1,170 results on '"Meissner, U-G"'
Search Results
2. $p\bar\Lambda$ final-state interaction in the reactions $e^+e^- \to K^- p \bar \Lambda$ and $J/\psi \to K^- p \bar \Lambda$
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Near-threshold $p\bar\Lambda$ mass spectra for the reactions $e^+e^- \to K^- p\bar\Lambda$ and $J/\psi \to K^- p\bar\Lambda$ are investigated with an emphasis on the role played by the interaction in the $p\bar\Lambda$ system. As guideline for the $p\bar\Lambda$ interaction a variety of $\Lambda\bar\Lambda$ potential models is considered that have been established in the analysis of data on $p\bar p\to \Lambda\bar\Lambda$ in the past. Arguments why the properties of the $p\bar\Lambda$ and $\Lambda\bar\Lambda$ interactions can be expected to be very similar are provided. It is shown that the near-threshold enhancement in the invariant mass observed for the $e^+e^-$ reaction can be reproduced quantitatively by the assumed $p\bar\Lambda$ final-state interaction in the partial wave suggested by an amplitude analysis of the experiment. The effect of the $p\bar\Lambda$ final-state interaction in other decays is explored, including the recently measured reactions $B^- \to J/\psi\, \bar p \Lambda$ and $B^+ \to J/\psi\, p \bar\Lambda$. It is found that the final-state interaction improves the description of the measured invariant mass near threshold in most cases., Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2024
3. Gravitational $p \to \Delta^+ $ transition form factors in chiral perturbation theory
- Author
Alharazin, H., Sun, B. -D., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The gravitational form factors of the transition from the proton to the $\Delta^+$ resonance are calculated to leading one-loop order using a manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of chiral perturbation theory. We take into account the leading electromagnetic and strong isospin-violating effects. The loop contributions to the transition form factors are found to be free of power-counting violating pieces, which is consistent with the absence of tree-level diagrams at the considered order. In this sense, our results can be regarded as predictions of chiral perturbation theory., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.01233
- Published
- 2023
4. Electromagnetic and gravitational local spatial densities for spin-1 systems
- Author
Panteleeva, J. Yu., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
The matrix elements of the electromagnetic current and the energy-momentum tensor for sharply localized states of spin-1 systems are considered. Their interpretation as local spatial densities of various characteristics of the considered system is discussed.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Local spatial densities for composite spin-3/2 systems
- Author
Alharazin, H., Sun, B. -D., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
The definition of local spatial densities by using sharply localized one-particle states is applied to spin-3/2 systems. Matrix elements of the electromagnetic current and the energy-momentum tensor are considered and integral expressions of associated spatial distributions in terms of form factors are derived.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Definition of gravitational local spatial densities for spin-0 and spin-1/2 systems
- Author
Panteleeva, J. Yu., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We work out details of defining the spatial densities corresponding to the gravitational form factors of spin-0 and spin-1/2 systems using spherically symmetric sharply localized wave packets. The expressions for the spatial densities are provided in the frames with both zero and non-zero expectation values of the momentum operator.
- Published
- 2022
7. Gravitational form factors of the delta resonance in chiral EFT
- Author
Alharazin, H., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., Meißner, U. -G., and Sun, B. -D.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
The leading one-loop corrections to the gravitational form factors of the delta resonance are calculated in the framework of chiral effective field theory. Various contributions to the energy-momentum tensor and the renormalization of the low-energy constants are worked out. Using the small scale expansion, expressions for static quantities are obtained and the real and imaginary parts of the gravitational form factors are calculated numerically., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2006.05890
- Published
- 2022
8. Status of the hyperon-nucleon interaction in chiral effective field theory
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The J\"ulich-Bonn group aims at an extensive study of the baryon-baryon ($BB$) interaction involving strange baryons ($\Lambda$, $\Sigma$, $\Xi$) within SU(3) chiral effective field theory. An overview of achievements and new developments over the past few years is provided. The topics covered are: 1) Derivation of the leading charge-symmetry breaking (CSB) interaction for the $\Lambda N$ system and its application in a study of CSB effects in $A$=$4$ $\Lambda$-hypernuclei. 2) Updated results for the $\Xi N$ interaction at NLO and predictions for $\Xi^- p$ correlation functions. 3) Extension of the $\Lambda N$-$\Sigma N$ interaction to next-to-next-to-leading order., Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Contribution to proceedings of HYP2022
- Published
- 2022
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9. On the definition of electromagnetic local spatial densities for composite spin-$1/2$ systems
- Author
Panteleeva, J. Yu., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory ,Nuclear Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
An unambiguous definition of the electromagnetic spatial densities for a spin-1/2 system is proposed and worked out in the zero average momentum frame and in moving frames. The obtained results are compared with the traditional definition of the densities in terms of the three-dimensional Fourier transforms of the electromagnetic form factors in the Breit frame.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Strangeness ${S=-3}$ and ${-4}$ baryon-baryon interactions in chiral effective field theory
