- Author
Mitrović, Tomislav and Ferjan, Marko
- Subjects
izobraževanje,izobraževalni management,prednosti in nevarnosti izobraževanja zaposlenih ,education ,motivation ,educational mamagement ,advantage and disadvantage of employee’s education ,motivacija - Abstract
Najpogostejše vprašanje pri izobraževanju zaposlenih je, zakaj se zaposleni izobražujejo. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti kateri motivi spodbujajo zaposlene za izobraževanje in kakšne cilje si zaposleni želijo doseči z doseganjem višje stopnje izobrazbe. Cilji uravnavajo delovanje zaposlenih, zato je analiza ciljev izobraževanja zaposlenih poleg analize motivacijskih dejavnikov za izobraževanje ključnega pomena za postavljanje strategije kadrovanja izobraževanja zaposlenih v podjetju. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil raziskati področje motiviranosti zaposlenih za izobraževanje, proučiti vrste motivov, motivacijskih dejavnikov, raziskati, analizirati in predstaviti motiviranje zaposlenih za izobraževanje. V diplomski nalogi so proučene korelacije med opisnimi spremenljivkami konkretno kako spol, dohodek, starost, kraj bivanja in zakonski stan vplivajo na odločanje zaposlenih za nadaljnje izobraževanje. V diplomski nalogi so prikazani osnovni teoretični prispevki in ugotovitve s področja motiviranja zaposlenih za izobraževanje. Glede na pomembnost in motivacijsko moč za izobraževanje zaposlenih ter na podlagi spoznavnih teorij o motivaciji in opravljene empirične raziskave so prikazani konkretni motivacijski faktorji, ki so odločilnega pomena za dvig izobrazbene ravni zaposlenih. Diplomska naloga je podala konkretne rešitve, kako dodatno motivirati zaposlene za izobraževanje.V diplomski nalogi so prikazane različne teorije motivacije, ki govorijo o različnih definicijah motivacije in različnih motivacijskih dejavnikih. S pomočjo različne strokovne literature so predstavljeni motivacijski dejavniki za izobraževanje zaposlenih. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kaj je motivacija in zakaj se zaposleni odločajo za izobraževanje ter kaj jih pri tem spodbuja. V diplomski nalogi je prikazana povezava med demografskimi spremenljivkami in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na izobraževanje zaposlenih. The most common question regarding to employee's education is the meaning of it. The aim of this research work was to determine the motives which encourage the employees to proceed with the education as well as to determine which aims do the employees want to reach by getting a higher degree of education. Due to the fact that the aims control the employee's work, the analysis of the employees educational aims as well as the analysis of the motivational elements for education is vital for the establishment of the employees educational strategy in a company.The aim of this research work was to discuss the employees' motivation for education, to discuss types of motives for education, to discuss motive factors, to research, analyse and state employee's motivation for education. The research work discusses the correlation between descriptive variables, more specifically, how the gender, income, age, place of residence and marriage status influence the decision of the employees for further education. The research work also shows the basic theoretical contributions and findings about the employee's motivation for education. Basing on the importance of the motivation, motive power for education of the employees,gnostic theories on motivation and empirical researches, the work shows motivational factors, vital for upswinging the educational level of the employees. The research work represents concrete solutions for additional employee's motivation for the education. Different motivational theories, stating different definitions of motivation and different motivational factors are also represented in the research work. Basing on educational literature different motivational factors for employee's education are shown in the research work. The aim of the research work was to determine, what motivation is, why do the employees decide for education and what motivates them to do so. The research work also shows the correlation between demographic variables and factors, influencing the employee's education.
- Published
- 2009