160 results on '"Mónica, Carvalho"'
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2. Varia
- Author
Marta Freitas Olim, Sónia Guadalupe, Mónica Carvalho, Paula Fragoso, Susana Ribeiro, Susana Torres, Dora Isabel Dias, and Fernando Macário
- Subjects
pandemia covid-19 ,ckd ,hemodializa ,potrzeby socjalne ,praca socjalna ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Celem prezentowanego badania była ocena społecznego wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na pacjentów z przewlekłą chorobą nerek, populację szczególnie narażoną na liczne powikłania w przypadku zarażenia się wirusem SARS-CoV-2. Autorzy skupili się na analizie problemów społecznych, które pojawiły się i nasiliły w pierwszej fazie pandemii. W badaniu wzięło udział 117 pacjentów leczonych w CKD, skierowanych do otrzymania pomocy socjalnej. Zaobserwowano wzrost liczby osób kierowanych do otrzymania pomocy. Nowych zgłoszeń było 37,6%, a 62,4% z nich związane było z pogorszeniem społeczno-ekonomicznej sytuacji pacjenta – głównie deprywacją ekonomiczną lub brakiem dochodów, bezrobociem i izolacją społeczną. Złożoność interwencji socjalnej była wyższa wśród osób z nasilonymi problemami społecznymi. Wyniki otrzymanych badań mają nie tylko walor naukowy, lecz także praktyczny – pozwalają pracownikom socjalnym na planowanie pomocy skoncentrowanej na najistotniejszych problemach pojawiających się w kontekście wyzwań pandemicznych.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Influence of EPICardial adipose tissue in HEART diseases (EPICHEART) study: Protocol for a translational study in coronary atherosclerosis
- Author
Jennifer Mancio, António S. Barros, Glória Conceicão, Cátia Santa, Guilherme Pessoa-Amorim, Carla Bartosch, Mariana Fragao-Marques, Wilson Ferreira, Mónica Carvalho, Nuno Ferreira, Luís Vouga, Isabel M. Miranda, Rui Vitorino, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho, Bruno Manadas, Inês Falcão-Pires, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Adelino Leite-Moreira, and Nuno Bettencourt
- Subjects
Aterosclerose coronária ,Tecido adiposo epicárdico ,Tomografia computadorizada ,Proteomics ,Espectrometria de massa ,Estudo EPICHEART ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Introduction: Accumulation of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) and increased risk of coronary events in asymptomatic subjects and low-risk patients, suggesting that EAT promotes atherosclerosis in its early stage. Recent studies have shown that the presence of CAD affects the properties of adjacent EAT, leading to dynamic changes in the molecular players involved in the interplay between EAT and the coronary arteries over the history of the disease. The role of EAT in late-stage CAD has not been investigated. Objectives: In a comparative analysis with mediastinal and subcutaneous adipose tissue, we aim to investigate whether the volume of EAT assessed by computed tomography and its proteome assessed by SWATH-MS mass spectrometry are associated with late stages of CAD in an elderly cohort of severe aortic stenosis patients. Methods: The EPICHEART study (NCT03280433) is a prospective study enrolling patients with severe degenerative aortic stenosis referred for elective aortic valve replacement, whose protocol includes preoperative clinical, nutritional, echocardiographic, cardiac computed tomography and invasive coronary angiographic assessments. During cardiac surgery, samples of EAT and mediastinal and subcutaneous thoracic adipose tissue are collected for proteomics analysis by SWATH-MS. In addition, pericardial fluid and peripheral and coronary sinus blood samples are collected to identify circulating and local adipose tissue-derived biomarkers of CAD. Conclusion: We designed a translational study to explore the association of EAT quantity and quality with advanced CAD. We expect to identify new biochemical factors and biomarkers in the crosstalk between EAT and the coronary arteries that are involved in the pathogenesis of late coronary atherosclerosis, especially coronary calcification, which might be translated into new therapeutic targets and imaging tools by biomedical engineering. Resumo: Introdução: Acumulação de tecido adiposo epicárdico (TAE) tem sido associado a doença coronária aterosclerótica (DC) e aumento do risco de eventos coronários em indivíduos assintomáticos e doentes de baixo risco, sugerindo que o TAE pode promover fases precoces da DC. Estudo recentes mostraram que a presença de DC afeta as características do TAE adjacente levando a modificações dinâmicas nos mediadores envolvidos na comunicação entre o TAE e as artérias coronárias ao longo da história da DC. O papel doTAE nas fases avançadas da aterosclerose coronária não foi investigado. Objetivos: Através de análise comparativa com o tecido adiposo mediastínico e subcutâneo, pretendemos investigar se o volume do TAE, avaliado por tomografia computadorizada (TC), e o seu proteoma, avaliado por espectrometria de massa técnica de SWATH, estão associados a estadios avançados da DC numa coorte de estenose aórtica grave. Métodos: O estudo EPICHEART (NCT03280433) é um estudo prospetivo que inclui doentes com estenose aórtica grave referenciados para substituição eletiva da válvula aórtica, cujo protocolo envolve avaliação pré-operatória clínica, nutricional, ecocardiográfica, por TC e angiografia coronária invasiva. Durante a cirurgia cardíaca, colhemos amostras de tecido adiposo epicárdico, mediastínico e subcutâneo para análise do seu proteoma por espectrometria de massa técnica de SWATH. Adicionalmente, colhemos líquido pericárdico, sangue venoso periférico e do seio coronário para investigar mediadores de DC derivados do TAE na circulação sistémica e local. Conclusão: Desenhámos um estudo de translação para explorar a associação da quantidade e qualidade do TAE com a DC tardia. Esperamos identificar mediadores da comunicação recíproca entre o TAE e as artérias coronárias que estão envolvidos na patogénese das fases avançadas da DC, especialmente, calcificação coronária, os quais podem servir como novos alvos terapêuticos e soluções de engenharia biomédica para visualização da DC.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Intertextualidade na lei para o controlo de acidentes graves envolvendo substâncias perigosas em Portugal
- Author
Mónica Carvalho
- Subjects
chemical accidents ,Critical Discourse Analysis ,international directives ,intertextuality ,prevention of risks ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
By means of Critical Discourse Analysis, the transposition of the Seveso III Directive into Portuguese legislation will be examined through an intertextual analysis, in which the most expressive instances of its discursive intertextuality and re-contextualization will be discussed. Intertextuality, defined as how a text uses elements and discourses from earlier texts, allows us to examine both the reproduction of discourses, when no new elements are introduced, and the discursive changes through new textual combinations. Among the main texts identified, those belonging to the technical and economic domain of corporate management are the main normative reference of the legislation. The analysis argues how these external texts, which have their own normative role in their field of origin, by means of re-contextualization they also increase their value as legislation, according to European Union norms and the laws of each Member State.
- Published
- 2019
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5. Trabalho doméstico : intercruzamentos de opressões
- Author
de Aguiar Zanola, Fernanda and Cappelle, Mônica Carvalho Alves
- Published
- 2023
6. Adressing Energy Demand and Climate Change through the Second Law of Thermodynamics and LCA towards a Rational Use of Energy in Brazilian Households.
- Author
Marina Torelli Reis Martins Pereira, Mónica Carvalho, and Carlos Eduardo Keutenedjian Mady
- Published
- 2022
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7. Incidence and predictors of vascular access site complications following transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation
- Author
Paulo Fonseca, João Almeida, Nuno Bettencourt, Nuno Ferreira, Mónica Carvalho, Wilson Ferreira, Daniel Caeiro, Helena Gonçalves, José Ribeiro, Alberto Rodrigues, Pedro Braga, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Introduction and Objectives: Vascular access site complications in transfemoral (TF) transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) are associated with increased morbidity and mortality; however, their incidence and predictors are conflicting between studies. This study sought to assess the incidence and predictors of vascular access site complications in patients undergoing TF TAVI. Methods: A total of 140 patients undergoing TF TAVI were included in the study. Minimum iliofemoral diameter and iliofemoral calcium score (CS) were estimated from contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography imaging, using different thresholds according to aortic luminal attenuation. To assess the impact of the learning effect, the first 50% of TF TAVI procedures were compared to the remainder. Results: Fifty-one patients presented access site complications (7.1% major, 29.3% minor), most of which were local bleeding or hematoma (11.4%), pseudoaneurysm (7.9%) or closure device failure (5.0%). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis that included sheath-to-iliofemoral artery ratio (SIFAR) (the ratio between the sheath outer diameter and minimum iliofemoral diameter), iliofemoral CS and center experience, SIFAR was the sole independent predictor of access site complications (hazard ratio 14.5, confidence interval [CI] 95% 1.75–120.12, p=0.013). The SIFAR threshold with the highest sum of sensitivity (71.4%) and specificity (53.4%) for access site complications was 0.92 (area under the curve 0.66, 95% CI 0.56–0.75, p=0.002). Conclusions: Vascular access site complications are frequent in patients undergoing TF TAVI. SIFAR was the only independent predictor of access site complications and therefore should be systematically assessed during pre-procedural imaging study. Resumo: Introdução e objetivos: As complicações do acesso vascular na implantação de válvula aórtica (TAVI) por via transfemoral (TF) foram associadas a um aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade; no entanto, a sua incidência e preditores não são consensuais. Este estudo procurou avaliar a incidência e os preditores de complicações do acesso vascular em doentes submetidos a TAVI por via TF. Métodos: Foram incluídos 140 doentes. Foram determinados o diâmetro mínimo iliofemoral e o score de cálcio (ScCa) iliofemoral a partir de imagens de tomografia computorizada contrastadas, utilizando diferentes limiares de deteção de cálcio, de acordo com a atenuação luminal da aorta. Para avaliar o impacto da curva de aprendizagem, os resultados dos primeiros 70 procedimentos (50%) foram comparados com os restantes. Resultados: Um total de 51 doentes apresentou complicações do acesso vascular (7,1% major, 29,3% minor), maioritariamente hemorragia/hematoma inguinal (11,4%), pseudoaneurisma (7,9%) e falência do dispositivo de encerramento (5,0%). Num modelo de regressão logística multivariado, que incluiu a razão diâmetro externo do introdutor/diâmetro iliofemoral mínimo (DEI/DIM), o ScCa iliofemoral e a experiência do centro, apenas a razão DEI/DIM foi preditor independente de complicações do acesso vascular (hazard ratio 14,5, IC 95% 1,75-120,12, p=0,013). O cut-off da razão DEI/DIM com a melhor combinação de sensibilidade (71,4%) e especificidade (53,4%) foi de 0,92 (AUC 0,66, IC 95% 0,56-0,75, p=0,002). Conclusões: As complicações do acesso vascular após TAVI por via TF são frequentes. A razão DEI/DIM foi o único preditor independente de complicações do acesso, devendo ser determinada sistematicamente durante a avaliação imagiológica pré-procedimento. Keywords: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Vascular access site complications, Iliofemoral access, Palavras-chave: Implantação de válvula aórtica por via percutânea, Complicações do acesso vascular, Acesso iliofemoral
- Published
- 2017
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8. Computed tomography-guided pericardiocentesis – A single-center experience
- Author
David Neves, Guida Silva, Gustavo Morais, Nuno Ferreira, Mónica Carvalho, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, and Nuno Bettencourt