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Studies of the baryon-baryon interaction involving hyperons within chiral effective field theory, so far performed up to next-to-leading order (NLO) in the chiral expansion, have shown that for the strangeness $S=-1$ ($\Lambda N$, $\Sigma N$) and $S=-2$ ($\Lambda \Lambda$, $\Xi N$) sectors a consistent and satisfactory description of the available scattering data and experimental constraints can be achieved based on the assumption of broken SU(3) flavor symmetry. We explore the possible extension of this approach at the NLO level to strangeness $S=-3$ and $S=-4$ baryon-baryon systems where empirical information is rather scarce. Specifically we address the question how measurements of two-body correlation functions in heavy-ion collisions and/or in high-energetic proton-proton collisions can help to constrain the interaction in channels like $\Xi\Lambda$ or $\Xi\Xi$., Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, contribution to Chiral Dynamics 2021
- Published
- 2022
11. On the definition of local spatial densities in hadrons
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., Lange, N., Meißner, U. -G., and Polyakov, M. V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We show that the matrix element of a local operator between hadronic states gives rise to an unambiguous definition of the associated spatial density. As an explicit example, we consider the charge density of a spinless particle in the rest and moving frames and clarify its relationship to the electric form factor. Our results suggest that the interpretation of the spatial densities of local operators and their moments such as the mean square charge radius needs to be revised., Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure
- Published
- 2022
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12. Exploring the $\Sigma^+ p$ interaction by measurements of the correlation function
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The spin-dependent components of the fundamental hyperon-nucleon interactions are largely unknown. We show that under reasonable assumptions, a measurement of the $\Sigma^+ p$ correlation function in high-energy proton-proton or heavy-ion collisions combined with cross section data allows to separate the singlet and the triplet $S$-wave contributions., Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, discussion extended, references updated
- Published
- 2021
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13. Chiral theory of $\rho$-meson gravitational form factors
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., Meißner, U. -G., and Polyakov, M. V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Theory ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The low-energy chiral effective field theory of vector mesons and Goldstone bosons in external gravitational field is considered. The energy-momentum tensor is obtained and the gravitational form factors of the $\rho$-meson are calculated up to next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. This amounts to considering tree-level and one-loop order diagrams. The chiral expansion of the form factors at zero momentum transfer as well as of the slope parameters is worked out. Also, the long-range behaviour of the energy and internal force distributions is obtained and analysed., Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure
- Published
- 2021
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14. On the structure in the $\Lambda N$ cross section at the $\Sigma N$ threshold
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The complexity of threshold phenomena is exemplified on a prominent and long-known case - the structure in the $\Lambda p$ cross section (invariant mass spectrum) at the opening of the $\Sigma N$ channel. The mass splitting between the $\Sigma$ baryons together with the angular momentum coupling in the $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ partial wave imply that, in principle, up to six channels are involved. Utilizing hyperon-nucleon potentials that provide an excellent description of the available low-energy $\Lambda p$ and $\Sigma N$ scattering data, the shape of the resulting $\Lambda p$ cross section is discussed and the poles near the $\Sigma N$ threshold are determined. Evidence for a strangeness $S=-1$ dibaryon is provided, in the form of a deuteron-like (unstable) $\Sigma N$ bound state. Predictions for level shifts and widths of $\Sigma^-p$ atomic states are given., Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2021
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15. Effective field theory for shallow P-wave states
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., Huesmann, H. P., Meißner, U. -G., and Ren, X. -L.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We discuss the formulation of a non-relativistic effective field theory for two-body P-wave scattering in the presence of shallow states and critically address various approaches to renormalization proposed in the literature. It is demonstrated that the consistent renormalization involving only a finite number of parameters in the well-established formalism with auxiliary dimer fields corresponds to the inclusion of an infinite number of counterterms in the formulation with contact interactions only. We also discuss the implications from the Wilsonian renormalization group analysis of P-wave scattering., Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to Special Issue of Few-Body Systems: Celebrating 30 years of Steven Weinberg's papers on Nuclear Forces from Chiral Lagrangians
- Published
- 2021
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16. Gravitational p → ∆+ transition form factors in chiral perturbation theory
- Author
Alharazin, H., Sun, B.-D., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U.-G.
- Published
- 2024
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17. Finite volume corrections to forward Compton scattering off the nucleon
- Author
Lozano, J., Agadjanov, A., Gegelia, J., Meißner, U. -G., and Rusetsky, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We calculate the spin-averaged amplitude for doubly virtual forward Compton scattering off nucleons in the framework of manifestly Lorentz invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory at complete one-loop order $O(p^4)$. The calculations are carried out both in the infinite and in a finite volume. The obtained results allow for a detailed estimation the finite-volume corrections to the amplitude which can be extracted on the lattice using the background field technique., Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures
- Published
