model with dark vector particles with a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry, so that the lightest dark matter particle is stable. The leading interaction with the SM is through dimension-six operators involving two dark vector field-strength tensors and the electromagnetic field-strength tensor. This model is a viable dark matter model in the freeze-in scenario for a wide range of parameters., Comment: 50 pages, 3 figures, matches published version
- Published
- 2022
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10. Quark-Gluon Backscattering in the Regge Limit at One-Loop
- Author
Bhattacharya, Arindam, Manohar, Aneesh V., and Schwartz, Matthew D.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
At small momentum transfer, the quark-gluon scattering cross section d{\sigma}/dt has a power-law divergence in the backward scattering region where the outgoing quark is nearly collinear to the incoming gluon. In this Regge limit |t|<< s, the leading behavior of the 2 2 amplitude can be described by the exchange of Glauber quarks. In Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) at leading power, Glauber quark exchange is given by five non-local Glauber quark operators, of which only one is generated at tree-level. We show that at leading power the QCD amplitude for quark-gluon backscattering at one-loop can be exactly reproduced by SCET using the tree-level Glauber operator. The agreement between QCD and SCET of the ultraviolet, infrared, and rapidity divergences as well as all logarithms, Glauber phases and finite parts for all polarizations of the external gluons is a strong check on the effective theory. We find that the entire one-loop matching vanishes -- there is no correction to the operator generated at tree-level, and the coefficients of the other four operators remain zero at one-loop. This suggests that SCET with Glauber operators may be useful for uncovering new aspects of Regge physics in a systematically improveable way., Comment: 39 pages
- Published
- 2021
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11. Effective field theory interpretation of lepton magnetic and electric dipole moments
- Author
Aebischer, Jason, Dekens, Wouter, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., Sengupta, Dipan, and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We perform a model-independent analysis of the magnetic and electric dipole moments of the muon and electron. We give expressions for the dipole moments in terms of operator coefficients of the low-energy effective field theory (LEFT) and the Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT). We use one-loop renormalization group improved perturbation theory, including the one-loop matching from SMEFT onto LEFT, and one-loop lepton matrix elements of the effective-theory operators. Semileptonic four-fermion operators involving light quarks give sizable non-perturbative contributions to the dipole moments, which are included in our analysis. We find that only a very limited set of the SMEFT operators is able to generate the current deviation of the magnetic moment of the muon from its Standard Model expectation., Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures; v2: numbers updated to new experimental value for g-2; version published in JHEP
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Reddy, M Karthikeyan, primary, RamaKrishna, K Jai, additional, and Manohar, Dr. V Joshi, additional
- Published
- 2023
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13. Two loop renormalization of scalar theories using a geometric approach
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., Naterop, Luca, and Pagès, Julie
- Published
- 2024
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14. Disentangling observable dependence in SCETI and SCETII anomalous dimensions: angularities at two loops
- Author
Bauer, Christian W., Manohar, Aneesh V., and Monni, Pier Francesco
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The resummation of radiative corrections to collider jet observables using soft collinear effective theory is encoded in differential renormalization group equations (RGEs), with anomalous dimensions depending on the observable under consideration. This observable dependence arises from the ultraviolet (UV) singular structure of real phase space integrals in the effective field theory. We show that the observable dependence of anomalous dimensions in SCETI problems can be disentangled by introducing a suitable UV regulator in real radiation integrals. Resummation in the presence of the new regulator can be performed by solving a two-dimensional system of RGEs in the collinear and soft sectors, and resembles many features of resummation in SCETII theories by means of the rapidity renormalization group. We study the properties of SCETI with the additional regulator and explore the connection with the system of RGEs in SCETII theories, highlighting some universal patterns that can be exploited in perturbative calculations. As an application, we compute the two-loop soft and jet anomalous dimensions for a family of recoil-free angularities and give new analytic results. This allows us to study the relations between the SCETI and SCETII limits for these observables. We also discuss how the extra UV regulator can be exploited to calculate anomalous dimensions numerically, and the prospects for numerical resummation., Comment: Fixing an incorrect statement in the first version of the paper, results and conclusions are unaffected
- Published