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Introduction and Objectives: Pericardial effusion is a common complication in clinical situations such as cardiothoracic surgery and cancer, in which pericardiocentesis may be essential. Pericardiocentesis can be guided by different imaging techniques, most commonly echocardiography. Computed tomography (CT) has significant advantages but there is still little evidence supporting its use in this context. In this work we describe our experience with CT-guided pericardiocentesis (CTP) in a single center. Methods: Patients referred for CTP between August 2008 and February 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. We assessed demographics, etiology of the effusion, international normalized ratio during the procedure, radiation doses, success rate and complications. Results were compared with those in the literature. Results: During this period, 51 procedures were performed, in 46 patients. Five patients underwent a repeat procedure due to recurrence of effusion. The most common etiologies were post-surgical (48%, 22 patients) and neoplasm-related (17%, eight patients).Drainage was considered completely successful in 46 cases (90%), partially successful in two (4%) and unsuccessful in three (6%).The median duration of the procedure was 65 min (interquartile range 50–80) and median effective radiation exposure was 3.3 mSv (interquartile range 2.4–5.2 mSv). There were no significant adverse events related to the procedure. Conclusions: By providing high-definition three-dimensional images, CTP enables accurate positioning of pericardiocentesis material. It was shown to be an accurate, effective and safe method, in agreement with previous findings. CTP should be considered a good option in centers with CT facilities. Resumo: Introdução e objetivos: O derrame pericárdico é uma complicação temível em várias situações clínicas, em que a pericardiocentese pode ter um papel fundamental. Esta pode ser guiada por vários métodos de imagem, sobretudo ecocardiografia. A tomografia computorizada (TC) tem várias vantagens, mas o seu uso tem ainda fraca evidência clínica. Neste trabalho é reportada a experiência de um centro em pericardiocentese guiada por TC (P-TC). Métodos: Foram analisados retrospetivamente pacientes (pts) referenciados para P-TC durante o período de agosto de 2008 a fevereiro de 2014. Foi avaliada a demografia, etiologia do derrame, INR, radiação, sucesso e complicações, sendo os resultados comparados aos publicados na literatura. Resultados: Durante este período, foram realizados 51 procedimentos em 46 doentes. Cinco doentes repetiram o procedimento devido a recorrência do derrame. A idade média foi de 63±13,8 anos. As etiologias mais frequentes foram pós-cirúrgica (48%, 22 pts) e neoplasia (17%, oito pts).A drenagem foi considerada completa em 90% (46) dos casos, parcial em 4% (dois) e ineficaz em 6% (três).O procedimento teve uma duração mediana de 65 minutos (Q1-Q3 50-80 minutos) e a exposição de radiação foi de 3,3 mSv (Q1-Q3 2,4-5,2 mSv). Não foram detetadas complicações imediatas relevantes. Conclusões: Ao providenciar imagens de alta definição em três dimensões, a P-TC permite o posicionamento preciso do material de pericardiocentese, tendo demonstrado nesta série ser um método eficaz e seguro, indo ao encontro da informação previamente publicada. A P-TC deve, por isso, ser considerada uma boa opção em centros com disponibilidade de TC. Keywords: Pericardiocentesis, Computed tomography, Pericardial effusion, Palavras-chave: Pericardiocentese, Tomografia computorizada, Derrame pericárdico
- Published
- 2016
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9. Społeczny wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na pacjentów CKD leczonych dializami w Portugalii
- Author
Marta Freitas Olim, Sónia Guadalupe, Mónica Carvalho, Paula Fragoso, Susana Ribeiro, Susana Torres, Dora Isabel Dias, and Fernando Macário
- Subjects
Building and Construction ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Abstract
Celem prezentowanego badania była ocena społecznego wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na pacjentów z przewlekłą chorobą nerek, populację szczególnie narażoną na liczne powikłania w przypadku zarażenia się wirusem SARS-CoV-2. Autorzy skupili się na analizie problemów społecznych, które pojawiły się i nasiliły w pierwszej fazie pandemii. W badaniu wzięło udział 117 pacjentów leczonych w CKD, skierowanych do otrzymania pomocy socjalnej. Zaobserwowano wzrost liczby osób kierowanych do otrzymania pomocy. Nowych zgłoszeń było 37,6%, a 62,4% z nich związane było z pogorszeniem społeczno-ekonomicznej sytuacji pacjenta – głównie deprywacją ekonomiczną lub brakiem dochodów, bezrobociem i izolacją społeczną. Złożoność interwencji socjalnej była wyższa wśród osób z nasilonymi problemami społecznymi. Wyniki otrzymanych badań mają nie tylko walor naukowy, lecz także praktyczny – pozwalają pracownikom socjalnym na planowanie pomocy skoncentrowanej na najistotniejszych problemach pojawiających się w kontekście wyzwań pandemicznych.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Myocardial Perfusion Analysis from Adenosine-Induced Stress MDCT.
- Author
Samuel S. Silva, Nuno Bettencourt, Daniel Leite, João Rocha, Mónica Carvalho, Joaquim Madeira, and Beatriz Sousa Santos
- Published
- 2011
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11. Role of cardiac multidetector computed tomography in the exclusion of ischemic etiology in heart failure patients
- Author
Pedro A. Sousa, Nuno Bettencourt, Nuno Dias Ferreira, Mónica Carvalho, Daniel Leite, Wilson Ferreira, Ilídio de Jesus, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Introduction and Aims: Differentiation of ischemic from non-ischemic etiology in heart failure (HF) patients has both therapeutic and prognostic implications. One possible approach to this differentiation is direct visualization of the coronary tree. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has emerged as an alternative to invasive coronary angiography (ICA), but its performance and additional clinical value are still not well validated in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. We aimed to assess the value of coronary MDCT angiography (CTA) in the exclusion of ischemic etiology in HF patients and to determine whether the Agatston calcium score could be used as a gatekeeper for CTA in this context. Methods: We retrospectively selected symptomatic HF patients with LV ejection fraction (LVEF) 400. In patients referred for ICA, an ischemic etiology was assumed in the presence of ≥75% stenosis in two or more epicardial vessels or ≥75% stenosis in the left main or proximal left anterior descending artery. Results: During this period 100 patients (mean age 57.3±10.5 years, 64% men) with HF and systolic dysfunction were referred for MDCT to exclude CAD. Median effective radiation dose was 4.8 mSv (interquartile range 5.8 mSv). Mean LVEF was 35±7.7% (range 20-48%) and median CAC score was 13 (interquartile range 212). Seven patients were in atrial fibrillation.Almost half of the patients (40%) had no CAC and none of these had significant stenosis on CTA. In an additional group of 33 patients CTA was able to confidently exclude obstructive CAD. Twenty-seven patients were classified as positive for CAD (16 due to CAC >400 and 11 with ≥50% stenosis) and were associated with lower LVEF (p=0.004). Of these, 21 patients subsequently underwent ICA: obstructive CAD was confirmed in nine and only six had criteria for ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion: In our HF population, MDCT was able to exclude an ischemic etiology in 73% of cases in a single test. According to our results the Agatston calcium score may serve as a gatekeeper for CTA in patients with HF, with a calcium score of zero confidently excluding an ischemic etiology. Resumo: Introdução e objetivos: A diferenciação entre etiologia isquémica de etiologia não-isquémica em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) tem implicações terapêuticas e prognósticas. Uma abordagem possível para esta diferenciação é a visualização direta da árvore coronária. A tomografia computorizada (TC) surgiu como uma alternativa à angiografia coronária, mas o seu desempenho e valor clínico adicional ainda não se encontram validados em pacientes com disfunção do ventrículo esquerdo. O nosso objetivo foi avaliar o papel da angio-TC coronária na exclusão de etiologia isquémica em pacientes com IC e avaliar se o score e cálcio Agatston pode ser usado como gatekeeper para a angio-TC coronária neste contexto. Métodos: Foram selecionados retrospetivamente pacientes com IC sintomática com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE)400. Nos pacientes referenciados para angiografia coronaria, a etiologia isquémica foi assumida na presença de estenoses ≥75% em duas ou mais artérias epicárdicas ou ≥75% no tronco comum ou no segmento proximal da artéria descendente anterior. Resultados: Durante este período, 100 pacientes (idade média: 57,3±10,5 anos, 64% homens) com IC e disfunção sistólica foram referenciados para TC para exclusão de DAC. A dose mediana de radiação efetiva foi de 4,8 mSv (intervalo interquartil 5,8 mSv). A FEVE média foi de 35±7,7% (intervalo 20-48%) e a mediana de score de cálcio Agatston foi de 13 (intervalo interquartil 212). Sete pacientes apresentavam fibrilhação auricular.Quase metade dos pacientes (40%) não apresentava score de cálcio e nenhum deles apresentava uma estenose significativa na angio-TAC coronária. A angio-TC coronária foi capaz de excluir DAC obstrutiva num outro grupo de 33 doentes. Vinte e sete pacientes foram classificados como positivos para a presença de DAC (16 através do score de cálcio Agatston>400 e 11 apresentavam estenoses≥50%) e foram associados a uma menor FEVE (p=0,004). Destes, 21 pacientes realizaram angiografia coronária: em 9 foi confirmada a presença de DAC obstrutiva e apenas seis apresentavam critérios para cardiomiopatia isquémica. Conclusões: Na nossa população com IC, a TC foi capaz de excluir uma etiologia isquémia em 73% dos casos com um único teste. De acordo com os nossos resultados, o score de cálcio Agatston pode servir como gatekeeper para a angio-TAC coronária em pacientes com IC, com um score de cálcio de 0 a excluir confiadamente uma etiologia isquémica em pacientes com IC. Keywords: Heart failure, Coronary heart disease, Ischemic cardiomyopathy, Multidetector computed tomography, Computed tomography angiography, Agatston calcium score, Palavras-chave: Insuficiência cardíaca, Doença arterial coronária, Cardiomiopatia isquémica, Tomografia computorizada multicortes, Angio-TC Coronária, Score cálcio Agatston
- Published
- 2014
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12. Modeling simple trigeneration systems for the distribution of environmental loads.
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Miguel A. Lozano, Luis Serra, and Volker Wohlgemuth
- Published
- 2012
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13. Diffuse aneurysmal and obstructive coronary artery disease: A do-not-intervene patient
- Author
Eulália Pereira, Bruno Melica, João Primo, João C. Mota, Nuno Ferreira, Gustavo P. Morais, Marta Ponte, Daniel Caeiro, Mónica Carvalho, Nuno Bettencourt, Luís Vouga, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Coronary artery aneurysms are uncommon but potentially hazardous entities found on a small percentage of coronary angiograms. The best management strategy remains to be determined; the coexistence of obstructive coronary artery disease is the main determinant of prognosis.We report the case of a middle-aged woman with mixed aneurysmal and obstructive coronary artery disease presenting as an acute myocardial infarction, probably due to atherosclerosis. The unusual severity and complexity of the angiographic presentation of this case, with involvement of all major coronary arteries, raises important issues in terms of the patient's treatment options. Resumo: Os aneurismas das artérias coronárias são entidades raras, presentes numa pequena percentagem das angiografias coronárias, embora associadas a complicações potencialmente graves. A melhor conduta no tratamento destas situações ainda não foi estabelecida e a coexistência de doença coronária obstrutiva é o principal determinante prognóstico.Reportamos o caso de uma mulher de meia-idade com doença coronária mista, obstrutiva e aneurismática, diagnosticada no contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio e de provável etiologia aterosclerótica. A gravidade e a complexidade incomuns da apresentação angiográfica do nosso caso, levantaram aos autores questões importantes no domínio da decisão terapêutica. Keywords: Coronary artery aneurysms, Atherosclerosis, Acute myocardial infarction, Palavras-chave: Aneurismas coronários, Aterosclerose, Enfarte agudo do miocárdio
- Published
- 2013
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14. Implantação percutânea de válvula aórtica: a anatomia é (ainda) o fator limitante?