- 2020
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18. Storage Ring to Search for Electric Dipole Moments of Charged Particles -- Feasibility Study
- Author
Abusaif, F., Aggarwal, A., Aksentev, A., Alberdi-Esuain, B., Andres, A., Atanasov, A., Barion, L., Basile, S., Berz, M., Böhme, C., Böker, J., Borburgh, J., Canale, N., Carli, C., Ciepał, I., Ciullo, G., Contalbrigo, M., De Conto, J. -M., Dymov, S., Felden, O., Gaisser, M., Gebel, R., Giese, N., Gooding, J., Grigoryev, K., Grzonka, D., Tahar, M. Haj, Hahnraths, T., Heberling, D., Hejny, V., Hetzel, J., Hölscher, D., Javakhishvili, O., Jorat, L., Kacharava, A., Kamerdzhiev, V., Karanth, S., Keshelashvili, I., Koop, I., Kulikov, A., Laihem, K., Lamont, M., Lehrach, A., Lenisa, P., Lomidze, I., Lomidze, N., Lorentz, B., Macharashvili, G., Magiera, A., Makino, K., Martin, S., Mchedlishvili, D., Meißner, U. -G., Metreveli, Z., Michaud, J., Müller, F., Nass, A., Natour, G., Nikolaev, N., Nogga, A., Okropiridze, D., Pesce, A., Poncza, V., Prasuhn, D., Pretz, J., Rathmann, F., Ritman, J., Rosenthal, M., Saleev, A., Schott, M., Sefzick, T., Senichev, Y., Shankar, R., Shergelashvili, D., Shmakova, V., Siddique, S., Silenko, A., Simon, M., Slim, J., Soltner, H., Stahl, A., Stassen, R., Stephenson, E., Straatmann, H., Ströher, H., Tabidze, M., Tagliente, G., Talman, R., Uzikov, Y., Valdau, Y., Valetov, E., Vilella, E., Vitz, M., Vossebeld, J., Wagner, T., Weidemann, C., Wirzba, A., Wrońska, A., Wüstner, P., Zupranski, P., and Żurek, M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment ,Physics - Accelerator Physics - Abstract
The proposed method exploits charged particles confined as a storage ring beam (proton, deuteron, possibly $^3$He) to search for an intrinsic electric dipole moment (EDM) aligned along the particle spin axis. Statistical sensitivities could approach 10$^{-29}$ e$\cdot$cm. The challenge will be to reduce systematic errors to similar levels. The ring will be adjusted to preserve the spin polarisation, initially parallel to the particle velocity, for times in excess of 15 minutes. Large radial electric fields, acting through the EDM, will rotate the polarisation from the longitudinal to the vertical direction. The slow rise in the vertical polarisation component, detected through scattering from a target, signals the EDM. The project strategy is outlined. A stepwise plan is foreseen, starting with ongoing COSY activities that demonstrate technical feasibility. Achievements to date include reduced polarization measurement errors, long horizontal plane polarization lifetimes, and control of the polarization direction through feedback from scattering measurements. The project continues with a proof-of-capability measurement (precursor experiment; first direct deuteron EDM measurement), an intermediate prototype ring (proof-of-principle; demonstrator for key technologies), and finally a high-precision electric-field storage ring., Comment: 243 pages
- Published
- 2019
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19. Investigation of $J/\psi \to \gamma\, \pi^0 \eta (\pi^+\pi^-, \pi^0\pi^0)$ radiative decays including final-state interactions
- Author
Xiao, C. W., Meißner, U. -G., and Oller, J. A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We revisit the coupled channel $K\bar{K}$ interactions and dynamically generate the resonances $f_0(980)$ and $a_0(980)$ within both the isospin and the physical bases. The $f_0(980)-a_0(980)$ mixing effects are generated in the scattering amplitudes of the coupled channels with the physical basis, which exploits the important role of the $K\bar{K}$ channel in the dynamical nature of these resonances. With the scattering amplitudes obtained, we investigate the $f_0(980)$ and $a_0(980)$ contributions to the $J/\psi\to \gamma\eta\pi^0$, $J/\psi\to \gamma\pi^+\pi^-$ and $J/\psi\to \gamma\pi^0\pi^0$ radiative decays through the final-state interactions. We obtain the corresponding branching fractions $Br(J/\psi\to \gamma a_0(980) \to \gamma\eta\pi^0) = (0.47\pm0.05) \times 10^{-7}$, $Br(J/\psi\to \gamma f_0(980) \to \gamma\pi^+\pi^-) = 0.37 \times 10^{-7} - 1.98 \times 10^{-6}$, $Br(J/\psi\to \gamma f_0(980) \to \gamma\pi^0\pi^0) = 0.18 \times 10^{-7} - 9.92 \times 10^{-7}$, and predict $Br(J/\psi\to \gamma a_0(980)) = 1.72 \times 10^{-8} - 3.07\times 10^{-7}$ and $Br(J/\psi\to \gamma f_0(980)) = 1.86 \times 10^{-8} - 1.89\times 10^{-5}$. These fractions are within the upper limits of the experimental measurements.
- Published
- 2019
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20. Towards high-order calculations of three-nucleon scattering in chiral effective field theory
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Golak, J., Hebeler, K., Kamada, H., Krebs, H., Meißner, U. -G., Nogga, A., Reinert, P., Skibiński, R., Topolnicki, K., Volkotrub, Y., and Witała, H.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We discuss the current status of chiral effective field theory in the three-nucleon sector and present selected results for nucleon-deuteron scattering observables based on semilocal momentum-space-regularized chiral two-nucleon potentials together with consistently regularized three-nucleon forces up to third chiral order. Using a Bayesian model for estimating truncation errors, the obtained results are found to provide a good description of the experimental data. We confirm our earlier findings that a high-precision description of nucleon-deuteron scattering data below pion production threshold will require the theory to be pushed to fifth chiral order. This conclusion is substantiated by an exploratory study of selected short-range contributions to the three-nucleon force at that order, which, as expected, are found to have significant effects on polarization observables at intermediate and high energies. We also outline the challenges that will need to be addressed in order to push the chiral expansion of three-nucleon scattering observables to higher orders., Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 1 table; contribution to the EPJA topical issue on "The tower of effective (field) theories and the emergence of nuclear phenomena"
- Published
- 2019
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21. Hyperon-nucleon interaction within chiral effective field theory revisited
- Author