- 2020
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15. Renormalization Group Improvement of the Effective Potential: an EFT Approach
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V. and Nardoni, Emily
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We apply effective field theory (EFT) methods to compute the renormalization group improved effective potential for theories with a large mass hierarchy. Our method allows one to compute the effective potential in a systematic expansion in powers of the mass ratio, as well as to sum large logarithms of mass ratios using renormalization group evolution. The effective potential is the sum of one-particle irreducible diagrams (1PI) but information about which diagrams are 1PI is lost after matching to the EFT, since heavy lines get shrunk to a point. We therefore introduce a tadpole condition in place of the 1PI condition, and use the renormalization group improved value of the tadpole in computing the effective potential. We explain why the effective potential computed using an EFT is not the same as the effective potential of the EFT. We illustrate our method using the $O(N)$ model, a theory of two scalars in the unbroken and broken phases, and the Higgs-Yukawa model. Our leading-log result, obtained by integrating the one-loop $\beta$-functions, correctly reproduces the log-squared term in explicit two-loop calculations. Our method does not have a Goldstone boson infrared divergence problem., Comment: Added a section explaining why the EFT method does not suffer from the Goldstone boson infrared divergence problem. Typos fixed
- Published
- 2020
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16. Axion strings are superconducting
- Author
Fukuda, Hajime, Manohar, Aneesh V., Murayama, Hitoshi, and Telem, Ofri
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We explore the cosmological consequences of the superconductivity of QCD axion strings. Axion strings can support a sizeable chiral electric current and charge, which alters their early universe dynamics. Shrinking axion string loops can become effectively stable remnants called vortons, supported by the electromagnetic force of the string current. Generically, vortons produced by axion strings overclose the universe, unless there are efficient current leakage processes. Furthermore, if a primordial magnetic field (PMF) exists in the early universe, a large current is induced on axion strings, creating a significant drag force from interactions with the surrounding plasma. As a result, the strings are slowed down, which leads to an orders of magnitude enhancement in the number of strings per Hubble volume. Finally, we study the implications for the QCD axion relic abundance. The QCD axion window is shifted by orders of magnitude in some parts of our parameter space., Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2020
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17. Drug Repurposing and Computational Drug Discovery for Viral Infections and COVID-19
- Author
Manohar, M. V., Paladhi, Amogha G., Inamdar, Bhoomika, Prashanth, Kotthapalli, Vallinayagam, Sugumari, Rudrapal, Mithun, Patra, Jayanta Kumar, Series Editor, Das, Gitishree, Series Editor, Rudrapal, Mithun, editor, and Khan, Johra, editor
- Published
- 2023
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18. Development of Machine Learning Based Flood Prediction Model for Godavari River Basin
- Author
Manohar Reddy, V., Ray, Litan Kumar, Gupta, Anil Kumar, Series Editor, Prabhakar, SVRK, Series Editor, Surjan, Akhilesh, Series Editor, Pandey, Manish, editor, Azamathulla, Hazi, editor, and Pu, Jaan H., editor
- Published
- 2023
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19. Disentangling observable dependence in SCETI and SCETII anomalous dimensions: angularities at two loops
- Author
Bauer, Christian W, Manohar, Aneesh V, and Monni, Pier Francesco
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematical Sciences ,Physical Sciences ,Effective Field Theories ,Perturbative QCD ,Resummation ,hep-ph ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The resummation of radiative corrections to collider jet observables using soft collinear effective theory is encoded in differential renormalization group equations (RGEs), with anomalous dimensions depending on the observable under consideration. This observable dependence arises from the ultraviolet (UV) singular structure of real phase space integrals in the effective field theory. We show that the observable dependence of anomalous dimensions in SCETI problems can be disentangled by introducing a suitable UV regulator in real radiation integrals. Resummation in the presence of the new regulator can be performed by solving a two-dimensional system of RGEs in the collinear and soft sectors, and resembles many features of resummation in SCETII theories by means of the rapidity renormalization group. We study the properties of SCETI with the additional regulator and explore the connection with the system of RGEs in SCETII theories, highlighting some universal patterns that can be exploited in perturbative calculations. As an application, we compute the two-loop soft and jet anomalous dimensions for a family of recoil-free angularities and give new analytic results. This allows us to study the relations between the SCETI and SCETII limits for these observables. We also discuss how the extra UV regulator can be exploited to calculate anomalous dimensions numerically, and the prospects for numerical resummation.