- Author
Olga Sousa, Marta Ponte, Daniel Caeiro, Mónica Carvalho, Daniel Leite, João Rocha, Nuno Bettencourt, José Ribeiro, Pedro Braga, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Resumo: Introdução: Apesar da rápida evolução das próteses valvulares aórticas percutâneas, persistem restrições anatómicas que podem limitar o acesso dos doentes com estenose aórtica severa a este tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a proporção de doentes anatomicamente adequados para os diferentes dispositivos e acessos, numa população candidata a este tratamento. Métodos: Análise retrospetiva de 145 doentes consecutivos referenciados ao nosso centro para implantação de válvula aórtica percutânea. A dimensão do anel aórtico foi determinada por ecocardiograma transesofágico e o diâmetro mínimo das artérias iliofemorais foi obtido por tomografia computadorizada multidetetores. Foi determinada a proporção de doentes anatomicamente adequados para as próteses atualmente disponíveis (Medtronic CoreValve de 26, 29 e 31 mm por acesso transfemoral, transaxilar ou transaórtico; Edwards Sapien XT de 23, 26 e 29 mm por acesso transfemoral ou transapical). Resultados: Dos doentes avaliados, 89% eram adequados para as próteses Medtronic CoreValve por via transfemoral e 93,8% eram adequados para abordagem subclávia ou transaórtica. Em relação às próteses Edwards Sapien XT, 82,1% eram adequados para acesso transfemoral e 97,2% eram adequados para a via transapical. Apenas 1,4% dos doentes não apresentavam anatomia viável para esta técnica considerando todos os dispositivos e abordagens possíveis. Conclusões: Nesta população, a maioria dos doentes foi considerada anatomicamente adequada para tratamento percutâneo, numa estratégia multidispositivo e multiabordagem. Abstract: Introduction: Despite rapid advances in transcatheter aortic valve prostheses, anatomical constraints remain that can limit access to this treatment for patients with severe aortic stenosis. The objective of this study was to determine the proportion of patients anatomically suitable for this technique using the different devices and approaches available. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 145 consecutive patients referred to our center for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Aortic annulus diameter was measured by transesophageal echocardiography and minimum iliofemoral diameter was determined by multidetector computed tomography. We determined the proportion of patients anatomically suitable for current devices (26-mm, 29-mm and 31-mm Medtronic CoreValve for transfemoral, transaxillary or transaortic approaches, and 23-mm, 26-mm and 29-mm Edwards Sapien XT for transfemoral or transapical approaches). Results: The Medtronic CoreValve was suitable for 89% of patients via transfemoral access and 93.8% via transaxillary or transaortic approaches, while the Edwards Sapien XT was suitable for 82.1% of patients via transfemoral and 97.2% via transapical approaches. Only 1.4% of patients were anatomically unsuitable for all devices and approaches. Conclusions: In this population, most patients were anatomically suitable for transcatheter aortic valve implantation if assessed on the basis of multiple devices and multiple access approaches. Palavras-chave: Implantação percutânea de válvula aórtica, Anatomia, Anel aórtico, Artérias iliofemorais, Keywords: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Anatomy, Aortic annulus, Iliofemoral arteries
- Published
- 2013
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15. Prevalence, multimodality imaging characterization, and mid-term prognosis of quadricuspid aortic valves: an analysis of eight cases, based on 160 004 exams performed during 12 years in a tertiary care hospital
- Author
Nuno Dias Ferreira, Rita Faria, Gustavo Pires-Morais, Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho, Alberto Rodrigues, Pedro Braga, Ana Manuel, Ana Batista, Francisco Sampaio, Carlos Gonçalves, Fernando Gonçalves, Wilson Ferreira, José M. C. Ribeiro, Ricardo Ferraz, Madalena Teixeira, and Mónica Carvalho
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Aortic valve ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Heart disease ,Heart malformation ,Aortic Valve Insufficiency ,Regurgitation (circulation) ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Tertiary Care Centers ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Interquartile range ,Prevalence ,Humans ,Medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Retrospective Studies ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Stenosis ,Quadricuspid aortic valve ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030228 respiratory system ,Quadricuspid Aortic Valve ,Aortic Valve ,Female ,Radiology ,Abnormality ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Aims Quadricuspid aortic valve (QAV) is a rare abnormality, which may cause aortic regurgitation (AR) requiring surgical intervention in some patients. The characteristics associated with aortic valve functional degeneration in patients with QAV are still unknown. The aim of this study is to describe QAV prevalence, characterize the disease by multimodality imaging, evaluate predictors of severe AR, and assess mid-term prognosis. Methods and results Retrospective search in imaging exams database of one tertiary centre, for patients diagnosed with QAV between January 2007 and September 2019. QAV was characterized by cardiac computed tomography, transthoracic/transoesophageal echocardiography, and cardiac magnetic resonance. A total of 160 004 exams were reviewed and eight patients with QAV were identified (50% men, mean age 53.5 ± 10.7 years). The prevalence of QAV was 0.005%. During a median follow-up of 52 months (interquartile range 16–88), there were no deaths. Seven patients (88%) had pure AR (three severe, one moderate, and three mild) and one patient (12%) had moderate AR and moderate aortic stenosis. Three patients (38%) with severe AR underwent valve surgery (two replacements and one repair). Analysis of predictors of severe AR was not statistically significant. Conclusion QAV is a rare congenital cardiac defect, with a prevalence of 0.005% in our study. Its predominant functional abnormality was regurgitation and about one-third of the patients required aortic valve surgery. Multimodality imaging may play a pivotal role in assessing patients with QAV with significant valve dysfunction or associated congenital heart disease and improve their treatment strategy.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Errata a «Pericardiocentese guiada por tomografia computorizada ‐ experiência num centro»
- Author
David Neves, Guida Silva, Gustavo Morais, Nuno Ferreira, Mónica Carvalho, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, and Nuno Bettencourt
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Published
- 2016
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17. Influence of EPICardial adipose tissue in HEART diseases (EPICHEART) study: Protocol for a translational study in coronary atherosclerosis
- Author
Glória Conceição, Cátia Santa, Carla Bartosch, Mariana Fragão-Marques, Bruno Manadas, Rui Vitorino, Inês Falcão-Pires, António S. Barros, Guilherme Pessoa-Amorim, Mónica Carvalho, Nuno Ferreira, Adelino F. Leite-Moreira, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho, Wilson Ferreira, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Jennifer Mancio, Luís Vouga, Nuno Bettencourt, and Isabel M. Miranda
- Subjects
Proteomics ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adipose tissue ,Coronary Artery Disease ,EPICHEART study ,Coronary artery disease ,Aterosclerose coronária ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Aortic valve replacement ,Internal medicine ,Epicardial adipose tissue ,medicine ,Humans ,Prospective Studies ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Computed tomography ,Tecido adiposo epicárdico ,Coronary sinus ,Coronary atherosclerosis ,Aged ,General Environmental Science ,Mass spectrometry ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Espectrometria de massa ,Cardiac surgery ,Coronary arteries ,Stenosis ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Adipose Tissue ,Estudo EPICHEART ,030228 respiratory system ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Tomografia computadorizada ,Cardiology ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Pericardium - Abstract
Introduction: Accumulation of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) and increased risk of coronary events in asymptomatic subjects and low-risk patients, suggesting that EAT promotes atherosclerosis in its early stage. Recent studies have shown that the presence of CAD affects the properties of adjacent EAT, leading to dynamic changes in the molecular players involved in the interplay between EAT and the coronary arteries over the history of the disease. The role of EAT in late-stage CAD has not been investigated. Objectives: In a comparative analysis with mediastinal and subcutaneous adipose tissue, we aim to investigate whether the volume of EAT assessed by computed tomography and its proteome assessed by SWATH-MS mass spectrometry are associated with late stages of CAD in an elderly cohort of severe aortic stenosis patients. Methods: The EPICHEART study (NCT03280433) is a prospective study enrolling patients with severe degenerative aortic stenosis referred for elective aortic valve replacement, whose protocol includes preoperative clinical, nutritional, echocardiographic, cardiac computed tomography and invasive coronary angiographic assessments. During cardiac surgery, samples of EAT and mediastinal and subcutaneous thoracic adipose tissue are collected for proteomics analysis by SWATH-MS. In addition, pericardial fluid and peripheral and coronary sinus blood samples are collected to identify circulating and local adipose tissue-derived biomarkers of CAD. Conclusion: We designed a translational study to explore the association of EAT quantity and quality with advanced CAD. We expect to identify new biochemical factors and biomarkers in the crosstalk between EAT and the coronary arteries that are involved in the pathogenesis of late coronary atherosclerosis, especially coronary calcification, which might be translated into new therapeutic targets and imaging tools by biomedical engineering. Resumo: Introdução: Acumulação de tecido adiposo epicárdico (TAE) tem sido associado a doença coronária aterosclerótica (DC) e aumento do risco de eventos coronários em indivíduos assintomáticos e doentes de baixo risco, sugerindo que o TAE pode promover fases precoces da DC. Estudo recentes mostraram que a presença de DC afeta as características do TAE adjacente levando a modificações dinâmicas nos mediadores envolvidos na comunicação entre o TAE e as artérias coronárias ao longo da história da DC. O papel doTAE nas fases avançadas da aterosclerose coronária não foi investigado. Objetivos: Através de análise comparativa com o tecido adiposo mediastínico e subcutâneo, pretendemos investigar se o volume do TAE, avaliado por tomografia computadorizada (TC), e o seu proteoma, avaliado por espectrometria de massa técnica de SWATH, estão associados a estadios avançados da DC numa coorte de estenose aórtica grave. Métodos: O estudo EPICHEART (NCT03280433) é um estudo prospetivo que inclui doentes com estenose aórtica grave referenciados para substituição eletiva da válvula aórtica, cujo protocolo envolve avaliação pré-operatória clínica, nutricional, ecocardiográfica, por TC e angiografia coronária invasiva. Durante a cirurgia cardíaca, colhemos amostras de tecido adiposo epicárdico, mediastínico e subcutâneo para análise do seu proteoma por espectrometria de massa técnica de SWATH. Adicionalmente, colhemos líquido pericárdico, sangue venoso periférico e do seio coronário para investigar mediadores de DC derivados do TAE na circulação sistémica e local. Conclusão: Desenhámos um estudo de translação para explorar a associação da quantidade e qualidade do TAE com a DC tardia. Esperamos identificar mediadores da comunicação recíproca entre o TAE e as artérias coronárias que estão envolvidos na patogénese das fases avançadas da DC, especialmente, calcificação coronária, os quais podem servir como novos alvos terapêuticos e soluções de engenharia biomédica para visualização da DC.
