Keeping in view the increasing demand, queen of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was reared artificially in this experiment at varying diets including royal jelly. Larval duration, pupal duration, weight, and size of pupae were evaluated at different diets including royal jelly. Queen larvae were raised by Doo Little grafting method. Four different diets were mixed with royal jelly and applied to larvae. Fructose, sugar, yeast, and honey were provided to rearing queen larvae along with same amount of royal jelly. Larval and pupal duration were longest (6.15 and 7.5 days, respectively) at yeast and shortest on honey (5.05 and 7.02 days, respectively). Heavier and bigger pupae were recorded on yeast (168.14 mg and 1.76 cm, respectively) followed by diets having sugar and honey. Due to production of heavier and bigger pupae, yeast was considered as best artificial diet for the growing queen larvae. So, in the second part of experiment, different amounts of yeast were provided to growing larvae along with fixed amount (0.5 g) of royal jelly. Survival rates of the larvae and queen bee were 70% and 40% in the 4-g food, 86.7% and 53.3% in the 6-g food, and 76.7% and 50% in the 8-g food. Weight of adult queen bee (1.459±0.191 g) and the number of ovarioles (41.7±21.3) were highest at 8 g of food. Results of this study are helpful for bee-keepers in producing fitter queen bees., {"references":["Büchler, R., S. Andonov, K. Bienefeld, C. Costa, F. Hatjina, N. Kezic, P. Kryger, M. Spivak, A. Uzunov, and J. Wilde, Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2013. 52(1): p. 1-30.","Crailsheim, K., R. Brodschneider, P. Aupinel, D. Behrens, E. Genersch, J. Vollmann, and U. Riessberger-Gallé, Standard methods for artificial rearing of Apis mellifera larvae. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2013. 52(1): p. 1-16.","Mitsui, T., T. Sagawa, and H. Sano, Studies on rearing honey bee larvae in the laboratory. I. The effect of royal jelly taken from different ages of queen cells on queen differentiation. Journal of Economic Entomology, 1964. 57(4): p. 518-521.","Shuel, R. and S. Dixon, An artificial diet for laboratory rearing of honeybees. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1986. 25(1): p. 35-43.","Ellis, A.M. and G. Hayes Jr, An evaluation of fresh versus fermented diets for honey bees (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Research, 2009. 48(3): p. 215-216.","Rhein, W., Über die Entstehung des weiblichen Dimorphismus im Bienenstaate. Development Genes and Evolution, 1933. 129(4): p. 601-665.","Peng, Y.-S.C., E. Mussen, A. Fong, M.A. Montague, and T. Tyler, Effects of chlortetracycline of honey bee worker larvae reared in vitro. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 1992. 60(2): p. 127-133.","Michael, A. and M. Abramovitz, A method of rearing honey bee larvae in vitro. Journal of Economic Entomology, 1955. 48(1): p. 43-44.","Hoffmann, I., Rearing worker honeybee larvae in an incubator. Bee world, 1960. 41(1): p. 10-11.\n[10]\tRembold, H. and B. Lackner, Rearing of honeybee larvae in vitro: Effect of yeast extract on queen differentiation. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1981. 20(3): p. 165-171.\n[11]\tAsencot, M. and Y. Lensky, The effect of sugars and Juvenile Hormone on the differentiation of the female honeybee larvae (Apismellifera L.) to queens. Life sciences, 1976. 18(7): p. 693-699.\n[12]\tHanser, G. and F. Ruttner, Queen rearing: Biological basis and technical instruction. 1983, Apimondia Publishing House Bucharest, Romania.\n[13]\tAupinel, P., D. Fortini, H. Dufour, J. Tasei, B. Michaud, J. Odoux, and M. Pham-Delegue, Improvement of artificial feeding in a standard in vitro method for rearing Apis mellifera larvae. Bulletin of insectology, 2005. 58(2): p. 107.\n[14]\tVandenberg, J. and H. Shimanuki, Technique for rearing worker honeybees in the laboratory. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1987. 26(2): p. 90-97.\n[15]\tKaftanoglu, O., T.A. Linksvayer, and R.E. Page, Rearing honey bees, Apis mellifera, in vitro I: Effects of sugar concentrations on survival and development. Journal of Insect Science, 2011. 11(1): p. 96.\n[16]\tHladun, K.R., O. Kaftanoglu, D.R. Parker, K.D. Tran, and J.T. Trumble, Effects of selenium on development, survival, and accumulation in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2013. 32(11): p. 2584-2592.\n[17]\tThompson, H.M., S. Wilkins, A.H. Battersby, R.J. Waite, and D. Wilkinson, the effects of four insect growth-regulating (IGR) insecticides on honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colony development, queen rearing and drone sperm production. Ecotoxicology, 2005. 14(7): p. 757-769."]}