Анистратенко Антонина, Мойсей Антоний. Альтернативная история и христианский мотив в новейший украинской литературе. Христианский мотив в неомодерном романе достаточно характерен для украинской литературы ХХ - ХХI вв. Эту проблему исследовали авторитетные теоретики литературы Т. Бовсунивська, Т. Гундорова, С. Митосек, Р. Нич и др. Однако, говоря об альтернативной истории, важная роль христианского мотива или библейского концепта до сих пор не была описана в ходе генологичнои исследования. Выяснить какова же степень его влияния в литературном процессе и, в частности, в современном романе - цель представленной статьи. Ключевые слова: альтернативная история, христианство, современный роман, картина мира. Anistratenko Antonina, Moysey Antoniy. Alternative history and christian themes in modern ukrainian literature. Christian themes is one of characteristics in neomodern novel of the Ukrainian literature in XX - XXI century. This problem was investigated by wellknown theorists of literature: T. Bovsunovska, T. Hundorova, S. Mitosek, R. Nych and others. However, we are going to speak about alternative history, the important role of Christian motive or the biblical concept have not been investigated in the genealogic research. First of all, the mental outlook of the Ukrainian nation and therefore the average Ukrainian world view have been shaped by millennia of Christianity. Our goal is to find out in this article what is the impact in the literary process and in particular in the modern novel it make. In the article analise in comparative way consideration of the separate factors and influences that are reflected in the history of Ukrainian literature, but what are situated in the field of history, sociology, religion, culture, ethnology: Religious dominant component is visible in the traditional worldview of Ukrainians, tradition in family life, demythologization passion, canonization features of the image "a women "and"a man"and others. Such images build the foundation for the development of the genre in Ukrainian literature. Ivan Bilyk wrote down his novels for the reconstruction of the national worldview and the historical consciousness of the Ukrainian nation, V. Vladko resumed the canon of science fiction in our literature, and even, to some extent, took part in it formation, and made the first attempt to implement a quality alternative history novel in two points of bifurcation. These works belong to the history of the origin and existence of Christianity in Ukraine. When analyzing consept sources and literary texts in the genre of alternative history come to the conviction we may makr, that the most important stylistic markers of alternative history, the experience of the presently known Ukrainian literary texts, are the following: immersion in the national mental peculiarities of historical development and the laws of motion and change historical events; hermeneutic communication alternative history of Christianity. It is seen that most of the works of alternate history, the written material in history after the advent of Christianity, or, indeed, the material of the process or its negation; noticeable characteristic features science fiction works are diving in mythology and esoteric knowledge. Here is also criticism of the theory of linear time-space in a general sense. Mimetic techniques began to attract other arts, science, and a wide range of formal and specific formations. Key words: alternative history, Christianity, Modern novel, the worldview.