- Published
- 2020
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18. Iatrogenic aortic dissection – Follow the image!
- Author
Catarina Vieira, Nuno Bettencourt, Nuno Ferreira, Mónica Carvalho, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Published
- 2018
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19. Predictors of circulating endothelial progenitor cell levels in patients without known coronary artery disease referred for multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography
- Author
Nuno Bettencourt, Susana Oliveira, Andre Michael Toschke, João Rocha, Daniel Leite, Mónica Carvalho, Sónia Xará, Andreas Schuster, Amedeo Chiribiri, Adelino Leite-Moreira, Eike Nagel, Helena Alves, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Introduction: Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have an important role in vascular repair. Levels in peripheral circulation are thought to be related to overall cardiovascular risk and may represent potential therapeutic targets. The aim of this work is to identify predictors of circulating EPC concentrations in patients without known coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: The study population consisted of 215 patients without known CAD referred for multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) coronary angiography (CTA) during a 6-month period. All patients underwent: 1) short anamnesis; 2) anthropometric measurements; 3) blood pressure and heart rate assessment; 4) blood tests; and 5) MDCT (including quantification of visceral fat, quantification of coronary artery calcification [CAC] and CTA). Results: The patients’ mean age was 58 ± 11 years (26–84) and 61% were male. Dyslipidemia (59%) and hypertension (57%) were the most prevalent risk factors. Twenty-seven percent met the ATP III criteria for metabolic syndrome. Mean Framingham risk score was 12 ± 9%. Sixty-seven percent had no significant CAD but 64% had some degree of coronary calcification. The mean CAC (Agatston) was 186 ± 433.Mean EPC concentration, expressed as a percentage of total white blood cells, was 0.05 ± 0.08% (0.0–0.58%). EPCs were inversely related to the presence of diabetes mellitus and smoking, and positively related to C-reactive protein. No significant correlations were found between EPCs and other risk factors, measurements of adiposity, atherosclerotic burden or severity of CAD. Conclusion: In patients without known CAD referred for MDCT, EPC levels in peripheral blood cannot be significantly estimated or predicted from knowledge of patient anamnesis, risk factors, visceral fat, CAC or CTA. Resumo: Introdução: As células progenitoras endoteliais (EPC) desempenham um papel primordial no processo de reparação vascular. Os seus níveis circulantes no sangue periférico parecem estar relacionados com o risco cardiovascular global e podem representar potenciais alvos terapêuticos. O objectivo deste estudo foi identificar eventuais preditores da concentração de EPC em pacientes sem doença coronária (CAD) conhecida. População e métodos: Foram incluídos 215 doentes sem CAD conhecida, referenciados para coronariografia por tomografia computadorizada multidetectores (MDCT), durante um período de 6 meses. Todos os doentes foram submetidos a: 1) anamnese, 2) medidas antropométricas, 3) avaliação da pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca, 4) estudo analítico e 5) MDCT (incluindo a quantificação da gordura visceral, quantificação da calcificação coronária (CAC) e angiografia coronária). Resultados: A média de idades era de 58 ± 11 anos (26–84), 61% do sexo masculino. Os factores de risco vascular mais frequentes foram dislipidemia (59%) e hipertensão (57%). Vinte e sete por cento dos doentes cumpriam os critérios ATP III para a síndrome metabólica. O Framingham Risk Score médio foi de 12 ± 9%. Sessenta e sete por cento não tinham CAD significativa, mas 64% apresentavam algum grau de calcificação coronária. A CAC média (Agatston) foi de 186 ± 433. A concentração média de EPC, expressa em percentagem do total de leucócitos, foi de 0,05 ± 0,08% (0,0–0,58%). A concentração de EPC correlacionou-se inversamente com a presença de diabetes mellitus e tabagismo e positivamente com a Proteína C Reactiva. Não houve correlações significativas entre os níveis de EPC e outros factores de risco, medidas de adiposidade, carga aterosclerótica total ou gravidade da CAD. Conclusão: Em pacientes sem CAD conhecida referenciados para MDCT, os níveis de EPC no sangue periférico não podem ser estimados a partir do conhecimento do contexto clínico, factores de risco, gordura visceral, CAC ou coronariografia. Keywords: Endothelial progenitor cells, Cardiovascular risk factors, Multidetector CT, Coronary artery disease, Palavras-chave: Células progenitoras endoteliais, Factores de risco cardiovascular, Tomografia computorizada multidetectores, Doença coronária
- Published
- 2011
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20. Tomografia computorizada multicorte na avaliação de candidatos a implantação de prótese aórtica percutânea
- Author
Gustavo Pires de Morais, Nuno Bettencourt, Guida Silva, Nuno Ferreira, Olga Sousa, Daniel Caeiro, João Rocha, Mónica Carvalho, Daniel Leite, Pedro Braga, Conceição Fonseca, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Resumo: A substituição valvular aórtica percutânea é uma opção emergente para o tratamento da estenose aórtica grave sintomática em doentes recusados para substituição valvular cirúrgica. Os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura na utilização da Tomografia Computorizada Multicorte na avaliação de candidatos a implantação de prótese aórtica percutânea, no apoio ao procedimento e seguimento pós-intervenção. Os autores descrevem, ainda, a experiência de um Centro na utilização desta técnica de imagem no contexto de substituição valvular aórtica percutânea.A Tomografia Computorizada Multicorte é um método de imagem de eleição na selecção e exclusão de candidatos a implantação valvular aórtica percutânea, permitindo avaliação da anatomia coronária e relação dos ostia coronários com a estrutura valvular aórtica, avaliação precisa do anel valvular e restante raiz aórtica, câmara de saída do ventrículo esquerdo, aorta e acessos vasculares periféricos. As imagens obtidas por Tomografia Computorizada Multicorte são informação central na escolha da dimensão da prótese a implantar, permitem apoio à punção vascular durante o procedimento por métodos de fusão de imagem e efectuar seguimento à adequada aposição da prótese. Abstract: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is an emerging treatment option for severe symptomatic aortic stenosis in patients considered unsuitable for surgical valve replacement. The authors review the use of multislice computed tomography in the selection of candidates for transcatheter aortic valve replacement, procedural support and post-interventional follow-up. A single-center experience of the role of this imaging technique is also described.Multislice computed tomography is an essential imaging tool in the selection and exclusion of candidates for transcatheter aortic valve implantation, providing evaluation of coronary anatomy and the relationship of the coronary ostia with the aortic valve structure, and accurate analysis of the valve annulus and aortic root, left ventricular outflow tract, aorta and peripheral vascular access routes. Multislice computed tomography is also central to the choice of appropriate prosthesis size. In addition, it guides arterial puncture by image fusion techniques and enables correct prosthesis apposition to be verified. This review aims to describe the role of computed tomography in this increasingly common interventional valve procedure, providing an overview of current knowledge and applications. Palavras-chave: Estenose aórtica grave, Substituição valvular aórtica percutânea, Tomografia Computorizada Multicorte, Keywords: Severe aortic stenosis, Transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Multislice computed tomography
- Published
- 2011
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21. Analysis of paternal lineages in Brazilian and African populations
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Pedro Brito, Virgínia Lopes, Lisa Andrade, Mª João Anjos, Francisco Corte Real, and Leonor Gusmão
- Subjects
chromosome Y ,STRs ,lineages ,Brazil ,Africa ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
The present-day Brazilian population is a consequence of the admixture of various peoples of very different origins, namely, Amerindians, Europeans and Africans. The proportion of each genetic contribution is known to be very heterogeneous throughout the country. The aim of the present study was to compare the male lineages present in two distinct Brazilian populations, as well as to evaluate the African contribution to their male genetic substrate. Thus, two Brazilian population samples from Manaus (State of Amazon) and Ribeirão Preto (State of São Paulo) and three African samples from Guinea Bissau, Angola and Mozambique were typed for a set of nine Y chromosome specific STRs. The data were compared with those from African, Amerindian and European populations. By using Y-STR haplotype information, low genetic distances were found between the Manaus and Ribeirão Preto populations, as well as between these and others from Iberia. Likewise, no significant distances were observed between any of the African samples from Angola, Mozambique and Guinea Bissau. Highly significant Rst values were found between both Brazilian samples and all the African and Amerindian populations. The absence of a significant Sub-Saharan African male component resulting from the slave trade, and the low frequency in Amerindian ancestry Y-lineages in the Manaus and Ribeirão Preto population samples are in accordance with the accentuated gender asymmetry in admixture processes that has been systematically reported in colonial South American populations.
- Published
- 2010
22. Towards a unifying systematic scheme of fossil and living billfishes (Teleostei, Istiophoridae)
- Author
Carlos De Gracia, Alex Correa-Metrio, Mónica Carvalho, Jorge Velez-Juarbe, Tomáš Přikryl, Carlos Jaramillo, and Jürgen Kriwet
- Subjects
caudal skeleton ,Paleontology ,billfish evolution ,feeding system morphology ,longirostry ,size reduction - Abstract
The abstract is available here: https://uscholar.univie.ac.at/o:1643167
- Published
- 2022
23. Utilidade da tomografia computorizada cardíaca no planeamento e avaliação do resultado da ablação septal por álcool
- Author
Ana Faustino, Nuno Ferreira, Nuno Bettencourt, Mónica Carvalho, Daniel Leite, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Published
- 2013
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24. Accuracy of three-dimensional echocardiography in candidates for transcatheter aortic valve replacement
- Author
Cláudio Guerreiro, Mónica Carvalho, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho, Francisco Sampaio, Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes, João M. Maia, and Pedro Braga
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Clinical Decision-Making ,Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Prosthesis Design ,Prosthesis ,Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Valve replacement ,Predictive Value of Tests ,Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted ,Multidetector Computed Tomography ,medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Prospective Studies ,cardiovascular diseases ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Cardiac skeleton ,Cardiac imaging ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,Patient Selection ,Calcinosis ,Reproducibility of Results ,Aortic Valve Stenosis ,Gold standard (test) ,medicine.disease ,Quartile ,Aortic Valve ,Heart Valve Prosthesis ,Aortic valve stenosis ,cardiovascular system ,Feasibility Studies ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Nuclear medicine ,Echocardiography, Transesophageal ,Calcification - Abstract
The correct determination of aortic annulus dimensions is a crucial step to avoid complications in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Currently, the gold standard method for the evaluation of the aortic annulus is Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT), which is limited by the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy. Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography automated software (3DTEEa) have been used as an alternative in patients with contra-indications to MDCT. We aimed to evaluate the accuracy of 3DTEEa-derived aortic annulus dimensions; to assess the influence of calcification in the agreement between 3DTEEa and MDCT; and to determine reclassification in prosthesis size choice if 3DTEEa was the only imaging method. One hundred and seven consecutive patients referred for TAVR were studied. Aortic annulus dimensions were determined using MDCT and 3DTEE manual (3DTEEm) and automated measurements. Valve calcification was assessed with MDCT. Limits of agreement (LOA) were narrower for 3DTEEa (minimum diameter: mean bias 0.60; LOA - 2.94 to 4.14; maximum diameter: mean bias 0.20; LOA - 3.82 to 4.22) as compared to 3DTEEm (minimum diameter: mean bias 0.22; LOA - 3.84 to 4.28; maximum diameter: mean bias - 1.25; LOA - 6.37; 3.86). Compared to MDCT, 3DTEEa overestimated while 3DTEEm underestimated most parameters. No differences were found in average bias between methods according to quartiles of valve calcification. Most patients would have received the same size valve (63.9%) if 3DTEEa was the only available method. Measurement of aortic annulus dimensions using a 3DTEE automatic software is feasible and not influenced by valve calcification. It may be an alternative for patients who cannot undergo MDCT.