Haidenbauer, J., Meißner, U. -G., and Nogga, A.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The $\Lambda N$ and $\Sigma N$ interactions are considered at next-to-leading order in SU(3) chiral effective field theory. Different options for the low-energy constants that determine the strength of the contact interactions are explored. Two variants are analysed in detail which yield equivalent results for $\Lambda N$ and $\Sigma N$ scattering observables but differ in the strength of the $\Lambda N \to \Sigma N$ transition potential. The influence of this difference on predictions for light hypernuclei and on the properties of the $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$ hyperons in nuclear matter is investigated and discussed. The effect of the variation in the potential strength of the $\Lambda N$-$\Sigma N$ coupling (also called $\Lambda -\Sigma$ conversion) is found to be moderate for the considered $^3_\Lambda \rm H$ and $^4_\Lambda \rm He$ hypernuclei but sizable in case of the matter properties. Further, the size of three-body forces and their relation to different approaches to hypernuclear interactions is discussed., Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures
- Published
- 2019
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22. Definition of gravitational local spatial densities for spin-0 and spin-1/2 systems
- Author
Panteleeva, J. Yu., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Published
- 2023
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23. Nuclear electromagnetic currents to fourth order in chiral effective field theory
- Author
Krebs, H., Epelbaum, E., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
Recently, we have shown that the continuity equation for the nuclear vector and axial current operators acquires additional terms if the latter depend on the energy transfer. We analyze in detail the electromagnetic single-nucleon four-current operators and verify the validity of the modified continuity equation for all one- and two-nucleon contributions up to fourth order in the chiral expansion. We also derive, for the first time, the leading contribution to the three-nucleon charge operator which appears at this order. Our study completes the derivation of the electroweak nuclear currents to fourth order in the chiral expansion., Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2019
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24. Phenomenological view on baryon-baryon potentials from lattice QCD simulations
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
A qualitative discussion on the range of the potentials as they result from the phenomenological meson-exchange picture and from lattice simulations by the HAL QCD Collaboration is presented. For the former pion- and/or $\eta$-meson exchange are considered together with the scalar-isoscalar component of correlated $\pi\pi /K \bar K$ exchange. It is observed that the intuitive expectation for the behavior of the baryon-baryon potentials for large separations, associated with the exchange of one and/or two pions, does not always match with the potentials extracted from the lattice simulations. Only in cases where pion exchange provides the longest ranged contribution, like in the $\Xi N$ system, a reasonable qualitative agreement between the phenomenological and the lattice QCD potentials is found for baryon-baryon separations of $r \gtrsim 1$ fm. For the $\Omega N$ and $\Omega\Omega$ interactions where isospin conservation rules out one-pion exchange a large mismatch is observed, with the potentials by the HAL QCD Collaboration being much longer ranged and much stronger at large distances as compared to the phenomenological expectation. This casts some doubts on the applicability of using these potentials in few- or many-body systems., Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
- Published
- 2019
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25. Feasibility Study for an EDM Storage Ring
- Author
Abusaif, F., Aggarwal, A., Aksentev, A., Alberdi-Esuain, B., Barion, L., Basile, S., Berz, M., Beyß, M., Böhme, C., Böker, J., Borburgh, J., Carli, C., Ciepał, I., Ciullo, G., Contalbrigo, M., De Conto, J. -M., Dymov, S., Engels, R., Felden, O., Gagoshidze, M., Gaisser, M., Gebel, R., Giese, N., Grigoryev, K., Grzonka, D., Hanraths, T., Hanhart, C., Heberling, D., Hejny, V., Hetzel, J., Hölscher, D., Javakhishvili, O., Kacharava, A., Karanth, S., Käseberg, C., Kamerdzhiev, V., Keshelashvili, I., Koop, I., Kulikov, A., Laihem, K., Lamont, M., Lehrach, A., Lenisa, P., Lomidze, N., Lorentz, B., Macharashvili, G., Magiera, A., Maier, R., Makino, K., Martin, S., Mchedlishvili, D., Meißner, U. -G., Metreveli, Z., Michaud, J., Müller, F., Nass, A., Natour, G., Nikolaev, N., Nogga, A., Pesce, A., Poncza, V., Prasuhn, D., Pretz, J., Rathmann, F., Ritman, J., Rosenthal, M., Saleev, A., Schott, M., Sefzick, T., Senichev, Y., Shergelashvili, D., Shmakova, V., Siddique, S., Silenko, A., Simon, M., Slim, J., Soltner, H., Stahl, A., Stassen, R., Stephenson, E., Straatmann, H., Ströher, H., Tabidze, M., Tagliente, G., Tahar, M., Talman, R., Uzikov, Yu., Valdau, Yu., Valetov, E., Wagner, T., Weidemann, C., Wilkin, C., Wirzba, A., Wrońska, A., and Wüstner, P.
- Subjects
Physics - Accelerator Physics ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
This project exploits charged particles confined as a storage ring beam (proton, deuteron, possibly $^3$He) to search for an intrinsic electric dipole moment (EDM, $\vec d$) aligned along the particle spin axis. Statistical sensitivities can approach $10^{-29}$~e$\cdot$cm. The challenge will be to reduce systematic errors to similar levels. The ring will be adjusted to preserve the spin polarization, initially parallel to the particle velocity, for times in excess of 15 minutes. Large radial electric fields, acting through the EDM, will rotate the polarization ($\vec d \times\vec E$). The slow rise in the vertical polarization component, detected through scattering from a target, signals the EDM. The project strategy is outlined. It foresees a step-wise plan, starting with ongoing COSY activities that demonstrate technical feasibility. Achievements to date include reduced polarization measurement errors, long horizontal-plane polarization lifetimes, and control of the polarization direction through feedback from the scattering measurements. The project continues with a proof-of-capability measurement (precursor experiment; first direct deuteron EDM measurement), an intermediate prototype ring (proof-of-principle; demonstrator for key technologies), and finally the high precision electric-field storage ring.