- Published
- 2021
20. Camptotheca acuminata Decne
- Author
Paladhi, Amogha G., primary, Pandita, Anu, additional, Manohar, M. V., additional, Inamdar, Bhoomika, additional, Vallinayagam, Sugumari, additional, Pandita, Deepu, additional, and Murthy, K. M. Srinivasa, additional
- Published
- 2023
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21. Boswellia serrata Roxb
- Author
Manohar, M. V., primary, Pandita, Anu, additional, Paladhi, Amogha G., additional, Inamdar, Bhoomika, additional, Vallinayagam, Sugumari, additional, Pandita, Deepu, additional, and Murthy, K. M. Srinivasa, additional
- Published
- 2023
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22. Heavy Quark Physics
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V. and Wise, Mark B.
- Published
- 2023
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23. Axion strings are superconducting
- Author
Fukuda, Hajime, Manohar, Aneesh V, Murayama, Hitoshi, and Telem, Ofri
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Beyond Standard Model ,Solitons Monopoles and Instantons ,hep-ph ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
We explore the cosmological consequences of the superconductivity of QCD axion strings. Axion strings can support a sizeable chiral electric current and charge density, which alters their early universe dynamics. We examine the possibility that shrinking axion string loops can become effectively stable remnants called vortons, supported by the repulsive electromagnetic force of the string current. We find that vortons in our scenario are generically unstable, and so do not pose a cosmological difficulty. Furthermore, if a primordial magnetic field (PMF) exists in the early universe, a large current is induced on axion strings, creating a significant drag force from interactions with the surrounding plasma. As a result, the strings are slowed down, which leads to an orders of magnitude enhancement in the number of strings per Hubble volume. Finally, we study potential implications for the QCD axion relic abundance. The QCD axion window is shifted by orders of magnitude in some parts of our parameter space.
- Published
- 2021
24. Erratum to: Low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale: anomalous dimensions
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., and Stoffer, Peter
- Published
- 2023
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25. Erratum to: Low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale: operators and matching
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., and Stoffer, Peter
- Published
- 2023
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26. ZnO Nanocomposites in Dye Degradation
- Author
Manohar, M. V., Paladhi, Amogha G., Jacob, Siji, Vallinayagam, Sugumari, Muthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan, Series Editor, and Khadir, Ali, editor
- Published
- 2022
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27. Flood Frequency Analysis Using Gumbel’s Distribution Method and Log-Pearson Type III Distribution Method in Krishna River, Andhra Pradesh
- Author
Manohar Reddy, V., di Prisco, Marco, Series Editor, Chen, Sheng-Hong, Series Editor, Vayas, Ioannis, Series Editor, Kumar Shukla, Sanjay, Series Editor, Sharma, Anuj, Series Editor, Kumar, Nagesh, Series Editor, Wang, Chien Ming, Series Editor, Das, B. B., editor, Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, editor, Sahu, Prasanta Kumar, editor, and Nanda, Satyajeet, editor
- Published
- 2022
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28. Non-Perturbative Effects in $\mu \to e \gamma$
- Author
Dekens, Wouter, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We compute the non-perturbative contribution of semileptonic tensor operators $(\bar q \sigma^{\mu \nu} q)(\bar \ell \sigma_{\mu \nu} \ell)$ to the purely leptonic process $\mu \to e \gamma$ and to the electric and magnetic dipole moments of charged leptons by matching onto chiral perturbation theory at low energies. This matching procedure has been used extensively to study semileptonic and leptonic weak decays of hadrons. In this paper, we apply it to observables that contain no strongly interacting external particles. The non-perturbative contribution to $\mu \to e $ processes is used to extract the best current bound on lepton-flavor-violating semileptonic tensor operators, $\Lambda_\text{BSM} \gtrsim 450$ TeV. We briefly discuss how the same method applies to dark-matter interactions., Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; version published in JHEP
- Published
- 2018
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29. Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Lecture notes from the 2017 Les Houches Summer School on Effective Field Theories. The lectures covered introductory material on EFTs as used in high energy physics to compute experimentally observable quantities. Other lectures at the school covered a wide range of applications in greater depth., Comment: 94 pages
- Published
- 2018
30. Novel electrochemical biosensor key significance of smart intelligence (IoMT & IoHT) of COVID-19 virus control management
- Author
Paladhi, Amogha G., Manohar, M., V, Pal, Kaushik, Vallinayagam, Sugumari, Packirisamy, Azhagu Saravana Babu, Bashreer, Vajiha Aafrin, Sai Nandhini, R., and Ukhurebor, Kingsley Eghonghon
- Published
- 2022
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31. Electroweak Gauge Boson Parton Distribution Functions