- Published
- 2019
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25. A problemática da responsabilidade individual na saúde pública em Portugal
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Carlos Costa Gomes, António Jácomo, and Joana Araújo
- Abstract
Introdução: A prevenção em saúde é o principal mote da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e há muitas décadas é já aplicada nas acções de saúde pública de todos os países da União Europeia, inclusive Portugal. Objetivo: Discutir a questão da responsabilidade social e individual no actual cenário da Saúde Pública em Portugal, face a uma proposta política de possível abandono de um modelo de responsabilidade partilhada na saúde pública. Métodos: Este estudo aborda o Estado social e saúde verificadas ao longo das últimas décadas na Europa e em Portugal, discute a Ética e saúde pública cujas acções se situam na intersecção entre Riscos, Efeitos na Saúde e Prevenção, dicerne a Responsabilidade individual e social que emergem dos valores que orientam ou deveriam orientar as nossas relações com os outros, debate a Justiça e direito à saúde acom base na realidade da saúde em Portugal, que parece ser um dilema ético para quem toma decisões acerca do estabelecimento de prioridades no uso dos recursos financeiros. Resultados: O estudo relatou que a atual situação das finanças públicas, especialmente em Portugal, deveria remeter para a busca de novas perspectivas em que a participação de todos os agentes de saúde torna-se indispensável; em particular médicos, enfermeiros e outros técnicos, no sentido de apresentarem as suas posições quanto aos modos como desejam exercer a sua atividade profissional, numa clara definição de direitos e de deveres. Conclusão: Ressalta-se a necessidade de o Estado, com o empenho dos profissionais de saúde, estabelecer os princípios políticos, financeiros e clínicos para um plano de saúde eficiente e eficaz.
- Published
- 2019
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26. Empreendedorismo feminino : protagonistas em tempos de pandemia
- Author
Ionara Rech, Letícia Hoppe, Mônica Carvalho, Ionara Rech, Letícia Hoppe, and Mônica Carvalho
- Abstract
A pandemia da COVID-19 mudou nossas vidas totalmente e trouxe impactos mundiais para a saúde e economia. Precisamos nos recolher, nos cuidar e reorganizar toda nossa rotina. No entanto, recolher, parar e esperar não são palavras que combinam com o empreendedorismo, especialmente com o empreendedorismo feminino. Com todos os cuidados necessários, muita criatividade, replanejamento, trabalho e força de vontade as mulheres fizeram acontecer (e continuam fazendo) para a continuidade de seus negócios.
- Published
- 2023
27. Is coronary computed tomography angiography a good choice for elders and high probability cases?
- Author
L. Graca Santos, Pedro Braga, Nuno Ferreira, Wilson Ferreira, Rita Faria, Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes, and Mónica Carvalho
- Subjects
High probability ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Coronary computed tomography angiography ,Medicine ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Introduction Coronary computed tomography angiography (cCTA) is widely considered the optimal non-invasive test to rule out coronary artery disease (CAD) and the gatekeeper for invasive coronary angiography (ICA). However, its diagnostic utility in elderly patients (pts) and in cases of high pre-test probability (PTP) is still questioned. Aim To determine whether older age and high PTP are correlated with non-diagnostic cCTA scans in pts with suspected chronic coronary syndrome (CCS). Methods Single-centre retrospective study of 302 pts with suspected CAD assigned to two groups: (A) 207 pts aged ≥70 years (y); (B) 95 aged Results Overall, mean age was 68±9y and 53% were male. Elderly pts presented more co-morbidities (hypertension: 78.3 vs 54.7%, p Conclusion In this comparison study of elderly and young pts undergoing cCTA for suspected CCS, age ≥70y and high PTP were not associated with non-diagnostic tests while multiple calcified lesions and severe LCX calcification predicted inconclusive studies. Our results cast hope on the applicability of cCTA to elderly pts and cases with high PTP, although larger studies are required. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: None
- Published
- 2020
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28. Dual-energy cardiac computed tomography: the 'one-stop-shop' for acute myocarditis
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Luís Graça Santos, Nuno Dias Ferreira, Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes, and Wilson Ferreira
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Dual energy ,Cardiac computed tomography ,business.industry ,Heart ,General Medicine ,One stop shop ,Myocarditis ,Acute myocarditis ,Medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed - Published
- 2020
29. Implantação mitral transcateter valve‐in‐valve: papel pré‐procedimento da tomografia computadorizada com multidetetores
- Author
Carlos Galvão Braga, Mónica Carvalho, Nuno Ferreira, Nuno Bettencourt, and Vasco Gama
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Published
- 2014
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30. Female entrepreneurship: protagonists in times of pandemic
- Author
Ionara Rech, Letícia Hoppe, Mônica Carvalho, Ionara Rech, Letícia Hoppe, and Mônica Carvalho
- Abstract
The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives, impacting healthcare systems and economies on a global scale. We were forced to retreat, take care of ourselves, and reorganise our entire routines. However,'retreating'and'waiting'are not words that match entrepreneurship, especially when it comes to female entrepreneurship. Whilst following all of the necessary sanitary measures and with plenty of creativity, replanning, hard work, and willpower, women have managed (and continue to manage) to keep moving to carry their businesses on.
- Published
- 2022
31. Empreendedorismo feminino: protagonistas em tempos de pandemia
- Author
Ionara Rech, Letícia Hoppe, Mônica Carvalho, Ionara Rech, Letícia Hoppe, and Mônica Carvalho
- Subjects
- Businesswomen--Brazil--Rio Grande do Sul (Stat, Entrepreneurship--Brazil--Rio Grande do Sul (S
- Abstract
A pandemia da COVID-19 mudou nossas vidas totalmente e trouxe impactos mundiais para a saúde e economia. Precisamos nos recolher, nos cuidar e reorganizar toda nossa rotina. No entanto, recolher, parar e esperar não são palavras que combinam com o empreendedorismo, especialmente com o empreendedorismo feminino. Com todos os cuidados necessários, muita criatividade, replanejamento, trabalho e força de vontade as mulheres fizeram acontecer (e continuam fazendo) para a continuidade de seus negócios.
- Published
- 2022
32. Gender differences in the association of epicardial adipose tissue and coronary artery calcification: EPICHEART study
- Author
António S. Barros, Adelino F. Leite-Moreira, Inês Falcão-Pires, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Wilson Ferreira, Marilia Pinheiro, Jennifer Mancio, Luís Vouga, Nuno Bettencourt, Nuno Ferreira, and Mónica Carvalho
- Subjects
Body surface area ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,medicine.disease ,Cardiac surgery ,Coronary artery disease ,03 medical and health sciences ,Stenosis ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,Body surface ,Cardiology ,Medicine ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Prospective cohort study ,Bioelectrical impedance analysis ,Body mass index - Abstract
Background The association of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) and coronary artery calcification (CAC) seems to differ by gender. However, few studies have controlled for body size, and the ideal method for body size indexing has not been explored. Objectives To analyse the effect of gender related-body size and-body fat differences on the association of EAT with CAC. Methods This was a prospective cohort of 371 severe aortic stenosis patients (77±8.5year-old, 51% females) referred to cardiac surgery. Agatston calcium score, EAT volume and visceral abdominal fat (VAF) were obtained by computed tomography. Body composition was determined using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Body weight and height were measured to derive body mass index (BMI), body surface area (BSA), and body surface index (BSI). EAT volume was normalized for BSA, weight and height. Results Median CAC score was higher in men (887; IQR: 2010) than in women (279: IQR: 145) ( p vs. 106±65.6mL, p p Conclusions In these high-risk patients, we demonstrated that EAT was associated with CAC score irrespective of body size, body fat and cardiovascular risk factors in men but not in women.
- Published
- 2017
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33. Association between implantation depth assessed by computed tomography and new-onset conduction disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
- Author
Paulo E. Fonseca, Nuno Dias Ferreira, Pedro Teixeira, Ana Raquel Barbosa, Sara Ferreira, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Wilson Ferreira, Marco Aurelio Pinho Oliveira, Joao Almeida, Mónica Carvalho, Helena Gonçalves, João Primo, Tiago Dias, Pedro Braga, José M. C. Ribeiro, and Cláudio Guerreiro
- Subjects
Male ,Pacemaker, Artificial ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Transcatheter aortic ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Bundle-Branch Block ,Clinical Decision-Making ,Computed tomography ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Prosthesis ,New onset ,Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ,Electrocardiography ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Valve replacement ,Predictive Value of Tests ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,Multidetector Computed Tomography ,medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Aged, 80 and over ,Portugal ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Bundle branch block ,business.industry ,Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ,Aortic Valve Stenosis ,medicine.disease ,Prothesis ,Treatment Outcome ,Aortic Valve ,Heart Valve Prosthesis ,Cardiology ,Female ,Radiology ,Permanent pacemaker ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Background Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is often associated with intraventricular conduction disturbances. We aimed to determine the association between implantation depth assessed by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and new-onset conduction abnormalities after TAVR. Methods Retrospective single-center study including patients consecutively submitted to TAVR, between August/2007 and October/2016, who underwent routine MDCT 3 months after the procedure. The endpoint of conduction disturbances included permanent pacemaker implantation and/or new-onset left bundle-branch block. Implantation depth was determined as the distance between the ventricular end of the prothesis and the native ring, at the level of the non-coronary cusp. Results 138 patients were included (female gender 52.2%, mean age 78.7 ± 6.9 years). The EuroSCORE II was 4.0 ± 3.9% and 57.2% were treated with self-expanding prosthesis. The endpoint of conduction abnormalities was found in 45.7% (n = 63). The implantation depth was greater in the group with conduction disturbances (7.7 vs 6.4 mm, p = 0.006). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oversizing and implantation depth were independent predictors of conduction abnormalities. Implantation depth had an AUC of 0.64 (p = 0.004) for the prediction of conduction abnormalities and a cut-off value of 7.1 mm predicted the composed endpoint with a sensitivity and specificity of 65% and 70%, respectively. Conclusions Implantation depth assessed by MDCT is associated with new-onset conduction disturbances after TAVR. In patients with conduction abnormalities, which do not qualify for the immediate implantation of pacemaker, the assessment of implantation depth by MDCT may be an additional marker of risk to aid decision-making.