- Published
- 2018
26. Remarks on the Heavy-Quark Flavour Symmetry for doubly heavy hadronic molecules
- Author
Baru, V., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., Hanhart, C., Meißner, U. -G., and Nefediev, A. V.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The possibility for a common effective field theory for hadronic molecules with different heavy-quark flavours is examined critically. It is argued that such a theory does not allow one to draw definite conclusions for doubly heavy molecules. In particular, it does not allow one to relate binding energies for the molecules in the c-quark and b-quark sectors with controlled uncertainties. Therefore, while this kind of reasoning does not preclude from employing heavy-quark spin symmetry for charmonium- and bottomonium-like states separately within a well established effective field theory framework, relations between different heavy-quark sectors can only be obtained using phenomenological approaches with uncontrolled uncertainties., Comment: 7 pages, extended discussions, added references, version to appear in Eur. Phys. J. C
- Published
- 2018
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27. In-medium properties of a $\Xi N$ interaction derived from chiral effective field theory
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The in-medium properties of a baryon-baryon interaction for the strangeness $S=-2$ sector derived within chiral effective field theory up to next-to-leading order are investigated. The considered $\Xi N$ interaction is in line with available empirical constraints on the $\Lambda\Lambda$ $S$-wave scattering length and on $\Xi N$ elastic and inelastic cross sections. In particular, there are no near-threshold bound states in the $\Xi N$ system. A conventional $G$-matrix calculation for this interaction is performed and reveals that the single-particle potential of the $\Xi$-hyperon in nuclear matter is moderately attractive as suggested by recent experimental evidence for the existence of $\Xi$-hypernuclei., Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2018
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28. Breaking and restoration of rotational symmetry in the low-energy spectrum of light alpha-conjugate nuclei on the lattice I: $^{8}\mathrm{Be}$ and $^{12}\mathrm{C}$
- Author
Stellin, G., Elhatisari, S., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The breaking of rotational symmetry on the lattice for bound eigenstates of the two lightest alpha conjugate nuclei is explored. Moreover, a macroscopic alpha-cluster model is used for investigating the general problems associated with the representation of a physical many-body problem on a cubic lattice. In view of the descent from the 3D rotation group to the cubic group symmetry, the role of the squared total angular momentum operator in the classification of the lattice eigenstates in terms of SO(3) irreps is discussed. In particular, the behaviour of the average values of the latter operator, the Hamiltonian and the inter-particle distance as a function of lattice spacing and size is studied by considering the $0^+$, $2^+$, $4^+$ and $6^+$ (artificial) bound states of $^{8}\mathrm{Be}$ and the lowest $0^+$, $2^+$ and $3^-$ multiplets of $^{12}\mathrm{C}$., Comment: Submitted to the European Physical Journal A, ID: EPJA-104750
- Published
- 2018
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29. Few- and many-nucleon systems with semilocal coordinate-space regularized chiral two- and three-body forces
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Golak, J., Hebeler, K., Hüther, T., Kamada, H., Krebs, H., Maris, P., Meißner, U. -G., Nogga, A., Roth, R., Skibiński, R., Topolnicki, K., Vary, J. P., Vobig, K., and Witała, H.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present a complete calculation of nucleon-deuteron scattering as well as ground and low-lying excited states of light nuclei in the mass range A=3-16 up through next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field theory using semilocal coordinate-space regularized two- and three-nucleon forces. It is shown that both of the low-energy constants entering the three-nucleon force at this order can be reliably determined from the triton binding energy and the differential cross section minimum in elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering. The inclusion of the three-nucleon force is found to improve the agreement with the data for most of the considered observables., Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2018
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30. Few- and many-nucleon systems with semilocal coordinate-space regularized chiral nucleon-nucleon forces
- Author
Binder, S., Calci, A., Epelbaum, E., Furnstahl, R. J., Golak, J., Hebeler, K., Hüther, T., Kamada, H., Krebs, H., Maris, P., Meißner, U. -G., Nogga, A., Roth, R., Skibiński, R., Topolnicki, K., Vary, J. P., Vobig, K., and Witała, H.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We employ a variety of ab initio methods including Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations, No-Core Configuration Interaction Approach, Coupled-Cluster Theory and In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group to perform a comprehensive analysis of the nucleon-deuteron elastic and breakup reactions and selected properties of light and medium-mass nuclei up to 48Ca using the recently constructed semilocal coordinate-space regularized chiral nucleon-nucleon potentials. We compare the results with those based on selected phenomenological and chiral EFT two-nucleon potentials, discuss the convergence pattern of the chiral expansion and estimate the achievable theoretical accuracy at various chiral orders using the novel approach to quantify truncation errors of the chiral expansion without relying on cutoff variation. We also address the robustness of this method and explore alternative ways to estimate the theoretical uncertainty from the truncation of the chiral expansion., Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 11 tables
- Published
- 2018
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31. The impact of $\mathbf{K^+\Lambda}$ photoproduction on the resonance spectrum
- Author
Rönchen, D., Döring, M., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The J\"ulich-Bonn coupled-channel framework is extended to $K^+\Lambda$ photoproduction. The spectrum of nucleon and $\Delta$ resonances is extracted from simultaneous fits to several pion-induced reactions in addition to pion, eta and $K^+\Lambda$ photoproduction off the proton. More than 40,000 data points up to a center-of-mass energy of E$\sim$2.3 GeV including recently measured double-polarization observables are analyzed. The influence of the $\gamma p\to K^+\Lambda$ channel on the extracted resonance parameters and the appearance of states not seen in other channels is investigated. The J\"ulich-Bonn model includes effective three-body channels and guarantees unitarity and analyticity, which is a prerequisite for a reliable determination of the resonance spectrum in terms of poles and residues., Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Minor modifications, additional information in the appendix. Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J. A
