Reveillac, Elodie, Feunteun, Eric, Berrebi, Patrick, Gagnaire, Pierre-Alexandre, Lecomte-Finiger, Raymonde, Bosc, Pierre, and Robinet, Tony
The oceanic early-life history of Anguilla marmorata was examined in the southwestern Indian Ocean in Mayotte, Mauritius, and Reunion islands through otolith microstructural analysis. The study of the hatching dates, the first feeding check diameter (FFD), the leptocephalus (LD) and metamorphosis (MD) durations, the age at recruitment (AR), and the leptocephalus otolith growth rate (OGR) of glass eels revealed great variations in early-life traits and relationships between them. An agglomerative nesting analysis discriminated three early-life histories, differently represented according to the locality: (i) fast migrants with short LD, short MD, young AR, large FFD, and high OGR dominated in Reunion and Mayotte; (ii) midspeed migrants with intermediate LD, MD, AR, FFD, and OGR dominated in Mauritius; (iii) slow migrants with long LD, long MD, old AR, small FFD, and low OGR were recorded only in Mauritius. All possible strategies were not observed and therefore not successful at the sampling time. However, several were simultaneously expressed, which suggests larval migration plasticity at the population level. This evidence is crucial information regarding both the species dispersal capabilities and the evolution from short-migratory tropical species towards long-migratory temperate ones in the genus Anguilla. L'histoire de vie larvaire d'Anguilla mannorata a ete examinee dans le sud-ouest de 1'Ocean Indien a Mayotte, Maurice et La Reunion, par analyse de la microstructure des otolithes des civelles. Les traits de vie tels les dates d'eclosion, la marque de premiere prise de nourriture (FFD), les durees de vie leptocephale (LD) et de metamorphose (MD), l'age un recrutement (AR) et les taux de croissance de 1'otolithe (OGR), se sont montres variables et diversement correles. Trois types d'histoires de vie larvaire, discrimines par analyse de groupement agglomeratif hierarchique, ont ete observes a l'echelle geographique : (i) migrateurs rapides a LD et MD courtes, AR jeunes, et FFD et OGR importants, dominants a La Reunion et a Mayotte; (ii) migrateurs intermediaires a LD, MD, AR, FFD et OGR intermediaires, dominants a Maurice; (iii) migrateurs lents a LD et MD longues, AR avances, et FFD et OGR faibles, observes seulement a Maurice. Toutes les strategies possibles n'ont pas ete observees et ont donc ete inefficaces pendent la periode etudiee. L'expression simultanee de plusieurs strategies laisse supposer, a 1'echelle de la population, une plasticite de la migration larvaire chez A. mannorata. L'information est cruciale an regard des capacites de dispersion et du scenario d'evolution du genre Anguilla qui suppose une emergence des especes temperees aux migrations larvaires longues a partir des especes tropicales aux migrations larvaires courtes., Introduction The duration of a fish larval stage, and therefore, its metamorphosis timing, might be key factors determining distances of dispersal and species distribution range (Arai et al. 2001x; Hoareau [...]