- Author
Fornal, Bartosz, Manohar, Aneesh V., and Waalewijn, Wouter J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Transverse and longitudinal electroweak gauge boson parton distribution functions (PDFs) are computed in terms of deep-inelastic scattering structure functions, following the recently developed method to determine the photon PDF. The calculation provides initial conditions at the electroweak scale for PDF evolution to higher energies. Numerical results for the $W^\pm$ and $Z$ transverse, longitudinal and polarized PDFs, as well as the $\gamma Z$ transverse and polarized PDFs are presented., Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures; v2: journal version
- Published
- 2018
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32. Electroweak Logarithms in Inclusive Cross Sections
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V. and Waalewijn, Wouter J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We develop the framework to perform all-orders resummation of electroweak logarithms of Q/M for inclusive scattering processes at energies Q much above the electroweak scale M. We calculate all ingredients needed at next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) order and provide an explicit recipe to implement this for 2 $\to$ 2 processes. PDF evolution including electroweak corrections, which lead to Sudakov double logarithms, is computed. If only the invariant mass of the final state is measured, all electroweak logarithms can be resummed by the PDF evolution, at least to LL. However, simply identifying a lepton in the final state requires the corresponding fragmentation function and introduces angular dependence through the exchange of soft gauge bosons. Furthermore, we show the importance of polarization effects for gauge bosons, due to the chiral nature of SU(2) - even the gluon distribution in an unpolarized proton becomes polarized at high scales due to electroweak effects. We justify our approach with a factorization analysis, finding that the objects entering the factorization theorem do not need to be SU(2) $\times$ U(1) gauge singlets, even though we perform the factorization and resummation in the symmetric phase. We also discuss a range of extensions, including jets and how to calculate the EW logarithms when you are fully exclusive in the central (detector) region and fully inclusive in the forward (beam) regions., Comment: 55 pages, 3 figures, 9 tables, v2: includes polarization effects, v3: journal version
- Published
- 2018
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33. Development of Machine Learning Based Flood Prediction Model for Godavari River Basin
- Author
Manohar Reddy, V., primary and Ray, Litan Kumar, additional
- Published
- 2022
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34. Neutrino Oscillation Measurements Computed in Quantum Field Theory
- Author
Kobach, Andrew, Manohar, Aneesh V., and McGreevy, John
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We perform a calculation in quantum field theory of neutrino oscillation probabilities, where we include simultaneously the source, detector, and neutrino fields in the Hamiltonian. Within the appropriate limits associated with current neutrino oscillation experiments, we recover the standard oscillation formula. On the other hand, we find that the dominant contributions to the amplitude are associated with different neutrino mass eigenstates being emitted at different times, such that they arrive at the detector at the same time. This is contrary to the neutrino wave packet picture, where they are emitted simultaneously and separate as they travel to the detector. This has direct consequences regarding the mechanisms that lead to a damping of neutrino oscillations for very long baselines. Our analysis also provides a pedagogical example of a measurement process in quantum mechanics., Comment: 12+12 pages, 3 figures; v2: improved appendix B, added refs, close to published version
- Published
- 2017
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35. Low-Energy Effective Field Theory below the Electroweak Scale: Anomalous Dimensions
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We compute the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the low-energy effective Lagrangian below the electroweak scale, up to terms of dimension six. The theory has 70 dimension-five and 3631 dimension-six Hermitian operators that preserve baryon and lepton number, as well as additional operators that violate baryon number and lepton number. The renormalization group equations for the quark and lepton masses and the QCD and QED gauge couplings are modified by dimension-five and dimension-six operator contributions. We compute the renormalization group equations from one insertion of dimension-five and dimension-six operators, as well as two insertions of dimension-five operators, to all terms of dimension less than or equal to six. The use of the equations of motion to eliminate operators can be ambiguous, and we show how to resolve this ambiguity by a careful use of field redefinitions., Comment: 50 pages, 2 tables, 144 diagrams; version published in JHEP; includes erratum JHEP 12 (2023) 042
- Published
- 2017
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36. Low-Energy Effective Field Theory below the Electroweak Scale: Operators and Matching