- Published
- 2018
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32. Feynman-Hellmann theorem for resonances and the quest for QCD exotica
- Author
de Elvira, J. Ruiz, Meißner, U. -G., Rusetsky, A., and Schierholz, G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The generalization of the Feynman-Hellmann theorem for resonance states in quantum field theory is derived. On the basis of this theorem, a criterion is proposed to study the possible exotic nature of certain hadronic states emerging in QCD. It is shown that this proposal is supported by explicit calculations in Chiral Perturbation Theory and by large-$N_c$ arguments. Analyzing recent lattice data on the quark mass dependence in the pseudoscalar, vector meson, baryon octet and baryon decuplet sectors, we conclude that, as expected, these are predominately quark-model states, albeit the corrections are non-negligible., Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures
- Published
- 2017
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33. Lambda-nuclear interactions and hyperon puzzle in neutron stars
- Author
Haidenbauer, J., Meißner, U. -G., Kaiser, N., and Weise, W.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena - Abstract
Brueckner theory is used to investigate the in-medium properties of a $\Lambda$-hyperon in nuclear and neutron matter, based on hyperon-nucleon interactions derived within SU(3) chiral effective field theory (EFT). It is shown that the resulting $\Lambda$ single-particle potential $U_\Lambda(p_\Lambda =0,\rho)$ becomes strongly repulsive for densities $\rho$ of two-to-three times that of normal nuclear matter. Adding a density-dependent effective $\Lambda N$-interaction constructed from chiral $\Lambda NN$ three-body forces increases the repulsion further. Consequences of these findings for neutron stars are discussed. It is argued that for hyperon-nuclear interactions with properties such as those deduced from the SU(3) EFT potentials, the onset for hyperon formation in the core of neutron stars is expected to be shifted to extremely high baryon density, thus potentially resolving the so-called hyperon puzzle., Comment: 6 pages, two figures; longer discussion about uncertainties added
- Published
- 2016
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34. A chiral covariant approach to $\rho\rho$ scattering
- Author
Gülmez, D., Meißner, U. -G., and Oller, J. A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We analyze vector meson - vector meson scattering in a unitarized chiral theory based on a chiral covariant framework. We show that a pole assigned to the the scalar meson $f_0(1370)$ can be dynamically generated from the $\rho\rho$ interaction, while this is not the case for the tensor meson $f_2(1270)$ as found in earlier works. We show that the generation of the tensor state is untenable due to an artefact of the extreme non-relativistic kinematics used before. We further consider the effects arising from the coupling of channels with different orbital angular momenta. We suggest to use the formalism outlined here to obtain more reliable results for the dynamical generation of resonances in the vector-vector interaction., Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, extended version, new section with an improved solution method, results and conclusions unchanged
- Published
- 2016
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35. Reconciling threshold and subthreshold expansions for pion-nucleon scattering
- Author
Siemens, D., de Elvira, J. Ruiz, Epelbaum, E., Hoferichter, M., Krebs, H., Kubis, B., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) at one loop fails in relating the pion-nucleon amplitude in the physical region and for subthreshold kinematics due to loop effects enhanced by large low-energy constants. Studying the chiral convergence of threshold and subthreshold parameters up to fourth order in the small-scale expansion, we address the question to what extent this tension can be mitigated by including the $\Delta(1232)$ as an explicit degree of freedom and/or using a covariant formulation of baryon ChPT. We find that the inclusion of the $\Delta$ indeed reduces the low-energy constants to more natural values and thereby improves consistency between threshold and subthreshold kinematics. In addition, even in the $\Delta$-less theory the resummation of $1/m_N$ corrections in the covariant scheme improves the results markedly over the heavy-baryon formulation, in line with previous observations in the single-baryon sector of ChPT that so far have evaded a profound theoretical explanation., Comment: 10 pages, 4 tables, Mathematica notebook with the analytic expressions for threshold and subthreshold parameters included as supplementary material; journal version
- Published
- 2016
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36. Nuclear axial current operators to fourth order in chiral effective field theory
- Author
Krebs, H., Epelbaum, E., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present the complete derivation of the nuclear axial charge and current operators as well as the pseudoscalar operators to fourth order in the chiral expansion relative to the dominant one-body contribution using the method of unitary transformation. We demonstrate that the unitary ambiguity in the resulting operators can be eliminated by the requirement of renormalizability and by matching of the pion-pole contributions to the nuclear forces. We give expressions for the renormalized single-, two- and three-nucleon contributions to the charge and current operators and pseudoscalar operators including the relevant relativistic corrections. We also verify explicitly the validity of the continuity equation., Comment: 72 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables
- Published
- 2016
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37. On the pi pi continuum in the nucleon form factors and the proton radius puzzle
- Author
Hoferichter, M., Kubis, B., de Elvira, J. Ruiz, Hammer, H. -W., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Nuclear Experiment ,Nuclear Theory ,Physics - Atomic Physics - Abstract
We present an improved determination of the $\pi\pi$ continuum contribution to the isovector spectral functions of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. Our analysis includes the most up-to-date results for the $\pi\pi\to\bar N N$ partial waves extracted from Roy-Steiner equations, consistent input for the pion vector form factor, and a thorough discussion of isospin-violating effects and uncertainty estimates. As an application, we consider the $\pi\pi$ contribution to the isovector electric and magnetic radii by means of sum rules, which, in combination with the accurately known neutron electric radius, are found to slightly prefer a small proton charge radius., Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, spectral functions included as supplementary material; journal version
