Oljača, Jasmina, Broćić, Zoran, Momirović, Nebojša, Momčilović, Ivana, Kovačević, Dušan, Oljača, Jasmina, Oljača, Jasmina, Broćić, Zoran, Momirović, Nebojša, Momčilović, Ivana, Kovačević, Dušan, and Oljača, Jasmina
Growing technology involves the use of complex cultural measures aimed at creating favourable conditions for plant growth and development, that is, for better exploitation of the genetic potential of cultivars. The effect of the cultivar and growing technology on potato yield components and stress resistance was studied in the period 2011–2013 at the experimental field of “Zeleni hit”, in the location of Zemun Polje. The experiment was set up as a three-factor field experiment by the method of split-plot designs with four replications. The effect of different soil thermal regimes induced by mulching with white, silver, red, black polyethylene foil and organic mulch (straw) on the morphological and productive characteristics of seven potato cultivars (Carrera, Bellarosa, Marabel, Laura, Desiree, Agria and Jelly), in conditions of the drip irrigation system, was studied. Two variants without mulching, with irrigation as well as with the natural water regime, were also included in the experiment. The effect of year, cultivar and different treatments of soil mulching on yield components and stress resistance was determined on the basis of the obtained results on the yield per unit area, number and height of aboveground primary shoots, number of tubers per plant, tuber weight, as well as based on the accumulation of the heat shock proteins (HSP). Global warming is greatly changing the environment jeopardizing the majority of plant and animal species. Heat stress is usually mentioned as a result of global warming. The response of plants to stress at the molecular level involves the expression of genes that cause the synthesis of the heat shock proteins, which increase the resistance of plants. In laboratory conditions, by using appropriate methods, the accumulation of the heat shock proteins in leaves of potato plants was tested. The markers HSP18, HSP21 and HSP101 representing the group of protective proteins and interacting with denatured proteins, preventing their ther, Tehnologija gajenja podrazumeva primenu složenih agrotehničkih mera u cilju stvaranja povoljnih uslova za rast i razvoj biljaka, odnosno za što bolje iskorišćavanje genetskog potencijala sorti. Uticaj sorte i tehnologije gajenja na komponente prinosa i otpornost krompira prema stresu proučavan je u periodu 2011 - 2013. godine na oglednom polju “Zeleni hit”, lokalitetu Zemun Polja. Eksperiment je postavljen kao trofaktorijalni poljski ogled, po metodi podeljenih parcela (split-plot), u četiri ponavljanja. Proučavan je uticaj različitih termičkih režima zemljišta indukovanih malčiranjem belom, srebrnom, crvenom, crnom polietilenskom folijom i organskim malčem (slamom) na morfološke i produktivne osobine sedam sorti krompira (Carrera, Bellarosa, Marabel, Laura, Desiree, Agria i Jelly), u uslovima navodnjavanja sistemom kap po kap. U ogled su bile uključene dve varijante bez malča, sa navodnjavanjem i sa prirodnim vodnim režimom. Uticaj godine, sorte i različitih tretmana nastiranja zemljišta na komponente prinosa i otpornost prema stresu, utvrđen je na osnovu dobijenih rezultata o prinosu po jedinici površine, broju i visini nadzemnih primarnih izdanaka, broju krtola po biljci, masi krtole, kao i na osnovu akumulacije proteina toplotnog stresa (eng. heat shock proteins - HSP). Globalno zagrevanje uveliko menja životnu sredinu ugrožavajući većinu biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. Toplotni stres (eng. heat stress - HS) se obično pominje kao posledica globalnog zagrevanja. Odgovor biljaka na stres, na molekularnom nivou, podrazumeva ekspresiju gena koji izazivaju sintezu proteina toplotnog stresa koji povećavaju otpornost biljaka. U laboratorijskim uslovima, primenom odgovarajućih metoda, ispitivana je akumulacija proteina stresa u listovima biljaka krompira. Kao potencijalni markeri korišćeni su HSP18, HSP21 i HSP101 koji predstavljaju grupu zaštitnih proteina i intereaguju sa denaturisanim proteinima, sprečavaju njihovu termalnu agregaciju kao jedan od osnovnih molekularnih