22 results on '"Matić, Zoran"'
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2. A Simple Setup for the Determination of the Cosmic Muon Magnetic Moment
- Author
Bosnar, Damir, Makek, Mihael, and Matic, Zoran
- Subjects
Physics - Physics Education - Abstract
We present a simple setup for the measurement of the magnetic moment of cosmic muons convenient for a student laboratory experiment. A significant simplification is made in the detector system compared to previous experiments of this kind, yet it retains all the necessary functionality of the system. This simplification additionally allows for the use of low-cost custom-made electronics for data readout and storage. These improvements considerably reduce the cost and provide a more accessible setup for a student laboratory experiment.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Structure of Poincaré plots revealed by their graph analysis and low pass filtering of the RRI time series
- Author
Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Matić, Zoran, Bojić, Tijana, and Platiša, Mirjana M.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Detection of respiratory frequency rhythm in human alpha phase shifts: topographic distributions in wake and drowsy states.
- Author
Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Matić, Zoran, Suljovrujić, Edin, and Bojić, Tijana
- Subjects
PHASE oscillations ,ALPHA rhythm ,PHASE modulation ,RESPIRATION ,ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY - Abstract
Introduction: The relationship between brain activity and respiration is recently attracting increasing attention, despite being studied for a long time. Respiratory modulation was evidenced in both single-cell activity and field potentials. Among EEG and intracranial measurements, the effect of respiration was prevailingly studied on amplitude/power in all frequency bands. Methods: Since phases of EEG oscillations received less attention, we applied our previously published carrier frequency (CF) mathematical model of human alpha oscillations on a group of 10 young healthy participants in wake and drowsy states, using a 14-channel average reference montage. Since our approach allows for a more precise calculation of CF phase shifts (CFPS) than any individual Fourier component, by using a 2-s moving Fourier window, we validated the new method and studied, for the first time, temporal waveforms CFPS (t) and their oscillatory content through FFT (CFPS (t)). Results: Although not appearing equally in all channel pairs and every subject, a clear peak in the respiratory frequency region, 0.21–0.26 Hz, was observed (max at 0.22 Hz). When five channel pairs with the most prominent group averaged amplitudes at 0.22 Hz were plotted in both states, topographic distributions changed significantly—from longitudinal, connecting frontal and posterior channels in the wake state to topographically split two separate regions—frontal and posterior in the drowsy state. In addition, in the drowsy state, 0.22-Hz amplitudes decreased for all pairs, while statistically significant reduction was obtained for 20/91 (22%) pairs. Discussion: These results potentially evidence, for the first time, the respiratory frequency modulation of alpha phase shifts, as well as the significant impact of wakeful consciousness on the observed oscillations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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5. Acupuncture, autonomic nervous system and biophysical origin of acupuncture system
- Author
Matić Zoran and Bojić Tijana
- Subjects
acupuncture therapy ,acupuncture points ,biophysics ,autonomic nervous system ,fascia ,cardiovascular system ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
- Published
- 2020
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6. Two Operational Modes of Cardio-Respiratory Coupling Revealed by Pulse-Respiration Quotient
- Author
Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Matić, Zoran, Platiša, Mirjana M., Bojić, Tijana, Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Matić, Zoran, Platiša, Mirjana M., and Bojić, Tijana
- Abstract
Due to the fact that respiratory breath-to-breath and cardiac intervals between two successive R peaks (BBI and RRI, respectively) are not temporally concurrent, in a previous paper, we proposed a method to calculate both the integer and non-integer parts of the pulse respiration quotient (PRQ = BBI/RRI = PRQint + b1 + b2), b1 and b2 being parts of the border RRIs for each BBI. In this work, we study the correlations between BBI and PRQ, as well as those between BBI and mean RRI within each BBI (mRRI), on a group of twenty subjects in four conditions: in supine and standing positions, in combination with spontaneous and slow breathing. Results show that the BBI vs. PRQ correlations are positive; whereas the breathing regime had little or no effect on the linear regression slopes, body posture did. Two types of scatter plots were obtained with the BBI vs. mRRI correlations: one showed points aggregated around the concurrent PRQint lines, while the other showed randomly distributed points. Five out of six of the proposed aggregation measures confirmed the existence of these two cardio-respiratory coupling regimes. We also used b1 to study the positions of R pulses relative to the respiration onsets and showed that they were more synchronous with sympathetic activation. Overall, this method should be used in different pathological states.
