Poticaj ovom istraživanju dale su zadivljujuće ideje koje je Maria Montessori, svjetski poznata pedagoginja, uvela u odgojno-obrazovni sustav stavljajući dijete u središte odgojno-obrazovnog procesa i vjerujući u njegove unutarnje snage. Poticala je spontano učenje djece, njegovo vlastito djelovanje i samostalnost te poštovanje djetetove osobnosti. Kroz svoju pedagogiju uvela je princip: “Pomozi mi da to učinim sam”, čime je promijenila ulogu odraslih u odgoju djece. Takav je princip, kvalitetna indirektna podrška djetetovu slobodnom razvoju, primijenjena i tijekom provedbe ovog istraživanja. Djeci je osigurana pripremljena okolina i Montessori pribor koji su neophodni za stvaranje poticajnog, uravnoteženog i sigurnog okruženja za dijete. U ovom okruženju provođene su vježbe za praktični život koje su omogućile djetetu motorički razvoj i spoznavanje sebe kao samostalnog, odgovornog i kompetentnog člana zajednice, a uključivale su aktivnosti iz domaćinstva (npr. ulijevanje vode iz veće u manju posudu) i svakodnevnog života (npr. vezanje vezica). Osjetilni materijali vežu se za razlikovanje veličina, oblika, boja, tekstura, mirisa, zvukova; jezični materijali pomažu u razvoju govora, a najpoznatija su slova na hrapavom papiru; materijali za matematiku omogućuju djetetovo poimanje matematičkih odnosa uz pomoć izravnog manipuliranja predmetima, od kojih su najpoznatije zlatne kuglice kojima se uče odnosi brojeva do 1000. Spoznavanje svijeta najviše se produbljuje materijalima za svemirski (kozmički) odgoj, koji pokrivaju zemljopis, biologiju, ekologiju, evoluciju, antropologiju, umjetnost, informatiku i povijest. Za cjeloviti razvoj djeteta potrebni su svi navedeni materijali, a korištenjem Montessori materijala u svakodnevnom radu uvodimo promjene, ali ne mijenjamo dijete, nego dječje okruženje, sebe i svoju implicitnu pedagogiju. Ovim diplomskim radom obuhvaćen je pregled osnova rada Marije Montessori, njene pedagogije, materijala i vježbi te provođenje Montessori vježbi od strane educiranog Montessori odgojitelja (autorice ovog diplomskog rada) i implementacija istih u predškolskoj skupini. Time je proveden istraživački dio rada u kojem je ispitana uspješnost pripreme djece za polazak u školu upotrebom Montessori načina rada i povučena je usporedba s pripremom druge predškolske djece koja nisu imala provođenje Montessori programa u pripremi za školu. This research was inspired by the amazing ideas that Maria Montessori, a world-renowned pedagogue, introduced into the educational system by placing the child at the center of the educational process and believing in his inner strengths. It encouraged children's spontaneous learning, their own action and independence, and respect for the child's personality. Through her pedagogy, she introduced the principle: "Help me do it myself", which changed the role of adults in raising children. Such a principle, quality indirect support for the child's free development, was also applied during the implementation of this research. Children are provided with a prepared environment and Montessori accessories that are necessary to create a stimulating, balanced and safe environment for the child. In this environment, exercises for practical life were carried out, which enabled the child to develop motor skills and learn about himself as an independent, responsible and competent member of the community, and included activities from the household (e.g. pouring water from a larger container into a smaller one) and everyday life (e.g. tying shoelaces). Sensory materials are related to distinguishing sizes, shapes, colors, textures, smells, sounds; language materials help in the development of speech, and the most famous are letters on rough paper; materials for mathematics allow the child to understand mathematical relationships with the help of direct manipulation of objects. Among them, the most famous are golden balls that teach the relationships of numbers up to 1000. Learning about the world is mostly deepened by materials for space (cosmic) education, which covers geography, biology, ecology, evolution , anthropology, art, computer science and history. All the listed materials are necessary for the complete development of a child, and by using Montessori materials in our daily work, we introduce changes, without changing the child, but the children's environment, ourselves and our implicit pedagogy. This thesis includes an overview of the basics of Maria Montessori's work, her pedagogy, materials and exercises, as well as the implementation of Montessori exercises by an educated Montessori educator (the author of this thesis) and their implementation in the preschool group. Thus, the research part of the work was carried out, in which the success of preparing children for starting school using the Montessori way of working was examined and a comparison was drawn with the preparation of other preschool children who did not have the implementation of the Montessori program in preparation for school.