Our contribution summarizes and describes activities concerning grey literature in the Czech Republic. The managing organisation of the activity is the State Technical Library (henceforth the STL); in the past, it was the STL, who was collecting, publishing and submitting grey literature into the SIGLE system. Moreover, the STL was the representative of the Czech Republic in the EAGLE. Now, EAGLE being extinct, there is no coordinated collection of grey literature on the national level since 2005. The STL makes up the role of the Czech National Library, which under the National Digital Library project, aims at accessibility of wide spread published documents ("white literature"). On the other hand, the STL intends to deal with literature not acquired through normal bookselling channels (grey literature) and initiated a project for grey literature retrieval. The project - National Repository of Grey Literature (henceforth NRGL) - has been supported by the Ministry of Culture. Its main objective is formation of a digital repository of grey literature in the Czech Republic. The project aims at gathering metadata and possibly full texts of grey documents in the field of education, science and research. NRGL shall solve the typology of documents gathered, metadata formats, persistent identifiers, intellectual property issues, soft- and hardware support, forming a network of collaborating institutions etc. There has been established a close collaboration with representatives of Czech universities, who face the issue of storing university qualification theses which is one of the segments of typology of documents collected by NRGL. The National Registry of University Qualification Theses shall become a component of NRGL. The STL has also got in touch with further issuers of grey literature in the Czech Republic, in particular research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the institution covering a major part of production of grey literature in the segment of research and development. NRGL should make it possible to research the data on grey literature in the Czech Republic at one spot with a single interface, as well as to retrieve the information on the owner of the document and if possible, the full text of the document, either in electronic form or through the contemporary network of libraries (interlibrary loan, Virtual Polytechnic Library, Document Delivery Service etc.). The NRGL project does not assume retrospective digitalisation of grey literature documents. However, we intend to make NRLG be a trustworthy repository. The aim of the project is to provide services not to the NRGL contributors only, but also to the widest public. The STL has based the project on practice of universities which had already experience with local repositories. The entire NRGL project is consulted with the National Library of the Czech Republic as a part of the National Digital Library project. Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notes XA International