- Published
- 2023
7. Two Operational Modes of Cardio-Respiratory Coupling Revealed by Pulse-Respiration Quotient
- Author
Kalauzi, Aleksandar, primary, Matić, Zoran, additional, Platiša, Mirjana M., additional, and Bojić, Tijana, additional
- Published
- 2023
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8. Illegal trade in criminal law
- Author
Matić, Zoran, primary and Ćeranić, Mladen, additional
- Published
- 2023
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9. Pulse respiration quotient as a measure sensitive to changes in dynamic behavior of cardiorespiratory coupling such as body posture and breathing regime
- Author
Matić, Zoran, Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Moser, Maximilian, Platiša, Mirjana M., Lazarević, Mihailo, and Bojić, Tijana
- Subjects
Physiology ,Physiology (medical) ,autonomic nervous system ,heart rate ,homeodynamics ,vagal activity ,respiratory sinus arrhythmia ,pulse-respiratory quantization ,sympathetic - Abstract
Objective: In this research we explored the (homeo)dynamic character of cardiorespiratory coupling (CRC) under the influence of different body posture and breathing regimes. Our tool for it was the pulse respiration quotient (PRQ), representing the number of heartbeat intervals per breathing cycle. We obtained non-integer PRQ values using our advanced Matlab® algorithm and applied it on the signals of 20 healthy subjects in four conditions: supine position with spontaneous breathing (Supin), standing with spontaneous breathing (Stand), supine position with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Supin01) and standing with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Stand01).Main results: Linear features of CRC (in PRQ signals) were dynamically very sensitive to posture and breathing rhythm perturbations. There are obvious increases in PRQ mean level and variability under the separated and joined influence of orthostasis and slow (0.1 Hz) breathing. This increase was most pronounced in Stand01 as the state of joint influences. Importantly, PRQ dynamic modification showed greater sensitivity to body posture and breathing regime changes than mean value and standard deviation of heart rhythm and breathing rhythm. In addition, as a consequence of prolonged supine position, we noticed the tendency to integer quantization of PRQ (especially after 14 min), in which the most common quantization number was 4:1 (demonstrated in other research reports as well). In orthostasis and slow breathing, quantization can also be observed, but shifted to other values. We postulate that these results manifest resonance effects induced by coupling patterns from sympathetic and parasympathetic adjustments (with the second as dominant factor).Significance: Our research confirms that cardiorespiratory coupling adaptability could be profoundly explored by precisely calculated PRQ parameter since cardiorespiratory regulation in healthy subjects is characterized by a high level of autonomic adaptability (responsiveness) to posture and breathing regime, although comparisons with pathological states has yet to be performed. We found Stand01 to be the most provoking state for the dynamic modification of PRQ (cardiorespiratory inducement). As such, Stand01 has the potential of using for PRQ tuning by conditioning the cardiorespiratory autonomic neural networks, e.g., in the cases where PRQ is disturbed by environmental (i.e., microgravity) or pathologic conditions.
- Published
- 2022
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10. A simple setup for the determination of the cosmic muon magnetic moment
- Author
Bosnar, Damir, primary, Makek, Mihael, additional, and Matić, Zoran, additional
- Published
- 2022
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11. Испитивање интеракција срчаног и респираторног ритма код физиолошких пертурбација респирације
- Author
Matić, Zoran, Bоjić, Tijana, Lazarević, Mihailo, Konstantinović, Ljubica, Pavlović, Siniša, and Ković, Vanja
- Subjects
cardiorespiratory coupling, complexity, variability, respiration, heart rate, slow breathing, supination, orthostasis ,кардиореспираторно спрезање, сложеност, временска променљивост, дисање, срчани ритам, успорено дисање, лежање, стајање - Abstract
Сажетак: Промена положаја тела и режима дисања су пертурбације које у људском организму доводе до различитих физичких и физиолошких услова функционисања. На ове пертурбације људски организам се прилагодио кроз врло суптилна подешавања карактеристика унутрашњих биолошких ритмова, највише уз регулационо посредовање аутономног нервног система (АНС). Испитивања утицаја положаја тела и нарочито успореног дисања на регулациону функционалност АНС-а последњих година су постала веома актуелна, како у домену фундаменталних биомедицинских истраживања, тако и на пољу клинички примењивих испитивања. Из тога је утврђено и уопштено да при лежећем положају парасимпатички (вагусни) део АНС има предоминантан утицај на срчани ритам и дисање. Насупрот томе, у стојећем положају, испољава се симпатичка предоминација. Успорено дисање са темпом од 0.1 Hz показало се да врши известан резонантан утицај на биоритмику организма (мождану активност, менталне функције, срчани ритам, крвни притисак итд). Основна замисао ове тезе своди се на испитивање одвојеног и заједничког (синергетског) утицаја промене положаја тела (лежање - стајање) и режима дисања (спонтано - успорено-контролисано) на временску променљивост (впр), сложеност (слож) и спрезање (спрез) срчаног ритма и дисања. Впр, слож и спр су примарне одлике биолошких осцилација за које су одговорне регулационе повратне спреге АНС. Увид у впр добили смо кроз линеарне