- Published
- 2017
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34. Epicardial adipose tissue volume and annexin A2/fetuin-A signalling are linked to coronary calcification in advanced coronary artery disease: Computed tomography and proteomic biomarkers from the EPICHEART study
- Author
Glória Conceição, Inês Falcão-Pires, António S. Barros, Carla Bartosch, Mónica Carvalho, Rui Vitorino, Bruno Manadas, Jennifer Mancio, Luís Vouga, Guilherme Pessoa-Amorim, Wilson Ferreira, Nuno Ferreira, Nuno Bettencourt, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Isabel M. Miranda, Cátia Santa, and Adelino F. Leite-Moreira
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Male ,Proteomics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein ,Adipose tissue ,Coronary Artery Disease ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Severity of Illness Index ,Coronary artery disease ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Prospective Studies ,Vascular Calcification ,Coronary atherosclerosis ,Annexin A2 ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Organ Size ,medicine.disease ,Coronary Calcium Score ,Cardiac surgery ,Stenosis ,030104 developmental biology ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Adipose Tissue ,Angiography ,Cardiology ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Pericardium ,Biomarkers ,Artery ,Signal Transduction - Abstract
Background & aims The role of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) in the pathophysiology of late stage-coronary artery disease (CAD) has not been investigated. We explored the association of EAT volume and its proteome with advanced coronary atherosclerosis. Methods The EPICHEART Study prospectively enrolled 574 severe aortic stenosis patients referred to cardiac surgery. Before surgery, EAT volume was quantified by computed tomography (CT). During surgery, epicardial, mediastinal (MAT) and subcutaneous (SAT) adipose tissue samples were collected to explore fat phenotype by analyzing the proteomic profile using SWATH-mass spectrometry; pericardial fluid and peripheral venous blood were also collected. CAD presence was defined as coronary artery stenosis ≥50% in invasive angiography and by CT-derived Agatston coronary calcium score (CCS). Results EAT volume adjusted for body fat was associated with higher CCS, but not with the presence of coronary stenosis. In comparison with mediastinal and subcutaneous fat depots, EAT exhibited a pro-calcifying proteomic profile in patients with CAD characterized by upregulation of annexin-A2 and downregulation of fetuin-A; annexin-A2 protein levels in EAT samples were also positively correlated with CCS. We confirmed that the annexin-A2 gene was overexpressed in EAT samples of CAD patients and positively correlated with CCS. Fetuin-A gene was not detected in EAT samples, but systemic fetuin-A was higher in CAD than in non-CAD patients, suggesting that fetuin-A was locally downregulated. Conclusions In an elderly cohort of stable patients, CCS was associated with EAT volume and annexin-A2/fetuin-A signaling, suggesting that EAT might orchestrate pro-calcifying conditions in the late phases of CAD.
- Published
- 2019
35. Allelic frequencies of 15 autosomal STRs from two main population groups (Makua and Changana) in Mozambique
- Author
Francisco Corte-Real, Isabel Gonçalves, V. Bogas, Armando Serra, Virgínia Lopes, Mónica Carvalho, Maria João Porto, Filipa Balsa Sá, P. Brito, and Armando Cinturão Semo
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Genetics ,education.field_of_study ,Population ,Locus (genetics) ,Biology ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,Forensic science ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Population data ,Str loci ,Microsatellite ,030216 legal & forensic medicine ,Allele ,education ,Statistic - Abstract
Allelic frequencies of 15 autossomal STRs (D8S1779, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, and FGA) were determined in 160 samples of unrelated individuals from two main Mozambican´s populations groups namely, Macua and Changana. Statistic parameters of forensic interest were assessed as well as a comparative study with African, European and Latin-American populations. Our data showed no significant differences between Macua and Changana populations (P > 0.05). No deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in all 15 autosomal STR loci (P > 0.05). Combined power of discrimination and combined probability of exclusion were 0.99999999997 and 0.999999466 respectively. Locus by locus comparison showed significant differences (P
- Published
- 2017
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36. Visita domiciliária de enfermagem ao recém-nascido e família: um contributo para o bem-estar e maximização da saúde
- Author
Branca, Vera Mónica Carvalho Cabeça and Calado, Maria Gabriela
- Subjects
Home visit ,Newborn/family ,Enfermagem de saúde infantil e pediátrica ,Recém-nascido/família ,Visita domiciliária ,Child health and pediatric nursing - Published
- 2018
37. Detection of human parvovirus B19 infection: a study of 212 suspected cases in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Author
Wermelinger, Mônica Carvalho de Mesquita Werner, Oelemann, Walter M.R, Lima de Mendonça, Marcos César, Naveca, Felipe Gomes, and von Hubinger, Maria Genoveva
- Published
- 2002
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38. Hands-on physiotherapy interventions and stroke and International Classification of Functionality, Disability and Health outcomes: A systematic review
- Author
B. Dias, Daniela Gonçalves, Mónica Carvalho E. Silva, Catarina Filipa Faria, Ana Maria do Espírito Santo, Alexandre Castro-Caldas, and Patrícia Almeida
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Massage ,business.industry ,Psychological intervention ,Alternative medicine ,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,medicine.disease ,Placebo ,Gait ,law.invention ,Physical medicine and rehabilitation ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Intervention (counseling) ,Physical therapy ,medicine ,business ,human activities ,Stroke - Abstract
The effectiveness of “hands-on” physiotherapy for stroke is unclear. The objective here is to analyze the effectiveness of such interventions on movement-related International Classification of Functionality, Disability and Health (ICF) categories. A systematic review was undertaken of randomized controlled trials published since 1980, using the following criteria: stroke, humans, ≥ 18 years, outcomes related to ICF movement-related categories, physiotherapeutic handling techniques, control group as placebo or no intervention, including experiments where both groups have the same intervention and the experimental group has one extra intervention. Nine studies were included and a best evidence synthesis is presented. Recommendations with limited evidence favor slow-stroke back massage for shoulder pain, range-of-motion exercises for upper-limb and lower-limb structures and functions of muscles and joints, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) for gait step, walking backwards with hip faci...
- Published
- 2015
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39. Association of body mass index and visceral fat with aortic valve calcification and mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the obesity paradox in severe aortic stenosis
- Author
Paulo E. Fonseca, Adelino F. Leite-Moreira, António S. Barros, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Nuno Ferreira, Wilson Ferreira, Pedro Braga, Mónica Carvalho, Jennifer Mancio, Bruno Figueiredo, Nuno Bettencourt, Alberto Rodrigues, and Inês Falcão-Pires
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Cardiac computed tomography ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Visceral abdominal fat ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Valve replacement ,Internal medicine ,Internal Medicine ,medicine ,Obesity ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Mortality ,Prospective cohort study ,lcsh:RC620-627 ,Body mass index ,Body surface area ,Transcatheter aortic valve implantation ,Severe aortic stenosis ,business.industry ,Research ,Hazard ratio ,medicine.disease ,lcsh:Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,Aortic valve calcification ,Cardiology ,Metabolic syndrome ,business ,Obesity paradox - Abstract
Background Previous studies showed that metabolic syndrome is associated with aortic valve calcification (AVC) and poor outcomes in aortic stenosis (AS). However, if these associations change and how body fat impacts the prognosis of patients in late stage of the disease have been not yet explored. Aims To determine the association of body mass index (BMI) and visceral fat with AVC and mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Methods This was a prospective cohort of 170 severe AS patients referred to TAVR. We quantified AVC mass score and fat depots including epicardial adipose tissue, intrathoracic fat, and abdominal visceral (VAF) and subcutaneous fats by computed tomography. Fat depots were indexed to body surface area. All-cause and cardiovascular-related deaths after TAVR were recorded over a median follow-up of 1.2 years. Results Higher AVC mass was independently associated with low BMI and low VAF. All-cause mortality risk increased with the decrease of BMI and increment of VAF. A stratified analysis by obesity showed that in non-obese, VAF was inversely associated with mortality, whereas in obese, high VAF was associated with higher mortality (p value for interaction
- Published
- 2017
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40. Comparison of self-expanding and balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valves morphology and association with paravalvular regurgitation: Evaluation using multidetector computed tomography
- Author
Cláudio Guerreiro, Pedro Teixeira, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Mónica Carvalho, Nuno Dias Ferreira, Joao Almeida, Ana Paula Barbosa, Tiago Dias, José M. C. Ribeiro, Pedro Braga, Wilson Ferreira, Sara Ferreira, and Paulo E. Fonseca
- Subjects
Balloon Valvuloplasty ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Transcatheter aortic ,media_common.quotation_subject ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Aortic Valve Insufficiency ,Regurgitation (circulation) ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Prosthesis Design ,Prosthesis ,Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Valve replacement ,Predictive Value of Tests ,Risk Factors ,Multidetector Computed Tomography ,Medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Eccentricity (behavior) ,media_common ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,Hemodynamics ,Calcinosis ,Retrospective cohort study ,General Medicine ,Aortic Valve Stenosis ,Recovery of Function ,medicine.disease ,Prosthesis Failure ,Treatment Outcome ,Aortic Valve ,Heart Valve Prosthesis ,Female ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Complication ,business ,Calcification - Abstract
OBJECTIVES Compare final morphology of self-expanding and balloon-expandable prosthesis and association with paravalvular regurgitation (PVR). BACKGROUND PVR after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) remains a frequent complication. A better understanding of the prosthesis geometry may be important to improve selection of the best device for each case and possibly reduce the rates of PVR. METHODS Retrospective study including patients consecutively submitted to transcatheter aortic valve replacement: August/2007-October/2016. Three months after the procedure a multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) was performed to assess prosthesis geometry: dimensions, eccentricity, and expansion. RESULTS A total of 147 individuals were included (mean age of 78.8 ± 6.7 and 50.3% males), 57% treated with a self-expanding prosthesis. On the postprocedure MDCT, the self-expanding group had higher eccentricity index (15.0 vs. 7.1%, p
- Published
- 2017
41. Governança do risco, participação e comunicação na perspetiva da 'sociedade de risco global'
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Pinto-Coelho, Zara, Ruão, Teresa, Zagalo, Nelson, and Universidade do Minho
- Subjects
Participação ,Ciências Sociais::Ciências da Comunicação ,Governança ,Risco ,Comunicação - Abstract
Esta proposta se inscreve como parte de um projeto de pós-doutoramento, vinculado ao CECS. No contexto da atual fase desta investigação, pretende- -se partilhar com a comunidade académica algumas reflexões teóricas em torno da governança dos riscos, da participação pública e da comunicação a partir da teoria de Ulrich Beck sobre a sociedade do risco global. Destaca-se a importância da dimensão normativa da teoria de Beck na discussão de um certo modelo de governança do risco, ressaltando-se uma noção de participação que não se restringe a instrumento ou método auxiliar à governança para que se chegue a um fim, no caso, a “tomada de decisão”. Salienta-se, ainda a pertinência da força desestabilizadora e geradora de conflitos do risco global que, para além de nos empurrar a todos para o centro de uma crise, parece ser justamente aquilo que pode compelir à participação e ao diálogo ou, visto de outra perspetiva, à própria ação política., Este artigo faz parte do projeto de pós-doutoramento CIRIS – Comunicação do risco industrial em Portugal, financiado pela FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia., info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2017