- Published
- 2016
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38. The electromagnetic form factors of the $\Lambda$ in the timelike region
- Author
Haidenbauer, J. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The reaction $e^+e^- \to \bar \Lambda \Lambda$ is investigated for energies close to the threshold. Specific emphasis is put on the role played by the interaction in the final $\bar \Lambda \Lambda$ system which is taken into account rigorously. For that interaction a variety of $\bar \Lambda \Lambda$ potential models is employed that have been constructed for the analysis of the reaction $\bar p p \to \bar \Lambda \Lambda$ in the past. The enhancement of the effective form factor for energies close to the $\bar \Lambda \Lambda$ threshold, seen in pertinent experiments, is reproduced. Predictions for the $\Lambda$ electromagnetic form factors $G_M$ and $G_E$ in the timelike region and for spin-dependent observables such as spin-correlation parameters are presented., Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2016
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39. Role of the total isospin 3/2 component in three-nucleon reactions
- Author
Witała, H., Golak, J., Skibiński, R., Topolnicki, K., Epelbaum, E., Hebeler, K., Kamada, H., Krebs, H., Meißner, U. -G., and Nogga, A.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We discuss the role of the three-nucleon isospin T=3/2 amplitude in elastic neutron-deuteron scattering and in the deuteron breakup reaction. The contribution of this amplitude originates from charge-independence breaking of the nucleon-nucleon potential and is driven by the difference between neutron-neutron (proton-proton) and neutron-proton forces. We study the magnitude of that contribution to the elastic scattering and breakup observables, taking the locally regularized chiral N4LO nucleon-nucleon potential supplemented by the chiral N2LO three-nucleon force. For comparison we employ also the Av18 nucleon-nucleon potential combined with the Urbana IX three-nucleon force. We find that the isospin T=3/2 component is important for the breakup reaction and the proper treatment of charge-independence breaking in this case requires the inclusion of the 1S0 state with isospin T=3/2. For neutron-deuteron elastic scattering the T=3/2 contributions are insignificant and charge-independence breaking can be accounted for by using the effective t-matrix generated with the so-called "2/3-1/3" rule., Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 3 Tables
- Published
- 2016
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40. Light baryon resonances from a coupled-channel study including KΣ photoproduction
- Author
Rönchen, D., Döring, M., Meißner, U.-G., and Shen, C.-W.
- Published
- 2022
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41. Jacobi no-core shell model for p-shell nuclei
- Author
Liebig, S., Meißner, U. -G., and Nogga, A.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We introduce an algorithm to obtain coefficients of fractional parentage for light $p$-shell nuclei. The coefficients enable to use Jacobi coordinates in no-core shell model calculations separating off the center-of-mass motion. Fully antisymmetrized basis states are given together with recoupling coefficients that allow one to apply two- and three-nucleon operators. As an example, we study the dependence on the harmonic oscillator frequency of $^3$H, $^4$He, $^6$He, $^6$Li and $^7$Li and extract their binding and excitation energies. The coefficients will be made openly accessible as HDF5 data files., Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures
- Published
- 2015
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42. Towards an improved understanding of $\eta \to \gamma^* \gamma^*$
- Author
Holz, S., Plenter, J., Xiao, C. W., Dato, T., Hanhart, C., Kubis, B., Meißner, U. -G., and Wirzba, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We argue that high-quality data on the reaction $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-\eta$ will allow one to determine the doubly-virtual form factor $\eta\to \gamma^*\gamma^*$ in a model-independent way with controlled accuracy. This is an important step towards a reliable evaluation of the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. When analyzing the existing data for $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\eta$ for total energies squared $k^2>1\text{GeV}^2$, we demonstrate that the effect of the $a_2$ meson provides a natural breaking mechanism for the commonly employed factorization ansatz in the doubly-virtual form factor $F_{\eta\gamma^*\gamma^*}(q^2,k^2)$. However, better data are needed to draw firm conclusions., Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; v2: major revision - author list extended, treatment of the left-hand cut corrected, discussion and references updated; v3: version published in EPJC
- Published
- 2015
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43. $J/\psi (\eta_c) N$ and $\Upsilon (\eta_b) N$ cross sections
- Author
Xiao, C. W. and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Inspired by the recent findings of the two $P_c^+$ states in the $J/\psi p$ mass spectrum at LHCb, we investigate the elastic and inelastic cross sections of the $J/\psi N$, $\eta_c N$, $\Upsilon N$ and $\eta_b N$ channels within the constraints from heavy quark spin and flavour symmetry. The $\bar{D}^{(*)} \Sigma_c^{(*)}$ ($B^{(*)} \Sigma_b^{(*)}$) bound states predicted in earlier works should be accessible in elastic and/or inelastic processes of the $J/\psi N$ and/or $\eta_c N$ ($\Upsilon N$ and/or $\eta_b N$) interactions., Comment: Minor corrections
- Published
- 2015
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44. Complex-mass renormalization in hadronic EFT: applicability at two-loop order
- Author
Djukanovic, D., Epelbaum, E., Gegelia, J., Krebs, H., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We discuss the application of the complex-mass scheme to multi-loop diagrams in hadronic effective field theory by considering as an example a two-loop self-energy diagram. We show that the renormalized two-loop diagram satisfies the power counting., Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in EPJA
- Published
- 2015
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45. New structures in the proton-antiproton system
- Author
Lorenz, I. T., Hammer, H. -W., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
In the most recent measurements of the reaction $e^+e^- \rightarrow p\bar{p}$ by the BABAR collaboration, new structures have been found with unknown origin. We examine a possible relation of the most distinct peak to the recently observed $\Phi(2170)$. Alternatively, we analyse possible explanations due to the nucleon$\,\bar{\Delta}$ and $\Delta\bar{\Delta}$ thresholds. The latter could explain a periodicity found in the data.