статистичке параметре, у слож кроз корелационе нелинеарне параметре и мултискалирајућу анализу (детрендована флуктуациона анализа (DFA), мултискаслирајућа ентропија (MSE)), а у спрез помоћу линеарних (пулс-респираторни количник (PRQ), спектрална кохеренција (CohRRI-Resp)) мера и нелинеарних корелационих параметара (унакрсна DFA, унакрсна MSE). Сажето, извршили смо мултипараметарско карактерисање споменутих одлика биолошких осцилација. Циљ нам је био да из добијених резултата извучемо информације о стању одзивљивости и прилагодљивости АНС. Зарад тога, осмишљен је посебан протокол експерименталног испитивања и анализирања који подразумева детаљно дефинисање услова и процедура (маневара) у којима се врши снимање сигнала, примењивање наменских алгоритама за рачунање линеарних и нелинеарних карактеризационих параметара, статистичких тестова којима се врши поређење резултата и систематска физичко-физиолошка интерпретација резултата. Овај протокол примењен је на 20 здравих испитаника у четири физиолошка стања: лежање са спонтаним дисањем (Леж), стајање са спонтаним дисањем (Ст), лежање са успореним (0.1 Hz) дисањем (Леж01) и стајање са успореним (0.1 Hz) дисањем. За Ст карактеристичне су биле промене RRI параметара и смањење CohRRI-Resp и неосетљивост на промене параметара дисања. У Леж01 дошло је до промене и линеарних и нелинеарних параметара оба сигнала, што одражава доминантну вагусну регулацију RRI и утицај успореног (0.1 Hz) дисањa на параметре дисања, уз пораст унакрсне DFA на кратким скалама, а без утицаја на CohRRI-Resp. Сва истражена стања произвела су промену односа нагиба α1 наспрам α2 на DFA дијаграмима, што се знатно прецизније може изразити новом мером сложености - међуфракталним углом θ коју кроз нашу анализу предочавамо као нелинеарни пандан концепта симпато-вагалног баланса... Abstract: Changes in body posture and respiratory regime are perturbations that lead to different physical and physiological conditions of functioning in the human body. The human organism has adapted to these perturbations through very subtle adjustments of the characteristics of internal biological rhythms, mostly with the regulatory mediation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Studies of the influence of body posture and especially slow breathing on the regulation functionality of ANS have become very relevant in recent years, both in the domain of fundamental biomedical research and in the field of clinically applicable testing. From that, it was determined and generalized that in the supine position, the parasympathetic (vagal) part of ANS has a predominant influence on heart rhythm and respiration. In contrast, in the standing position, sympathetic predominance is manifested. Slow breathing at a rate of 0.1 Hz has been shown to exert a certain resonant effect on the biorhymicity of the organism (brain activity, mental functions, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.). The basic idea of this thesis was to examine the separate and joint (synergetic) influence of changes in body position (supination - standing) and breathing regime (spontaneous - slow-controlled) on the temporal variability (var), complexity (comp) and coupling (coup) of heart rhythm and respiration. Var, comp and coup are the primary features of biological oscillations for which ANS regulatory feedback is responsible. Insight into var was obtained through linear statistical parameters, into comp through correlation nonlinear parameters and multiscaling analysis (detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), multiscalating entropy (MSE)), and into coup using linear (pulse-respiratory quotient (PRQ) and spectral coherence (CohRRI-Resp)) measures and nonlinear correlation parameters (cross DFA, cross MSE). In general, we performed a multiparameter characterization of the mentioned features of biological oscillations. Our goal was to extract information on the state of responsiveness and adaptability of ANS from the obtained results. Therefore, a special protocol for experimental testing and analysis has been developed, which includes detailed definition of conditions and procedures (maneuvers) in which signal acquisition was performed, application of advanced algorithms for calculating linear and nonlinear characterizing parameters, batery for statistical comparing results and systematic physical and physiological interpretation of results. This protocol was applied to 20 healthy subjects in four physiological states: supination with spontaneous breathing (Supin), standing with spontaneous breathing (Stand), supination with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Supin01), and standing with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Stand01). Changes in RRI parameters, a decrease in CohRRI-Resp and insensitivity to changes in respiratory parameters were characteristic of Stand. In Supin01 there was a significant change in both linear and nonlinear parameters of both signals, which reflects the dominant vagal regulation of RRI and the influence of slow (0.1 Hz) breathing on respiratory parameters, with an increase in cross-DFA on short scales, without affecting CohRRI-Resp. All investigated states produced a change in the slope ratio α1 versus α2 on DFA diagrams, which can be expressed much more profound with a new measure of complexity - interfractal angle θ, which we present in our analysis as a nonlinear counterpart of the sympatho-vagal balance concept. Measures of complexity on short scales (α1 versus MSE1-4) and long scales (α2 versus MSE5-10) had a reciprocal relationship in Stand01, with a specific pattern of cardiorespiratory coupling (ρ1 versus XMSE1-4)...