42. Role of cardiac multidetector computed tomography in the exclusion of ischemic etiology in heart failure patients
- Author
Nuno Dias Ferreira, Nuno Bettencourt, Wilson Ferreira, Ilídio de Jesus, Mónica Carvalho, Daniel Leite, Vasco Gama, and Pedro Sousa
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Myocardial Ischemia ,Context (language use) ,Interquartile range ,Internal medicine ,Multidetector Computed Tomography ,Humans ,Medicine ,cardiovascular diseases ,Retrospective Studies ,General Environmental Science ,Computed tomography angiography ,Heart Failure ,Ischemic cardiomyopathy ,Ejection fraction ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Atrial fibrillation ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Cardiac Imaging Techniques ,Stenosis ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Heart failure ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Female ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Introduction and Aims: Differentiation of ischemic from non-ischemic etiology in heart failure (HF) patients has both therapeutic and prognostic implications. One possible approach to this differentiation is direct visualization of the coronary tree. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has emerged as an alternative to invasive coronary angiography (ICA), but its performance and additional clinical value are still not well validated in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. We aimed to assess the value of coronary MDCT angiography (CTA) in the exclusion of ischemic etiology in HF patients and to determine whether the Agatston calcium score could be used as a gatekeeper for CTA in this context. Methods: We retrospectively selected symptomatic HF patients with LV ejection fraction (LVEF) 400. In patients referred for ICA, an ischemic etiology was assumed in the presence of ≥75% stenosis in two or more epicardial vessels or ≥75% stenosis in the left main or proximal left anterior descending artery. Results: During this period 100 patients (mean age 57.3±10.5 years, 64% men) with HF and systolic dysfunction were referred for MDCT to exclude CAD. Median effective radiation dose was 4.8 mSv (interquartile range 5.8 mSv). Mean LVEF was 35±7.7% (range 20-48%) and median CAC score was 13 (interquartile range 212). Seven patients were in atrial fibrillation.Almost half of the patients (40%) had no CAC and none of these had significant stenosis on CTA. In an additional group of 33 patients CTA was able to confidently exclude obstructive CAD. Twenty-seven patients were classified as positive for CAD (16 due to CAC >400 and 11 with ≥50% stenosis) and were associated with lower LVEF (p=0.004). Of these, 21 patients subsequently underwent ICA: obstructive CAD was confirmed in nine and only six had criteria for ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion: In our HF population, MDCT was able to exclude an ischemic etiology in 73% of cases in a single test. According to our results the Agatston calcium score may serve as a gatekeeper for CTA in patients with HF, with a calcium score of zero confidently excluding an ischemic etiology. Resumo: Introdução e objetivos: A diferenciação entre etiologia isquémica de etiologia não-isquémica em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) tem implicações terapêuticas e prognósticas. Uma abordagem possível para esta diferenciação é a visualização direta da árvore coronária. A tomografia computorizada (TC) surgiu como uma alternativa à angiografia coronária, mas o seu desempenho e valor clínico adicional ainda não se encontram validados em pacientes com disfunção do ventrículo esquerdo. O nosso objetivo foi avaliar o papel da angio-TC coronária na exclusão de etiologia isquémica em pacientes com IC e avaliar se o score e cálcio Agatston pode ser usado como gatekeeper para a angio-TC coronária neste contexto. Métodos: Foram selecionados retrospetivamente pacientes com IC sintomática com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE)400. Nos pacientes referenciados para angiografia coronaria, a etiologia isquémica foi assumida na presença de estenoses ≥75% em duas ou mais artérias epicárdicas ou ≥75% no tronco comum ou no segmento proximal da artéria descendente anterior. Resultados: Durante este período, 100 pacientes (idade média: 57,3±10,5 anos, 64% homens) com IC e disfunção sistólica foram referenciados para TC para exclusão de DAC. A dose mediana de radiação efetiva foi de 4,8 mSv (intervalo interquartil 5,8 mSv). A FEVE média foi de 35±7,7% (intervalo 20-48%) e a mediana de score de cálcio Agatston foi de 13 (intervalo interquartil 212). Sete pacientes apresentavam fibrilhação auricular.Quase metade dos pacientes (40%) não apresentava score de cálcio e nenhum deles apresentava uma estenose significativa na angio-TAC coronária. A angio-TC coronária foi capaz de excluir DAC obstrutiva num outro grupo de 33 doentes. Vinte e sete pacientes foram classificados como positivos para a presença de DAC (16 através do score de cálcio Agatston>400 e 11 apresentavam estenoses≥50%) e foram associados a uma menor FEVE (p=0,004). Destes, 21 pacientes realizaram angiografia coronária: em 9 foi confirmada a presença de DAC obstrutiva e apenas seis apresentavam critérios para cardiomiopatia isquémica. Conclusões: Na nossa população com IC, a TC foi capaz de excluir uma etiologia isquémia em 73% dos casos com um único teste. De acordo com os nossos resultados, o score de cálcio Agatston pode servir como gatekeeper para a angio-TAC coronária em pacientes com IC, com um score de cálcio de 0 a excluir confiadamente uma etiologia isquémica em pacientes com IC. Keywords: Heart failure, Coronary heart disease, Ischemic cardiomyopathy, Multidetector computed tomography, Computed tomography angiography, Agatston calcium score, Palavras-chave: Insuficiência cardíaca, Doença arterial coronária, Cardiomiopatia isquémica, Tomografia computorizada multicortes, Angio-TC Coronária, Score cálcio Agatston
- Published
- 2014
43. Testing the behavior of GlobalFiler ® PCR amplification kit with degraded and/or inhibited biological samples
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Francisco Corte-Real, V. Bogas, and Maria João Porto
- Subjects
law ,Genetics ,Degraded dna ,Biology ,Molecular biology ,Polymerase chain reaction ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,Genetic profile ,law.invention - Abstract
The achievement of complete genetic profiles of degraded and/or inhibited biological samples is a challenging task for forensic scientists. Our aim was to find out the behavior of GlobalFiler ® PCR amplification kit in the presence of difficult samples and its ability to substitute or to be complemented by AmpFlSTR ® MiniFiler™ kit. Degraded bloodstains were extracted by three methods, quantified and amplified with AmpFlSTR ® IdentiFiler™, AmpFlSTR ® MiniFiler™ and/or GlobalFiler ® PCR. In 6 of the 14 analyzed samples, GlobalFiler ® kit enabled a complete genetic profile even when the sample had a DNA concentration as low as 0.0049ng/ml, while in some of these samples Minifiler™ provided a partial profile or didn't amplify any of the markers in study.
- Published
- 2015
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44. Analysis of Y chromosomal STRs in South of Portugal population with PowerPlex ® Y23
- Author
Madalena Cruz, Maria João Porto, Mónica Carvalho, Teresa Ribeiro, and J. Costa Santos
- Subjects
Genetics ,education.field_of_study ,Thermal cycler ,Haplotype ,Population ,Population genetics ,Biology ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,Microsatellite ,Multiplex ,education ,Genotyping ,Allele frequency - Abstract
Short tandem repeats (STRs) became a vital tool in forensic genetics due to its high level of polymorphism and abundance in the human genome. Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) specifically, play an important role in sexual assault cases, where the female component is in greater proportion than the male component, in complex paternity testing of male children and in the process of identification in cases of missing persons or disaster victim identification, involving profiles of male relatives. The PowerPlex ® Y23 System is a five-dye Y-STR multiplex that allows simultaneous genotyping of 23 Y-STR loci (DYS576, DYS389I, DYS448, DYS389II, DYS19, DYS391, DYS481, DYS549, DYS533, DYS438, DYS437, DYS570, DYS635, DYS390, DYS439, DYS392, DYS643, DYS393, DYS458, DYS385a/b, DYS456 and Y-GATA-H4). In this study, samples of 243 unrelated male individuals living in the south of Portugal were amplified in a GeneAmp ® 9700 Thermal Cycler. PCR products were separated and detected on an ABI PRISM ® 3130 xl and the electrophoresis results analyzed with GeneMapper ® ID software v1.2. Allele frequencies and haplotype frequencies were estimated and compared with frequencies from other European population. The results show that the study of Y-STRs using PowerPlex ® Y23 kit, provide a powerful discrimination tool for routine forensic applications.
- Published
- 2015
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45. CAD Detection in Patients With Intermediate-High Pre-Test Probability
- Author
Vasco Gama, Eike Nagel, Amedeo Chiribiri, José Silva-Cardoso, Adelino F. Leite-Moreira, Nuno Dias Ferreira, Andreas Schuster, Daniel Leite, Wilson Ferreira, Nuno Bettencourt, and Mónica Carvalho
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Receiver operating characteristic ,business.industry ,Perfusion scanning ,Fractional flow reserve ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,medicine.disease ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,Coronary artery disease ,Pre- and post-test probability ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Positive predicative value ,Angiography ,cardiovascular system ,Medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,cardiovascular diseases ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Nuclear medicine ,Computed tomography angiography - Abstract
Objectives This study sought to compare computed tomography delayed enhancement (CTDE) against cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) for detection of ischemic scar and to test the additive value of CTDE as part of a comprehensive multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) stress–rest protocol including computed tomography perfusion (CTP) and computed tomography angiography (CTA) for the diagnosis of significant coronary artery disease (CAD). Background CTDE has been recently described as a promising tool for noninvasive detection of myocardial scar, similarly to CMR-LGE techniques. Despite its theoretical potential as an adjunctive tool to improve MDCT accuracy for detection of CAD, its clinical performance has not been validated. Methods One hundred five symptomatic patients with suspected CAD (age 62.0 ± 8.0 years, 67% men) underwent MDCT, CMR, and x-ray invasive coronary angiography. The MDCT protocol consisted of calcium scoring, stress CTP under adenosine 140 μg/kg/min, rest CTP + CTA, and a low-dose radiation prospective scan for detection of CTDE. CMR-LGE was used as the reference standard for assessment of scar. Functionally significant CAD was defined as the presence of ≥90% stenosis/occlusion or fractional flow reserve measurements ≤0.80 in vessels >2 mm. Results CTDE had good accuracy (90%) for ischemic scar detection with low sensitivity (53%) but excellent specificity (98%). Positive and negative predictive values were 82% and 91%, respectively. On a patient-based model, MDCT protocol without integration of CTDE results had a sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 90%, 81%, 80%, and 90%, respectively, for the detection of functionally significant CAD. Addition of CTDE results did not improve MDCT performance (90%, 77%, 77%, and 90%, respectively). Conclusions CTDE has moderate accuracy for detection of ischemic scar in patients with suspected CAD. Integration of CTDE into a comprehensive MDCT protocol including stress–rest CTP and CTA does not improve MDCT accuracy for detection of significant CAD in intermediate-to-high pre-test probability populations.
- Published
- 2013
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46. Methods enhancement for improved recovery of human DNA from forensic blood samples on different fabrics using the DNA IQ System
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Maria João Anjos, V. Bogas, Maria Fátima Pinheiro, and Francisco Corte Real
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chemistry.chemical_compound ,Chromatography ,Human dna ,chemistry ,Modified dna ,Blood Stains ,Degraded dna ,Typing ,Biology ,Molecular biology ,DNA extraction ,DNA ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine - Abstract
DNA typing of biological samples can be a challenging task due to the presence of small amounts of DNA and/or a high content of PCR inhibitors. Our aim is to develop a protocol to recover DNA suitable for DNA typing from blood-stained fabrics based on the DNA IQ System. Blood stains on different fabrics were buried in different types of soil and left for 1–7 days. The samples were then recovered and DNA was extracted with a modified DNA IQ System protocol, involving a modification in the preparation of the Wash Buffer. The samples extracted with the modified protocol showed a higher amount of recovered DNA compared with the recommended protocol. The removal of isopropanol from the Wash Buffer composition contributes to a higher amount of recovered DNA.
