A study was carried out in two-phases to investigate the impact of replacing soybean meal with Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal (BSFLM) in nutritionally balanced corn-soybean meal-based diets for laying hens. Egg production, egg quality and other physiological responses were evaluated. Soybean meal was partially (41%) and totally (100%) replaced by BSFLM in phase 1 and 2, respectively. In phase 1, BSFLM improved yolk color (YC), shell breaking strength (SBS) and shell thickness (ST). However, Hen Day Egg Production (HDEP) and egg mass (EM) were comparable to soybean meal fed birds. BSFLM increased feed intake leading to reduced Feed Conversion ratio (FCR) relative to corn soybean meal-based diet. In phase 2, diets had no effect on HDEP, however, BSFLM decreased EM but improved YC, SBS and ST. Feeding BSFLM decreased ceca and increased liver weight but had no effect on pancreas, gizzard and small intestinal weight. Although complete replacement of soybean meal with BSFLM did not affect HDEP, reduction in EM resulted in poor FCR suggesting further research on nutrient digestibility in BSFLM fed to laying hens. Improved yolk color may be due pigments present in BSFLM while improved shell characteristics may have been attributed to improved calcium metabolism. McIntosh family, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.