- Published
- 2015
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46. Few-nucleon systems with state-of-the-art chiral nucleon-nucleon forces
- Author
Binder, S., Calci, A., Epelbaum, E., Furnstahl, R. J., Golak, J., Hebeler, K., Kamada, H., Krebs, H., Langhammer, J., Liebig, S., Maris, P., Meißner, U. -G., Minossi, D., Nogga, A., Potter, H., Roth, R., Skibinski, R., Topolnicki, K., Vary, J. P., and Witala, H.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We apply improved nucleon-nucleon potentials up to fifth order in chiral effective field theory, along with a new analysis of the theoretical truncation errors, to study nucleon-deuteron (Nd) scattering and selected low-energy observables in 3H, 4He, and 6Li. Calculations beyond second order differ from experiment well outside the range of quantified uncertainties, providing truly unambiguous evidence for missing three-nucleon forces within the employed framework. The sizes of the required three-nucleon force contributions agree well with expectations based on Weinberg's power counting. We identify the energy range in elastic Nd scattering best suited to study three-nucleon force effects and estimate the achievable accuracy of theoretical predictions for various observables., Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2015
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47. Eta photoproduction in a combined analysis of pion- and photon-induced reactions
- Author
Rönchen, D., Döring, M., Haberzettl, H., Haidenbauer, J., Meißner, U. -G., and Nakayama, K.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The $\eta N$ final state is isospin-selective and thus provides access to the spectrum of excited nucleons without being affected by excited $\Delta$ states. To this end, the world database on eta photoproduction off the proton up to a center-of-mass energy of $E\sim 2.3$ GeV is analyzed, including data on differential cross sections, and single and double polarization observables. The resonance spectrum and its properties are determined in a combined analysis of eta and pion photoproduction off the proton together with the reactions $\pi N\to \pi N$, $\eta N$, $K\Lambda$ and $K\Sigma$. For the analysis, the so-called J\"ulich coupled-channel framework is used, incorporating unitarity, analyticity, and effective three-body channels. Parameters tied to photoproduction and hadronic interactions are varied simultaneously. The influence of recent MAMI $T$ and $F$ asymmetry data on the eta photoproduction amplitude is discussed in detail., Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Updated to the published version
- Published
- 2015
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48. The electric dipole moment of the neutron from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
- Author
Guo, F. -K., Horsley, R., Meissner, U. -G., Nakamura, Y., Perlt, H., Rakow, P. E. L., Schierholz, G., Schiller, A., and Zanotti, J. M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We compute the electric dipole moment d_n of the neutron from a fully dynamical simulation of lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors of clover fermions and nonvanishing theta term. The latter is rotated into the pseudoscalar density in the fermionic action using the axial anomaly. To make the action real, the vacuum angle theta is taken to be purely imaginary. The physical value of d_n is obtained by analytic continuation. We find d_n = -3.8(2)(9) x 10^{-16} [theta e cm], which, when combined with the experimental limit on d_n, leads to the upper bound theta < 7.6 x 10^{-11}., Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, matches PRL published version
- Published
- 2015
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49. Precision nucleon-nucleon potential at fifth order in the chiral expansion
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Krebs, H., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present a nucleon-nucleon potential at fifth order in chiral effective field theory. We find a substantial improvement in the description of nucleon-nucleon phase shifts as compared to the fourth-order results of Ref. [E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, U.-G. Mei{\ss}ner, arXiv:1412.0142 [nucl-th]]. This provides clear evidence of the corresponding two-pion exchange contributions with all low-energy constants being determined from pion-nucleon scattering. The fifth-order corrections to nucleon-nucleon observables appear to be of a natural size which confirms the good convergence of the chiral expansion for nuclear forces. Furthermore, the obtained results provide strong support for the novel way of quantifying the theoretical uncertainty due to the truncation of the chiral expansion proposed in Ref. [E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, U.-G. Mei{\ss}ner, arXiv:1412.0142 [nucl-th]]. Our work opens up new perspectives for precision ab initio calculations in few- and many-nucleon systems and is especially relevant for ongoing efforts towards a quantitative understanding the structure of the three-nucleon force in the framework of chiral effective field theory., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
- Published
- 2014
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50. Improved chiral nucleon-nucleon potential up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order
- Author
Epelbaum, E., Krebs, H., and Meißner, U. -G.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We present improved nucleon-nucleon potentials derived in chiral effective field theory up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. We argue that the nonlocal momentum-space regulator employed in the two-nucleon potentials of Refs. [E. Epelbaum, W. Gloeckle, U.-G. Mei{\ss}ner, Nucl. Phys. A747 (2005) 362], [D.R. Entem, R. Machleidt, Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) 041001] is not the most efficient choice, in particular since it affects the long-range part of the interaction. We are able to significantly reduce finite-cutoff artefacts by using an appropriate regularization in coordinate space which maintains the analytic structure of the amplitude. The new potentials do not require the additional spectral function regularization employed in Ref. [E. Epelbaum, W. Gloeckle, U.-G. Mei{\ss}ner, Nucl. Phys. A747 (2005) 362] to cut off the short-range components of the two-pion exchange and make use of the low-energy constants c_i and d_i determined from pion-nucleon scattering without any fine tuning. We discuss in detail the construction of the new potentials and convergence of the chiral expansion for two-nucleon observables. We also introduce a new procedure for estimating the theoretical uncertainty from the truncation of the chiral expansion that replaces previous reliance on cutoff variation., Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables
- Published
- 2014
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