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E., Manohar, Aneesh V., and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The gauge-invariant operators up to dimension six in the low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale are classified. There are 70 Hermitian dimension-five and 3631 Hermitian dimension-six operators that conserve baryon and lepton number, as well as $\Delta B= \pm \Delta L = \pm 1$, $\Delta L=\pm 2$, and $\Delta L=\pm 4$ operators. The matching onto these operators from the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) up to order $1/\Lambda^2$ is computed at tree level. SMEFT imposes constraints on the coefficients of the low-energy effective theory, which can be checked experimentally to determine whether the electroweak gauge symmetry is broken by a single fundamental scalar doublet as in SMEFT. Our results, when combined with the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the low-energy theory and the one-loop anomalous dimensions of SMEFT, allow one to compute the low-energy implications of new physics to leading-log accuracy, and combine them consistently with high-energy LHC constraints., Comment: 46 pages, 22 tables; version published in JHEP; includes erratum JHEP 12 (2023) 043
- Published
- 2017
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37. The Photon Content of the Proton
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V., Nason, Paolo, Salam, Gavin P., and Zanderighi, Giulia
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The photon PDF of the proton is needed for precision comparisons of LHC cross sections with theoretical predictions. In a recent paper, we showed how the photon PDF could be determined in terms of the electromagnetic proton structure functions $F_2$ and $F_L$ measured in electron-proton scattering experiments, and gave an explicit formula for the PDF including all terms up to next-to-leading order. In this paper we give details of the derivation. We obtain the photon PDF using the factorisation theorem and applying it to suitable BSM hard scattering processes. We also obtain the same PDF in a process-independent manner using the usual definition of PDFs in terms of light-cone Fourier transforms of products of operators. We show how our method gives an exact representation for the photon PDF in terms of $F_2$ and $F_L$, valid to all orders in QED and QCD, and including all non-perturbative corrections. This representation is then used to give an explicit formula for the photon PDF to one order higher than our previous result. We also generalise our results to obtain formul\ae\ for the polarised photon PDF, as well as the photon TMDPDF. Using our formula, we derive the $P_{\gamma i}$ subset of DGLAP splitting functions to order $\alpha \alpha_s$ and $\alpha^2$, which agree with known results. We give a detailed explanation of the approach that we follow to determine a photon PDF and its uncertainty within the above framework., Comment: 75 pages, 25 figures, data files corresponding to the figures available at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.837233, LUXqed17 PDF files available in LHAPDF, references added in v2
- Published
- 2017
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38. Non-perturbative effects in mu -> e gamma
- Author
Dekens, Wouter, Jenkins, Elizabeth E, Manohar, Aneesh V, and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
Chiral Lagrangians ,Effective Field Theories ,Nonperturbative Effects ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
Abstract We compute the non-perturbative contribution of semileptonic tensor operators $$ \left(\overline{q}{\sigma}^{\mu \nu }q\right)\left(\overline{\ell}{\sigma}_{\mu \nu}\ell \right) $$ q ¯ σ μ ν q ℓ ¯ σ μ ν ℓ to the purely leptonic process μ → eγ and to the electric and magnetic dipole moments of charged leptons by matching onto chiral perturbation theory at low energies. This matching procedure has been used extensively to study semileptonic and leptonic weak decays of hadrons. In this paper, we apply it to observables that contain no strongly interacting external particles. The non-perturbative contribution to μ → e processes is used to extract the best current bound on lepton-flavor-violating semileptonic tensor operators, ΛBSM ≳ 450 TeV. We briefly discuss how the same method applies to dark-matter interactions.
- Published
- 2019
39. Non-perturbative effects in μ → eγ
- Author
Dekens, Wouter, Jenkins, Elizabeth E, Manohar, Aneesh V, and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
Chiral Lagrangians ,Effective Field Theories ,Nonperturbative Effects ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics - Abstract
Abstract : We compute the non-perturbative contribution of semileptonic tensor operators $$ \left(\overline{q}{\sigma}^{\mu u }q\right)\left(\overline{\ell}{\sigma}_{\mu u}\ell \right) $$ q ¯ σ μ ν q ℓ ¯ σ μ ν ℓ to the purely leptonic process μ → eγ and to the electric and magnetic dipole moments of charged leptons by matching onto chiral perturbation theory at low energies. This matching procedure has been used extensively to study semileptonic and leptonic weak decays of hadrons. In this paper, we apply it to observables that contain no strongly interacting external particles. The non-perturbative contribution to μ → e processes is used to extract the best current bound on lepton-flavor-violating semileptonic tensor operators, ΛBSM ≳ 450 TeV. We briefly discuss how the same method applies to dark-matter interactions.