- Published
- 2022
12. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Lazarević, Mihailo, Konstantinović, Ljubica, Pavlović, Siniša, Ković, Vanja, Matić, Zoran, Lazarević, Mihailo, Konstantinović, Ljubica, Pavlović, Siniša, Ković, Vanja, and Matić, Zoran
- Abstract
Changes in body posture and respiratory regime are perturbations that lead to different physical and physiological conditions of functioning in the human body. The human organism has adapted to these perturbations through very subtle adjustments of the characteristics of internal biological rhythms, mostly with the regulatory mediation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Studies of the influence of body posture and especially slow breathing on the regulation functionality of ANS have become very relevant in recent years, both in the domain of fundamental biomedical research and in the field of clinically applicable testing. From that, it was determined and generalized that in the supine position, the parasympathetic (vagal) part of ANS has a predominant influence on heart rhythm and respiration. In contrast, in the standing position, sympathetic predominance is manifested. Slow breathing at a rate of 0.1 Hz has been shown to exert a certain resonant effect on the biorhymicity of the organism (brain activity, mental functions, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.). The basic idea of this thesis was to examine the separate and joint (synergetic) influence of changes in body position (supination - standing) and breathing regime (spontaneous - slow-controlled) on the temporal variability (var), complexity (comp) and coupling (coup) of heart rhythm and respiration. Var, comp and coup are the primary features of biological oscillations for which ANS regulatory feedback is responsible. Insight into var was obtained through linear statistical parameters, into comp through correlation nonlinear parameters and multiscaling analysis (detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), multiscalating entropy (MSE)), and into coup using linear (pulse-respiratory quotient (PRQ) and spectral coherence (CohRRI-Resp)) measures and nonlinear correlation parameters (cross DFA, cross MSE). In general, we performed a multiparameter characterization of the mentioned features of biological osc
- Published
- 2022
13. Sensitivity Estimations in Favor of Using Inter-fractal Angle in Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
- Author
Matić, Zoran, Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Platiša, Mirjana M., Bojić, Tijana, Matić, Zoran, Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Platiša, Mirjana M., and Bojić, Tijana
- Published
- 2022
14. Informal Layman’s Response to the Publication of the Book The Church — Towards a Common Vision
- Author
Matić, Zoran, primary
- Published
- 2022
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15. Cardiorespiratory coupling is influenced by body position and slow paced 0.1Hz breathing in a state specific manner
- Author
Bojić, Tijana, primary, Matić, Zoran, additional, Stojković, Mihajlo, additional, Platiša, Mirjana, additional, Kalauzi, Aleksandar, additional, Lazarević, Mihailo, additional, and Moser, Maximilian, additional
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Matić, Zoran, Kosor, Robert, Cvjetković, Slobodanka Jelena, and Troskot, Višnja
- Subjects
relay protection ,overcurrent protection ,distance prtection ,power lines - Abstract
Naziv ovog završnog rada je “TS 110/35 kV Zadar – relejna zaštita vodova 110 kV“. U radu su izvršeni proračuni podešenja relejne zaštite vodova 110 kV u TS 110/35 kV Zadar. Ivršen je izbor funkcija zaštite koje će se koristiti u slučaju nastupa međufaznog kratkog spoja te zemljospoja, kao i konkretna podešenja korištenih funkcija zaštite. Pri proračunima su uvaženi svi osnovni kriteriji za kvalitetan rada relejne zaštite. Kvalitetan rad sustava relejne zaštite doprinosi kvalitetnom funkcioniranju EES-a u cjelini., The title of this final work is "TS 110/35 kV Zadar - relay protection of 110 kV lines". The paper presents the calculations of relay protection settings for 110 kV lines in TS 110/35 kV Zadar. The selection choice of protection functions that will be used in case of interphase short circuit and earth fault, as well as the specific settings used functions of protection. All the basic criteria for quality relay protection work are respected in the calculations. The quality operation of the relay protection system contributes to the smooth functioning of the power system as a whole.
- Published
- 2019
17. Slow 0.1 Hz Breathing and Body Posture Induced Perturbations of RRI and Respiratory Signal Complexity and Cardiorespiratory Coupling
- Author
Matić, Zoran, Platiša, Mirjana M., Kalauzi, Aleksandar, Bojić, Tijana, Matić, Zoran, Platiša, Mirjana M., Kalauzi, Aleksandar, and Bojić, Tijana
- Published
- 2020
18. Acupuncture, autonomic nervous system and biophysical origin of acupuncture system
- Author
Matić, Zoran, Bojić, Tijana, Matić, Zoran, and Bojić, Tijana
- Published
- 2020
19. Slow 0.1 Hz Breathing and Body Posture Induced Perturbations of RRI and Respiratory Signal Complexity and Cardiorespiratory Coupling
- Author
Matić, Zoran, primary, Platiša, Mirjana M., additional, Kalauzi, Aleksandar, additional, and Bojić, Tijana, additional
- Published
- 2020
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20. IPv6
- Author
Matić, Zoran and Zelenika, Zvonimir
- Subjects
zaglavlje ,IPv6 ,DNS ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,DHCP ,translation ,adresiranje ,translacija ,Dual stack ,tunneling ,tuneliranje ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,IPv4 ,header ,addressing - Abstract
Glavna tema ovog završnog rada je Internet protokol verzija 6 (engl. IPv6 – Internet Protocol version 6) – kako i zbog kakvih potreba je nastao, koji su principi njegova funkcioniranja, te koje nam nove mogućnosti pruža. Naravno, da bi se moglo govoriti o IPv6 protokolu, svakako se mora spomenuti i njegov prethodnik, IPv4 protokol. Kroz kratku usporedbu tih dvaju protokola navest ćemo prednosti verzije 6, ali i spomenuti probleme oko njegove implementacije u sustave, koja traje već petnaestak godina. Budući je implementacija spora i ne odvija se istom brzinom u svim zemljama svijeta, dotaknut ćemo se i situacije koja se zbiva u našoj zemlji u odnosu na države koje nas okružuju. Main subject of this final paper is the Internet Protocol version 6 – how and due to what needs is was designed and created, what are the principles of its functioning and what new possibilities is it offering. To be able to talk about IPv6, we certainly have to mention its forerunner: the Internet Protocol version 4. Through short comparison of these two protocols we will explain the advantages of the version 6, but also mention the problems, which turned up during its implementation into the systems for the past 15 years. Because of its slow implementation the situation and progress is not in the same in every country, and we will compare the process in our country with neighbouring countries.
- Published
- 2014
21. The construction of compensators for MV photon beams
- Author
Jurković, Slaven, Bistrović, Matija, Faj, Dario, Žauhar, Gordana, Matić, Zoran, Smilović Radojčić, Đeni, and Kovačević, Nenad
- Subjects
radiation therapy ,compensators - Abstract
The use of compensators in order to achieve desired dose distribution had a long history and is well-established technique in radiation therapy planning. There are several different methods of calculation for compensator’ s shape discussed in literature. An alternative method is presented. The method is based on Cunningham's modification of Clarkson's method to calculate scattered radiation in beams with inhomogeneous cross-sectional dose distribution. The algorithm is rather general and could be applied to different required dose distributions in various clinical situations, different photon beams, and various compensating materials. The algorithm is feasible, quickly computable and versatile. The method is verified using film dosimetry in several practical situations manufacturing compensators out of steel granules and low melting alloy. Additional measurements were made using electronic portal imaging developed in our hospital. The results are compared with effective attenuation method.
- Published
- 2006
22. Development of the 3D/PC motion control subsystem for the laboratory GMAW process research system
- Author
Kolumbić, Zvonimir, Samardžić, Ivan, Matić, Zoran, Cebalo, R, and Schulz, H.
- Subjects
motion controls ,arc welding ,sound monitoring - Abstract
Preliminary research of the sound monitoring during gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process did not give satisfactory quantitative results. One reason of the significant deviation to the expectation was insufficient precise motion of the electrode (for the research phase). To eliminate this problem it was adopted to involve the subsystem for the 3D/PC (three dimensions/personal computer) motion control in the laboratory GMAW process research system. The subsystemwas made and tested (with partial developed software) with the electric motor and milling cutter. The introduction of this paper shortly describes the main results of the preliminary research of sound monitoring. The second part presents the block diagram of the developed laboratory GMAW process research system. Third part of the paper is devoted to the detailed descriptions of the finished subsystem for the 3D/PC motion control.
- Published
- 2001
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