- Published
- 2013
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47. Diffuse aneurysmal and obstructive coronary artery disease: A do-not-intervene patient
- Author
Mónica Carvalho, Bruno Melica, Marta Ponte, Eulália Pereira, Luís Vouga, Daniel Caeiro, João Primo, João Carlos Mota, Nuno Bettencourt, Vasco Gama, Nuno Ferreira, and Gustavo Pires de Morais
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lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Coronary artery disease ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,cardiovascular diseases ,Myocardial infarction ,General Environmental Science ,business.industry ,Coronary Aneurysm ,Coronary Stenosis ,Treatment options ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Coronary arteries ,Management strategy ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,cardiovascular system ,Cardiology ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Female ,Presentation (obstetrics) ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Artery - Abstract
Coronary artery aneurysms are uncommon but potentially hazardous entities found on a small percentage of coronary angiograms. The best management strategy remains to be determined; the coexistence of obstructive coronary artery disease is the main determinant of prognosis.We report the case of a middle-aged woman with mixed aneurysmal and obstructive coronary artery disease presenting as an acute myocardial infarction, probably due to atherosclerosis. The unusual severity and complexity of the angiographic presentation of this case, with involvement of all major coronary arteries, raises important issues in terms of the patient's treatment options. Resumo: Os aneurismas das artérias coronárias são entidades raras, presentes numa pequena percentagem das angiografias coronárias, embora associadas a complicações potencialmente graves. A melhor conduta no tratamento destas situações ainda não foi estabelecida e a coexistência de doença coronária obstrutiva é o principal determinante prognóstico.Reportamos o caso de uma mulher de meia-idade com doença coronária mista, obstrutiva e aneurismática, diagnosticada no contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio e de provável etiologia aterosclerótica. A gravidade e a complexidade incomuns da apresentação angiográfica do nosso caso, levantaram aos autores questões importantes no domínio da decisão terapêutica. Keywords: Coronary artery aneurysms, Atherosclerosis, Acute myocardial infarction, Palavras-chave: Aneurismas coronários, Aterosclerose, Enfarte agudo do miocárdio
- Published
- 2013
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48. Implantação percutânea de válvula aórtica: a anatomia é (ainda) o fator limitante?
- Author
Daniel Leite, Olga Sousa, Marta Ponte, José M. C. Ribeiro, Mónica Carvalho, Vasco Gama, Pedro Braga, Daniel Caeiro, Nuno Bettencourt, and João Rocha
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Gynecology ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Resumo: Introdução: Apesar da rápida evolução das próteses valvulares aórticas percutâneas, persistem restrições anatómicas que podem limitar o acesso dos doentes com estenose aórtica severa a este tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a proporção de doentes anatomicamente adequados para os diferentes dispositivos e acessos, numa população candidata a este tratamento. Métodos: Análise retrospetiva de 145 doentes consecutivos referenciados ao nosso centro para implantação de válvula aórtica percutânea. A dimensão do anel aórtico foi determinada por ecocardiograma transesofágico e o diâmetro mínimo das artérias iliofemorais foi obtido por tomografia computadorizada multidetetores. Foi determinada a proporção de doentes anatomicamente adequados para as próteses atualmente disponíveis (Medtronic CoreValve de 26, 29 e 31 mm por acesso transfemoral, transaxilar ou transaórtico; Edwards Sapien XT de 23, 26 e 29 mm por acesso transfemoral ou transapical). Resultados: Dos doentes avaliados, 89% eram adequados para as próteses Medtronic CoreValve por via transfemoral e 93,8% eram adequados para abordagem subclávia ou transaórtica. Em relação às próteses Edwards Sapien XT, 82,1% eram adequados para acesso transfemoral e 97,2% eram adequados para a via transapical. Apenas 1,4% dos doentes não apresentavam anatomia viável para esta técnica considerando todos os dispositivos e abordagens possíveis. Conclusões: Nesta população, a maioria dos doentes foi considerada anatomicamente adequada para tratamento percutâneo, numa estratégia multidispositivo e multiabordagem. Abstract: Introduction: Despite rapid advances in transcatheter aortic valve prostheses, anatomical constraints remain that can limit access to this treatment for patients with severe aortic stenosis. The objective of this study was to determine the proportion of patients anatomically suitable for this technique using the different devices and approaches available. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 145 consecutive patients referred to our center for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Aortic annulus diameter was measured by transesophageal echocardiography and minimum iliofemoral diameter was determined by multidetector computed tomography. We determined the proportion of patients anatomically suitable for current devices (26-mm, 29-mm and 31-mm Medtronic CoreValve for transfemoral, transaxillary or transaortic approaches, and 23-mm, 26-mm and 29-mm Edwards Sapien XT for transfemoral or transapical approaches). Results: The Medtronic CoreValve was suitable for 89% of patients via transfemoral access and 93.8% via transaxillary or transaortic approaches, while the Edwards Sapien XT was suitable for 82.1% of patients via transfemoral and 97.2% via transapical approaches. Only 1.4% of patients were anatomically unsuitable for all devices and approaches. Conclusions: In this population, most patients were anatomically suitable for transcatheter aortic valve implantation if assessed on the basis of multiple devices and multiple access approaches. Palavras-chave: Implantação percutânea de válvula aórtica, Anatomia, Anel aórtico, Artérias iliofemorais, Keywords: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Anatomy, Aortic annulus, Iliofemoral arteries
- Published
- 2013
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49. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Is anatomy still the limiting factor?
- Author
José M. C. Ribeiro, Mónica Carvalho, Marta Ponte, Nuno Bettencourt, João Rocha, Pedro Braga, Olga Sousa, Vasco Gama, Daniel Caeiro, and Daniel Leite
- Subjects
Male ,Medtronic corevalve ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Transcatheter aortic ,Population ,Prosthesis Design ,Iliac Artery ,Catheterization ,Multidetector computed tomography ,medicine ,Humans ,Cardiac skeleton ,education ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,General Environmental Science ,Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Anatomy ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Femoral Artery ,Stenosis ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,Aortic Valve ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Female ,business ,Edwards sapien - Abstract
Introduction: Despite rapid advances in transcatheter aortic valve prostheses, anatomical constraints remain that can limit access to this treatment for patients with severe aortic stenosis. The objective of this study was to determine the proportion of patients anatomically suitable for this technique using the different devices and approaches available. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 145 consecutive patients referred to our center for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Aortic annulus diameter was measured by transesophageal echocardiography and minimum iliofemoral diameter was determined by multidetector computed tomography. We determined the proportion of patients anatomically suitable for current devices (26-mm, 29-mm and 31-mm Medtronic CoreValve for transfemoral, transaxillary or transaortic approaches, and 23-mm, 26-mm and 29-mm Edwards Sapien XT for transfemoral or transapical approaches). Results: The Medtronic CoreValve was suitable for 89% of patients via transfemoral access and 93.8% via transaxillary or transaortic approaches, while the Edwards Sapien XT was suitable for 82.1% of patients via transfemoral and 97.2% via transapical approaches. Only 1.4% of patients were anatomically unsuitable for all devices and approaches. Conclusions: In this population, most patients were anatomically suitable for transcatheter aortic valve implantation if assessed on the basis of multiple devices and multiple access approaches. Resumo: Introdução: Apesar de a rápida evolução das próteses valvulares aórticas percutâneas, persistem restrições anatómicas que podem limitar o acesso dos doentes com estenose aórtica severa a este tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a proporção de doentes anatomicamente adequados para os diferentes dispositivos e acessos, numa população candidata a este tratamento. Métodos: Análise retrospetiva de 145 doentes consecutivos referenciados ao nosso centro para implantação de válvula aórtica percutânea. A dimensão do anel aórtico foi determinada por ecocardiograma transesofágico e o diâmetro mínimo das artérias iliofemorais foi obtido por tomografia computadorizada multidetetores. Foi determinada a proporção de doentes anatomicamente adequados para as próteses actualmente disponíveis (Medtronic CoreValve de 26, 29 e 31 mm por acesso transfemoral, transaxilar ou transaórtico; Edwards Sapien XT de 23, 26 e 29 mm por acesso transfemoral ou transapical). Resultados: Dos doentes avaliados, 89% eram adequados para as próteses Medtronic CoreValve por via transfemoral e 93,8% eram adequados para abordagem subclávia ou transaórtica. Em relação às próteses Edwards Sapien XT, 82,1% eram adequados para acesso transfemoral e 97,2% eram adequados para a via transapical. Apenas 1,4% dos doentes não apresentavam anatomia viável para esta técnica considerando todos os dispositivos e abordagens possíveis. Conclusões: Nesta população, a maioria dos doentes foi considerada anatomicamente adequada para tratamento percutâneo, numa estratégia multi-dispositivo e multi-abordagem. Keywords: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Anatomy, Aortic annulus, Iliofemoral arteries, Palavras-chave: Implantação percutânea válvula aórtica, Anatomia, Anel aórtico, Artérias iliofemorais
- Published
- 2013
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50. Coronary arteries anomalous aortic origin on a computed tomography angiography population: prevalence, characteristics and clinical impact
- Author
Paula Gago, Mónica Carvalho, Vasco Gama, Wilson Ferreira, José Amado, and Nuno Bettencourt
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Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Computed Tomography Angiography ,Coronary Vessel Anomalies ,Population ,Kaplan-Meier Estimate ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Coronary Angiography ,Sudden death ,Disease-Free Survival ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Predictive Value of Tests ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,medicine.artery ,Multidetector Computed Tomography ,medicine ,Prevalence ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,education ,Coronary sinus ,Cardiac imaging ,Computed tomography angiography ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,education.field_of_study ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Portugal ,business.industry ,Middle Aged ,Coronary Vessels ,Coronary arteries ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030228 respiratory system ,Coronary arteries anomalous aortic origin ,Right coronary artery ,Cardiology ,Disease Progression ,Female ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Artery - Abstract
Anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries (AAOCA) is one of the most frequent causes of cardiovascular sudden death among the young population. We aimed to determine the prevalence and anatomic characteristics of AAOCA in a population referred to computed tomography angiography (CTA) and to describe the clinical prognosis of these findings at middle term follow-up. From a total of 3539 CTA, 53 were found to have AAOCA. This population was compared to an age and gender matched control group (n = 106) from the same CTA list. A telephone follow-up to determine cardiac events was conducted, with a mean follow-up of 45.9 +/- 28.2 months. Prevalence of AAOCA was 1.5 %. The most common AAOCA was an origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) from the left coronary sinus, followed by an origin of the left circumflex artery (LCX) arising from the right coronary sinus. All patients with an anomalous origin of the RCA had an interarterial course. Four additional patients were found to have an interarterial course: 1 with an anomalous origin of LCX and 3 with an anomalous origin of the left main coronary artery (LMCA). At follow-up there were 33 (21.2 %) cardiac events, 9 (17.6 %) on the AAOCA group and 24 (22.9 %) on the control group (p = 0.46). Cardiac events and cardiovascular deaths were not related to any particular AAOCA or to interarterial courses. Among an adult population referred to CTA, AAOCA were not related with worse middle term prognosis when compared to an age- and gender- matched population.
- Published
- 2016
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