- Published
- 2019
40. Geometry of the Scalar Sector
- Author
Alonso, Rodrigo, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The $S$-matrix of a quantum field theory is unchanged by field redefinitions, and so only depends on geometric quantities such as the curvature of field space. Whether the Higgs multiplet transforms linearly or non-linearly under electroweak symmetry is a subtle question since one can make a coordinate change to convert a field that transforms linearly into one that transforms non-linearly. Renormalizability of the Standard Model (SM) does not depend on the choice of scalar fields or whether the scalar fields transform linearly or non-linearly under the gauge group, but only on the geometric requirement that the scalar field manifold ${\mathcal M}$ is flat. We explicitly compute the one-loop correction to scalar scattering in the SM written in non-linear Callan-Coleman-Wess-Zumino (CCWZ) form, where it has an infinite series of higher dimensional operators, and show that the $S$-matrix is finite. Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) and Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT) have curved ${\mathcal M}$, since they parametrize deviations from the flat SM case. We show that the HEFT Lagrangian can be written in SMEFT form if and only if ${\cal M}$ has a $SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ invariant fixed point. Experimental observables in HEFT depend on local geometric invariants of ${\mathcal M}$ such as sectional curvatures, which are of order $1/\Lambda^2$, where $\Lambda$ is the EFT scale. We give explicit expressions for these quantities in terms of the structure constants for a general $\mathcal G \to \mathcal H$ symmetry breaking pattern. (Full abstract in pdf)
- Published
- 2016
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41. Low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale: operators and matching
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E, Manohar, Aneesh V, and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
Effective Field Theories ,Renormalization Group ,hep-ph ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
Abstract The gauge-invariant operators up to dimension six in the low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale are classified. There are 70 Hermitian dimension-five and 3631 Hermitian dimension-six operators that conserve baryon and lepton number, as well as ΔB = ±ΔL = ±1, ΔL = ±2, and ΔL = ±4 operators. The matching onto these operators from the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) up to order 1/Λ2 is computed at tree level. SMEFT imposes constraints on the coefficients of the low-energy effective theory, which can be checked experimentally to determine whether the electroweak gauge symmetry is broken by a single fundamental scalar doublet as in SMEFT. Our results, when combined with the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the low-energy theory and the one-loop anomalous dimensions of SMEFT, allow one to compute the low-energy implications of new physics to leading-log accuracy, and combine them consistently with high-energy LHC constraints.
- Published
- 2018
42. Low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale: anomalous dimensios
- Author
Jenkins, Elizabeth E, Manohar, Aneesh V, and Stoffer, Peter
- Subjects
Effective Field Theories ,Renormalization Group ,hep-ph ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics - Abstract
We compute the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the low-energy effectiveLagrangian below the electroweak scale, up to terms of dimension six. Thetheory has 70 dimension-five and 3631 dimension-six Hermitian operators thatpreserve baryon and lepton number, as well as additional operators that violatebaryon number and lepton number. The renormalization group equations for thequark and lepton masses and the QCD and QED gauge couplings are modified bydimension-five and dimension-six operator contributions. We compute therenormalization group equations from one insertion of dimension-five anddimension-six operators, as well as two insertions of dimension-five operators,to all terms of dimension less than or equal to six. The use of the equationsof motion to eliminate operators can be ambiguous, and we show how to resolvethis ambiguity by a careful use of field redefinitions.
- Published
- 2018
43. Sigma Models with Negative Curvature
- Author
Alonso, Rodrigo, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We construct Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT) based on the scalar manifold H^n, which is a hyperbolic space of constant negative curvature. The Lagrangian has a non-compact O(n,1) global symmetry group, but it gives a unitary theory as long as only a compact subgroup of the global symmetry is gauged. Whether the HEFT manifold has positive or negative curvature can be tested by measuring the S-parameter, and the cross sections for longitudinal gauge boson and Higgs boson scattering, since the curvature (including its sign) determines deviations from Standard Model values.
