Background and aims: In the later stages of dementia some people with develops what's known as behavioural and psycological sympotoms of dementia, BSPD. Sympotoms of BPSD can include increased agitation, agression, delusions, hallucinations, sleep disturbance and night-time waking. Behaviour changes could be caused by brain-related issues or from changes to someone's environment, health or medication. Methods: Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a group of symptoms that affect brains work. Many conditions, such as stroke, depression, infections, as well as normal ageing, can cause dementia-like symptoms. We describe 120 patients than have been admitted in the emergency setting because of acute symptoms. We examinated the patients to see if they have any infection, pain constipation, depression or side-effects of their medicine that could be contributing to or causing the behaviors change. Results: The mean age was 81,68 women and 52 men. Hypertension was present in 96 and vascular changes in the brain were found in the neuroimaging. 78 patients had reversibile symptoms of dementia due to such conditions: urinary infection, hydrataion, costipation, fever and Covid infection. Conclusions: Dementia is always changing and unique for each person. Everyday life can be a stressful ordeal for a person with a dementia-related disorder. As the disease progresses, behaviors changes can occur. The pandemic worsened such situation. It is important in the acute setting to rule out any concomitant illness that can cause or worsen behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia.