16 results on '"Megan McShane"'
Search Results
2. Malerei Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- Author
Klaus H. Carl, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane
- Published
- 2016
3. 1000 Peintures
- Author
Klaus H. Carl, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane
- Published
- 2016
4. 1000 Meisterwerke der Malerei
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane
- Published
- 2014
5. Occupational Therapy in Acute Care, 3rd Edition
- Author
Alison Herman, Allie Fen, Amanda Buono, Amanda Hoffman, Amy Mayer, Anne Escher, Brittni Giangreco, Carrier Siemers, Charles Shadle, Cheryl Esbrook, Courtney Kovanis, Crystal Kemple, Debra Hanson, Elizabeth Burch, Elizabeth Head, Elyse Shivers, Hannah Oldenburg, Helene Smith-Gabai, Jan Stube, Jennifer Schroeder, Jessica Stockton-Thompson, John L. Margetis, Joscelyn Varland, Judy Hamby, Julia A. Smith, Kate McWilliams, Kathleen Foley, Kay Graham, Kellan Quigley, Kelsey Peterson, Kim Moore, Kim Stoops, Kristen Scola Saltzman, Leslie Murray, Logan Sharma, Lyndsay Laxton, Maria Robinson, Mary Matthies, Mary Schmitz, Mary Shotwell, Megan Doyle, Megan Evangelist, Megan McShane, Meghan Morrow, Michele Claiborne, Molly Gleason, Rachel Carpenter, Sarah Shirley Pullani, Sharon Hennigan, Sue Doyle, Suzanne Holm, Tamara Mills, Tamara Trenary, Wendy Avery, Alison Herman, Allie Fen, Amanda Buono, Amanda Hoffman, Amy Mayer, Anne Escher, Brittni Giangreco, Carrier Siemers, Charles Shadle, Cheryl Esbrook, Courtney Kovanis, Crystal Kemple, Debra Hanson, Elizabeth Burch, Elizabeth Head, Elyse Shivers, Hannah Oldenburg, Helene Smith-Gabai, Jan Stube, Jennifer Schroeder, Jessica Stockton-Thompson, John L. Margetis, Joscelyn Varland, Judy Hamby, Julia A. Smith, Kate McWilliams, Kathleen Foley, Kay Graham, Kellan Quigley, Kelsey Peterson, Kim Moore, Kim Stoops, Kristen Scola Saltzman, Leslie Murray, Logan Sharma, Lyndsay Laxton, Maria Robinson, Mary Matthies, Mary Schmitz, Mary Shotwell, Megan Doyle, Megan Evangelist, Megan McShane, Meghan Morrow, Michele Claiborne, Molly Gleason, Rachel Carpenter, Sarah Shirley Pullani, Sharon Hennigan, Sue Doyle, Suzanne Holm, Tamara Mills, Tamara Trenary, and Wendy Avery more...
- Subjects
- Occupational therapy services, Occupational therapy
- Abstract
Acute care occupational therapy practitioners are essential in preparing patients for discharge, optimizing their function and independence, and helping them resume cherished roles and routines. The challenge of acute care practice is looking beyond a specific medical condition and seeing the whole person. Working within a medical setting also requires an understanding of medical conditions and how illness or injury affects occupational performance. Occupational Therapy in Acute Care, 3rd Edition, is designed to offer a comprehensive guide for occupational therapy practitioners working in acute care, equipping them to address safety and independence with daily routines and roles so patients may return to society and experience improved quality of life. This new edition updates and expands content, integrating the latest evidence-based practices. New to this edition are chapters on occupational therapy in the emergency department, sleep, social determinants of health, home modifications, case management, readmission prevention, novice practitioners in acute care, and fieldwork. more...
- Published
- 2025
6. 30 de milenii de pictură
- Author
Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl, Joseph Manca, and Megan McShane
- Abstract
O adevărată călătorie prin timp și spațiu, prin artă și istorie, un ghid splendid ilustrat care vă oferă o viziune globală a evoluției picturii. De la picturile rupestre din grotele de la Lascaux la Madonele Renașterii italiene, de la inovatoarele tablouri ale impresioniștilor la pânzele provocatoare ale Pop Art, 30 de milenii de pictură reunește cele mai reprezentative opere picturale, punctând decisiv evoluția artei din preistorie până în prezent. Cuprinzând o selecție de exact 1 000 de picturi de pe toate continentele, aceste comori culturale sunt prezentate în contextul lor istoric, împreună cu explicații, citate și biografii a 100 dintre cei mai influenți artiști ai umanității. O resursă culturală și educațională documentată și scrisă pentru publicul larg, această carte ne invită să analizăm interacțiunea dintre istorie și artă, influența reciprocă pe care au avut-o în timp artiștii de toate orientările, precum și viitorul picturii. O carte care nu trebuie să lipsească din biblioteca nimănui. more...
- Published
- 2023
7. 1000 de tablouri ale unor pictori de geniu
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Donald Wigal, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, and Donald Wigal
- Abstract
Începând cu perioada Renaşterii şi trecând prin baroc şi romantism până la suprarealism şi stilul pop, aceste lucrări canonice ale artei occidentale se întind pe opt secole şi cuprind o gamă vastă de subiecte. Găsim în ele sacrul şi scandalosul, minimalismul şi opulenţa, inovaţia şi convenţionalul. Sunt picturi care au imortalizat spiritul unei epoci sau care anunţau începutul unei epoci noi. Opere de artă a căror genialitate a fost recunoscută imediat, şi altele care la început au avut parte de opoziţie. Toate au trecut testul timpului, şi în felul lor contribuie la dialectica despre ce anume face ca o pictură să fie de valoare, despre felul în care noţiunile artistice s-au schimbat, despre măsura în care arta reflectă realitatea şi măsura în care ea o modifică. Împreună, aceste opere excepţionale revelează interesele schimbătoare şi descoperirile înaintaşilor noştri, şi ne pot da ocazia să înţelegem care dintre picturile epocii noastre se vor alătura până la urmă canonului artei clasice. more...
- Published
- 2023
8. 1000 Peintures
- Author
Klaus H. Carl, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Klaus H. Carl, Joseph Manca, and Megan McShane
- Abstract
1000 Millénaires Peinture réunit les œuvres incontournables de l'art occidental, à voir au moins une fois dans sa vie. A travers ces trésors culturels, c'est toute l'histoire de l'art qui se dessine au fil des pages. Unanimement reconnues, ces peintures sont accompagnées de légendes détaillées et replacées dans leur contexte historique. De nombreux commentaires et biographies complètent ce passionnant ouvrage, guide absolu de l'amateur d'art. Référence artistique, culturelle et éducative, ce livre vous invite à la visite des grands musées qui abritent ces chefs-d'œuvre. more...
- Published
- 2016
9. 1000 Pinturas de los Grandes Maestros
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, and Megan McShane
- Subjects
- Painting--Pictorial works, Painting--History and criticism, Painters
- Abstract
Desde el Renacimiento temprano, pasando por el Barroco y el Romanticismo hasta el Cubismo, Surrealismo y Pop Art, estas pinturas canónicas del arte occidental abarcan ocho siglos y una multitud de temas. Aquí encontrarás lo sagrado y lo escandaloso, lo minimalista y lo opulente, lo rompedor y lo convencional; hay cuadros que capturaron la esencia de una época y otros que marcaron el inicio de una nueva; obras de arte que fueron inmediatamente catalogadas de geniales y otras que al principio encontraron cierta reticencia. Todas han superado la prueba del tiempo y, a su manera, contribuyen a la dialéctica sobre lo que convierte a un cuadro en obra maestra, sobre lo que han cambiado las nociones sobre el arte, hasta qué punto el arte refleja la realidad y en qué medida la altera. Presentándolas aquí reunidas, estas obras de arte pretender ayudar a comprender la evolución de las preocupaciones y percepciones de nuestros ancestros, así como ofrecernos una pausa para considerar qué obras de nuestra era pasarán a los cánones de la pintura. more...
- Published
- 2014
10. 1000 Chefs-d'œuvre de la peinture
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, and Megan McShane
- Abstract
1000 Chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture réunit les oeuvres incontournables de l'art occidental à voir au moins une fois dans sa vie. À travers ces trésors culturels, c'est toute l'histoire de l'art qui se dessine au fil des pages. Unanimement reconnues, ces peintures sont accompagnées de légendes détaillées et replacées dans leur contexte historique. De nombreux commentaires et biographies complètent ce passionnant ouvrage, guide absolu de l'amateur d'art. Référence artistique, culturelle et éducative, ce livre vous invite à la visite des grands musées qui abritent ces chefs-d'oeuvre. more...
- Published
- 2014
11. Parterre
- Author
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), Megan McShane, Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), and Megan McShane more...
- Abstract
Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert, (dlps) did2222.0000.227, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.did2222.0000.227, This text is protected by copyright and may be linked to without seeking permission. Please see http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/did/terms.html for information on reproduction. more...
- Published
- 2013
12. Ha-ha
- Author
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), Megan McShane, Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (biography), and Megan McShane more...
- Abstract
Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert, (dlps) did2222.0000.228, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.did2222.0000.228, This text is protected by copyright and may be linked to without seeking permission. Please see http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/did/terms.html for information on reproduction. more...
- Published
- 2013
13. 1000 Paintings of Genius
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, and Victoria Charles
- Abstract
From the early Renaissance through Baroque and Romanticism to Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop, these canonical works of Western Art span eight centuries and a vast range of subjects. Here are the sacred and the scandalous, the minimalist and the opulent, the groundbreaking and the conventional. There are paintings that captured the feeling of an era and those that signaled the beginning of a new one. Works of art that were immediately recognised for their genius, and others that were at first met with resistance. All have stood the test of time and in their own ways contribute to the dialectic on what makes a painting great, how notions of art have changed, to what degree art reflects reality, and to what degree it alters it. Brought together, these great works illuminate the changing preoccupations and insights of our ancestors, and give us pause to consider which paintings from our own era will ultimately join the canon. more...
14. 1000 Paintings of Genius
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, and Victoria Charles
- Abstract
From the early Renaissance through Baroque and Romanticism to Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop, these canonical works of Western Art span eight centuries and a vast range of subjects. Here are the sacred and the scandalous, the minimalist and the opulent, the groundbreaking and the conventional. There are paintings that captured the feeling of an era and those that signaled the beginning of a new one. Works of art that were immediately recognised for their genius, and others that were at first met with resistance. All have stood the test of time and in their own ways contribute to the dialectic on what makes a painting great, how notions of art have changed, to what degree art reflects reality, and to what degree it alters it. Brought together, these great works illuminate the changing preoccupations and insights of our ancestors, and give us pause to consider which paintings from our own era will ultimately join the canon. more...
15. 1000 Paintings of Genius
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, and Victoria Charles
- Abstract
From the early Renaissance through Baroque and Romanticism to Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop, these canonical works of Western Art span eight centuries and a vast range of subjects. Here are the sacred and the scandalous, the minimalist and the opulent, the groundbreaking and the conventional. There are paintings that captured the feeling of an era and those that signaled the beginning of a new one. Works of art that were immediately recognised for their genius, and others that were at first met with resistance. All have stood the test of time and in their own ways contribute to the dialectic on what makes a painting great, how notions of art have changed, to what degree art reflects reality, and to what degree it alters it. Brought together, these great works illuminate the changing preoccupations and insights of our ancestors, and give us pause to consider which paintings from our own era will ultimately join the canon. more...
16. 1000 Paintings of Genius
- Author
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, Victoria Charles, Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca Megan McShane, and Victoria Charles
- Abstract
From the early Renaissance through Baroque and Romanticism to Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop, these canonical works of Western Art span eight centuries and a vast range of subjects. Here are the sacred and the scandalous, the minimalist and the opulent, the groundbreaking and the conventional. There are paintings that captured the feeling of an era and those that signaled the beginning of a new one. Works of art that were immediately recognised for their genius, and others that were at first met with resistance. All have stood the test of time and in their own ways contribute to the dialectic on what makes a painting great, how notions of art have changed, to what degree art reflects reality, and to what degree it alters it. Brought together, these great works illuminate the changing preoccupations and insights of our ancestors, and give us pause to consider which paintings from our own era will ultimately join the canon. more...
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