- Published
- 2016
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44. Analysis of General Power Counting Rules in Effective Field Theory
- Author
Gavela, M. B., Jenkins, E. E., Manohar, A. V., and Merlo, L.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We derive the general counting rules for a quantum effective field theory (EFT) in $\mathsf{d}$ dimensions. The rules are valid for strongly and weakly coupled theories, and predict that all kinetic energy terms are canonically normalized. They determine the energy dependence of scattering cross sections in the range of validity of the EFT expansion. We show that the size of cross sections is controlled by the $\Lambda$ power counting of EFT, not by chiral counting, even for chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT). The relation between $\Lambda$ and $f$ is generalized to $\mathsf{d}$ dimensions. We show that the naive dimensional analysis $4\pi$ counting is related to $\hbar$ counting. The EFT counting rules are applied to $\chi$PT, low-energy weak interactions, Standard Model EFT and the non-trivial case of Higgs EFT., Comment: V2: more details and examples added; version published in journal. 17 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2016
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45. A Geometric Formulation of Higgs Effective Field Theory: Measuring the Curvature of Scalar Field Space
- Author
Alonso, Rodrigo, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
A geometric formulation of Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT) is presented. Experimental observables are given in terms of geometric invariants of the scalar sigma model sector such as the curvature of the scalar field manifold $\mathcal M$. We show how the curvature can be measured experimentally via Higgs cross-sections, $W_L$ scattering, and the $S$ parameter. The one-loop action of HEFT is given in terms of geometric invariants of $\mathcal M$. The distinction between the Standard Model (SM) and HEFT is whether $\mathcal M$ is flat or curved, not whether the scalars transform linearly or non-linearly under the electroweak group., Comment: Journal version. The introduction has been rewritten to make clearer the distinction between SM, SMEFT and HEFT. A slight change of notation has been introduced to connect observables with sectional curvature
- Published
- 2015
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46. A novel disposable electrochemical DNA biosensor for the rapid detection of Bacillus thuringiensis
- Author
Manohar Raju, V, Bhavana, V, Gayathri, G.K., Suryan, Sandeep, Reddy, Roopa, Reddy, Narendra, Ravikumar, C.R., and Sridhar Santosh, Mysore
- Published
- 2020
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47. Giant enhancement in photoresponse via engineering of photo-induced charge (electron and hole) transfer in linear and non-linear devices
- Author
Sai Manohar, G V, Krupanidhi, S B, and Nanda, K K
- Published
- 2020
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48. Analysis of general power counting rules in effective field theory
- Author
Gavela, Belen, Jenkins, Elizabeth E, Manohar, Aneesh V, and Merlo, Luca
- Subjects
hep-ph ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
We derive the general counting rules for a quantum effective field theory(EFT) in $\mathsf{d}$ dimensions. The rules are valid for strongly and weaklycoupled theories, and predict that all kinetic energy terms are canonicallynormalized. They determine the energy dependence of scattering cross sectionsin the range of validity of the EFT expansion. We show that the size of crosssections is controlled by the $\Lambda$ power counting of EFT, not by chiralcounting, even for chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT). The relation between$\Lambda$ and $f$ is generalized to $\mathsf{d}$ dimensions. We show that thenaive dimensional analysis $4\pi$ counting is related to $\hbar$ counting. TheEFT counting rules are applied to $\chi$PT, low-energy weak interactions,Standard Model EFT and the non-trivial case of Higgs EFT.
- Published
- 2016
49. Non-cancellation of electroweak logarithms in high-energy scattering
- Author
Manohar, Aneesh V., Shotwell, Brian, Bauer, Christian W., and Turczyk, Sascha
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We study electroweak Sudakov corrections in high energy scattering, and the cancellation between real and virtual Sudakov corrections. Numerical results are given for the case of heavy quark production by gluon collisions involving the rates $gg \to t \bar t, b \bar b, t \bar b W, t \bar t Z, b \bar b Z, t \bar t H, b \bar b H$. Gauge boson virtual corrections are related to real transverse gauge boson emission, and Higgs virtual corrections to Higgs and longitudinal gauge boson emission. At the LHC, electroweak corrections become important in the TeV regime. At the proposed 100 TeV collider, electroweak interactions enter a new regime, where the corrections are very large and need to be resummed., Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. v2: Journal version
- Published
- 2014
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50. Holomorphy without Supersymmetry in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
- Author
Alonso, Rodrigo, Jenkins, Elizabeth E., and Manohar, Aneesh V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
The anomalous dimensions of dimension-six operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) respect holomorphy to a large extent. The holomorphy conditions are reminiscent of supersymmetry, even though the SMEFT is not a supersymmetric theory., Comment: Minor corrections in Table I, see note added at end of paper. The complete SMEFT RGE will be maintained at http://einstein.ucsd.edu/smeft
- Published
- 2014
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